
My Mortal Big Brother

by Dash Attack

Chapter 5: The Changeling with the Wasp Tattoo

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The two stallions found themselves to the base of the mountain, where they stood in a vast green meadow, with a flowing river in the distance.

Shadow turned to Shining and smiled. “So, Captain,” he asked, “Where to?”

“Well... I don’t know where any of the gems are, but I do have a few books that might be able to help us find them. Do you know where the nearest town or city is?”

“That would be my home town, Hollow Shades. I’m afraid that’s on the other side of the mountain. While it would only take me less than an hour to fly there, it would take you a day’s travel without the proper climbing equipment, and even then you’d be putting yourself in danger.”

Shining grimaced at the thought of falling down Canterlot Mountain. “Is there anyplace else we can go to?”

“Well, there’s Dodge City to the south and Fillydelphia to the east. Both will take us about the same amount of time to travel to. I, personally, would pick Dodge City. I hear they grow some of the best cherries in all of Equestria there.”

Shining Armor grinned. “Well, I’m not much of a cherry pony, but I think we should give Dodge City a try. I’ll use my magic to make a raft and cross the river. Feel free to fly ahead to the other side. Once I make it across, we’ll gallop until sunset and set up camp.

Shadow nodded in agreement. “Excellent plan, Captain.”

Shining nudged Shadow with the side of his front leg.

“Hey, you don’t have to keep calling me Captain or prince for that matter. Let’s save the titles for when we’re on duty, ok? For now, let’s just call each other by first names. We’ll become better acquainted with each other that way.”

Shadow nodded. “As you wish Cap...I mean, Shining Armor.” He grinned. “Whoo, this is going to take a while. I hope you don’t mind if I slip up from time to time?”

Shining returned the grin. “Not at all,” he said, as his horn began to glow. As he collected materials for the raft, Shadow flapped his wings and took to the sky.

That stallion is a born leader, thought Shadow. That much is certain. If anypony deserves to be an alicorn, it’s him.


After his long motivational speech to the guards, Blueblood retired to his chambers to communicate with “the voice.”

He smiled blissfully as he trotted down the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Just imagine it. Whoever is behind that voice is going to make me immortal. Once Shining’s dead I will finally have eternal life. I am so, so hap...

“Blueblood! How dare you give orders to my guard without consulting me!”

Blueblood turned around in fear at the sound of his Aunt Celestia’s Royal Canterlot Voice. Sure enough, she was trotting right towards him with glaring eyes and a stern frown.

Well Shit!

He looked up at his aunt, doing his best to suppress the fear rising in him.

“I’m so sorry Aunt Celi!” Blueblood said reassuringly with the best poker face he could muster. “When I found out about what Shining did to my sister, I knew I had to do something”

Celestia leaned her head forward and glared at Blueblood. His eyes opened wide as his lips crunched together, Sweat began to pour down his face.

“And who exactly told you this?” scolded Celestia. “And since when do you care about anypony else other than yourself? Ever since you were adopted into my family, you have exploited your social status. You have contributed nothing to equine society and have demonstrated nothing but selfishness.”

As she scolded him, he silently thanked the voice for telling him what to say in case he was confronted.

“I’m sorry Aunty,” he said sadly. “I overheard some of the guards talking about the ponies who say they saw him at the train station yesterday. Afterward, I looked into the matter myself and found out about his assault on the guards. I can’t prove it, but I trust my sources wholeheartedly.”

He lifted his head and looked Celestia confidently in the eye. “As for your other question, Aunty, you’re absolutely right. I couldn't care less about other ponies. That is, except for you, Luna, and my dear sister Cadance. I find she is the one pony I love almost as much as myself. Maybe even more so, but this is me you're talking about. Please, Auntie, if Shining has hurt her in any way, then it’s my job to make it right. If I wasn’t such a germaphobe, I’d be out there right now, hunting him down.”

Wow, I probably sound really convincing just now. My acting teacher always says the best lies are the ones with a portion of the truth.

