
Honest Love

by AJ

Chapter 29: And Into the Fire

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Dragon Battle: Part 2

Ughhh. Ouch... W-what happened?

Slowly but surely my consciousness began to come back. At first, happy memories of a familiar orange pony and a beautiful orchard played in my head, but all too briefly. Though my thoughts were slow and my senses dull at first, I started to remember everything that was going on; town on fire, Applejack in danger, and somewhere out there was our little Apple Bloom who took the task of warning the princesses. Oh, and of course a little problem of mine that could only be fixed by my most annoying adversary yet- Discord.  

My eyes were still shut, but amidst the pure darkness I could feel my body laid out across a bed of what seemed to be ash and debris. My muscles were sore and painful even as I laid there still. With every breath I got the smell of smoke and burnt wood, and the sound of cackling fires surrounded me. In the distance were what sounded like panicked voices from a large crowd. I weakly opened my eyes and beheld a dark room of a burning building, though the fires had consumed most of it and were dying down; only a thin layer of blackened wood and siding remained, with a large hole in the roof exposing the starry sky. I went to pull my hands out from under my seemingly thick and heavy body only to find that they were still claws, and the rest of me was no different either. Suddenly the distinct image of me ramming myself into a large black and blue dragon was vivid in my mind, and it occurred to me that that had been my last conscious action.

I lifted my head and looked around my sides as my senses heightened dramatically with each passing second, along with my heart rate. Where - where is he?  I realized the crash had sent the two of us flying into the town on the other side of the river, and apparently we had been separated. Just then an apparent bump on my head twinged, causing me to raise my claw to it with a groan. I wondered and hoped that Applejack had left and escaped rather than come looking for me, but I had no idea how much time had lapsed since I slammed into that dragon and whether or not she even had time to escape. And for Pete's sake, where are the Princesses? I worried about Apple Bloom, though unless I was knocked out for longer than I thought, surprisingly we weren't that far into the night, it just felt like we were.

I looked around for any sign of neon blue or jet black scales. I had to make sure he was completely defeated and that he was no longer a threat to her or the town. Suddenly I was so distraught and saddened by all this - not just this dragon, but all of the things that were happening; my fatherhood, the suffering that had come down on Applejack, Apple Bloom and the rest of the family - that I was almost tempted to just stay there on the floor and cry without doing anything more in all my anxiety as my thoughts became clear again, but I knew that wasn't an option. I closed my eyes for a second to pull myself together. Poor Applejack. We're in this... We can't help that now. Just be strong, AJ. Take it one moment at a time.

I inched my aching body upward off the ground and whipped my tail around. I sure hoped he was gone or unconscious or something. I was terrified at the notion of fighting him. I did hit him pretty hard. Maybe he's finished? Stupid Discord, setting me up for some kind of dragon fight. After snarling in frustration, I took a few deep breaths to try to calm myself, but smoke and ash was not what my lungs needed; I craved some fresh air.  I snorted again and twirled my head around, looking for any sign of my most unfortunate and degrading identical twin. Still, the smokey air was better than no air through my nostrils. But I was quickly getting really scared, wondering around by myself in the dark under smokey rooftops. Though the fires in this part of town seemed to have weakened some, there were still a few flames that were strong enough to keep the place somewhat lit, but it was mostly darkness. Ok... I can take this guy if I'm angry enough. Just gotta get angry. I shut my eyes and thought and went to think about how cute Applejack was, and how anything could disturb such an adorable and peaceful pony. Immediately my feelings started to ignite, but they were interrupted by a distressed growl from behind me. It was low and menacing, even though it reflected pain. There was no question as to what it came from.

I swung around and looked through the remaining wooden studs; I could see in the building next to me, through the gaping holes in the walls that the fires had left, a large black figure with blue stripes in a pile of rubble. It was like I was in a maze of destruction, I could see about two hundred feet in every direction, the remains of the torched houses that had once stood here; above us, bits of rubble and embers occasionally showering down. I stepped my four legs forward one at a time, my claws leaving prints in the ash as I approached him as quietly as I could. I was really nervous, but I just kept my eyes on him and crept forward, coming to a halt about thirty feet from him.

I could see he was breathing, and laying on his side. I saw that he was grimacing his teeth with his eyes tightly closed. I even almost felt bad for him, even though I quickly remembered why I had done this to him in the first place. I wished I could talk to him; well, I wish I could talk period, but I especially was annoyed at the inability to speak right at that moment. I wanted to ask him why he came here, what Discord told him, and try to convince him to leave without any more fighting. But I knew as I looked him over and listened to his malevolent growls that he was beyond my help. Don't be stupid... this is like the most evil dragon in Equestria. He didn't know I was there, but I continued to stand still for a moment, not sure of what to do next. My heart stopped and my body froze; suddenly, he cried out in a low, blood-curdling shriek that shook ash from the walls. He opened his eyes - they were glowing orange, and filled with fury - and turned his head towards me before coughing and wheezing. Somehow I found the courage to walk towards him. He was a threat to her, and that's all I needed to be strong. After all, he was on the ground seemingly injured and immobile. But I was still nervous.

