
What Now Trixie?

by Philosopher01


Things that go bump in the night

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A purple unicorn stirred in her bed.


The unicorn mumbled in a sleep-thick voice.


Twilight gasped as reality attacked her, flinging herself upright in her bed. She glanced around the darkness of her bedroom in utter confusion, dumbfounded as to why she suddenly found herself in the land of the conscious. An aggressive smashing noise provided a clue to the mystery.


“What in the-,” she slurred to herself, rubbing her heavy eyelids with her hooves. Beyond the soft snoring of a baby dragon and the pitter-patter of rain on the windows, Twilight realised the sound resonated from a lower floor. Pulling her blanket off herself, she stumbled out of bed, yawning loudly in the process. Her body wailed in protest, muscles stiffening and bones rattling in the sudden climatic change from her warm bed to the cruel cold air of the room. She blinked, trying to achieve sight, balance and a host of other bodily functions simultaneously. Meanwhile the banging continued.


As her senses returned to her, she was able to conclude that the sound was emanating from the front door of the library. A sudden anxiety entered her mind now that it had begun processing thoughts to near-full capacity. The apparent possible danger of somepony or some...THING assaulting the front door of her home in the middle of the night now revealed itself. With a new found hesitance, Twilight slowly opened the bedroom door. The way it creaked and whined as she pushed it open added to her ominous mood.

Now at the top of the stairs overlooking the main foyer, Twilight could see the door shaking as the would-be intruder continued to attack it.


Twilight stood, shivering from both the cold and a building nervous energy. Internally she debated between ignoring the door and opening it, curiosity and fear locked in a deadly battle in her mind. Her hooves brought her down the stairs and closer to the door as her mind hammered out possibilities. Who could it be, a friend... an enemy? Twilight had her share of both, and could not decide which was more likely.

Curiosity was the victor in the end, as a shaking purple hoof reached out for the doorknob. Like her bedroom door, the victimised front door moaned as it was pushed open.

Upon opening, Twilight still did not know if she looked upon a friend or an enemy.

Standing, or rather swaying, in front of her was a familiar blue unicorn. Her silver mane hung in a haphazard fashion around her face. It was frayed, tangled and jutted out in every possible direction. A purple cape hung from the unicorns neck, albeit all to one side, revealing half of the mare’s body, the fur of which was damp, matted and appeared to be glistening with some form of sticky wet substance. None of these things were the first thing that struck Twilight though.

That was the smell.

Trixie stank of cider. The gut wrenching stench hit Twilight’s snout so hard upon opening the door that her gag reflex activated immediately, causing her to step back and throw a hoof over her nostrils.

“Sweet Celestia...” Twilight choked, eyes beginning to water from the odour.

“Twili... Shparkle!” The inebriated pony yelled after adjusting bloodshot eyes upon the librarian. Following Trixie’s rather unique pronunciation of Twilight’s name, the blue unicorn promptly fell on her face, the front half of her body slumped half way inside the door while her raised rear remained outside. A door upstairs creaked open.

“Twilight?” A sleepy voice called from above. “What’s going-“ Spike cut himself short as he observed the bizarre scene in front of him. “Is that-“

“Spike, we have a situation here and I’m going to need some help,” Twilight responded urgently, her voice still muffled behind a hoof. “Get me a towel, water, some pillows and blankets from upstairs please, and quickly.” Sensing the urgency in Twilight’s voice, Spike promptly set out to his assigned task, dashing back into the bedroom.

“Oh Trixie, what have you done to yourself?” Twilight whispered. Wrapping her magic around the intoxicated magician, she levitated Trixie inside, shutting the door with a hoof. She attempted to position Trixie upright, but her legs immediately went limp upon contact with the floor, leaving Twilight with no option but to lay her down on her side. Spike appeared moments later with the stack of items which Twilight had requested.

“Lay out the pillows on the floor Spike,” Twilight asked. She magically unclasped Trixie’s cape, folded it neatly and placed it on a table nearby. She then proceeded to dip a towel into the bucket of water and began wiping Trixie down, who squirmed feebly in response to the wet fabric.

“What’s the matter with her?” Spike asked.

“I think she may have had a little too much cider,” Twilight answered, her voice filled with concern.

“So... she’s hammered?”

“To put it bluntly, yes.”

“What’s she doing here?”

“That I can’t answer...”

“What are you going to do with her?”

“Well, I can’t just leave her out in the rain in her condition.” Twilight continued to gently clean Trixie as Spike finished creating a makeshift bed. “Perhaps we will get some answers in the morning,” Twilight yawned. She patted Trixie dry with the towel then levitated the twitching unicorn onto the pillows, pulling the blanket over her. Observing the pillows which Trixie now lay upon, Twilight narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Where did you get these pillows from Spike?”

“Oh um...” the dragon raised a nervous claw to his mouth. “I kinda panicked and grabbed the first ones I saw... which were from your bed.”

A frustrated frown crept onto Twilight’s face. “Great,” she groaned. “Never mind, I’ll stay down here with her anyway, make sure she lives through the night.” Annoyed as she was by being awoken in the middle of the night by a drunken Trixie, Twilight could not in good conscience allow something to happen to another pony on her doorstep. Looking over at the intoxicated mare she felt a pang of sympathy, Trixie’s usually perfect flowing hair was knotted into a tangled mess as she lay drooling on top of the pillows.

“You go back up to bed Spike, I’ll take it from here.”

“Alright, good luck Twilight!” Spike accepted, eager to get back to his warm bed.

Twilight pulled a stool up to the table next to Trixie. She rested her chin on her hooves, feeling her eyes grow heavy. Moments later she was back to the land of the unconscious.

Belly Rubs

A sharp pain in her snout and an all-body ache accompanied Twilight’s awakening that morning. She spent some time trying to figure out why her bed had all of a sudden become so horrifically uncomfortable. She found her answer when it became clear  that she was not in a bed at all but was, in fact, lying face down on a table, her body slumped over from a stool.

A thin strand of saliva stretched from her hoof to her mouth as she lifted her head to survey her surroundings. She soon recognised her library foyer, being no stranger to waking up slumped over a stack of books in its center. She did however, notice something out of place, a strange grinding noise which did not usually accompany her as she woke up down here. Glancing towards its source she found Trixie, snoring ferociously into one of the pillows of her makeshift bed. A pool of her own drool was forming in the pillow, her mouth filled with a clump of her silver mane. Hooves randomly poked out from under a blanket, which lay tangled in the rest of Trixie's body.

Twilight was overcome by a sudden mirth upon seeing Trixie’s ridiculous state.  She shook her head with a giggle and hopped off her stool. Approaching the unconscious magician, she extended a hoof to Trixie’s shoulder and began to gently shake her.

“Trixie, wake up,” she whispered.

“Nnnnnnngh...” a mumbled response followed by random shuffling.

“Trixie,” Twilight said louder, allowing her shaking to become more vigorous.

“Huzzah, wah...” Trixie mumbled, her eyes creaking open a fraction. She shielded them with her hooves as if the morning sunlight was trying to attack her. “Am... am I dead?” the dumbfounded unicorn asked. “Are you an angel?” she asked, squinting at Twilight.

“Hmm, not quite,” Twilight responded with a chuckle.

“I know that voice... you-” Trixie's revelation was cut off as her stomach suddenly lurched.

Twilight shrieked as Trixie gagged, lunging forward from her pillow stack. With lightning reflexes Twilight grabbed the bucket laying next to her with her magic and placed it in front of the stream of undigested material which Trixie had just jettisoned from her body. It made a sickening thump as it hit the back of the bucket. Trixie fell back onto her pillows with a miserable groan.

Gingerly placing the soiled bucket back on the floor, Twilight looked down at the pathetic mess that currently represented The Great And Powerful Trixie.

“Feel better?” She asked.

“I feel like I’m dying,” Trixie croaked.

“You probably weren’t far off.”

A few moments of silence passed as Trixie breathed heavily, laying on the pillows on her back, fore hooves sprawled to her sides.

“Here, drink some of this.” Twilight levitated a glass of water over to Trixie’s mouth,  who struggled to swallow the liquid from the position on her back.

“Could you do me a favour?” Trixie asked upon choking the liquid down.

“That depends,” Twilight replied, eyebrow raised in suspicion as she moved the glass back to a table.