Celestia lifted her head and sighed. “It’s true, there were reports that he was in Canterlot yesterday, but I have heard nothing about him assaulting guardsmen. I’d get your facts checked next time. Also, I know you care about Cadence. From what I hear, you used to be quite the overprotective big brother. Is it true you actually tried to get into her prom just so you could spy on her and Shining?”

Blueblood blushed. “Yeah, that actually happened.I might be selfish, but you know I’m not a bad pony deep down.”

A warm smile Bloomed on to Celestia’s face. “Alright nephew, I’ll allow you to lead the search, but under one condition. As soon as Shining is apprehended, you are to report to me immediately so that I may question him. I fear that a great evil may be plotting our destruction. There have been high fluctuations of dark magic in the north, and last night I thought I felt something in the castle itself. I have a theory as to who or what might be behind this, but I’m going to need Shining Armor in order to be sure. Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear.”

Blueblood bowed and trotted down the hall. As he cantered, he summoned his personal handkerchief with his magic and wiped the sweat from his face.

That was too close for my liking. Hmm... Now that my hangover is gone, I should I really find out what I’ve gotten myself into. If the voice is using dark magic, then it could be a demon or some other dark entity... No! Now is not the time to grow a conscience. Cadence and I are the only ponies that matter in this world while everypony else is second-rate. Regardless, I should at least make sure I’m not being played with.

For one thing, how does he know Shining Armor is going to Dodge City? A pony of his stature wouldn’t dare to set a hoof there unless they wanted to be the laughing stock of Canterlot.

“Let’s just say I can hear and see everything from the shadows.”

Blueblood let out a feminine shriek and made a break for his room. As he galloped, servants and guards stared at him with bewilderment.

"You're in my head now? How long have you been in my head? How did you know where Shining is?”

The raspy voice of a stallion chuckled loudly in his head.

"One question at a time, fool. Let me start with the second one because that’s the easiest to explain. Right now, a fraction of my horn is in the arctic, from where I can channel my magic into all the shadows in the world. While my powers grow weaker the further my magic travels, I can eavesdrop and communicate easily. In short, I know where Shining is traveling because I heard it straight from his mouth."

“Secondly, I’m not really in your head. I can only spread my influence so far, but it’s easier when there are shadows. After your passed out, I carved an arcane symbol into your skull, an easy feat for a being who is nothing more than dark energy at this point. Your mind is now linked to my consciousness, which I expect you to retrieve personally at some point. After all, you are now my servant.”

By the time the voice was finished, Blueblood had reached the doors to his room. As he opened the doors and stepped inside, he continued his conversation from the safety of his head.

“I’m noponies servant demon.”

“How about partners?”

"That’s better, but that would imply that me and you are equals. I suppos it will have to do though. Just remember that this is merely a business relationship. Nothing more, nothing less."

Blueblood trotted into his room and cast a silencing spell. All this talking in his head was driving him crazy.

“If you don’t mind,” whined Blueblood. “I would rather we speak in here through your ‘shadows’ like you did this morning. All these voices in my head are going to go crazy.”

“As you wish.” replied the voice, now speaking to him from within the shadowns.

“Oh thank the Creator,” replied the prince with a look of relief. “I thought I was going to get a migraine. So what’s our next move... partner?”

“For now, all we can do is hope for one of two things. Either Shining Armor gets captured by your guards, or he fails his next trial. Should it be the latter, then your next mission would be to escort his soulless thrall to my location so that I may inhabit his vessel.”

“But I thought you wanted him dead.”

The voice let out an eerie chuckle.

“My original plan was for him to fail the trial so I could claim his body as my own. That's why I invaded his dreams and got him to search for the scepter. However, it seems that I misjudged him, for he has already proven himself worthy in the eyes of the spirit Truth. Whether he dies or loses his soul doesn’t matter, so long as he is unsuccessful in the end. While I’m still hoping for my plan A to be successful, plan B has already been set in motion.”

The sound of the voice’s insane laughter echoed through the chamber as rain conveniently fell down onto Canterlot. Thunder echoed outside, adding to the chilling aroma of his laughs. To shake off his discomfort, Blueblood began to nervously chuckle along with the shadows.

