
The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted

by defender2222

Chapter 37: Equestria Boys 2- Endings

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*Meanwhile, a few miles south of Canterlot High...*

"Arr, there it be, ladeys! A whole town to plunder! Riches and treasures await us here, in this here city known as... er..." Captain Mood Whiplash scratched at his beard, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What be that town named?"

"Humanville?" one of his crewmembers guessed.

"Nah, can't be that," Whiplash said. "I know it has a name." The captain of the Tropespouter marched up and down the deck of his beloved ship, his motley crew (who, strangely enough, did not enjoy the music of Motley Crue; they preferred the band Toto, mostly. But not the bands Kansas or DOROTHY either. They were an odd bunch.) watching as he paced back and forth. "Cartographer the Anal, what does thee map say the name of this landlubber town be called?"

"I don't know, captain!" Cartographer complained, holding up said map. "Someone spilled jelly over it and it got all smeary and I can't make out the words!"

"Who was eatin' jelly around me maps?!?" Mood Whiplash roared.

"Not me," Jelly Human said, a bit of grape jelly dripping from his hair.

Whiplash glared at the sailor, marching over to him and pulling out his cutlass. "Do ye know why I hate liars?" He stabbed the sword into the hardwood and pulled off his hat, holding it to his breast as he stared skyward. "Oh, it is a tragic tale, lad, it is a tragic tale. But not tragically beautiful despite what them there bakers once said." One of the pirates, who was in the crows nest, aimed the spotlight down on the captain while several others began to play their violins, producing a sad and melancholy background arrangement. "Aye, a tragic tale that began in me boyhood. I was a wee lad, barely 6 years old, when the famine hit. Oh, thank ye lucky stars ya didn't live to see it, lad, for it would have broken ye heart. Mothers couldn't feed their young ones on account of a simple loaf of bread costin' more that the complete Jurassic Park Blu Ray set with all four films included includin' the new one with that dreamy Chris Pratt in it; that man is a treasure. Me own blessed mum knew she had to do something, lest I starve. So she wrapped me in a blanket until I could hardly move and used me as a weapon so she could rob a bank. Oh, the way she swung me-"

The Tropespouter shifted suddenly and the pirates cried out as the sea suddenly rose up... and took the form of a certain sea god.

"I'm taking this water," Darkwater Abyss said dryly, emptying the bay and leaving the ship stranded on the seafloor. "If you don't like it piss off."

"Ar, ya didn't just steal me water... ye stole me cold open too!"

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanter
Episode 37: Equestria Boys 2- Endings

"Oh god, no!"

"Run! Run!"

"I just wanted to do a little raping and murder-AARRRRGGGG!"

The Squad, Sunset, and the five members of the Elements of Harmony, along with Faith, watched as Darkwater and his ghostly minions ravaged Sombra and his forces. The dark mage and Doubt were able to hold off most of the attackers but many of the hooligans were simply outclassed and fell to the spectral weapons of the war god's ghost army. The skies cracked with lightning and swirled with the might of a hurricane as Darkwater brutally rushed through the football hooligans, his clawed hands slicing through them like a knife through hot bread... except the bread was people and the knife was godly fingers. The hot part still applied though.

"Up ya go!" Rainbow said, helping Gilda onto the roof. The snarky and gruff hooligan stared down at the carnage with wide eyes. "Hey, sorry the dean of Maretine U went nuts and began killing your friends."

Gilda glanced over at Dash and scoffed. "Meh, we were going to split what Sombra was paying us anyway, so the more of them that die means a bigger share for me."

"Is that my torso? It is, my precious torso!"

"That said... thanks for helping me up, Dash," Gilda said, cringing as Darkwater fell onto another goon. "I knew I should have listened to Aunt Gertrude and not gotten involved with this."

"You know, it's odd," Rarity said, tilting her head to the side. "At first I was horrified but after the first 10 minutes it all begins to lose it's impact. I dare say I'm getting desensitized-"


The fashionista's eyes went wide and she quickly turned away from the bloodshed. "Nevermind! That just resensitized me!"

"Lordy, I've seen chickens get treated better," Applejack complained.

Discord had turned Fluttershy around, forcing her to stare at him. "Don't focus on it... if you don't look it is fine."

"Help me, he's going to shove my ribs up my-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Pretend you are in a calm stream!" Discord said as Fluttershy stood there, half catatonic.

