
A New Home

by APoeticHeart

Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-Two: A Day On The Farm (Edited)

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Applejack arrived at Sweet Apple Acres after a few minutes of trotting through Ponyville with Toby riding happily on her back. As she was trotting along the dirt road surrounded by rolls of apple trees on each side, the small child looked at them all in wonder. He looked over Applejack's shoulder to see they were approaching her farm.

There was rolls of corn, a chicken coup, a watering well, and in the center was a big barn painted red, with black-vine like designs with red painted apples intertwined in them, five windows with two on each side, and one in the center above the barn door. At the top sat an arrow with a big red apple sitting on top.

"WOW! Auntie Applejack, I never been on a farm before, and never seen, so many apple trees before. Is this all of yours, and your family's?" He softly asked as they entered through the welcoming arch of the farm.

She nodded her head. "Yah it is sugarcube. Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, my home." She smiled back at him while she trotted up onto the front porch of her house, and trotted inside. "Apple family, Ah'm home!"

*Woof..woof* Winona came running to greet her owner when she saw the small child on her back. She sat down on her haunches, and looked curiously at him.

"Howdy Winona. Ah' would like for ya to meet Toby." She turned her head back to look at Toby. "Sugarcube, Ah' would like for you to meet my loyal friend, and pet dog, Winona." She bent on her forelegs to let the little colt climb off.

He smiled at the dog. "Hi there Winona." He lifted up a hand, and waved at her. The dog smiled, and yipped at the child as she ran up to him. She reached up with her forelegs, and placed her paws on his shoulders licking at his face making him giggle. "Hahaha..it is good to meet you too Winona." He reached up a hand, and gently stroked from the top of her head down her back.

Applejack smiled at the two, and giggled. "Well, would ya look at that. Winona usually doesn't warm up to strangers that fast, but Ah' knew she probably would with you sugarcube." She gently rubbed the top of Winona's head with her forehoof. "That's a good girl Winona."

The collie looked up at her caretaker yipping happily. She gave Toby a little lick before taking her paws off his shoulders, and went back into the kitchen.

He looked up at the country pony. "She is a pretty, and nice dog, Auntie Applejack." Giving her a smile.

'Well, thank ya Toby. Ah' had her ever since she was a pup, and she has been my best friend during the hardest of times. She is a good pet, and Ah' love her." She tipped her hat down at the child, and gave him a little rub on the head with a forehoof.

"Hiya Toby." Applebloom came trotting into the living room giving the little colt a big soft hug reaching up to rub at his back with a forehoof.

Toby wrapped his arms gently around her neck, and sighed softly laying his head on her shoulder. "Hi Applebloom. How are you doing today?" They gently broke the hug as he looked up at her.

"Ah'm doing good. Just helping Granny fix breakfast. Come on, we have plenty." She smiled, and trotted around him as she lifted him up on her back. "Haha..there ya go."

Applejack smiled at the two as she trotted behind. She heard the screen door open, and turned to see Big Mac. She then turned back to Applebloom. "Hey Applebloom, bring Toby in here for a minute."

She turned around, and nodded "Ah'righty sis." She trotted back into the living room with the little colt on her back. She saw Big Mac, and smiled as she leaned down on her forelegs for Toby to climb off.

Applejack watched as the child looked a bit nervous. "Now now sugarcube, there ain't no reason to be nervous." She gave him a reassuring smile as she motioned for him to come forward. He nodded as he carefully walked toward her with Applebloom following closely behind to comfort him. "Toby, Ah' would like for you to meet Big Mac. Me, and Applebloom's big brother. Big Mac, Ah' would like for you to meet Toby."

Toby swallowed deeply, and looked up at the big red stallion as he spoke softly. "Hi Mister Big Mac."

Big Mac smiled down at him, and knelt down on all four legs, so not to look threatening to him. "Well, howdy there big guy." He reached out a large forehoof in Toby's eyes toward the little colt, and very gently patted at his shoulder. "Now ya don't have to be formal with me Toby. Ya can just call me Big Mac, everypony else does." Giving him a wink and smile. "It is great to meet ya."