I really hope plan B isn’t what I think it is. If so, you’ve really done it this time Blueblood, old boy.


After making it across the river, Shining and Shadow galloped until the sun went replied the voice, now speaking to him from within the shadows to make it as far as the of Rambling Rock Ridge.

Shadow set down the camping supplies so Shining could set everything up with his magic. After simultaneously pitching both tents, Shining used his flame magic to help start a fire.

“Alright, I’m going to get about two hours worth of reading done, and then lets get some rest. We are each going to take turns guarding the campsite against bandits and monsters. This way, we can both be rested for tomorrow.

“I’m not really used to sleeping during the night, being a nocturnal creature and all, but I guess this is something I’m going to have to get used to.”

While Shadow retired to his tent, Shining levitated his copy of The Curse of the Harmony Gems.

I still feel really lousy for taking these things. I have a funny feeling this going to bite me in the flank later on. Oh well...What's done is done. No use crying over spilled milk, it’s study time.

Shining opened the book and immediately became engrossed in it. By looking at the table of contents, he knew this book would play a vital role in his journey. He began to read the sections out loud in his head.

What we know about the spirits.

Those who have failed.

Accounts from the soulless.

He stopped reading after scanning the title of a particularly intriguing chapter title.

”Gifts for completing each trial.” Page 300. Huh. That should be interesting. Maybe it will explain what Truth meant about me being able to ‘See through deception?’

He flipped the pages until he came to page 300. He read silently to himself, making sure to study every little detail.

Legend says that for those that can successfully complete a trial, a part of the spirit will forever live within the champion until he or she breaks an attribute of harmony. This in-turn would give them a connection to a bearer of the element's, for they too are one with the spirits. See page 150 regarding the elements and the Bearers of harmony.

Shining skimmed a bit untill he found the passage he was looking for.

In addition to becoming an honorary bearer, the champion will obtain gifts for each trial he or she completes. Since nopony that we know of has completed a trial, it is unknown whether or not this is accurate. Legends says the gift can be either an ability or an object.

One ancient text goes into detail about three of the possible gifts for Kindness, Honesty, and Generosity. It reads as follows.

‘Thou who proves thyself of Kindness shall be able to soothe the hearts of the feril. Thou who proves thyself of Honesty shall sense the lies of others whether they be through words or through treacherous disguise. Thou who proves thyself of Generosity shall receive half of what thou desires.’

The rest of the text has been destroyed, and many scholars question it’s validity.

“It’s accurate though.” he blurted out loud.

He shook his head in surprise and accidentally threw the book to the side.

What the hell was that? Can I now tell what’s true and what isn’t? Man, that will get annoying fast depending on how it works. I’ll have to test this out later. In the meantime, I should probably get some res... Hang on! What’s that?

In the distance he spotted a caravan of some sort. It looked like a traveling caravan a being pulled by two strong earth ponies. In the front of the carriage sat a grey unicorn stallion with a long black mane.

Shining brushed open his partners tent with his horn and called to him.

“Wake up Shadow!" he yelled abruptly. "We have company.”

Shadow Wing jolted up from his sleep and swiftly hovered out of the tent. His low light vision allowed him to spot the on-coming caravan with ease. Once he saw it, he quickly grabbed his spear and lifted himself off the ground.

As the caravan approached the camp, Shadow flew up to the driver and halted him with his hoof. The carriage came to an abrupt halt.

“What... is there a problem officer?” replied the unicorn cheerfully. “Because I can assure you I’m quite sober.”

As Shining’s eyes darted from each of the three travelers, he began to feel a familiar vibe.

This feels just like I felt this morning when I saw Night Fang. Only this time it’s not just from one pony. What does this mean?

Shining watched as Shadow fluttered backwards and floated by his side. The bat pony’s eyes scanned each of the ponies in front of him

“What business do you have here?” replied Shadow sternly. “You do realize you and your companions are traveling off road?

“Yeah, we are a risky bunch,” replied one of the earth ponies pulling the cart. “We like traveling on a set path. We’re just delivering some goods to Ponyville.”

That is a lie!

A strange ticklish sensation coursed through Shining’s body for a few seconds before vanishing.