"You..." he hissed, coughing and snarling as he pulled his claws out from under him, placing them faced down on the ground care about them." I knew from experience that his doing that meant he was probably about to try to get up. I stood firm and tall on my four legs, and raised my head high, my eyes tilted down at him. Some of them... Loving her with all of my heart, I looked away and thought for a moment. She was always forgiving. And I had been friends with a good most of them too. And even the jealous ones, I could forgive them as long as they promised never to torment Applejack again. It wasn't their fault. They thought I was you. So yeah, I do care about them. My answer was in my eyes. I think he saw saw that, and he laughed weakly.

"You pathetic pony lover in a dragon's body," he started, as choked and coughed. "Not even the largest dragons cross me," he finished, his forked tongue slithering through his teeth. I shuttered simply at the words he spoke, but even more so at the voice that uttered them. He was no friendly creature, and just standing in his presence was enough to feel it. Though his apparent injuries made him a lot less intimidating, though he was still plenty. He slowly began stand up, clearly hurting. Even though he didn't look ready to strike in his feeble state, I was pretty scared at first. He kept his head low to the ground and his malicious eyes fixed right on me. I stood firm (and I was proud of myself for doing so), watching him as boldly as I could muster.

"So how do you like it?" he muttered, almost jealously. He was, of course, asking how I liked being a dragon. I didn't say anything, not that I could of course. I just looked at him, trying to be brave. He stared back, it seemed he really was curious. He's a dragon, AJ, and he's evil, so don't take what he says too seriously. He began to walk to the side, though limping and struggling (though trying not to appear so), so I matched his movement by walking the other way. I took some anxious deep breaths through my nostrils, though a lot of it was smoke, planning out how to maybe attack him if I had to. Just like that, we were slowly circling each other, step by step, only fifty feet apart. "So much power in your breath, in your wings, in your claws... how do you feel knowing they all ought to bow down and serve you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him at first. Then I turned my eyes up and thought for a moment. Apparently we had a very different mode of thinking. Actually, I just kind of take it as more fun than anything. It's so much fun to fly around with Applejack on my back. I admit fire breath can come in handy sometimes, it's kinda cool, but... Suddenly he started laughing softly, and it was not a nice laugh.

"I saw you, covered in chains like a slave. How does it make you feel knowing you could repay them all in a matter of seconds?" he said, attempting to be persuasive. In my heart I realized he was trying to get me to do something evil, and I suspected that was one of Discord's hopes all along. He lowered his eyebrows, watching me with intensity, looking for anything. "Don't deny it, you would vengeance," he whispered with another slither of his tongue. What is he trying to prove? That power will make anyone bad?

I admit the thought of him trying it on me made me feel a little uneasy, even though I knew I could never be like that. Especially not with someone like Applejack in my heart. But it comforted me to know that the thought of not being with her, the thought of not being around her, or her family, who were all my best friends... that was what I was really afraid of. I could still be the same person in this body, we could still be best friends, and I could still love them all. Being a dragon didn't change any of that! It just meant we could go on new adventures and love each other in new ways. I snorted at him and actually chuckled, though it sounded a little different. I'm sorry you feel that way pal, but that ain't me. Can we just fight and get this over with? Or you know you could just go back to your treasure horde.

He didn't seem to be too intimidated by me best attempts to appear unintimidated, more like amused; he laughed harder now, and this time it was truly horrible to the ears. His laugh was deep, loud, powerful, and cruel. Now that I was kind of scared, my smile faded. And with me being unable to talk, I wasn't sure how much longer he wanted to do this. Maybe it amused him, I really wasn't sure. But I wanted it to end, that's for sure. But then I remembered the princesses. Wait a minute... if he keeps talking, then he's buying more time for them! I thought maybe I'd change my approach, and let him talk as long as he wanted. But I was interrupted; just like that, his laughing stopped and his smirk disappeared too, replaced by a look of pure nastiness.

"As for myself, with your friendship nonsense, I say you ought to be stripped of this and sent back to your lowly life form. And some friends they are, though I still believe you will pay them back one day," he sneered. I shook my head. No I won't. I smiled as we began to walk a little faster around each other, but it was more of an irritated smile then anything. I'd had quite enough of listening to him. "I forgot he took away your ability to speak. Though I can't say I have any reason to listen to you. And I suppose it won't be you that will be paying them back, as there will be nothing left of them when I'm finished with this town."