"They are in a calm stream too," Pinkie said. "A stream of blood and organs and I think a few pooped themselves so I am sure there is fecal matter-"

"Not helping!" Sunset shouted as Fluttershy let out a whimper.

Faith looked at the destruction, his face pale and drawn at the sight of the destruction. "What... what happened to him? I thought he'd just access his magic... I never thought he'd do this."

Luna licked her lips. "We... we are not as we appear to be. In our world our powers are so great we are forced to hide all but a trickle of them. When we tap into our sealed power there is a risk, if we aren't prepared, of allowing the energy to overwhelm us. it amplifies everything within us... and if you aren't careful it can bring out your darkest emotions and desires. My f-father," Luna stuttered as Darkwater let out a chilling laugh before turning towards Doubt, who was trying to cut down the army with her metal wings, "my father was injured when you broke the seal."

"It's not that," Shining said firmly, the immortals turning towards him. "Listen, I haven't been a god for long... all i can make is a nice breakfast. But I do understand a bit of what happens to you... and I know what happened there. If Sombra had just taunted Tydal this wouldn't have happened. He made the cardinal mistake."

"And that is?" Celestia asked.

"He threatened me. He threaten Cadence and Discord and Chrysalis. He threatened Sunset. He... he threatened you and Luna."

"He's doing this for us?" Sunset asked.

Discord nodded, his hands covering Fluttershy's ears. "As we told you... we gods normally lead hedonistic lives. But while it is rare for us to have children... we treasure them beyond measure. Tydal, despite his gruff manner, has always had the softest heart when it comes to family. That's why so many of the younger gods and goddesses look up to him; he is their protector. The good big brother that settled fights and made sure all were loved. And Sombra just pushed his berserk button."

"In other words?" Cadence asked softly.

"In other words he'll probably destroy this world just to ensure it doesn't harm us," Chrysalis stated.


The others turned and stared at Sunset.

"No... no, we aren't letting him do this. We aren't letting him go down that dark path." She balled up her fists and shut her eyes, tears gathering behind her closed lids. She remembered what had happened to her, when she had tapped into magic and allowed herself to let go. She wouldn't let her potential grandfather fall the same way she had. "We are the reason he's doing this and we'll be the reason he stops." Her body began to glow. "Princesses... it's time to pony-up."


"Oh come now, you can do better than that!" Darkwater taunted, batting away a blast of dark magic Sombra fired at him. "You were talking that good shit just a moment ago but now I see you're like all smooth talkers: all words and a tiny prick!"

Doubt let out a savage roar, trying to slice of Darkwater's head in a sneak attack from behind. The god of storms merely shifted slightly, letting her metal wing cut through his sternum... which turned into water the moment she made contact. The goth woman snarled and elbowed him in the face, which did little as he merely snapped his head back into place, no sign of damage, and fired bolts of lightning into her body.

"That is the mistake all of you pathetic little land-walkers make," Darkwater stated with a mad grin. "You feel the solid earth beneath your feet and think it is so strong and so powerful and nothing can beat it. You see the waves and think 'oh, the water is so weak and soft, nothing like the heavy, unrelenting earth'. But rocks crumble, stones shatter, crystals-"

Sombra fired off ten of his dark crystals, the bewitched gems driving into Darkwater's body. They began to ooze pain-inducing magical poisons, causing the warrior's veins to darken and bulge out. But Darkwater didn't even bat an eye; instead he merely grunted and expelled the toxic magic like a geyser issuing forth a mighty blast.

"-crystals crack. The land breaks and is reduced to dust but the sea will always remain. You could light the world on fire and it would turn into a gas and float away until the time is right for its return. You could freeze it and it would remain, unchanging and waiting for the right moment to melt. You can gather it in little cups and separate it all but still it can reform within seconds." He lashed out, striking Sombra in the chest and sending the dark magic tumbling. The black-haired warlock turned into an ebony cloud and began to swirl around his opponent who merely folded his arms over his chest. "Water remains. The sea remains. And more than that the sea is cunning. It is tricky. It sneaks in, getting through the little cracks and crevices, forcing its way through drop by drop until it pulls even the mightiest mountain apart!"

Doubt screamed as streams of water shot out of every orifice, her body twitching as Darkwater ripped the fluid from her. It was only Sombra's well-timed strike that saved her, pulling his foe's attention back to him.