“Would you rub my belly?”

“What?” Twilight replied with a deadpan stare.

“I could really do with a belly rub right now.”

Twilight just stared in awe, the sheer absurdity of her current situation causing her rational brain to short circuit.

“Pleeeeeeeease?” Trixie asked with wide eyes.

“You’re still drunk aren’t you?”

“Does that change the possibility of me getting a belly rub?”

“Not really, but you did say please, which for you means you’re probably still not in your right mind.” Twilight sighed, and once again felt a pang of empathy for the usually well groomed and dignified mare that now lay before her in a mess. “Alright, I’ll rub your belly,” Twilight conceded. "But it better not cause you to vomit again.”

“Can’t make promises.”

Shaking her head once again, Twilight proceeded to pull the covers down to reveal Trixie’s stomach. She then began to gently rub her hoof in a circular motion around the unicorn’s stomach.

“Mmm...,” Trixie hummed in response.

This is ridiculous, Twilight thought to herself.

“Thats... niiiice...” Trixie's voice trailed into another snore.

“Are you really falling asleep on me again?!” Twilight snapped, her voice rising with anger. Her only response was more snoring.

She threw her hoof to her face and shook her head once again, which by now was threatening to fall off her neck. With a deep sigh, she retreated to her own bed.

What cruel fate

For the third time in less than eight hours, Twilight found herself waking up once again. This particular time had the gracious factors of being of her own volition and finding herself in her own comfortable bed, instantly trumping the previous two awakenings.

With a yawn and a stretch, she jumped out of her bed. The memories of the bizarre night creeping back into her mind. The events were so absurd that, if Twilight wasn’t used to such ridiculous events happening around Ponyville, she briefly entertained the notion that she may have dreamed the whole thing.

But Twilight knew better.

Sure enough, upon strolling out to the landing overlooking the library foyer, she saw the makeshift bed that Trixie had spent the night in but, to her surprise, the azure unicorn herself was nowhere to be seen, the sheets and pillows strewn about as if they had just recently been vacated. Instead, the only evidence to Trixie’s possible presence was her cape lying amongst the sheets, and the sound of clanging cutlery in the kitchen. It seems the magician was rooting around Twilight’s dishes. With a frown, she trotted down the stairs to investigate.

Inside, Twilight found a sickly Trixie magically rummaging through the cabinets, levitating various articles of cutlery around the room. She was clutching her stomach as she searched, a pained expression dominating her face, the cheeks of which had a pale greenish tint.

“Trixie?” Twilight called out.

“AH!” Trixie yelped, startled. Her surprise caused her to drop the numerous plates she was levitating, which shattered spectacularly upon impact with the floor.

“Now look what you made me do!” Trixie moaned, her eyebrows knitting into a frown. Twilight’s own face soon matched Trixie’s in anger.

“Trixie, what are you doing rooting around my kitchen?”Twilight snapped, her voice getting ever higher with anger. “In fact, that’s just an addition to the many questions I have. What are you doing here at all?”

“That’s no way to speak to a guest in your house, especially not Trixie,” the magician replied, lifting her nose in the air.

“GUEST?!” Twilight screamed. “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK-*cough* I- *HACK*. Her yelling had devolved into a coughing fit as Twilight inhaled her own saliva, causing her to literally choke on her own rage. “What makes you think... you’re a guest here?” Twilight managed to splutter out between heaving breaths.

Trixie replied by giggling, Twilight’s anger an endless source of amusement for her. This only served to rile up the seething unicorn further, who was now standing with spread hooves and gritted teeth.

“You need to calm down Sparkle, all that anger will be a nightmare on your blood pressure,” Trixie teased, grinning to herself.

Twilight opened her mouth to yell again, but soon saw the futility in the act. Realising Trixie was clearly making an effort to be difficult; she took a deep breath before continuing.

“If you would care to explain what you’re doing here Trixie,” Twilight continued, her voice returning to its normal volume and pitch, “I would be delighted to hear it.”

Trixie eyed the purple unicorn for a few moments, hoof raised pensively to her chin. She was perhaps trying to find more ways to irritate the poor mare, but eventually found a moment of co-operation.

“I’m here on important royal business,” she explained eventually.

“Hold on, royal business?” Twilight repeated, aghast. “You were sent by the princess?”

“Indeed I was.”

“I don’t believe it, why would Celestia send you?”

“I never said Celestia sent me.” Trixie then summoned forth a letter from thin air, which she levitated over to Twilight, who’s brain was currently threatening to leap right out of her ears.

Dear Twilight Sparkle

I hereby support the efforts of Miss Trixie Lulamoon, who brought to me a unique request. Upon analysing her situation I suggested you to assist her, as I know of your prodigious skills. Miss Lulamoon will explain the rest.

Yours sincerely

The princess of the night

A stamp of a crescent moon on deep blue night sky adorned the bottom right corner of the letter, and Luna’s flowery signature was scrawled beside it.

“You went to Luna for a favour?” Twilight asked.

“Exactly, and for some bizarre reason she suggested I seek you of all ponies to help me.”

“But why Luna?”

“Because Celestia is always so busy. Trixie, being the diligent and resourceful pony that she is, went to the much lesser contacted but no doubt just as helpful princess of the night for her request. Oh and by the way, Trixie is going to be crashing here for a few days.”

“What have I done?” Twilight asked the kitchen ceiling. “When did I ever do something so horrible to deserve this punishment?” The ceiling remained stubbornly silent.

“Oh come now,” Trixie interrupted Twilight’s lamenting. “This could even be fun!” she smiled, batting her tail off of Twilight’s face as she walked past. “And make some breakfast would you? I’m starving, and I can’t find anything in this supposed kitchen.” With that, Trixie left Twilight alone, who could only hang her head in despair at the discovery of her new housemate.


Two ponies sat at the table in the libraries’ lobby. One was devouring a plate of pancakes, and it would seem she was going out of her way to make as much noise as possible doing it. Meanwhile, the other was busy scribbling on a piece of parchment. Trixie looked up from her pancakes momentarily to glance over at Twilight.

“What are you doing?” she mumbled through a mouthful of food, the thought of swallowing first never crossing her mind.

“Please don’t talk with your mouth full Trixie,” Twilight complained, not looking up from her writing. Trixie only rolled her eyes in response, and helped herself to another mouthful of pancake.

“Ugh, my stomach feels like a whirlpool,” Trixie moaned. “I could really use a belly rub.”

“Oh no! I’m not doing that again!” Twilight snapped, lifting her head to swing a hoof in declination.

“Wait... again?” Trixie asked, a grin forming on her face.

“Yeah you... you don’t remember?” The beginnings of a blush began to form on Twilight’s face.

“To be honest I can’t remember a thing between eight o'clock last night and when I woke up ten minutes ago. But are you seriously telling me you rubbed my belly?” Trixie demanded, a full blown smile now having formed on her face.

“Uh yeah...” Twilight murmured, her face glowing.

Trixie burst out in laughter. “Awwww, thanks Sparkle!” she said between guffaws. “Looks like you can be a good host when you try!” she laughed again, clutching her stomach and wincing in the process. “Oh why are you making me laugh like this, it’s far too painful right now!”

Twilight just sulked as Trixie laughed herself silly, but soon found herself smiling as she looked down at her parchment.

“Something tells me you won’t find this so funny,” Twilight passed the list to Trixie.

“What’s this?” she asked, observing the parchment. “CHORES?” she yelled, her mirth evaporating so suddenly it was almost audible. She scanned the colour-coded list which Twilight had just written. “Are you serious?”

“If you’re going to be staying here Trixie, you can make yourself useful,” Twilight explained with a smile as she felt herself gain the upper hoof for a moment.

“You really do know how to suck the fun out of any situation don’t you Sparkle?” Twilight only grinned in response. Trixie tossed the list on the table.

“So are you going to tell me what this big important mission you’re on is?”

“In time,” Trixie replied.

"How much time?"

"Who knows?"

Twilight shook her head, knowing well at this point that further questioning would just lead to irritation on her part. “Well, there is a lot of work to do if you’re going to be staying here. You best get started on your chores!” Twilight announced with immense satisfaction.

“Can I at least take a shower first?”

“That’s actually the first thing on your list, Trixie. You stink. By all means, please take a shower.”