I hope not all dragons save me and Spike are like this... wait, what am I saying? I'm not a dragon, I'm a human... I shook my head again, this time annoyed at myself. I also happened to notice his limbs seemingly getting more comfortable under him as time went by, his limps not so obvious anymore. Suddenly he began to smirk again, as though some dirty thought popped in his mind.

"And what about your little pony wife? Tell me about her," he whispered, with a sly and cruel grin.

Suddenly all sounds stopped. I was indescribably uncomfortable, my anxiety skyrocketed, and any sense of sarcasm in my thinking completely disappeared. It made me both scared and infuriated to hear him talk about her. I didn't ever want to hear him mention her again. I lowered my head and snarled through my teeth, and probably some red cheeks too. Shut up! He looked at me triumphantly, as though he'd made a discovery.

"Ah, now that's more like it!"

Instinctively I growled through my teeth, fueled by rage, as a warning for him to stop. I didn't like where this conversation was going, and I didn't even like it to begin with, nor did I feel like putting up with it. Now he knew how to stir my anger, but as far as I was concerned, he was only hurting himself, as he was driving away my meekness and calling upon my protective side. Although that's not to say his mentioning of her didn't hurt me deeply, which was definitely a primary goal of his. He raised his head and drew smoke up through his nostrils. I wasn't sure how to do that yet, not intentionally at least.

"Well, your son may have difficulty recognizing his father, now, won't he?"

His comment stopped me in my tracks, and suspended my anger for a moment. My heart was suddenly helpless. I pleaded with myself interiorly. But... Applejack will tell him or her who I am! I never really thought about it in depth because it was not something I wanted to think about. But having such a deep bond with Applejack, and all the feelings of hope and joy I'd experienced in my preparation for this, it really did sadden me. Just when I thought I'd overcome all my difficulties accepting it. But up until right then did it really surface. And it hit hard.

"And how has she handled this? Of course she doesn't want to tell you how disappointed she is."

I looked away from him, trying vaguely to hide from him a few tears. I took deep breaths, imagining how happy a life we'd managed thus far. That's not true. She's not disappointed. It wasn't my fault. And Discord will change me back somehow. I suddenly hated being a dragon again, even though I should've known that Applejack would never be disappointed in me for something like this. I was so afraid that what he said might happen that just thinking about it almost made my heart too heavy to carry on. But Applejack, who was no doubt sensing that I was in great need of some help, seemed to fill my heart at that moment. Ya know that ain't true, sugarcube. Honesty was just what I needed to fight his poisonous lies. But her presence this time did not melt my heart into bliss; it would, but not until the evil creature that threatened me, and therefore her, was eliminated. Until then, she filled me with all the strength and protective anger I needed to stay focused.

"But I don't think so," he said, drawing his head back menacingly, his orange eyes now flaming with malice. He looked like he was preparing for a strike, as there was battle and death in his eyes. "I think there will be no father for your son to recognize."

He was wise after all. He sought to make me as miserable and sad as possible before he ended his game by hitting me in the heart, which he had successfully done. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know how strong of a pony I have to replenish me. But that also doesn't mean I'm immune to pain, as his next comment demonstrates. Oh yes he will... I was going to protect my family at all costs.

"Your love is not even real, but fleeting and easily broken. And when I'm finished with you, I shall find out what the rest of your family tastes like-"

He didn't get to finish. With a rage-filled roar I charged at him; I leapt myself forward off all four of my legs and spread my front claws just for him. But right as I did that, he spread his wings and jumped straight up, and with wings twisted and bent in a fashion I had never even seen much less attempted, he twirled around in circles straight up into the air, exploding through the remains of the charred roof. I was too angry to give him any credit, but let's just say what he did was something I knew I had to learn. From the ground I watched him fly straight up into the stars, twirling around breathlessly until he was three hundred feet or so high, and then he stopped, let himself fall, and then spread his wings in flight, headed away from me.

At first I stood there with an open mouth, utterly dumbstruck. Had he given up already, just like that? I watched him for a moment, but it only took just that for me to realize that he was headed towards river, and with too much purpose in the way his eyes were locked on his victims beneath him. Oh no!!!! I took a few gallops and propelled myself off the ground in his direction, beating my wings furiously. I crashed right through a burnt wall and then went right through the rooftop of the building next to us. It didn't mean anything to me, my adrenaline flowing as intensely as it was and my desire to save the townsponies and probably my own wife and kid was so fierce that all I could think about was getting to them before he did, inadvertently using everything I'd learned about flying and using my new body to the best of my ability.

