
My Mortal Big Brother

by Dash Attack

Chapter 11: Trial of Laughter: Wall Breaker (4th Wall Breaking Meta Humor Warning)

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html>My Mortal Big Brother

My Mortal Big Brother

by Dash Attack

First published

Shining Armor goes on a quest to become an alicorn in order to save his love ones from mourning his eventual death. To do this, he must prove him self worthy of the spirits of harmony, as villains plot in the shadows.

The prequel is not a required read. Entire story to undergo re-editing to improve grammar and spelling quality This message will be delted when all chapters have been cleaned up by my new editor.

Shining Armor couldn't be more proud of his little sister, nor could he be more jealous. Both Cadence and Twilight will live forever. But what will become of him? When an ancient entity gives him an answer to the question, fear of death consumes his his mind.

Shortly after the vision, he confides his mortal anxieties to Cadence, who tells him of a legend regarding six artifacts that if collected can grant a pony one wish. For Shining Armor, he would like nothing more than to spend eternity with his loving wife and his adorable little sister. Willing to risk an early grave for a shot at immortally, Shining embarks on dangerous quest that set's a chain of events into motion that could very well mean the end of both harmony and chaos. Will Shining succeeded in his quest and become an alicorn, or will he nail his coffin shut early and ruin the full life he could have had.

Like this story? You can find this and other great Shining Armor adventure fics here.

This story has changed slightly from it's original publishing. I recommend all who favorite to reread the the story to avoid confusion going forward. You will find that most of the key event's are the same.

Originally Edited by Golden Vision, KMCA, bkster, General onefishtwofish, FrozenMasquerade, Loeden, Chaotic Mind and many others. All editorial writes have since gone to Koekelbag.

Dreaming of the End

Cadence’s eyes drifted open, her head resting comfortably on her fluffy pillow. Once both her eyes were open, she realized that something wasn’t right. She began to scan the room to see if anything was missing. However, everything was there: from the crystal shelves, a modest bookshelf, to the photographs hanging from the wall.

Her eyes fell upon one picture in particular. It was a large photo of her and Shining herself, with a small blue colt nestled between them. A sense of nostalgia came over her as she examined the picture, but only for a few moments. Something was still nagging her in the back of her head. The question was what?

Then it dawned on her. She turned her head towards elderly stallion resting behind her, then at the grandfather clock at the end of the room. It was a quarter to eleven.

That’s weird, thought Cadence as she turned her body to face her husband. Shining has always been an early riser. Even after eighty-two years of marriage, he has always gotten up before me. I’d better wake him up before he misses breakfast.

Cadence stretched out her right foreleg and gently tapped her hoof on his body. When Shining’s body didn’t respond, she stretched out both her forelegs and began to rock him back and forth.

“Wake up sleepyhead.” she said smiling as she continued to rock. “You might not be a young captain of the guard anymore, but we still have a kingdom to run.”

She kept nudging him as and waited for his eyes to open, but no matter how hard she tried, Shining Armor remained in a motionless sleep.

“My Prince,” she said nervously. “Please wake up.”

Her smile began to fade, replaced with a look of concern. As time went on, the tempo of her rocking became faster and faster as she frantically pushed his body back and forth. It seemed that no matter how hard or how fast she shook him, her prince remained motionless.

“Come on Shining!” Cadence shouted. Her eyes started to open wide and her voice began to tremble. As she desperately tried to shake life back into her sleeping husband, she noticed her own heartbeat began to skyrocket.

“Wake up Shining! Wake up!”

She turned her head the door as she held onto the body of her love.

“Ruby, please help me! We need to get my husband to the hospital right away!”

A red crystal mare in a black and white uniform rushed into the room and dropped the duster from her mouth.

“Oh sweet Gaia!” shouted the mare as she gazed down at her unconscious master. She galloped to the door and stuck her head out.

“Everypony, we need to get the prince to the Crystal Heart hospital right away! I need three or four ponies to help me carry him!”

As Ruby called for assistance, Cadence wrapped her husband with both her hooves and wings and prayed silently. Her feathers brushed against his back, while her right hoof stroked the back of his neck. She buried her face in his mane as tears began to roll down her eyes. The world became silent, as if time itself had stopped. She could no longer hear Ruby’s cries for help, or the galloping of rushing hooves. The only thing she could hear was her own thoughts.

Please. Not now. I’m not ready for this. I need more time. Please. I’m not prepared for this.


One Week Later

Cadence sat in a chair outside a hospital room next to her son, Crystal Sword. The two alicorns made sure not to look directly at the door, because to them it felt like a tombstone.

Patient Name: Shining Armor (Prince)
Sex: Male
Race: Unicorn; Age: 112
Diagnosis: Heart disease
Resolution: Terminal

Cadence turned to look at her son. He was a large and sturdy stallion with a sapphire coat and a dark purple mane. On his forehead rested a long, majestic horn, normal for all alicorns. His wings were three times the size of a pegasus with a slight hint of dark purple on the edge of his feathers. Upon his flank rested a sword cutie mark, with a six star emblem on it’s hilt.

Crystal Sword returned his mother’s gaze with his bright blue eyes.

“Is there anything they can do for him, Mom?” he asked.

“I don’t know. The doctors are doing their best to keep him stable, but they’re telling us to expect the worst.”

He gave a slow nod of understanding.

“When I was younger, I used to tell myself that Dad would probably live forever, just like us. For the longest time I really wanted to believe that.”

Crystal Sword noticed that his mother’s eyes were starting to water, so he wrapped her up in his wings and hugged her with his forelegs. Cadence returned her son’s embrace.

“Aunty Twilight is coming, right Mom?”

“Yes,” nodded Cadence. “She should be here either today or tomorrow, depending on what train she catches.”

A wave of emotion swept over him as moisture began to drop down from her eyes. He fought the wetness running down his own face, and recalled his military training on coping with loss. But this wasn't one of his fellow guards back in Canterlot. This was his father, the stallion who shaped him into the pony he was today. Years of self-discipline went down the drain as his eyes continued to drip.

“Crystal, you really shouldn’t cry right now. The doctor might call us in any minute, and you wouldn’t want to look sad in front of your father, now would you?”

"I'm not crying! I...I just have something in my eye!”

Oh Crystal, you’re more like him than you'll ever realize.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her head still buried in his purple mane. “You probably think I’m being silly.”

She closed her eyes and let the tears soak into his coat. “We both need to be strong—for us, for Twilight, and for him.”

“Mom, you are the strongest mare I know. Dad always told me that you were the one who helped him carry on whenever he felt like the odds were against him. When I was a colt, he used to tell me about how the two of you saved Canterlot together every night before I went to bed. Even to this day, I still look at that stained glass window of the two of you whenever I’m in the throne room.”

A small smile crept on Cadence’s face. “I could really say the same about him.”

Just then, the hallway door swung open to reveal a short purple alicorn galloping through.

"Please tell me I'm not too late!" shouted Twilight, looking frantic.

Cadence turned her face toward her and slowly shook her head.

"The doctor just told us he's resting right now. I think they want us to expect the worst at this point."

Crystal raised his head and looked his aunt straight in the eye with a firm expression on his face. He slowly got up from the chair and stretched out his wings to their fullest extent. Through his swollen red eyes, Twilight could see the sparks of confidence rise within her nephew.

“I for one, have not given up on him. Even if this is the end, I know that Dad would never give up on me if I was ever in his position. I need to remain strong, just like he taught me. Just like he...he...”

For a moment, Twilight thought she saw her nephew’s eyes water, but he immediately blinked it away, giving his eyes a drier look. She thought she heard him mutter something about not crying, but she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

Twilight let out a loud sigh as she slowly made her way towards Cadence and took the empty seat next to her. This whole ordeal had been so taxing on her, especially after seeing one of her friends die of old age. The last thing she wanted was to go through more heartache. She thought back to all the things they did together as kids, how happy he was when he married Cadence, how proud he was when she was crowned a princess, and more recently, the joy on his face when Cadence gave birth to Crystal.

The door to Shining's room opened and the doctor stepped out. His voice carried a sympathetic undertone.

"Your majesties, he's awake now. He doesn't have much longer, and I think he knows it. It would mean a lot to him if you all go inside."

The three alicorns followed the doctor into the room. There, they saw two ponies in two separate beds. One was a crystal pony with two broken hind legs. The other was an old and wrinkly Shining Armor. The bright blue that once made up his mane and tail had turned completely grey with age, and a small beard adorned his wrinkly face. He turned his head to face the three gems of his life. His beautiful wife, his noble son, and his brilliant little sister were all standing there, watching him.

"Hey Twily," Shining Armor wheezed. He looked her over. "Wow, you're looking pretty good for a mare in her hundreds. A lot better than me right now, that’s for sure."

Twilight let a small smile onto her face, although it was tough to muster.

"I still go to the spa with Rarity from time to time. The cream they use really rejuvenates the skin, not that I ever have to worry about getting..." She stopped herself from saying “old.”

Shining Armor began to violently cough before turning his head towards his son.

"Hey champ, how are those soldiers doing? I'm sure you've done everything I've taught you to keep those stallions alert and ready."

"My men are always at the ready Dad, ready to protect the Royal Family and all of Equestria. Those diamond dogs and changelings will think twice before messing with us.”

"I'm really proud of you, champ. I'm sure that when I'm gone, you'll help the Empire’s soldiers become just as devoted and “at the ready” as Canterlot’s division of the Royal Guard."

"Please don't talk like that, Dad. You'll make it through this, just like the time me and you fought those Yetis all those years ago. They beat us up pretty bad, but in the end we managed to survive."

"Its alright son, I've been ready for this for a while now. My only regret is that you still haven't given me grandchildren yet."

"I told you, I'm holding out for the right mare. After all, I have all the time in the world, right?" He facehoofed himself, as he realised his poor choice of words. “I didn’t mean it like that Dad!”

Shining Armor went silent for a moment as a tear dripped down his face. "It’s alright son. I rather you take your time then end up being unhappy..." He trailed off, and turned towards Cadence.
“How are you doing, hun?"

I feel like my world is crashing down on me. Everything is falling apart. I feel like my ancestor’s legacy has cursed me. But I can't let you know that. Instead, I'll tell you what else I feel.

"I'm just really glad that I became Twilight’s foalsitter all those years ago. If I didn't, you and I would never have met.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “Oh Shiny, the decades we spent together have been the best years of my life. I'll probably never remarry, for fear that I will somehow betray all the time we shared. I wish we could’ve grown old together."

"Don't talk like that, angel. Trust me, growing old really does suck. Besides, I wouldn't want any wrinkles ruining that beautiful face for yours.” He said, with a sad smile gracing his face. His eyes glazed over, reminiscing in the nostalgia.

“You know, looking at it now, it makes me think back to the day I proposed to you. It was in the garden. The birds were singing, and your aunt’s moon was shining down on our bodies. I forget exactly what I said to you, but I remember your face. I swear, your eyes sparkled when I brought that ring out of my coat pocket."

Cadence’s voice nearly cracked with sadness. "You were really quite the charmer back then, and you still are. Look at you. Even now, you’re as nonchalant as ever."

No longer able to contain her emotions, she buried her face in her hooves and sobbed. "I tried so hard to make the time we had together last! It's not fair! I don't want you to leave me! Eternal life means nothing to me if it means I can't be with you. Oh please don't go!”

Shining Armor stretched his hoof forward to caress her mane. He lifted her chin up so that their eyes met. Cadence abruptly stopped crying and gazed upon her love’s smiling face. "This is how things are supposed to be, Cadence. There's nothing either of us can do about it now.”


“But there is something you can do about it.” A female voice echoed in his head.

Shining turned his head around to look for the the source of the voice, only to see his surroundings melt into nothingness. Both Crystal, Twilight, and the doctor were gone. His body floated in a dark, endless void, and he hadn’t the faintest idea what caused it..

Am I dead? He wonder, flinching as his body floated in vast empty space. As he gazed into the dark and desolate void, he noticed a bright light that was slowly shining brighter before him. He watched it grow larger and larger, until a figure appeared in front of him. She was a tall and majestic alicorn with a silver coat and a mane as green as the grass. Her cutie mark was in the shape of the planet itself. Shining stared speechlessly at the figure as she spoke.

“You are not dead, nor are you dying. What you have witnessed is a vision of the future.”

Shining’s mouth opened wide with disbelief. When he picked his jaw up off the metaphorical floor, the alicorn gave a light chuckle and continued:

“In eighty-two years time, your mortal body will perish. When it does, your family will mourn your passing and cause them great sorrow. However, after a few thousand years of grieving, you will be nothing more to them than a foggy memory.”

“Who are you?” he asked, with desperation in his voice. “Why are you telling me this?”

The alicorn that stood before Shining smiled, rather cheekily, he noted.

“I have had many names, but you may call me Gaia. I am the late Crystal Queen and the third daughter of the Divine Creator. As for the other question...” She trailed off as Shining held up a hoof.

“Wait, so, are you a ghost or something?” asked Shining, who tilted his head in confusion.

Gaia let out a small sigh and closed her eyes. “Of a sort, yes. One thousand years ago, my apprentice betrayed me and destroyed my body.”

“But aren’t alicorns supposed to be gods?” asked Shining, who continued to stare at the queen in amazement. “How could you be dead if you can’t die?”

Gaia opened her eyes and looked down at the curious unicorn prince, with sadness behind her stoic features.

“What you say is true. My two sisters and I alone with the chosen few are gods. However, it isn’t impossible for us to be slain or murdered by powerful individuals. To this day, I have no idea how Sombra was able to do it.”

Shining watched a small tear creep down her face. He figured that she must have really trusted Sombra, and that his betrayal caused her great pain. He wisely decided not to press the matter.

“However,” she continued, “as my presence may suggest, I am not completely dead. My soul has laid dormant within the Crystal Heart. When my very great granddaughter activated the heart six months ago, my soul was set free. Now I am here to aid you in your time of stress and jealousy.”

Shining tilted his head again. What she said didn't make much sense to him.

“Jealousy? Jealousy over what?”

Gaia let out a laugh that Shining felt was slightly condescending.

“Why, over your sister, wife, and your unborn child of course. Twilight, Cadence, and the child she’s currently pregnant with will live forever, and be worshipped by all. If I was a mortal, I know I would be jealous. Isn't that why you cried during the coronation?”

Shining scowled at her, voice rising as he went on a tirade. “What gives? Why would you make an accusation like that?! Goddess or not, living or deceased, you have no right to say something like that. What you’re claiming is false!”

“It’s not a claim. It’s the truth. Regardless, you should listen to me. There is a way for you to be with them. When you wake up from this dream, ask Cadence if their is a way for you to become an alicorn. She will most likely be reluctant to answer you at first, so make sure you ask her when the time is right.”

The anger that had been building up within Shining Armor came to an abrupt halt.

There’s a way for me to become an alicorn? To become like my wife and sister? There is hope of life everlasting and power beyond anypony’s dreams? Is Gaia’s proposal even possible, or is this all just a simple dream? Is she even real, or just a creation of my own imagination?

After a long moment of silence, he looked into Gaia’s eyes.

“Even if I did do that, how would I know that this isn’t just a dream?”

Gaia giggled as a warm reassuring smile formed on her face. “Well, I just told you your wife is pregnant. When you wake up, ask her to take a pregnacy test. That should be proof enough. Before I go, I just want you to know that you don’t have to suffer. Do as I say and they will not forgot you. Ever.” Gaia finished with a smirk, driving the point home.

“You’re wrong!” he shouted defensively. “There’s no way my wife and sister would ever forget me.”

A small smile crept onto her face as her horn started to glow a soft silver.

“If you don’t believe me, then you might need an extra push. What I’m about to do might seem extremely cruel, but know that I’m doing this out of kindness.”

A bright white light encompassed her body and expanded outward, blinding Shining’s vision. When the light dissipated, he found himself in a large library filled with thousands of bookcases. The cases themselves rose all the way to the ceiling, which was easily fifty feet high. Looking at the ceiling made Shining’s head spin so he instead focused on finding an exit. The room looked like an endless corridor that stretched on to infinity. All he could see in front of him were rows upon rows of bookcases, filled to the brim with books.

He turned his head to see if he could make out a wall behind him. What he saw instead made his jaw drop in awe and his eyes open wide with disbelief.

In front of him stood the tallest pony he had ever seen, with incredibly long wings and a very long horn. Her coat was dark purple, and her mane flowed like a summer night’s sky. If it weren’t for her giant pink star cutie mark that matched the one on his shield, Shining would never had recognised her.

She...she looks just like Twilight...

Shining Armor continued to stare at the pony, as the majestic figure focused on the book that was being held in her magic. Shining took notice, and saw that it was a very old Starswirl the Bearded spellbook.

She looks like a goddess. This can’t really be her, yet she has Twilight’s cutie mark.

The giant alicorn put the book back on the shelf with her magic, and turned to face the speechless prince. She smiled gently.

“Why, hello there! I’m sorry, but this part of the library is off limits to anypony expect for the royal family and my personal assistant. If you're lost, I’d be happy to-”

“Twily.” Shining said, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

The godlike Twilight blinked curiously.

“Well, most ponies call me Princess Twilight, but the way you said my name just now, it almost sounds familiar. Have we met before?”

Tears began to drop down Shining’s face. She doesn’t recognise me.

“It’s me. Your BBBFF, big brother best friend forever. Shining Armor.”

Twilight blinked again. “That can’t be. My brother died five millennia ago. Or was it seven? Anyway, it’s all very foggy. I don’t even remember what he looked like or what his name was. Only that he existed.”

Shining looked back here with in confusion, as his eyes started to water.“You don’t remember him at all?”

The warm smile on her face dropped, replaced with one of regret and sorrow.

“That’s not entirely true.” she said softly. Her eyes started to show hints of her sadness. “Believe it or not, I wasn't always a goddess, or a princess for that matter. I was just a regular old unicorn with a talent for magic. Back then, my big brother meant the world to me. He was my first and greatest friend I ever had.”

The room became quiet as Shining stared up at his not-so-little sister, tears dripping down his face.

She sniffled. “Unfortunately, that’s all I can remember. I remember the others, like Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, but that’s only because of the history books. That and there are statues with their names on them just outside the castle. Yet for the life of me, I can’t remember his.”

Her tone of voice began to shift. She sounded like she was crying, yet Shining couldn’t spot a single tear on her face. He figured she was using her long mane to hide them.

She continued, “I hate myself for forgetting his name. If I research hard enough, I might be able to find a history book on obscure monarchs of the Crystal Empire, but I can’t remember his name. It’s been driving me crazy for centuries. Every day, my older memories get foggier and foggier. What kind of princess can remember the names of all her friends but not her brother’s?”

Twilight lifted her head up, her face no longer looking warm and inviting.

“I’m sorry, but I going to have to ask you to leave right now before Captain Crystal Sword gets back. I don’t know who you think you are, pretending to be my brother, but I will not stand for it.” She slammed her left hoof on the floor for emphasis.

“But Twily, it’s actually m-”

The room became bright again and Shining Armor found himself in another location, one that he did recognize. It was his and Cadence’s throne room back in the Crystal Empire.

Is this the present or the future? Hell, was anything I just saw real? I can’t believe she didn’t recognize me!

Shining felt weak, confused, angry, and, above all, sad. He couldn’t imagine anything worse than looking at his goddess sister and having her talk to him like a complete stranger. No, it wasn’t just that. She talked to him like a child. Wasn’t he supposed to be the older brother? Before his train of thought could continue, a soft voice brought him back to the real world.

“Can I help you, sir? Court doesn’t start until half past two”

That voice. Please don’t let that be Cadence. Please don’t let it be Cadence. I don’t want to go through anything like that again. But I have to know. If this really is the future, I need to know if she recognizes me at all.

He turned his head to see a somewhat taller version of Cadence. Although her body didn’t look that much different from the Cadence he knew, she was slightly taller. Her wings were about the same as they had been, and her mane was shimmering, like liquid crystal. The fact that he was still able to recognize her put Shining’s heart at ease for a little bit.

“Cadence, please tell me you recognize me.” he pleaded, but was only rewarded with a blank look from the monarch before him.

“Uh...” she trailed off. “I’m sorry, but is this your first time visiting the Empire?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am several millennia old, and in that time, I have loved and married hundreds of stallions. Maybe even two or three mares. But, as you might guess, trying to remember all them can be quite the task.”

“But you promised me on my deathbed that you would never remarry! How could you do this to me Cadence?! You were my special somepony!”

“Listen, Shimmering Chestpiece, was it? I don’t know if you’re a ghost of one of my past lovers or a crazy pony, but you really need to leave before my real husband gets here.”

If Shining’s heart was broken before, his soul was completely shattered at this point. He couldn’t take it. This was literally his worst nightmare come true. The ponies he cared for the most no longer remembered his existence.

“Now that you know the truth, it is up to you to alter your destiny. Find the Scepter. Find the gems. Only then can you ascend.”


Shining Armor opened his eyes and jumped out of bed. Panting, he looked up at the grandfather clock and saw that it was late morning.

I slept in? he questioned. “How could I have slept in? That’s never happened to me except...in my dream last night.

He put a hoof over his pounding heart, as he tried to recall the events of his nightmare.

In the beginning … I was Cadance… or at least... I saw things from her point of view, I could see myself dying.

His breaths started to become heavier as the details of the dream came flooding back to him. Then I found myself in my own body, and an alicorn told me .... and she told me… By now his heart was pounding like the sound of thousands drums. She told me it that what I saw was my destiny.

Why the hell did I have a dream like that? I wonder if this has anything to do with Twily’s coronation?

His mind began to slowly drift back to Twilight's coronation day. Everypony was cheering for her, congratulating her on her ascension. He remembered being so proud of her despite knowing deep down what long-term consequences that this would have. It was one thing knowing that your wife would outlive you for a good chunk of eternity, but now his little sister would as well.

That's when he remembered more about the dream he had. His wife, his sister, and possibly his own child were going to watch him die an old stallion while they remained ageless. He would only be there for a fraction of their lives. How many centuries would each of them take to completely forget he ever existed? It was a painful thought that dug deep at the core of his very soul.

Then he remembered the goddess from his dream. The one who called herself Gaia. Was she even real? Was she a phantom born from his imagination, or did Celestia and Luna’s supposed sister really invade his dreams last night? One thing was for sure, his memories of the dream were shockingly vivid, as far as dreams go. Hell, he could even remember the smells of the crystal roses that somepony had left next to his hospital bed.

There has to be a way for me to know whether or not that dream was really just a dream.

He thought over everything that happened until he remembered something Gaia said. ”From your point in time, Cadence won't find out she's pregnant for another day or so.”

That means she's pregnant right now!

Swiftly, he tossed off the covers off the bed using his magic and darted out of the bedroom into the castle corridor. As he ran, servants and guards stared at him with concern, wondering what could be troubling their prince. When he finally reached the large diamond doors of the dining hall, he threw the doors wide open with his magic and startled Cadence.

"Shining!" she shouted, startled, "What's wrong?! Don't tell me King Sombra’s back!"
Shining panted for a bit as he tried to catch his breath.

"We’re not under attack, but there is something I need to ask you. It's not something I want to talk about in mixed company, so I'm just going to close the doors for a minute."

She gave him a deadpan look. “Well, you sorta just did slam the dining hall doors open. I hope you didn’t crack the walls.”

He gave an embarrassed smile. “Heh, yeah, sorry about that.”

She rolled her eyes and continued. "Can't this wait? I'm still eating my oats.”

The doors shut behind them and Shining Armor let out a loud sigh. "I'm afraid my nerves will kill me if I don't ask this now. I'm going to be very blunt, but please bear with me."

He paused for a moment and sighed again. "Cadence, have you felt a constant feeling of being... full?"

Cadence tilted her head curiously. The question caught her completely off guard, but, to his credit, he did warn her he was going to be blunt.

"Well now that you mention it, I think I do. I was going to go to the doctor in a few days to see what the problem was."

It's just as she said. Hang on; this could all be just a huge coincidence. Still if I don't find out soon, I might just die of a heart condition right here in the present.

"Do you think you could take ‘the test’ after breakfast?"

Cadence just sat at the table and blinked: "Oooo-kay... I'll go take it as soon as I'm done. But first can I ask you a question now? How did you know I was feeling this way?"

Darn, I didn't think this through. I can't tell her the truth, not until I'm sure if what I saw was a vision or a dream. Okay, stay calm. I'll just tell her a little white lie until we know for sure.

"I didn't know. It's just… um, husband’s intuition. Yeah, that's it." He gave an inward chuckle at the thought.

"Right… I… think I'm done eating now. I'll come back down in a minute to tell you if your ‘husband’s intuition’ was correct or not."

The uncomfortable expression on her face quickly turned into a smile as she got out of her chair and trotted off to the bathroom where she kept the test.


Five minutes later

"Shining Armor, you’re not going to believe this!!!" shouted Cadence as she flew above the crowded hallways filled with servants and tourists. The huge smile on her face resembled one that might belong to the likes of Pinkie Pie.

Shining Armor stepped out of the dining room, only to be tackled by the airborne princess. His body gently skidded on the marble floor as his wife hugged him with all four hooves and both wings.

"You’re going to be a father, my knight in shining armor! This is the happiest day of my life!"

Shining Armor stared into Cadence's eyes and saw the same sparkle he saw when he proposed to her. This time, however, the glimmer that radiated from her eyes was undoubtedly brighter.

Suddenly, the revelation hit him like a bullet in the chest. He was going to be a father. They were both going to be parents. They were going to have a little foal of their own. The thoughts of his own mortality and the bizarre dream he had, vanished from his mind, and in its place emerged exhilaration. A stream of tears began to shower both of their faces as they hugged each other on top of the hall carpet.

"Oh look, it's that liquid pride of yours again" Cadence giggled as she continued to squeeze him with both her legs and wings.

"It's not liquid pride this time," he said with a gentle smile, "these are 100% tears of joy."

They laughed and cried together for hours, as passing ponies stared at them as they made their way through the large crystal hallway.


His dream forgotten, Shining Armor spent the rest of the day celebrating with Cadence. Later that night however, the memories of his dream came rushing back. His cheery smile had eroded and in it’s place was a look of concern and anxiety. As the two lovers tucked themselves into bed, Cadence turned to face Shining Armor and immediately picked up that something was off.

