Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young Empire by the name of Crytsallus. Legend tells of a horrible beast that threatened the residents. It also tells of the pony that risked it all to protect them.
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young Empire by the name of Crytsallus. Legend tells of a horrible beast that threatened the residents. It also tells of the pony that risked it all to protect them. Controlling the very fabric of existence, this pony stood up against a demon many times its size and banished the darkness. This crystal pony's valiant act ushered in an era of tranquility. The villagers' hearts swelled with respect and adoration of the pony.

It has been a hundred years, and the shadow has returned.



-This story throws away basically all of the pony you know, timeline-wise. This also features many untagged characters for very short periods of time.

-The title is 'winged unicorn', or 'alicorn', in phonetic Japanese.


** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **


5,540 words: Estimated 23 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. A Colorful History [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Mar 3rd, 2013
  2. Crystallus [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Mar 2nd, 2013
Published Mar 2nd, 2013


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