"The sea always wins," Darkwater whispered. "Life came from it and all return to it."

Sombra's cloud turned into a giant fist that slammed into his hated foes face.

Darkwater merely turned, an unnaturally wide grin plastered on his face, showing no signs of being affected. "Now, before I decide just how I snuff out your pathetic little life, I am curious... what made you think for a moment that this was a good idea?" Darkwater began to move around Sombra, cutting through the battlefield like a shark circling his prey. "What tragic event led you to decide to pull on your big girl panties and make a run at being the World Breaker? I'm just oh so curious what drove you to this path. A man doesn't wake up one morning, put on that stupid horn necklace, and decide to attack a school. So what motivated you, Sombra? What made you think this was your only course of action?"

Sombra growled at the sea god, his hands clenched at his sides while dark magic oozed from his eyes. "My genius and skill weren't appreciated."

"That old gem? I was hoping for something a bit more interesting." Darkwater sighed. "So what happened? You were a powerhouse in the business world but never got respect? Your wife cheated on you? Failed to gain political office? Daddy never gave you a hug? Because if it is the last one I can pretend to be your drunk inbred father. Go get me a beer, sport, and we'll see if that keeps me from hitting you-"

"My fanfics were never in the Featured Box!" Sombra roared.


Sombra grit his teeth, body trembling. "I wrote so many My Little Pony Fanfictions but Fimfiction.net never put a single one in their Featured Box."


"It's not like I wanted to be on Equestria Daily!" Sombra complained. "I know it is a pain to get on there and their story moderators are too picky but... but why didn't Fimfiction.net just ONCE put a story I wrote on their main page? I wrote a wide range of genres... comedy, romance, drama, clop; I even did a Fallout: Equestria story!"


"Is that your problem?" Wall Breaker said, ambling over. In the human world the odd guard was a police officer... though he twirled a baton and wore an outfit that looked like it belonged on an NYPD irish police officer from the 1920s. "Well, I can tell you why your stories never got featured."

"You can?" Sombra asked, hopeful.

Darkwater frowned. "Excuse me, I am busy-" Wallbreaker held up his hand and continued.

"You see... Fimfiction is a very special place. Filled with very special writers. Writers who can do drama and comedy...often with no spelling errors! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people... who need people. And who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in the world." He placed his hand on Sombra's shoulder. "I'm sorry... you don't stand a chance."

"But why?" Sombra whined.

"Stop ignoring me!" Darkwater ranted.

"Well... let me put it like this."

Wall Breaker

When writing a great adventure,
if you don't want to lose,
success depends upon the characters that you choose.
So, listen, Sombra darling, closely to this news:
Your story won’t be featured,
If doesn’t have Scootaloo.

You may describe the finest sets,
Focus on the Ponyville pets,
You may have the loveliest costumes and best shoes.
Leads may dance and leads may sing,
But I'm sorry, Sombra king,
You'll hear no cheers,
Just lots and lots of boos.

Darkwater's Soldiers (much to his annoyance)


Wall Breaker

You may have butch men by the score
Whom the audience adore,
You may even have some animals from zoos,
Though you've Bloom and Belle instead,
You may have a cage made out of bread,
But I tell you, you are dead,
If you don't have Scootaloo.

They won't care if it's witty,
or everything looks pretty,
They'll simply say it's shitty and refuse.
Nobody will go, sir,
If no Scoots then no show, sir,
Even CrowMagnon won't be dim enough to choose!
Write a fic that make men stare,
With lots of girls in underwear,
You may even have the finest of reviews.


You're doing great!

Wall Breaker

The audience won't care, sir,
As long as you don't dare, sir,
To post a fic on this site
If you don't have Scootaloo.

You may describe dramatic lighting,
Or lots of horrid fighting,
You may even have Shining Armor sing the blues!
Your colts might be nice boys,
But sadly they just annoy,
And that poem that you call singing you must lose.

So, despite your pretty lights,
and naughty girls in nasty tights,
and the most impressive scenery you use...
You may have dancing man-a-mano,
You may bring on a piano,
But they will not give a damn-o
If you don't have Scootaloo!

