
The Twilight Child

by Detectivefish

Chapter 65: Nightmare's End

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The entity naming itself Nightmare Eclipse stared at the sight in front of her, of Trixie Lulamoon, defiantly proclaiming she would face the mare, when everypony in Ponyville had tried. Knowing the mare, her history, her behaviour and ignoring the fact that her hair was billowing without cause, and the odd tone to her voice, Nightmare Eclipse did one thing.
She laughed.

"You're kidding," she looked at the mare, who was replacing her hat, still grinning.

"You're... kidding, right?"
Trixie just tilted her head, and smiled. "Completely serious" she said.

And then Nightmare Eclipse realised something, why Trixie's voice sounded so odd. There was another pony speaking alongside her. And it was Twilight Twinkle.

"What?" she asked, dumfounded. "That is not... how... wh-?"

She paused, "I tore your mind from your body and cast you into oblivion. How in Nightmare's blasphemous name are you in Trixie's body?"

"Well..." the mare smiled, "It's not a long story..."


So, Midday Eclipse, formerly known as Twilight Twinkle, found herself thinking, this is non-existance. Kinda empty.
Okay, so I don't seem to have physical presence, that's a bit of a problem. And I'm still massively traumatised over that illusion. But... I don't feel it. Althought I suppose I need a body to really feel emotions, and mine's been taken by some sort of abstract entity.

Who lured me into this situation in the first place. Or so she claims.

Maybe I've just gone completely mad. That would explain a lot, really. Temporary madness, even. Disassociation from reality or something. Though, I don't feel mad.

So, am I just going to float her in this endless blank void? No. Okay then, time to make some sort of checklist.

First off: get a body, second: get my body back and stop Nightmare Eclipse, third: fix whatever damage Nightmare's sure to inflict, fourth: any other stuff, to be determined and dealt with.

And I have no idea how to get to a body. Or even how to possess someone. Still, I'll probably figure it out as I go along.
It'd be really nice if I had my magic right now.


Trixie had seen the sky go dark, and heard everypony but Spike and Midday's father rush out to investigate what was going on, and had decided she would try and protect the library alongside them.

Well, she stated to herself that she would try and protect the library. Then she heard the noises. There was a lot of crashing, a few screams, the odd obscenity, and one odd 'phut' noise. Then she was aware of a strange feeling in her horn.

She looked about, trying to figure out where the voice had come from. Then she realised it wasn't really a voice. More of a thought.

"Midday? Is that you?"

A dozen questions ran through Trixie's mind, and she wasn't honestly sure which one to ask first.
"What's going on?" she asked, making a note to face-hoof when she was done.

"I mean what is happening outside, and what are you currently doing?"

Well, if you ask: A semi-demonic abstract entity has possessed me, and is apparently on the super-powered equivalent of a childish rampage. You see, it's sort of born of all my negative thoughts, my desire for recognition and attention, all that stuff. Think Nightmare Moon, but many orders less lovable. And to do this, she threw my... spirit, my soul, out of my body so that I wouldn't distract her, or fight her.

Trixie paused. "And... do you have some sort of clever plan for dealing with her?"
There was an odd pause from the 'thought' of Midday Eclipse.

Yes. I do have a plan. Of sorts. But to do that, I need to ask something of you, Trixie.

"Which is?"
I need to borrow you. Your body.

Trixie stared straight ahead for a moment, brow furrowing. "You... what now?"

You remember that mind-switching spell you used on me and Rainbow Dash? I need you to cast that, but without the 'switching' bit. You'd still have your body, but I'd be along for the ride.

"Can't I just try and put your mind back into your body?"
If you think you can get close enough to my body, then survive long enough to finish the spell without being bludgeoned with a piano, then go ahead. I'll just... exist here, making no noise, pretending I don't exist.

"What would happen if your mind and mine are together?"
Not sure. I think either our minds would remain seperate, but still able to work together, or it'd be a sort of fusion.

"That doesn't sound enticing to Trixie," the mare said, glancing out of the window, and immediately not liking what she saw. There was a pause, as the thought apparently strained to come up with ideas.