Trixie opened her mouth to respond to the observation, but held it back due to the fact that she knew Twilight was absolutely correct. With a grumble she hopped off her stool.

“Where’s the bathroom?” she demanded

“Where’s the bathroom, please,” Twilight repeated, enjoying her moment of revenge.

“Seriously? Are you really going to do this?” Trixie stared at Twilight, who only smiled in response. After a few moments Trixie sighed.

“Fine, where’s the bathroom... please.”

“Upstairs, first door on your left!” Twilight answered with a huge grin.

As Trixie reached the top floor, the door to Twilight’s bedroom opened, revealing a small purple dragon rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Huh? Trixie?” He mumbled upon seeing the blue magician. “You’re still here huh?” He asked, anger soon creeping into his voice.

“I am, and I’m going to be staying here for a while too.”

“WHAT?” Spike yelled. He glanced down to see Twilight looking up at him.

“Morning Spike.”

“Twilight, is Trixie really going to be staying here?” he asked, his voice incredulous.

“Unfortunately she is Spike, so you’re going to have to try your best to get along with her.”

“Great,” Spike groaned. Trixie simply stuck her tongue out in response and trotted into the bathroom. “What’d we do to deserve this?”

“I already asked that question spike, but kitchen ceiling didn’t have a satisfactory answer.”

Involuntary Cuddles

“Ooh this one looks really comfortable.” Twilight padded the fluffy feather mattress of the bed in front of her.

“It’s a tad expensive dear,” Rarity replied, eyeing the price tag. “Is Trixie really worth spending so much money on? I can’t imagine she would do the same for you.”

“But I’m not Trixie, that’s the point,” Twilight explained. “I figure if I treat her well while she is with me she might feel the need to be less of a jerk.”

“Or she will take advantage of it and treat you like a doormat.”

“Don’t worry Rarity, I’m not pampering her. In fact, I’ve got her doing a bunch of chores right now while we are out. I don’t think Trixie is really a bad pony at heart. Just a little... misguided."

“Not the word I would use,” Rarity muttered.

“Besides, I figure if I get her a nice bed to sleep in, she’ll at least not have that to complain about. A good night’s sleep puts anypony in a good mood, and I’m willing to bet Trixie is no exception.” Twilight analysed the bed once again. “Yeah, I think we will take this one! Excuse me, sir!”


Having ordered the bed for delivery later that day, Twilight and Rarity returned to the library, Rarity having accepted Twilight’s offer of tea. She was less enthusiastic about the added ‘bonus’ of meeting Trixie again, but she decided that giving the egotistical magician another chance was not beyond her scope of ability. The two entered the Library’s front entrance.

“Trixie, we’re back!” Twilight called out as they stepped across the threshold. They were met with only silence. “Where’s she gotten herself to now?” Twilight asked the room.

Twilight scanned each of the ground floor and basement rooms as Rarity waited patiently in the foyer. These efforts proved fruitless. She told herself she would not find Trixie up in her room, prayed to herself in fact, but each empty room only increased that unfortunate possibility. With a deep sigh and an apology to her white coated friend, Twilight proceeded up to her bedroom.

Sure enough, there she found Trixie, in the last place she ever wanted to find Trixie.

In her bed.

Twilight could only stand gaping like a fish out of water at Trixie’s sheer audacity. She struggled to quell the sudden building irritation. She stomped far more loudly than necessary over to her bed.

“Trixie, I REALLY hope you have a good explanation for this one!” she yelled, shaking the blue pony awake once again.

“Huh? wah?” a startled Trixie mumbled.

“Trixie, what in Equestria are you doing IN MY BED?!” Twilight screamed.

“Ugh... napping, what does it look like,” Trixie replied, nonchalant as ever, rubbing her eyes without lifting her head from the pillow.

“But why MY bed?”

“I didn’t see another bed in this place,” Trixie pointed out.

“That’s because I was out getting you one!” Twilight's voice began to squeak again. “Don’t tell me this is what you did instead of those chores!”

“No actually,” Trixie snapped back. “I finished your stupid chores, which is why I treated myself to a nap.”

Twilights rage suddenly died upon this startling revelation.

“Oh...,” Twilight paused, lost for words. “You really got them all done?”

“Yup, you seem surprised,” Trixie teased, rolling over to look Twilight in the eye with a smile, cuddling her pillow as she did.

“Well... that still doesn’t give you an excuse to sleep in my bed, get up!”

“Nah, I'm comfy here,” Trixie decided, snuggling closer to Twilight’s pillow.

“Oh, you wanna do it that way huh?” Twilight suddenly grabbed the bed sheets covering Trixie and pulled with all her might. With a surprised yelp, Trixie found herself rolling out of the bed towards Twilight, an eventuality the purple unicorn did not account for. Before she could react, Twilight found herself tangled in the bed sheets on the floor, Trixie pushed up against her. Nose to nose, the two ponies attempted to squirm free.

“Ungh, get off me Trixie!” Twilight grunted as she struggled with the bed covers.

“Hey, this one isn't my fault genius, you should have thought about what might happen if you pulled me out of the bed towards you.”

There were so many hooves in places that neither pony knew which belonged to whom, their struggling only seeming to bring the two closer to each other, rather than the desired opposite effect. A sudden voice froze the two in place.

“Oh dear,” Rarity exclaimed upon entering the room, attempting to hide the grin slowly forming on her face behind a hoof.

“Oh good, Rarity,” Twilight said, relieved. “Could you lend us a hoof?”

“Umm, what exactly would I be helping out with here?” Rarity giggled.

“Help us get out of these sheets, what else?”

“Of course, of course,” Rarity agreed, snickering to herself all the while. She magically freed the two from their cosy prison.

“You have Trixie’s thanks, Twilight Sparkle can really act out of hoof sometimes,” Trixie announced as she lifted herself to four hooves. She scanned the white unicorn standing before her.

“Oh I remember you, Rare- something right?”

“Rarity,” she replied with narrowed eyes.

“Ah yes, well, hope we can get past all that amulet business yes? Let bygones be bygones,” Trixie spoke with the most carefree tone. “Anyway it seems I have a new bed to inspect, speak to you girls later.” With that, Trixie trotted out of the room.

“She’s unbelievable!” Rarity pointed out upon Trixie’s departure.

“Sure is,” Twilight agreed.

Twilight’s voice reminded Rarity of her presence, which had the added effect of reminding her of the scene she had previously found the two mares in. She struggled to stifle another giggle upon catching Twilight’s eye.

“Oh be quiet!” Twilight snapped, a blush once again forming on her face.

Just have a little

"Trixie's new bed is quite satisfactory," the blue magician announced, having given it a test run the night before.

"It's pronounced thank you, Trixie," Twilight remarked, her eyes never leaving the the pages of the book in front of her. She lay on the floor, her back to Trixie, who was sprawled out on a couch behind her, looking the very definition of boredom.

"Is this really what you do all day?" The restless magician inquired.

"I certainly try to, but with the constant distractions I have to deal with, it proves quite difficult."

Trixie sulked, staring vacantly at the purple unicorn in front of her. Restless, she found herself jumping off the chair and walking towards the pony sitting before her. Twilight's ears pricked up as she heard hooves approaching.

"Trixie, what are you-eep!" Twilight squeaked as she felt two hooves wrap around her waist.

"Just trying to entertain myself," Trixie whispered into her ear. She placed a hoof on the side of Twilight's face, turning it until they made eye contact.

"What... I...," Twilight whispered, breathless, her adorable blush once again covering her face.

"Shhh," Trixie whispered, leaning in to touch her lips with her own.

Trixie blinked as she came back to reality from the daydream. She began to feel even more restless now that her bored mind has began straying towards those thoughts. She found herself wondering what Twilight would think if she knew what she had just fantasized about. This only served to make her more agitated.  

"Hey, I know," Trixie spoke suddenly, trying to take control of her wandering mind. "We should have a drink!"

"Seriously Trixie?" Twilight responded, looking up from her books. "You really want another drink after your performance a couple of days ago?"

"Hey, that was a... strange circumstance. Trixie never usually gets quite so intoxicated. I swear to you that I know how to handle my drink... usually."

"I dunno Trixie. Besides I don't really drink myself, so there isn't much around here."

"Oh come on Twilight, I did your dumb chores for you, at least try to be fun for once in your life."

