
I.D. - That Indestructible Something

by Chatoyance

Chapter 16: 16. Your Most Intense Obsessions

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That Indestructible Something

By Chatoyance


16. Your Most Intense Obsessions

"Don't bend; don't water it down;

don't try to make it logical;

don't edit your own soul according to the fashion.

Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

- Franz Kafka

Digging out of the hidden sinkhole was more difficult that getting into it in the first place. It wasn't that Michel was unable to use his diamond dog abilities effectively, rather it was that the entire area was now swarming with humans.

Gregoria could sense their weight and movements on the blackened surface of the land above, and there was a lot of activity going on. "I think... lots of cars, or trucks, or something. All I know is that there are a lot of heavy things moving around. And stomping, walking - there are lots of human boots up there. All over!"

"Makes sense." Damon crouched low in the hard-packed tunnel that Michel had been excavating. "Probably a whole army of reporters, news crews, crowds of lookey-loos come to see the destruction - oh, and police too. To keep the gawkers back. Big explosion like that? It's gonna be the hot item for a few days at least."

"Michel... how long do you think you can keep going?" Gregoria had reason to be concerned, they were all desperately hungry, and Michel was doing all of the work. Worse, the only source of water was a thousand feet down a curving tunnel. Just getting a drink was a serious trek.

"I'm... I'm kind of reaching the end, to tell the truth. I don't feel so good. I'm thirsty, but I don't think I can face another run down and back up." Michel sagged where he sat. "I... am so tired. And hungry. Fuck am I hungry."

Gregoria's ears went flat briefly, and then recovered. She was slowly getting used to the diamond dog's non-pony swearing. For a brief moment, she felt conflicted again - her human mind still resented the demands of her pony brain. On the other hoof, her pony brain - and powers - were the most valuable thing she currently possessed. "Hey! I just thought of something. I'm an earthpony!"

Michel raised his troll-like head and stared at Gregoria in Damon's silvery light. "Just figured that out, Ms. Smartypants?"

Gregoria made a face. "No, what I mean is, I can grow stuff! Why can't I just grow some food, right here, right now?" She set her hooves wide and stared at the dirt in the dim light. "Grow! Grass! I command you!"

Nothing happened. Michel smirked. "Seeds? You're magic, but you aren't that magic. Also, grass is good enough for you barnyard types, but I'm a dog, remember? We only eat grass when we're sick."

Gregoria stopped her pointless performance and let her ears fall sideways in defeat. "Hadn't thought of that. Fudge."

"Language, pony! Behave your fucking self, okay?" Michel clearly enjoyed seeing the unicorn and the earthpony jerk and cringe. "Alright then, pick a place, close as possible please, where I can go for the surface. We need to get out of here now. I can't do this much longer. It's walkies time." He grinned at that. If he was stuck being some kind of a dog, then he intended to have some fun with it.

"Yeah... I agree. Is there any place we can surface that is hidden, or safe or..." Damon was looking straight at Gregoria along with Michel now.

"I have no idea! I can't tell stuff above the ground. You want to know if there is a big chunk of quartz to our left? I can confirm that. It's huge. Wanna know if the burned-out tree behind and to the right has really deep roots, guess what, it does! But I can't tell you who's looking at what up there!" Gregoria's stomach made a sound like a bear being slowly turned inside out.

The dog and the pony stared with wide eyes.

"What? I'm really, really hungry!" Gregoria stared back.

"Um... O...kay.... then. Up it is!" Michel began digging at a sharp vertical angle, aiming for the surface.

"But... wait! We don't know what's up there!" Damon moved behind Michel, up the ramp of the tunnel, trying to provide light.

"We know what's down here. Shit all." Michel dug faster, forcing Damon to back down again, his muzzle covered in dirt and bits of root fiber.

While the diamond dog burrowed, Gregoria sniffed at the bits of roots. She nibbled at one. "Huh." It wasn't bad. It wasn't good, but... it wasn't bad. "Appetizers!"

"I already have enough of an appetite, thank you." Damon tried to ignore Gregoria's nibbling, but his nose kept insisting that if it wasn't proper food, it was at least digestible. Soon both ponies were scraping through Michel's mine tailings for bits of the crunchy root.

"Sunlight!" Michel's whispered word was followed by the sound of beeps and squawks from a police radio, and the murmurings and chatter of a crowd. In the distance, a news reporter spoke almost certainly to a camera.

