
The Twilight Child

by Detectivefish

Chapter 13: Family Outing

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Midday Eclipse, as she had now started to get accustomed to calling herself, awoke on the seventh day of her stay in Ponyville.

Her 'stay'. As if it was just a visit to a relative or a business trip or one of those times she'd gone along with her mother visiting faraway places. It had been a rather dull week. She'd spent much of it pouring through old books, hoping to find something, anything that would have told her what she'd done wrong. She had found nothing. As per her estimates, Trixie had managed to distract Rainbow Dash from attempting to prank her, though not entirely. Aside from that, the week had been rather dull, save for Twilight asking her to help out in a lecture to the school-children, which she had declined, and an incident involving Pinkie and baguettes. She had tried to stay away from all these weird past versions of ponies she knew, having to remind herself that they obviously weren't the same. Some of them were easier than others, though avoiding Twilight Sparkle was remarkably difficult, what with living in her house.

She slouched out of bed, as usual. Brushed her teeth, as usual. Had breakfast, as usual. Engaged in banal pleasantries with Twilight, as usual. Spike was sitting in the main room, occasionaly looking at the clock.
Yesterday, Rarity had burst into the library worried out of her mind over the location of her little sister. Evidently the two had been at each others' throats, leading Sweetie Bell to disappear, and it had only taken Rarity a while to notice. Spike had gallantly offered to assist Rarity in her attempts to locate the missing child, only to be politely turned down. Then Rarity had returned some hours later, claming Sweetie Belle had declared Applejack was her 'new sister' and would be taking part in a local event called the Sisterhooves Social, hosted at (surprise, surprise) Sweet Apple Acres.

Spike had promised to attend the social to give Rarity 'emotional support should she need it.'
"C'mon Twilight, it starts in two hours." He sighed. Twilight was buried in a small pile of books and scrolls and maps, though the reason for that Midday could not determine. And every time Spike mentioned the word 'sister' an unusual look kept flashing across Twilight Sparkle's face.

"We still have plenty of time" was the purple unicorn's response. Spike's reaction was to start pacing.
"Yeah, I know, but... I was hoping to talk to Rarity before it began..." he frowned when Twilight gave no reaction, "Forget it..."

And then Twilight said what Midday had been praying she wouldn't.
"Actually, I don't know... Midday, you aren't busy, right?"

And since she couldn't give a rational response to that, she'd been drafted for dragon escorting.


On the way there Spike rushed ahead of her.
"Come on, Midday" Spike huffed, "You're going too slow."

"I don't wanna go." She muttered.
"I know. I heard you the first fifteen times. Why is that, anyway?"

She gave this some consideration.
"I... It's complicated" she eventually stated.

"You don't want to explain that?"
"No." She sighed, and then looked at Spike, "Sorry, that was rude, but... it's a personal reason."

"Okay then" Spike said, though he didn't sound convinced.
"And I'm not going slow anyway. You're rushing on ahead of me like you're on a sugar high or something." She laughed.

"I can't help it" Spike said, "It's just... can I tell you a secret?"
"Why do I get the feeling this secret involves Rarity?" Spike looked alarmed.

"Don't worry Spike, I won't tell a soul." She smiled gently at him, and he returned it.
The two continued onwards to Sweet Apple Arces. A clearing had been filled with tents and stands and a few pens with pigs in them. Spike leapt up onto Midday's head and started scanning the area.

"I don't... see Rarity" he said.
"Probably hiding from all the mud. 'Oh no, I might ruin my hooficure, how dreadful.'" Midday smirked. Spike simply fumed.

"She's not like that, y'know."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Though you did get the voice right."

Then Midday's attention was captured by a sight familiar to many ponyville. A large red stallion with orange hair and... well developed muscles, with a green apple for a Cutie Mark. Or Big McIntosh as most called him.
"Hey, watch where you're walking!" Spike said, "watchitwatchitwatchit!" She walked into a fence. Spike had managed to jump off beforehand.