I climbed to about a hundred feet, though he remained higher; I wanted to come in under him. I saw just beyond the houses - just on the outskirts of town - ponies were fleeing by way of the river. Some of them, I could see from afar, were swimming, while others were running along the banks. I looked desperately for any sign of orange, as she would have my priority of course, and I knew where she was, there would be Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. I looked up and saw to my horror that his eyes were mercilessly keyed in on them, and he calmly tilted his wings and began flying downwards toward them. Come on, AJ, COME ON! I flapped and flapped at first, before tilting my wings downward to start a furious descent towards them. I curled my wings and shot forward, ignoring the wind in my face that water my eyes. The ponies had discovered us, and I could see they were starting to panic as they screamed and pointed up at the other dragon coming from above. The ponies that were in the river came to a halt, preparing to go under, while all those outside of were galloping madly to the water to prepare for flames.

As I looked hysterically for Applejack, the night sky above me lit up with orange as fire erupted from the other dragon's mouth, raging down on them like an avalanche. Being fireproof I wasn't worried about me, but as I came in like a bat out of tartarus and it was all happening so fast, somehow I made a lightning quick check to make sure everypony had made it to the river. At this point I ignored the flames as they came roaring down; as I approached them all at lightning speed I saw some of them pointing to the side with horrified faces. I turned my head and aimed my wings that way without hesitation and saw none other than Dinky Doo, the little purple filly. Dinky, why is it always Dinky??

She stood there frozen, looking up in utter terror at the inferno coming down on her with an expression that could've hurt even the most heartless ponies. I keyed in on her; I had to get to her before the flames did. My heart was so bent on saving her that time itself seemed to slow down. If I couldn't get to her, I'd never live it down. I would feel horrible. But I had no time to think about that, I had no time to think about anything. I just kept my wings curled and launched myself towards her, in a race with the flames. My eyes were locked on her. Almost there!! I spread my wings violently and let the air catch them like a parachute. I was either going to just make it or just break it. My heart stopped beating completely as I cried out. I skipped across the surface of the ground , and just as I felt the heat turning up on my scales and bright orange began to dominate my view, I hurled my body over Dinky and curled myself up around her with my wings, laying on top of her with my belly (though not crushing her of course). I stayed there deathly still as the flames scorched the ground and grass all around us and heat blasted my body. But the flames had virtually no effect on my fireproof scales, and in a moment, they were done. I swung my tail back behind my body and let myself fall to the side, letting go of Dinky, who gave me a brief, wide-eyed look of gratefulness before she ran off to join the other ponies in the river. I'd saved her.

"That dragon saved her from the flames! The blue-eyed dragon!" said the voice of somepony among all the chaos, the screams the roaring flames in the city. But it didn't mean much to me at the time among all the other stuff that was happening. I rested for like half of a second, proud of myself for having mastered my body enough to have done what I did, but that lasted for barely a moment before suddenly I sat up scared, remembering the fight was far from over. I desperately looked to river and saw all of the ponies poking their heads out across the surface of the water. They were all unharmed. And just then, I spotted my beautiful wife in the front of them. She had been attempting to lead them to safety, and for the short moment I had to think I was very proud of her, and touched that even despite getting ridiculed and lambasted on this same night, she was now taking all of them under her wing (figuratively). And when I looked over to her, our eyes met for a moment, and I saw that her beautiful soul had been quite proud of me too. But the dragon with no name was furious, and the both of us quickly looked up in fear. Circling back around from up river, he roared in frustration at having burned not a single pony.

Like me, he was nearly invisible when flying overhead given our jet black underside. You could see only specks of blue and his orange eyes, of course. Just as I realized the ponies had nowhere to go given the flames that now consumed the beautiful green surrounding the river (though being early autumn, I think that made some of the turning leaves even more flammable), he came back around in flight, this time in around the side of the river opposite where I was. I felt like crying when I saw his orange eyes preying upon us again, but my adrenaline wouldn't allow for anything other than ultra ferocity and protection. I leapt up and flapped my wings twice, headed straight for Applejack. I shallow-dived into the river, immersing myself under water for just a second before throwing my upper body above the surface beside her, growling intensely as he swooped down towards the river. But instead of going after us, he flew towards the crowd of ponies below us in the river.

