
Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Chapter 4: Unexpected turn of events

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Chapter 4

I slowly opened my eyes, still full of sleep. As everything in the room came into focus, I noticed that everything was upside down. Why is everything.... Oh wait, I'm the one who's upside down. During the night I must have moved away from twilight and moved to the edge of the bed, where my top half hung down.

Now, how do I get down without hurting myself? I started to try and pull myself back onto the bed, but failed. I fell out of bed and hit the floor with a loud thud.

I sat up and put my hoofs on my head. Why do I keep hitting my head? If this keeps up, I'm going to end up like Derpy.

I pulled my hoofs from my throbbing head and looked towards the window. It looked to be about damn, the sun barely showing.

I stood up and glanced at the bed. I could see that Twilight was still asleep.

I turned to the mirror and looked at my weird pony body. Why do I have this body? Why couldn't I have the body of a normal pony? At least that way I wouldn't stick out as much.

Well, live with what you got.

Now, what am I going to do today? I could go to Cloudsdale, check out the Wonderbolts. Or I could go to Canterlot, I always wanted to see that maze from the first episode of season two.

Cloudsdale or Canterlot? I'll just check out Cloudsdale's first, then Canterlot tomorrow.

That's one problem solved, but now I have another. How do I put my clothes on? It was hard enough taking them off.

After about fifteen minutes of working at pulling them on, I finally had all the clothes and boots on. I left the goggles dangling around my neck.

I walked down stairs and looked around. Where is the kitchen in this place? I don't think they every showed it on the cartoon.

There was multiple doors that could lead anywhere. Well, this isn't a big building, I'll find it soon.

I went to the first door and opened it. Oh, what a surprise, more books. I closed that door and moved to the next one. More books. Weird, how many books does she own? The next three doors was the same thing, books.

Finally, the second to last door was the kitchen. I walked in and examined the room. It looked like a normal kitchen, just smaller and more colorful.

I walked over to the cabinet and opened it. The contents included, hay, flowers, bread, jams, and sugar. I don't know about the hay and flowers, but the rest seems like it will be good.

I pulled out the bread and some jam. I put them on a counter and looked back at the hay and flowers. I wonder. I picked them up and put them with the bread and jams.

Then, I put some of the hay and flowers on a piece of bread and spread some jam on the other piece. I picked up the sandwich and took a bite out of it.

I dropped the sandwich back on the counter. That sandwich tasted... AWESOME! I thought it would taste horrible, but my taste buds must be made for hay and flowers, because they tasted like fruit to me.

I finished the sandwich and rubbed my stomach with my front left hoof. I need another one, but the book on flying said to not eat a lot before flying long distances. The book said that Cloudsdale was around a thirty minute flight from Ponyville.

The door behind me opened and closed. I turned around to see Twilight, with a messed up Mane, standing there looking tired.

"Oh, hey Giro. Did you sleep good?" She asked while rubbing her eyes.

I smiled, "Yeah, fell out of bed and hurt my head. But yeah, I slept good."

She looked at me worried, "You fell out of bed. Are you okay?"

I walked towards her, getting ready to leave. "Yeah, but I have a hard head." I knocked on my head with my hoof, "I can take a few bangs to the head."

"That's what Derpy Hooves said before she became... the way she is now." She said looking concerned.

What's she mean by that? Did Derpy get hit on the head to become the way she is? "What do you mean?"

"Everypony tells me that she crashed into a tree while making a delivery. Before that, she had been hit on the head by a chariot. Eventually, her brain kinda... messed up."

Okay, I don't want to know more about this. "I see. Well don't worry. I'll be careful."

She looked at me and smiled, "You better."

Come on hurry up Lance, lets get on the move. "Well Twilight, I was about to head out to Cloudsdale. So I'm just going to head out."

She looked a little disappointed, "Oh, well have fun Giro. Its a nice place, I went there once to watch Rainbow Dash perform in a contest."

"That's cool." Wait, which way is Cloudsdale. It never said it in the cartoon. "Umm, Twilight, which way is Cloudsdale?"

She gave me a funny look, "Its to the west. I thought you would know that?"

