
Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter and those things da 'umies ride

by Cobra of England

Chapter 1: Escape from Kaurava

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Escape from Kaurava

"Come on, ya git! We'z need to get to da mekz new kroozer if we'z going to get off da planet!" Gorgutz whacked 'Ucky in the back of the head as they ran (or in Gorgutz's case, smashed) their way through the dense jungles of Kaurava II.

Those pathetic humies had just trashed Gorgutz's main base in the Kaurava system, with the warp storm gone and the humie space blockade around Kaurava II, any regular ork ship would be blasted into scrap metal- hence Gorgutz and 'Ucky, the only Ork to survive all three of Lorn V, Kronous and Kaurava, were now running through the jungles trying to escape the chasing Guardsmen.

'Ucky turned and fired a burst from his slugga into the dense undergrowth behind them. "Iz this da right way, Boss?"

"I say itz da right way, so itz da right way ya git! Itz my kustom kroozer, Iz it not?"

"Itz your kustom kroozer, Boss."

"Good. Keep runin' ya grot! We'z almost there!"

The two orks burst out of the undergrowth to find Gorgutz's 'kustom kroozer' sitting in the middle of a large forest clearing.

The 'kroozer' was based on a Tau Manta dropship but, as with anything captured by the orks, was thoroughly 'orkified'.

In this case, that would normally mean painting the entire ship red in the Ork tradition that 'Red onez go fastah' but since the ship was already painted red, they skipped that stage out. The Meks would also normally bolt on more weaponry than Gorgutz could shake his pointy stikk at, but they settled for bolting a Earthshaker cannon stolen from a Baslisk under the Grots cockpit.

The Meks only other alteration other than the glyph panels that covered every ork vehicle was a massive 'Kustom Warp Drive' fitted in the tank bay which resulted in a mass of jets cobbled together from battle cannon barrels, promethium pipes, and generally anything circular and metal the Meks could fit in and connect to the massive warp drive behind it.

The ramp to the craft was already extended so Gorgutz raced up the ramp into the Manta's upper deck, 'Ucky trailing behind.

"Oi, Boss, you want us to fly outta here or wot?" One of the grot 'pilots' shouted from the six-grot cockpit.

"Step on it ya git! Get uz outta 'ere!" Gorgutz yelled back as he sat his cybernetic rig into the command throne.

The grot pilot began to unsteadily pilot the ungainly Manta from the clearing as the ramp folded back into the Manta's hull as a few Stormboyz rocketed in through the closing hatch.

"Sweet ride Boss!" One shouted to Gorgutz over the din of the engines. "Mind if we fit ourselves out wit dem Tau dakkas?"

"Get da Tau dakkas and stick em together. Two barrels of dakka is better than one, and fit da dakkaifiers as well. Ma boyz ain't gonna be runin' 'round with plinky Tau weapons that make no propa dakka sound!"

"Alrought Boss. We'z alzo stole some of dem Tau flying spy suits. Mind if me an da boyz improve da armour and da rockets?"

"No. Pass me some of dem Tau dakkas."

The Stormboy threw a pulse rifle across the room which Gorgutz caught in his power klaw. "Hmmmm...." He smashed the pulse rifle into the middle of the power klaw and through sheer orky know-how made a pulse klaw. He twitched the klaw and a stream of pulse rifle fire shot into the wall.

He grinned at his new weapon. "Grotz! Get dem Tau shoulder padz and use em like shieldz. Get some o dem Tau shootaz as well. Stormboyz..."

Gorgutz turned to find the Stormboyz had already cobbled together a suit of orkified Tau armour, complete with mangled helmet, red paint job and proper orkified Tau pulse rifle. "Since we'z not got enough orks for a good an propa waaagh, we'z goin to go to da a-lo starz where dere'z good fightin so we'z can get more orks for a propa waaagh! Grots, get us off dis here planet!"

"Alrought Boss!" The rear doors closed fully as the Manta broke through the outer atmosphere and into the blackness of space.

The grot grinned as he pressed the large red button that would cause the 'kustom' warp drive to jump the ship into the warp.

Grots, however, are not the most reliable of pilots in the galaxy, and therefore he simply hit the switch without bothering to check where he would send the ship.

The ship made the translation to warp space smoothly, being a Tau ship, but from there everything went crazy.

The ship, rather than skimming the warp like a Tau ship or plowing straight through the middle like a Ork ship, instead ended up plying a zig-zag pattern through the warp, going from the shallows into the middle before returning back to the shallows.

The Grots lost concretion, and let the ship drift aimlessly.

That was when the ships emergency systems kicked in. The Tau had, annoyingly, decided that ships had a set length of time they should remain in the Warp for, and after this, the inbuilt systems would forcibly remove the ship from the warp.

Gorgutz was wrenched from sleep by the sound of the Manta entering atmosphere. "Grotz! Pilot this here metal slab down somewhere we'z not all gonna die at!"

The Grot pilot, and every other ork on board, was woken by Gorgutz's angry bellow as the grots scrambled to not crash Gorgutz's ship and the ensuring deaths that would ensue.

The Grots, in their panic, decided in true orky fashion, to hit every button that was not on the weapons panel.

The warp drive cut out, slowing the ship down.

The air brakes raised, slowing the ship down further.

The ships computer took over the controls and prepared to land the ship.

And the rear doors opened, the winds that formed in the upper deck snapping Gorgutz's pointy stikk clean off.

"No!!! My pointy stikk! My collection of headz!" Gorgutz yelled into the wind. "Put the kroozer down, I'm goin after ma pointy stikk!"

The 'pointy stikk' plummeted away from the Manta, blown by the winds over the Everfree forest. It came to rest, impaling itself into a gap in a slab of stone in a long-ruined castle.

Twilight and the others stared at the 'pointy stikk' wondering what trick Nightmare was trying to play this time.

Unbeknownst to them, Nightmare Moon stared down from her own perch at the 'pointy stikk'.

Shrugging it off, she began to teleport the Elements of Harmony away in a cloud of night as Twilight leaped for them as she saw them vanish.

Next Chapter: Da pointy stikk Estimated time remaining: 33 Minutes
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