He laughed evilly and confidently, taking great pleasure in the terror that he instilled into his victims, and he flew across the river down from where we were, into the crowd of ponies, spreading open his claws and plucking somepony right out from the water. What's more, at the same time he turned his head and sent an unexpected blast of flames speeding from his mouth across the river while ponies desperately tried to take shelter under water. It didn't appear that anypony was fatally burned, but a good handful lost some or most of their manes, and a few even had scares on their heads as they emerged from the surface in cries of pain. To my relief, it appeared no foals were among the injured, but he still had a poor victim in his clutches. He flapped his wings and climbed high and away as we all watched in horror. I even roared out in sadness and protest. The frantically moving pony in his claws was seemingly a young to middle-aged stallion I couldn't identify in the darkness (only I heard his screams). Then the unthinkable happened. The dragon released him from his clutches and sent him falling to the ground.  

In my head I had a thought that I unsuccessfully let out as an angry roar. Discord!!!! I wanted to put an end to this madness with any means necessary. Amidst all the hysteria I had this strange sense that he was watching all this unseen. Be a dragon and go get him! Wait, I'm not a dragon, I'm a human father... er, wait, I'm both, er, no! I shook my head violently, trying to get such thoughts out of my head in a time like this. I looked at all the grief stricken ponies that surrounded me in the river while fiery infernos raged in the darkness around us. They were all looking to me helplessly and desperately as though hoping beyond hope that I might protect them, even though the memories of choking and terrorizing of just few moments earlier was clearly on our minds. I think some of them were actually figuring out who I was, especially given away by my violent protection of Applejack. For just a moment, I almost felt a flicker of satisfaction to see them so humble, especially the jealous ones. Maybe now they'll respect our foal. But as soon as this thought entered my mind, it was gone, and I was feeling bad for having thought it. I even thrashed my head around as I argued with myself. I don't want revenge! Why do I care what they think? I thrashed my head around even harder with my eyes closed; I remembered what was important at that particular moment, protecting Applejack, and the townsponies if I could. Come on, this isn't the time for some kind of internal conflict!

I turned to her. There she was right beside, soaking and staring up at me with great love but also great sorrow and indescribable angst. What hurt me so badly was that there was nothing I could do at that moment to help her. I could only protect her. I looked right at her and pleaded with all my heart. Applejack, you've got to call Discord! Ponies are getting hurt, and maybe you're next! I didn't know what he do, but we at least had to try. She looked at me with horrible anguish in her emerald eyes, but I could see she agreed. But we didn't have any more time to think; the dragon was circling back, and this time he was headed for two ponies of much more consequence to my wife and I.

"Big Macintosh, look out!" cried my wife hysterically, and I could feel her pain searing in my own heart as the malevolent serpent that shared my appearance approached her big brother, who was only a few spaces in front of us next to Cheerilee. With death in his eyes, he glided downwards over the river and opened his claws menacingly, as ponies under him ducked under water, even though his eyes were set on the two ponies in front of us. I couldn't allow this to happen to Big Macintosh, and I couldn't allow poor Applejack to suffer the horrible sadness that would befall her if anything happened to her family. My heart dropped, and without any time for a breath, I felt myself run forward through the water and instinctively flapped my wings. It was hard to take off out of the water with the extra weight on my wings and the resistance it gave me as I intended to get out of it. But somehow I clumsily glided over my brother-in-law. The two of us met in mid air just above the surface of the river. He had the momentum, and the two of us locked together he propelled us in the direction up river. We blasted through the water, thrashing and splashing every which way.  

At first I clawed anywhere I could as we wrestled around in the water, but suddenly I felt a tremendous swipe of his claw across my face, so much that I fell backward. I turned around and I saw the end of his tail for half a second before it too pelted me in the face. I knew now to never hit anybody with the face with my tail (except him). His movements were so fast, there was no pause in between them; before I knew it, he was wrapping his claws around me and wrestling me around in the water. I was quickly getting frustrated, but suddenly my head went under. Before could get my head above water, I felt rows of sharp teeth clamping down on my neck and large claws on the back of my head. I had me locked in his jaws, and was attempting to twist my neck or bite through to my flesh. AHHHH!!!!! I couldn't shriek under water, his bite was the most intense physical pain I'd experienced since I'd been so unexpectedly turned. I thrashed and twisted, but he wouldn't let go. I knew how strong our jaws were, and I was now very scared for my life - and therefore the rest of their lives -among the horrible pain he caused me. I was also quickly suffocating under water. I was utterly terrified and desperate. I cried out for some kind of strength, and for a moment my head breached the water, and for just a second as I sucked as much air in as I possibly could, I saw her standing there watching, sobbing with her anguished and almost equally distressed brother standing right beside her. When I fell back under water, adrenaline surged, and I pushed off my hind legs as hard as I could, and dived myself forward with his teeth still firmly gripping my neck. My back and tail flipped over, taking him with me, and his hold on me loosened just enough that I was able to wiggle free.