"...since the large chemical tank exploded, utterly destroying the small farm. Currently no casualties have been reported, though property as far as..."

Damon leaned close to Gregoria. "Called it. Spin doctors for the win!"

The inside-out bear in Gregoria's stomach growled. "You said it would be a... wait, you did say they'd call it a chemical explosion. Huh." The bear was apparently trying to turn itself right-side out again. "You're pretty good."

Damon smiled. "I knew someone in the news industry. Some things are true. If they don't matter."

"I think we're under a truck. Or something." Michel slowly widened the opening of his tunnel. As Gregoria worked her way up behind the diamond dog, she could see the underside of some large vehicle, daylight from the grass reflecting off the undercarriage.

"Peek. See if we can get out." Gregoria gave Michel a gentle jab with a hoof.

Michel carefully raised his eyes and muzzle over the lip of the tunnel. In all directions, the burned, blackened grass had cars parked on it. The wheels of dozens or more could be seen in every direction. Three cars down were four pairs of feet, moving away. They must have just driven in. Six cars away a vast crowd was gathered, talking and milling around.

"It's like a parking lot up here. Not many people close by. I think we can leave unnoticed. Come on!" Michel dug toward the nearest side of the vehicle he had come up underneath, and crawled out into the blinding day. His eyes stung from the painful brilliance of it.

Gregoria and Damon followed, Damon swearing in pastry when his horn caught on a part of a wheel well. All four lay low on the cinerated stalks.

"Smells like hay bar-b-que." Gregoria nibbled a Cajun-styled stick of Timothy grass and spit out ashes. "Yuk. Definitely overdone."

"Um... I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but... clothing?" Damon studied the crowd of feet in the distance, under several cars, watchful for any that might move in their direction.

Gregoria looked at Damon, then herself, and then Michel. Only Michel was wearing anything, and what he had was pajamas. With little pictures of bunnies on them. Presumably that was the size that fit. Or else Michel was... interesting.

There was no need to cater to human sensibilities in the off hours at Crown's ranch. It had become habit that when the human team went home for the night, or if they were away entirely - as they had been - that everypony could enjoy the comfort of their own coats. When the humans left the farm, Damon, Gregoria, Rachel, and Joanna would race to dump their duds. Clothing was binding and sweaty - with a pony coat, it was like wearing clothes over clothes.

"Chocolate Cheesecake!" Gregoria's tail flicked in annoyance. "Bananna Cream Pie!"

"Language...???" Michel chuckled. What had happened to the equine's brains was hilarious to him.

"Sorry... I..." Gregoria caught herself and grimaced at the diamond dog. "Sweet Muffin of Apple Dumpling Cinnamon Pudding!" It sounded like she meant it, too.

"Come on, ponies. Let's see if we can't sneak our way out of this. Keep an eye open for clothing to steal in the cars." Michel began to move out, on all fours, crawling rather than walking. He was surprisingly adept at quadrupedal locomotion. It kept his head down.

Gregoria felt the pony brain object within her. "Steal? I'm not stealing clothing!"

"Fuckin' ponies." Michel peeked around a van and motioned for the others to follow as he dashed across rows of cars.

The open window of an SUV provided the opportunity for some light burglary. Gregoria found a sun dress thrown in her face. Damon had an oversized tee shirt dumped at his feet. "What?"

"Which would you rather feel bad about - taking some human's spare tee, or being discovered by them while you sat in jail for public nudity?" Michel gave the two ponies a humorless look.

Damon levitated the sun dress to help Gregoria wriggle through it, and then did the same with the tee for himself. "I don't like this."

"I don't either!" Gregoria joined in.

"You don't have to. Fuckin' ponies." Michel peeked inside other cars as they fled. A Dodge truck bed provided a ratty pair of jeans, which Damon accepted with a grumble. He had to hike them high, and still he found himself tripping on the legs.

At the end of the mass of vehicles, Damon called a halt while he used his horn to tie knots in the legs of the old jeans, so he wouldn't keep tripping on the dragging ends. "Now where?"

Michel looked around. One dirt road led past burned forest to the highway. Then it was eight miles to town. In the distance, unburned forest stood across the interstate. "There." He pointed with a claw as he stood up. "First those trees. Then town."

The three bedraggled unhumans made it to the highway and then to the next section of forest without incident. Several cars drove past them as they walked, but they were mostly ignored. The few stares they got were attributed by Gregoria to how dirty they were. They all were caked with soil. That and the bunny pajamas.