Toby smiled softly at the stallion. "It is good to meet you too Big Mac." He carefully walked closer to him, and gave him a hug around his neck with his little arms. Big Mac was taken aback, but smiled warmly as he lifted a foreleg up, and hugged the little colt back.

"Nyah...what is taking y'all, so long?" Granny Smith came trotting into the living room slowly. "Oh. Well, hello there little fella. It is good to see ya again."

Toby heard her voice, and gently broke the hug from Big Mac turning around to wave at her. "Good morning Granny Smith." He smiled at her as he felt a force lift him up with Big Mac carefully lifted him up onto his back.

"Let's go eat some breakfast y'all." The stallion said as Toby smiled, and sat on his back as they all went into the kitchen. When the arrived at a nice big wooden table, Big Mac leant on his forelegs to allow Toby to climb off, and take a seat. The two sat beside each other as Applebloom, and Applejack sat beside each other across from them with Granny Smith sitting at the head of the table.

He looked up at Big Mac. "Thank you Big Mac."

"Ya are very welcome big guy." He smiled at the child, and gently rubbed at his head.

Toby turned his attention to the table which was covered with a white cloth with apple-like designs sewed into it. There was plates set in front of each of them, and each plates had a stack of two pancakes with the ponies having haycakes, and him having regular pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, and there was a glass of fresh apple cider for everyone.

"Ah'right everypony, let's dig in." Applejack said proudly as the ponies started to eat.

Toby reached for the silverware provided, and started eating at his plate starting with the pancakes. As he bit into the fluffy pillows of food, he could taste sweet syrup blended with melted butter, and the texture was, so soft that it melted in his mouth. He swallowed his first bite, and smiled softly as he took a bite of the eggs.

After she finished her bite of food, Granny Smith looked at the little colt, and asked. "Well, how do ya like your breakfast little fella?" Giggling softly.

Toby looked up from his plate, and smiled softly taking a swallow of his food. "It is very good Granny Smith. Thank you for letting me eat breakfast with you all." He looked around at the table at the four ponies.

"Ya are very welcome sugarcube. Ya'll are always welcomed here on Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack tipped her hat at the child as Applebloom nodded in agreement with a big bright smile. Toby smiled at the two, and went back to eating his breakfast.

After their big breakfast Applejack rubbed at her belly. "Woo doggy! Boy Ah'm stuffed." She reached over to rub at the top of her sister's head. "Ya did a mighty fine job with breakfast there Applebloom." She winked at her, and then looked up at Granny. "And of course my thanks to master chef, Granny Smith." She said giggling softly.

Applebloom smiled brightly. "Thank ya sis. Ah' believe Ah' will get my cutie mark in cooking. Ah' just have to keep on working with Granny." She turned to Granny Smith. "Ya are indeed a great cook Granny, and a great teacher."

"Nyah..well, Ah' learned from my ma, and Ah' am proud to be pass it onto ya, you young whippersnapper." She added giggling happily.

Applejack looked over at Toby with a smile. "Well sugarcube, are ya ready to go outside, and take a tour of the farm?"

He nodded happily. "Yes Auntie Applejack." Big Mac stood up on all four legs, and scooted close to the child, so he could climb up on his back. Toby obliged, and carefully climbed on Big Mac as he reached for his plate, so they could go take their empty dishes into the kitchen.

After putting their dishes in the sink to be washed the four went outside while Granny Smith went to work on cleaning the dishes. "Nyah..that little fella sure is cute, and a very polite gentlecolt." She thought to herself.

Big Mac turned to look at the child on his back as the four walked outside. "Ah'right big guy, it is time for ya to see how all of our fresh apple products are started." Giving him a big smile as they trotted along the dirt path to the vast land of apple trees.

When they arrived at the orchard stopping at one of the many apple trees, Big Mac leaned down on his forelegs to let Toby climb off. He climbed off, and looked up at the tree to see bright red, and green apples on the branches. At the base of the tree there were two bushels on each side.