Well, our minds would merge, so you'd have all my magical knowledge. And there is a very faint possibility that your own magical potential would be boosted by my presence.

Trixie considered this. "Tempting. Tempting. But you're asking me to fight a pony who, by the sound of it, is every bit as mad and powerful as Nightmare Moon. And the thing is, Trixie just got a new lease on life. She's a big fan of living."

Trixie, please. This is important. More important than our survival. We have to stop her, and we have to do it now!
Trixie paused, frowning.
"Why you? Why does it have to be you who defeats her?"

Because it's my fault. Because I couldn't save just one pony before, and I will not let that happen again!
A new question occured to Trixie.

"If I do this, can you promise Trixie that she'll survive?"
The etheral mare did nothing.

"Thought not. But..." she was aware of the fact that it had gone deadly quiet outside, "We don't really have a choice, do we? Let's do this."

Suddenly, there was a feeling of something pouring into Trixie, years of knowledge and thoughts and memory swirling through her head, things she'd never even considered.
Suddenly she felt like being heroic.


"And then we came out here, and then we zapped you, and then Trixie doesn't know what happened" the blue mare grinned.

"Of course, I should really thank you, Nightmare. I was in a bit of a need to vent some frustrations" Midday's voice said, "and I am very good at beating myself up."

In an instant, both mares lashed out with bursts of magic, one bright blue, the other dark orange, clashing and smashing together.


Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle ran toward Sugarcube Corner, where most of Ponyville was lying dazed and battered, a few medical personal moving amongst them. She noticed the horrified look on the face of the pony next to her, who happened to look exactly like a younger version of Comet Chaser, who openly admitted he was Midday Eclipse's father.

Twilight fought down the urge to question that in depth, instead looking for signs of her friends. Fluttershy, she saw instantly. The mare was sitting next to an unconcious Rarity, who had been taken out of the fight with the so-called Nightmare Eclipse incredibly quickly, and a much-less unconcious Rainbow Dash. Strangely enough, Fluttershy looked practically squeaky-clean.

"Please, Rainbow, stop moving. You're very badly hurt" Fluttershy said, as the mare batted away Fluttershy's attempt to aid her.

"Don't care. Gotta stop her."

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called out, the mare looked up at her, "Are you alright?"
The pegasus looked almost embarrassed. "Yes, actually. Aside from a bruise where Nightmare Eclipse kicked me, I'm fine."

Twilight Sparkle frowned. "Really?"
Fluttershy nodded glumly. "She didn't seem that interested in fighting me, though. Probably because I wouldn't really be much of a challenge to her."

"Hey, don't get like that, 'shy," Rainbow Dash groaned, "You lept in there like a guard, or something."

Twilight looked around. "Where's Pinkie Pie?"
"I'm okay!"

Twilight turned to see Pinkie Pie, a bandage around her head and a few band-aids on her face, smiling, though not as brightly as usual.

"I though she hit you with a piano... repeatedly" Fluttershy said slowly. Pinkie nodded.

"Shameless retcon, in my favour" the party mare smiled, turning to face absolutely nopony as she said it, "I'd been saving those for the wedding, too."
Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and the younger Comet Chaser exchanged nervous glances.

"Is she... always like this?" the stallion asked. Twilight just looked into Pinkie Pie's eyes.
"Pinkie, could you just follow my hoof with your eyes for a moment?"

She waved a hoof in front of Pinkie Pie's face. The mare's smile kept going, as she followed Twilight's hoof perfectly.
"You're still you, Pinkie Pie" she said, to which Pinkie's smiled increased fractionally.

"So... how bad is it?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Are we talking Discord-bad, Smarty Pants-bad, or are we at Lyra's Thumb Quest-bad?"

"I though nopony was gonna mention that one again" they heard Bon-Bon sigh irritably, as a nurse examined the confectioner.
"Hey, you went along with it!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

"I think we're in a whole new shade of bad," Twilight frowned, "Princess Celestia and Luna can't get through the barrier Nightmare's created, which means we can't use the Elements of Harmony to free Midday from her possession, and-"
There was a sudden noise as Trixie hurtled through the air, though just before she landed her horn glowed, and she floated in the air for all of three seconds, before calmly dusting herself off.