(Wall Breaker begins to play on a piano, Sombra taking notes while Darkwater just stares on, wondering what the hell is happening. Suddenly a bunch of police officers arrive and Wall Breaker joins them, each of them doing the dance from Fiddler on the Roof with a plushie of Scootaloo on their head. The music ratchets up before Wall Breaker begins again)

You may make the Mane 6 gay,
feature a ton of hoof play,

Several police officers

You may even have Zecora making stews!

Wall Breaker

You haven't got a clue,
If you don't have a Loo
All of your thumbs-up you are going to lose!

You’ll get a lot of haters,
Without the Crusaders,
I'm sad to be the one with this bad news!
On this site you’ll never be quite set,
No features on fimfiction.net,
Yes, no features on fimfiction.net,
If you don't have Scootaloo!

Papa, can you hear me?

To get featured on the main page,
To stay on the main page
To get noticed on the page and not lose,
I tell you, Sombra king,
There is one essential thing...
There simply must be, simply must be Scootaloo!

There simply must be,
Sombra trust me,
Simply must be Scootaloo!

Darkwater looked down at Wall Breaker, his face stern. "Are you done with your singing?"

"Yes," the police officer said.

"Can I go back to killing him?"

"You can try but we all know that this is the point where your friends and family arrive to break you out of the rage spiral you are trapped in." Wall Breaker grinned. "Oh look, here they are now!" He calmly struck both Doubt and Sombra with his baton, knocking them out, before ambling away. Darkwater turned away from his foes, watching through narrowed eyes as Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Chryalis, and Discord flew towards him. Each one had 'ponyed-up' and were sporting wings, horns, and strangely enough their cutie marks (if they had them) over their right eyes. Following just behind them were Shining and Sunset, both of whom were also flying though their wings were more ethereal and ghost-like.

"Go back to your school," Darkwater snapped. "I need to deal with Sombra and his bitch."

"And what then?" Celestia asked.

"I know what it's like... I've been where you are now," Luna said sadly. "You won't be able to stop with them. You will keep going, convinced you are in the right, not realizing that what you think are good intentions are in fact the worst."

Darkwater laughed. "Oh, so because you tapped into your power for a few seconds you think you understand me?"

"Listen, I get it," Discord said, suddenly popping up next to his baby brother, twin sets of demonic armor appearing on them. "The siren song of the tyrant... oh it is just so sweet." Discord snapped his fingers and the armor they wore turned into tuxes. "But Fluttershy and her friends showed me a better way, brother... one filled with more fun! Afterall, what good is having all that power if you are alone."

"It means I protect what is mine," Darkwater snapped, glaring at them.

"Tydal, you need to calm down and restrain yourself," Shining said. "This isn't you."

"This is more me than I've been in millennia," he purred. Darkwater held out his hands, raw magic swirling about him. "All this... at the tip of my fingertips... why the hell would I stop now? Because you lot asked me too?" He let out a barking laugh. "Please... the day the god of war gets strategy advice from the goddess of love's boytoy is the day I go vegan."

"Oh, I've done that!" Cadence said. Chrysalis leaned in and whispered something in her ear. "Oh! Oh! Nevermind, I thought that was something else."

Sunset looked at the others, seeing how the growing fear and concern on their faces, and floated towards Darkwater. "I know why you'll stop."

"And why is that?" Darkwater rumbled, leering at the young woman.

She reached out, her hand steady, and Darkwater blinked as she stroked his cheek. "Because when anyone else would have ignored me when I was at that restaurant, so alone and so sad, you came over and became the father I'd always wished I had. You cared for me then and that is why you will stop now. You are very old and very powerful... but also very kind. You just said it yourself: you fight not for the thrill or for the glory but to protect what is yours. And you didn't mean jewels or gems but those you love. That is who you truly are. You are the god of war because you, and only you, can wage war that brings peace. You are going to stop because when it comes to making a choice... and when you are very old and very kind... you don't just stand around while the little girls cry."

Darkwater blinked, staring into Sunset's glistening eyes, then allowing his gaze to fall upon each of them. He saw the dried tear tracks on Luna's face and the wetness that still lingers in Celestia's. He saw how Cadence was staring at him, blinking back her own tears and Chrysalis looked at him, pleading through shimmering eyes.

Sunset held still as Darkwater shut his own eyes and reached out, his fingers lightly running along her cheek just as hers did his.

"Would you smile... if I said I was sorry?" he whispered, his eyes fluttering open to reveal not the black darkness but the deep blue pools that had beheld so much.

