
Shadow Sun Prophecy

by delta78

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Wild Changelings

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Chapter 15: Wild Changelings

The hot yellow body was in its peak, staring from above all its subjects like the master of life. Without it, there could be no stories to be told, no adventures to be had. Love and hate would have not existed in this world, if there was no sun. Every living thing worshiped its kind beams and feared its devastating nature. It was the true Goddess, unbound by anything except time itself. Its mortal enemy was even older than the celestial body and a lot more powerful. The time would continue its epic crusade through the space and beyond long after the sun's unavoidable death.

However, there was one thing even more powerful than time and that thing was the Dark Princess of the Universe, who knew no limits, no satisfaction in her hunger. She was everywhere but at same time nowhere because of her greatness that blinded the small creatures. Only her mantle was visible in the night sky, which surrounds every star and galaxy like a pool of pure darkness. But no one figured it was her all along, who was trying to consume all light and life.

But there were two, who were about to stand against this force of universe...

"The first thing you should know: never let your feelings blind you. Always keep a cool head because even the slightest mistake can cost your life!" Foxy said.

"Well, that's not new to me. In the Academy, they thought us the same thing." Lucky was walking beside her. Tens of tropical bushes and vegetation stood in their way, which slowed them significantly.

"However, you didn't show signs of being calm, when we were in battle. You've forgotten how to keep those feelings of yours under a key. So, we will start with that first." Tail used her claws to make a path in these dense parts. "I want you to remember this old saying: The triad is eternal but it can be bend like water. Its up to you to follow the stream from inside or use your power to flex it under your will."

Lucky was confused and Foxy expected such reaction from him.

"It will make clear when we begin the training. You can say this is the only theoretical part you should know."


Foxy continued cutting everything in front of her but some plants were a lot of pain to deal with and slowed her considerably. Lucky noticed that they've moved only four or five kilometers from their last camp and that wasn't something he'd call a progress. Time was quickly moving forward and that meant only bad things for them.

"You know, flying is still an option. The forest is too thick. We'll be stuck for weeks here, if we don't use a quicker method of transportation."

Foxy stopped her advance and calmly said:

"I've made my mind. No flying! So, please don't even think of it!"  

Lucky looked at ground and sighed.

"Why are you making this harder? Are you afraid of heights?"

Foxy quickly turned to him and her eyes impale his. Something told the pegasus, that he hit the mark but, instead of a prize, Lucky got cold chills in the back.

"I'm not afraid of going up high and I've already stated why I don't want to be on your back."

"But even if we fall, shouldn't our regeneration keep us alive? Just like when you jumped from my back two days ago?"

The ninja closed her face to his and askew looked at him.  

"I used the trees to slow my speed and thus the impact was not a fatal one. We are not invincible. We can die like every other creature on this world. The only thing that makes us different is that we are tougher!"

Lucky shook negatively his head.

"No that can't be it! I can fly just over the trees and thus stay always in the safe zone. So what's the real reason?" his orange eyes looked very serious. Tail's emotionless stare didn't have an effect on him, so she had only one thing left to do.

"If something wrong happens and if we have another bad landing, that would be just enough to let the beast emerge and I guarantee you, that it won't be pretty to look at." her voice had dark tones that resonated in his ears and mind.

"Quite bad." he sounded worried.

"Very bad!" she then turned around but Foxy wasn't able to hide her bad mood from him. Lucky moved to her left and gently touched her shoulder with his hoof.

"I understand."  

Foxy looked at his friendly face and froze. He was the first pony to say that and Tail felt small relief, that there was one pony in this world, who saw the burden she was carrying.

"Foxy, why are you gazing me like that?" Lucky's voice woke her and she looked in front of them, pretending she didn't hear his question.

It seemed like the green wall was spreading to infinity but a small bright gap showed different story. The ninja noticed it and was curious to see what was behind it.

"Let's move on!"