"Nullify gravity spell. Been wanting to use that one for years!" she grinned, though that quickly vanished as she turned to see everypony staring at her in shock.

"Okay, Trixie's speaking with Midday's voice. I've clearly just gone mad" Rainbow Dash muttered.
Trixie opened her mouth to say something, then frowned, looking irritated at something.

"Don't worry, everypony, I have a plan for stopping Nightmare" she declared, her voice suddenly gaining an odd echo.
She turned to look at the approaching mare, eyes still glowing wickedly.
"I'll try to be quick about it," she added, throwing herself at the mare.


"My word," Nightmare Eclipse laughed as she took another blast of magic, "you honestly thought you could stop me just by borrowing the body of a showmare who can barely summon a tiny lightning bolt?"

She shot a blast of magic at Trixie, "What was your plan, dear Twinkie? Make me laugh myself into non-existance?"

The bolt of energy hovered in front of Trixie's body, and then seemed to dissipate. The mare glowered at the Nightmare.
"I managed to fight off all your idiotic friends and family, I made the last Time Lord run in fear of me! I will not go back to the cold and dark."

The beam of energy turned around, and smashed into the mare, who simply glowered further once she got onto her hooves.
"You cannot stop me, 'Midday Trixie' or 'Trixie Eclipse' or whatever foolish nickname you are calling yourself. I am Nightmare Eclipse. I am your nightmare! Your past sins given flesh, your inner d-"

Another bolt of lightning blasted the mare. Trixie's body shook her head.
"You're annoying. You're some nasty thoughts that got an idea above their station. And you are trying to fight me," she said, Trixie's voice vanishing, "With my own magic. I'll let you figure out how clever that idea was."

Nightmare Eclipse charged at her, grappling with the mare and dislodging Trixie's hat.
"I don't need magic to hurt you. I am a Nightmare! All I'd need to tear down your world is words. Six of them."
Midday headbutted her, and her horn glowed a bright purple colour.

"I only need one, 'Nightmare Eclipse'. You see, you've been running on negative emotions. My jealousy, envy, greed, arrogance, fear, misery. I think it's time we try something else."
Nightmare Eclipse looked afraid, for a moment.

There was a small noise, as a thin beam of energy lanced out of Trixie's horn, zipping and arcing randomly through the air, until it hit the mare dead center.

Nightmare Eclipse screamed as she experienced a whole life-time worth of positive emotions, and collapsed.

"Yeah, I may not be as good at emotional magic as my aunt, but I can do a passable immitation of it."

Then Nightmare Eclipse stood up, and both Trixie and Midday were aware of a curious burning smell.
At which point the mare's mane burst into flame.


Elsewhere in Ponyville, a pair of feet carried a somewhat rotound body as fast as they could. Of course, Spike's path from the library had be stalled by the fact that he had stopped to try and see whether Applejack and Cheerilee were alright, and the fact that he was carrying a book of fairy tales, an incredibly heavy tome for a small dragon, and the fact that he wasn't sure where Midday-in-Trixie's body was, though he quickly managed to realise how to find her.

He also wasn't sure why the mare... mares... whatever, had needed the book he was carrying, but she-they had calmly explained that the book was essential to getting rid of this Nightmare Eclipse character, and that was good enough for Spike. Though he was begining to question whether it was sensible leaving Midday's father in the library on his own.


"All you've done is made me ANGRY!" Nightmare Eclipse roared, launching a dozen blasts of magic at Trixie, the mares managing to deflect them all or seemingly absorb them.

"What did you think it was going to do? Make me rethink my every deed? Give up and surrender?" she launched another blast of magic, which Midday-in-Trixie deflected right back at her.

"No, actually," the mare said calmly, "It was more of a distraction. I just needed your attention."

She looked at Nightmare Eclipse and smiled warmly. "You see, you threw me out of my mind, when you did I realised something. All these years, since I got my Cutie Mark even, my power's been suppressed. Psychological barriers designed to prevent me from using all the power at my command, which probably explains why I couldn't teleport, no matter how hard I tried. So thanks, for revealing that to me. And by the way? Have you looked at your hooves?"