"What's the matter, Shiny?" she asked. "You were so happy before, but now you look really depressed. You’re not having second thoughts, are you?"

The white stallion shook his head. "I'm sorry Cadence, but I wasn't completely honest with you this morning."

He then went on to tell her some of details about his dream, while leaving out the parts involving Gaia. The last thing he wanted his wife to think was that he was being haunted by a long-dead alicorn princess.

"In the dream you all looked so sad. I've never seen Twily look more upset in her life. All of you were trying your best not to cry in front of me, but in the end you all did."

Cadence looked at her husband and began to stroke his mane with her hoof. "Oh Shining, I don't want you to think about that stuff. When we got married, we promised to only focus on the present, and let the future sort itself out."

I know we did, but that was before Twily became.... became..."

"An alicorn," she finished.

He nodded and continued. "Also, I'm pretty sure our child's going to have a horn, but what are the chances of him being born with wings too?"

Cadence pondered for a moment before she spoke. "Well, normally the alicorn gene lies dormant until a pony bonds with a pony of extraordinary magic abilities. Aunty Celestia told me that I have the blood of the ancient Queen of the Crystal Empire. She was murdered by Sombra during the coup, but legend has it that her son escaped. He was a unicorn, but he passed on the alicorn gene to his ancestors. 973 years later, my unicorn parents had me, only to find out I have wings.”

“So if the gene stayed dormant for almost 1,000 years, that means our child will probably be just an ordinary unicorn.”

Cadence shook her head. "Both you and your sister have above average magical energy. While Twilight's talent might be magic, you’re almost as strong as her. At least you were, before her ascension. Anyway, I’m almost positive that our baby is going to be an alicorn. Who knows?" She chuckled "I might give birth to the first male alicorn in Equestrian history.”

Shining Armor started to panic inside. His demeanor began to resemble that of his sister back when she was "tardy". Frantically, he brushed the covers off his body and hugged Cadence with all his might. For the second time that day, tears began to slide down his face. However these tears were not those of "liquid pride" or "joy".

These tears were that of utter sadness.

"Cadence, I don't want any of you to suffer because of me. I want to spend the rest of eternity with all of you. I want to protect you, love you, and be with you for eternity. I'll admit that when I heard what happened to Twilight, a part of me was jealous. However, I felt more proud of her than anything else. I don't think she even realizes that she is practically immortal now: a living, breathing goddess of friendship. I don't want her, or any of you to suffer because I wasn't worthy enough to be blessed with your gifts."

He waited a moment to collect himself before he could calmly articulate the rest of what he had to say.

"Cadence, I want to earn the right to be an alicorn. I am willing to do anything to prevent my dream from coming true. If there anything I've learned this week, it's that ascension has to be earned. Please tell me there’s a way I can do that.”

I promised myself I'd never tell him. But I can't bear to see him like this. Not when we should be so happy about our soon-to-be-born foal.

Cadence let out a long sigh. She never wanted to tell Shining about the legend, but she knew it was the only thing that might put him at peace.

"Shining Armor, what I'm about to tell is a legend that is as old as Equestria itself. Have you ever heard of the Scepter of Harmony?"

Author's Notes:

February 1st, 2015

I accidentally deleted the original authored notes do to a glitch in the fimfiction code that confused me. So here is a new one.

Thank you for reading this first chapter. Wile the story started out as a feature box bait during the Alicorn Twilight buzz, I feel like I have been able to craft something epic. I had two major inspirations for this story. One was the Legend of Zelda. The other was my own traumatic experience with coping with the death of others.

Goodbye Cadence - The Journey Begins

What I’m about to tell you is an ancient legend that intertwines with another. Long ago, there were three tribes of ponies who utterly despised one another. Their hatred created an everlasting winter that devastated the land. However, three delegates from each race were able to put aside their differences and bask in the warmth of friendship. They unified the tribes, put aside their hatred, and founded Equestria. This is the tale that is told every Hearth’s Warming Eve. What many forget is that this only a small part of the tale, for there is another portion to that is often overlooked.

To reward ponykind for coming together in harmony, the creator rewarded them with three gifts. For the first gift, he sent his three daughters to guide and protect Equestria and the ponies living there. Their names were Celestia, Luna, and Gaia. The second gift was the Elements of Harmony, so that those worthy enough to wield them could maintain peace in the world. The final gift was called the Scepter of Harmony.

Unlike the last two gifts, which were meant for all of ponykind, the scepter was meant only for one pony who could prove themselves worthy of true inner harmony. Whoever wields the scepter at its full power shall be granted one wish of their heart’s desire.

To power the staff, six stones representing Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic must be collected. Only after all six have been obtained, and their power tamed, can the power of the scepter be awoken.

According to legend, both the gems and the scepter were scattered all across Equestria, so that only somepony truly worthy could obtain them. However, nopony knows where all the gems are located. While some of the gems have been discovered, many of them have never been found. In addition, the scepter itself has been missing for centuries.

All who have searched for the gems have met terrible fates. They say that in order to unlock the power within them, one must pass trials created by the elements themselves. The trials seem to be extreme version of the elements they represent. There is one legend that states in order to pass the trial of Generosity, a pony must first offer their soul as tribute.

To think a pony would sacrifice their soul just for one wish...

It’s just a legend. You still have so much to live for, Shining. Please, don’t waste the short time we have together. I promise that even if I live to be twelve billion years old, you will always be in my heart. Remember that I married you knowing that our time together wouldn't last. I knew that the time we would spend together would be the happiest years of my existence, and I can say that so far they have been just that.

Everything Cadence had said ran through Shining Armor’s mind has he stood beside the now-sleeping princess. He gently kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear:

“Goodbye, Cadence. I’ll make sure that you’ll be happy for the rest of your life, no matter how long that may be.” He stood there for about a minute, debating whether or not he should go through with trying to find the magical scepter.

What the hell am I doing? he thought to himself. I can’t just leave Cadence. I’m going to be a father in about four or five months. I can’t just abandon her and my kingdom to go off and find some magical stick that may not even exist. Plus, I’d be leaving was leaving without a plan or sense of direction. Can I really do that?

He thought back to his dream, and just how vivid it was. He could even remember what the others in his dream had been thinking and feeling. Cadence was wrong. In the end, they would all be miserable when his time finally came, all because he wasn’t special enough to have a stupid pair of wings.

His mind made up, Shining Armor put on a black cloak to cover his face and cutie mark so that nopony would recognise him. He took one last look at Cadence, then silently trotted out of the room and closed the door behind him.


After carefully packing bits and food for his journey, Shining Armor set off silently towards the Crystal Library. His dark cloak completely concealed his presence under the moonlight. It was still very early in the morning, which meant he couldn’t check out books. That left only one other option, one that greatly bothered his conscience. He would have to break in and steal them. Eventually, he trotted up to the large crystal doors of the library, and carefully picked the lock with his magic. Upon hearing a firm click, he gently opened the door and crept inside.

I can’t believe I’m actually breaking into a library. I must be losing my mind. No, I need to focus. Get in, get the books, and get out. Twily always says that studying is the key to success. If I want to be successful, I’m going to need all the help I can get.

He cantered over to the directory as he tried to remember everything his sister had taught him about the Mulely Decimal System. Shining was surprised at how easy it was, as it only took him a few minutes to find several books of interest, and there were quite a few, The Three Gifts of Hearth's Warmth, The Curse of the Harmony Gems, Daring Do: Crusaders of the Lost Scepter, Royal Treasures, and The History of Gaia: The Crystal Queen and Princess of Nature.

“Sweet.” he whispered to himself. “Now, all I have to do is find them.”

He turned his neck and looked at the huge shelves of books before him.

It’s a good thing this place is not nearly as big as the one from my dream.


He gazed out the window of the train as he saw his kingdom disappear in the distance.

After “borrowing” a few books from the Crystal Library in the dead of night, Shining Armor took the late night train to Canterlot. While skimming through Royal Treasures, he found a section about the Honesty Gem. Apparently, it was in one of the display cases in Canterlot Castle.

He sat on the moving train with the dark cloak still covering his face and cutie mark. Beside him were five stolen library books. The library had recently been working on updating their collection to make up for the thousand-year time gap. Because of this, many of the books he stole were extremely out of date, but he did manage to get some more recently published works.

He tried reading one of the books, but eventually started to drift off.

"Come on Shining, just a little bit...more. Just... a..."

He closed his eyes for a moment, but when he opened them then opened them the lights in the car had changed into a light blue. He saw the car door open before him to reveal none other than Princess Luna. Shining smirked inwardly. Of course, I’m dreaming. Slowly, the Princess walked over to Shining Armor’s seat and glared angrily at him.

"What doth thou have to say for thy betrayal, Prince Armor?"

He groaned audibly. Why can't I even go to sleep without some pony invading my dreams?

Shining Armor looked up at Luna and returned an angry look of his own.

"How did you know? I thought you only looked into the dreams of troubled ponies?"

"Maybe it hath to do with the fact that thou art a troubled pony, Shining Armor. And you are about to be in even more trouble when my guards arrest you at the station tomorrow morning.”

“But I’ve done nothing illegal!” he said, voice raised.


"You don't understand, Princess! I can't get the images of them crying out of my head! I'm guessing you saw my dream last night, which means you saw everything that she showed me. How can I live my life knowing that none of them will ever grow old with me?! Worst of all, once they get over their grief, they'll forget all about me! It’s not like I wanted them to mourn me for the rest of my life, but I don’t want my existence to mean nothing to them either!”

Luna paused for a moment before speaking.

"I know of your dream, Shining Armor, at least parts of it. Whoever entered your dreams was trying to suppress me. If that really was my sister, I doubt she would try and block me, unless she didn’t want me to intervene.”

“What do you mean ‘if’, she’s your sister? Am I to believe that you can’t recognise your own sister, or have you just forgotten her, just like Twilight and Cadence will forget me thousands of years form now?”

“I MEAN I’M NOT SURE!” Luna boomed. “It looked like her and it sounded like her, but the pony I saw didn’t act like the sister I remember from my past. Need I remind you that I just spent the last thousand years stuck on the very rock I was given dominion over by my father himself? While my thoughts were clouded by darkness, the good in me held on to her memory. Her death played a big part in my turn to the dark side. That fact that you even suggested I have forgotten her is an insult!”

Shining was left utterly speechless at how Luna was able to transition from angry to downright furious, then straight to calm.

She began to speak softly.

"You left my niece in search of your own selfish desires. You can justify it any way you want, but in the end your quest is nothing but a greedy crusade. Pray tell, what will happen to Cadence and Twilight if you die right here, right now? I'm pretty sure that your untimely and preventable death will be more heartbreaking than any possible future that was shown to you.”

Shining Armor glared at Luna with scorn in his eyes.

“Maybe you're right, but I can’t turn back now. I want to be with Cadence and Twilight forever. If neither of them can die from old age, then I’ll never see them again in the afterlife unless something bad happens to them, and I don’t want that to happen. Becoming an alicorn is the only way I can ever find peace again.”

Luna’s expression changed from one of anger to sympathy, but the fire in her eyes did not leave her. Although she could understand his pain, she knew that his task wasn’t any less foolish.

“Celestia and I have often debated our father's true purpose for bringing the scepter into this world. He told us it was a ‘gift’, but For two thousand years, it has caused nothing but pain and suffering for this land. Everypony who's ever sought out the staff has met a terrible end.”

“Each of the Harmony Gems are protected by a spirit. These spirits are what give the Elements of Harmony and it’s bearers their power. By calling upon a gem’s power, you call upon the spirit of the element it represents. Once summoned, they will evaluate your to find all the times you showed kindness to others or demonstrated acts of loyalty. They will also evaluate all the times you were greedy, or were bitter towards other ponies. Then they will teleport your soul to their realm, where you must pass a trial of their own design. No pony has ever returned from that realm once brought there.

“This is why your efforts will only cause more pain. Even if you managed to find all gems and locate the scepter, you will never be able to power it unless you are proven worthy of all six attributes of harmony. Now, Shining Armor, I must ask, do you still feel confident in your goal knowing that you might end up bringing your family more pain should you fail?”

Shining Armor sat in his chair and thought for a while. Everything Luna said made sense, but at the same time he felt like he at least had to try. Then, he thought of an idea.

“I’ll prove to you that I’m the one.”

Luna’s poker face betrayed her slightly, as a hint of surprise befell her at the stallion's confidence.

“Please tell us how thou intends to do that.”

“I read in one of these books that the Gem of Honesty is locked in Canterlot Castle. If you bring the gem to me in Canterlot, I could take the trial in a controlled setting. That way, if anything bad starts to happen to my body, you can pull me out. If I return from the spirit world with the gem’s power, that will prove that I’m the one destined to wield the scepter.”

Luna thought about this for a moment. “As a former Bearer of Honesty, I think I could convince the spirit to return your soul to the realm of the living should you fail. If, in fact, you do fail the first trial, promise me you will give up this quest and go back to Cadance.

Shining Armor nodded. “I promise, Princess, but could you promise me one more thing?”

“What is that?”

“Please don’t let Twilly or Celestia find out what I’m doing.”

The Lunar Princess closed her eyes and let out a loud sigh.

“I promise.” she said. “I will meet you tomorrow nigh, along with the gem.”

“But how will I find you?” Shining asked.

She smirked.

“You won’t. I’ll find you.”

Author's Notes:

Next time. The Trial of Honesty will begin. I want to thank Loeden and Sorren for editing this chapter along KMCA. Edit:It was latter polished by Chaotic Min in August 2013.

Till next time everyone.

Trial of Honesty

"Sir, we've arrived at Canterlot Station." said the steward pony. "You need to get off before this train leaves for Appleoosa."

Shining stretched out his forelegs and let out a loud yawn as he slowly opened his eyes. He turned to the steward and thanked him.

"Don't mention it." replied the steward. "You don't know how many ponies oversleep and miss their stops. It happens more often than you would think, I can tell you that."

Shining Armor groggily nodded as he slowly got up from his seat and headed towards the exit.

"Wait, sir!" shouted the steward. "You forgot your saddlebag and books!"

With a sigh, Shining levitated all of his books into his saddlebag and strapped it tightly around his body. With his possessions secure, he made his way off the train and onto the platform.

Despite the fact that it was eight o'clock in the morning, the train station was almost completely empty, except for four ponies. This was most likely due the fact that the next stop was at some frontier town called Appleloosa. This worked to Shining Armor’s advantage: Having lived in Canterlot for most of his life as well as being the former guard captain, the chances of him getting recognised were high. Even with the cloak covering most of his features, he knew that he really did stick out in the crowd.

“Just stay calm,” He told himself in his head: “Luna said that she wouldn't meet with me ‘till later tonight. That means I have about twelve hours to kill. I have a lot of time on my hooves, but as long as I keep my head down, no pony should recognize—

"Captain... I mean, Prince Shining Armor!" called a voice from the far end of the platform. "Over here!"

"Ponyfeathers.” he muttered. “They got me. Luna must have ratted me out. That, or my disguise was just plain terrible... probably the latter.”

Shining Armor turned around, expecting to come face-to-face with a battalion of guards. To his surprise, the only one behind him was a lone pony with a brown cloak, with his hood draped down. He was standing at the far edge of the platform. Cautiously, Shining Armor made his way towards the mysterious pony that had called his name.

He was a gray coated stallion with a silver mane. His eyes were bright yellow with dragon like slits, and his ears were slightly disfigured.

"Who are you," asked Shining, "and how did you know it was me?"

The guard chuckled. "The princess told me you’d be wearing that silly black robe. That, and you’re the only pony who departed from that train. Anyway, where are my manners?"

He extended his right hoof. "I'm Shadow Wing, Princess Luna's most trusted protector and captain of her royal guard. I'm here to escort you to the Princess’ private residence on the outskirts of the city."

Shining Armor lifted his own hoof to shake Shadow's. "It's nice to meet you, Shadow. Are you a Pegasus? I can't tell because of that silly brown cloak."

Shadow chuckled. "Payback I see. Yes, as the the name 'Shadow Wing' would entail, I am a Pegasus pony of the sorts. However, we lunar pegasi are a dying breed, so to speak. We have certain 'features' that tend to startle most ponies. We have met a few times, during captain meetings with the Princesses.”

That’s right. He’s that cloaked pony I met every fall. I wonder why he kept his appearance hid from me. Perhaps he was nervous? It has been a thousand years since the Lunar Guard was disbanded. Since their reformation after the Nightmare Moon incident three and a half years ago, I haven’t seen a single pegasus in their ranks. I did hear some rumors about bat-ponies, but those can’t be true, right? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

“Now that you mention it, your voice does sound familiar. You wore that same cloak to every meeting.”

He chuckled, before looking around and turning back to Shining. “It’s a great honor for me to remake your acquaintance, but we must go before the station gets too crowded. My lieutenant is waiting for us by the chariot in a secluded courtyard not far from here. Follow me."

With their hoods both raised over their heads, the two ponies made their way through the streets of Canterlot. As they trotted along the roads of the city, they made sure not to make eye contact with anypony. After a few minutes, they made it out of the city into an empty courtyard where a dark purple and blue chariot was waiting for them. Next to the chariot was another grey stallion wearing a similar brown cloak.

"Captain Shadow Wing." said the stallion. “I see you have returned with our guest.”

Shadow turned his head towards Shining Armor. “This is Lieutenant Night Fang. I'm afraid that will have to do for acquaintances for now. Right now, this courtyard is empty, but it will be filled with ponies in a few hours. If you would please step into to the carriage, we will gladly fly you to the Princess’ private castle."

"But before we do that," said Shadow Wing to Shining Armor, “I need you to hold onto our robes so that we may spread our wings.”

"No problem, just take ‘em off and I'll make sure they don't fall off during the ride."

The two guards looked at each other, nodded, and began to remove their cloaks. Once removed, Shining Armor watched as the two guards stretched out their enormous bat wings. While Shining Armor had never seen ponies like this before, he had certainly heard of them. His division seldom worked alongside Luna’s night guards. In his career as captain, he had seen plenty of lunar unicorns, but never any pegasi. His men would tell stories of bat-like ponies called “thestrals” that secretly protected Princess Luna. Of course up until now, he never believed the stories.

"Whoa, you weren't kidding when you said you weren't like most pegasi."

Shadow laughed. "I believe you are the first pony not to be immediately frightened by our wings. As you can guess, most ponies are absolutely terrified of us. Of course, it does make our job of protecting the princess a lot easier. Still, it can get kind of tiresome to have ponies scream in fear whenever we aren't covering our wings. That's why most of our kind live in Hollow Shades, just east of Foal Mountain. It’s a beautiful town, especially during the spring."

"Well, my journey will probably take me all across the Equestria. If fate allows, I would love to visit your town someday."

"That is awfully kind of you," replied Shadow, "but we must depart now before ponies begin to flood the courtyard."

With his magic, Shining Armor lifted the cloaks of his escorts and placed them in the carriage, then he hoisted himself up and placed his flank firmly on the seat. After he was settled in, Fang and Shadow flapped their powerful wings and began to pull the carriage skyward in the direction of Luna's private castle.


It was midday when Luna's castle came into view near the base of Foal Mountain. The old gothic castle was perched on a forty-foot cliff with no direct path., which meant that only creatures of flight could ever hope to reach its summit. The castle reflected Luna's love for the night: The architecture looked like something a pony would see in a black and white vampony or Frankinstallion film. Despite it's creepy nature, there was also a surreal sense of beauty in it's design.

Shining stared in awe as the chariot started to descend.

"This is amazing. Why wasn't I told about this place back when I was Captain?"

"The Princess of the Night enjoys her privacy." replied Shadow. “ While she spends most of her time in Canterlot at night, she will often come here during the day to rest. Right now she is trying to get your artifact from the Canterlot Castle treasury. When we land, we'll help ourselves to some lunch and then give you the grand tour of the castle."

The chariot landed outside the front entrance and the two guards removed their harnesses. Shining Armor stepped out of the chariot and the three ponies made their way inside.


After an uneventful lunch in the castle dining hall consisting of roasted vegetables, Shining Armor was given a basic tour of the castle. The guards were very selective about which rooms they visited. Despite how small the castle looked compared to Celestia's, there was plenty of space to explore. The decor complemented the gothic architecture of the castle, with many of the rooms having eerie paintings of old wizards and guardponies. At one point, Shining swore that one of the paintings was watching him.

When the sun had finally set, the three ponies made their way back to the grand hall to greet Luna. From the top of the grand staircase, they witnessed a bright flash of light as the princess teleported into existence. As Luna cantered up the red carpet which covered the staircase, the three ponies bowed before her.

When she was finally up the steps, Shining lifted his head to speak.

"It's nice to finally speak with you in the flesh, Luna."

"The same can be said of you." Luna said. "I hope my guards were courteous during my absence."

"We were, your Majesty." replied Night Fang.

Luna nodded and turned to face Shining Armor. "It wasn't easy, but I managed to acquire the gem and replace it with a fake one. It is almost a perfect replica. While it saddens me to be so deceptive, I did make you a promise.”

Luna's horn lit up and a bright orange gem appeared and floated before him.

"Let us make our way to my meditation chamber. I want the two of you to stand guard over the door once we enter. If I am to assist Shining Armor, I will need full concentration. If anything should happen, do not enter the room unless I call. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Princess." the two guards said in unison.

"Very well. Follow me, my dear nephew in-law. Let us see if you are worthy of the gems."

Shining and the guards followed Luna through the castle’s many hallways until they came to a large door. Luna opened the door with her magic and she and Shining Armor stepped inside, while two guards remained behind, watchful for any trespassers.

The room was completely round and had no furniture. A small hole in the ceiling allowed in the moonlight to pour into room.

Luna instructed Shining to sit down on the opposite side the of the room, adjacent to her. As he trotted to the other end, Luna passed the gem to Shining, who took it in his magical grip.

"When you are ready, hold the gem in your hoof and say these words: “Spirit of Harmony, lend me your veracity."

Shining got himself into position. As the gem floated in between his eyes, he looked forward at Luna, as if waiting for her permission.

"Go on." she said in a soft voice.

Shining Armor took a deep breath. Twilly, Cadence, Crystal. Soon, you will never have to fear my passing.

Shining Armor lifted his right hoof and let the gem gently lower onto the end of his hoof. He closed his eyes and recited the calling.

"Spirit of Harmony, lend me your veracity."

Shining Armor opened his eyes to find that the gem was radiating a bright orange light. As the intensity of the light lessened and his eyes adjusted, he made out the image of an orange apparition which now stood in the center of the room.

At first glance, the apparition looked a lot like Twilight's friend Applejack. As the pony appearance began to become clearer, however, Shining could make out the shape of a large horn on the figures head. Also, unlike Applejack, the pony’s cutie mark was a pair of shaking hooves, which he assumed symbolized trust. Judging from it’s broad and muscular body, it was clear to Shining that the spirit before him was a stallion. Soon, the apparition began to lose it's transparency. Only after he fully materialized did the stallion speak.

"I am Truth, the Spirit of Honesty." His voice was strong, yet soothing, as he spoke.

He turned away from Shining Armor and focused his gaze on Luna.

"I wasn't expecting to ever see you again, Luna, at least outside of Applejack or the necklace. After you embraced the darkness, I was cast out of your soul. When this happened, my entire being was overcome with pain. Your father is very disappointed in your fall from grace, but he is happy that harmony is slowly but surely coming back into your heart. I look forward to the day when you may become worthy to harbor my being once again, but as I look at you now, I see that you're not as honest as you used to be. Such a pity."

Shining Armor watched as Luna stood up and glared. "I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. When the darkness showed me how happy ponies were during the day, I became consumed with envy. For months I tried to move on, to let everything go, but in the end my jealously towards my beloved big sister became too much. I cast you out of my heart, and for that I am sorry. You have every right to be mad at me, but an old friend and I would like to ask a favor of you."

"Does it have anything to do with the pony who summoned me?"

"Yes." replied Luna. "Somepony claiming to be my sister Gaia has invaded his head as the Nightmare Forces did mine all those years ago. Whether it’s really her or not, I can not tell. When I lost you, I lost the power to see through deception. Regardless, whoever has entered tempted him into seeking the power of the scepter in spite of the risks associated with doing so. He is married to my niece, the only known relative of my late sister. As a former Bearer of Honesty, I am asking you to return his soul to the realm of the living should he fail your trial."

"Well, it has been a while since anypony has tried to seek my power, so I shall grant your request. You are lucky, Luna. I'm not sure even my sister Charity would grant this request. But, you and I do go along way back... Though I may never fully forgive you for what you have done, this is the least I could do to show you how much you meant to me."

"Thank you, Truth." replied Luna as a tear rolled down her face. "I hope that someday I can earn your trust back. Before you go, there is something I need to know. What has become of Gaia?"

Truth smiled. “Though she she was forced to leave her physical body, her soul is still very much active in this world. It was and still is her responsibility to make sure this planet orbits around Celestia’s sun. She has become one with the earth and soil, just as me and my siblings are one with the elements. Whenever Applejack walks into the orchards, I can feel her presence preserving the trees.”

A warm smile appeared on Luna’s face has she let out a long sigh of relief that she had been holding for centuries. She closed her eyes knowing that her sister wasn't was far away as she originally thought.

Luna opened her eyes. “Thank you for telling me this. You’ve helped to ease one of my oldest wounds. However, it is he who needs your help more than I do.”

Truth turned his head to Shining Armor. "Young Champion, let me evaluate your past to see how honest your life has been up to this point.”

Truth's horn began to glow as he peered into Shining Armor's very soul. Every truth and every fib he had ever told from foalhood up until now became known to the spirit.

"You have lived a mostly honest life up until just recently, Mr. Armor. Though you did eventually tell your wife the truth about your dream, you left out many of the more interesting details."

He pouted. "I didn't want to make her worried."

"Justification for your fibs will not help you tame my power, Mr. Armor. Now that I have peered into your past, I have only one question to ask you."

"What is that?"

Truth let out a small grin. "Are you ready to begin? Be warned, though I cannot take your life should you fail, but the pain you will experience will be just as devastating. Everything worth fighting for comes at a risk. Are you willing to face mortal danger in order to see your wish come true?"

Shining Armor nodded.