After a few swings with her razor sharp claws, the two ponies found themselves in an area that had barely any flora. The earth was almost naked, only on a couple of places grass was beginning to grow again. Something horrible had passed through this place and turned it into ashes.

The two ponies stood still and only looked at the empty space. There was one rock next to the green barrier that aimed for the blue sky. It was laying on the other side like a lone monument of the events that happened here. Their eyes carefully scanned the area for beasts but there were no signs that animals had approached this part of the forest. No birds were singing here and it seemed awkwardly quiet.

"A dragon was here." Tail said with a serious tone and looked at the black soil. "His fire breath must have caused this devastation."

Lucky got the shivers from that word and frantically looked around.

"Worry, you shouldn't. The dragon must be very far by now." she rummaged the earth with her hoof and then closed it to her nose. Foxy sniffed. "He was here long time ago. More than six months. It's very strange that the flora has not taken over this piece of land."

"Magical fire." Lucky said with concerned voice. "I've studied it in the Academy. It burns for very long and it prevents life from forming again. It leaves a toxic waste, where it burns. The flame is colored in bright purple with little blue spots. But I haven't heard of any dragons breathing such fire."

"There can always be a first time." Foxy glimpsed him, when she sensed a familiar feeling, that reminded her of an old memory, which she unwittingly forgot. Then Tail stared at the tall white rock. Lucky understood her look and slowly began walking towards it.

"Stop right now!" Tail ordered but the pegasus continued his approach.

"I used to be a scout, so you shouldn't worry!" he said, while looking at the thick forest on the other side. The ninja didn't knew why her senses began alarming. They were the only living creatures around but she felt, as if they were going into a trap.

Lucky was in front of the rock and from there he proceeded with more caution. The white pony silently went behind it and no sounds came from him. The ninja waited for a minute until she went after him, despite having little fear of what she was about to see.

Foxy found the pegasus standing there like a statue and looking at blackened bones on the ground. Some were of a pegasus, the others were of an unicorn. The remains showed that they had a hug in their last moment in this realm of the living. The ninja unconsciously looked at the white wall and saw three deep marks. Suddenly she had painful flashbacks of the old battle.

Spears were charging at her with the full might of two little creatures. They seemed so brave but stupid to attack her like that. There was no room for thinking but only for action. Purple flames burned the forest around them. It was an epic spectacle of might and skill and the light show magnified the feelings, that were shown in this desperate duel of fates. She wanted to stop the chaos but her will to do so was not enough. Only the ritual of death could cease the aggressive nature of the dragon and the two ponies were about to be sacrificed for its glory.

Then Foxy looked at the skulls and remembered the last expressions on their faces. She saw the fear of imminent death but also the true feelings of love and readiness to perish together. They looked like they've cut their connection with this world and prepared for the next one.

Then her memory was taken over by a wall of wild fire, which marked the return of the beast. The spirit inside her exponentially began to grow and the transformation was about to happen. Her eyes flashed and incredible pain went through her entire body. It was hard for her to even breath and was steadily losing herself. Lucky noticed that something was not right, so he turned and looked very worried from the sight.

"Stay away from me!" she said with clenched teeth. Tail was shaking from the changes in her body. She was fighting a desperate battle and was losing control part by part. The thee padlocks began glowing brighter than the sun, illuminating Lucky's scared face but he quickly got a hold of himself and came closer to her.

"No, we are partners and partners face the difficulties together. There must be a way to stop this!" his eye showed a lot of courage and fear for losing her to the dragon.

The ninja touched her head with her hooves because of the powerful headache she was having. Everything around her darkened but one beacon of hope still remained. The white pegasus stood next to her like an angel, hugged her and tried to calm her.

"Remember your training! Don't give up on yourself!"

Suddenly the ninja pushed him to tall rocky wall with such an unbelievable force, that he didn't have a chance to react. The rock shook a little by the hit. She had pierced him with her claws in the chest and lifted him up. Lucky coughed some blood and barely breathed but he felt no anger towards her. Her calm face had completely gone. Her eyes had no signs of intelligence and only endless rage came out of them.