"You know Trixie, generally if you want something from another pony, it helps if you don't insult them as you ask."

"Really? Trixie has had no issues with this method in the past."

Twilight's ears drooped in frustration.

"Alright. I do have a couple of bottles of cider that Applejack gave me as a gift. I'll go fetch them."

"Yay!" Trixie cheered, pleased with getting her own way.

"On one condition!"

Trixie's mirth quickly left her.

"What now? Don't tell me you have another stupid list for me."

Twilight struggled to contain the anger she felt from Trixie calling a list stupid. She briefly contemplated scolding her again, but she could already hear Trixie's laughter that would result from allowing her to see how much insulting parchment had gotten to her.

"I just want to know what you are doing here Trixie."

"Ahh... yes," Trixie lifted a hoof to her chin. "I figured that would come up eventually."

"It was probably silly of me to assume you were going to just tell me at some point?"

"Probably." Trixie agreed.

"So you'll explain if I get you something to drink?"

"Well, alcohol tends to loosen most lips. I figure its worth a shot. What have you got to lose?"

Twilight was aware Trixie had guaranteed nothing, but decided it was worth a try.

"Alright, wait here."


"This is really quite decent stuff," Trixie announced, taking another sip from her glass.

"Of course, the Apple family know their cider. You've met Applejack before. Orange coat, always wears a hat?" Twilight giggled, the cider already taking effect on the drink-inexperienced mare, causing her speaking to double in speed.

"Sounds somewhat familiar," Trixie agreed.

"So tell me what you want my help with Trixie," Twilight asked, the cider giving her the confidence to be blunt.

Trixie stared down at her glass, her mind in a desperate scramble to find some excuse or method of avoiding the topic. The alcohol in her system made the task no less difficult. She briefly cursed herself for managing to back herself into a corner like this. She glanced up at Twilight, who was smiling and waiting patiently for her answer.

"Are you much of a teacher Twilight?" She answered eventually. She figured she may be able to skirt the issue by addressing it just slightly.

"A teacher?" Twilight responded in confusion.

"Yeah, have you ever thought other ponies things? Magic even?"

"Oh well sure, I've given a lecture or two back in school, presentations and things like that. I often give my friends lectures but they... don't seem to appreciate them as much." The sudden image of Rainbow Dash rolling her eyes flashed through Twilight's mind.

Realising she had Twilight distracted, Trixie saw her opportunity to steer the conversation her way.

"I bet you would be a good teacher Sparkle." Trixie knew that compliments were a foolproof way to manipulate another pony.

"Wow, thanks Trixie," Twilight began to blush, the sudden unexpected compliment catching her off guard. Trixie smiled as she saw her usual charms taking effect.

"Why don't you tell me about some of your time back in school? What lectures did you give?"

A wide smile crossed Twilight's face at this request.

"You really want to hear about my school days?!" Twilight asked again, excited by a request she had not before received.

"Sure, as long as there is another bottle of cider on the way."

"No problem!" Twilight announced with enthusiasm, dashing into the kitchen once again.


"Wow, it's gotten pretty late," Twilight noted, a yawn escaping her mouth as she observed the darkness outside. "I think I'm gonna hit the hay. You coming Trixie?" The new bed had been placed in the same room as Twilight's, Trixie having refused to sleep down in the basement. Spike had decided the basement sounded more appealing than sleeping in the same room as Trixie, so he opted to move down there himself instead.

"Yeah, uh, I'll be up in a minute." She felt relief as she realised she had managed to postpone her intentions for another while longer.

"OK!" Twilight smiled a crooked smile, her head swaying slightly. Trixie giggled.

"You know you're quite cute when you're drunk Sparkle."

"I'm not drunk!" Twilight rejected, her words containing a slight slur. A blush was beginning to form on her face, a mixture of Trixie's comment and the alcohol. "I'm just tired," she claimed, looking away from Trixie with embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush too."

"Cut it out Trixie!" Twilight demanded, failing miserably to hide the smile forming on her face, and the blush dominating her cheeks. "I'm going to bed!" With that she ran up the stairs, only stumbling twice on the way.

Trixie watched her go with a smile. Finishing her drink, she got up to follow, only for her eye to fall on the book Twilight had been reading earlier. She approached it, scanning the cover. 'Advanced Transformation Magic' was printed on the black leather cover in gold text. She opened the inside cover, revealing a large intricate stamp. 'From the library of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns'. Her forehead creased into a frown upon seeing the stamp.

"Of course..." she muttered to herself.



Twilight looked down on a slumbering Trixie, her face contorted into a clear look of disapproval.

Two o' clock in the afternoon and she still hasn't bothered to get her lazy flanks out of bed. That's it, enough is enough.

"Trixie!" Twilight yelled, shaking the slumbering magician.

"Huh? wha?" Trixie mumbled as she was violently yanked from her sleep.

"I've had enough of this Trixie. If you're going to stay here you're not going to stay in bed all day, especially if you won't even tell me the reason you're here. I'm not running a hotel here, in fact, in a hotel I'd actually get paid, but so far all I've gotten is a unicorn who-"

"Jeez I'm barely awake half a minute and you're already going at me. Even in my sleep I can irritate you," she said with a smile as she stretched in the bed, her voice holding a tone of pride in her ability to annoy the purple unicorn.

"You've just wandered into my home claiming to be sent here by Princess Luna on some important errand which, for some reason I can't fathom, you won't even tell me what it is! I mean seriously-"

"If I tell you why I'm here will you leave me alone?"

"That'd be kinda hard Trixie since the reason you are here seems to involve you living with me."

"I mean will you at least stop yelling at me for five minutes?"

"If you could actually give me some answers and stop being so difficult about everything, sure."

"Fine!" Trixie agreed, still wrapped in her blankets. A few moments of silence passed.

"Well?!" Twilight snapped, impatient.

"I'm here to get some..." Trixie mumbled, her voice trailing off.

"I didn't quite hear that."

"I'm here to get some tutoring ok!" Trixie finally answered, her voice angry, as though she was furious at having to admit the fact.

"Tutoring on what?"

"Ugh... I used to go to Celestia's stupid School For Gifted Unicorns."

"Really? You went there?"

"Yeah, why? Is that a surprise? Think I'm not good enough for that snobby place?"

"Well I am a little surprised, I mean its a pretty prestigious school, although, I'm guessing you weren't too fond of the place?"

"Wow, you really are a genius!" Sarcasm dripped from Trixie's voice.

"Right look, clearly you have some history with the place you're not happy about, and that's fine. I for one really enjoyed the school, but that's neither here nor there right now. You've come here for help. What is it you need?"

"I dropped out of the place before doing my final exams. I asked if I could repeat it and Luna told me it would be possible, but she said I would need to get help, despite me telling her I'm sure I could handle it by myself. She insisted, and I wasn't in the mood to argue with the pony who once tried to plunge the world into eternal darkness."

"That wasn't..." Twilight sighed, allowing the comment on Nightmare Moon to pass. She didn't need more arguments, she was finally getting some real answers.

"Right fine, so Luna suggested me?"

"Yup," Trixie confirmed. She had adopted a sitting position against the bedpost, fore hooves crossed at her chest.

Twilight could not help but feel smug at being recommended to teach Trixie.

"Well Trixie, I'd be happy to have you as a student-"

"Student?! Oh no, that's not what this is. I'm only here because apparently I need to be tutored by someone who sat the exam. I can handle it by myself, I'm not going to be bossed around by you."

Twilight's patience had run its course.

"I'm offering to help you and you just keep throwing it back in my face! What's your problem? I let you stay here, I fed you, and I just agreed to help you. Can't you just be grateful for once?" her voice had reached that high pitch again, and she found herself heaving as she yelled at the arrogant pony sitting in the bed before her.

Trixie looked down at Twilight, and smiled once again as she witnessed the furious bookworm. She really is adorable when she gets all angry, she mused.

"Right, fine," Trixie conceded, her mood improved by the sight of a frazzled Twilight, something she had really come to enjoy. "I'll accept your help, just don't get ahead of yourself and think this means you can boss me around."

Twilight took a deep breath to calm herself. She realised she was in a position of power here. Even if Trixie wouldn't admit it, she needed her help. Twilight just had to figure out how to use that fact to her advantage.