“You do realize that ridge leads to the Everfree Forest?” asked Shadow Wing curiously..

“Don’t worry,” answered the unicorn “We traveled this way many times. We know a route that the monsters tend to avoid.

That’s a lie!

Again, a jittery feeling swept over him before quickly vanishing

It’s that feeling again, but it’s also something else. It’s not just their appearance that’s off. It’s their words. I need to test this out.

“Shadow,” Shining whispered. “Tell me something you know isn’t true. It can be anything.”

“The sky is green.” he whispered.

That’s a lie!

Again, Shining felt the vibration.

“Now tell me the truth.”

“What does this even have to do with anything?”

“Just do it!” Shining whispered sternly.

“If you say so. The sky is blue.”

Shining felt nothing.

“Ok, that proves it.” he said loudly as he turned his attention to the caravan. “I can tell when other ponies are lying, and you three have done it twice already.”

Shining drew his sword and with magic and tilted it above his forehead. Everypony watched as the blade began to emit a sparkling blue light.

Huh. Luna did say this weapon would be stronger at night.

In response, green flames enveloped the two earth ponies. When the flames evaporated, two giant black insects stood in their place. Shining knew these creature well, for it was their race that had crashed his wedding more than a year ago.

“Changelings!” he shouted. “You bastards are gonna pay for what you did to Cadence.”

With their cover blown, the changelings lunged at them. The one on the left flew in the air and tackled Shadow. He tried to thrust his spear but the bug caught the weapon in his hoof. The two of them hovered in midair as they both tried to take control of the spear.

The second changeling went after Shining.

“I don’t think so.” he cried.

Using his magic, Shining swung his sword and cut the changelings wings clean off. The creature fell to the ground and landed flat on it’s chest. It looked up and snarled with pain and anger.

“Foolish pony. Your lucky her majesty wants you alive.”

The creature’s crooked horn began to glow green as a stream of magic and energy shot from it. With little effort on his part, Shining created a small purple shield in the shape of his cutie mark. The green bolt of magic ricocheted off the shield and slammed right into the caster, flinging the changeling backwards into the air before his body was engulfed in a bright green explosion. With his opponent vaporised, Shining turned his attention to the carriage driver.

Meanwhile, Shadow Wing struggled to regain control of his weapon as he and the changeling struggled in the sky. For a moment, it appeared as the changeling would win the struggle, but just as the creature was about to yank the spear from the captains grip, Shadow kicked his opponent right in the chest with back-right hoof. The changeling lost its grip on the weapon, and was now dazed in the air.

Without hesitation and without mercy, Shadow lifted his spear with both front hooves and brought it down on the changeling’s skull. He drove the spear and the changeling into the ground below, and landed safely. Once he removed the spear from the corpse of his opponent, he returned to Shining’s side and turned to face the unicorn.

Both ponies were surprised to see that the unicorn didn’t seem frightened in the slightest. From Shining’s perspective, it looked as if the stallion was grinning with confidence. He didn’t need his sixth sense to tell him something was off.

Shadow let out a hearty laugh and smirked at his opponent, making sure to expose his bat-like fangs.

“Chrysalis should have know it would take more than three of you take us down.” declared the pegasus. “Now surrender yourself.”

“Careful, Shadow.” replied Shining who bore a worried expression on his face. “I’ve read up on changelings after the the Wedding last year. They normally only attack in swarms, so there might be more out there.”

“Alright,” replied the unicorn as he jumped down from the carriage. “I’m putting my hooves up.”

Shining watched confusingly as he saw the disguised changeling lift both his front hooves in the air and sat down.

“I’ll restrain him Shining.” said Shadow with conviction.

“It has to be a trick. I have never met anypony or anything that was willing give up so easily.”

“You’re a sharp one Armor.” replied the unicorn enthusiastically. “It’s no wonder Mom injected your DNA into my egg.”

What the hell?

Shining looked dumbfounded at the unicorn and slowly began to approach him. Then without warning, green flames consumed the unicorn’s body. Blinded by the bright green light, Shining instinctively levitated sword his to block any incoming blows.