The mare looked down, to see an odd series of glyphs surrounding her. Midday-in-Trixie smiled. "That is a binding circle. Bit of a rushed job, but it'll do. Now, I just need to wait for Spike to get here, and we can talk about what to do with you."

"Do with her?" Trixie yelled, "We should destroy her, now. Put her down like the rabid animal she is!"

"Trixie," Midday said, her voice sounding barely calm, "We're in the same head. Can you see what I'm thinking?"

There was a brief pause, and then a grin spread across Trixie's face. Nightmare Eclipse suddenly felt a great swell of fear in herself. Then it was replaced by more anger.

"I will not return to the cold and nothingness! I will not! I am you! If you cast me out, I will find my way back and take what I deserve to have from this world once more! I will take what the world owes me, even if I have to step over corpses to do it!"

"See Trixie, now she's just falling back on the thoughts that drew her to me. All my little bursts of petty envy," Midday-in-Trixe sighed. Then Nightmare Eclipse glowered at her.

"Those six words I mentioned, child of Twilight?" a cruel grin crossed her lips, "Guess. What. Happened. To. Diamond. Tiara"

For a moment, the fusion of Trixie and Midday stared in horror, then glared at her. She opened her mouth to say something, and then Spike appeared, waving a heavy book.
"Midday! (or Trixie, or Trixie Midday, or whatever...)" he tossed the book, and the mare caught it, smiling sweetly at Nightmare Eclipse.

"So, Nightmare. I think we're just about finished trying to blast each other with magic that won't work, so I just have one last question, and then we'll be done. Do you know what this is?"

The mare looked at the book, which proclaimed itself to be The Big Booke of Children's Faire Tales.
Then she saw Trixie's horn glowing almost violently.

"See, I prepared for almost any fight when I was younger, as you probably forgot. And that includes ghosts, which means I'm about to exorcise you from me, because I studied that sort of thing. Guess what I'm going to do next?"

"Scream as I possess Trixie and destroy both your souls?" the mare said, glowering and summoning all her magic to her.
"No... But that'd spoil the story for you" Miday smiled, before closing her eyes. After a few moments her horn began to glow an eerie etheral colour.

At which point Twilight Sparkle, along with several other ponies arrived. They stared at the sight of Trixie having apparently contained the rampaging monster, and beginning to cast something.

Then they watched as Nightmare Eclipse seemed to bend and shift, and then they heard as she started screaming and ranting and spitting, and then... there was an unusual sound.

They watched as the form of Midday Eclipse shrank, as her coat turned royal blue once more, her mane back to being blue with orange, and her Cutie Mark went back to that of a solar eclipse. A dark crown slid off her head, and landed unceremoniously in the dirt. The glow on the mare's horn vanished, and her eyes closed, and the mare's body slumped over.

The sky suddenly changed, as the magical barrier above the town vanished, and the Princesses quickly restored the sun and moon to their proper place. The gather ponies began to smile. And then they saw the black shade above the collapsed form of Midday Eclipse, ranting and raving.

Then, Trixie's horn started glowing differently, and a beam of strange orange and blue light seemed to sink into the hovering shade, dragging it toward an open book.
"What are you doing?!" Twilight asked, though nopony heard her above the noise of the shade's railing, and the odd hissing of the beam.

After a few moments Trixie's magic seemed to falter, and the shade began laughing.
"What's wrong, little ponies?" it sneered, "Is your stamina beginning to wear, as it did in the desert? Face it, you'll fail. Like you failed your cousin, and her boyfriend, and that ridiculous made-up daughter of yours!"

For a moment, nothing happened, and then several more beams lanced from Trixie's horn, dragging the shadow closer to the book. And suddenly, it seemed afraid.
Then, as it reached the book, there was an almighty thunderclap, a tiny scream, and the book slammed shut.

For a few moments, the fusion of Midday and Trixie stood there, her hair, which had been flowing without cause, stopped moving, and the mare sat still for a moment. Then she looked over toward Midday's body, and walked over toward it. She examined the crown for a moment, and then with a swift, vicious movement, crushed it beneath her hoof.