Truth gave him a wide smile. There was a bright flash of light that caused Luna to shield her eyes. When she opened them again, Truth was gone and Shining Armor's body laid on the floor like a corpse.


Shining Armor opened his eyes to find that he was standing on a floating orange platform. The area around him was void of anything. His body was surrounded by sharp, floating spears that orbited around him like a planet. In front of him, on the opposite platform, stood Truth, his eyes full of judgement gazing down upon him.

"I am going to ask you three questions. Should you answer untruthfully for any reason, these spears will tear your soul to shreds. Though your soul will return to your body, you will wake up on the verge of death. Luna will probably be able to heal you. However, the damage done here will most likely cripple you for life. I'll give you one more chance to give up and return to Cadence, but I'm guessing you're not going to, are you?”

"Does that count as a question?" Shining smiled cheekily at his own joke. Truth, however, didn’t even bat an eye.

"No, it does not."

"Either way, the answer is no. I can, and will, do this."

"Very well, first question. Do you think putting your life on the line to obtain immortality is a selfless act?

"No, I do not. I believe it's selfish."

Truths eyes went wide open. "Funny, that's not what you've been telling Luna. Or yourself, for that matter."

"Deep down, I know what I am doing is more for my benefit than theirs, but I've come too far to stop."

He heard strange sound from behind him. One of the spears flew past him and grazed a small part of his mane. It happened so fast that he didn’t even have time to react. When he finally realized what happened, his heart skipped a beat. He winced in pain as a small trickle of blood dripped from his face.

Truth stared down at him with a blank expression on his face “That last part isn't entirely true, I’m afraid, but your courage to admit your selfish actions has brought you one step closer to your goal. But the questions are only going to get more personal from here. Question two. Have you abandoned Cadance?"

Shining Armor glared at Truth with fiery intensity.

"No, I have not. I intend to succeed and return to her side as soon as this is all over."

One of the spears started to shake slightly.

"Are you sure that's how you really feel?"

"No, but it's the truth nonetheless. I feel like I have betrayed her, but I have not abandoned her. I will return to her."

As the spear stopped moving, Truth’s eyes grew wide.

"You are good Mr. Armor. You’re very good. Normally, ponies start to lie out of shame at these questions, while others let their regrets take over. But so far, you have spoken your regrets while maintaining some stance of nobility. I'm impressed. But I'm afraid this is where most adventurers falter. Final question!

Truth took a deep breath and stared at Shining.

“On Twilight’s coronation day, did you cry out of jealousy or pride?”

Gaia’s comments about him began to flood into his mind.

Both Twilight, Cadence, and the child she’s currently pregnant with will live forever and be worshipped by all. If I was a mortal, I know I would be jealous. Isn't that why you cried during her coronation?”

It’s not a claim. It’s the truth

Shining Armor closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.

Was Gaia right? If I don't answer this question correctly, it's all over. I'll go back to Cadence as a crippled pony. I can't let that happen.

That’s when Shining remembered something.

If the real Gaia has become one with the Earth, than she couldn’t have been trapped in the Crystal Heart. But if that’s not her, then who the hell was that? And even if that wasn’t the real Gaia, it doesn’t mean that she was partially right.

I'm not going to let some ghost... thing tell me how I feel. On the other hoof, she was right. A part of me is jealous of Twilight. But who wouldn’t be jealous of their sister after all they have accomplished? I know the answer. I just need to have confidence in myself, because every fiber of my body is telling me this is the truth.

Shining Armor opened his eyes with new found confidence and looked Truth directly in the eyes. Everything was riding on this. If he was to succeed, he had to believe in himself. After all, how could anyone believe what he says if he himself didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

"They were tears of pride. More specifically, liquid pride. Any part of me that was jealous of Twilight was pushed aside by the love I have for my sister. Ever since she was a foal, I have watched her grow and accomplish so much. From learning how to fly a kite, to becoming Celestia's first and only pupil, to defeating Nightmare Moon, to becoming an alicorn, I couldn't be any more proud of her."

By this point tears were flowing down Shining's face like a waterfall. Truth was baffled. After two thousand years, few ponies have spoke so truthfully to him before. Could he really be the one?

Suddenly the spears around Shining began to melt into light and vanish. Truth lifted two of his hooves and clapped.

"Congratulations Prince Shining Armor, you have proven yourself worthy of my power. From now on, a part of my soul shall reside within you. You will also now be able to see through the deception and lies of others. I hope that you will continue your quest and prove your worth to my siblings. Although I must remain here in this realm, know that I shall live in part of you so long as you remain honest. Farewell, Shining Armor. Once the scepter is made whole, you will see me again."

With that, the room once again became bright white .


Shining Armor opened his eyes to see Luna watching him intently. His body felt cold from resting on the hard stone floor. He felt odd, after having his soul teleported to another dimension, but at the same time he felt accomplished and triumphant.

"We don't see any scars or scratches." inquired Luna. "So we takest that thou were successful?"

"Just barely," replied Shining with a sheepish smile.

Luna expression shifted. “Although you succeeded, you still need to head back to the Crystal Empire.”

Shining opened his mouth to protest, but he was abruptly cut off.

“The mare from your dreams was not my sister. Truth himself stated that she has become one with planet, yet the Gaia from your dreams said that she was trapped in the Crystal Heart. I think this goes without saying, but the Spirit of Honesty doesn’t lie. I'm happy that you are the first mortal to pass a trial, but it was bound to happen eventually. You can easily fail the others, though. Please, for Cadence’s sake, for your sister’s sake, for my sake, turn back while you still can. Should you fail, I fear the worst for this land."

Shining shook his head at Luna and moved his right hoof forward as if to challenge her.

"I'm in no rush to get the gems just yet. This trial made me realize that I really need to get my priorities straight. I know that somepony pretending to be Gaia invaded my dreams in order to push me into this quest. However, we don’t know who was behind the facade, or what it’s goal is. I’m still going after the gems, but I’m not going to let my fears cloud my judgment anymore. I need to ask you one more favor."

"If it involves any more secret keeping, I'm out. Who knows how long it will take for Truth to accept me again?"

"It's nothing like that. I was hoping you could to get me into Cadence's dreams, so that I can talk to her."

A light smile crept over Luna's face.

"I think I can arrange that. Follow me to the guest chambers."

Author's Notes:

In case anyone is wondering, Luna sometimes switches between old and new equestrian. While she is adjusting to the new way of speaking, she vocationally likes to switch between the two. Sometimes this happens unintentionally

Again I want to thank all my editors for all their help.

Also please checkout Late Register's new group called Loyal Subjects. There you can find stories like this that focus on Equestrian Royalty. Show your patriotism for Twilight, Celestia, Sombra, or even ugh... Blueblood! Shutter. Anyway thanks again for liking and favoring this story. I'll be taking a break to work on some of my other stories. I'll let you guys know the moment I start writing part four.

I Will Never Die

Luna led Shining Armor to the guest bedroom and instructed him to lie down. When he was comfortable, he looked up at Luna.

“Just go to sleep,” she said. “I’ll guide your subconscious to Cadence. Keep in mind that she could be dreaming about anything. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Shining Armor nodded. “I need to let Cadence know that I’m alright. I’m feeling really guilty about not telling her where I was going or what I’m planning to do, but I think she already knows.”

Luna sighed. “Very well. Close your eyes and rest.”

As Shining Armor shut his eyes, Luna’s horn began to glow light blue. As she channeled her magic, Shining thought only of Cadence as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


When Shining Armor opened his eyes, the only thing he could see was blackness. Using his horn as a lantern, Shining illuminated the room. He was in a cave that he remembered all too well from his captain days.

These are the crystal caverns directly below Canterlot. What Am I doing here?

It took him a few seconds to fully recall everything. He was supposedly in Cadence's dream, right?

Is she dreaming all this? Why in Equestria would she... Our wedding! She told me the queen had her locked up in here for days. If she’s dreaming about this then that means...

“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU WITCH!” A loud voice echoed from behind one of the walls of crystal.

“Cadance!” Shouted Shining. “Back away from the wall, I’m coming in.”

A large stream of magical energy blasted from his horn and obliterated the wall from which he heard the echo’s. When the debris cleared, he saw two figures, one a very injured Cadance while the other was a face he hoped to never see again.

“He left you, Cadence. He left you and now you're at my mercy. Too bad I don’t have any time to spare.”

“You’re a liar,” Cadence shouted, eyes dripping with tears and mascara. “Shining would never abandon me.”

This is all my fault. She’s having this nightmare because of me. I have to put an end to this.

With blind fury, Shining Armor charged Chrysalis, his horn glowing bright purple and his eyes glistening with anger.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!” He screamed and rammed his horn right into the left side of the changeling’s chest. She turned her head at the enraged stallion as her body became overcome with fear.

“No, that’s impose-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Shining released the magic within his horn. He watched as the queen's body exploded in a surge of radiant, purple light. When the light cleared, the only thing remaining of Chrysalis was her crown.

Shining turned his head to face Cadence, whose eyes were sparkling like the crystals in the wall. However, despite the happy look on her face, beneath the surface she expressed nothing but sadness.

“You came back.” she said, as she brushed a tear from her eye. “She told me you left, that you’d rather have her as your queen. I knew she was lying. I just kn...kne... kne...”

Cadence covered her eyes with her hooves and burst into tears.

Shining thought for a moment and planned his words carefully.

“Cadence, I’m not really here. This is all a dream. I’m with your Aunt Luna right now, and that’s why I’m able to speak to you like this. I’ve come to tell you that I’m alright, and I’m sorry I left without any warning. I never meant to cause you any pain. I guess I was so distressed last night that I wasn’t really thinking.”

Shining slowly trotted toward Cadence and wrapped her up in his hooves.

“I might not be here physically, but my love will always be able to find you and protect you.”

Shining and Cadence sat and hugged each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity. They had only been apart for one day, yet both missed each other greatly. They were incomplete without each other.

As Shining wiped the last of tears with his hoof, Cadence gazed into his bright blue eyes.

“I’ve been worried sick all day,” she said softly. “Ever since I woke up to discover you were gone, I’ve done nothing but worry. I should have never told you about that stupid legend. Please come back.”

Shining Armor nodded. “I will, but not yet. Thanks to your aunt Luna, I was able to acquire one of the harmony gems you told me about. I passed the trial of honesty. If I come back now, I’ll never know if I’m worthy or not.”

Cadence stared at him with pleading eyes. “But, by the time you find you're not worthy, you’ll be dead. I can’t bear the thought of losing you. I’m scared I might go ma....”

“That’s why I need to do this, so you and Twilight will never have to worry about my mortality ever again. I know that if I do fail, you're all going to be hurt more than if I died of old age. That’s why I can’t afford to fail. If there is anything I learned from Truth, it’s that I can’t accomplish anything by giving in to fear. I know you're afraid and alone right now, but I promise I’ll come back. Once I’ve passed one or two more trials, I’m going to come back to the Empire and take a break. I really don’t want Twilight or Celestia to find out about this. Plus, there’s something I need to get to the bottom of. I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you.”

Suddenly, a large gust of wind began to blow within in the cave. It blew as if the two of them were out in an open field, as opposed to the enclosed cavern of crystals.

“It looks like my time is up. I’m one with honesty now, so you're going to have to trust me when I say this. I’m not going to die, and once I find the scepter and become one with the other spirits, I never will.”

Within moments, Shining was pulled backward by an invisible force as Cadence and the cave began to fade away. All the while, Cadence stretched out her right hoof, hoping to pull him back, but he was long gone.


That same night, Prince Blueblood gazed down at the city below from his room in Canterlot Castle pondering his life. He had just finished reading the gossip column of today's Equestria Daily. The article that caught his attention was spread out on his armchair. It read Prince Blueblood goes into seclusion in the weeks following coronation.

While the article did bother him, that wasn’t the only thing on his mind.

Why, great Creator, why was I denied my birthright? All my research tells me that I should have been born an alicon. Mother carried the gene, and both her and father were extremely gifted in magic. Yet for some reason, I was born mortal while my lovely little sister was born a goddess. I’ve studied it my whole life, and it still doesn’t make any sense to me. At least I wasn’t denied my nobility once everypony knew me and my family were descendants of Gaia. Still... I’ve never truly gotten the admiration I deserve.

Without warning, memories of the past came flooding back to him like a rushing river.

“Mommy, why does Cadence have wings and I don’t?”

“I don’t know honey, but aren’t they so cute.”

“Blueblood, old bean, you must introduce me to your sister so I can ask her hoof in marriage. Do you know if the alicorn gene is hereditary? I don’t want any son or daughter of mine to be denied the luxury of enteral greatness… Ehrm, no offense dear friend.”

“So you’re Canterlot royalty huh? Where are your wings?”

“So you and Shining Armor are the only royals without wings now. You better make sure your brother in-law doesn’t suddenly sprout them like his sister did.”

He tried to stop all the memories from pouring into his head without success. Finally, he just screamed at the top of his lungs and slammed his hoof into the wall. Luckily, none of his paintings or antiques were knocked over.

“Keep it together Blueblood.” he said to himself. He always found a good self-talk was a great way to calm down sometimes... at least for a little while. “Ponies are still talking about Twilight and it irritates me to no end. To think I actually had to leave Fancypants’s party just because she decided to make an appearance! Oh sweet aunt Celestia do I hate her.”

As Blueblood stared at the window, he poured himself a glass of champagne and gulped it down, before refilling the glass again and again. When the entire bottle was empty, he slouched his flank onto his armchair and closed his drunken eyes.

”You look like you're having some alicorn troubles. You do realise drinking isn’t going to make them go away?”

He opened his eyes as a deep raspy voice rang out across the room. He frantically searched the room, only to find that he was the only pony there.

“Keep looking old chap, you’ll never be able to find me. However, you don’t have worry. I am a friend.”

“Who the devil are you.” Blueblood asked in a drunken slur. “What are you doing in my private chambers. Commoners are not allowed in here!

“Who I am is not important,” said the mysterious voice, “But I can tell you, I am no commoner. What is important, however, is how nature has neglected you. What should have been yours at birth was denied by fate, and now ponies with no ties whatsoever to the royal family are enjoying the luxuries that, by all rights, should be yours.”

“Get out of my room before I call the night guard on you. If you don’t get out this instant; they’ll disintegrate you. They’re really good at that, you know.”

A high pitched demonic laugh echoed, which seemed to emanate from the shadows. Even while being heavily intoxicated, Blueblood knew that shadows couldn’t laugh. Somepony had to be in the room. As the voice’s laughter died down, it continued to speak.

“I’m afraid petty unicorn magic would have no effect on me, since there is nothing left for them to disintegrate. Now listen to me. Your brother in-law is planning to become an alicorn using the Scepter of Harmony. If he succeeds, you will be the only royal family member without wings. Your birth right will be shamed once again by a pony who lacks divine blood. Tell me, your highness, how does that make you feel?”

Blueblood gritted his teeth as a light blue aura began to emanate from his horn. His magic took hold of the small glass that he had been drinking out of moments before. Without warning he chucked it the wall and watched it shatter.

“Why that filthy commoner!” said Blueblood, panting wile he spoke. "Who does he think he is? There is no way in hell that I’m going to let that pretender have what should have been mine at birth. I told Cadence he was no good. If he has figured out a way, he better tell me how I can awaken the alicorn inside, me or suffer the consequences!”

The voice continued to laugh: “I’m afraid what Shining is attempting is a feat I highly doubt you can pull off. However, there is something you can do.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s simple. All you have to do is kill him. After that, I’ll show you how to become truly immortal.”

Blueblood shook his head with a look of disgust. “I am appalled you even suggestion I get my hooves all bloody. Wait... do I need to be the one to kill him, or can I send somepony else to do it instead? As much as I love inflicting unimaginable pain unto that pretender, I do not want to risk his filthy commoner blood staining my recently groomed coat”

So long has your actions lead to his demise, you will be greatly rewarded.

Blueblood smiled as his vision began to blurry: “That’s good. That’s goo..."

Before he could finish, Blueblood passed out on the armchair, and the room fell into dead silence.


The next morning, Shining Armor woke up and reflected on the events from the night before, from Truth’s trial to his meeting with Cadence. He looked around the guest room to find that somepony had brought his saddlebag and cloak to the room. This saved him the trouble of scouring the whole castle looking for it. He checked his saddlebag to make sure everything was there, when he found something he didn't quite expect. Somepony had placed the harmony gem in his bag, along with five enchanted purses containing a thousand bits each.

Once Shining strapped on his saddlebag with his magic, he noticed something else beside his bed: It was a longsword, with a small crescent moon adorning it’s golden hilt. It’s sheath was decorated with stars, comets, and the constellations.

As Shining removed the sword from it’s sheath, he became immediately transfixed at the expert craftsmanship of the weapon. Even while using telekinesis, Shining could tell that the blade was perfectly balanced. It was light enough for him swifty maneuver - either with his hooves or with his magic, and sturdy enough to parry even the strongest of blows. In addition, the blade seemed extremely sharp. Even though the room was almost void of sunlight, strobes of light gleamed brightly off the face of the blade.

“This blade used to be mine, you know. Now it is yours.”

Shining turned around to see Princess Luna standing right behind him in the doorway.

“I used that blade during the ancient war with the Griffon Kingdom.” Luna continued, looking thoughtfully at the blade. “While a formidable blade during the day, it is even more deadly during the night. As you can imagine, being able to call upon the night helps. I entrust this sword to you, so that you may be kept safe on your journey.”

“This is really all too much. I don’t feel right taking this sword, let alone all the bits you snuck into my bag.”

“The only reason I’m giving them to you is so that you may survive the hardships yet to come. Like it or not, you will need all the help you can get if you are to survive this quest. Remember, the last thing I want is for Cadence to face anymore grief. Both of her parents were killed in a train crash about five years ago. As one would imagine, she and her brother are still recovering from their loss. Being the daughter of a god, I don’t know what it’s like to lose a father or a mother. However, I do know what it is like to lose a sister.”

For a second Shining Armor almost thought he saw a tear shimmer down Luna’s eyes, but her face showed no signs of emotion.

“Thank you for your help, princess, I’ll make sure to take good care of your blade. I hope I never have to use it.”

“It would be miracle if you didn’t. The road you're traveling is filled with mortal peril, but you must survive so that Cadence may not suffer anymore pain. Now, please come downstairs with me. There is one more thing we must do before I send you away from this mountain.”

Luna escorted Shining Armor to the main hall where Captain Shadow Wing and Lieutenant Night Fang were waiting for them. As Shining made his way down the grand staircase he couldn’t help but think something was a little bit off with Night Fang, It was like some new sense had awoken within his brain and was telling him to be vigilant.

That’s weird. Why do I get this funny feeling when I look at him? Its like my mind is telling me to be cautious about him. But he’s hasn’t done or said anything to make me feel like this.

As the two royal ponies finished making their way down the stairs, Luna turned to face him. “Shining Armor, both Shadow and Night have agreed to accompany you on your journey, but I’m afraid only one may join you. If you do not chose one of them, I will chose for you. As I mentioned before you will need all the help you can get if you have any hope of succeeding. Should you refuse an escort, I have instructed both of them to follow you against your will.”

Shining Armor became deep in thought as his eyes alternated between the two guards. His mysterious sixth sense was still agitating him whenever he looked at Night Fang. Was this what Truth meant when he said that he could now “see through deception.”? Whatever he was feeling, he figured he should listen to it.

“Shadow, if you're willing, I would like you to accompany me on this journey. I feel really bad that after all these years as captain of the Solar Guard, I never got to meet you until today.”

“I am more than just willing,” said Shadow. “Finally, after a thousand and three years, our regiments will finally become one army again. As you know, the lunar guard has been trying to re-establish itself for about 3 years. With so few thestrals left in this world, the Lunar Guard as it stands now is mostly unicorns. We’re working on a potion that will turn willing pegasi into thestrals, but it’s still years in the making. I thought I was going to have to wait decades before I could work alongside a member of the celestial guard... However, fate has given us the opportunity to work together like the captains of old. As both soldier and a protector, I have never felt more happy in my life.”

“But technically I'm not the Captain anymore.”

Shadow’s silt eyes shot wide open upon hearing that, but shrank after a few moments. “Meh, this is close enough.”

After everypony was done laughing, Shadow and Shining said their farewells to Night Fang and Luna, and then the princess used her her magic to teleport both adventurers down the mountain. When they were gone Night Fang closed his eyes as a voice rang in his head.

Were you chosen?

I’m sorry your grace, but he chose the captain instead.

That’s too bad. I've been dying to get back at him ever since he chucked me all the way to Wuvy-Dovey Smoochy Land. If he is in fact after the gems, he’ll have to come my way eventually, whether by force or by his own will. Still, I prefer force. Keep pretending to be that pathetic bat creature for the time being. I’ll send one of the 13 to fetch our friend.


Meanwhile in Canterlot

The Royal Guard stood ready and alert as he and his battalion of pegasi waited for Prince Blueblood to speak. As he did, they all wondered what the prince could possibly want with them.

“Loyal soldiers of Equestria,” shouted Blueblood. “I have just received word that Prince Shining Armor has abandoned the kingdom that our divine princesses bestowed upon him. I have received reports that he is trying to do something that could potentially endanger his life. All report’s suggest he is not acting like himself. He has attacked several guards who were only trying to help him. You must find him so that we may restore him to sound mind.”

He paused for a moment to focus on everything his acting coach had taught him about faking tears. As water dripped down his face, his voice became soft.

“I don’t know what has come over my brother in-law. All I know is that my sister must be in great pain. As a noble prince of Equestria, and as a loving and caring brother, it is my duty to make sure Shining Armor is brought back here unharmed.”

This way I can see him bleed myself. From a distance of course. I wouldn’t want to get my coat all red, now would I.

The guards began to talk amongst themselves.

“What could he possibly be trying to do?”

“Has somepony cast an insanity spell on him?”

“The captain would never act violently to one of his former soldiers. What in Equestria could have come over him?”

A small smile crept onto Bluebloods face.

This will teach you not to steal what should have been mine from the very beginning

The Changeling with the Wasp Tattoo

The two stallions found themselves to the base of the mountain, where they stood in a vast green meadow, with a flowing river in the distance.

Shadow turned to Shining and smiled. “So, Captain,” he asked, “Where to?”

“Well... I don’t know where any of the gems are, but I do have a few books that might be able to help us find them. Do you know where the nearest town or city is?”

“That would be my home town, Hollow Shades. I’m afraid that’s on the other side of the mountain. While it would only take me less than an hour to fly there, it would take you a day’s travel without the proper climbing equipment, and even then you’d be putting yourself in danger.”

Shining grimaced at the thought of falling down Canterlot Mountain. “Is there anyplace else we can go to?”

“Well, there’s Dodge City to the south and Fillydelphia to the east. Both will take us about the same amount of time to travel to. I, personally, would pick Dodge City. I hear they grow some of the best cherries in all of Equestria there.”

Shining Armor grinned. “Well, I’m not much of a cherry pony, but I think we should give Dodge City a try. I’ll use my magic to make a raft and cross the river. Feel free to fly ahead to the other side. Once I make it across, we’ll gallop until sunset and set up camp.

Shadow nodded in agreement. “Excellent plan, Captain.”

Shining nudged Shadow with the side of his front leg.

“Hey, you don’t have to keep calling me Captain or prince for that matter. Let’s save the titles for when we’re on duty, ok? For now, let’s just call each other by first names. We’ll become better acquainted with each other that way.”

Shadow nodded. “As you wish Cap...I mean, Shining Armor.” He grinned. “Whoo, this is going to take a while. I hope you don’t mind if I slip up from time to time?”

Shining returned the grin. “Not at all,” he said, as his horn began to glow. As he collected materials for the raft, Shadow flapped his wings and took to the sky.

That stallion is a born leader, thought Shadow. That much is certain. If anypony deserves to be an alicorn, it’s him.


After his long motivational speech to the guards, Blueblood retired to his chambers to communicate with “the voice.”

He smiled blissfully as he trotted down the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Just imagine it. Whoever is behind that voice is going to make me immortal. Once Shining’s dead I will finally have eternal life. I am so, so hap...

“Blueblood! How dare you give orders to my guard without consulting me!”

Blueblood turned around in fear at the sound of his Aunt Celestia’s Royal Canterlot Voice. Sure enough, she was trotting right towards him with glaring eyes and a stern frown.

Well Shit!

He looked up at his aunt, doing his best to suppress the fear rising in him.

“I’m so sorry Aunt Celi!” Blueblood said reassuringly with the best poker face he could muster. “When I found out about what Shining did to my sister, I knew I had to do something”

Celestia leaned her head forward and glared at Blueblood. His eyes opened wide as his lips crunched together, Sweat began to pour down his face.

“And who exactly told you this?” scolded Celestia. “And since when do you care about anypony else other than yourself? Ever since you were adopted into my family, you have exploited your social status. You have contributed nothing to equine society and have demonstrated nothing but selfishness.”

As she scolded him, he silently thanked the voice for telling him what to say in case he was confronted.

“I’m sorry Aunty,” he said sadly. “I overheard some of the guards talking about the ponies who say they saw him at the train station yesterday. Afterward, I looked into the matter myself and found out about his assault on the guards. I can’t prove it, but I trust my sources wholeheartedly.”

He lifted his head and looked Celestia confidently in the eye. “As for your other question, Aunty, you’re absolutely right. I couldn't care less about other ponies. That is, except for you, Luna, and my dear sister Cadance. I find she is the one pony I love almost as much as myself. Maybe even more so, but this is me you're talking about. Please, Auntie, if Shining has hurt her in any way, then it’s my job to make it right. If I wasn’t such a germaphobe, I’d be out there right now, hunting him down.”

Wow, I probably sound really convincing just now. My acting teacher always says the best lies are the ones with a portion of the truth.

Celestia lifted her head and sighed. “It’s true, there were reports that he was in Canterlot yesterday, but I have heard nothing about him assaulting guardsmen. I’d get your facts checked next time. Also, I know you care about Cadence. From what I hear, you used to be quite the overprotective big brother. Is it true you actually tried to get into her prom just so you could spy on her and Shining?”

Blueblood blushed. “Yeah, that actually happened.I might be selfish, but you know I’m not a bad pony deep down.”