"Tydal," Sunset whispered as Celestia and Luna both murmured, "Daddy."

"Dry your tears," Tydal, for he was Tydal once more, said softly gathering his magic around him. "It's time to go home."

And with that there was a burst of glorious white light.


When Sunset Shimmer finally came to it her name was echoing in her ears. She groaned, rubbing her forehead as she tried to blink away the spots in her eyes. Her hoof gently rubbed her horn, trying to soothe the sudden ache that seemed to-

"Wait," she said, going over what she'd just done.

"You think she realizes it?" Cadence said with a grin.

"Hooves! Hooves! Hooves!" Sunset chanted in shock, staring at her forelegs.

"Was I that bad when it came to the 'evil toes'?" Celestia asked in amusement.

Sunset stared at the Squad... the clearly very much PONY squad (well, save for the draconequus... and the changeling... and the capricorn...) then back at her own pony body. She rose to up, her four legs a bit shaky as she worked to get use to her original form once more. After several moments she looked about and realized that she was in Celestia's castle, the Mirror of Worlds off to her right; she didn't quite know why Luna was talking to it but she had enough on her plate. "Where...what?"

Discord snapped his fingers and was suddenly wearing Twilight's Nightmare Night costume. "You are in the house of Elrond. And it is ten o'clock in the morning, on October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know."

"You're in the castle," Celestia said with a smile, looking down at the yellow unicorn. "Safe and sound."

"Safe?" Sunset said dumbly.

Shining chuckled. "Well, as safe as you can be around the changeling queen and the god of chaos."

"I take offense to that!" Discord said, a liar detector appearing next to him. "I am 100% reformed."

The liar detector buzzed.

"Okay, 65% reformed," Discord said.

"But... I'm back here..." Sunset stammered.

Tydal nodded. "And there is someone who wants to talk to you. She's been waiting for you to wake up... been almost an hour... so let's not keep her a second more." Sunset looked up at the massive capricorn king, swallowing her nervous down before nodding; she wasn't sue to him being so much bigger than she was. Tydal led her to the mirror and Sunset was surprised to see Luna talking to a still human-looking Faith.

"So it's a date?" Luna asked.

"Sounds like fun!" Faith said with a grin. "And the other you is completely on board."

"Ahem," Tydal said, clearing his throat. "If you are done talking to my DAUGHTER-" Faith let out a whimper all men make when confronted with their date's angry father, "-we need to use the mirror."

Luna nodded and stepped aside, as did Faith. Sunset walked up and for a moment thought the mirror wasn't working It took her a moment to remember she was a pony again... and the figure she was looking at was human.

"You," she whispered, her heart plummeting. It was the Sunset of the human world... the Sunset whose body she had stolen and used. The Sunset that had spent years trapped, forced to watch as she did horrible, awful things... "I'm... I'm so sorry-"

Her human counterpart held up a hand. "Stop, okay?" She smiled. "We've shared a body for a few years now and you should know that I wasn't innocent in the slightest when you took over the controls. I was a Grade A bitch and if you hadn't come along I doubt I'd have ever changed. Heck, I'm pretty sure you were better than I was in the beginning... when you took over you cried over Flash. I would have trashed his car and ended up in juvie." The Human Sunset smiled, placing her hand on the mirror's surface, pony Sunset mimicking her. "You didn't steal my life... you saved it." The human grinned, tapping her forehead. "Besides, I know how memories of a magical world... I am going to treasure them forever." She smile fell, though not out of sadness but of quiet acceptance. "But things change and so must we. We've lived as one for long enough; it is time for us to be separate again. Not forever... I hope to someday come over to your end and try about being a pony while you can always come over and be me again... but for now we need to experience things on our own."

Sunset nodded, tears in her eyes. "Take care of our friends."

"Take care of our Tydal," Sunset said with a grin before the mirror shut down.

As this was going on Shining Armor turned to Celestia and whispered. "So... what are they doing with Doubt and Sombra?"

The solar princess smiled before softly saying, "Doubt will be dealt with by the Elements. Apparently they have ways to keep her in line. As for Sombra, my counterpart appears to be quite devious... she came up with the perfect solution. Oh father!" Tydal turned and Celestia nodded towards Luna, who had returned to the treasure room with a large box. "We have a present for you!" The lunar princess opened the box and out emerged Sombra. A very small, floppy eared, cute waggy tailed, wet nosed Sombra.