"Trixie is never doing that again" the mare muttered, and a few seconds passed before they heard her say, with Midday's voice, "Likewise."

Then she turned to look at the assembled ponies of Ponyville, or at least the few ponies who weren't unconcious, or tending to somepony else. Then they heard a noise, and looked up to see an incredibly welcome sight.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flying over-head.


The two Princess had quickly gotten the Royal Guard to gather up anypony around town who was injured, along with a few sent to find what had happened to the children. Several ponies were wandering about, looking confuse and terrified, trying to help out in any way they could. Midday-in-Trixie had picked up her own body, which without anypony actually in it was just working on automatic, like it was just asleep. She took note of the fact that her body looked exactly like it was supposed to.

Then she noticed Twilight Sparkle glowering at her. And she wasn't the only one.
"Okay, start explaining" the mare said, her voice incredibly cold. Behind her, Midday and Trixie noticed the Princesses looking extremely interested.

"Where would you like me to start?" she asked. Twilight looked uncertain for a moment.
"Well, what's the reason behind your voice?"

"We merged minds. Trixie and Midday Eclipse, using a variant of the mind-switching spell used on Rainbow Dash."
"So who am I speaking to right now?" Twilight asked.
"Both of us. And neither" she tried smiling, but on seeing Twilight's irritated expression, bit her lip, "That is the most fitting answer we can give. I am Midday Eclipse, and I am also Trixie. Our minds are supposed to be seperate but there are some bits of our mind that overlap, or merge."

Twilight nodded slowly. "Alright, next question: what did you do to Nightmare Eclipse? Did you destroy her?"
The mare shook her head, "No. I'm not a pony-destroying sort of mare. I gave her exactly what she wanted, what she felt she deserved, which is also in a sense what Midday wants."

"Which is?" Luna asked.
"A good life, with friends, adventures, excitement, friendship, all that sort. It's a prison, but it's a really nice one. ... perhaps I could explain this a bit better."

"You could" Trixie spoke up.
"You see, Nightmare Eclipse is a creature of the abstract, so... I figured sealing her inside a book would be the ideal punishment. You know the theory that stories have a power of their own, correct?"
Princess Celestia nodded.

"Well, I figured if I imprisoned her in the book, it would force her to conform to its rules and universe, though since she wasn't in the story when it was written, she'll probably cause a few changes."
Midday was certain she could see a faint curl to Luna's mouth, and Celestia's eyebrow raise very slightly.

"Much better punishment than destroying her with the Elements of Harmony" Midday said, "And potentially interesting."
Twilight nodded, a noticable gleam of curiosity in her eyes, which quickly vanished, replaced by irritation.

"And can you explain why there is a pony who looks exactly like your father running around, Midday?"
Both Midday and Trixie felt a cold chill going down their spine.

'Actually,' Midday heard Trixie think, 'are you going to explain that to her? Because I've been seeing your thoughts, and wow. Trixie thought she had seen everything today'

Midday shuffled slightly. "I... well, I can... that is..." she smiled awkwardly. Then she decided to try and distract Twilight.
"Is everypony accounted for?" she asked. Twilight glowered again, but then her expression shifted.

"Almost. Most of the injuries weren't that severe. Pinkie Pie seems to have just... shrugged off hers, but apart from Rainbow Dash, everypony will recover soon enough. Except Big MacIntosh."
Midday suddenly felt a deep chill in her mind. "What... happened to Big MacIntosh?" she asked, quietly.

Twilight said nothing. Midday looked about.
'Okay,' Trixie thought, 'the blind panic is scaring me. Can we not do that? The blind panic?'

Midday looked about, and saw Applejack and Cheerilee sitting next to the senior Apple sibling.
"He's alive, by the way," Twilight said, "For now. But the doctors say he has a week at the most."

Then the entire square was filled with a horrible, singular noise, and everypony turned to look as one Filthy Rich entered the square, rushing madly as he carried a small pink filly on his back.

There was a horrified gasp from Luna.
"Sister..." she said, directing Celestia's attention to the sight. Then there was an equally horrified gasp from Celestia. Then, Twilight, and both Princesses turned to look at Midday.
Who had vanished.


