Scootafic told in the style of the Bastion Narrator.
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"Gather round, I got a bit of a story to tell. It don't got much to do with princesses, dragons and the like- not even much of a happily ever after. But things worked themselves out all the same."

"This is the tale of a little filly, no older than the ones you see scurrying about town- futures as bright as their smiles."

"The Kid ain't have it so lucky."

"Her classmates, even some of her friends would poke fun at her. Some even called her a chicken.

Children can be cruel like that.

One day, Kid got some news, started believing all that hogwash. Broke her little heart something fierce. But between you and me, Kid had more guts than any chicken I seen."

"I should know, because I was there..."

(Narrated in the voice of Ruck from Bastion.)

Slice of Life

4,980 words: Estimated 20 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. The Kid [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Feb 21st, 2013
Published Feb 20th, 2013


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