"What's in the forest?" Damon shrugged with his ears, looking around at the infestation of trees and bushes.

"Food, dolt." Michel took off his pajamas. "You two play bunny. I've got some hunting to do. Don't wander." With that, Michel was off into the woods as if he knew what he was doing.

"Wait... he's going to go eat... animals?" Gregoria was horrified. "Proper little werewolf, isn't he?"

"I think he used to go hunting when he was a kid or something." Damon began sniffing around for things he could eat.

"But... disease! Parasites! Tics!" Gregoria's stomach demanded food. The tall stems nearby smelled like a buffet.

"Have you been sick once, since turning?" Damon began stuffing his muzzle with forest salad.

"But...mmnff" Gregoria chewed, happily, "Mnn... no. Course not." Clover? She loved clover!

"Crown says we're immune. To everything." Damon took another huge mouthful of stems. "Probably."

"Probably?" Gregoria's ears met her skull. "Probably isn't good enough against trichinosis."

"There's parasites hiding on plants too. You better hope probably is enough." Damon chewed with vigor, his stomach rumbling in delight and need.

Gregoria froze in mid chew of a large mouthful of tender clover. "Pffarathites? Ong Pfantfth?" She stood there wondering if she should spit out the banquet she had been enjoying. In the end, her rumbling supreme mistress, Pony Stomach Queen Of Abdomen, won. 'Probably' was good enough. For now, anyway.

──── ∆ ────

"I honestly do not advise this. I understand how you feel, I know what a loss this is but frankly I think you are overestimating your own abilities. There is no denying that you have powers beyond those of human beings but that does not make you a match for a trained, capable and dedicated military presence. I beg you to accept that there is heroic, and there is hopeless, and I don't believe you can succeed here. You will be captured, or killed. Our friends would not want that. Would you want that to happen to them, if the situation was reversed? Don't do this. Please."

Malus Crown's softly glowing green eyes pleaded with them as much as his strange, eerie voice. Only now had his initial rage at Gregoria and Damon's plan died down to begging. He had started with incredulous shouts, now he was left with mere reason, something that seldom works on the young or the desperate.

Gregoria, Damon and Michel had not made it to the town, and apparently this was a very fortunate thing. Rather than them saving Crown from capture, Crown had rescued them. The town was a trap, with agents and devices everywhere. Malus had been alerted that something had gone terribly wrong from afar. Apparently he monitored everything that transpired on his farm, a fact which - while beneficial and obviously necessary - thoroughly disturbed the three of them when it was revealed.

They had been picked up by Guillaume, driving a school bus. He had switched them to the tight confines of a Volkswagon Beetle inside of a tunnel, leaving the bus behind. Then it had been a three hour drive to one of Crown's safe houses, 'Bolt Hole 23'. Gregoria's mind reeled at the idea that Crown had at least twenty-three safe houses.

They had been fed - properly - and watered and even reassured that their forest snack would leave no permanent damage to their transformed bodies. Damon had been right - the changed were safe, as far as Crown could tell, from the diseases that plagued ordinary terrestrial life. Their transformed biology was different in some fundamental way that left bacteria, molds, viruses, and parasites unable to affect it.

They were, he hastened to add after hearing of their scheme to save Rachel, Chelsea and Randal, still vulnerable to bullets. And nerve agents (probably). And radiation, heat, cold, electricity, sharp spiky pits - and severe, brutal beatings just to begin a list they should really think about.

"Rachel is my best friend, mister Crown." Gregoria hung her pony head. "I wasn't a good person before I changed. I wasn't a good friend to her. I was an total Marzipan Chorley Cake, to put it bluntly. She took me in, helped me, forgave me - she was a pony before she became a pony, mister Crown. I would... I would... " Gregoria swallowed, and took a breath, knowing her next words were literally true. "I would rather die, than turn my back on her now. I will get her back, or I will die trying."

Damon nodded at Gregoria's words with awe. "I didn't get to know Rachel as well as Gregoria here, but I knew Chelsea, and Randal too, a bit anyway. They could be us. They are us, they're Equestrian, part of the same injection. We're all we have, Crown. In the whole world, we're all we have. There isn't a real Equestria, just us misfits. If we don't help each other, then we truly are nothing."

"Miss Samson, Mister Knight, I truly do admire your courage and your loyalty, but..." Crown looked surprised to be interrupted.