On the outskirts of Ponyville, a blue-furred mare was coughing and wheezing, barely able to stand.
'This can't. This can't. Can't. Can't can't can't be happening. Can't be happening' Midday thought.
'Not happening. Make it go away go away go away'

Trixie's thought remained silent, the psychological equivalent of staring at one's feet. Then there was a singular thought in the mare's head.

"No" she stated, getting to her hooves, as her legs shaked furiously.
'I will not have this. This did not happen and it will not happen'

Her horn glowed as she began concentrat.
'What are you doing?' Trixie's mind asked.

"I'm going to make it so that the last hour didn't happen. I refuse to let this have happened!"
"But... you can't change time" Trixie said, "Not even with the strongest magic."

"Time can be rewritten. And I am the scion of the two most powerful magical families alive! My mother could rewrite destiny! I can move the sun and the moon! I just subverted a living idea and stuffed it into a damn book! So I am going to rewrite time, put destiny back on track, no matter what!"
"But... that's insane, and stupid. It's happened, and you can't change time!"

There was a pause, and the glow of Trixie's horn dimmed.
"Trixie..." Midday said, quietly, "a pony died today. A filly. Somepony's little girl. And she wasn't supposed to. And Big MacIntosh, somepony's son, somepony's brother is going to die. And he isn't supposed to. He's supposed to live, and fall in love, and marry, and then there'll be Lillian MacIntosh, not die! Are you honestly saying that if there was even the slighest possibility of saving them, you wouldn't take it?"

For a moment, Trixie said nothing. "But... she'd Diamond Tiara. And I am in your head, just as you're in mine, and I can see what you know, Twilight Twinkle. Cute name, by the way. You know Diamond Tiara will grow up, and she's not going to change for the better, or even at all. She's always going to act like a stupid spoilt brat who doesn't deserve half of the life she's been given. Even if you told her you saved her life, she'd never care, never say 'thank you'."

"Your point, Trixie?" Midday said, a subtle trace of anger in her voice.
"If Applejack's brother wasn't dying as well, would you really waste time trying to save her?"

"Yes" Midday said instantly.
"And you can see what I'm thinking, Trixie, so you know exactly why, deep down, I would always say 'yes'."

Trixie could, in fact see why she would say 'yes'. Because Twilight Twinkle actually believed there was a chance Diamond Tiara could change, even slightly. And then even if she wouldn't, she was still somepony's daughter. Somepony's child.

"Alright..." Trixie said, quietly, "before we do this, what will happen once we're done?"

"We'll all wake up where we should've been before Nightmare Eclipse appeared, only without her taint on my soul, none of this will have happened. Nopony will die because of me"

"Okay, then" Trixie said, before pausing. Midday could feel the thoughts bubbling on the back of Trixie's tounge.

"I'm sorry, Twinkle. About Lilac."

"Thanks, Trixie"
And then the mares, feeling almost like one pony instead of two, began to channel all their magic.


A short while into their magic casting, several ponies ran toward them. Twilight Sparkle, the Comet Chaser from Midday's timeline, an extremely terrified looking Doctor, and both Princesses. Trixie's eyes were closed and magic was swirling around her.

"What are you doing?" Princess Celestia demanded.

"Fixing the damage I caused today" Midday said, calmly. She was aware of the trilling of the Doctor's screwdriver.

"You're trying to... unwrite time," he gasped, before suddenly becoming furious, "Stop this! Stop this now!"

"I can't, Doctor. A little girl is dead because of me. Two girls no longer exist because of me."

"But... you can't 'unwrite' time!" Twilight Sparkle said, "That's completely impossible and there is no spell for it."

"We're making our own," Trixie and Midday said as one.

"My mom had the goods, and since I remember how I got my Cutie Mark, I can say with all confidence I have enough magic to create this spell!"

Luna shook her head. "You cannot do this. You cannot. You are trying to use a force you canno-"
"Cutie Mark Switching spell" Midday and Trixie hissed.

"But... a spell like this should take forever to practice and create. There are rules!" Twilight yelled.