The two of us emerged from each other's grip. With half his body out of the water, he roared loudly and furiously as he beat his wings at me, stumblingly propelling himself backward to other bank. I lumbered out of the water on the opposite bank, still reeling from his death grip. My neck had really taken a beating at this point between him and the chains that choked it earlier. But even in his strong jaws, he wasn't able to penetrate my scales. But if he had me just a little bit longer, it felt like he maybe could have, and trickles of blood were clearly visible. It was perhaps subconsciously a little comforting to know I was so heavily armored if I got out of this alive. It was as if our bodies were completely indestructible against anything but each other, and even then it took time. Does my body have any weakness?

Amidst the sound of roaring flames and the beating of my own heart I caught my breath, looking across the river and beholding the dragon with no name regrouping himself, coiling his clearly injured and aching body and watching me with intense hatred. I looked to my right, and standing there in the river were droves of onlookers, the humbled citizens of Ponyville pleading with me in their demoralized gazes to save them. But I felt so weak, and I could see their doubting me in their eyes. The dragon had embarrassed me in front of everyone, including Applejack. I was supposed to be a good husband, capable of defending her if need be. Suddenly I heard a familiar and most infuriating voice, but it sounded like it came from my head rather than through my ears. What's the matter AJ? Too weak? Or maybe you're still embarrassed for them to figure out it's you? Or is it that you feel you can't be a good father as long as you're like this? My eyes narrowed, and I snarled as I looked around the flame-lit darkness that surrounded me. Why are you so conflicted? Is it because you love dear Applejack, and you're afraid she's unhappy?

I looked over at her, and she was looking to me for comfort, even though she was beyond sorrow. It tore me apart to see her that way, her emerald eyes longing to be with me and for this to be put to end. It was all Discord's fault, and that dragon's. He was right about one thing. I sure do love her. My anger had come and gone thus far, like a roller coaster, occasionally replaced by fear, but now it felt like it was going to remain until that dragon was dead and Discord revealed. I looked over at him, as he hatefully prepared to re-engage me. He was going to pay for putting her through this. For putting all of us through it. There is no conflict! I ran forward once again and flapped twice, gliding over the surface of the river while I heard my pony wife call desperately for Discord to come and put a stop to it. But as expected, he was nowhere to be found. I was focused instead on this dragon. I let my rage throw itself at him. He seemed to be in a similar state, though his was born from greed and pride. It was also perhaps fueled from his frustration at having been injured when I crashed into him the first time. He was not expecting me to come to him. I landed violently in front of him, focused and infuriated. We started to circle each other for just a moment, and we traded growls, but soon after I threw myself at him and the two of us locked our front claws, and standing on our hind legs we wrestled each other over pure strength. It seemed reflective of our battle thus far; stalemated, with both of us being nearly invincible. Though his evil and malevolent eyes were right in front of mine, I was unfazed, because I was simply finished with his threatening of her and them.

I shoved all of my weight and rage into my front legs for one violent push, propelling him back with ferocity. Astonished, he fell back away from me, rolling and lumbering across the ground for a short ways. My front legs fell back to the ground. I just continued walking towards him. I was going to finish him off once and for all. He turned his head and looked up at me as I approached, and I saw for the first time a flicker of fear in his eyes. I don't think he'd ever been shoved in such a manner. But it lasted only a moment before he was back to his usual anger, and with one strong push off from all four of his legs and some powerful flapping of his, he lifted straight up off the ground and climbed high quickly. I wasn't sure if he was fleeing or taking the battle to the air, but nevertheless, I was not about to concede a draw. This dragon had threatened Applejack and my foal long enough, and I was going to see it through to the end, whether I died trying or not. I took a few running steps and flapped my own wings, the air lifting me off and propelling me upwards; more diagonally then his takeoff, as I was still learning. I climbed and climbed, floating along underneath him as he started to circle around. We traded hostile looks, his being downward and mine upward.

"In a fair fight, I'd kill you! You blindsided me!" he said, his voice seething with fury, though there was some fear and insecurity mixed in. Now the battlefield was changed; instead of a ground battle surrounded by fire, ponies, and water, we were now fighting in a sea of stars over the moonlit valley, the Canterlot Castle in the distance on the mountainside. Now I was tired of being called weak. I was going to show him and everyone how strong Applejack's husband really was. Suddenly we both noticed in the distant darkness a bright beam of light; it seemed to shoot up from the Canterlot Castle. My anger and determination were suspended for just one more small moment as I pondered what this might mean. Then it hit me, while I was still gliding along through the wind some thousands of feet high. This kind of thing was unheard of to me, I knew it certainly wasn't an every night type thing since I'd been up so many times with Applejack. It must mean Apple Bloom made it! I wondered if it was a call to Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire (she's the one who married us; it's been a long time since I wrote about that). For a moment my feelings were dominated by proudness of my little sister-in-law. But just as fast as all this was happening, an unpleasant thought replaced it. Wait a second, I don't know that for sure. What if they've discovered us and have declared war on us both?