"These two are fuckin' insane. But they won't make it ten feet without me." Michel shook his head and stared at the unicorn and especially the earthpony. "I want you to know I hate you for this. Fuck you to hell, ponies, you hear me? None of this 'swirly sugar candy' shit. Fuck. You. To. Hell. With razors. But... you gotta understand... if you do this insane thing, you are killing me, you are dooming me, because I will be rodgered with a wire brush before I let you try this without a dog that can dig." Michal's claws clutched air and released. "You just think twice and then twice again before you commit us to anything, understand?"

Gregoria was too busy trying to not look like she had tears running down her cheeks to flinch at the diamond dog's obscenities. Damon stared at the ground and pawed the tiles of the safe house floor with a hoof as if he were trying to dig a ditch.

"Well, shit." Mr. Malus Crown sagged back and crossed his perforated forelegs.

Of course he could swear human-style, mused a shocked Gregoria. He was patterned after the image of a villain, after all.

──── ∆ ────

"Okay. Let's go over this again." Mr. Crown had done his best to prepare the three for their perilous task. They had moved from the safe house to a property Crown owned near Las Vegas in Pahrump, in the desert beyond the town. Crown had made use of his team to acquire information that was beyond the reach of most people, dangerous information that despite the risks he was taking, might be entirely wrong anyway. He had provided Gregoria, Damon and Michel with equipment and supplies. And of course, transportation.

Gregoria had come to the conclusion that deep down, Malus Crown had always wanted to take the fight back to those that stole away the changed. "A jag, or ridge in the mountain, part of it touches the dry flat of Papoose Lake, or comes close. It has at least nine big rollup hanger doors, angled to match the rise of the mountain. They're textured to look like sand and stuff. The place runs right through the ridge, dug right through it. On the other side from the doors, pretty far away, there might be a chain link fence, and supposedly a dirt road, but don't go that way because that's where they used to shuttle some of their staff before the tunnel was finished."

Malus nodded. "Good, so far, go on."

Gregoria swallowed, trying to get things perfect. "The whole thing is probably at least six hundred feet long, and it's made to not be visible. There is probably an underground rail or highway that runs through a tunnel, that's how they get people there now, so there probably isn't even the road anymore. The facility has at least four levels. One is at ground level, where the hangers are, then there are three below that. The tunnel road is on the second or third level down, and runs all the way to Groom Lake.

"Um... The facility is called 'Doughboy', but it's real name is S4B. It is sometimes called 'Majik Castle', or the 'M-12 Mine'. Everything, everywhere above ground is watched, all the time. The ground is probably monitored too, through ground-penetrating sonar and maybe other stuff. You can't walk on the surface without your every hoofstep being sensed. You can't fly, because they have autoturrets built to look like boulders. There is a nerve agent minefield, or several. There may be additional, buried protection or barriers, so we have to be constantly alert, even when digging." Gregoria tapped a hoof. "Oh! never dig constantly or in the same direction for too long. And never, ever, ever go above ground."

The large, dark Changeling shook its angular head in despair. "You did listen to your own words there, right? I just need to be sure you understand what you just repeated to me."

Damon scowled. "Crown, come on. You're just badgering us now. We get it, really we do. It's the Death Star, manned with wall-to-wall Darth Vader clones. It's Mordor, and we're unarmed hobbits and there is no distraction at the Black Gates to save us. We get it." The unicorn put a foreleg over Gregoria's withers. "We're going anyway."

Crown looked at his ebony, swiss-cheese hooves. "Michel, if you back out, they have to as well. They know they can't do this without you. Do you really intend to facilitate this insanity?"

Michel stared at the sky through the window of the old bus. "When it started, I was in the barn. I heard this music, it was like music, I don't know what the fuck it was, it tinkled. Like bells or something. And then the light started, gold light, it came through the rear door of Chelsea's cottage. Everything it touched, turned into that show. I watched the hay fork on the wall turn from rust to perfect. The wood stopped being old and shitty. The bales turned golden - hell, they even looked tasty to me."


Michel bared his sharp fangs. "It spread, quick like, and I wanted to run into it. I wanted to run into it so bad, so fuckin' bad. Because in there, through there? In there was home, Crown. Home. No bastards, no assholes, no monsters - and don't give me that look. I'd take an army of your kind over an army with guns and heads filled with nationalistic bullshit. At least the Changelings only wanted to live. Let me tell you something - "

Crown fidgeted.