"Magic only happens when you decide to do it. It's meant to make something specific that you want to happen happen. Your words, to Pinkie Pie" the mare smiled. "And what I want to happen if for the last hour to have not happened"

As she'd spoken, a look had dawned on Twilight's face.
"Midday... who are you? Tell me who you are!"

"I ca-"

"Tell me! Where did you come from?" the mare screamed over the noise, "Why is there a younger version of your father? Why can't you just tell me who and what you are?"

The trilling of the Doctor's screwdriver continued, as he looked over to Celestia and Luna. Then he looked to Trixie.

"Okay, you two. It's strong enough n-"
And the world went white.


Midday Eclipse felt like she was falling, through an endless darkness, and then, there was silence. Brilliant, terrifying silence. And darkness.

She opened her eyes. The sun was hanging low in the afternoon sky. She looked around to see she was lying on her stomach in the ruins of the ancient palace of Old Canterlot.

She looked at her hooves, which were the familiar shade of royal blue.
"Legs, check" she said.

"Voice, mine, check" she nodded, then raised a hoof to her horn.
"Horn, poiny."

She sat there for a moment, and waited.

"Heart, still shattered" she sighed, trying to think of anything but a charcoal coloured filly with bright blue eyes smiling at her.

She stood up, noting her legs didn't feel right. She frowned, and looked at a small rock lying nearby. She focused her magic on it, and was rewarded with a small shower of sparks from the tip of her horn.

She frowned, and nodded silently at the sign of severely drained magic. She realised she needed sleep, actual sleep, followed by more sleep. She started walking, ignoring the mild screams of muscles that had been forced to stay perfectly still for several hours.

"I hate sleeping standing up" she muttered.


As she finally got out of the Everfree Forest, Midday noted the sun begin to drift downward across the sky, and a short distance in front of her, a pinky filly with a small aura of general disdain surrounding her, walking down the path.

She nodded, and walked back into town, hoping that she'd see Big MacIntosh while she was there.
And as she did, she wondered what had happened to that book she'd put Nightmare Eclipse in.

For some reason, she kept thinking of a song she'd heard Star Song writing once, and that mildly annoying refrain, which always got stuck in her mind.
'Close your eyes and make a wish...'


There was darkness. Far too much of it. She felt trapped. Incredibly trapped and scared. And after a while she got used to darkness. And then she heard voices. There was an odd shuffling noise, and suddenly there was a bright light, and several odd creatures staring at her.

"Goodness! A pony in a box!" one of them squeaked. She was bright pink, and looked strangely familiar.

"Who would put a pony in a box?" another asked.

"To keep her safe? That's what I do with my socks" a mint-green one said.

"Has anyone considered asking the poor girl how she ended up in the box?" this one had a strange accent completely unlike the others, and even by the current standard was gaudily coloured, as if she couldn't have decided what colour to be. "And also, where her truly dashing mane is styled."

"Do you have a name, darling?" the rainbow one asked.

She paused to admit she didn't know, and she couldn't really think of a good name, but there was one in her head at the moment, and whoever she was, it seemed having a silly name was better than none at all.

"I think my name is... Twinkleshine?"


Ditzy Doo slowly closed the book she was reading, and carefully nudged it back into its shelf on the library. She looked about at the 'room' she'd found while exploring the place, well, she called it a room, even when it was the size of a cathedral. She then wondered what possible interest a time-travelling alien could have had in a children's fairy tale book.

But then, she was just a mailmare. Perhaps on some other planet that book was considered a masterpiece. Or perhaps it held significant value to the Doctor. She considered asking him, but decided it wasn't right to go asking personal questions when they'd only just met.


Midday shook her head. It was a book on fairy tales that had been rewritten and now had a new pony inhabiting the tales.
'It'll probably turn up' she thought.

Author's Notes:

I didn't want to make Pinkie break the fourth wall (like Lyra and humans jokes, I'm not entirely in favour of them), but the moment seemed right.
And goodness... everypony lives.
(Note: Twinkle could not pull that time-warping spell off normally. She was holding on to some of the magic Nightmare threw at her, and put it into the time-wrap spell.)
Also: I can assure you no chapter after this will be anywhere near as grim as these last two were

Next Chapter: Revelations and Reunions Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 47 Minutes
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