
Breaches of Peace

by CalmNQuiet

Chapter 2: Speaker [Dark/Noir] (Light TwiDash)

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Twilight Sparkle stood behind Rainbow Dash in an endless line of ponies. Every few seconds they trudged forward at a measured pace. “Rainbow... how long do you think we can go on like this?” Twilight whispered to the pegasus ahead of her. She received no response beyond a quick “shh” sound. Twilight glanced behind her and then forward again. “This is madness. You can’t feed a community like this.”

A crackling speaker blared to life: “Stay in line! No talking! The Equestrian Food Service will see to the need of every pony.”

Their hooves clacked against the hardened cement which replaced the grassy fields from eons ago. Tall towers flanked them on either side and filled their vision with interminable gray tones. Twilight did not know how many ponies lived in the city with her, but it seemed the number steadily decreased each day.

The crackling speaker blared to life once more: “Equestria thanks Blossomforth for her generous contribution.”

The procession moved forward. A procession repeated each day with timed precision. A routine so entrenched in memory, Twilight could not recall the last time Rainbow wasn’t in front of her.

As they marched forward in even steps, a large glooming gray building came into view. The Equestrian Food Service. Ponies owed their lives to it since the sundering of the land. Every pony understood the sacrifices, because it kept them alive.

The building always frightened Twilight for what it represented. It seemed so cold and callous. She leaned forward into the warmth of the pegasus ahead of her.

Rainbow turned and smiled at her, the same cocky smile from days gone by. “It’s okay Twi. If you can’t contribute, I got you covered. I wouldn’t leave you hangin’.”

Twilight nodded mutely, she wasn’t sure if the words reassured her, but she couldn’t deny their warmth.

The ever present speaker interrupted her thoughts: “The Equestrian Food Service hopes you have a pleasant meal. Remember to thank your fellow ponies.”

Massive steel doors swung open. The clean white room inside presented a facade of normalcy otherwise lost upon the world around it. Twilight felt like it was just another day. Just another day to keep on living.

Rainbow stepped up to the window and gripped the ration packet between her teeth with a withdrawn mutter of thanks and proceeded forward.

The speaker within the room sounded with clarity: “Equestria thanks Twilight Sparkle for her generous contribution.”

Twilight froze. The walls opened to numerous doors as masked ponies rushed out to her. She felt something shoved into her mouth, Rainbow’s ration packet.

“Go!” Rainbow screamed and pushed Twilight toward the exit.

Twilight stared at the pegasus with flared wings standing between her the darkened pits of the walls.

“I volunteer!” Rainbow cried out as she focused her eyes on Twilight, the tears now evident. In a much softer voice, she smiled and closed her eyes: “I love you Twilight Sparkle. Keep on living.”

The ponies descended upon Rainbow as Twilight was forcibly ejected from the building.

The speaker sung melodically as the day continued: “Equestria thanks Rainbow Dash for her generous contribution.”

Author's Notes:

Prompt: Speaker
Genre Tags: Dark and Noir

Next Chapter: Fairytale [Sad] (Light AppleDash) Estimated time remaining: 37 Minutes
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