" - That Rachel, she did that. I ran, I ran like a coward. Maybe that was right, at the time. But the only way I'll ever get a second chance at home, is if we get our Celestia back. Do you understand, Crown? You talk 'injectors' and 'John Does' and how we're all refugees from nowhere, but this time, it's different. This time we have one changed, one of us refugees that can actually give us our nowhere. You think about that, Crown. This world so fuckin' great you're happy to sneak around for the rest of your life in it? Or would you rather live in Equestria? She can't change us back, but she could make this world our world. She could give us home."

Gregoria gasped at that. This was the reason Michel was helping?

The meaning hit Gregoria almost like a physical impact. To save Rachel meant potentially ending the reign of Man on earth. If she lost it again - or did it deliberately - there might not be an earth. The entire Earth simulation that was existence might be changed into an Equestria simulator instead. It was one thing to face never being human again, but to choose ponydom for every self-aware person in the entire world? To choose which world would be the real one? Just so a few wouldn't have to be misfits? Would it even be allowed by who or whatever was running the simulation of existence?

"It's happened before. They know that. They won't give up Rachel without a fight." Crown spoke with measured gravity.

"What do you mean, happened before?" Damon's tail swished nervously, his ears were back.

"The human world. Naked ape world. Brutal, unforgiving Earth. It replaced the last one." Crown sighed. "Sometime probably around eighteen-sixty, the world changed into the one we see out there." An ebony Changling hoof pointed at the desert. "The British took Beijing in ironclad ships to win the opium wars, and in the process cracked the belief that held the old world together. A Victorian materialist, a profit-mad rationalist, bone-sure that the universe was a big ticking clock was the John Doe Injector. It was a nearly complete reset. The old world faded away, and we ended up with our Blind Watchmaker universe of humans, unforgiving physics, and permanent death. A world for profiteers and merchants. A world for scientists and rationalists. A human world."

"What... what was there before?" Gregoria was stunned. Why hadn't he told them this before? Then again, she'd never even considered the possibility of such a thing until Rachel went Akira... there was no way to even know to ask Crown about such cosmic matters. How much more was the Changling keeping to himself?

Malus Crown looked sad. "You've known your whole life. Fairy tales, Gregoria. Lung Dragons and Ki-rin and pixies and fairy bands riding in finery between the worlds. Thomas The Rhymer and The Great Spirit and Coyote and The Great Buffalo. Kachinas and Devas and spirits and reincarnation. What we think of as the different races of Mankind were anthropomorphic animal people. Not humans. The change rippled forward and backward in time from some nameless Victorian soldier, and changed the entire simulation."

Damon's mouth dropped open. Michel grinned. Gregoria shook her mane to clear her spinning head.

Crown brightened. "Before that, I can't be certain, but I think everything was like dinosaurs, or birds, only intelligent, and very, very alien. At least we can kind of understand the fairy tale version of the world. I suspect that started about twenty-thousand years ago, in a big war that nearly killed their world, and led to the fairy tale one. Then the Victorian change, that made the reality we know today. And Rachel... maybe Rachel is the next complete re-write of the simulation. Maybe. Maybe."

"It can't be accidental." Damon shook his head. "The bug, the thing that lets injectors happen at all. It's not a bug, Crown. It can't be a bug. This universe, our simulation... its been deliberately built to allow it to change. That's got to be it!" Damon's eyes grew wide. "We're in an evolving program - a simulation that is... trying to make something. Generations come and go, and occasionally the universe changes and the game changes and... maybe the point is to finally make a decent game!"

Crown shook his head. "Who knows? I don't. I really don't!" Gregoria had stared at Crown, doubting him. "Seriously, I don't know any more than what I have just told you, and most of that is speculative at best. Why do you think I never mentioned it? It's beyond the pale, it's not something I can prove. I feel reasonably sure this is the true story of history, but - so what? It's just crazy talk until..."

"Until Rachel happened." Gregoria double checked the pack on her back. Canteens, food concentrate, assorted tools - nothing had fallen out. Everything was still properly packed. "Enough metaphysical Punschkrapfen. You know what?"

Crown looked puzzled.

"I don't care anymore if Rachel changes the world into Equestria or leaves it be. Only one thing matters, only one thing ever mattered, even though I was too human once to see it." Gregoria stepped out of the air-conditioned car and set her hooves on alkali and sand. "Friendship." Gregoria stared at the forbidding scrub-brush and rock ahead. "Friendship... is magic."

Next Chapter: 17. A Gift From Within Estimated time remaining: 57 Minutes
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