"Alright, I'm going to need to head to Canterlot to grab some of the course material, I don't have the books here."


“Unbelievable, seriously.” Twilight sulked on a bench amidst the green surroundings of one of Ponyville’s many public parks.

“Oh lighten up Sparkle, it was delayed by half an hour, we have all day. You really need to learn to relax,” Trixie, attired in her distinct purple cape, responded.

“But I want to have plenty of time in Canterlot's library. Trains should be on time. They have a schedule. What’s the point in them having a schedule if they don’t follow it? If I was in charge of that station this sort of thing would never happen.”

“Yeah, the world would be such a better place if everypony was as neurotic as you.”

“Things would certainly get done on time, I can tell you that.”

The two sat for a few moments in silence, the only sounds being the irregular song of various birds and the humming and buzzing of their insect prey. The sun radiated across the park, failing to pierce the large oak tree which shaded the two ponies.

“I’m not sitting here with you for half an hour if you’re going to slouch there in a huff over a delayed train. Let’s go walk or something,” Trixie demanded, hopping down from the bench.

“Fine,” Twilight moaned, following the azure unicorn.

Twilight continued her irritable silence as the two strolled through the fragrant park, the scent of tulips, roses and a variety of other flora creating a sweet perfume in the warm air. Trixie took a deep breath, catching the pleasant aroma of the flowers, along with a much stronger smell. A deep scent of lilac flowed through her nostrils, despite the flower being nowhere in the vicinity. She soon realised the delightful scent was coming from the pony in her company. She glanced over to the culprit, whose head was hanging low, her eyes glaring at the ground in contempt. Twilight’s scrunched up frown and sweet scent proved to be a potent combination, causing Trixie to feel a sudden surge in her stomach. Her heart rate increased, and she felt as though the already warm air suddenly became hotter. She was overcome with the urge to grab the purple pony and just hold her until her hooves fell off. The intense feeling of desire began to unnerve her slightly, her mind struggling to understand how these emotions became so overwhelming. Shaking her head, she desperately searched for something to derail this train of thought. Upon noticing how close she was to Twilight, her mouth curved into a sly grin. Swinging her hips, she gently bumped into the brooding unicorn.

“Hey! Watch it Trixie,” Twilight snapped upon her rump being attacked by Trixie’s hip. Trixie responded only by looking in the opposite direction, then swinging her hip once again.

“Cut it out Trixie!” Twilight asked again, frowning in confusion. “What are you-“ she was cut short by another assault from Trixie’s hips.

Twilight growled in response, swinging her own hip in retaliation. While this may have been the exact response Trixie was hoping to elicit, she was not prepared for the sudden force with which Twilight retaliated. With a shrill yelp, she felt her knees buckle under the sudden bump, and before she knew it she was rolling on her side on the grass.

“Oh my gosh Trixie, I’m sorry!” Twilight cried, dashing towards the fallen unicorn. “I didn’t mean to- ah!” With an equally pitched cry, Twilight found herself rolling face first towards the grass, a pair of hooves having interrupted her own connection with the ground. She felt herself being pulled over the other pony's body, rolling onto her side. She struggled to fight back, a strange and sudden mirth building in her chest. She found herself smiling as she wrestled with Trixie’s hooves, which were know pushing their master over herself.

For a few moments she looked up to see the magician grinning down at her, her features darkened by the contrast of the bright sun directly behind her, but the image only lasted moments as Twilight grabbed Trixie’s sides and heaved with all her strength, sending the azure unicorn plummeting back down to earth.

And the process continued like this for a time neither pony could estimate, each one wrestling to get above the other, the pair giggling in unison to create a harmonic tune which reverberated throughout the park, their laughter joining the song of the birds and the humming of the bees.

Eventually the two found themselves laying on their sides face to face, panting furiously for air. Their cheeks were both flushed red, their mouths stretched into uncontrollable grins. They lay there, looking into each others eyes, until soon the heat was not the only thing making them blush. Trixie felt her extremities begin to tingle as she stared into those deep purple eyes, the tension becoming stronger every second. She struggled to find something to say, her mouth growing dry. She quickly found herself jumping to her hooves.

“Ahem,” she grunted, clearing her throat. She flicked her mane, and with an upturned nose she said: “Well, Trixie thinks it’s clear who the victor of that little contest was.”

“Hah! You wish!” Twilight debated, jumping to her own hooves. She suddenly grew quiet again, remembering that the two were in a public place. “I wonder if anypony saw us,” she questioned nervously.

“And why would that be an issue?” Trixie asked with a smile.

“Well, it wouldn’t, but...” Twilight struggled for an answer. Fortunately she was saved by the shrill cry of a train whistle signalling its impending departure.

“Oh, there’s the train!” Twilight cried, hopping on the convenient distraction. “Better get going!” she yelled, almost sprinting towards the station.

With a smile, Trixie followed the lavender sorceress.

Returning Home

"Where are you going?" Trixie yelled at Twilight, raising her voice over the bustling noise of Canterlot's station, a stark contrast to the quiet Ponyville stop.

"Uhm, to the library?" Twilight responded, confused. "Like we planned?"

Trixie walked as close as possible to Twilight, officially to avoid losing her in the crowd and so that her voice could be heard, but off the record she enjoyed the proximity to the mare which she was growing increasingly fond of as she spent more time in her company.

"You're taking a very roundabout way to it." Trixie explained, eliciting another confused look from Twilight. They had just about escaped the vortex of noise coming from the station, and could now speak without yelling. Despite the crowds dispersing, Trixie still stayed close to Twilight.

"I'm taking the most direct route there!"

"No, you're not." Trixie said, matter-of-factly. "Head down that little street there and you wont have to go all the way around the market area."

"You went to school here so I'm guessing you lived here as well?"

"Of course."

"And you think you know this place better than me?"

"Yes, you don't strike me as somepony who got out too much."

Twilight felt a pang of frustration at the truth of Trixie's statement.

"Well, I'll admit I don't know the back streets too well. My parents always told me to avoid them when I was younger. It's a habit I stuck to."

"Trust me, this street will take us right to the library. And don't worry, Trixie will hold your hoof if you're afraid." she offered with a grin.

"I think I can handle it," Twilight smiled back. "Lead the way."

"We could hold hooves anyway..." Trixie whispered under her breath.

"What?" Twilight asked in response to the murmur.

"Nothing! This way!" Trixie replied quickly.

As it turns out, Trixie wasn't bluffing about the directness of this hidden little street. They were at the library in minutes. Twilight was impressed, her penchant for good time-keeping adding to her appreciation.

"I've got to say Trixie, you do know this city well."

"So you went to the same school when you were younger too?"

"Yeah, I attended the school up until I moved to Ponyville. Its funny, I don't remember seeing you, and there wasn't really that many students. I figured I would have bumped into you at some point."

"No, you wouldn't have, and there's a good reason for that, but that's perhaps a story for another day. Shall we proceed with the task we came here for?"

"Right sure, it may take a while to find all these books, the course is quite comprehensive."

"Take your time." Trixie smiled at Twilight, holding eye contact for long enough to make the purple unicorn uneasy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Twilight asked, her adorable blush once again appearing on her cheeks.

"Yes! For that! Trixie enjoys making Twilight Sparkle blush."

"Not this again!" Twilight moaned, running inside the library.

Trixie followed with a giggle.


Starlight illuminated the train as it rumbled back towards Ponyville. Inside a purple unicorn gazed out at the infinite number of glowing orbs that dotted the clear night sky from her seat in the train's square cabin. Beside her sat a neatly stacked column of books, and across from her a blue magician lay on her back on the opposite long seat, one leg dangling off the side, fore-hooves pressed together atop her chest. Twilight noticed she looked oddly pensive, as she was concentrating particularly hard on the unremarkable cabin ceiling.

"Something on your mind Trixie?" Twilight asked, turning to her.

Trixie took a few moments to reply. "Just pondering some things." A minute or so of silence followed before Trixie spoke up again.

"Do you have a special somepony Sparkle?" Trixie asked suddenly.

Taken off guard by the seemingly random question, Twilight donned a confused look.

"Umm... what do you mean? Like somepony that I'd be romantically involved with?"

"Yeah," Trixie confirmed.

"Not right now, no. If I did I'm sure you would have met them by now!"