"Foxy... try to resist it!" Lucky barely said. The claws went deeper in his body, cutting every tissue and muscle in their way. He screamed out of pain, trying with all his strength to remove the claws from him. She was literally opening him like a tin.

The ninja was quickly losing the last parts of herself, so she had to run away from him as fast as possible.

"I am sorry!" Foxy sounded more like a demon from Tartarus than the pony she used to be. Her tangy nails touched his hearth and stopped it. His eyes froze and suddenly his vision became murky. Soon darkness consumed his consciousness and his body lost the hold on itself. His legs lifelessly hanged down and his head leaned towards her.

The ninja pulled out her bloody hoofs from him and Lucky quietly fell on the dusty ground like a puppet. Tail fiercely roared, almost sounding in the entire forest. Blood was shred and the jungle had to know the ritual was performed. Nearby birds flew away from the trees, forming massive gaggles and the animals on the ground quickly hid themselves. The real queen of the forest was back and every living creature had to live in the shades and evade her wrath.

Her stained with blood hooves were shaking but there was no time to feel sorrow for him, so she got the medallions from under her outfit and threw them on the pegasus. Then Foxy turned away, swiftly began galloping, entered the jungle and disappeared in the shadows.  

Time passed, the sun moved a little to the side and convey of vultures formed over his body. There were no signs of life coming from him, when the birds approached. For them he was another victim of the cycle in this place and food to feast upon. They were about to tear him flesh by flesh, when Lucky returned to life. He breath deeply and checked with his right hoof the wounds. The birds, surprised by his resurrection, backed away and some even flew away. Lucky was fortunate that she didn't cut his hearth but the regeneration would take a lot more time to heal him completely. He painfully stood up from the bloody ground and leaned on the rock. It took him a few minutes until he start thinking and analyzing his situation.

"Someday I'm gonna have a serious talk with her about her aggressiveness! How long have I been laying here? Where is Foxy?"

He slowly looked around but couldn't see her or hear her but noticed the dozens of hungry birds that had surrounded him. They didn't look happy that their meal was still breathing and kicking but a quick death could be arranged for him. The pegasus was too weak to fight them all at once and he was rapidly trying to find a way out of this unpleasant situation. If it weren't for the fatigue, the pain in his chest and the horrible headache, Lucky would have escaped already form this fatal trap.  

Suddenly a mighty roar sounded nearby, scarring the vultures away. The birds quickly gained altitude and began circling around this place. Lucky tiredly looked at the newcomer and his hearth began pumping faster from the sight of the black panther. The big cat was just a few jumps away, staring in his essence. Lucky looked very darkly because his luck turn against him again.    

"There is always a bigger fish!" he reminded himself.

Both were looking at each other without even blinking once. The panther was here to get what was rightfully hers and no ninja would stop her now. Lucky understood that he had to fight or she would chase him through the entire jungle until one of them was laying bloody on the ground.

"Eat or be eaten!" his partner said not so long ago. There was no room for civil talks with this beast, so he had to play on the rules of this wild world. He shakily stood up on his legs, without breaking sight of the black hunter and prepared mentally for the upcoming clash. The flock in the air kept perfect silence and carefully watched the duel below them.  

"You want a juicy piece of me? Then, here I come." he darkly said. The panther didn't move a muscle. Her big green eyes showed no emotion because in the jungle, they'd only wok against you.  

The pegasus began slowly walking towards the cat with determination but inside him he was fighting to not get scared. The cat stood still like a demon from the deep blackness and waited for her prey to come closer.