A warm smile Bloomed on to Celestia’s face. “Alright nephew, I’ll allow you to lead the search, but under one condition. As soon as Shining is apprehended, you are to report to me immediately so that I may question him. I fear that a great evil may be plotting our destruction. There have been high fluctuations of dark magic in the north, and last night I thought I felt something in the castle itself. I have a theory as to who or what might be behind this, but I’m going to need Shining Armor in order to be sure. Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear.”

Blueblood bowed and trotted down the hall. As he cantered, he summoned his personal handkerchief with his magic and wiped the sweat from his face.

That was too close for my liking. Hmm... Now that my hangover is gone, I should I really find out what I’ve gotten myself into. If the voice is using dark magic, then it could be a demon or some other dark entity... No! Now is not the time to grow a conscience. Cadence and I are the only ponies that matter in this world while everypony else is second-rate. Regardless, I should at least make sure I’m not being played with.

For one thing, how does he know Shining Armor is going to Dodge City? A pony of his stature wouldn’t dare to set a hoof there unless they wanted to be the laughing stock of Canterlot.

“Let’s just say I can hear and see everything from the shadows.”

Blueblood let out a feminine shriek and made a break for his room. As he galloped, servants and guards stared at him with bewilderment.

"You're in my head now? How long have you been in my head? How did you know where Shining is?”

The raspy voice of a stallion chuckled loudly in his head.

"One question at a time, fool. Let me start with the second one because that’s the easiest to explain. Right now, a fraction of my horn is in the arctic, from where I can channel my magic into all the shadows in the world. While my powers grow weaker the further my magic travels, I can eavesdrop and communicate easily. In short, I know where Shining is traveling because I heard it straight from his mouth."

“Secondly, I’m not really in your head. I can only spread my influence so far, but it’s easier when there are shadows. After your passed out, I carved an arcane symbol into your skull, an easy feat for a being who is nothing more than dark energy at this point. Your mind is now linked to my consciousness, which I expect you to retrieve personally at some point. After all, you are now my servant.”

By the time the voice was finished, Blueblood had reached the doors to his room. As he opened the doors and stepped inside, he continued his conversation from the safety of his head.

“I’m noponies servant demon.”

“How about partners?”

"That’s better, but that would imply that me and you are equals. I suppos it will have to do though. Just remember that this is merely a business relationship. Nothing more, nothing less."

Blueblood trotted into his room and cast a silencing spell. All this talking in his head was driving him crazy.

“If you don’t mind,” whined Blueblood. “I would rather we speak in here through your ‘shadows’ like you did this morning. All these voices in my head are going to go crazy.”

“As you wish.” replied the voice, now speaking to him from within the shadowns.

“Oh thank the Creator,” replied the prince with a look of relief. “I thought I was going to get a migraine. So what’s our next move... partner?”

“For now, all we can do is hope for one of two things. Either Shining Armor gets captured by your guards, or he fails his next trial. Should it be the latter, then your next mission would be to escort his soulless thrall to my location so that I may inhabit his vessel.”

“But I thought you wanted him dead.”

The voice let out an eerie chuckle.

“My original plan was for him to fail the trial so I could claim his body as my own. That's why I invaded his dreams and got him to search for the scepter. However, it seems that I misjudged him, for he has already proven himself worthy in the eyes of the spirit Truth. Whether he dies or loses his soul doesn’t matter, so long as he is unsuccessful in the end. While I’m still hoping for my plan A to be successful, plan B has already been set in motion.”

The sound of the voice’s insane laughter echoed through the chamber as rain conveniently fell down onto Canterlot. Thunder echoed outside, adding to the chilling aroma of his laughs. To shake off his discomfort, Blueblood began to nervously chuckle along with the shadows.

I really hope plan B isn’t what I think it is. If so, you’ve really done it this time Blueblood, old boy.


After making it across the river, Shining and Shadow galloped until the sun went replied the voice, now speaking to him from within the shadows to make it as far as the of Rambling Rock Ridge.

Shadow set down the camping supplies so Shining could set everything up with his magic. After simultaneously pitching both tents, Shining used his flame magic to help start a fire.

“Alright, I’m going to get about two hours worth of reading done, and then lets get some rest. We are each going to take turns guarding the campsite against bandits and monsters. This way, we can both be rested for tomorrow.

“I’m not really used to sleeping during the night, being a nocturnal creature and all, but I guess this is something I’m going to have to get used to.”

While Shadow retired to his tent, Shining levitated his copy of The Curse of the Harmony Gems.

I still feel really lousy for taking these things. I have a funny feeling this going to bite me in the flank later on. Oh well...What's done is done. No use crying over spilled milk, it’s study time.

Shining opened the book and immediately became engrossed in it. By looking at the table of contents, he knew this book would play a vital role in his journey. He began to read the sections out loud in his head.

What we know about the spirits.

Those who have failed.

Accounts from the soulless.

He stopped reading after scanning the title of a particularly intriguing chapter title.

”Gifts for completing each trial.” Page 300. Huh. That should be interesting. Maybe it will explain what Truth meant about me being able to ‘See through deception?’

He flipped the pages until he came to page 300. He read silently to himself, making sure to study every little detail.

Legend says that for those that can successfully complete a trial, a part of the spirit will forever live within the champion until he or she breaks an attribute of harmony. This in-turn would give them a connection to a bearer of the element's, for they too are one with the spirits. See page 150 regarding the elements and the Bearers of harmony.

Shining skimmed a bit untill he found the passage he was looking for.

In addition to becoming an honorary bearer, the champion will obtain gifts for each trial he or she completes. Since nopony that we know of has completed a trial, it is unknown whether or not this is accurate. Legends says the gift can be either an ability or an object.

One ancient text goes into detail about three of the possible gifts for Kindness, Honesty, and Generosity. It reads as follows.

‘Thou who proves thyself of Kindness shall be able to soothe the hearts of the feril. Thou who proves thyself of Honesty shall sense the lies of others whether they be through words or through treacherous disguise. Thou who proves thyself of Generosity shall receive half of what thou desires.’

The rest of the text has been destroyed, and many scholars question it’s validity.

“It’s accurate though.” he blurted out loud.

He shook his head in surprise and accidentally threw the book to the side.

What the hell was that? Can I now tell what’s true and what isn’t? Man, that will get annoying fast depending on how it works. I’ll have to test this out later. In the meantime, I should probably get some res... Hang on! What’s that?

In the distance he spotted a caravan of some sort. It looked like a traveling caravan a being pulled by two strong earth ponies. In the front of the carriage sat a grey unicorn stallion with a long black mane.

Shining brushed open his partners tent with his horn and called to him.

“Wake up Shadow!" he yelled abruptly. "We have company.”

Shadow Wing jolted up from his sleep and swiftly hovered out of the tent. His low light vision allowed him to spot the on-coming caravan with ease. Once he saw it, he quickly grabbed his spear and lifted himself off the ground.

As the caravan approached the camp, Shadow flew up to the driver and halted him with his hoof. The carriage came to an abrupt halt.

“What... is there a problem officer?” replied the unicorn cheerfully. “Because I can assure you I’m quite sober.”

As Shining’s eyes darted from each of the three travelers, he began to feel a familiar vibe.

This feels just like I felt this morning when I saw Night Fang. Only this time it’s not just from one pony. What does this mean?

Shining watched as Shadow fluttered backwards and floated by his side. The bat pony’s eyes scanned each of the ponies in front of him

“What business do you have here?” replied Shadow sternly. “You do realize you and your companions are traveling off road?

“Yeah, we are a risky bunch,” replied one of the earth ponies pulling the cart. “We like traveling on a set path. We’re just delivering some goods to Ponyville.”

That is a lie!

A strange ticklish sensation coursed through Shining’s body for a few seconds before vanishing.

“You do realize that ridge leads to the Everfree Forest?” asked Shadow Wing curiously..

“Don’t worry,” answered the unicorn “We traveled this way many times. We know a route that the monsters tend to avoid.

That’s a lie!

Again, a jittery feeling swept over him before quickly vanishing

It’s that feeling again, but it’s also something else. It’s not just their appearance that’s off. It’s their words. I need to test this out.

“Shadow,” Shining whispered. “Tell me something you know isn’t true. It can be anything.”

“The sky is green.” he whispered.

That’s a lie!

Again, Shining felt the vibration.

“Now tell me the truth.”

“What does this even have to do with anything?”

“Just do it!” Shining whispered sternly.

“If you say so. The sky is blue.”

Shining felt nothing.

“Ok, that proves it.” he said loudly as he turned his attention to the caravan. “I can tell when other ponies are lying, and you three have done it twice already.”

Shining drew his sword and with magic and tilted it above his forehead. Everypony watched as the blade began to emit a sparkling blue light.

Huh. Luna did say this weapon would be stronger at night.

In response, green flames enveloped the two earth ponies. When the flames evaporated, two giant black insects stood in their place. Shining knew these creature well, for it was their race that had crashed his wedding more than a year ago.

“Changelings!” he shouted. “You bastards are gonna pay for what you did to Cadence.”

With their cover blown, the changelings lunged at them. The one on the left flew in the air and tackled Shadow. He tried to thrust his spear but the bug caught the weapon in his hoof. The two of them hovered in midair as they both tried to take control of the spear.

The second changeling went after Shining.

“I don’t think so.” he cried.

Using his magic, Shining swung his sword and cut the changelings wings clean off. The creature fell to the ground and landed flat on it’s chest. It looked up and snarled with pain and anger.

“Foolish pony. Your lucky her majesty wants you alive.”

The creature’s crooked horn began to glow green as a stream of magic and energy shot from it. With little effort on his part, Shining created a small purple shield in the shape of his cutie mark. The green bolt of magic ricocheted off the shield and slammed right into the caster, flinging the changeling backwards into the air before his body was engulfed in a bright green explosion. With his opponent vaporised, Shining turned his attention to the carriage driver.

Meanwhile, Shadow Wing struggled to regain control of his weapon as he and the changeling struggled in the sky. For a moment, it appeared as the changeling would win the struggle, but just as the creature was about to yank the spear from the captains grip, Shadow kicked his opponent right in the chest with back-right hoof. The changeling lost its grip on the weapon, and was now dazed in the air.

Without hesitation and without mercy, Shadow lifted his spear with both front hooves and brought it down on the changeling’s skull. He drove the spear and the changeling into the ground below, and landed safely. Once he removed the spear from the corpse of his opponent, he returned to Shining’s side and turned to face the unicorn.

Both ponies were surprised to see that the unicorn didn’t seem frightened in the slightest. From Shining’s perspective, it looked as if the stallion was grinning with confidence. He didn’t need his sixth sense to tell him something was off.

Shadow let out a hearty laugh and smirked at his opponent, making sure to expose his bat-like fangs.

“Chrysalis should have know it would take more than three of you take us down.” declared the pegasus. “Now surrender yourself.”

“Careful, Shadow.” replied Shining who bore a worried expression on his face. “I’ve read up on changelings after the the Wedding last year. They normally only attack in swarms, so there might be more out there.”

“Alright,” replied the unicorn as he jumped down from the carriage. “I’m putting my hooves up.”

Shining watched confusingly as he saw the disguised changeling lift both his front hooves in the air and sat down.

“I’ll restrain him Shining.” said Shadow with conviction.

“It has to be a trick. I have never met anypony or anything that was willing give up so easily.”

“You’re a sharp one Armor.” replied the unicorn enthusiastically. “It’s no wonder Mom injected your DNA into my egg.”

What the hell?

Shining looked dumbfounded at the unicorn and slowly began to approach him. Then without warning, green flames consumed the unicorn’s body. Blinded by the bright green light, Shining instinctively levitated sword his to block any incoming blows.

His eyes cleared up, and he caught a glimpse of what looked like a black figure preparing to swing a silver sword.

What? How is he holding a sword with just one hoof? No time think! Need to fight!

Instinctively, Shining countered blow after blow as the black figure aggressively assaulted him with his blade. As Shining began to return blows of his own, he managed to take in the features of his opponent.

The first thing he noticed was that his opponent's sword was attached to his body, where his right hoof should have been. As Shining charged forward for a counterattack, he caught a glimpse of a dark blue mane that looked oddly familiar to him. Also, unlike every changeling Shining had ever seen, this one didn’t appear to have a single hole on it’s body.

Eventually Shining and the mysterious changeling locked blades together. Shining peared into his green pony like eyes and could see his fangs locked into a smile.

“You know,” said Shining roughly, “I can’t really get a good look at you while we're fighting like this. But I can see enough of you to tell you're not a regular changeling. What are you, and what was that garbage about having my DNA?”

Just then a scary thought entered his head.

“Please tell me I’m not your father.”

They took a few more swings at each other before finally locking blades again.

“Of course not.” the changeling said in annoyance “I’m, let’s just say, a science experiment gone horribly right. I’m afraid you know too much already. If you didn’t catch on to me so fast, I wouldn’t have been forced to use my sword. If only I had transformed into a pegasus I could have fought in pony form.”

“How would that have made a difference?”

Just then Shining’s horn surged with purple light and the changeling was knocked back by a small bubble dome shield.

The changeling skid backwards and panted. “Mostly for balance, as you probably figured out, I have morphing hooves. The only downside is that I need wings to balance on three legs when using my sword.”

Without warning Shining watched the changeling jump into the air as a green flame enveloped his left hoof.

“Especially if I’m dual wielding.” He shouted as he bought his two swords together to make an X. “And don’t think you're cutting my wings off my back like you did with the drone, once your shield run’s out I’m going slice you into submission.”

Shining laughed as he smirked at his opponent's foolishness. “Hate to break it to you, protecting others and making shields are all connected to my special talent. Back when your kind crashed the wedding, I was able to maintain a shield that covered the entire city of Canterlot. I was able to keep it up for hours at a time before needing to replenish the spell. The shield I’m in now is foal’s play. I could last in here for weeks.”

For some reason, Shining thought the changeling looked surprised by this revelation.

“That’s impossible. Mine only last... Ahhh! Damn it!”

Shining watched as Shadow’s spear sped towards the mutant changeling and lodged itself into it’s chest. He then turned to Shadow who he figured had been waiting for the right moment to get in on the action.

“Nice shot Shadow. For a moment I thought I was going to have to stay in this bubble for days.”

“It’s a good thing you chose me to tag along,” he chuckled. “Night Fang isn’t the best marksmen in the core.”

Huh? I wonder. If my sixth sense acts up whenever I see a changeling in disguise, does that mean Night Fangs a-

“You're going to pay for this, you pathetic ponies!”

Shining watched as his injured foe flew himself gently onto the ground. He turned his left leg back into a hoof, and chopped off a portion of Shadow’s spear that was still lodged into his body. After shifting his limbs back into hooves, he stood there and panted.

“This isn’t over.” He snarled faithfully. “There are more of us out there. Each of my siblings has a skill that makes us special.”

He began to look up as he coughed up blood. “My mother Chrysalis wants you alive Shining. She wants to watch you suffer at her hooves for what your mare did. I told you a lot of things I shouldn’t have tonight. However, this little encounter has told me all that I need to know to ensure my siblings get the edge on you next time. Till we meet again?”

The buzzing wings filled the air as the mysterious changeling took off. Before he disappeared into the night sky, Shining saw something on the changling’s flank that had no right being their.

That thing is full of surprises. Shining thought to himself.

On the changeling’s flank, was the silhouette of a golden wasp.

Is that a... Nah, it can’t be. Changelings don't have cutie marks... Then again, they can’t change their hooves into weapons either.

“Captain!” shouted Shadow Wing as he flew to Shining's side. “Are you injured?”

“I might have a scratch on my knee but besides that I’m fine.”

Shadow Wing’s face lit up. “Good, because I think my shift starts in five minutes.”

Shining looked at him with concern.

“But your unarmed, Shadow.” he said while pointing a hoof at the chopped remains of the threstlal's spear.

“You forget I can see better in the dark than you can.” he replied proudly.

“I’ll perch myself at the top of the ridge like a bird of prey. Nothing will get past my eyes.”

Shining nodded as he smiled slightly. “Just make sure you wake me up when it’s my turn. We’re going to need all our energy if we are going to reach Dodge City before nightfall tomorrow.”


Dodge City: 9 Hours After The Changeling Incursion

As the Apple Express came to a halt at Dodge Station, a young yellow stallion waited in his seat, eager to be let off. Braeburn loved Dodge City almost as much as he loved his hometown of Appleloosa. Today his admiration for the city couldn’t be anymore apparent as he exited the train, smiling from ear to ear.

From the station, he could see ponies move from shop to shop, buying farm goods and travelling supplies. To his left, he could see four stallions on the street drinking canned beer.

When his hooves touched the platform, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Oh sweet Celestia, I love this city. It’s as simple and rural as old Appleloosa, but at the same time it’s busy and full of life. It has all the benefits of one of them fancy mega-cities with none of the downsides. Still, my soul is married to Appaloosa. Ain't nothing ever gonna change that.

He opened his eyes and released his breath.

“Too bad I can’t stay here that long.” he said with a hint of disappointment. “The others are counting on me to get those cherry seeds right away, just in time for the rain. If we don’t plant them before those pegasi from Cloudsdale show up, the towns going to be awfully mad at me. I should probably start heading over to Cher...”

Before he could finish, he paused as he felt the entire wooden platform shake beneath him. From where he stood he could see dozens of buildings wobbling slightly.

“Earthquake everypony!” Shouted a blue mare in the streets “Take shelter quickly. If you can’t get to your home, head for the bar on Cherry St.”

Bareburn leaped from the platform and took off towards Cherry Street. As he made his way the crowd of running ponies, he noticed that there were Royal Guards trying to escort ponies to safety.

“That’s odd.” he thought to himself. “You never see Royal Guards out here in the country unless there is a dangerous fugitive on the loose... Well, at least now they can help these folks stay safe till this earthquake passes over.”

“But Mama, Papa still in the mine! We have ta go save him before he get’s trapped down there.”

Braeburn stopped and watched as a small earth filly squirmed in the air against her mothers levitational grip.

“Mama, please,” pleaded the filly, “he don’t gots magic like you. We have ta save him Mama. We have ta.”

“If your father were here he would want to make sure your safety came before his.” replied the mother worriedly. “All we can do is hope he gets out alright.”
Braeburn rushed towards the the mare and her child.

“Ma’am, where is this mine located?”

“It’s over there.” pointed the filly.

Without even thinking, Braeburn rushed toward the mine.

This is suicide, but I can’t let that girl’s father die knowing there was something I could have done.

Luck was not on Bareburn’s side. Just as he made his way into the mining tunnel, a rock fell on his head. This made him lose his balance and fall down the mine shaft. As he plummeted into darkness, he anticipated death’s embrace.

His body fell into a chasm of water, breaking his fall. The liquid poured into his lungs as he drifted into unconsciousness. For a moment, Braeburn thought he saw four other ponies and a butterfly heading towards him. Before he could figure out if they were real or not, everything went black.

Author's Notes:

To learn more about the mysterious changeling that attack Shining and Shadow, read the first chapter of Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy. It's not as good this story, but it will give you some background information. This mystery assassin may or may not show up again, but this encounter was not a big lipped alligator moment.

Also, for those of you who want to keep track of the Journey, I'm using the Hasbro's Official map of Equestria. Use that to keep track of Shining location as the story progresses to enhance your fan-fiction experience.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this next chapter, and are looking forward to the next chapter. My Spanish class is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but that's not going to stop me from writing. I hope to see you again next time for Chapter Six: Dodging Trouble.

Trial of Kindness Part 1: Dodging Trouble

After travelling all morning along Hayseed road, Shining and Shadow finally caught a glimpse of Dodge City. It was still about three miles off, as they made their way trotting along the dirt road, but they could feel nothing but relief.

They stopped for a moment to catch their breaths. Shining turned to his head towards Shadow and smiled.

“Man, after that encounter with that weird changeling last night, it’s a miracle I got any sleep at all.”

Shadow panted a bit before replying.

“We’re both very lucky, Captain,” replied the exhausted thestral. “As you two fought, I could see the fire in his eyes. He’s a born fighter that one is. I could tell just by looking at him that he had a strong passion for combat. If half of my troops had passion l like that, Equestria would be the most feared nation on Equis.”

Shining shook his head.

“That wouldn’t be a good thing.” he said with a hint of disappointment. “Our kingdom and it’s provinces should be a symbol of hope to other nations.”

Shadow laughed.

“I agree captain, but as you know Equestria has many enemies. If we are to preserve our way of life, we need soldiers with a stomach for battle.”

“But fear should not be a priority.” Shining rebutted. “I got a better look at his eyes than you did. That changeling wasn’t just passionate about fighting, he was enthralled by it. And while soldiers of peace should not be afraid of conflict, they should not seek enjoyment from it either. Back when I was a private, I too loved fighting, and was eager to take part in battle. However, I learned early on that one should not take pride in conflict.”

“When did you realize that?”

Shining closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. “I don’t wanna talk about it now. Maybe I’ll tell you later tonight. Right now, we should just get to Dodge City.”

“I’m sorry if I upset you Captain.”

Shining turned to face Shadow and smiled. Even though he had become one with the Spirit of Honesty, Shadow could tell that he was trying to mask how he really felt.

“I’m fine.” he said reassuringly “If you’re curious I’ll tell you about it some other time. Oh, and for the trillionth time, please get in the habit of calling me Shining.”

“I’m working on it Ca... Shining. I’m just really not used to talking to peers without acknowledging chain of command. You already told me you didn’t want to be acknowledged as royalty, so my mind jumps back to your rank as captain. I hate to say this, but this is one habit that I don’t think I can break.”

Shining let out a genuine laugh and smiled. “Well, at least you're trying. I think we wasted enough time chatting. Dodge is only a mile away. We shouldn’t waste anymore time.”

With that, Shadow took to the sky and to sped off towards their destinations. When they were about two minutes away from the city, Shadow stopped flying and began to hover in place. Shining looked up to notice Shadow was flying in place.

“Shadow!” he called out. “What's wrong? What do you see?”

“Huh? I wonder what’s going on over their?” Shining muttered as he trotted.

“There’s a large crowd gathering in the town by some rocks. I can’t tell from here, but I think that it might be the Dodge City Mine.”

“Huh? I hope nothing bad has happened. You should fly on ahead and check it out. I’ll catch up to you using some short distance teleportation.”

“Wait,” Shadow said in annoyance. “Why didn’t you teleport to keep up with me before.”

“Teleportation spells take up a decent amount of energy depending on distance and use. That’s why you don’t see unicorns phasing in and out of everywhere they go.”

Shadow nodded his head.

“My apologies. I’ll see you in town.”

A large gust of wind blew across Shining’s mane as he watched Shadow Wing zoom past him.


As Shadow landed just outside the city limits he tucked his wings in. He looked to make sure nopony was around before walking. He debated waiting for the captain to get back with their robes, but remembered that he was counting on him.

Ponyfeathers, I hate being so exposed. I’ve never had to travel this far without the company of other threstrals. With so many ponies ignorant of our existence, how can they not be frightened? It’s only natural for them be afraid of that which they don’t understand.

Shadow shook his head in order to clear his mind of all anxiety.

No. I am keeper of the peace, and captain of Princess Luna’s personal guard. So long as I remember that, nothing these ponies think even matters. Still, I should keep my wings tucked beside my armor so as not to draw attention. It’s a good thing they blend so well together.

With a newfound resolve, Shadow trotted into town.

As he looked around, the first thing he noticed was that the town was a complete mess. The streets were riddled with cracks, and some of the buildings looked like they were on the verge of collapse. At first, he thought that the damage was caused by an earthquake, but had there been one, he and Shining would have felt it on their way there.

The second thing he noticed was the unusual amount of Celestial Guards. Why in Equestria would there be this many?

This doesn't make any sense. The Royal Guard wouldn’t show up for such a small earthquake, especially one that looks like it happened not too long ago. The timing doesn’t add up. Unless...?

A disturbing thought dawned on him, one that he prayed was false.

Unless they were already here, looking for somepony.

Just then, Shadow saw that the large crowd of ponies turned their attention to a circle of guards.

“That’s as far as you go, Prince Shining Armor. You're under arrested for desertion and directly assaulting a member of the guard.”


What the hell just happened! thought Shining.

One minute he was in the crowd asking about a supposed cave-in, the next he was being surrounded by guards. Shining gazed in bewilderment as ponies that had once worked and took orders from him held weapons by his throat.

“This is totally outrageous. I recognize most of you. I thought I trained you all better than this.”

“We're sorry Captain Armor, we are just following orders. You are wanted for the crime of desertion and assault of an-”

“For starters, private,” Shining said with angry sarcasm. “You know I would never lay a hoof on any of you, especially since I’m no longer your commanding officer. Secondly, I am the Prince of Crystal Empire. I’m allowed to go on vacation for, how long has it been? Three days! Lastly, I doubt you have any evidence that I am guilty of any of this.”

The guards murmured amongst themselves before one of them spoke up.

“Prince Blueblood himself has issued a warrant against you under these charges. If you are innocent Captain, you can prove it in court.”

“So, Prince Blueballs is behind all this. Can you say ‘Worst brother-in-law ever’?”

Shining glared at the guard that just spoke.

“Your name is Soaring Justice, if memory serves.”

The guard nodded.

“That is correct, your highness.”

“Tell me, what I told you all about gut instinct.”

Justice gulped. “You told me that if our instincts go against what we know, that we should continue questioning until all doubt is terminated.”

“Now, are you absolutely certain that I am guilty of the crimes my brother-in-law has accused me of, or do I need to send you back to boot camp?”

Justice just ignored him and looked the other way.

“I am talking to you, private!” screamed Shining. “Or do you need to get your head examined for short term memory loss?”

Justice turned his head back to his former commanding officer. “No, Sir. My head is fine, Sir.”

Shining pointed his hoof and the remaining guards. “What about the rest of you? There are ponies trapped in that mine, and you're going just sit on your flanks and do nothing? If any of them die down there, I will make sure all of you are held responsible.”

As the guards ran off to help the ponies, Soaring Justice stood there and looked at Shining.

“Stay here until the crisis is over... um, your majesty. Also, it’s good to see you again.”

He trotted over and started whispering in Shining’s ear.

“I won’t tell anypony we saw you, just please don’t get caught again. Blueblood knew you were heading here so it’s likely he’s spying on you. Also, rumor has it your sister is pressing Blueblood for that evidence. If he doesn’t turn it over soon, this whole thing is going to blow up in his face. Just stay under the radar until that happens.”