"What was that?" Spike asked. Midday shook her head.
"Sorry, distracted by that pile of muscles." She waved a hoof in Macintosh's direction. That had never happened to her before. She had ne- practically never reacted like that to anypony, save one, and even then, never like that.

"Oh" A sly grin spread on Spike's face, or at least what the dragon presumed was sly "That's just Applejack's brother. I once heard Pinkie say 'everyone wants him'. I don't get that. What does it mean?" Conflicting traits came into contact inside the mare's mind. She knew Mr McIntosh, she'd met his son, even talked (as much as one did with Big McIntosh) with him on occasion. She turned to Spike and made a good effort of not looking confused.

"You'll understand when you're older. Now how about we go... sit down... or something." She tried not to focus on Big Macintosh. She also vowed there and then that if she started giggling like a school-filly she was gonna break something. Or perhaps somepony.


The dragon and the unicorn sat on top of the stands, Spike still hoping to spot Rarity. So far he'd had no success, and was looking somewhat glum.
"I don't understand," he muttered, "She should be here." Midday simply nodded.

"I'm sure she's just lying in wait." She smirked. Spike didn't seem to notice the double meaning of that.
"But if Rarity wants to make it up to Sweetie Bell, why doesn't she just apologise?"

"I'm sure she did. But from the way Rarity was acting, it was probably a whole string of events that led to their fight. Numerous minor arguments all building on one another until finally, something snaps..." Spike stared at her.
"Do you have a sister or something?" She looked at him. There was no malice in the question.

"No. No, I don't. The closest I've got is a bigger brother. Although..." She trailed off.

The roar of flames, the noise of explosions, the screaming and the tears.

"No." she said quickly, "No sisters. Not actual biological ones, at least."
"What's he like? Your big brother?" She looked down at the little dragon.

"I... couldn't really say. I haven't seen him in a long time. I think he took my being born personally or something, like he was being replaced. I can guess why though. But apparently he's very sweet, very gentle. Not the biggest genius ever, but he has a good heart. I wish I knew him better." She whispered. Spike gently patted her, not sure how else to respond.

"Twilight's got a bigger brother. We... didn't really talk. I mean, I know him, he's a great guy but... we're not exactly best friends. Actually, sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister." She looked at the dragon, and was about to say something when there was a pained yelp from a stand near the track, where evidently the matriach of the Apple Family had injured herself in the eye while declaring the start of the race. Spike and Midday winced. Then Spike seemed to notice something on the track.

"Hey," Spike said, louder than he really needed to, "there's Rarity."

He pointed to an ambulatory pile of mud running alongside a small marshmallow which was probably Sweetie Belle.
"Look, down there. She may be wearing Applejack's hat, but I'd recognise that elegant figure anywhere." She stared at him.

"And the eyes as well" he added.
She shuffled a few inches away from the dragon, then continued watching the event. However, 'Applejack' and Sweetie Bell didn't win, only managing second place.

"That's a shame" she muttered.
"It's still impressive." Spike countered.
"Might as well get back to the library."

"I was going talk to them." Spike said.
"Okay, okay." She sighed. This was the moment she was dreading. Meeting her,


"Oh, hi there. Y' must be Midday Eclipse." The farm pony stuck out a hoof.
"Ah'm Applejack." She reluctantly stuck out a hoof, trying not to glare at Applejack.

"An' ah'm Apple Bloom" said the little yellow filly next to her.
"I'm Sweetie Belle" The little walking marshmellow squeaked.

"Hello, nice to meet you Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle. And Applejack."
"Sorry it's taken so long t' meet, but ah've just been so busy all week, what with winter comin' up an' all."

"And the Social" beamed the small redhead standing next to her.
"Midday Eclipse. That's a pretty odd name, if ya don' mind mah sayin'" Applejack smiled.

"Beggars can't be choosers" She shrugged.
"If you'll excuse me, miss Applejack, I have someplace else to be."