"Let's see how agile a panther can be!" he spread his wings and jumped at her with his hooves in front of him. He flew like a fast projectile but the beast didn't slightly move. However, there was no clash. Somehow he moved through her and landed hard on the ground behind her. Lucky couldn't believe that he missed her. He turned around and froze because the black panther was still staring in the same pose. Then the pegasus saw through the illusion of his mind. The big cat was not real. He was completely alone on the ground but then the question struck him: from what creature came the roar? Did he imagined it? Lucky began to feel not so well because of this sudden actions that drained to much from his weak state. His head reeled but he managed to stay on his legs.

The pony barely got to the rock and tiredly sat next to it. He was out of breath, his entire body hurt. The sun was burning in the sky, luckily for the pegasus, the tall white wall was providing a big shadow. Lucky saw the two medallions, laying in the dust and reached for them. He lifted the green one in front of his eyes and then looked at the bones of the two ponies.

"What is the probability of find you here? I hate you destiny!" he painfully closed his eyes and a small tear fell down from his cheek. "It's not your fault Foxy."

His green mane lost its charm and now sadly fell down. Lucky rested until the feelings inside him became too violent and vocal in his soul. He wanted to be far away from this place. The pegasus got on his hoofs and put the two medallions on his neck. His eyes showed readiness to get in the deeps again.

"Now, I only need to find you." he looked back at the remains and whispered: "Good-Bye!"

Then Lucky entered in the jungle's shadows, leaving behind the bright blue sky. The birds only angrily watched how their food was getting away.

Somewhere near...

He was running as fast as he could in this dense parts. He would have used his insectoid wings and fly above the forest, if his pursuers hadn't cut them. His blue eyes frantically looked for a good place to hide. It had to be deep underground because they were using a tracking locket, which can't get his position, if he was under the earth. However, the hundreds of tropical bushes and other flora didn't help in his case. He could barely see what was in front of him, when he hit his face into something, which completely stopped him on his tracks. His body flipped backwards in the air and fell on the ground.

Stars appeared around his eyes and almost lost all focus. He managed to see the silhouette of a white pony, who looked down very darkly.

"Changeling." the pony said with a serious tone, "There must be more of you."

He shook his head.

"Idiot, you just killed me!" the black pony with many holes sounded like a snake.

Lucky raised an eyebrow.

"You can talk my language? You'll be fine but I can't let you tell your buddies about me!" the pegasus prepared to knock him out, when the creature put his corroded hoofs in a defensive position.

"I'm running from them you moron! Now you doomed yourself too!" he tried to get up but was stopped by a single hoof.

Lucky ears heard a nearby movement. The last time he had a meeting with this damned creatures was three months ago, when they invaded the Capital. They broke into his apartment, dragged him outside and glued him next to other captured ponies. If only he wasn't blind back then, he'd show them real war.    

But today was not the day to be a hero, so he had to quickly get out of there unnoticed. He struck the black pony with a powerful blow, from which the creature couldn't protect himself. Then the pegasus turned around and began galloping. However, he couldn't get far because fatigue was all over his legs. He slowed down considerably. His hearing told him that the rest of the pursuers were surrounding him in this very moment. They were very fast, just like three months ago.

Lucky looked up to the tall trees' crowns and saw his salvation in a little opening, from which a beam of light was falling to the shadows. He spread his wing like an angel and began flapping them but before he could get to a high altitude, multiple green little balls flew at his direction. He tried to evade them but one got him and covered his left wing with sticky glue. The pegasus fell on his plot but he'd not give up easily. Lucky prepared for the inevitable swarm of changelings.

From his every side, black ponies with blue eyes surrounded him in a black circle. Some of them hissed at him, displaying their big sharp vampire-like teeth. Their sharp horns reminded of dark blades that we only used for cutting innocent flesh. The insectoid wings on each vibrated from excitement. His adrenaline was all over his body and deep dark urges began climbing their way to his mind.  

"Round dance is not my thing but I'll gladly do it for you!" he provocatively said and the only answer he got was more hissings.