Applejack looked down at the little colt with a smile. "Ah'right sugarcube, are ya ready to see some applebucking?" Tipping her hat.

"What is applebucking Auntie Applejack?" He looked up at her curiously.

Applebloom looked over at him with a soft smile. "Well, instead of us telling ya buddy, we will show ya." She trotted up to the tree, and turned around to face her flank toward it. "All ya do is bend your forelegs." She leaned foreward on her forelegs. "Then you..." She then lifted her hind legs, reared them back, and threw them forward with force knocking them against the tree. Suddenly every single apple came tumbling down into the bushels.

"WOW! That was neat Applebloom." He looked at her in wonder, and then turned his attention to all of the apple trees. "Did you applebuck all of these trees?"

Big Mac nodded, and looked down at him. "Eeyup." He gently rubbed at the top of Toby's head. "Ya see Toby, it is worth it in the end when all ponies come by to taste our freshly squeezed apple cider, or taste our freshly homemade apple treats."

Toby giggled, and nodded as the other joined in with giggling.

Applejack raised a corner of her mouth in a thinking manner. "Hmm..Ah' know sugarcube, how about ya help us sort out the bad apples from the good apples?"

He looked up with a hopeful smile. "Really Auntie Applejack, you don't mind me helping?"

"Of course Ah' don't mind little feller." She trotted up to him, and reached a foreleg behind him to rub his back with a forehoof. "The more help, the better Ah' think." Giving him a wink as she along with Big Mac went to the buckets to push them to the side away from the tree.

They sat on each side of one bucket, while Applebloom, and Toby sat down on each side of the other bucket. Applebloom looked over at him. "Now all ya do is keep the clean apples in the bushel, and just throw the bruised apple, or ones that have holes in them into a pile to mix with the feed we give to the pigs."

"Oh, okay." He smiled at the filly as he reached into the bushel to look through the pile of apples. While they were sorting out the pile Toby thought of a memory with him and his mother. "Me, and Mommy used to do something like this with my candy when she took me trick, or treating on Halloween."

The three looked up curiously. "Halloween?" They asked in unison as the continued to sort through the apples.

"Yes. It is where me, and other kids around my age dress up in costumes, and go around collect candy. Mommy started taking me when I was two, and it was, so much fun." He had a warm smile on his face as he gently closed his eyes taking a deep breath then opening them back up. "It was one of our special things to do together." He looked carefully at the apples as he went through them.

"Well, that sounds sweet sugarcube." Applejack looked over at him with a soft smile. "We have a celebration here in Ponyville just like this Halloween you speak of. It is called Nightmare Night, and we all dress up in festive costumes. The young'uns and for some darn reason Pinkie Pie go trick or treating as well." They all giggled at the thought of Pinkie Pie.

"Yah, it is always fun on Nightmare Night. Ya get to eat all the free candy ya want, but just make sure ya don't eat too much, or ya will get a tummy ache." Applebloom gently nudged Toby as they both giggled. "Ya also get to play fun games like bobbing for apples, pumpkin launching, and all sorts of fun."

"Eeyup. Ah' usually take the little ones on a ride on a cart around Ponyville. They always enjoy that." Big Mac chuckled.

"Ah' host the bobbing for apples event." She sighed. "Maybe ya can join Applebloom, and the others this year. Just will be difficult to try, and get Fluttershy out, because she tends to get real scared on Nightmare Night." She gave the little colt a little smile. "She might get out though for you Toby. Ah' am sure she will be okay taking you out trick, or treating, and we'll have fun."

"That does sound fun, but I don't want to make Momma do something she really doesn't want to." He sighed softly. "I will ask her though, if she would like to do that when Nightmare Night comes." Giving a hopeful smile. He continued to sort through the apples with Applebloom.