"True," Trixie agreed. "But would you like one?"

"Well, it's not really something I've really given much thought to. It's kinda something I figure that will happen when it happens. May I ask where this random line of questioning stemmed from?"

"Nowhere in particular," Trixie responded with her well-practiced apathy, making it impossible for Twilight to know if she was being honest. "Just a question that came into my head."

"Fair enough," Twilight allowed." What about yourself?"

"Trixie has not found a pony that meets her standards yet."

Twilight could not help but giggle at the very Trixie response to the question. The very sound of Twilight's laughter seemed to seize control of Trixie's facial muscles, causing them to spread into a smile without any conscious acknowledgement on her own part.

"Trixie would need a very special, very talented, very pretty pony to date her," she explained, all the while maintaining her pensive glare at the ceiling.

"Well, maybe you can begin on that task after the exam," Twilight suggested.

"Would you be willing to help Trixie with that search as well?" she joked.

"A little outside my area of expertise, I think," Twilight added with a giggle, the sound of which once again did things to Trixie's belly that were outside her mental control. She decided that she liked that sound very much.

"It's a beautiful night out tonight," Twilight observed. "I think I'll do a little stargazing tonight. Are you familiar with any astronomy Trixie?"

"I know a few constellations." Trixie admitted.

"Care to join me and my telescope tonight?" Twilight asked with an excited smile.

"Sure, why not?" Trixie's response did not betray a single hint of the hidden intense desire she held to spend a beautiful night with the lavender unicorn under the shining stars. Another large smile spread across her lips.


"I don't see it," Trixie squinted at the bright cluster of stars to which Twilight's hoof was pointing.

"Really? It's right there!" Twilight exclaimed. "Your just not looking at it right." She took Trixie's head between her two hooves and pointed it directly at the constellation. Then, one arm around Trixie's shoulder, she began to trace out the shape of a ram with her free hoof. "You see? That's aries."

"Uh huh," Trixie replied dreamily, inhaling the deep lavender scent of Twilight's mane. She must use some fantastic shampoo! Trixie mused to herself. Twilight's sudden proximity had completly distracted her from the constellation that the purple unicorn was struggling to describe, the warmth of her body against her own stealing her concentration.

"You're not interested at all are you?" Twilight asked dejected, pulling away from Trixie.

"That one just doesn't stand out, what's next?" Trixie responded quickly, frightened that her evening under the stars may have been cut short by her unruly attention span.

"Well the next one is... oh..." Twilight stopped suddenly as she found another cluster of stars.

Trixie followed her gaze, and soon recognized what had caused Twilight's hesitance. An all too familiar family of stars loomed back at her.

"Ursa minor," Trixie announced, staring pensively into the sky where the bear shaped cluster of lights glared down at her. "Not my favourite constellation."

"I'm not much of a fan anymore either," Twilight agreed with a smile. "Most other constellations are kind enough not to attempt to destroy the town I'm living in."

The two sat in silence, huddled close together as the cloudless night sky provided passage to a cold wind. Their altitude on the Library's highest balcony added to its chill. Despite this, the two ponies were still happy to sit gazing at the black illuminated canvas upon which the princess of the night had placed her splendid work. The slumbering town of Ponyville below created little noise, the only interruptions to what would be perfect silence were the sounds of crickets and the occasional hoot from owlicious, who was hunting in the proximity.

"There was an awful lot of books you took back from the library," Trixie spoke up eventually, breaking the peaceful silence. "How long do you think it will take to get through them all?"

"That depends on how hard you're willing to work, but they weren't all course material, I grabbed a few extra things while I was there," Twilight admitted.

"I'm amazed your cutie mark isn't a book," Trixie said with a grin.

"Me too actually," Twilight agreed with a smile. "Did you get your cutie mark from a performance?"

"Mine? Oh no, Trixie got her cutie mark when she was very young!" Trixie announced proudly, suddenly entering showpony mode. "It appeared when Trixie discovered her amazing talent for illusion magic."

"Got any impressive spells you would like to share?" Twilight asked eagerly.

"Hmmm, a magician never reveals the secret of their tricks," Trixie teased, enjoying Twilight's attention. "But I suppose I could show you this one."

Trixie sat, closing her eyes and remaining perfectly still for several seconds. Twilight began to wonder if whatever trick she was attempting wasn't working, when a sudden rush of magic flowed from Trixie's horn, enveloping her body. The voilet stream circled Trixie, then began to attatch itself to the surface of her fur, covering her like a second skin. As the magic stretched across her body, it went clear, then shone a brilliant white. Twilight shielded her eyes as the bright flashes attacked her retina's. As the light dissapated, Twilight blinked, her vision returning in time to see the layer of magic turned reflective, and suddenly Trixie was a living mirror, perfectly reflecting every surface around her. Twilight was about to applaud the spectacle when the mirror Trixie began to change colour again, a deep purple replacing the reflective surfaces. The colour covered her entire body, whilst a darker shade moulded itself into the shape of a mane and tail. After a few moments, the colours stopped moving, and Twilight stared as she stood face to face with Twilight Sparkle.

"Ooooh," Twilight coo'd as she observed a perfect replica of herself standing in front of her.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," the clone spoke in a perfect imitation of Twilight's voice, pacing back and forth on the balcony. "I have an obsessive, perhaps even sexual, love for books, and I'd read all day long if I could."

Twilight giggled, blushing a little at the implications the mirror Twilight was making. "That's quite an impressive trick Trixie, can you copy anypony?"

"It's a variation of a mirror spell," Twilight-Trixie explained. "So I only look like you to you. To any other pony I look like whoever is looking at me. You can imagine how difficult it was for me to know it was working, since I still look like myself to me! But no challenge is too great for Trixie!" the clone announced, creating a very bizzare image as she placed Twilight's hoof to Twilight's chest as she made this announcement.

"Well, like I said I'm impressed! You really earned that cutie mark!"

With another bright flash of light, the azure Trixie appeared in front of Twilight again.

"Well, Trixie is naturally fantastic," she smiled, her voice returning to normal.

"I'd love to learn some of your tricks sometime!"

"Well, that's a tall request, asking for a magician to reveal her methods!" Trixie replied, stringing Twilight along. "But perhaps I could be convinced to reveal a trick or two," she allowed. "I don't just share them with anypony."

"I understand," Twilight agreed, gazing back up at the stars. "Building a truly close friendship takes time."

Trixie observed her purple housemate, her features illuminated by the moonlight bathing her lavender body, the shine highlighting the curves of her body. She really was a treat to look at, but that wasn't it. Trixie was used to being around attractive ponies, but Twilight just had a... magic to her that Trixie could not describe.

"Are Trixie and Twilight Sparkle friends?" Trixie asked.

"Hmm, that's a difficult one alright!" Twilight smiled in response. "I'm a bit of an expert in the area, so I think I can see the starts of an early friendship, and new ones are always exciting. I think we may have some clashing personality traits, but I could say the same about many of my other friends. You have a unique view on things, and you just showed that you know some impressive magic as well. I'd love to learn more about you if you were willing to share."

Trixie was taken aback by Twilight's honesty, having not expected such an in-depth response. She soon began to realise that Twilight, unlike herself, was no stranger to sharing her feelings with others. A part of her wanted to tell Twilight that she liked, in fact really liked her company.

"But of course, Trixie is wonderful company," she answered eventually, reverting to the easy response. Twilight simply smiled in response.

"I think I'm going to call it a night," Twilight yawned with a stretch, pushing the door to the bedroom open with a hoof. "You coming?"



Sleep would not come for Trixie. Her head was too busy debating her feelings with her observations. Why does Twilight Sparkle get in my head so? she questioned with a frown as she lay in her bed. Sure, she was cute, but physical attraction rarely held Trixie's attention for long. Was it the impressive magic? Her intelligence? Or was it just the fact that she was so adorably awkward?

With a frustrated sigh, Trixie propped herself up on her elbows, looking across at the slumbering mare who would not leave her thoughts. Soft breaths flowed out of her open mouth. Trixie felt butterflies in her stomach, followed by more frustration. With a grunt she spun around and slammed her eyes shut, resolving not to let her mind get the better of her.


Trixie awoke roughly an hour later from the fitful semi-sleep she had forced herself into. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves, her half asleep brain processing her surroundings. She groaned as she noticed it was still dark outside, indicating that her attempts at sleeping had failed again. She glanced over to Twilight, who was still snoozing quietly.