They fiercely charged him like one being from all sides. Lucky stood on his two rear legs and sent his right hoof at the changeling in front of him. The blow was so powerful, the eroded pony flew backwards through the bushes and hit the giant tree behind him. However, every other attacker managed to jump on him and pressed him on the ground. Lucky resisted as much as he could. A white hoof emerged from this black see, aimed at the small light. After minutes of fighting them, it slowly sank back in the darkness. When they were done with him, the changelings stepped backwards and smiled on their unconscious meal. The others were going to be very delighted.

Lucky woke up and the first think he noticed was the green stuff on his legs, that completely immobilized him. He was sitting on the ground, tied to somepony. Its back was roughed and edgy, so he figured that it was the creature, he stumbled across. Then his eyes turned to the big black crowd in front of him. The changelings were so absorbed in the hissing debate, that no pony paid attention to anything else.

"Thank you a lot! Because of you, I'm only living food!" snake-like voice came from behind.

"Anytime." Lucky sarcastically said but then he returned to his serious tone. "What's going on there?"

"Not your concern, weather pony." the changeling angrily looked back.                

Lucky checked, if any of them were looking in his direction and then began his attempt to escape from these organic chains. The green glue was elastic and extremely strong, even with his enhanced pony strength he could barely move his legs from the ground.

"Stop it! You'll blow my escape!" the prisoner behind him said.

"You can get out of this chains?" Lucky sounded surprised.

"Of course I can! I'm a darn changeling!" the pony behind him sounded offended but he kept a low voice nonetheless. "I just need to extract enough saliva to dissolve the glue."

"Do you know for how much we've been here?" Lucky looked at the trees' crowns, that made a thick green ceiling and no light could pass. It was even darker than before, which pointed that the night was coming.  

"You've slept for four hours, while I was working hard to get myself out of here."

Lucky looked back and asked:

"Why you want to escape your comrades? Why are you tied to me in the first place?"

"Not your business and please, shut up, while I work. I'll need a perfect concentration and you are getting in my way of achieving it."

"Alright, alright." Lucky sighed and looked back at the crowd. The debate was getting hotter and angry sounds were coming from the center. He couldn't understand a think from it but Lucky listened to its tones, trying to guess for what they were talking about.

"You are my most trusted commander. When I asked you to come with me on this mission of resurrection of our might, you willingly accepted the truth that Queen Chrysalis was no longer a good leader. After the epic failure in the Canterlot invasion, our ponies are struggling to survive but our beloved Queen's eyes see only revenge."

The younger changeling stepped mightily forward to his superior and looked him directly in his blue eyes.

"I know exactly what I said and I do think the Hive needs a change! However, by removing Her from her rightful place, we'll create chaos than achieving victory."

The older changeling clenched his teeth and looked quite pissed at his comrade. He knew him when the commander was just a little egg, destined to be his right hoof and it pained him to see him on the other side of the fence.

"Don't you understand that with the power of the new master, we shall return to our lost glory. If we follow his lead, only endless feasts will await us. No more will our nation know hunger under his rule." he aimed his black hoof, that was pierced with many holes, at the commander. "It's up to you to be part of this future or die in the past!"

"No, what we are doing is wrong and goes against every instinct. Our loyalty is to the one Queen and not to this imposter. I've gave it a lot of thought and I see that what we are doing, is making matters worse! By bring the elite warriors of the Hive here, we are making it easier for our enemies to attack us. Why can't you realize this!" the young one shouted in their hissing language.  

The old one disappointingly shook his head.

"No, it's you who don't understand. We are all one but you have no pony to back you, except the little spy over there. You are either with us or against us and it would be a sad day to see you perish." his experienced blue eyes impaled the young one. The commander made peace with himself because after what he was about to say, there was not turning back.