Justice took a few steps back and started shouting.

Shining watched as Justice flew off towards the rest of his platoon. Shadow fluttered beside him.

“I heard the whole thing, Captain.” said Shadow in amazement. “How did you do it?”

“Since I trained that group, i figured that they still considered me their captain. To be honest, I really didn’t think it would work.”

“But why were they after you in the first place? I didn’t hear that part?”

“I’ll explain later. Right now I wanna see if there’s a way we can help those ponies who are trapped down there.”

Shining ran around to the mine entrance where everypony was gathered until he reached the the right side of the rock formation. Shadow watched curiously, as he saw Shining activate his horn, eyes focused on the rock wall.

“What are you trying to do?”

“I’m trying to find a hollow spot.” he replied, his eyes stayed fixed on the the rock wall as he spoke.

“With guards looking for me, I can’t take any chances that one of them won’t arrest me on the spot. So, if we are to have any hope of saving these ponies, we must make our own entrance without causing another cave-in.”

“But shouldn’t we just leave?” ask Shadow Wing. “I’m sure the guards can save those ponies. I did see some more unicorns in the bunch. We should leave it to them and leave while we still have the chance.”

Again, Shining continued to examine the wall, not once looking back at Shadow.

“It’s not an option. I can’t let those ponies die knowing that their was something I could have done to save them.”

Suddenly his face lit up.

“Aha!” he cried. “I found a spot. Now let’s see if I can remember that spell.”

A purple beam shot out from Shining’s horn onto the rock. Shadow watched as a wooden door began to form around where the beam hit. He smiled at the bat pony as he opened the the door to reveal an entrance.

“Piece of cake.” he said proudly. “Now let’s go save those ponies. Once we’re done, we’ll leave the city and go back to searching for the gems.”

Shadow nodded. “You're going to need my help. I can see in the dark as clear as you can see in the light. Also, you know how bats are able to find their prey using sound waves? We threstrals have that in common too. Watch this.”

Shining watched as Shadow opened his mouth as if he were screeching. To Shining, it looked as if Shadow had lost his voice. After watching him repeat the same process a couple of times, Shadow turned to look at Shinning.

“I have an idea where they are, but we're going to have to go deep.”

“Lead the way.”

Shining lit up his horn and followed Shadow into the dark mine. As they walked through the darkness, Shining could see that Shadow was still doing that thing with his mouth.

“What exactly are you doing Shadow?” asked Shining.

Shadow chuckled. “It’s called echolocation. Your ears aren’t strong enough to hear, but I’m actually emitting a sound that’s vibrating across these cavern walls. Using my ears I’m able to hear the vibration my screeches make. I can tell when a vibration bounces off a living thing when it moves.”

“I think I remember Twilight telling me something about this when she was nine. Does that mean you're relying entirely on sound right now?”

“Normally that’s how a bat would navigate, but I also have low light vision. Though if I wanted to I could close my eyes and navigate, but I prefer to have all my senses available. It’s funny though, flying through caves blindfolded is actually one of my training exercises for new recruits.

Shadow’s head drooped down a bit.

“What few I get anyway.” he said sadly.

Even in the dark, Shining could tell Shadow was upset. It must really suck being part of a dying race.

“Hey, Shadow, I promise when all this is over, I’ll give your kind full access to the Crystal Archives. There are tons of lost knowledge stored away in there. Maybe there will be a book about how to make that potion your people are working on? The one that turns willing pegasi into thestrals. I’ll even ask Twilly if she could lend you a hoof. That girl has been begging me to let her into the archives ever since Cadence and I came into power.”

Shadow let out another hearty laugh. “Looks like generosity won’t be your hardest trial.”

“I hope so. I almost botched the last one though. I hope the rest are easier, but I don’t think I’m going to be that lucky.”

Shadow stretched out his right wing to halt Shining.

“Hold up, I think we're close. Let me just make sure.

Shining watched Shadow do his echolocation screeches two more times before the bat pony turned to him and smiled.

“There, down this shaft. About four or five of them. I can’t be sure, but one of them isn’t moving.”

Shining looked down the shaft and then back at Shadow.

“Is it safe to jump.”

“Well, it looks like this part of the mine has flooded because there's a large body of water down there. I can try and carry you down if you're afraid of the fall. It will probably be a lot safer.

“Good idea, hoist me up when you're ready.”

Shadow wrapped his forehooves across Shinings chest and flapped his wings. Despite being able to get airborne, Shadow was struggling to maintain a set altitude.

“By Luna’s mane, what have they been feeding you up at the north? Cake and ice cream?”

“Um, Shadow.” Shining said sarcastically. “I”m not sure if you noticed, but I’m a lot taller than most stallions.”

“Still, you shouldn't be this heavy,” he said as he tried to lower himself without being getting dragged down by Shining’s weight. The two of them started to plunge downward before Shadow slowed down their descent.

“What the hell, Shadow,” shouted Shining. “That scared the buck out of me.”

“Captain, I’m sorry, but you’re too heavy. If I don’t let you go you're going to drag us both into that water.”

“Just let me count to three first.” Shining said nervously. “Ok, here it goes. 1... 2... 3!!!!”

Shadow let go of Shining and and he landed safely in the water. He struggled a bit, but he was able to reach land safely. Shadow landed next to him.

“I...am...never carrying you again,” Shadow said, as he panted.

“Have you come to save us?”

Shining and Shadow turned their attention to a group of four earth ponies in mining uniforms. They were all sitting by a burning lamp before getting up from their flanks and running towards the newcomers, all looking relieved and cheerful that help had finally come to their rescue. A blue stallion with with a short back, bird walked to greet his saviors.

“Oh praise Celestia,” he cried. “Have you come to save us?”

The two captains nodded in response.

“You don’t know how happy I am. I was beginning to fear for our lives. I thought I was going to be leaving my wife a widow. Thanks to you, I can now have a few more years to love and protect my family.”

His words touched Shining, for they reminded him of himself.

“Maybe,” he muttered.

Maybe I am doing the right thing after all.

He stretched out his right hoof and smiled.

“Shining Armor, at your service.” he said humbly. “And this here is Captain Shadow Wing of the Lunar Guard.”

Shadow backed away and hid his face in the darkness. His wings were tucked against his armor.

Shining withdrew his hoof for a moment and placed it onto Shadow.

“You know, for a captain,” whispered the prince “you really are shy. I don’t know what experiences you might have had in the past, but at some point you're going to have to realize that not all ponies are the same. How can they give you a chance if you're not willing to give it back?”

Shadow sighed. “You’re right...Shining.”

Shining laughed happily as he realized Shadow had taken the time to call him by his name and not by a title.

Filled with vigor by his friend’s words, Shadow cantered into the light and spread out his wings.

“Well I’ll be damned.” stated one of the minors. “I ain't neva seen a pony like ya before.”

“Do not be alarmed by my appearance,” he said proudly. “For had I not been born a thestral we may never have found you. My nocturnal senses guided me and Shining through the darkness, so that you ponies may see the light of Celestia again.”

Three out of the four miners clapped their hooves, while one waited in silence.

“I think it’s too early to celebrate,” replied the miner with a light green coat. “You see, you're not the first pony who came here trying to save us.”

He pointed a hoof towards a fifth earth pony lying on the the ground. He was laying on a small blanket, with a bandage circling his forehead. A large stetson had lay next to where he rested on the ground. What alarmed Shining and Shadow the most is that he didn’t seem to be breathing.

“Is he dead?” ask Shining with concern.

“We're not sure? He’s been like this for about fifteen minutes now. His heart is still beating, but his body feels stiff.”

“How did this happen?” inquired Shadow.

The blue earth pony from before walked up to them with a small object between his teeth. He set it down for everypony to see.

“It happened when he said something to this.”

Shining gasped as his eyes took in the shape and color of the butterfly shaped object before him.

“That’s one of the harmony gems!”


20 minutes earlier

Braeburn slowly opened his eyes, only to find that the world had become a blurry mess. As he tried desperately to clear his head, it felt like the Buffalo chieftain had thrust his horn into his scowl.

“He’s waking up.” replied a voice.

When his vision had finally cleared up, he lifted his aching body and looked at the four stallions huddled over a lamp.

“You took quite a nasty fall there,” replied a stallion with blue coat. “We’ve lost track of time down here, but you’ve been asleep for a least an hour or two I reckon. Good thing I remembered the first aid kit before I came down here today. Your head was bleeding pretty bad.”

“Thank you, sir,” Barburn said quietly.

“Unfortunately the elevator was swept away when the earthquake flooded this part of the mine. I’m afraid you're trapped here just like the rest of us.”

“What’s your name son?” asked a green-coated stallion. “I take it you’re not from around here?”

“It’s Braeburn, sir.” he replied. “I was on my way to pick up some cherry seeds when the earthquake started. I came rushing in here after I heard this young philly shouting about her father being down here. I’d take it that is one of you.

“Was her mother a unicorn?” asked the blue stallion.


“Than that would be my little philly Sunny. Now, I might never see her smiling face again. We should have never touched that stupid gem.”

“What do you mean?”

One of the other miners pointed to a small purple rock lying in the corner.

“See that there stone that looks like butterfly? Well, we found it embedded in a some kind of wall that was buried under all this rock. For some reason, our equipment can’t seem to put a dent in it. We’ve been slowly unearthing this wall for days, but only found the gem today.”

“Unfortunately that’s all we were able to find besides a bunch of writing and some pretty pictures,” snorted the green one with disdain. “I told you we should have chiseled more of this wall off before we took the gem. You dopes didn’t even bother to read the one damn thing that was in English.”

“And if you actually looked at it.” rebutted another miner. “It says nothing about causing an earthquake if you take it.”

Braeburn walked over to the group and picked up the gem with his mouth. He then rested it in the center of one of his hooves.

“What are you doing?” grunted the green stallion. “No pony said you could touch it! Drop it.”

“Relax, partner,” replied Braeburn with a smile. “I’m just wanna try something I read in one of them Daring Doo books. Maybe if you read what’s on wall out loud with the gem in hoof, a genie will come out.”

“That’s stupid.” said the green stallion.

“Well, have you tried it?” asked Barburn.

“Uh... No. Because that’s not how it bucking works?”

“Well, we won’t know till we try. Now I’m guessing this right here is the wall.”

Braeburn looked at a wall filled with strange carvings with pictures of ponies. At the top, was a very large pony with three smaller one’s right below him. From the way they were drawn, he assumed the really big one was a stallion, and the other three were mares. The mares circled a small space where he assumed the gem had once been.

Braeburn was so caught up in the beauty of the mural, that he forgot all about what he was doing.

“What your looking for is at the very bottom?” said the blue stallion said.

Braeburn shook his head and smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry ya’ll, it’s just that this artwork reminds me of the way they make those fancy stain glass windows in canterlot. My cousin Applejack is in two of them, you know.”

He peered down just below the space where the gem used to be. There was writing in several different languages, most of which were alien to Braeburn except for the one in the Buffalo and the one in English.

“Funny, the one in English says the same thing as the one in Buffalo. Guess whoever made this wall wrote the same phrase in every language they knew.”

Suddenly, Braeburn felt as if the wall was instructing him what to do. He subconsciously closed his eyes and focused on the the phrase with the gem held in his palm.

“Spirit of Harmony, lend me your compassion,” said Braeburn.

The miners watched as in horror as Barburn clasped to the ground.


“He’s been like this ever since.” continued the blue-coated stallion.

Shining stared at Barburn with concern while a never ending stream of questions raced in his head.

Did he fail the trial? Has the Spirit imprisoned his soul in that realm? Was my body like this when I was in that place with Truth?

However, one question stood out among all the others in his head.

Can I save him?

“Shadow!” ordered Shining. “Find a way back to the surface and tell everypony the miners are alive. See if there’s anything they can do on the other side now that we’ve found them.”

“But what about you Captain?” asked Shadow.

“I’m going to cross over into the spirit world and pass this next trial. But more importantly, I’m going to try and save this poor stallion’s soul. He had no idea what this gem was. It isn’t fair that he should pay for something he knew nothing about.”

“If this pony’s soul has been taken, what makes you think the spirit will let it free?”

“I don’t know. I’m going to just have hope the spirit is as generous as she is kind.”

Shining turned to his three miners.

“I’m going to try and save this pony’s life right now. But to do that, I’m going to repeat his actions. If I don’t wake by the time Shadow comes back with help, I need somepony to go right to Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire. Tell them of my sacrifice, and that I hope to see them again at the end of eternity. Tell them that even if their love and memory of me fades from their hearts, I will be watching them from wherever I end up.”

The blue stallion nodded. “I thought your name was familiar. It was an honor to have met you, your majesty. I promise to follow your instructions to the letter.”

“Thank you,” replied Shining with a tear in his eye.

His horn lit up as he focused on the gem. He gently placed it on to the palm of his hooves and closed his eyes.

“Spirit of Harmony, lend me your compassion.”

Like the stallion before him, his body fell upon the gravel.


When Shining opened his eyes, he was surprised at the beauty surrounding him.

He was in some kind of forest with trees that stretched all the way to the sky. The ground was covered with rich green grass, and had a variety of flowers growing out of it. He could hear the sounds of humming, as a squirrel and a fawn ran right past him.

Everywhere he looked, he saw either a new animal or a new flower. It was like something out of a story his mother Twilight Velvet might have read to him as a foal.

Shining was mesmerized by the serenity this place emitted.

“Were you expecting an empty platform surrounded by spears,” giggled the soft voice of a mare.

Shining turned around and saw a light pink mare with a yellow mane walking towards him. Her voice sounded just exactly like Twilight's friend Fluttershy. Even her mane style was identical that of the pegasus. Yet the mare before him was an earth pony, but the resemblance was uncanny to say the least.

“My brother Truth told me you were on your way. Sorry if I didn’t give you any warning before dragging you here. I might not be as timid has Fluttershy, but even I get nervous when there's a large group of mortals watching me.”

“So I’m guessing you're the Spirit of Kindness.” asked Shining.

“Indeed I am, brave adventurer.” she replied in her soft and gentle voice. “My name is Grace. I am the spirit that resides in Fluttershy. She really is such a sweet mare, and really glad to be a part of her. Out of all the bearers I’ve resided in, I think she might be my favorite.”

Her eyes opened wide as if she had seen a ghost. She ran towards Shining Armor and wrapped her hooves around his neck.

“Please don’t tell the former bearers I said that.” she pleaded franticly “I know most of them are already in heaven and already know how I feel, but Celestia doesn’t know. Oh, if her or the Creator ever found out... Wait, the Creator’s omnipotent. That means he already knows how I feel. Well, it’s good he hasn’t gone all fire and brimstone on me, but I bet he feels really bad I like Fluttershy more than his own flesh and blood.”

Shining patted the mare on the back with his hoof to try and calm her down. When she finally let go of him he laughed.

“Wow, and here I thought all the spirits were going to be ultra serious like Truth was.”

“Don’t be fooled by him.” she said cheerfully, “He might be the embodiment of honesty, but he’s not as serious as he makes himself out to be. Last year when all us element siblings went to Valhalla for a vacation, he got so drunk that he started shouting the secrets of the universe to everypony. I told Friendship not let him go hog wild with the cider.”

“Wait, they have bars and vacation resorts in the Spirit world?”

Grace gave Shining a confused look. “Are we not supposed too?”

Shining tried to form a rebuttal, but then he remembered he wasn’t the only mortal here.

“I guess I can’t really argue, but I need your help. A pony named Braeburn recited your chant and now his body is without a soul. If you have taken it, could you please give it back?”

She laughed.

“Oh don’t worry, I haven’t taken his soul. Not yet anyway. He’s over there, by the pond, waiting for us. I told him we couldn’t start until you showed up. We probably shouldn’t keep him waiting. Follow me.”

As Grace trotted merrily towards past some trees, Shining Armor tired to makes sence of

See, everything is fine. She didn't take his soul... Not yet, anyway. I feel so much better now. Seriously, what is with these spirits?

Author's Notes:

Over 4000 views. Thank you all so much. Also, I'd like to personally thank brony4life2020 for editing. I will be calling on you in the future. Will Shining claim the power of the spirit, or will somepony prove their worth. If so, what will become of the loser?

To be continued in Trial of Kindness Part 2: Decisions

Trial of Kindness Part 2: Decisions

Shining followed Grace through the woods to the lakes. From a distance he could see a yellow stallion with a brown vest and stenson bucking apples from a nearby tree. He bucked a little too hard and a good chunk of the apples were sent rolling into the lake. However, moments after they fell, fresh new apples grew in places of the old.

“I’m glad you’re making yourself at home here, Braeburn.” Grace said as she got closer to the stallion.

Braeburn put a hoof over his head and smiled sheepishly.

“Gosh, Grace, this realm of yours is almost as beautiful as Appleloosa. It’s almost like heaven.”

“Well, this is where the souls of the wild go when they die, but I’m afraid heaven’s a few dimensions past this one. The spirit world is a really big place. If I end up reaping both your souls, I’ll take you all to Valhalla and tell you about it over some ale.”

Both Shining and Braeburn tensed their muscles at the thought of getting reaped by such a kind and gentle soul like Grace. She noticed it and chuckled for a bit, but then let out a gasp.

“Oh, how rude of me,” said Grace. “I forgot to properly introduce the two of you. Braeburn, this Shining Armor. Shining Armor, this is Braeburn.”

Shining stretched out his hoof for a shake, which Braeburn accepted.

“It’s nice meet you, your highness,” said Braeburn cheerfully. “I had the luxury of meeting your sister a few years back. ‘Course that was before she got those purdy wings of hers I’ve been seeing in the papers.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Braeburn. It was an awfully nice thing you did to risk your life for those miners. I’m sorry all this had to happen to you.”

Braeburn" shrugged.

“Why apologise? All this was my decision, not yours. My only regret is that the ponies of Appleoosa won’t be able to get the cherry seeds on time.”

“Well, I’m glad the two of you got a chance to meet before the trial.” said Grace cheerfully before her smile turned into a frown.

“But I’m afraid we need to hurry and get everything settled. If we don’t finish in time, the bat pony will think you've both been taken and bury your bodies alive.”

When she finished speaking, her smile quickly returned to her face.

“Luckily I have already reviewed all the times you might have been kind or mean. All that’s left for us to start is for me to review them with you. Braeburn, since you were the first to arrive, I’ll begin with you.”

She turned her body and started at Braeburn.

“You have lived a very kind life, Braeburn. Even as a young colt, you were always eager to help others. When your town got into that dispute with the buffalos, you were one of the few who were eager to find a peaceful solution to the problem. And now you risked your life to save a group of ponies, knowing very well that you could have died. You are a shining example of what it means to be caring.”

She then turned to Shining and shook her head. “You, Shining, are a complicated case. Your early life is filled with nothing but kindness. The memories of your sister and the time you’ve spent together touched my heart. You make me wish I was a better sister to my siblings.”

She pauses for a moment before speaking.

“Unfortunately, you chose the life of a soldier, and have taken a violent approach to solving some of your problems. As a young colt, you loved fighting and idea of killing for one's country. You were so eager when you and your best friend Iron Duty were called upon to settle a conflict with the orcs.”

“Pardon me ma’am,” interrupted Braeburn, “But I don’t remember Equestria having an orc problem.”

“That’s because nopony likes to talk about it,” interjected Shining remorsefully. “Especially those who were involved. Basically, a bunch of orcs from the East Islands invaded Equestria without attempting to make peace. They raped, murdered, torched, and pillaged everypony they could get their dirty hands on. It was one of the ugliest atrocities that has taken place in recent history, considering the long period of peace the princesses have brought us."

“At the time, me and Iron were young and stupid. While Celestia ordered us to end the violence, the two of us were eager to be a part of it... To become like the champions of old. When we actually got there, our joy was replaced with rage at the carnage they wrought.”

“Appalled at what the orcs had done, me, Iron, and a bunch of other hotheads broke formation and began killing any orc we could get our hands on. We fought cruelty with more cruelty, and started inflicting as much pain on the orcs as they might have done to their victims. I regrettably let my anger go too far... I committed an act that even I thought I wasn’t capable of.”

Shining tried to continue but the words wouldn’t leave his mouth.

“I have to own up to this somehow. It would be so much easier to pretend like it never happened. Yet how could I forgive myself for becoming just as cruel as those pigs.

Grace put a hoof on Shining and smiled.

“I know you're sorry and you regret what you have done. I will take that into account, don’t worry.”

“It’s not the trial I’m worried about. I’m ashamed that I let myself get so carried away that I actually tortured a living creature to death. I never thought I was capable of that, but there were so many bodies in that village. Mares, foals, stallions... How many of them have lived their last moments in agony? At the time I thought what I did was right, but now I see I was no better than them.”

Shining’s voice now showed signs of anger, both for himself and the orcs.

“Long story short, I had to watch my best friend and half a dozen others die, and nopony even gives a shit anymore. The End!”

“Shining, I know what happened is upsetting, but it’s all part of the review. It’s meant to help you think about what it truly means to be kind. Trust me, you’ll have a better chance of succeeding if you know yourself better. Also, you can’t let the past weigh you down forever. You've grown up since the conflict and have since learned about ugly reality of war. Luckily the painful part of the review is over. The only other negative worth mentioning was when you told Twilight not to show up to your wedding.

Shining looked up at Grace’s eyes curiously.

She really must be kind if she can still look at me, knowing very well what I have done.

“The rest is all positives. You helped Shadow overcome his shyness about his appearance, and you risked getting captured by the guards in order to help the miners. With those things in mind, we are ready to begin.”

A wooden chalk board spouted from the ground behind Grace. The names of the two stallions were writting above in chalk, divided into brackets with tallies just below them.

Grace pointed a hoof at the the first set of tallies.

“As you can see, I’ve personally taken each of your life experiences and scored you on your acts of kindness. You can see in this first bracket that you each scored fairly close to one-another with Braeburn at two-hundred-eighty and Shining at two-hundred-seventy-five. Keep in mind that the bulk of your score, Shining, came from your early childhood.”

She lowered her hoof so that it was pointing to the second row of tally marks.

“However, in the meanness category, Shining scored a one hundred and five against Braeburn’s fifty. As I said before, I did try and put everything in perspective for the orc conflict, but at the same time I needed to factor them into the score. Had I not, Shining score would have been much higher.”

“If we subtract both scores, the score comes out to be Shining at one-seventy and Braeburn at one-thirty. So technically Braeburn is the winner.”

“Wait, I thought you said the trial was just starting.”

Grace just frowned. “I did say that, but now the trial is over.”

I don’t feel any vibes coming from my six sense. That means the trial is really over. Cadence, Twilight, please forgive me. I was a fool to think I could pull this off. Now my nightmare of the future is going to come true in the present.

“However, I decided to screw the rules this time around and give my power to Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor gasped. “But you just said...”

“I said Braeburn technically won, but I have decided to go against the rules and declare you the rightful bearer of the gem. Your wife and newborn son will be so happy, and you can now create more happy memories with your sister. Regrettably, this also means Braeburn soul is now mine, and it shall remain here forever.”

Just then a large coffin popped out of the ground in a similar fashion as the chalk board. On the coffin was inscribed “Here lies the soul of Braeburn the Kind”.

Braeburn looked mortified at the sight of it, but that didn’t stop him from returning a grin to Shining.

“Well it was nice meeting you partner. Please send my apologies to Appleoosa and Little Strongheart for me. I reckon that young gal might miss me the most.”

This isn’t right. He won, I lost, but he’’s the one who’s going to stay here. I can’t let this happen.

Shining took a step forward and gave her a challenging look.

“Grace, I’m sorry but I can’t accept this. If you have to take anyone’s soul it’s going to have to be mine. Braeburn didn't know anything about the legend when he summoned you. He’s also the rightful winner of your contest. He should not be made a victim of circumstances because you took pity on me.”

“But what about your loved ones?”

“While it breaks my heart to know I’ll be breaking theirs, I’m sure Braeburn has a family that will miss him greatly if he goes. It would be selfish for me to accept, even if is for my family. In the end, taking the gem in this manner would only prove that Luna was right about me going on this quest for the wrong reasons. Please, just bring him home.”

There was a moment of silence before Grace spoke again.

“Is this your final decision then? Will you stay here so that Braeburn may live his life on Equis?”

Shining nodded. “I’m not happy about it, but I don’t want to harbour any more guilt. I have enough of it already. I just hope my family will remember me for as long as they can, so that what little time I did spend with them can matter.”

Shining closed his eyes and prepared himself for whatever fate had in store for him.

“I’m ready when you are Grace, just release Braeburn and do what you want with me.

“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Armor.” said Braeburn.

Shining opened his eyes and stared at Braeburn with in disbelief.

Is he grinning? Why is he grinning?

“Why are you saying that?” Shining said, confused.

“Because you just passed the real trial with flying colours.”

Shining turned his head at both ponies in disbelief.

“Come again?” he asked. By this point his brain was starting to hurt. Where was Cadence when he needed her?

“Allow me to explain.” replied Grace exuberantly. “You see, I knew ahead of time from Truth that you would come, but I never expected Braeburn to show up as well. Apparently he summoned me by a complete accident. When I brought him here, I explained the gems and the scepter and asked him if he wanted to take the trial. To my surprise, he refused and explained that he already had everything he needed in Appaloosa. So I figured, since he was here, he could help me test how selfless and caring you truly are.”

“So this whole thing was just an act? But I thought nopony could lie to me anymore because of my six senses?”

Grace rubbed her hooves mischievously as a wide evil grin formed on her face. “That too was part of my evil plan. Any gift you receive by completing a trial is useless during another trial. I used your ignorance of this fact to my advantage.”

Grace laughed maniacally while Shining tried to make sense of everything she said.

“So what would’ve happened if I agreed to take the gem while Braeburn was still here?”

Grace continued to smile. “Why, every animal in this forest would’ve attacked you and torn out your soul, killing the link between your spirit and your body. Once you’re in the spirit realm, you would be trapped in this part of spirit world for all eternity like Ralph over there.”