After separating the bad apples from the good apples, and collecting them in another bushel, Applejack lifted the child on her back. Big Mac got the bushel of good apples while Applebloom got the bushel of bad apples, and Applejack trotted with Toby toward the barn with Applebloom in tow while Big Mac went to take the good apples to the house to get washed.

While in the barn Applejack let Toby climb off her back and Applebloom set down her bushel. Applejack rubbed at the top of Toby's head gently with a forehoof. "Now sugarcube, would ya like to help feed the pigs?"

He nodded. "Yes Auntie Applejack." Looking up with a bright smile.

"Well, ah'righty." She looked at Applebloom. "Sis, go get the grain and corn." Applebloom raised a forehoof up in a salute, and galloped out of the barn to retrieve the sacs of grain, and corn which was in the house. "While we wait for her, what do ya say Toby in helping me mash up these apples. We can always wash our hands off with the house here in the barn, so don't worry about getting messy." She giggled, and Toby nodded.

Applejack sat on her haunches near the bushel, and placed her forehooves into the pile of bad apples. "Now, what ya got to do sugarcube is just press the apples as hard as you can. Like this." She started pressing her forehooves down against the apples starting to crush them underneath the pressure, soon becoming mush. "There, now ya try it Toby while Ah' do this side." He nodded, and placed his hands into the bushel.

He giggled at the mushiness of the apples as he was pressing and pushing his hands into them. "Hehehe..it tickles Auntie Applejack, but this is fun." As he started to mash the apples in a steady motion pushing his palms into them hard.

"Haha..Ah' knew ya would like it sugarcube." The country mare smiled at the child as they continued to mash the apples.

Applebloom returned with the sacs of grain, and corn with one in her mouth, and the other one on her back. She watched the two mashing up the apples, and giggled. She placed the two sacs by Applejack. "Here ya go sis. Haha..well, it looks like y'all are having a good ol' time." She smiled at both of them as she opened the top of the sacs with her teeth.

"Ah'right Applebloom, pour the grain, and corn in, and ya can join in as we all mix it up." Applebloom nodded as she poured in the grain first, then the corn, throwing the empty sacs to the side. She sat down on her haunches, and placed her forehooves into the bushel, and all three started mixing up the grain, corn, and mushed apples.

After mixing all of the ingredients together Applejack looked up at the two. "Ah'right y'all, let's go get our hands, and hooves washed before we let the pigs out." She stood up on all four legs as the two followed suit and they went over to a side of the barn where a hose sat. She grabbed at the nozzle with her teeth, and reached up with a foreleg to turn the hose on.

The water came out in a steady stream as Applejack washed her forelegs, and forehooves off first. "Ah'right sugarcubes, just hold out your hands, and hooves, and Ah'll get them taken care of." She winked at the child, and Applebloom. The two nodded, and held out their arms, and forelegs. Applejack pointed the nozzle at them, and washed all of the mushy mess off. Making sure they were nice and clean, she reached up to turn off the hose, and placed the nozzle back on it's nozzle rest.

She looked down at the little colt, and gave a smirk. She trotted behind him, and lifted him up onto her back. "How would ya like to ring the dinner bell for the pigs Toby?"

"I would like that Auntie Applejack." He said excitedly as she chuckled, and trotted over to the dinner bell. Applebloom followed behind the two, and stood underneath the handle to open the gate for the pigs to come out. "Just stand up on my back sugarcube, and on the count of three ring it." He nodded, and carefully stood up on her back. "Ah'right, ready? One....two.....three!"

Toby reached up, and pulled at the string which was attached to a gold bell. Applejack poured the mixture into the troth as Applebloom leaped up, and pulled down the handle to lift the wooden gate. The pigs came rushing out, and started scarfing down their meal.

"Woo doggy! Ya did a very fine job helping sugarcube, Ah'm proud of ya." She looked up at him on her back, and chuckled softly.

He blushed. "Thank you Auntie Applejack. That was very fun, but messy." He giggled with a bright smile.

Applebloom looked up at him as they was walking out the barn. "That was a mighty fine job indeed buddy. Ah' am proud of ya too." She smiled brightly up at him.