"I've fought for the glory of the Hive and the brighter future of our nation! I've fought along side you all and consider you mighty warriors. I am loyal to Queen Chrysalis. I will not go against my own. Do what you'll have to do." he sounded ready to face his ultimate fate. His face, despite its scary look, had some last charms. This were his last moments, in which he wanted to be remembered by the others like a changeling, who stood for his principles and beliefs without fear.  

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, my friend. You shall forever be in the songs of the swarm!"

Suddenly every changeling stared at the doomed one. Their blue eyes flashed and immediately purple energy flew out from the commander's body. He was completely silent. The old one didn't blink and silently watched the execution. The stream split among the insectoid ponies, feeding them with his life force. They quickly drained him like a bottle of wine and soon his dead body hit the ground. The stream ended and the warriors were not satisfied by the low amounts of food they received.

The old changeling looked at his friend's body with cold eyes. He felt no sorrow for him because his warrior-like nature prevented it. The commander was just another casualty of the constant war against the eternal hunger that plagued their kind. At least, he died with some dignity and forever broke the chains of pain.    

"You there!" his pointed at the closest one. "You are my new commander. Your first orders are to gather every scout and prepare the troops. We are leaving in five minutes."

"Yes, general!" the newly promoted changeling bowed down.

"The meeting is over."

The crowd disbanded and every changeling spread out in different directions and returned to their duties.

"General, what about the two captives?" the new commanded looked at the white pegasus, who was not very happy.

"Leave them to me."

The old one slowly went to the prisoners and stood tall in front of Lucky. The two gave each other cold stares for a minute until the general broke the silence:

"Spying on the changelings is not treated very kindly." he said with a perfect accent.

"I was just wondering in the jungle." Lucky said with a serious tone.

"I doubt that. So Celestia knows about us. I wonder, who gave her the information." the general looked at the other captive, who had frozen in one place. "Was it you, my little traitor?"  

"Chrysalis will know what you are planning to do and her wrath will hammer you all!"

"You only wish that. There are higher forces in play that will make the Queen look like a little defenseless filly. Look around you and tell me what you see."

The black spy didn't bother to even look, when he answered:

"Only traitors in this forgotten place."

The general stood in front of him and shook his head.

"You are wrong. This changelings are united by one goal: to return our lost glory and feed our nation. I do not blame you for your closed mind, every Queen's servant is genetically engineered to be loyal to the death but as a thinking being, you must see that our cause is just. I'll give you time to think about it."

Then the general moved in front of Lucky. It didn't take an expert to say that they didn't like each other. He could easily give him to the warriors to be consumed but he thought that the weather pony could prove to be a useful source of information, regarding the Equestrian kingdom.

"What is your name?" he asked politely. "From your cutie mark, I'd say it must be connected with the Eight."

"And you are right. Lucky Eight is my name and you are?"  

"The general." he gracefully bowed but Lucky didn't feel honored to meet him at all. "Would you be kind to tell me what you are doing in this woods?"

"I'm just traveling. Actually I'm searching for a lost soul but I'd rather not bother you with my tale."

"No, please. Tell me more about your journey." then the changeling put his eroded hoof in front of his face. "Where are my manners. I forgot that your kind doesn't like to see us in our natural form, so let me change."

A bright green-white light moved from the bottom to the top and suddenly Lucky saw his exact copy, smiling at him. The green hair and tail, the eyes, the ears and every characteristics were exactly the same, as if the two were twins.

"Is this better?" the general had mimicked his voice with such perfection, it would take very well trained ears to spot the difference. The real pony didn't like being copied like that but kept his feelings under the bed.

"Impressive. can you do Princess Celestia?"

"Unfortunately no. I don't have her height but Queen Chrysalis could do it." then his orange eyes became very serious. "Would you be a good pony and tell me your mission here? How many of you are having picnic around my camp?"

"I'm not a spy and frankly I don't give a damn about your kind." Lucky answered with little irritation in his voice.

"Stubborn, you are. Maybe i should toss you to my comrades. Then you'll start talking like a warbler." the general closed his face to the pony's and stared deep inside of him. "Draining somepony's life force can be a painful process, if done quickly."