A one winged pegasus pony, who Shining suspected had been watching from the shadows this entire time, stepped forward. His mane cut was a complete mess, and looked like something had ripped it up pretty good. The pony also had large deep scars that could be found on every part of his body. One extremely large scar went right across a large portion of his torso, indicating that the adventurer had at one point been torn in two at one point. The most gruesome thing about this pony was that one of his bones was sticking out, of where his missing wing should have been...

Despite the troubled looks, the pony, who Grace had called Ralph, just laughed. “It’s been about seven hundred years since someone has tried this trial. You're really lucky to have passed, Mr. Armor. Getting mauled by so many critters isn’t fun... But my body's healing up slowly, believe it or not. Eventually, all these scars will go away, and my wing will grow back. If I’m luckily it might happen this century!”

“Whoa,” said Shining concerningly “I’m sorry you, um… got your soul reaped. I’m glad you're taking things so well, considering.”

“Well, with scenery like this, how can I not?” Ralph said jokingly. “I was not a nice person when I went looking for scepter. I went after the Kindness gem first because I thought it would be the easiest. After I failed, this place changed me for the better. Soon I’ll be able to leave this part of the realm and will be able to venture to the other sections that make up the spirit world. Heaven, Valhalla, I’m going to see them all. Of course, Grace’s world will always be my home.”

Shining whispered in Graces ear. “You know, having someone mauled by animals isn’t very kind.”

Grace whispered back, “It’s the rules. I don’t like them but I have to follow them. Besides, that lake right there has the power to heal wounds of the soul both literally and metaphorically.”

Grace pulls her head back and shakes Shining’s hoof.

“Well, I'm glad to have met you, Shining, but I should", I should really send you back soon before they bury you and Braeburn.”

Shining turned to face Grace. “We’re about to be buried? How long have we been here?”

“Too long, I’m afraid.” replied Grace who started to show signs of panic. “Sorry Ralph, but I really need to get them back... Ok, let me just get this closing ceremony over with. I am now a part of you, yada, yada, yada, you are now in tune with all of god’s creatures and can use nature magic if you're a unicorn, which you are, and so long as you remain kind.... Oh crap! They're going to notify your family that you're dead. I need to send you back now.”


Shining woke up on a metal bed right next to some doctors. Realizing that he was in a morgue, he jumped out from the bed and ran out the door. He bumped Shadow while in the hall.

“Crap... Shining Armor, sir, I thought you were gone.”

“I was about to be, now I’m back. Took a lot longer than I thought it was going to. What time is it anyway? And where’s Braeburn?”

“They just put him in a wooden casket heading to Appaloosa. Were you able to save him?”

ZOMBIE!” screamed one of the morticians from across the hall.

Shadow and Shining continued to talk as they bolted out the door and into city. He could see that it was almost twilight.

As they ran, Shadow picked Shining’s saddle bag that he had been carrying on his back, and threw it towards Shining who caught it with magic.”

“Thanks.” replied Shining “Also, to answer your question, I’m sure he’s bucking his way out of the casket as we speak. We have the gem, right?.”

Shadow nodded.

“Good,” continued the unicorn. “Now, we need to stop the mining ponies from mailing my family and find ourselves a train out of here before Blueballs has me arrested.”

Shadow shook his head.

“I’m afraid Pickax—the blue miner from the mine—already sent a letter to the pony express. He left to deliver it just shortly before you woke up.”

“Then we need to find the mailbox.”

Just as he said that, a cross-eyed pegasus mare came flying past them with a couple of letters held tightly in her mouth.

Shining and Shadow quickly made a u-turn to intercept the airborne pegasus.

However, once they saw a battalion of Equestria’s finest heading straight towards them, they continued towards their original destination.

“After him, stallions!” shouted the lieutenant in charge.

“This is bad, Shadow.” shouted Shining as the the duo galloped for their lives. “One of the reasons I went on this quest is so that Twilight and Cadence would never have to grieve for me. Both my sister and my wife will be be devastated if we don’t do something!”

“At least the ponies responsible for framing you will call off the search.” replied Shadow. “Maybe this can work in your favor.”

“Shadow!” Shining yelled in annoyance. “I know you're trying to think positive, but I think you missed the part about me breaking the hearts of my loved ones!”

“Just trying to make make the most of a bad situation, Captain Armor.”

Shining sighed. “I’m sorry, it's just that this is exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place. That, and the thought of them eventually forgetting me drives me insane. Hopefully, once I eventually show everypony I’m alive we’ll all look back on this and laugh.”

That is, if I don’t die for real somewhere along the line.

As they approached the station, the two ponies saw a cargo train preparing to take off.

Shining saw an open cart and gestured to Shadow who nodded in response.

Let’s see if all that practice I did doing track pays off today.

Shadow flapped his wings and sped towards the cart which was slowly building up speed. When he landed he stretched out his hooves so Shining can latch on. Unfortunately, the train was starting to build momentum, and Shining was having a hard time keeping up.

Well, as much as I hate cheating on my workout, I don’t have time to wait for the nine-forty five.

In flash of purple light, Shining Armor disappeared and reappeared onto the moving train.

Shining grinned as he saw Dodge City and the guards disappear in the distance. He turned to Shadow and chuckled.

“Like I told you this morning Shadow, one quick teleport is easy, it’s the amount and distance that you need to worry about.”

However, his cheer quickly turned to sorrow as images of Twilight and Cadences opening that dreaded letter began to flood his mind.

“Shadow, we need to write a letter to Twilight before she tells Cadence or my parents that I’m dead.”


Just as the last rays of sunlight had all but vanished, the sound of a hoof breaking through wood startled the two warriors. Shining activated his horn to see what evil could be on board. To his relief, what he saw was not a monster, but a familiar earth pony emerging from a broken casket.

“Are we on a train?” asked Braeburn. “Darn it. Now how am supposed to get those cherry seeds?”

Dear Twily

Chapter 8

After Shining and Shadow properly introduced themselves, the unicorn prince became overcome with anxiety. They had been on the train for about an hour and at any moment word of his death would reach Canterlot. His mind began to race, trying to come up with any possible way he could let his family know he was still alive.

“There has to be a way Shadow!” yelled Shining.

“Shining I told you there’s nothing we can do right now!” Shadow shouted back. “Unless you can magically send a letter, or find a post box somewhere in this cart. Listen, you need to calm down. We’ve been through this five times already.”

“Their has to be something. Some sort of spell or...”

Wait, that’s it! Gracie's gift.

“Shadow!” he said exuberantly. “If I’m not mistaken, I now had the ability to cast nature spells and communicate with animals. The only problem is, I have no idea what I’m capable of or what my limits are. Is there anything involving nature I could use to send Twilight a message?”

“I know!” exclaimed Braeburn. “Why don’t you call of the desert blue birds with your horn. Maybe you know a spell that can call one. I might not know much about magic, but I know for a fact Grace loved birds. She had to have given you a bird calling spell somewhere in that noggin of yours.”

“This Braeburn fellow is pretty clever.” replied Shadow. “I say you stick your horn out the door and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose.”

Shining nodded. “Ok, I’m going to open the door. You guys get ready for the draft that comes in.”

As he opened the door a strong gust of wind blew in from the speeding train. He then stuck his head out the train and activated his horn. An unknown instinct told him to activate his horn on the word ‘bird’. When nothing happened, he closed his eyes to shield them from the blowing wind.

When he opened them again, he was greeted by an unexpected visitor. A small blue bird had perched on the tip of his muzzle and was gently pecking his skin. Startled, he stumbled backwards only to tripped and landed flank first into Braeburn’s coffin.

Both Shadow and Braeburn laughed as they carefully cantered over to the open door and closed it. The two stallions then turned around to study Shining and the mysterious bird pecking at his muzzle.

“I’ll be damned Shining.” said Braeburn. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that little critter thinks youre it’s mama.”

Shining stood up and chuckled, mindful not to shake the bird off has he lifted himself out of the coffin.

“Well sorry to disappoint your little birdie.” He said with a cheerful grin. “But my child’s back at home sleeping in his mother's tummy. Anyway, could you please stop pecking me.”

The bird ceased his assault on Shining’s muzzle and tweeted.

“Can you understand what I’m saying.” asked the stallion curiously.

To everypony’s surprise, the bird nodded in agreement.

“Woah that’s really strange. Ok, listen. Do you know where Canterlot Castle is?”

Again, the bird nodded it’s head and tweeted.

This is amazing. I feel like me and this bird are communicating on a whole other level.

“If you give me time to write a quick letter, can you deliver it to Princess Twilight Sparkle? She’s a purple uni... alicorn with pink highlights in her mane. She most likely staying in her old room near the western tower. Could you do that for me little guy?”

The bird tweeted again, which Shining assumed meant yes.

“Just give me a moment and I’ll send you on your way.”


ears trickled down Twilight Sparkle’s face as she layed down on her bed in Canterlot Castle. When word of Prince Blueblood’s stallionhunt on her brother reached Ponyville the previous day, she and her friends took the train to Canterlot immediately. Using her newly acquired political power, she had spent the last forty two hours trying to help Shining in anyway she could. That is, until that damn letter arrived in the castle only an hour or so before.

Twilight held the letter tightly against her body, trying very hard to keep it from being carried out the open window. The cold air blowing out from inside made her feel chilly, and the endless stream of tears only added to her discomfort. Yet right then, she could care less about herself. It’s not like she was still capable of catching pneumonia now that she was a demigoddess. Yet despite her near perfect immunity to disease, not even she was safe from heartache.

She lifted the letter up from her body with magic and turned it over.

“What are you doing Twilight?” she asked herself sadly. “Reading it forty nine times didn’t change the letter. What makes you think it’s going to make you feel any better now?”

Right now, I really don’t care. So just shut up and let me read!

She read the letter silently to herself.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I am sorry to inform that your brother, Prince Shining Armor, gave his life to day in order to save me and my fellow miners. Unfortunately, a pony who was trapped in the mine with us fell into a lifeless coma the likes of which I have never seen. The pony Braeburn touched a butterfly shaped gem that made him fall into a deep sleep. While his heart was still beating, his body felt as cold as ice. When your brother came to our rescue, he told us he could drag the ponies ‘soul’ back from wherever it went. We’re still unsure of what the gem was or why your brother knew so much about what happened. All we know is what he told us, that If he did not wake up by the time his bat pony friend came back with help, that we should presume him dead.

While Braeburn's body is being sent back to Appleloosa, your brother’s is being held in the Dodge City morgue. I overheard from royal guards that showed up here today that his body will placed in the custody of Prince Blueblood. You would think it would have gone to you or one of his is family members. I don’t know much about how you royal folk handle this sort of thing, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to include what I heard in this letter.

Before he collapsed, your brother told me to give you and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza this message. I remembered his words to the letter. He said: ‘Tell them of my sacrifice and that I hope to see them again at the end of eternity. Tell them that even if their love and memory of me fades from their hearts, I will be watching them from wherever I end up.’ I am truly sorry for your loss, but I want you to know that because of him, I can continue to support my wife and child. All of us who were trapped in the Dodge City mine today will forever honor his sacrifice.

My Deepest Condolences,

As she finished the last line of the letter, she noticed that she was crying even harder now. The words on the paper were becoming blurry in her eyes.

Why did you do this to me Shining?! How could you do this too your family? You were my best friend growing up, even when all I cared about was studying. I may have just learned the importance of friends, but it was you who taught me the importance of family. I only just found out that I’m ageless, and I wanted to make the most of the time I had left with you.

A surge of anger swept thought Twilight. She closed her eyes, as she spoke out loud.

“A part of me want’s to take this out on Blueblood, even though he’s not really responsible. Still, I am mad at him for trying to turn you, a Prince of Equestria, into a wanted criminal. The nerve of that pompous, stuck up, self centered, egotistical, poorly mannered...”

As Twilight unleashed her anger and hatred for Blueblood, she failed to notice that the shadows under her curtains were starting to move. From it emerged long shadowy appendage which stretched ever slowly towards. The large claw at the the end of the reached for Twilight as her hatred for Blueblood consumed her thoughts.

Just as the claw was about to grab Twilight's head, the dark entity heard a loud noise from just beyond the widow. Concerned about exposing itself, the appage receded back into the shadows.

Twilight opened her eyes as her train of thought was cut up by the sound of the chirping. She quickly turned to face the window and watched as a small blue bird flew into the room. The bird dropped a scroll in onto her bed and then perch itself on her dresser.

“What could this be?” Twilight said sarcastically. “More bad news?”

She carefully undid the scroll and saw that it was a letter addressed to her. The manner in which the sender addressed her sent a variety of emotions through her body, the most prominent of which was shock.

The letter... It says dear. No there only one pony on the planet that ever calls me this, and he’s supposed to be dead. Could it be?

She read the letter to herself.

Dear Twilly,

By the time you get this letter you will probably have shared the news of my death with the rest of Canterlot. I want you to know that I am infact alive, but I want to keep this knowledge a secret. As you are aware, my brother in law Prince Blueblood has placed a warrant out for my arrest for a crime I did not commit. I don’t know why he did it, but I believe it has something to do with what I’m after.

Knowing how curious you are, you're probably wondering what I am doing outside the Empire to begin with. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out so soon, because I already know you will disapprove. But just know that I am doing this so that you, Cadence, and our unborn child may all live forever.

I’m sure you of all ponies would know about the Scepter of Harmony and the six magical gems that power it. The truth is that it’s not legend. It’s the real deal. The pony who gathers all six gems and proves himself worthy to all six Spirits of Harmony may use the scepter to be granted one wish. Right now, my wish is to help you all bear the burden of immortality by becoming an alicorn. I know that should I fail, I would cause you and Cadence immeasurable pain and ultimately defeat the entire purpose of my quest. But that’s also why I can’t fail.

The consequence of failure haunts my every step, but I already have gotten farther than those that that came before me. Both the Spirits of Kindness and Honesty have deemed me worthy and have granted me powers that will undoubtedly help me reach the other gems. I sent this letter using one of these powers.

I can’t tell you where I am, for fear that this letter will be intercepted by those who wish to stop me. However, know that I am safe, and that I am not travelling alone. Right now, I need you to write back to both our parents and Cadence before word of my death reaches them. In your letter to Cadence, tell her that I will not be able to take a break from my quest like I promised her. With Blueblood and the Changelings hunting me, it will be safer for me to stay on the move. Lastly, could you try and research where the other gems are for me? If you learn anything, give Wisp a letter and he’ll send back what you have learned to me. He will know where to find me.

Shining Armor

After reading the letter several times over a variety of emotions came over her. Anger, worry, and frustration coursed through her being like boiling water. However, the strongest feeling she felt was relief. Her brother was alive, yet his life was still in peril.

“At least I can stop crying now.” she thought to herself.

But he’s still in danger. I can’t believe the nerve of him. Countless ponies throughout the ages have quested for the scepter and not one of them has ever come close to unlocking it’s power. That is, until now of course. I need to see what my options are.

Twilight thought over every course of action she could possibly take.

Option one would be to try writing my brother back and convince him to give up his quest, but he might not listen to reason. Option two would be too give him the aide he requested. Yet if I did that, I would be encouraging him to go forward with his madness. Option three is completely out of the question because that would involve looking the other way and doing nothing.

There has to be another solution. Something that’s not as obvious as the other three choices. Think Twilight, think! I could get Princess Celestia involved, yet in the end, what can she do other than what Blueblood already tried. If not Celestia then maybe...

Her face lit up has as her mind stumbled on a sixth option.

Luna! That’s it. I can ask Luna to help me track him down. Maybe with her resources, she could help me find him. I’ll send Shining any information I can find and try and try and convince him to come back. Meanwhile, I’ll also have Princess Luna track him down so I can drag his sorry flank back to the Empire before he get’s himself killed for real. But what if he can succeed?

The thought of Shining actually succeeding made her think about the future. Eventually, she would outlive everypony she knew except for the other princesses. What would it be like to see Shining on his deathbed as an elderly stallion while she remained frozen in time? What if centuries from now, she would forget he even existed, or at the very least his name? Sure, his name would undoubtedly be written in the history books, but would that be enough to keep her personal memories of him alive?

She knew nothing for certain, and that bothered her to know end.

Right now this whole thing could go either way. Either Shining get’s the happy ending and shares eternity with me and Cadence, or he dies before he can live his life to the fullest. I must keep in mind it is possible that alicorns might have better memories than most ponies. Yet even after the coronation I still sometimes forget what I had for breakfast after a long study sessions. If my short term memory can still have gaps, then my long term memory...

Realising she was starting to hyperventilate, Twilight decided to a long deep breath.

“Keep it together princess.” she reassured herself. “These are all things I can ask Luna about when I see her. Tomorrow I’ll go back to Ponyville and send Mom, Dad, and Cadence letters via dragonfire. After that, I’ll see what can dig up on the Harmony Gems and tie a letter to the bird’s leg. Once that’s done, I’ll contact Luna. She’ll find Shining and he can live the rest of his life.”

But wouldn’t I want him to live forever? He is my big brother after all.

She debated with herself for a few more minutes until she finally answered her own questions.

No, not if there a chance of him dying in the present.


Back in his room Prince Blueblood sat in his red hoof chair as he gazed out at the city of Canterlot. The news of Shining Armor’s death filled him with joy. Sure, he might not have been responsible for the deed, but the fact that his adversary was no more was just as satisfying. While pouring himself a glass of wine a devilish smirk swept across his face.

I’m glad that in the end fate was the one to do Shining in. Surely, If my plan had worked, Aunt Celestia would have put two and two together. In all honesty, we of royal blood should not be upheld to the laws which govern the common pony. Still, even if I got off scott free, the tiniest bit of guilt might have nagged at me for few days. My conscience is very quiet, but that doesn’t mean that it is silent. No. This way I can reap the benefits of his death without it distracting me from my croquet game next week.

He levitated his wine glass to his muzzle and savoured the taste of his victory. Now he had one less pretender to worry about.

A little early to be celebrating don’t you think?

Upon hearing the familiar voice echo in his head, the startled prince lost his grip on the glass and spat a torrent of wine out the window. As the wine from his mouth flew down to the courtyard below, the falling glass landed on his belly and stained his regal white coat with red liquid.

Blueblood grunted his teeth and shouted, forgetting that ponies outside might be able to hear him.

“Why are you still tormenting me you uncouth spirit?!” he yelled. “The deed is done, my service is complete. Go back to whatever dark crevice spat you out.”

Oh what a silly prince you are. The letter that arrived at the castle today was, shall we say, out of date. Shining Armor still lives, and he is now even closer to becoming a god. With each trial he completes, the stronger he becomes. Besides, I now know that not even your finest stallions are capable of capturing him. Some of them even had the nerve to let him get away on purpose earlier today. While there is still a chance he can fail, I no longer feel as confident that he can be stopped. That is why I will need you for a new purpose.

“I not going to do anything for you unless there is somthing it for me.” snarled Blueblood. “Because of you, Celestia and Twilight want my head on a stick. If you want anything to me, you need to offer something worth would my while. Seeing is how there's very little I don’t already own, I doubt you will be able to pony up.”

Not even for a pair of wings.

“Not even for...” the white unicorn blinked and tilted his head. “Come again!?”

That’s right. Do what I ask, and your life long obsession will be filled. Come find my horn in the frozen tundra of the north, and your royal blood will never be questioned again.

He wants me to leave the castle and get my hooves durty. Blueblood thought in disgust.

It’s dirt or immortality you wimpy excuse for a prince. In the end I know you can’t refuse me. And the task is so simple. Using my power, I can guide you through the snowy wasteland. After that, all you have to do is pick it up. Are you going to let a little bit of dirt come between you and destiney? Heh, maybe that’s why you never got wings. No one as pathetic as you would ever be worthy of such divine power.

The demon’s words cut through Blueblood like a speeding pegasus soaring into a cloud.

“While I don’t take kindly to your taunting, you do bring up some excellent points. I will depart tomorrow morning for the north. However, should you try and back stab me, I will see to it that your horn will be smashed to pieces.”

Excellent. I promise you will be compensated for your troubles.

In that moment, Blueblood’s thoughts were drawn from the high pitched laughter that echoed in his head.


Shining Armor opened his eyes and let a loud yawn. Stretching his forehooves in the air, he looked around the train car.

In the corner, he saw that Shadow and Braeburn were still sleeping like tucked foals. Like him, they decided to lean on some large wooden crates. It wasn’t the most comfortable sleeping arrangement, but it sure as hell was more pleasant in sleeping in the open coffin.

Besides his companions, Shining could see very little inside the car. Sure, little bits of sunlight pouring in from the sides of the door helped a little bit to illuminate his surroundings, but not enough for him to see both ends of the room clearly.

About an hour or so later, both Shadow Wing and Braeburn woke up. When they were fully wake, the three stallions began to converse among themselves.

“Alright so here’s the plan everypony.” said Shining in a calm and collective tone. His head turned to face Braeburn. “Once we get off at the station, we’ll find your friend Sheriff Silverstar and explain to him what happened. I’m guessing either him or somepony else will be waiting at the station to pick up your body. Me and Shadow will explain the situation as best we can, but we're going to leave out anything that might jeopardize our quest.”

“If you leave anything out,” asked Shadow. “Wouldn’t you be breaking your contract with Truth.”

The unicorn shifted his focus from the earth pony too the thestral.

“For the most part, I am supposed maintain an honest nature, but nopony needs to know the whole story. From what I’ve been reading in the books, bearers can break their nature on occasions, but only if they have legitimate reason to do so. If done too often or for the wrong reason, their bond with the Harmony Spirit will break. It seems the more trials I complete, the more mindful I’ll have to be about my actions. Anyways, let me continue.

“After we the two of us say goodbye to Braeburn, we’ll go outside of town. Normally, I’d want to stay at an Inn, but I can’t let anypony know who I am. If we stay at the Inn under our real names somepony might inform the guards of our locations. Plus, let’s not forget I’m not allowed to lie unless it’s unavoidable. Since we have an alternative sleeping arrangement, were going to have to camp again.”

“You say that like its a bad thing.” Shadow said has he let out another one of his signature hardy laughs. “My body was made for the outdoors. Besides, were both military stallions. We can handle a few rough nights, though I’d much rather prefer it be a rough day. It’s a biological preference.”

“You really don’t like sunlight do you Shadow?” asked Shining.

“It bothers my eyes a little bit, but with practice it’s easy to ignore. This is the most exposure my eyes have had to the light in almost two years. Eventually my mornings will get easier, but for now my eyes are still getting acquainted.”

“Well,” said Shining with a cheery grin. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a captain, it’s that the job isn’t without sacrifice.”

Shadow nodded in agreement and smirked; his exposed fangs sending shivers across Braeburn’s spine. “That it is my friend.” he replied. “That it is.”


The three stallions continued to chat amongst themselves for what seemed like ages. When the train had finally come to a halt, they eagerly snuck out of the car and onto the wooden planks of the Appaloosa station.

As Braeburn walked around the town he couldn’t help but feel that something was a bit off. Sure, all the wooden buildings in town looked the same, and he could hear the bell’s the clock tower made as it struck eleven. As Braeburn looked around the town he could see that everypony was going about their familiar routines, yet something about them didn’t seem right.

What could it be? They are all doing what they normally do. Mrs Sweeps is cleaning, the Orchard brothers are out in the apple fields, they all seem like themselves.

After pondering a bit harder, something clicked in Barburns mind.

Why isn’t anypony talking to anypony else? Could it be they all heard what happened to me and are grieving?

Braeburn lost focus of what he was thinking when he saw Sheriff Silverstar trotting towards him towards the platform.

“Braeburn!” shouted the Sheriff. “You're alive. The letter I got told me you.”

Braeburn broke into a gallop to meet his friend.

“Hey Sherif. Sorry I didn’t get those cherry seeds. Anyways you can thank these two for saving my…”

Before he could finish his sentence Braeburn crashed into a solid force field. He turned around in surprise to see that Shining Armor’s horn was activated. Although he didn’t know much about magic, even a simple earth pony like him knew that the force field was Shining's doing.

“What’s the big idea!?” yelled Braeburn.

From where he stood, Braeburn could see the terror in Shining Armor’s eyes. The once calm and cheerful station now looked like he was staring into the pits of hell itself.

“You have to get away from him!” The stallion yelled stearney. Everypony in this town is an imposter!”

As Shining’s words echoed the townspeople started began to congregate behind Silver Star. The sheriff let out a soft but sinister laugh.

“So I guess Wasp was telling the truth when he said you can see through our disguises.” he said shaking his head. “How unfortunate.”

He looked up and smiled at the trio.

“However, this time her majesty has made sure you can’t escape us. For you see, you’re in our town now Shining Armor and that sissy shield of your’s isn’t going to enough to stop us.”

Author's Notes:

Will the three stallions be able too take on an entire sworn of changelings? Why is Chrysalis after Shining Armor? Lastly, has become the true residence of Appaloosa? The answers to all these questions will be answered in Chapter Nine of My Mortal Big Brother. Be afraid of The Coming Sworm.
Now let me end this chapter with this awesome song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHTzvaH5eVI

The Coming Swarm

Chapter 9

Twilight's mane blew wildly in the wind as her chariot started to descend towards Foal Mountain. In the distance she could see Luna’s private castle. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she reached her destination. As they the chariot began, she lowered her head down and thought about her brother.

What if Princess Luna won’t help me save my brother? I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t, but what if she is incapable? What if one of her guards is secretly working for Blueblood?

She shook her head and dismissed her thoughts.

No! I shouldn’t get myself worked up like this. I keep forgetting that I’m supposed to consider myself her equal. Will I ever get used to this whole princess thing?

One of the pegasus guards pulling the chariot turned his head slightly to look at Twilight.

“By Celestia,” he said with admiration, “How you’ve changed Twilight. I can’t believe it’s been three years since the two of us carried you to Ponyville for the first time. Now look at you, a member of the royal family with wings of your own. If the rumors are true, you're ageless like the royal sisters now.”

“It’s true.” sighed Twilight unenthusiastically. “To be frank, I have a hard time believing it myself. When Celestia took me under her wing, I knew I would be destined for greatness. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine anything like this would happen.”

“If you think about it, it really isn’t a surprise at all.” replied the other guard on the right. “You have done more for this kingdom than most ponies accomplish in a lifetime. Now that you're ageless imagine everything this nation can achieve under your guidance. Princess Celestia chose you because she believed in the wonderful things you could accomplish and look how right she was.”