Damn, be careful Lance. You don't want to look to out of place, well more out of place than you already are. "Yeah, just needed a memory refresher."

"When will you be back?"

"A few hours, maybe. Why?"

She turned her head. But before she could, I saw her face turn bright red, "Just wanting to know when to make cupcakes."

She's making it to obvious that she likes me. Why didn't I catch this sooner? "Cupcakes sound nice." Wait, cupcakes. I don't know if I want to eat them after reading that one fan fiction. Well, as long as Pinkie Pie doesn't make them, I'm okay.

Twilight walked over to the counter and started pulling out ingredients.

"What are you making Twilight?" I asked, starting to move to the door.

"Just breakfast, I can make you some if you want."

"No, its okay. I already made myself some."

With that I left the room as fast as I could, excited to get in the air. I walked out of the building and looked around, barely any ponies was out at this hour.

I flapped my wings and jumped into the air and flew up above the library. Cloudsdale is to the west, easy enough. Only problem is I don't know which way is west, and I don't feel like going back inside the house to ask Twilight.

Well damn, I'm to stupid to even ask which way is west. Now what? I don't feel like flying to Canterlot, I would rather Twilight be with me for that trip.

I looked up at the clouds, which hadn't been cleared by the Pegasus's yet. I flew up to one and landed on it. Let's see why Rainbow Dash is always laying on those. I fell backwards onto the cloud. I sunk in a little, but the cloud was so comfortable. I relaxed and closed my eye's.

Two hours later.

I sat up fast, and looked around. The sun was farther up in the sky than it was awhile ago. Did I fall asleep? How long has it been?

I looked over the cloud down towards the library. Wait, I need to get back. I said I would only be gone a few hours, and it could have been three or four already. I rolled off the cloud and glided to the ground in front of the door.

The door had a note one it, it read:

Sorry but I have to go to Sugar Cube corner for a while. If i'm not back, feel free to read some of the books.'

Looks like Twilight is out for a while, might as well stay here. And like always, I'm starving.

I walked into the house and headed towards the book shelf. I looked around till I saw a book titled, 'Far away lands.' Looks interesting, I'll read this while I eat. I pulled the book off the self and laid it on the table in front of the couch.

Then I walked into the kitchen and noticed something that wasn't there when I left. On the counter was a single cupcake, with a note under it.

I looked at the note, it read:

'A present, from me to you, from your friend R.D.'

Is this for me? Why does Rainbow Dash want me so bad? Why am I asking myself questions?

I looked at the cupcake, covered in blue frosting and sprinkles. I had to admit, it looked pretty damn good.

Well, can't let good food go to waste. I picked it up and ate it in two bites, tasty. It has a small plain bitter taste to it with a hint of sour.

Wow, I'm starting to feel light headed. I stumbled into the main room to see Twilight walking in.

"Hey there Giro, what are..." She looked at me and started to look worried, "Giro, are you okay? You look pale, and your eye's are starting to lose their color."

Oh great am I sick already. I feel like a truck ran me over and backed up over me for good measure. "I don't...." I said before collapsing onto the floor.

"Giro!" She screamed before running to my side.

The door across the room opened and in walked Rainbow Dash, a smug smile on her face. "So Twilight, how does it feel to not have your magic." She walked in a few more feet then spotted me, laying on the floor. "Oh no. Giro, did you eat the cupcake?"

I looked up, my vision spinning, I could barely see her, "Yes...." I said before my vision blackened and it became hard to breath.

"No, that was meant for Twilight!" I heard Rainbow Dash yell.

"What do you mean Rainbow? Please tell me you didn't put that 'Ant-magic potion' in a cupcake. Do you know what that does to non-unicorns?" I heard Twilight scream, sounding close to tears.

"No." Was all Rainbow Dash had to say.

"It can kill a non-unicorn! We have to get him to Canterlot, NOW!"

There was silence, but then I felt myself being lifted up onto someponies back. I started to lose feeling in my lower half of my body, and all my senses was slowly fading.

"Please Giro, please don't die."

My world went blank.

Next Chapter: Death and love Estimated time remaining: 64 Hours, 52 Minutes
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Living The Dream

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