"I didn't spy on you. Ask the changeling behind me. I met him just today and I guarantee you, it was a surprise for me to stumble across creatures like you!"

"You want me to ask that snake tongue? No way!" then the imposter touched his cheek to Lucky's and whispered in his ear. "I know many methods of getting information out of stubborn ponies. I guarantee you that you'll be telling me your every darkest secret, after I'm through with you."

The pegasus didn't take his threat very lightly. Deep demonic urges began moving in his mind, though he tried to resist them. Lucky answered with a very dark voice:

"The moment, my hoofs are free, will be your last second in this world."

His eyes turned from energetic to very cold, despite the sleeping fire in his heart, which needed only an half opened gate to take over his entire being.

The pretender smiled contentedly from his prisoner's reaction. which was one step closer to make him sing.

"I guess, we know our places now."

The commander approached them and reported in their strange language:

"I've done what you've asked, general. The warriors are ready to move out."

"Very good." Lucky's clone said, while still holding his head next to the pegasus's. "I'm sorry my dear little flier but we'll have to continue our conversation later. I'll let you sleep, while we are traveling because I wouldn't want you to memorize the path. You surely understand, isn't that right?"

"I don't want to take part in your travels. Let me free and I might consider not punching you in the face! Oh wait, you will not do that because you are too chicken!"

Lucky's urge to fight was irresistible and the words came out from his mouth on their own, as if somepony else talked in his behave. Was he losing control over himself or did he really dislike being surrounded by changelings? This impulse was strange to him and it scared him a little. Lucky began to think that it was the beginning of the raise of the dragon and no partner of his would help him calm.

The imposter kept smiling, thinking that he was beginning to break him.

"Sweet night!"

The general opened his mouth, revealing two big sharp teeth and bit him on the neck. Lucky was so disgusted by this act but there was nothing he could do to stop him. The bite was deep and the pegasus felt how the changeling was pumping him with a green substance. It quickly spread in his body via the arteries and veins.  Soon, it was everywhere inside him.

When the general was finished, he slowly removed his teeth from the white flesh and backed a little. He was smiling, with some little drops of blood on his lips. However, he was surprised to see Lucky not affected immediately by the poison, that should have put him to sleep.

"You say you are not a spy but you carry an antidote in your veins. Is it a coincidence or just some dumb luck?"

"Set me free and I will show you." Lucky sounded very threatening, despite being immobilized by the glue. He clenched his teeth, which slowly began to grow.

"You must be out of your mind. This only proves your true mission here. Don't get mad at me that you failed in your little disguise. I guess the old fashion method will suffice."

His copy turned around and mightily kicked the pegasus in the head with its rear legs. Then he looked at Lucky and was annoyed to see him still awake. The weather pony was now pissed and only wanted to get his hoofs close to his torturer's face. Blood drop fell from his mouth but the pony felt no pain.

"You are tough, another coincidence, I guess. Are there more surprises, Mr Lucky?"

The raising feeling for blood was on its way to his head, when the weather pony felt a gentle joggle from behind. It reminded him that his friendly neighbor was working on a plan to escape. Lucky knew that he may not be able to fight every changeling on his own, if he somehow managed to free himself, so his rational mind prevailed over the urges. The pegasus slowly began returning to his former self.  

"Yes, there are." he answered after a short silent pause. "I only hope you may never see them face to face."

"We can always put some of the glue in your eyes, that way we'll achieve almost the same effect." the general was thinking out loud.

"Or maybe a towel will be enough."

"The problem is we don't have one. I don't want to start truly torturing you yet, so I think we can make a compromise." Lucky's mirror image turned to the commander, who was standing near them very quietly for all this time. "We need two thick rods and bring two warriors here. Yes, it's a very good compromise."   Next Chapter: Chapter 16: The Temple Of Paradox Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 49 Minutes

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