Twilight lifted her head and smiled. “Thank you two for your gracious words, but right now I really need to focus on my meeting with Princess Luna.”

The guards nodded and turned their heads back to the sky. The chariot landed right beside the door. When the chariot had landed safely on the ground Twilight stood up and unfurled her wings. She then jumped out of the chariot and turned to the guards. “Please come back for me before sunrise.” she said with sincerity.

“Before we go!” replied one of the guards somberly with a look of concern. The captain kicked his leg on the ground lightly and looked at the ground. From what Twilight could tell he felt like he was having a hard time organising his thoughts.

Finally he let out a gentle cough and looked up at Twilight.

“Are the rumors true Princess?” he asked. “Has Captain Armor passed on from this world.

Remembering her brothers instructions, Twilight nodded her head.

Even though I’ve know these two I can’t take any chances that one of them might be a spy.

“Our deepest apologies Princess Twilight.” the pegasus replied as he closed his eyes and shook his head slowly before look back up. “Shining was a remarkable soldier, leader, and an even greater friend. He never flaunted or abused his rank like some of the other higher ups do. To us he was modest, caring, and treated everypony as an equal. It such as shame something like this happened so soon after your coronation ceremony.”

“Do you know when the wake is?” asked the other guard. “The two of us would like to pay our respects.”

“We're still working out a date.” Twilight said in an expression that was devoid of any emotion.

“Just stay strong for us your majesty.” replied the same guard. “We’ll be back around six like you requested. In the meantime, try and focus on happier things.”

Twilight watched as the two guards galloped towards the edge of the cliff and took off into the sky. She tucked her wings in and turned to face Luna’s castle. As she trotted slowly with her head down and tears in her eyes she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

If my brother is still alive, why am I feeling as if he’s already dead?

Twilight knocked on the door and was greeted by a group of thestrals. After telling them about her meeting with Luna the guards escorted her to Luna’s private chambers.

Inside the chamber Twilight saw Luna sitting on a rug waiting for her.

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said ecstatically. “We hope that thy journey twas safe. What is the matter of great importance you spoke about in your letter?”

Twilight sighed, “Last night my brother sent me a letter. He’s still alive!”

After recalling the events of last night and showing Luna a copy of her brothers message the Night Princess sighed. “Twilight, I’m afraid that most of what you’ve just told me isn’t news. For you see, I was the one that gave Shining the first gem.”

Titwight eyes widened.

“You what!” she yelled in disbelief, her tone echoing with outrage.

“I stole the Harmony Gem from Canterlot Castle so I could save his life. Since me and the Spirit of Honesty were once bonded together I knew I could convince him to spare Shining’s life should he fail. Shining promised me that if he did in fact fail, he would return to the Empire where he belongs. Up till now nopony has ever engaged in a Trial of Harmony and lived. The fact that he was able to pass the trial means he may be the chosen pony worthy of the scepter’s power. So I took his victory as sign and allowed my own captain to aide him on journey.”

Twilight stomped her right hoof against the stone floor of the castle and gritted her teeth. The anger she displayed towards Luna was so apparent that the notarial princess thought she saw Twilight's mane catch fire for a moment.


After a long period of silence, Luna drew her head back and took a deep breath. As she did, Twilight got back up and waited until she herself was no longer flustered.

Finally Luna decided to break the ice.

“While I can’t condone the risk your brother is taking,” replied Luna with a hint of remorse. “He believes his quest to be just. To be perfectly honest, after peering into a portion of his dreams I can’t help but sympathise with him.”

“Huh?” replied Twilight who tilted her head in bewilderment.

Luna tilted her head and looked straight into Twilight's eyes.

“Sompony,”she replied sternly. “Or, something invaded your brother’s dreams and filled his head with future events. Whoever is responsible took the form or my late sister Gaia, the former queen of the Cystaile Empire.”

“I didn’t even know you had another sister.” replied Twilight.

“It’s not something me and Celestia like to discuss. Anyway, whoever it was showed Shining a future in which you and Cadence grieve on his deathbed. To make matters worse, Shining told me that you and Cadence will eventually move on from his death and forget him completely after a couple of millennia.”

“That would never happen!” interjected Twilight. “If this thing is an imposter all of that could have been a fabrication!”

Luna sighed. “I’m afraid that some of what she showed him may have actually been from the future. High level magic users can peer into the futures of of others so long as they themselves aren’t involved. Sometimes the best lies are the ones that have sprinkles of truth on them. Still, I can’t be sure how much of the dream was a fabrication, but I can say that whoever it was played on your brother’s inner anxiety.”

“But why would anypony do that?” inquired Twilight. “And how are you sure it wasn’t the spirit of your sister?”

Luna let out another soft sigh and closed her eyes. “Before Shining took his first trial I asked the Honesty Spirit Truth if the being from Shinings dreams was infact my sister. He told me my sister’s soul now dwells within the earth. In his dream, the pony claiming to be Gaia told your brother that her soul had been sealed within the Crystal Heart. Tell me Twilight, who would you rather believe, honesty incarnate, or some shady figure taking my sisters from to manipulate your brother?”

“Well you got me there.” replied Twilight. “That does make sense. But what I don’t understand is why would anyone other than me or Cadence want my brother to be an alicorn?”

“Perhaps,” answered Luna, brushing her chin with her hoof as she tried to deduce the motive. Eventually, Luna put down her hoof and looked Twilight in eyes. “Perhaps it too thought that your brother would not be worthy of the scepter. Whoever it was knew exactly how to excite Shining’s insecurities to the point where he could even think straight. He left Cadence with no plan and no real supplies other than some stolen library books. The being that coaxed him into going on this crusade did so in the hope that Shining would not only fail but perish in the process.”

Normally Twilight would have been hyper focused on what Luna said about her brother stealing books but the weight of the situation allowed her to push that point to the sides. As much as she hated to admit it her brother’s life was more important than computing the ultimate library sin.

“But if that is the case,” Luna said with reassuring smile “It’s plan has failed miserably. With two of the gems now under Prince Shining’s command his quest is now a third of the way done.”

“So you're not going to help me stop him.” huffed Twilight.

“Even if I did, he wouldn't go without a struggle. Afraid the only thing we can do is pr…”

Just then a Night Guard unicorn burst into the room and began panting.

“Princess…Luna.” said the guard as he tried to catch his breath. “Lieutenant Night Fang has been replaced with a changeling. We caught him trying to steal documents that would have put Canterlot’s security at risk. When we tried to stop him he exposed his true life form and attacked.”

Luna ran past Twilight and rushed to towards the guard.

“Did you restrain him.” She asked loudly.

“Yes, he’s in the dungeon and were interrogating him now, however just after we caught him he told me to give Twilight a message.”

“What was the message?” asked Luna.

The guard gulped and shifted his eyes nervously and looked at Twilight. "He says 'Tell her that our queen has your precious Shining Armor cornered. Soon he will be her’s again, and she will have her vengeance against both of you.’”

Twilight eyes opened wide with horror as she dropped to her knees in utter despair.


Shining grit his teeth as the mob of imposters began to crowd around his shield. While they were all still disguised as ponies their fangs were clearly visible to him and his party. All the while, the changeling disguised as Sheriff Silverstar laughed as if he had already won.

“How did you know we were coming here?” asked Shadow.

“Ever since your little showdown with Wasp we’ve been setting up checkpoints all around the the desert area between Everfree and the Badlands. You just got lucky enough to arrive at basecamp. Now we have you like an insect caught in a spider web. Don’t you just love the irony Shining cause I can really use a snack right about now.”

“You creeps aren’t sapping on anymore of my love.” yelled Shining has he snarled and sparks of magic discharged from his horn.

“Not like we need to.” the fake sherif gloated. “When the ponies of Appleloosa have already given us an all you can eat buffet.” He licked his lips and rubbed his stomach with one hoof. “I got to say it was one of the best meal I have had in ages.”

As the changeling sherif taunted them rage coursed through Braeburn’s veins. He turned his attention to the face him and stomped his right hoof into the ground.

“What the hell did you monsters do to the towns folk?!” yelled Braeburn at the top of his lungs. His bright yellow face was starting to turn different shades of red.

“Don’t worry country boy.” replied the sheriff in a sympathetic tone. “They are all waiting for you back at the hive.” A very crooked smirk crept onto his face. “If you want, you can join them. We have plenty of pods already made.”

“Shining!” cried Braeburn who wasn now fuming with anger. “Let me out of this damn shield so I can swatt this oversized ant!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” replied the prince as his eyes wandered in search of an escape. “If I allow you to pass through the shield you're done for.”

“Like that matters.” said the Sheriff tauntingly. “Like I said, your shield is not going to be enough. Especially since you're the one one who’s going to deactivate it.”

“Sorry to break it too you buddy.” Shining huffed smugly. “But there’s no way I’m going-”

“Deactivate it or I snap the cow pony's neck.” barked a feminine voice from within the shield.

Braeburn suddenly felt a tightness around his throat. He could feel a strange texture on his neck but as far he could tell, there was nothing there. Yet the tightness he felt was as if he was being strangled to death. He began to gasp for air as he struggled to break free from his unseen captor.

“Braeburn!” cried Shadow as both captains watched the stallion squirm. Eventually a tall feminine changeling materialised from out of nowhere with her left foreleg wrapped tightly around Barburns throat.

“Chrysalis!” shouted Shining the moment he laid eyes on her teal colored mane.

“Close but no cigar handsome.” she said in a seductive tone. “I’m her daughter Princess Cocoon but I prefer the name Phantom when out on the field.”

On second inspection Shining noticed that her body was void of holes and that there was a ghost shaped cutie mark on her flank.

No way! thought Shining. That means she’s a…

The unicorn let out a loud moan of annoyance and slouched his head. “Great, more hybrid changelings with freaky mutant powers.” he said sarcastically. “Just how many more of you are there?”

“I will tell you that I’m not the only one here in town. Now here are my demands. Deactivate your shield or I snap his windpipe in two. I’ll give you to the count of 10 so you better act quickly. Here we go.”

Shining’s mind began to race faster than a speeding weather pony.

As much as I hate getting captured by these filthy bugs, there no way I’m going to let Braeburn die. I didn’t want to make this easy for them but it looks like it’s game over.

“Five seconds Armor!” Yelled Cocoon as she tightened her grip on her captive. “I don’t want to kill a good looking stallion like him but I will unless you deactivate your shield.”

Damn her!

Shining closed his eyes in defeat and disengaged his shield. However just as the spell ended his eyes jolted back open to the sound of a loud shriek.

Braeburn had dug his teeth into Cocoon's leg in an attempt to break free. Shining, Shadow, and the changelings watched has Braeburn violently gnawed on Cocoon's leg like a rabid dog. As small shards chitin fell to the ground, Cocoon exerted her grip on Braeburn in an attempt to suffocate him.

Both Shining and Shadow took advantage and leapt into action. While Shadow flew to retrieve his spear and helmet from their discarded luggage Shining rushed to the cow pony’s rescue. When he was in striking distance, he levitated his sword from it’s sheath and swung the blade skyward. With the the precision of a hawk, he sliced clean through Cocoon’s left foreleg without laying a scratch on her hostage.

“Volucris dammit!!!” she screamed as her leg flew sideways towards the mob of disguised changelings before she vanished into thin air. Although she was no longer visible Shining could see a trail of blood drip from nowhere as well as the sound of chattering wings.

As Shadow flew beside Shining with his spear held firmly in his right hoof, the unicorn prince turned his head to the out of breath colt panting. His hind legs struggled to lift him up.

“Are you ok Braeburn?!” he asked with his eyes open wide.

“I’ll… huff… live.” he said has he continued to catch his breath.

The prince nodded before turning his head back to the swarm. “The channeling that grabbed you is a hybrid mutant. From the looks of it she can turn herself invisible. She must have been inside the radius of my spell shield spell before I cast it. If I knew she was there I could have knocked her back like I did in Canterlot. Anyways, unless you don’t wanna become channeling food, I suggest you grab a weapon and fight.”

Braeburn stumbled back on all fours and nodded.

“Ya bet your flank I’m gonna fight,” he said as color returned to his face. “But I don’t need no weapon.” He trotted over next to the two captains and scowled back at the changling swarm. “I can fight pretty well with just my hooves. We here in Appaloosa have a mud wrestling competition during our anniversary fair. I’m the undefeated champion around these parts and I’m not going to let these imposters best me.”

“Just be careful son.” replied Shadow softly with a look of concern of on his face. “I think the reason they're keeping their disguises on is so we can’t tell which one of them is a hybrid or not. For all we know there could be a twenty of them hidden in the crowd with their own unique power.”

“It’s like a game of poker.” said Shining has he drew back his lips. “Basicly we won’t know our opponent's hand until we play ours. Let’s hold our ground and wait for them to make the first move.”

As if on cue ten changelings rushed at them.

Shadow tucked his spear between his wings and jumped to intercept the attacks. His spear grazed a changeling as he leapt past him. Blood oozed from the injured creature as his disguise faded away and his body collapsed onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Shining decided to try his hooves at one of the nature spells that he instinctively knew now. His horn surged with magic as he conjured a tornado of sand and hurled it toward a group of changelings that were headed for them. Their mouths opened in fear as each changeling in the group was sucked up by the the sandy storm.

“These nature spells are pretty handy.” said Shining proudly has he scooped a few more changelings in his twister of sand. “I’m going to definitely need to take some time to find out just how many I know.”

As Shining tried to clear the crowd of changelings in front of him with his new spell, Braeburn took a defensive stance behind him. Changeling soldiers charged them in attempt to break Shining’s spell only to be clobbered and stabbed by the two stallions. One changeling dropped his disguise and lept at Braeburn. In response, Braeburn spun his body around and bucked the creature in mid air. The force of Braeburn’s legs was a enough to send the changeling straight through the second floor window of a nearby saloon. He turned to face the other changelings and smiled.

“Anychangeling else want to go inside for a drink?!” he said said with as his eyes began to sparkle.

The the three heroes fought the changelings with every skill at their disposal. Shining continued to use his tornado spell to help drive back changelings in front of him. Meanwhile Braeburn and Shadow struck down any that tried to cross them with hoof and spear. One by one changelings were blown, stabbed, and bashed by the three ponies. Yet even with their good fortune, a single question lingered in the front of their minds.

Where are the hybrids hiding?

Then, as Shadow removed his spear from the chest of an attacker, he saw a black mass speeding towards him and Braeburn.

Realising that neither of them would be able to dodge whatever was approaching them in time he lifted his spear to parry any imminent attacks. However, as he raised his spear the speeding figure trotted right up to him slammed his hoof right in Shadow’s chest.

Shadow’s mouth opened wide as air was and released from lungs. His wings spread outward as a reflex, causing him to lose his hold the spear tucked beneath one of them.

Moments later, the assailant’s horn lit up and three black objects flew from the its saddle bag.

Shadow’s eyes opened wide as the world around him became still.

Shining and Barburn watched with their mouths wide open at the horrific scene before them. Three black knives with a foreign appearance were sticking out from the sides of his purple armour. Shadow stretched his right hoof forward as if to attack the black maned changeling that stabbed him. Yet as soon as his hoof made contact with the ground, numbness overcame his body and he stumbled to the ground.

“Shadow!” Cried the two remaining stallions.

Behind him, Shining could hear the sheriff’s high pitched laughter.

“Nicely done Ninja,” he said when he caught his breath from his laughing fit. “But you could have saved some of my poison for the rest of them. I think you gave that bat freak a lethal dose. If I don’t apply the antidote he’ll be dead in forty minutes to an hour.”

The back maned changeling stood up on two legs and bowed apologetically. As he did this Shining took notice of the creature’s cutie mark. It was a picture of some kind of metal star with sharp edges. While he had no clue what that was supposed to symbolise, he knew that this changeling was a stealthy and proficient killing machine.

“Forgive me Venom-kun.” said the changeling named Ninja after he finished his bow. “I felt this fight had been dragging on and wanted to see a swift end to the skirmish.”

“Wait!” yelled Shining as he tightened his lips. “You poisoned him.”

The sheriff walked towards him with an annoyed expression on his face as his body was enveloped by green fire. Shining and Braeburn turned to him as the imposter exposed his true form.

“Just as I thought!” huffed Shining as he glared at the creature before him. “Your a hybrid too. It seems your the only changelings besides the queen with any charisma.”

“Understatement of the century.” sighed the creature. Like his siblings he had his mother's emerald eyes. What made this one stand out was his light green mane and his extremely sharp fangs. On his flank was the picture of a king cobra.

As he cantered forward, Shining drew his sword and rested the blade inches from the creature’s throat. The creature, who he remembered had been called Venom, grinned smugly at the enraged prince.

“You’d really draw a sword at the only creature that can produce an antidote in time to save his life” he said in a condescending tone. “As you’ve probably realised by now, my body can create all sorts of poisons. However, my special ability or “talent” as you ponies would call it doesn’t stop there. My body can generate antibiotics, narcotics, and antidotes.”

He looked directly into Shining’s eyes and exposed his abnormally long fangs. Shining’s body shivered as he saw what looked like green liquid drip from their tips.

“I allowed Ninja here to lace his kunai with a fast acting poison.” he continued. “In small quantities all it does in knock a pony out. However, your friend has just received a very lethal dose and I’m afraid he has less than an hour to live unless I inject him with the antidote.”

Shining clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes. He could tell that the changeling wasn’t lying to him, but he also knew something about this didn’t seem right.

“Let me guess.” Shining said angrily. “You want me to come with you in exchange for saving Shadow. Let me give you a better offer. Save him now or I’ll slice your head off.”

“And here I thought intelligence told us you passed the Trial of Kindness.” chuckled Venom.

Shining stretched his neck out at Venom. “I am being kind.” he said firmly.

For a moment, he thought he saw Venom’s face tighten up a bit.

“Ok,” he said nervously. “Just put the swords down and I’ll apply the the anti-venom into his bloodstream.”

So far I haven’t had a single bad vibe telling me that he’s lying. Yet still, something doesn’t feel right about this. At least I know he does intend to save Shadow. I better do what he says if I want to save him. Besides, if he tries anything funny, I still have my magic to protect me.

Shining reluctantly levitated his sword back into his sheath.

“What are you waiting for?” he said impatiently. "Go help…"

Shining gasped as the changeling fluttered backwards and pointed both his forehooves at the two stallions. He then heard a fait whooshing before the prince felt something pierce his leg. Whatever it was must have hit Braeburn too because he let out a loud “ouch” a second later.

“What the hell did you just do?!” yelled Shining as his head began to feel drowsy. His mouth stretched out wide as he let out a loud yawn. “You… weren’t lying before.”

Venom landed on the ground and snicked. “I didn’t lie. What your should've asked first is if I was going to drug all of you at the same time.”

Braeburn let out a loud yawn has his body fell to the ground. “You… son of a… bit…” Before knew it, Braeburn fell into an unconscious sleep.

Meanwhile Shining struggled to keep his balance and fight the drug in his system.

“A defiant one aren’t we.” said Venom. “For most patients two is the maximum dose I’m allowed to give.” He lifted his right leg as a small pore opened up at the sole of his hoof. “Allow me to adjust your prescription.”

Even with his vision blurred, Shining could see the small biological dart speeding towards him. It nailed him right below his collarbone, and he immediately felt the effects. As he fell into unconsciousness he could hear the mob surrounding them laugh hysterically, the loudest of the group being the one that shot him. He couldn’t even feel his own body as he tipped over sideways onto the hard ground. It wasn’t long before the world around him became utter darkness.

Author's Notes:

Last chapter for a wile. Collage saps a'lot of my creative energy. Also, I have a couple of other fix I need to rap up before I continue this ongoing saga. I will be finishing Blank Flanks and Equine Infernal. Then after I write a quick chapter of Harky, we can learn the what fate will befall our hero. Also, wasn't Blueblood heading to the north to fetch something. I wonder how that's going for him?

Revenge of Chrysalis

Chapter 10

Dizziness, dizziness was all Shining could feel as he slowly opened his eyes. The world was spinning like a ferris wheel. He couldn’t tell what anything was because the world around him kept moving. He tried to collect his thoughts, but even they were a jumbled mess.

After a couple of minutes of doing nothing, his head eventually cleared up, and the world became less blurry. With the curtain of fog lifted from his mind, he began to take note of his surrounding.

The first thing that he realised upon waking up was that he was resting on a very dusty bed.

My coat feels so dirty now? He thought as he looked at how brown his snow white coat had become. Where the heck am I anyway?

After brushing some of the dirt off with his hoof, he decided to lean upward against the back of the bed so he could better examine the room he was in.

Judging from the grey stone wall and the dirty, yet fancy decor, he assumed that he was in a castle of some sort. A painting caked with dust hung on the walls, and cobwebs could be seen nestled between a good portion of the furniture like the hope chest on his right.

On said hope chest rested a candelabra, with three lit candles nestled on top.

If I didn’t know better, he thought deeply to himself, I’d say that nopony has lived in this place for centuries, yet those lit candles over there tell a different story.

He shook his head and bit and narrowed his eyes.

I can worry about where I am later, right now I need to find Shadow and Brea…

Suddenly the door on his right slid open to reveal somepony Shining never expected to see in a place like this.

“Cadence!” he said as his eyes widened with surprise.

The pink mare of his life chuckled and as she cantered slowly towards him. Immediately, Shining notice that she was making a conscious effort to make sure to sway her plot back and forth as she walked.

When she was close enough, she fluttered onto the bed, pressing the bewildered stallion onto his back.

Cadence licked her lips as she looked down at Shining with a lustful gleam in her eyes.
“How’s my sexy, sexy prince doing today?” she said seductively. “Are you ready to make sweet love to my…”

“Get off of me, witch!” Shining shouted as he violently got off and pushed cadence off the bed. Her rump landed on the hard stone floor as her head smashed into an old wooden dresser.

Cadence responded by breaking into a fit of laughter, seeming to ignore any pain she may or may not have felt.

“I see someone got a little smarter these past few years,” she said in a teasing tone as a menacing smirk crept onto her face. “Or maybe it’s just those stupid powers you inherited from your eccentric spirit friends? I bet if it weren’t for them, you would have fallen for the same trick again. I mean, how dense do you have to be to not realise your bride’s been replaced with an imposter?”

Shining got on all fours and hopped off the bed, while staring at the creature who resembled his wife with hate and disgust.

“If you really want to be honest, I thought something was off with your behavior during the wedding preparations, but I shrugged it off as me being on edge because of the threat you so cleverly sent. But luckily for me, a mare far smarter than I was able to see through your lies. Now thanks to the spirits of the elements, I can too. So you can drop your stupid disguise, Chrysalis. It won’t get you anything this time.

Cadence/Chrysalis laughed giddily to herself with a smile that reminded Shining too much of his real wife.

“No, I think this form is serving me well, even if you can see through it. You see, I didn’t send a squad of my genetically engineered offspring just to chat. I brought you here for revenge.”

Shining Armor backed away in disgust as a flash of green light Chrysalis took the form of Twilight.

“After I failed to drain Twilight's magic and make her my pawn,” she explained in Twilight's pragmatic tone of voice. “I realised that I needed a new target for which to exact vengeance. Twilight may have been the one who blew my cover, but it was you and your pathetic wife who defeated my army.”

The fake fluttered towards Shining and placed her front hooves on his cheeks. She stared down at him with seductive smile.

“Now BBBFF,” she said in an alluring tone, drawing her head ever closer to Shining’s muzzle. “Why don’t you show me how much you love your little sister?”

“I’ll kill you for this!” Shining snarled.

Without even thinking, Shining titled his head and slammed his head against the fake Twilight. Chrysalis staggered backwards as Shining tilted his head forward, ready to blast the queen into oblivion once and for all with every last bit of magic he had in him. Gritting his teeth with hatred, he began to channel magic into his horn, but found that something was stopping his magic from reaching the very tip.

Damnit, why can’t a cast this spell?

Chrysalis regained her balance and tilted her head upward at Shining, smiling pleasantly at the confused stallion.

“Hurting me wont help your situation,” she said in a teasing tone as she levitated a mirror in front of Shining. “But we can talk about your punishment later. Right now I want you take a look at what’s preventing you from killing me.”

Shining eyes widened as he stared into the mirror. Half of his horn was surrounded by a strange metallic ring with blinking red lights on the sides. He figured that whatever it was, was keeping his magic sealed up.

“My son, Gizmo,made this little device for me you know.” Stated the fake Twilight, who Shining noticed had a red bruise from when he slammed the front side his horn into her face. “As his name would suggests, his special talent is making very effective and unique gadgets. This is what he calls a magic inhibitor. So long as that’s on you, your magic won’t be able to reach the top of your horn and channel outward.”

“I’m guessing he’s another one of your mutant hybrids.” Shining said, scowling.

Shining watched as Chrysalis dropped her disguise and took on her true form.

“He might not be as combat efficient as our son, but he’s at least more resourceful than the worthless runt, Blank Canvas.”

Half of Shining’s horn flared with purple light as his face continued to tighten up with anger.

“That changeling with the bee on his flank is not my son.” Shining shouted defensively. “He said as much himself.”

“That’s because Wasp doesn’t see you as a father,” she gloated. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t.”
Suddenly, her horn surged with magic.

The queen’s magic quickly enveloped all four of Shining’s hooves, locking them in place. Chrysalis eyes sparkled with excitement has she watched her captive struggle to break free of her grip.

“If you wanted to be technical they’re all your children.” continued the boastful queen as began to flutter and circle Shining. “It was your seed which fertilized them. You're the last person I slept with before I got pregnant. However, had I not spliced Wasp with your DNA as an egg, he wouldn’t have inherited any of your genetic traits. Just face it, he inherited genetic traits from both you and me. Ergo, he is and always will be, your first born child.”

“You disgust me!” Shining said sternly as he tried to regain his composure. So scornful was his gaze, that Chrysalis felt an involuntary shiver run across her spine.

“Are you really that malevolent?” continued Shining. “Cause quite frankly I’m baffled right now. You went through all this trouble of bringing me here, capturing me and my friends—which if you’ve harmed…”

“They're alive.” she interrupted. “They have an important role to play for what I have in store for you. Anyway, continue. I’m honestly quite curious as to what you are going to say.”

Shining sighed and shook his head as he tried to reorganise his thoughts. When he was done, he strained his head and narrowed his eyes with resentment.