Trixie's half asleep mind decided that Twilight's bed looked very comfortable, and would perhaps provide a sounder sleep. Some small part of her mind called foul to this idea, suggesting that she may have a difficult time explaining to Twilight what she was doing in her bed. Trixie decided that problem was for future Trixie to deal with. She wanted into Twilight's bed now, and she'd be damned if she was going to allow something as insignifcant as the passage of time stop her!

So the sleepy Trixie crawled out of her own bed and squirmed her way under Twilight's blanket, cuddling up to the purple mare from behind. The sleeping twilight only responded with some minor shuffling, her comatose mind reacting to the presence of Trixie's body heat by moving close to it. Trixie wrapped her hooves around Twilight's waist and snuggled into the pillow Twilight was lying on.

Yup! This isn't a terrible idea at all! Trixie mused as she revelled in the cozy comfort of Twilight's bed. She soon drifted off to the sleep she seeked, not at all concerned with the consequences the morning may bring.


Trixie blinked as reality blurred back into her vision. Oddly, that vision was dominated by a thick purple mane. Her eyes grew wide as she found herself in the compromising position she had entered willingly into last night. In her arms lay a slumbering Twilight, facing away from her. It seemed she was still oblivious to the new member of her bed.

I could just slip away Trixie thought to herself. If she was lithe enough Twilight would be none the wiser. But it is so very cosy here... she debated, her eyelids still heavy from sleep, and the warmth of Twilight's body creating an impossible level of comfort. Maybe just a few more minutes...

Unfortunately those few minutes cost her, as the unknowing mare in front of her began to stir. Trixie bit her lip as Twilight squirmed in her arms. The waking unicorn rubbed her own nose with a hoof before turning over. Trixie stared wide-eyed as a still asleep Twilight buried her head into Trixie's chest, wrapping her hooves tight around her back. She grunted as Twilight squeezed the air out of her, trying desperately to remain silent under Twilight's unconscious attack. After having found a sufficiently comfortable region in Trixie's chest, the slumbering Twilight let out a moan of approval, and began to breath softly once again.

Now trapped in Twilight's arms, Trixie began to lament last nights decision. How in Equestria was she going to explain this one away? Then again, Twilight hadn't really asked for an explanation of most of her behavior so far, but she figured even the understanding unicorn would be curious as to the reason behind this one. And what could Trixie tell her? She barely knew the reason herself. It looked comfortable seemed a bit flimsy.

Seeing no easy conclusion to this thought process, Trixie just shrugged and resolved to enjoy the intense cosiness she found herself in. Resting her chin atop Twilight's head, she allowed her eyelids to droop shut.


Some time later, Twilight began to shuffle again. Trixie opened her eyes in time to observe the lavender mare scrunching her face as she brushed it off Trixie's chest. Her subconscious had no doubt began to question why her pillow had suddenly become so hairy. Trixie grimaced as she foresaw the inevitable questioning that was soon to come.

Upon finally blinking her own eyes open, a look of confusion immediately crossed Twilight's face. She leaned her head back to achieve a better view of the strange, warm, blue object which now lay in her bed. She then glanced up to see a face grinning sheepishly back at her. Twilight turned her head back to Trixie's chest as her mind tried to piece the current situation together. She failed to find a logical explanation.

"Umm... Trixie?" she began.

"Yes Twilight?" Trixie responded, perfectly calm.

"You may not be surprised to hear that I'm just a little confused right now."

"No, not at all."

"We did go to sleep in separate beds last night, right?"

"Uh huh."

"And, this is my bed right?"

"It is."

"Was there something wrong with your bed then?"

You weren't in it was the initial response that flashed through Trixie's mind.

"Not in particular," she answered instead.

"Ok, it seems I'm just going to have to ask then... what are you doing in my bed Trixie?"

This short exchange all happened from the same position the two had found themselves in before it began, with Twilight too busy trying to decipher the situation to remove her arms from Trixie, and Trixie in turn concentrating too hard to find an excuse to release Twilight from her own. She contemplated that they may well remain in this position if she simply didn't answer Twilight, a conclusion she was not too adverse to, but she felt that the longer she left Twilight without an answer, the stranger this already bizarre situation would become.

"Well... it looked comfortable." Trixie explained, cursing her brain for reverting to the very same flimsy excuse she had thought of minutes ago.

"I see..." Twilight responded slowly. "In all honesty, I can't argue against that point." She could not deny the cosiness of Trixie's body wrapped around her own. "A little warning would have been nice though."

"Well, I didn't want to wake you," Trixie smiled, happy that the situation seemed to be going far better than she expected.

Twilight struggled to decide if that gesture was actually more considerate than thoughtless.

"Also, I don't get an opportunity for such a cosy sleep travelling out on the road," Trixie blurted out, as if the confession made the situation less strange. She did not know if she immediately regretted the statement or not.

"Oh..." Twilight responded, taken aback by the honest admission. She looked up at Trixie. "I figure it must have gotten quite lonely sometimes."

"It did but, It was a choice I made. Other ponies tend to just irritate me so I prefer some alone time but, well, lets just say some nights I wouldn't have turned this opportunity down." Trixie grinned, trying to make light of what Twilight saw as a open revelation about herself, something Trixie had avoided up to this point. It gave Twilight a warm feeling, and a smile spread across her lips. A few moments of silence passed as the two ponies lay with each other, the situation having suddenly become comfortable instead of terribly strange.

"Well, next time, maybe ask before you hop into my bed again," Twilight added with a giggle.

Trixie smiled wide as she realised she had somehow bumbled her way into making what should have been a horribly awkward situation quite a pleasant one. She pinned it down to her natural suave charms.

"We'll see," she responded with a grin.

A Familiar Horror

"Who in their right mind would live in a place like this?"

Trixie observed the intimidating surroundings of the Everfree Forest as she questioned the sanity of the resident they were on their way to visit. Thick branches loomed overhead, blocking out any trace of the bright sunlight, effectively creating a secluded night inside the looming trees. Trixie tried hard to mask the nervousness that the gloomy thicket instilled in her, the presence of a purple unicorn to her side made this task easier. The accompanying yellow pegasus was not unwelcome either.

"The Everfree Forest is quite a dangerous place, but Zecora has lived here safely for a long time," Twilight explained. "We are just here to grab that book off her, it shouldn't take long"

"So long as you stick to the most direct path, and keep your guard up, the trip to Zecora's hut is never too much trouble," a soft voice interjected.

"Exactly," Twilight agreed, "but I always like to have Fluttershy with me when she is able. There is nopony else you want more by your side in a place like this." Twilight's compliment caused a redness to creep into Fluttershy's cheeks, which she tried to hide behind her pink mane.

"Why is that?" Trixie asked dubiously, failing to see what the demure pegasus had to offer in a dangerous situation.

"Fluttershy has an incredible talent that allows her to communicate with animals!" Twilight explained with a smile. "She can get almost any creature to listen to her."

"Twilight, please..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Oh come on Fluttershy, you're amazing, you should realise that!"

Talk to animals? Trixie pondered. She began to wonder if everyone Twilight kept in her company had some form of incredible ability. A pang of self-conscious jealousy hit her chest.

"Are we nearly there?" she grumbled with a frown.

"Yup, its just a few more—"

Twilight was cut off by a sudden ground shaking rumble. The tremor stopped the three ponies in their tracks, accompanied by a growling that made Trixie's heart sink in her chest. Her limbs turned to ice, freezing her on the spot as her memory dragged the familiar sound from the dark recesses of her mind.

"Is... is that..." Twilight stammered as her mind also recognised the terrifying growl that emanated from the tree's.

"I think it may be best if we get moving!" Fluttershy suggested.

"I agree... Trixie?!" Twilight turned to see the blue magician trembling on the spot. "Trixie! We need to move!"

Her cries seemed to pass completely over the terrified unicorn, who continued to stare blankly into the trees in front of her, her mind flashing back to the first night she spent in Ponyville. Her nightmares since that day now materialised in front of her.