His eyes cleared up, and he caught a glimpse of what looked like a black figure preparing to swing a silver sword.

What? How is he holding a sword with just one hoof? No time think! Need to fight!

Instinctively, Shining countered blow after blow as the black figure aggressively assaulted him with his blade. As Shining began to return blows of his own, he managed to take in the features of his opponent.

The first thing he noticed was that his opponent's sword was attached to his body, where his right hoof should have been. As Shining charged forward for a counterattack, he caught a glimpse of a dark blue mane that looked oddly familiar to him. Also, unlike every changeling Shining had ever seen, this one didn’t appear to have a single hole on it’s body.

Eventually Shining and the mysterious changeling locked blades together. Shining peared into his green pony like eyes and could see his fangs locked into a smile.

“You know,” said Shining roughly, “I can’t really get a good look at you while we're fighting like this. But I can see enough of you to tell you're not a regular changeling. What are you, and what was that garbage about having my DNA?”

Just then a scary thought entered his head.

“Please tell me I’m not your father.”

They took a few more swings at each other before finally locking blades again.

“Of course not.” the changeling said in annoyance “I’m, let’s just say, a science experiment gone horribly right. I’m afraid you know too much already. If you didn’t catch on to me so fast, I wouldn’t have been forced to use my sword. If only I had transformed into a pegasus I could have fought in pony form.”

“How would that have made a difference?”

Just then Shining’s horn surged with purple light and the changeling was knocked back by a small bubble dome shield.

The changeling skid backwards and panted. “Mostly for balance, as you probably figured out, I have morphing hooves. The only downside is that I need wings to balance on three legs when using my sword.”

Without warning Shining watched the changeling jump into the air as a green flame enveloped his left hoof.

“Especially if I’m dual wielding.” He shouted as he bought his two swords together to make an X. “And don’t think you're cutting my wings off my back like you did with the drone, once your shield run’s out I’m going slice you into submission.”

Shining laughed as he smirked at his opponent's foolishness. “Hate to break it to you, protecting others and making shields are all connected to my special talent. Back when your kind crashed the wedding, I was able to maintain a shield that covered the entire city of Canterlot. I was able to keep it up for hours at a time before needing to replenish the spell. The shield I’m in now is foal’s play. I could last in here for weeks.”

For some reason, Shining thought the changeling looked surprised by this revelation.

“That’s impossible. Mine only last... Ahhh! Damn it!”

Shining watched as Shadow’s spear sped towards the mutant changeling and lodged itself into it’s chest. He then turned to Shadow who he figured had been waiting for the right moment to get in on the action.

“Nice shot Shadow. For a moment I thought I was going to have to stay in this bubble for days.”

“It’s a good thing you chose me to tag along,” he chuckled. “Night Fang isn’t the best marksmen in the core.”

Huh? I wonder. If my sixth sense acts up whenever I see a changeling in disguise, does that mean Night Fangs a-

“You're going to pay for this, you pathetic ponies!”

Shining watched as his injured foe flew himself gently onto the ground. He turned his left leg back into a hoof, and chopped off a portion of Shadow’s spear that was still lodged into his body. After shifting his limbs back into hooves, he stood there and panted.

“This isn’t over.” He snarled faithfully. “There are more of us out there. Each of my siblings has a skill that makes us special.”

He began to look up as he coughed up blood. “My mother Chrysalis wants you alive Shining. She wants to watch you suffer at her hooves for what your mare did. I told you a lot of things I shouldn’t have tonight. However, this little encounter has told me all that I need to know to ensure my siblings get the edge on you next time. Till we meet again?”

The buzzing wings filled the air as the mysterious changeling took off. Before he disappeared into the night sky, Shining saw something on the changling’s flank that had no right being their.

That thing is full of surprises. Shining thought to himself.

On the changeling’s flank, was the silhouette of a golden wasp.

Is that a... Nah, it can’t be. Changelings don't have cutie marks... Then again, they can’t change their hooves into weapons either.

“Captain!” shouted Shadow Wing as he flew to Shining's side. “Are you injured?”

“I might have a scratch on my knee but besides that I’m fine.”