Big Mac came trotting back out of the house as he watched the three exit the barn with smiles on the face, and chuckling. He trotted toward them. "Well, now, it looks like y'all had a fun time feeding the pigs." He smiled at the three.

"We sure did Big Mac It was messy, but very fun." Toby giggled as Applejack bent on her forelegs to let him climb off.

Big Mac rubbed at the top of his head with a forehoof. "Well, that is good to hear big guy. Ah' know, how would ya like to help me plow the field? Ya can plant the seeds into the soil while Ah' plow. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, so we should have a good field of corn." He looked down at the child with a smile. "What do ya say Toby, would ya like to help?"

Toby looked up at him, and nodded as he looked up at Applejack. "Can I Auntie Applejack?"

"Of course sugarcube. Me, and Applebloom will be in the house helping Granny Smith bake some apple pies when y'all get done, ah'right." She gave him a gentle rub on his head as he nodded. Her, and Applebloom trotted toward the house.

"Hop on big guy." Big Mac leant down on his forelegs, and Toby climbed off onto his back. Big Mac turned, and trotted toward the piece of farmland that was bare. As he was trotting he turned to look up at the child. "Heya big guy, Applejack told me about what happened with your mom, and Ah' sure am sorry that ya lost her." He sighed deeply. "Ah' would like to tell ya though, that ya made her proud last night at the talent show. Ah' was there, and ya filled my heart up with your piano playing."

Toby smiled softly. "Thank you Big Mac. It is okay though, because I know she still lives in my heart, and she watches over me." He said as he sat on the stallion's back.

"Also, Ah' heard that your dad blamed ya for the loss of your mom Toby." He stopped trotting, and leant on his forelegs to let him climb off. As he climbed of, Big Mac gently moved him in front of him, and placed his forehooves on his shoulders gently looking into his eyes. "Ya listen to me big guy, it was not your fault at all for what happened to your mom. It was a bad accident, and ya didn't deserve any of the blame your dad put on you, do ya understand me?" Asking in a serious yet gentle tone.

Toby looked up at him, and nodded with small tears stinging at his eyes. "Yes I understand Big Mac. Thank you for that." He wrapped his little arms around the stallion's big neck, and laid his head against his chest sighing softly.

Big Mac reached up with a foreleg, and rubbed at his back. "Now, there ain't no need to thank me Toby, Ah'm just telling ya the truth." He smiled down at the small child, and gently pulled him away to look back into his eyes. "If ya would like Toby, ya can call me either Uncle Big Mac, or if it is okay, ya can call me Papa Big Mac. Ah' won't mind with whatever ya choose to call me." Giving him a warm smile, and wink.

Toby looked up and smiled happily. "I think I will like to call you Papa Big Mac." He giggled as Big Mac reached up to rub at his head gently.

"Well, that sounds mighty fine with me big guy." He chuckled. "Now how about we go do some plowing." He lifted the little colt back up, and made his way toward the empty area of the farm.

As Celestia's sun was slowly descending, now casting a warm deep golden hue over Equestria, Big Mac, and Toby were just finishing up with the plowing. Big Mac took big collar attached to the plow, and turned to look at the rows that would soon be many stalks of corn.

"Well Toby, Ah' would have to say we did a mighty fine job." He stood on his legs looking proudly as he smiled down at the little colt.

Toby looked up at him with a bright smile, and nodded. "Yes we did Papa Big Mac. Thank you for letting me help you with the plowing."

"Ya are very welcome big guy. Like Applejack said, the more help the better." He chuckled, and gently rubbed at the top of his head with a forehoof. He then lifted the child up onto his back, and turned to make the way to the house.

Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith were outside sitting on the porch enjoying the view of Celestia's sun as the two came trotting up to them. "Well, now, did ya have a good time with Big Mac sugarcube?" She smiled at Toby on Big Mac's back.

