
A Brand New Life!

by DarkShad0wX13

Chapter 10: What's a Changelings? And who is Chrysalis?

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What's a Changelings? And who is Chrysalis?

As we walked down the dirt path with Twilight and Fluttershy at my sides, I was in a perfect mood. I have two cute and beautiful mares with me on our way for some fun. I chuckled at the thought and continued to walk, I felt the warmth of both Twilight and Fluttershy as they both leaned on my shoulder.

We eventully reached Fluttershy's  home and entered the household, as I walked in I saw that Fluttershy stayed by the door for a second, Twilight kept pulling me into the next room until she pushed me onto a couch, as the silence rolled on I heard a loud lock sound come from the front door. I looked behind Twilight to see Fluttershy entering the room with a sly smile.

Before I could see anything else, Twilight pulled me by my chin to meet her eyes, she had a smirk on her face. I knew what it was leading to. I pushed forward making the first move and locking lips with her, she let out a soft moan from the soft yet firm kiss I planted on her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed her tounge into my mouth, I wrapped my arms around her waist to deepen the kiss and began to tounge wrestle with her. She tightened the grip she had as she kissed me, making sure to check every corner of my mouth, though I didn't want her to have all the fun. So I again began to tongue wrestle for dominance, she eventully let me gain access to her mouth and let me explore her mouth.

As I continued to kiss her I heard a small wimper from a yellow mare I knew, I pulled away from the kiss to see a trail of saliva connecting for her lips to mine.As I looked into Twilight's eyes, they weren't there usal color of purple, but they were green. I blinked a few times and saw they were back to their normal color

I looked over to Fluttershy who was bitting on her finger to subdue her wimpers, to her it was no anvil. I stood up from the couch and walked over to her and placed a hand on her chin to briing her cute little face up. She seemed to be panting a bit and her wings were expandedto their length, I looked back into her eyes and moved forward. She seemed to stay there for a few seconds until she too leaned into the kiss.

I brought my hand to her wings and began to slowly massage them. She let out a soft gasp as I touched her wings, it was cute the way she reacted to my touch. The more I moved my hands along her wings, the more she pushed deeper into the kiss.

I pulled back from it and instead of the cute eyes of Fluttershy's they were green, I blinked a few more times and saw them change back. I ignored it and just looked back over at Twilight to have a actual blush get on my face.

Twilight had undone her button up shirt so there was a large amout of cleavge showing. I blushed more from the sight and looked back into her eyes. a seductive look was in her eyes, they were demanding.

"T-Twilight aren't we taking this a bit fast?" I asked letting go of Fluttershy, she let out another soft wimper as I let go of her.

"What ever do you mean?" Twilight asked who still had a seductive look in her eyes. She stood up and walked over to me swaying her hips from side to side. She got close to me and pushed me into a kiss, Twilight grabbed my hand and brought it to her breasts. I pulled back for her taking it to far, she looked at me with hungary eyes that kept turning green and glow brighter.

"Come on Shadow, we both know you need this." Fluttershy said as she hugged me from behind and started kissing the my neck. I let out a soft groan and tried to pull from Fluttershy's grip, she kept a tightening her grip the more I stuggled. Twilight got closer to me and placed her hands on my cheek.

"Stop!" I said trying to get free from Fluttershy's hold on me. Suddenly Fluttershy let go, and stepped back from me. Twilight also stepped back a bit from my shout, her eyes then started to glow green again, She let out a sign and seemed to be annoyed.

"This is taking to long. Your so stubborn." Twilight said in a different tone of voice. I stared back at her in shock by her words.

"He is stubborn." I heard another voice say, I turned around to see Fluttershy with an anoyed look and green glowing eyes.

"W-whats going on?" I asked looking back at the both of them, Twilight let out a stange evil chuckle. A green flame wrapped around her and she changed. Instead of the Twilight I knew and saw was now somesort a strange thing with a stange holes at the ends of her arms and legs. She had wings but they appeared to be like an insects wings, she also had a horn that looked like it too had holes in it.

I stepped back a bit from the pure shock I was going through and bumped into someone. I looked back to see something that was similar to the other only smaller. The so called Twilight let out another evil chuckle and pulled me by my shirt and threw me on the couch.

"Heres a little thing you need to know Shadow," She said getting into my face. "I'm am Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings!" She said with a boastful praise.

"What!?" I said in shock sinking back in the couch. The other one let a little chuckle out and stood next to Chrysalis.

"You see, this is a Changeling." She said pointing to the creature. "They, including me, are able to take the shape and form of anypony we wish."

"What did you do with Twilight and Fluttershy!" I shouted standing up from the couch. The other Changeling lunged at me and placed a knife to my throat, I froze in my place but held my anger in.

"Don't worry, there both alright." She said walking closer to me.

"What do you want from me!?" I said with a large amout of anger in my voice.

"We Changelings, feed on the love of ponies. Such as you." She said caressing my cheek.

"Though you happened to ruin our plans and get stubborn with things." She said with venom in her voice. The Changeling that had held a knife to my throat had stepped back but had the knife if I slipped up.

"Just tell me where they are!" I said trying not to kill them both for what they are doing. Chrysalis seemed to get a smirk and looked back at the Changeling and nodded. I looked at the Changeling and it charged at me and punching me in the face.

I fell to the ground and my vision seemed to get blurred, I saw Chrysalis walk over to me and crouch down in front of me.

"You want to see your friends? I'll take you to them!" She said as she raised her hand and stuck me in the face causing me to black out.


I opened my eyes slowly to see I was being dragged, I closed my eyes again and groaned in pain. I tiled my head to the left and opened my eyes again, I saw that I was being dragged through the Everfree Forest. I closed my eyes again and breathed in slowly.

"So why does Chrysalis need this guy again?" I heard a voice say, I lifted my head a bit to see two Changelings dragging me.

"Don't know, something about a dark energy inside of him." The other said seeming annoyed by the job they have been assigned.

I let a groan out and tried to move, but fell back down and closed my eyes.

"Look, he came to." One of them said as they both stopped moving me. I opened my eyes to see them both standing over me.

"Hey, just what exactly do you know?" One of them said as he kicked me in the side. I coughed a bit from the hit and blinked a few times.

"Come on, he's too beaten up to talk. Let's just get him to the cell." The other said as he kicked me in the face which caused me to black out again.

Next Chapter: Awakening Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes

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A Brand New Life!

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