"Ruff?" Sombra the dog said, looking around in confusion.

"WIGGLES!" Tydal screamed in joy, rushing over and gathering up the startled warlock-turned-puppy dog. "Oh Wiggles, daddy missed you so much! I knew Sombra didn't really kill you! I just knew it! I promise I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again! You and Mr. Snippy can play games and you'll get your own little bed next to mine and I'll feed you dog treats and have you neutered to control the pet population... oh, I missed you so much!"

"Ruff! Ruff!" Sombra cried out in fear.

"Wiggles!" Tydal shouted in delight.

Sunset moved to stand next to Celestia, scuffing her hoof against the floor. “What… what’s going to happen to me?”

Celestia smiled gently. “If you are afraid you will be punished for stealing Twilight’s crown, don’t be. We all make mistakes and if I can forgive Discord, Chrysalis, and Luna for their sins I can forgive you.”

“We can start a club!” Chrysalis stated. “With blackjack… and hookers.”

Celestia’s smile fell though as she spoke her next words. “But I am afraid that we can not go back to the way things were.” Sunset looked down and sighed; she’d known, deep in her heart, that there was simply no way the princess would let her be her personal student ever again. “Mostly because I now see… I’m not the right teacher for you. Sunset, you are cocky and sarcastic and you think you know best… and I was exactly like you when I learned magic.” The unicorn blinked at that. “Which is why I think my old mentor would make a better teacher for you.” Sunset’s eyes went wide and she looked over at Tydal, who was cuddling a squirming Sombra. “Well father? Will you take Sunset Shimmer on as your new student?”

Tydal looked down at her, frowning. “In the span of a year I’ve returned to the world of the living, adopted a baby zebra, got a pet lobster and now my beloved Wiggles…” he grinned. “So needless to say I have gotten a bit bored. She can’t be any worse than you.”

Sunset sniffed before running over and hugging Tydal.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Tydal said, giving Cadence Sombra (the pink alicorn instantly creating a pink leash for the former warlock and putting him in a cute doggy sweater) before turning to those gathered before him. “If I am to take you on as my student it will mean you must go with me on dangerous assignments. We’ve all formed a group… the God Squad… to take on threats and dangers to this world. I can’t bring a civilian with me, so I ask all of you…” Discord cleared his throat and Tydal rolled his eyes. “Including part-time member Discord… will we induct Sunset Shimmer into our ranks?”

“We need more former villains in this group,” Chrysalis said. “Aye.”

“I could use a sane pony to help me out,” Shining stated. “Aye.”

“Aye for me too!” Cadence said with glee.

Luna looked at Sunset and smiled. “What kind of aunt would I be if I didn’t say… Aye.”

“And Aye for me as well,” Celestia intoned.

“And a half Aye from me!” Discord declared.

“And my final makes it official.” Tydal moved to stand with the rest of the group. “Welcome to the God Squad, Sunset.”

“Well, this was fun,” Shining said with a yawn, “but Cadence and I need to contact the Crystal Empire and let them know we are okay.”

Discord eyes went wide and he turned into a bunny. “Oh, Fluttershy’s tea party! I am so late!” He bounced away while Luna and Celestia ambled off, chatting with Chrysalis about a new Changeling Theme park in the Badlands.

“So…” Tydal said gently when he found himself alone with Sunset and Sombra (the latter of whom was trying to chew off his leash), “…ready to head to my Keep? I told you I had a room ready for you and I’m sure Merida and my kids want to meet you. As well as a whole kingdom who will be dying to meet my new personal student.” He blinked, noticing that Sunset was crying. “Are you okay?”

The unicorn nodded, smiling. “Yeah… just hit me… I’m coming home.” Tydal nodded, lightly bumping his hip into hers as he guided her out of the castle, a light drizzle falling on them as they head away from Canterlot Castle, Tydal dragging a whining Sombra behind them.

Sunset (a watery smile on her face as she followed Tydal through Canterlot… and towards her new home. Tydal merely smiles as she sings, both of them ignoring the looks they are getting.)

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the world I’m coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday

And though my kingdom awaits
And they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the world I’m coming…

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the world I’m coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday

And though my kingdom awaits
And they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the world I’m coming…

Next Chapter: Home Alone Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 17 Minutes
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