"Yes Auntie Applejack. Papa Big Mac told me when the seeds begin to grow then you will have bunches of corn and I could come pick some for me and Momma if I want to." He smiled at her.

"That would be ah'right with me sugarcube. Ya will love our corn as much as ya love our apples." She chuckled as she tipped her hat. "Well, Ah' guess it is time to get ya back home, so you can eat dinner with Fluttershy."

He nodded. "Okay Auntie Applejack." Big Mac leant down to let him climb off. After he got on the ground he turned, and gave Big Mac a hug. "Bye Papa Big Mac, I had a good time today, and I learned a lot of what it takes to work here on your farm." He sighed softly. "I love you Papa Big Mac."

Big Mac felt his eyes on the verge of tears, but closed them to prevent himself from crying. "Aww..well, Ah' love you too big guy. Ya can come by Sweet Apple Acres anytime ya want, ah'right?" He rubbed at the child's back with a forehoof.

Toby tilted his head back to look up at him. "I would like that Papa Big Mac." Giving him a big smile as he gently broke away, and turned to walk toward the other three. He walked to Granny Smith first, and lightly wrapped his arms around her neck, and laid his head against her chest fur. "Bye Granny, thank you for the breakfast this morning. I really liked it, and it was very good."

Granny Smith smiled warmly, and hugged him back with a wrinkled foreleg. "Nyah..ya are very welcome little fella, Ah'm glad ya enjoyed it, but there ain't no need to thank me. Ah' was honored to fix it for ya. Ah' can't wait to see you again, ya are a very sweet little colt, and don't ya forget that. Ya understand?" He looked up, and nodded as she leaned her head down to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

He gently broke his hug from Granny, and walked up to Applebloom who patted him on the shoulder looking at him. "Bye Toby, Ah' enjoyed you coming to visit today. Ah' knew ya would love here at Sweet Apple Acres." Giving him a little nuzzle on the top of his head.

He blushed. "I enjoyed being here Applebloom. Hehe.. I had fun mashing up those apples with you, and Auntie Applejack." They all chuckled in unison as Toby turned to see Applejack leaned on her forelegs for him to climb on.

"Hop on sugarcube, and let's get ya home." She said softly as he climbed up onto her back. "Ah'll be back in a little bit Apples." She waved a forehoof at them.

"Bye everyone, thank you for letting me come visit the farm." Toby waved a hand at them.

"Ya are welcome big guy. See ya next time." Big Mac smiled warmly, and waved a forehoof along with the other two as they watched Applejack trotting off toward Ponyville, and Fluttershy's cottage.

*Woof..woof* The bark of Winona could be heard as she came running out of the house, and caught up to Applejack and Toby. "Ya want to join us girl, hop on." She yipped, and hopped on her back sitting beside Toby.

Toby reached a hand up and started to gently stroke from her head down her back. "Hi Winona." He smiled at the dog, and she licked at his face yipping as he giggled happily. Applejack followed suit in chuckling herself.

Applebloom, and Granny Smith drew their attention to Big Mac, and asked curiously in unison. "Papa Big Mac?"

"Hey, what can Ah' say, Toby needs a father figure in his life, and Ah' volunteered to be that for him." The two mares d'awwed at him, and he just shook his head. "Ah'right, ah'right, let's get in the house, and get supper ready." They giggled as they trotted in. Before Big Mac entered into the house he turned to look out to see the three just going over the last hill before disappearing. "Ah' love you big guy, and Ah'll always be here for ya." He thought to himself as he trotted in, and shut the door behind him.

Author's Notes:

Alright everyone. This is what I want to do before I get to the final three chapters, I want Toby to spend the day with each of the Mane Six, well, except maybe Fluttershy since he lives with her. First one off the list is Applejack. Now this is when I need your help again. Who should be next on the list? Remember, I am going to let it rain in the next chapter, so Rainbow Dash will have to be later since she will be on Weather Patrol.

Next Chapter: Chapter Twenty-Three: Baking with Pinkie (Edited) Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 4 Minutes
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