“You captured my friends,” he continued, “replaced an entire town with changelings, sent a handful of your super soldiers after me, all so you could put on this little show and try to break me. Well, you know what? I’ve changed a lot since you infiltrated my wedding and replaced Cadence. Had I know I mated with you by mistake, or spawned an unknown number of superpowered changelings, I would have broken down into despair.”

“But I know better now. During my trials, the Spirtes of Harmony each taught me that making excuses for myself won’t erase my mistake. If I am to move forward, I need to embrace my mistakes, even if I’m ashamed of them. If I make it out of here alive, I will tell Cadence the truth about you, me, and Wasp! I know it might upset her, but I know she will still love me. Besides, she’s already pregnant with our own foal, so there’s really nothing you can say to make me feel like I’ve betrayed her in anyway. This whole revenge scheme of your’s is a colossal failure.”

Taken back by his words, Chrysalis let out a loud snarl and aimed her horn at Shining. “If I break your spirit right just yet” she said in annoyance, “then I’ll just have to break your body.”

Shining watched as Chrysalis charged her horn up with a powerful surge of magic.

“Mark my words my dearest Shining,” said Chrysalis. “You may feel confident now, but in time, your mind will suffer.”

With a high pitched laugh, a green arch shot from her horn and blasted Shining in the forehead.


When Braeburn woke up from his drug induced slumber, he found himself dangling inside a wall of green. He was in a ball room of some sort, suspended on the ceiling in a an insectoid-like cocoon. As he stared down at the ground below, his breath began to get heavy. He began to shift his eyes elsewhere.

What he saw terrified him to his very core. His eyes widen with fear at the horror that surrounded him. Through his pod prison, he could make a out half a dozen other cocoons, all of which containing ponies he new.

“Sweet Princess Celestia!” he gasped, “These monsters got the whole damn town.”

“Braeburn, thank Luna you're awake!” called a voice from behind him.

Braeburn turned his head in the direction of the voice and felt a small bit of relief upon seeing another familiar face.”

“Shadow Wing!” he shouted happily. “I’m so glad you're alive, how long have we been here?”

The lunar captain shook his head. “I have know idea, I woke up about thirty minutes ago. Anyways, I think we found the town’s people. It looks like the changelings have been draining them non-stop. If we don’t get them medical attention, I think some of them might not make it.”

Braeburn cringed at the thought of losing the town’s folk.

Hopefully we can break out of here before that happens.

“Where’s Shining Armor?” asked Braeburn.

“I don’t know, I think their queen is handling him. I’m sure he’s alive at least. If they wanted him dead they would have done it back at Appleloosa. Anyways, there’s three conscious ponies back here who say they aren't from Appleloosa. They tell me they used to be close friends with Shining. I think they're going to use the five of us to get to him.”

“What are their names?” asked Braeburn.


As Wasp strolled down the halls of the Castle, he could hear screaming coming from the room his mother and “clone father” were in. He tried desperately to leave the area, but some part of him compelled him to stay. His drone brethren gave him weird looks at the looks of discomfort he was expressing.

What’s wrong with me? he thought. Changelings are supposed to be indifferent to this. Why can’t I leave?

His bothersome looks only got worse as Shining’s screams of pain seemed to echo louder in his ears with every passing second.

I am a changeling for Volucris’ sake. Changelings are only meant to serve the queen without question. Love know one but the queen. Think nothing except what the queen tell you too think.

He lowered his head as a disturbing thought echoed throughout it.

I don’t even know this stallion. I only know that he fertilized me, and that mom gave me his DNA. I guess it would make sense that some of his filthy pony sentiment got into me at birth. I am changeling through and through. The day I start having feelings for anypony else will be the day I…

“Something troubling you brother?”

Wasp turned around in and stared loathingly at one of his fellow hybrid siblings.

“Hello Blitz, I thought you were supposed to be in Las Pegasus.”

Like his other 12 siblings, this changeling had both a mane, a cutie mark, and green emerald eyes. However, while most the thirteen hybrids had single colored hair, Bitz had a mane and tail that matched the colors of the rainbow. He bore a smug and confident look on his face, much like that of the pony whose DNA he shared. A katana rested in in a brown leather sheath, partially covering his grey lightning cloud cutie mark.

The hybrid chuckled as he strolled closer to younger brother and smiled.

“I was called back.” he replied. “Say, what are you doing passing around these halls little bro? You know Mom’s busy with an old friend.”

Wasp felt like stabbing himself with his own hooves as shame overcame him.

“The stallion she is torturing is Shining Armor, the stallion whose genes I share. Don’t tell the others, but I think some of those damn pony emotions are making me feel sorry for the bastard.”

Blitz laughed, “You’ll get over it. I’ll admit I bumped into my other mother while on a mission in Cloudsdale. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a little weird. But you know what, If the queen ever told me to slice her wings off I’d do it in a heart beat. Sure, I probably wouldn’t feel good about it, but that’s the burden we hybrids must bare. We must use the ponies strength against them, without succumbing to their follies. You should go to his cell tonight and screw with him a bit. The only way you're going to break your attachment is if you train yourself to hate him.”

Wasp nodded.

As much of a prick Blitz can be, I’ve got to say, he does make a better soldier than me. Still, I’ll always be the better fighter.

“I think I’ll do just that.” Wasp said with as he smiled confidently at his brother. “But first, me and you have a score to settle. Right now the score is four to six. I only need to duel with you one more time before we tie up. I hope that foreign sword of your’s is ready too clash with hooves of steel. I’ve learned how to sharpen the edges of my swords while you were away.”

Blitz flared his wings and sped past Wasp before he even had time to blink.

Time to show speedy who’s boss, Wasp thought as he flew towards one of the castle windows on the other side of the hall. However, he couldn’t help but look back as he heard another high-pitched scream from the stallion which gave him life almost a year ago.


After several hours of excruciating pain and torture at the hands of the queen, Chrysalis ordered a small group of minions to carry Shining to the dining hall. As the changelings lifted Shining up on their backs like ants at a picnic, he let out a loud moan.

It stings, everything I touch stings.

He could feel blood dripping from his mouth where the queen had beaten him, and the sting of burnt marks from where she had zapped him. Several patches of his fur had turned black after being zapped so many times. From a distance, Shining imagined he looked like a large dalmatian.

He dozed off for a bit, he tried to distract his mind from the pain.

Finally, the changelings threw him off their backs onto the stone floor of the castle. As he winced in pain, he struggled to open his eyes. However, when he finally got them open, he could barely close them again.

There, standing on the stone floor, was a sapphire gem in the shape of a balloon.

The Gem of Laughter? But how is this…

“It’s a anniversary present, sweetie,” called the voice that sounded like Cadence.

Shining struggled to lift himself up and darted his eyes towards Chrysalis who had decided to play “housewife” with him again by taking on Cadences form. “I’ll try and find more for you but remember, you have to grant me whatever wish I want once you find them all.”

Shining felt himself stumble a bit as his lower leg started to kneel from all the pain he felt. To his dismay, his right foreleg was also giving him trouble. However, he fought this pain with all his might.

“After... everything you’ve... done to me.” he said as he began to pant from exhaustion. He found himself coughing a little bit of blood has he tried to continue. “I will… *cough*… never… grant you a wish. I can’t even imagine what kind of sick and demented thing you would bring into this world if I did. I’d die first before helping you. I know Twilight and Cadence would do the same in my horseshoes.”

The fake pink alicorn smirked evilly at her hostage and began to stroke his charred blue mane.

“Lower the pods.” she said in a voice that reminded Shining of Cadence’s foal-sitting days.

In a moment the changelings brought in five green pods before him, each one carrying a pony. Shining recognised two of them to be Shadow and Braeburn, but he could put his hoof on who the other three were. He studied them closing and saw that one of them was brown-maned earth pony with a robot cutie mark, a green maned unicorn with a D-8 cutie mark, and a grey-maned pegasus with a video game sprite cutie mark.

Poindexter? Gaffer? 8-Bit?

Shining turned around, staring at the the queen. “Your using my comrades and my high school friends as bargaining chips? And just when I thought I couldn’t hate you anymore than I already do.”

“You catch on quickly,” cackled the fake Cadence. “If you don’t pass the remaining four trials and grant me my wish, I will drain your friends of any and all emotions until they become a dry husk. Tomorrow, when you recover, you will take the trial of laughter, and you will pass, or so help me I will murder everypony you have ever held dear. And don’t think I’ll stop at these four. I will hunt and find anyone you've ever cared for and murder them personally.”

As Chrysalis broke into a fit of laughter, Shining felt utterly helpless. It seemed that fate was no longer on his side.

Trial of Laughter: Wall Breaker (4th Wall Breaking Meta Humor Warning)

This chapter is silly and breaks the fourth wall.
It will be the only chapter that does this.

Shining was tossed into a cold damp cell by a group of guards. He winced in pain when his bruised body landed on the stone floor. He heard the bare door shut behind him and lock.

Shining jerked his head up slowly and looked back at his captors from behind the rusty metal bars of his cell. One of them walked forward and tossed the gem to him.

“You have ‘till sunrise to complete the challenge.” barked one of the changeling drones as he pointed his hoof to a familiar looking hybrid. “Hybrid 13, codename Wasp, has agreed to keep watch over you and make sure you do as her Majesty has instructed. He is to watch you at all times so that we may know whether you have taken the trial or not.”

Wasp smiled mischievously and locked eyes with Shining. Obviously, he was planning on doing more than just watching him tonight.

The antenna-like ears of all the normal changelings began to twitch in unison.

“The queen,” continued the drone from before. “has just issued a statement. If you don’t complete the trial by sunrise tomorrow, we are to drain one of our hostages to death.” When he finished speaking, the drones marched off, leaving Shining and Wasp alone.

Wasp trotted closer to the cell and loomed over Shining, looking down at him with a smug smile.

“The chant,” he said. “to summon the spirit goes as follows. Spirit of Harmony, fill my heart with joy.”

Shining glared at him.

“It’s nice to see you to again Wasp.” he said sarcastically. “So, it looks like you were wrong. You're more than just a clone of me, you and your siblings are my children.”

“No!” snapped Wasp. “You are not my father! When a changeling is conceived, the males ponies sperm is altered. Is that what mother told you? Look, I might have your mane, I may be able to mimic your shield spell for a brief time, but we will never be family. The Queen is just playing games in your head. I bet she left out the part that she also infused me with Cadences hair, but I think most of her DNA got overwritten by yours.”

Shining shook his head. “You don’t sound really sure. I’m not sure how the birds and the bees work for changelings, but there are two plausible arguments that at least make you my son. Once, you have my genes, and two, I gave you and your siblings life. Trust me, if you say the others aren’t my offspring that’s less of a burden on me, but despite how we may feel, we are connected.”

Wasp snarled. “We don’t have all night, so please take that damn trial so I can leave. I’m missing a party at the Fancy Pants’ estate because of you.”

Shining smiled lightly, and found the strength to lift himself up from the ground. He wobbled a bit but managed to catch his hoofing. “You know, it’s funny, you seem more bothered by the fact we're related then the fact that I’m not listening to you. And to top it off, you’d rather be at some high society pony party than…” Shing paused for a moment and straightened himself. “Serving the Queen.” he said in a raspy voice similar to one most of the drones had.

Wasp pointed a hoof at Shining and it morphed it into a strange object that the stallion didn’t recognise.

“What is that?” asked Shining as he looked at the rectangular piece of metal connect to Wasp’s leg. He peered into the small hole on the the very end of the object.

“I wouldn’t get too close to that if I were you.” muttered Wasp.

“Why?” asked Shining curiously. “What is this thing? I thought you could only turn your hooves into swords.”

“Any weapon that can leave a sting I can make, though I find swords more practical. This, however, is one of my favorite kind of weapons next to swords. My brother Gizmo invented these kind of weapons a couple of months ago. Here, let me show you what it does.”

Wasp turned and pointed the strange weapon at the wall, and a loud noise echoed in Shining’s ear. He could feel something whizz past his fur before hearing another loud noise behind him. He turned around, and that whatever came out that hole had left a huge dent in the wall. He looked back at Wasp with a frightened expression, still unsure about what just happend.

Wasp smiled. “That, my friend, is how a hoof gun works. Normally, you need to pull a trigger with magic and fill them with ammunition. However, by converting my magic supply into matter, I can create my own bullets, and since it’s connected to my hoof all I have to do is think to fire them.”

Wasp’s gun morphed back into a hoof as he withdrew his leg. “Imagine, Shining.” he said. “If my brother were to mass produce these kinds of weapons for the drones, your pegasus soldiers wouldn’t stand a chance. Be grateful that my brother is very protective about his inventions.”

Shining gazed into Wasp’s green eyes. “You and your siblings are more like ponies than you like to admit, aren’t you? You tell jokes, you have pride, and if from what I can tell, you don’t always agree with Chrysalis. Why do you try and deny how pony you really are deep down?”

Wasp snarled. “Do you know of our goddess, Volucris? She was once a simple earth pony until a pony filled her heart with hatred and lust. Then she became our first queen and gave birth to our race. If our kind appears cold and unloving, its because of the cruelty you bestowed unto our goddess.”

Shining nodded. “Well, if hating us makes you so happy, then why do you want to go Fancy’s party? You still haven’t explained that. Also, I can tell that you aren’t being completely honest with me or yourself. A part of you is curious about our way of life, and wants to be a part of it.”

“Heh,” he huffed. “Like your kind would ever accept me.”

A tear dripped down Wasp face as he morphed his right leg into a sword, and banged it against the bars. “This conversation is over!” he shouted, strands of saliva dangling between his fangs. “You will never be a friend to me, Shining, let alone a father. No, to me, you are nothing but a walking bag of food. Now summon that damned spirit or I’ll personally gut that bat freak that lodged a spear in my chest.”

The amount of emotion welling up inside Wasp masked his intention. Not even Shining could tell if he was lying or not, and he would rather not test him.

I guess I have no choice but to go along with him, but I don’t know how I’ll be able to pass this one with how hopeless I feel.

Shining lifted his hoof to Wasp. “I need you to lift the gem up here with your magic.” he said in a snarky tone as he gestured to the device on his horn.

Wasp placed the gem onto Shining’s hoof and watched as Shining held up the gem.

“Spirit of Harmony,” mumbled Shining drolly. “Fill my heart with joy.” Huh, cause right now I feel as hopeless as a private without a captain.

After the chant, Shining looked around the world, looking for any colorful character that might have popped into the room. Him and Wasp waited for a full minute, but nothing happend.

Shining turned to his changeling child. “Are you sure that was the right chant?” he asked.

“Positive, replied Wasp. “Mom had several sources, all claiming that was the phrase. The stupid gem must be broken.”

The two of them looked back at the gem, only to find that it was no longer there. In its place rested a fancy Saddle Arabian oil lamp.

“Where the hell did this come from!” asked Shining has he tried to brush the dust with his other hoof.

Just then, the lamp turned into a young purple dragon.

“Spike!” shouted Shining.

“Eenope!” stated an unfamiliar voice. Wasp and Shining looked to see a large Earth Pony with an apple slice cutie mark holding up a large stick that was holding up Spike. “It’s just Mac Testa.”

“What is going on?” screamed Wasp as he now found himself inside the cell with Shining. “How did that pony get in here?! How did I get here?!”

Suddenly, a odd music began to play in the cell. The two of them turned to search for the source of music, only to find a small television set in the corner. On the screen, a white pegasus mare with a yellow puffy mane giggled to herself.

“Surprise!” she shouted. “Are you guys ready to play a little game?”

“Who are you?” asked Wasp.

“I just told you, Surprise. Why does everypony, or changeling/pony in this case, say that after I tell them my name?”

“I take it you're the Spirit of Laughter?” replied Shining.

“The jaw on the TV's mare dropped as she leaned her head backwards. “How did you know?!” she shouted. “Shining Armor, are you secretly a psychic? Oho, this give me a TV-show idea!”

Suddenly the image on the tv changed to a yellowish titled screen with the words “That’s So Shiny” embedded it. Meanwhile, a tune which Shining found catchy started to play in the background.

That’s so Shiny.

It’s the harmony gems I must seek.

That’s so Shiny.

Even though everything feels so bleak


The channel turned back to the spirit, who was giggling to herself. “I’m hoping Disney won’t sue, but I don’t think they can cross dimensions like I can, so I think that can get aired here in the spirit world.”

Shining smiled slightly, surprised at how this mare could lift his own spirit up, if only a little bit.

Wasp morphed his hoof into a gun again and pointed it at the screen. “If this is the spirit world,” he huffed. “Then why the hell am I here?”

“Well, silly,” she said with cheerful grin. “After I heard you guys for the first one-thousand words of this chapter, I decided Shining Armor isn’t the only one who could use my help. Don’t worry, it will all play out later on in the story.”

Shining stared back at the spirit with a look of confusion, unsure of what she meant by 'story'. However, this was the least of his concerns at the moment. He went to the TV and got a closer look at Surprise.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can pass this one.” he said. “Right now, my friends are being held hostage and I’m being forced to complete the trials to grant a psychotic queen her wish. Normally I love to laugh, but I’m not really feeling all that optimistic anymore.”

Surprise stretched her hoof out of the TV and patted Shining on the back. “A word of advice Shining, you should really try to forget your anxiety. If you're at peace, I foresee things will work themselves out. Right now, that bird you sent to your sister is leading Pinkie and the other elements to save you. Trust me, the best way to win is to not worry and cheer up. If you don’t, I’m going to have to go yank your soul like that guy from that gory fighting game I like.”

While Shining still couldn’t figure Surprise out, most of what she said made sense. Just like the Orc skirmish, he would have to endure the hardships and remains hopeful.

“Ok Surprise,” as a new feeling of confidence rose inside him. “What would you have me do?!”

“Both you and Wasp need to laugh together.” she stated.

Shining’s eyes widened as he felt his new found confidence slowly dwindle.

“Ha.” said Wasp. “Like that would ever happen.”

“Well if it doesn't happen in three hours Shining fails the change and stays with me. When I open this cage the two of you will explore this little dimension I created filled with prank supplies and other worldly humor. Also, there is no death here so don’t get any funny ideas, unless they are really funny. Good luck Shining!”

The video screen quickly turned off and the room fell into silence. The two guys looked at each other before they heard the cell doors open by themselves.

“I’m not going to make this easy for you!” Wasp said scowling. Shining heard the buzzing of his son’s wings begin as he watched Wasp fly out of the cell and turn a corner.

“Optimism Shining.” he whispered silently to himself. “I need to believe that I can reach him. Deep down, he’s not all changeling, and it’s about high time he realised it... I’m screwed.”


Damn him! thought Wasp as he flew down a bright yellow corridor. No matter how hard I try, I can’t muster enough hate for him. It seems the more I try, the more I start to think about him as something more than just another dumb pony.

Wasp turned and opened a random door with his magic before hopping inside. In the room, there was field where a large black duck and grey coated rabbit were arguing about the seasons with a strange hairless creature in brown. As the two animals fought the creature kept moving his gun as if he couldn’t decide which one to shoot. Wasp chuckled a bit but quickly put his hooves over his mouth when he remembered what was at stake.

Wait, I can laugh at this. he reassured himself. I just can’t laugh with Shining. So long as I avoid him for the next three hours, I’ll be…

Wasp’s train of thought was abruptly cut off as a large cream pie smashed into his face. Annoyed, he wiped the pie off with his magic and looked around. Somehow Shining Armor had found him and was chuckling to himself.

“You look like one of those black and white cookies with all that cream on you!” he shouted.

Wasp formed a gun in his hoof and pointed it at Shining.

“Let’s see you laugh with a bullet in your skull.”

Wasp told his gun to fire, expecting a loud bang. Instead, all he heard was a loud popping sound. A small flag had come out of his gun with “Bang” written on the sides with yellow.

As Shining fell on the grass laughing Wasp restored his leg and tried to muster his hatred.
But for some reason, he couldn’t, and this only added to his growing annoyance.

“Hey Wasp?” asked Shining in a collected tone. “Were you really trying to kill me with that bullet?”

“Relax buddy.” he said. “Was only trying to paralyze. Besides, I figured you would have blocked the bullet with your shield.”

“I guess that’s reassuring.” replied Shining.

“Believe it or not,” Wasp said calmly. “I only kill for real when it’s either asked of me, or if I find there is no other way. I guess it’s another flaw I inherited from you. I like fighting, but not killing. I’ve been that way ever since I got my cutie mark, after I stabbed some random solder in throat for the first time.”

“I can’t approve of what you may have done in the past,” said Shining reassuringly. “But we all do things we’re not always proud of. I’m actually very relieved to hear you say that killing ponies doesn’t give you joy. That shows that you’re not just a drone that can’t think or feel for himself. You really are more like a pony than I previously thought.”

Wasp saw Shining’s eyes start to tear a little, but he could tell by the movement of his head that he was trying to mask them.

“I’m sorry for what your mother has done to you and your siblings. You literally can’t see how pony-like you really are.”

“That’s where you're wrong!” cried Wasp. “The reason Chrysalis made us in the first place was so we could blend in better and think strategically. Most of us live in Equestria amongst all the ponies, and we partake in your life style. Helps us get to know the enemy, and help us plan for when we are ready to attack again. So yeah, we all know that we’re like ponies, but we are taught to not to put pony emotions above the hive. Heck, most of my short childhood was spent drilling that into me.”

“I’m guessing changeling age faster than ponies?” asked Shining.

“Yeah, but once we reach adulthood we age normally. In fact, even a normal drone could live as long as most unicorns. Due to my case, I may live a little bit longer, but I’m technically only sixteen in pony years. In about six months I’ll have the mind and body of an eighteen year old. Not that it matters. I’ve already gotten laid plenty of times by donning older forms and I’ve only just started doing that.”

“Wait.” said Shining. “How old are you really?”

“Your anniversary was three months ago, and if I’m not mistaken, I was born two weeks after your wedding.”

“So your’re only one year old and you've already hooked up with other ponies?” laughed Shining. “I don’t know, you're going have a hard time with the law on that one.”

“Hey.” Wasp cuckled softly. “My situation is very... unique.”

Just then, Surprise popped out of the ground alongside a volcanic eruption of confetti.

Wasp cursed himself, but deep down he wasn’t feeling that bad.

He turned to Shining, “You caught me off guard. Don’t think this means anything.”

Shining smiled before before something dawned on him. “Whoh? Wait a minute. Were we just actually laughing together?” His eyes brightened as his face lit up like a Hearths Warming tree. “We did it, didn’t we?”

“You sure did!” cheered Surprise. “And in record time too. The trial only started twenty minutes ago and you guys barely went in any of my rooms. There was a Star Wars themed room, evil G3 Scootaloo, ponified Christopher Walken, and you guys don’t know what I’m talking about do you? When don’t feel bad ‘cause even my brothers and sister don’t know what I’m talking about sometimes. Truth think’s I need to stop drinking, but after that incident in Valhalla I don’t think he has the right to judge.”

Shining laughed, recalling the story Grace told him about back in her realm.

“Anyways,” she continued, “You are now an honorary bearer of Laughter, second only to Pinkie Pie. So long as you don’t lose hope, a part of me will be with you until the day you die. As for your gift, you will now be able bend reality slightly, but only when it’s funny. Basically I turned you into Roger Rabbit.”

“Who?” asked Shining.

“Uh, forget it.” Surprise facehoofed herself, but quickly got her perky composure back. “Anyways, you also get a bonus since you completed three trials. Just open that chest over there.”

Shining turned to a small brown chest. He levitated the the top upward and was blinded by a green light followed by more strange music. Ignoring it, he lifted the object up from out of the chest and lifted it up in the air just as the music had finished. A blue text box flashed before him saying:

You got the Harmony Map, this will show you where two of the remaining gems are located. That should make your quest a little bit easier. Press A

“Awesome.” replied Shining. “Thank you so much Surprise. Also, thanks for healing me from before. I don’t feel any more pain from all that torture.”

“Unfortunately, that will return once you and Wasp go back home. I’ll see you guys at the climax.”

“What?” replied Wasp and Shining in unison.

She sighed. “You’ll see.” she said as the room began to fade.


When Shining woke up, everything was back to normal. His body still felt sore, the gem on his hoof was just a gem, and Wasp was on the other side of the bars. The only thing that was different was the map that laid before him on the ground.

Wasp stood up like he had just woken up from a groggy night’s sleep. He saw the map and pointed a hoof at Shining.

“Hand it over!” he said.

Something in the back of Shinings head told him to fold up the map. Using his magic, he folded it up until it was smaller than the palm of his hoof. Shining then placed his hoof on top of the paper and when he removed it the map was gone.

“Where did the map go?” asked Wasp.

Shining just smiled. “What map? I don’t see one.”

“Dammit. Mom should have realised that you would only become stronger with each trial you pass. Now I can’t prove if there even was a map.”

“Was there a map?” Shining teased as he leaned forward and raised his eyebrows. “All I remember is us having an awesome father-and-son-time together.

“I’ve had enough of you!” yelled Wasp. “I can’t take this anymore! I’m leaving my post. I don’t even care if Mom yells at me.”

“Is that what a true changeling would do?” chimed Shining.

Wasp didn’t answer; he just left with a disgruntled look on his face.

When the coast was clear, Shining brought a hoof to his horn and closed his eyes. Instinctually, he brought his hoof gently against his head as if he was trying to get water out of his ear. He felt something leave his ear followed by a clanking sound. He turned to look at what had come out. On the floor rested two objects: one of them was the map, the other a small brace that looked like it belonged on somepony’s horn.

“I have no idea how I just did that.” said Shining. “This might explain some of how Pinkie Pie is able to do some of the things Twilight tells me she can do. At least now I know I can perform magic without using my horn, though I’d much rather keep things down to earth if I can. Using this gift makes me feel weird.”

Shining turned around and shot a simple unlock spell on the cell door. He picked up the gem and map and put them in his ear, which he guessed had become some kind of weird pocket space. Doubting he could ever understand this particular gift, he stealthily trotted out of the cell in hopes of finding the Dining Room. Hopefully, he could escape before Twilight and the others put themselves in danger on his behalf.

Author's Notes:

Next Chapter: Consequences, Sacrifices, Resurrection, and Reuion Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 7 Minutes
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