Shadow Wing’s face lit up. “Good, because I think my shift starts in five minutes.”

Shining looked at him with concern.

“But your unarmed, Shadow.” he said while pointing a hoof at the chopped remains of the threstlal's spear.

“You forget I can see better in the dark than you can.” he replied proudly.

“I’ll perch myself at the top of the ridge like a bird of prey. Nothing will get past my eyes.”

Shining nodded as he smiled slightly. “Just make sure you wake me up when it’s my turn. We’re going to need all our energy if we are going to reach Dodge City before nightfall tomorrow.”


Dodge City: 9 Hours After The Changeling Incursion

As the Apple Express came to a halt at Dodge Station, a young yellow stallion waited in his seat, eager to be let off. Braeburn loved Dodge City almost as much as he loved his hometown of Appleloosa. Today his admiration for the city couldn’t be anymore apparent as he exited the train, smiling from ear to ear.

From the station, he could see ponies move from shop to shop, buying farm goods and travelling supplies. To his left, he could see four stallions on the street drinking canned beer.

When his hooves touched the platform, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Oh sweet Celestia, I love this city. It’s as simple and rural as old Appleloosa, but at the same time it’s busy and full of life. It has all the benefits of one of them fancy mega-cities with none of the downsides. Still, my soul is married to Appaloosa. Ain't nothing ever gonna change that.

He opened his eyes and released his breath.

“Too bad I can’t stay here that long.” he said with a hint of disappointment. “The others are counting on me to get those cherry seeds right away, just in time for the rain. If we don’t plant them before those pegasi from Cloudsdale show up, the towns going to be awfully mad at me. I should probably start heading over to Cher...”

Before he could finish, he paused as he felt the entire wooden platform shake beneath him. From where he stood he could see dozens of buildings wobbling slightly.

“Earthquake everypony!” Shouted a blue mare in the streets “Take shelter quickly. If you can’t get to your home, head for the bar on Cherry St.”

Bareburn leaped from the platform and took off towards Cherry Street. As he made his way the crowd of running ponies, he noticed that there were Royal Guards trying to escort ponies to safety.

“That’s odd.” he thought to himself. “You never see Royal Guards out here in the country unless there is a dangerous fugitive on the loose... Well, at least now they can help these folks stay safe till this earthquake passes over.”

“But Mama, Papa still in the mine! We have ta go save him before he get’s trapped down there.”

Braeburn stopped and watched as a small earth filly squirmed in the air against her mothers levitational grip.

“Mama, please,” pleaded the filly, “he don’t gots magic like you. We have ta save him Mama. We have ta.”

“If your father were here he would want to make sure your safety came before his.” replied the mother worriedly. “All we can do is hope he gets out alright.”
Braeburn rushed towards the the mare and her child.

“Ma’am, where is this mine located?”

“It’s over there.” pointed the filly.

Without even thinking, Braeburn rushed toward the mine.

This is suicide, but I can’t let that girl’s father die knowing there was something I could have done.

Luck was not on Bareburn’s side. Just as he made his way into the mining tunnel, a rock fell on his head. This made him lose his balance and fall down the mine shaft. As he plummeted into darkness, he anticipated death’s embrace.

His body fell into a chasm of water, breaking his fall. The liquid poured into his lungs as he drifted into unconsciousness. For a moment, Braeburn thought he saw four other ponies and a butterfly heading towards him. Before he could figure out if they were real or not, everything went black.

Author's Notes:

To learn more about the mysterious changeling that attack Shining and Shadow, read the first chapter of Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy. It's not as good this story, but it will give you some background information. This mystery assassin may or may not show up again, but this encounter was not a big lipped alligator moment.

Also, for those of you who want to keep track of the Journey, I'm using the Hasbro's Official map of Equestria. Use that to keep track of Shining location as the story progresses to enhance your fan-fiction experience.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this next chapter, and are looking forward to the next chapter. My Spanish class is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but that's not going to stop me from writing. I hope to see you again next time for Chapter Six: Dodging Trouble.

Next Chapter: Trial of Kindness Part 1: Dodging Trouble Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 48 Minutes
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