But I didn't have time to ponder any longer. The dragon with no name circled around in air, his eyes were turned toward Canterlot before he eventually came back to me with a look that seemed to be intense in both fear and hatred. His gaze then turned to me, and I knew immediately that the battle was not yet won. In an unexpected move, he looked up for a moment before he just as quickly darted downwards. I didn't have time to move this time, and he blasted right by me and used the extra force to scrape my body with all four of his claws as he rocketed past me. I screamed in pain, and almost fell plummeting to the Earth after I twirled around midair. I was able to spread my wings, but it wasn't until I kept my tail straight that I was able to keep myself flying. He also had some most unsavory words of comfort, though he sounded as though he was fighting excruciating pain.

"Looks like I'll be feasting on both royalty and peasantry this night!" he taunted.

I turned my head back at my body. It hurt -badly - but strangely there was only a small amount of blood. If he or I did that to any other creature, their guts would be spilled out. But even with my scales, I knew a few more shots like that and he could really do some damage. Well his new strategy isn't any secret! Clearly with his limbs injured, he was turning to his flying ability to win this fight. Despite my intense anger, I knew I didn't have a shot if we continued like this. His flying skills were far too advanced. I looked around for him and saw him flying higher once more, his eyes locked on me, preparing another strike. If I am killed, then she has no chance. None of them do. My heart cried out in desperation for what I hoped would be the last time. What do I do?? I can't win an aerial battle with this guy no matter how angry I am. And I can't wait for the princesses and get myself killed!

Suddenly I had an idea. But there was a problem. The problem was that it was very risky, and involved putting my life on the line once again. I'd done that before as you well know - both of us have - but this time, after all this, it was especially hard. This time I had a child waiting. I can't die... not yet.

I groaned with sadness and looked down into the valley below me. It was quite simple to spot them down there given the flames that still consumed some of the trees and grass by the river. I could see them all huddled together, the fires from the shore shining upon them. Over yonder from them I saw the moonlight shining on Sweet Apple Acres. It was utterly untouched by the night's destruction - the only spared part of Ponyville - and shined beautifully even in the nighttime. Coming back to the ponies, I saw that they were all looking up at the two of us. In the front of them I could make out a small orange speck, standing right next to a red and green one. I could feel her in my own heart, and I could feel her feelings looking up at me. I'd had an unpredictable roller coaster of a life up to this point (this night in particular fit that bill), but the one thing that remained permanent in my life was how much my heart shined whenever I was with her. Whenever I thought about her. She was all I ever needed. And right then I if I knew one thing, it was that I wasn't about to go down without swinging for her. It hated me to have to say this, but I had to leave her with something just in case. I know you're gonna tell him about me. I'll know; I'll be right there with you.

It wasn't easy. Not at all. It was among the hardest things I've ever done, but I had to say it just in case. It was honest, after all. But now that I had gotten that out of the way, there was only one thing left for me to do. Fighting tears, my eyes narrowed and looked back up at my adversary, who's own eyes gave away is imminent attack. Before he could, I flapped my wings violently, propelling myself upwards towards him. I could feel a heartbroken Applejack protesting, and it killed me to shut her out just this once, but I knew I couldn't stop now. I'm sorry but this for our own good! My actions caught him by surprise and his eyes widened. Just then a surge of anger aided me. Intense rage towards him for having made me to do this to her, and indescribable fury and frustration at the mastermind behind this whole thing, who I'd yet to square off against. It gave me focus, that's for sure.

I soared upwards and met him head on before he ever had a chance to dive (in part because he froze in confusion). Our bodies slammed together, and we started a freefall towards Equestria from thousands of feet high. Despite falling at hundreds miles per hour and having a dragon clawing away at my neck, I focused and folded my wings onto my back. I looked straight into his eyes that were inches in front of me as we duked it out one last time. They were filled with more pure hatred than I'd ever seen. I stretched my front claws around his back and attempted to fight his back ones with my own.

"FOOL!" he snarled, and opened his gaping jaws and bit onto my neck again.