"Nice meetin' ya." The farm said slowly.
"Spike, you comin'?" The dragon looked between Midday and Rarity.
"I... ah... I thought..." She nodded.
"Going to the spa, I understand. I'll just be heading back to the library. See you later."
"What was that all about?" Asked Applejack.


Applejack. And she'd had to be polite to her. To Applejack. That arrogant wench. She sighed, trying to keep the anger down. She breathed in deeply.
"I said I would not get angry. I would not whine or complain." She knew this moment would come. But she had to keep true to what she'd said. Had to keep true. And she'd only been stuck in the past for a week.

Above her head, storm clouds were being pushed together.
She walked slowly, ignoring the beginning downpour. She didn't mind the rain. Under normal circumstances, she might have even enjoyed it.


"Oh, hello." Said Twilight from her pile of books.
"Hey" she grunted. That got Twilight's attention.

"Something wrong?"

"Okay then."
"I'll be upstairs."

"Good conversation." She smirked.

She wandered upstairs, and stared at herself in the mirror, listening to the faint noise of the rain on the windows.
"Got any great ideas?" She laughed. She looked at the calendar. Her soul sank slightly.

Only a few weeks until her mother's birthday.
She stared out of the window. She felt a desire to go over her recent actions.

"Here I am, trapped in the past, I can't find a way back..." She looked over at a small book set she'd bought a few days ago, just in case she'd needed it. She sighed. She looked out of the window again.
She wandered back downstairs. Twilight was still reading. She sighed loudly.

"Something wrong, Twilight?"
"Yeah, its my birthday in a month, and..." She looked uncertain.

"I just miss my family. I mean, I've been seeing my brother less and less since I moved to Ponyville, and..."
"You've got Spike." Midday grunted.

"I suppose."
This was almost a bit too much for Midday. For a moment she considered ranting at Twilight. But only the briefest moment. She could see Twilight just staring, in the direction of Canterlot.

"Why not just go visit them? You have the option, right? Or you could just send a letter, or ask them to come visit you, see how you're getting on in Ponyville." Twilight Sparkle just stared.
"I suppose..."

At that point the door slammed open.
"Trixie has returned! Or is this a bad time?"


Later on, once Spike got back from helping Rarity write a letter and Trixie had disappeared again (evidently to go party), Midday and Spike were sitting around, Twilight having gone upstairs to study 'in peace and quiet' as she had put it.
Midday sighed. She'd been looking through every book, hoping that like so many other ponies she'd find a spell that could help her buried in one of them. After several hours she'd had no luck.

"Something wrong?"
"Yeah. I just... thinking about things."

Spike merely grunted.
"You okay Spike?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's just my birthday in a few weeks."
"That's good, right?"

"I guess. It's just... every year I get the same gift from Twilight, and it's always a book. And it's always something boring that she's interested in. She's never asked me what I would like to get for my birthday."
"I know exactly how that feels" Midday said, looking toward the door to upstairs.

She looked back at the little dragon and gave a small smile.
"Maybe this year will be different. What about the girls? Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, that other one, aren't they going to give you any presents?" She could see the look of hope in his eyes

"I guess. And there's something else..." He leaned in and whispered.
"I've been saving up this really rare fire ruby. Over thirty carats." He smiled and rubbed his claws together.

"I bet it's gonna taste great." He then yawned.
"Oh, man. It's late. Twilight's probably gonna flip if I don't go to bed soon."

Midday went back to reading the book. She sighed. She saw Spike going to bed. Once he closed the door she sighed.
"Sweet dreams, big brother." She found herself yawning. She looked down at the book. Then she realised she'd been staring at the same page for over an hour.

"Maybe I should go to bed myself."

Author's Notes:

Whole lotta rewrites.
And I'm still not satisfied with it.

Next Chapter: A Lazy Afternoon Estimated time remaining: 30 Hours, 50 Minutes
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