My adrenaline reached it's peak in the roar of the wind as we thundering to the ground. I've never traveled faster in my whole life. This was it! Our whole future! COME ON, BABY, COME ON! We were approaching the ground at deadly speed, and I moved my eye to the orange flames on the ground for reference despite the agonizing pain around my neck. I struggled futilely to free my neck, but he held on. I knew if I couldn't free myself in the next second, it was over for me. HERE WE GO!! I felt Applejack crying out in utter despair as we came crashing towards the earth. But it somehow gave me the strength to violently rip my head from his grasp. Then for one final gesture, I drew my head back and gave him a smirk that I tremendously enjoyed. Gotcha!

I pushed myself off him with my hind legs and spread my wings wide, once again just like a parachute. My work was done. Suddenly panic-stricken, his face fearfully looked beneath him whilst he spread his wings as fast as he could. As I watched all 35 feet of him plummet down away from me, he found that he nothing to slow down with. All the way down I had been clawing away at the only part of our body that was truly vulnerable to our claws - the leather of our wings. He spread his wings to reveal two huge holes on each one. Amidst the roaring wind was the sound of his terrible shrieking as he fell crashing towards his doom.

There was a sound like a steam engine was dropped off the highest peak of Canterlot Castle. He hit the ground with such force that a cloud of dust and fire erupted from the spot only a few hundred yards from the river with hundreds of onlookers watching. He fell with such ferocity that his body exploded on impact. It sent shockwaves in every direction; I felt them blast through me as I came speeding down. Speaking of speeding, I was suddenly overcome with fear and was roaring helplessly. While they all covered their eyes, I felt one pair of eyes fixed squarely on me. I had been moving so fast for so long that I was still moving way too fast for my own good. Letting as much wind as possible catch my wings, I cried out with horror as I saw myself falling into the cloud of fire and smoke.

Just as I entered it, I shifted my body and tilted my wings so that the wind propelled me forward instead of falling straight down. I shot out like a rocket over the river and then tilted them upward again, causing me to start a somersault. The upward motion slowed me down just enough, and after flying backwards towards the explosion, I turned back down and spread my wings, and this time they slowed me down enough and I was able to come down at an acceptable speed just beside the river bank, the fire and dirt cloud of the dead dragon at my back. I landed and planted my feet firmly in the ground, standing up up tall and sucking in wind as I stared still in ulta-focus mode at the multitude of soaking-wet ponies. The sound of the explosion began to die down, leaving the sound of dying flames, my still-rapidly-beating heart, and the clearing of dust as they all stared back as silent, as awestruck, and as stupefied as I was. Well...

The awkward staring contest occurred for just a few more seconds as I realized that the one of Equestria's greatest threats - it's most evil dragon - was defeated.  Then, as unpredictable as the night had been, after a few moments of silence, to my huge relief, something that I admittedly really needed broke out from the crowd. From all the ponies in Ponyville. They all began to cheer.

I heard it, and saw the emerald eyes of my wife that were filled with tears of relief. Just as my own heart relieved and a huge weight on my soul lifted, I felt how exhausted and immovable my body was. I collapsed to the ash-covered ground hard as my limbs gave out involuntarily, ready to take advantage of a well earned rest. I did it... I closed my eyes and blew ash away on spot for me to lay my head as I felt a certain country mare snuggling up under my belly and attempting to wrap herself around me. It was just what I needed, to feel her safe and warm against me. It was all that I needed. I told you I wouldn't leave you.

I wearily opened my one eye and beheld sideways a pair of flowing manes along the side of the river. Walking down the north side of the river towards us in the clearing dust cloud I saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight running side by side, coming to a halt about sixty yards from of us while all the ponies kept cheering. Behind them was Princess Cadence, her husband Shining Armor, and a host of about fifty royal guards, most of them white or grey unicorn stallions. I closed my eye both very mildly irritated and strangely happy. Of course... now they get here. Applejack didn't say a word. She just buried herself into my belly and embraced me with all the warmth and love her heart could give. And that was more than good enough for me. We did it.

But suddenly, as the cheers from the crowd began to die down, there was a strange noise that seemed to quiet them even more. My ears caught it while I laid there, but it was the place it came from that made my ears twitch. It did not come from the river, or from the host of Canterlot. It came from behind us, where the dragon was destroyed. A few more seconds and it was the only noise amidst a dead and uncomfortable silence. It was a slow clap. I felt the mood of everyone around me changing rapidly, and my own heart beginning to question this. I turned my head back and beheld what all other eyes were now looking at; an unmistakeable outline in the fading dust. A serpentine figure with two different-shaped horns and a pony-like head that slowly came view. My mouth dropped open and Applejack stood up from me and moved up towards my head as the wind blew the dust away from the figure. He was smiling directly and triumphantly at me.

"Good, AJ! Good!"

Next Chapter: The Last Resort Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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