From the dark void held between the thick brown trunks of The Everfree's flora, two dark yellow eyes glared back at Trixie. As they approached, a swirling blue aura dotted with glowing white orbs formed a snout below them, followed by a set of razor-sharp teeth. Trixie watched, helpless, unable to take any control of her own body as the remainder of the gigantic Ursa Minor's body revealed itself from the black void. The last thing Trixie heard before darkness clouded her vision was Twilight screaming her name once again.


"Twilight! She's waking up!"

A soft, muffled voice, as if underwater, entered Trixie's ears as she awakened, followed by an array of sharp scents that assaulted her nostrils. As her vision cleared, she made out a ceiling comprised of tree-bark, and a strange bubbling noise coming from the center of the room.

"Oh! Trixie can you hear me?" Twilight dashed to her friend's side, taking her hoof in her own.

"Wah... where am I?"

"You're safe, we're in Zecora's hut."

Trixie's eyes shot open as she recalled her last memory

"That monster!" she screamed, leaping forward from the bed she lay upon.

"Its ok!" Twilight placed her hoof on Trixe's chest, pushing her back onto the bed. "You're ok, me and Fluttershy were able to get you here. We are really lucky she was with us, that could have been nasty if she wasn't there to help."

"I... what happened?"

"You passed out Trixie."

"I..." Trixie's heart sank as she felt shame with the weight of a ton of bricks fall on her chest. She couldn't think of anything to say, her mind in shock from the revelation of her weakness. She felt completely worthless.

"I think we should get you home," Twilight said with deep concern. "Thank you so much for your help Zecora."

"Anytime, my pony friends," Zecora responded with a wide smile from behind her cauldron, one of her many potions brewing within.

"Can you walk Trixie?" Twilight asked.

Trixie nodded in silence, placing her hooves shakily to the floor.

"Ok, just say if you need any help," Twilight instructed.

Trixie remained unresponsive, the weight of her misery causing her head to hang low as she trudged alongside Twilight towards the exit of the wooden hut.


"Come on Trixie, say something, please, you have me worried sick."

Trixie sat in silence on a stool in the library foyer, her head hung low over the wooden table before her, a position in which she had sat for the better part of an hour since the two arrived home from The Everfree Forest. Twilight's attempts to converse with her thus far had received only weak nods or shakes of the head. The blue mare's eyes looked as though they threatened to burst into tears at any moment. She turned her head to look at Twilight, an expression of deathly gloom dominating her face, the curl of her mane hiding the dampness in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry," she eventually whimpered under her breath.

"Sorry? For what?" Twilight inquired, approaching the dejected pony.

"I was so useless... I just froze like a little filly..."

"No Trixie," Twilight countered, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "It was completely understandable what happened to you, anypony would have been terrified in that position."

"You weren't..." Trixie argued.

"Of course I was! Just because I was able to help you doesn't mean I wasn't scared. And if Fluttershy wasn't there I don't know what I would have done."

"Yeah right," Trixie groaned, turning her head back to the table. "You still acted, you were still able to carry me to safety as I passed out like a useless log. It was pathetic, you defeated that Ursa Minor by yourself without a problem before," Trixie stared at the table in front of her, moisture running down her cheeks.

"I couldn't have just froze up and let something happen to you or Fluttershy. My friends being hurt terrifies me far more than anything else, so I immediately acted. I couldn't bare to lose any of them, and I would have been horrified to lose a new friend too."

Trixie looked again at the beautiful purple unicorn smiling back at her, those deep, purple eyes brimming with care and intelligence, and she was suddenly overcome by a wave of emotion. Her tear ducts flooded, and she flung her head into Twilight's shoulder, who responded by curling her hooves around the weeping unicorn's torso, pulling her into a strong embrace. She sat with Trixie for several minutes as she sobbed wordlessly into her shoulder, holding her tight, hoping that she was providing some comfort. It was hard to know as Trixie had constantly hid her feelings behind a grin or a smirk. Twilight felt a little hopeful in seeing the magician finally express some true emotion outside apathy or joking laughter. Eventually, Trixie's sobs began to become more spaced apart, until finally she lay silent on Twilight's shoulder, save for her heavy breathing.

"Feel better?" Twilight asked.

Trixie only nodded in response as she wiped her eyes with a hoof. "I think I'd like to just head to bed right now."

"Sure, let's go."

The pair trudged upstairs, the weight of the long day proving heavy on both of them as they ascended the steps leading to their shared bedroom. Upon entering the room, Trixie immediately began to wander towards her own bed, causing Twilight to pause suddenly as a thought crossed her mind.

"You know Trixie..."

"Hmm?" Trixie turned to the sound of her name.

Twilight hesitated for a moment, wondering if her next suggestion was really appropriate. After a brief internal debate, she decided it was at least worth asking. "If it makes you feel better, you can share my bed with me again tonight..." Twilight suggested in a meek voice, a light blush forming on her cheeks. She did not know why the gesture made her feel so embarrassed. It's a perfectly normal, friendly thing to do... right? she wondered.

"Oh... umm..." Trixie scratched the back of her neck with a hoof as she pondered the unexpected offer. She briefly forgot her misery as she considered spending another night in Twilight's bed.

"Sure... I'd like that," she agreed with a smile.

The sight of Trixie smiling again banished any doubt Twilight had about the suggestion, causing a grin to spread across her own lips.

Trixe crawled under the warm covers on the far side of the bed, as Twilight manipulated the nearby lamp with her magic. Darkness entered her vision as the light went out, and she could only hear Twilight shuffling under the blanket next to her. As her pupils slowly adjusted to the darkness, the shape of two purple eyes entered her vision.

"Twilight?" she whispered in the darkness.

"Yeah Trixie?"

Twilight felt a hoof fumble around under the sheets in front of her, and she reached out to it. Upon successfully identifying Twilight's hoof, Trixie took it in two of her own.

"Thank you," Trixie murmered under her breath.

"Don't worry, its what friends are for."

The exhaustion of the day soon overtook the pair, and they drifted to sleep hoof in hoof.

Anger Management

Twilight opened her eyes to darkness, the heavy strain of sleep rejecting the action. As her vision accustomed to the meager light provided by the moonlight shining through her bedroom window, the strange sound that woke her became clearer. A soft sobbing was emanating from the blue shape that formed in her vision before her. As her mind recognised that she was looking at Trixe's back, it also deduced that the azure mare was weeping quietly. Twilight propped herself up on an elbow.

"Trixie?" Twilight called softly.

A loud sniff was the immediate response Twilight received, followed by Trixie's demanding voice: "Go back to sleep Twilight."

"Are you alright Trixie?" Twilight asked with concern, reaching a hoof out to her shoulder.

"I'm fine!" Trixie snapped, recoiling from Twilight's touch and jumping out of the bed. She quickly trotted back to her own mattress and jumped under the covers.

"Trixe?!" Twilight cried again, but she received no response this time. With a sigh let her head fall back to her pillow. She just needs a little time Twilight decided, but she failed to convince herself. With a frown she turned to her side, finding, to her surprise, that she suddenly missed the warmth of Trixie's body in her bed. She shut her eyes, and tried her best to put her worries aside until the morning.


Deep concern greeted Twilight as she awoke to the sunlight that morning, as the bed across from her was devoid of its inhabitant. Twilight's bed sheets were tossed aside as she leapt from her mattress, an array of worries as to Trixie's whereabouts flying through her mind. She almost stumbled down the stairs in her haste, causing the very magician she was looking for to glance up in surprise from a desk below.

Relief flooded Twilight as she caught sight of Trixie, and the breath she did not realise she had been holding escaped her lungs.

"Oh, Trixie... you're here!" she panted.

"Well yes but... I'm leaving soon." Trixie answered, avoiding eye-contact. She was attired in her purple cape.

"You're what?!" Twilight yelled.

"I don't want to stay here any longer Twilight."

"Wha... where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

A frown covered Trixie's face. "I don't want to talk about this, I'm just letting you know that I'm going."

Twilight stood, mouth agape, a cocktail of conflicting emotions brewing in her chest. While feelings of panic, dread, sorrow and surprise were all present, one emotion seemed to overtake them all: anger. Her eyebrow's knitted into a deep scowl.

"You're unbelievable!" she snapped, her voice gaining volume.

"What?!" Trixie responded, taken aback by the sudden fury in Twilight's voice.

"You heard me, you're unbelievable! I can't believe you would treat me like this after everything I've done for you! I thought I had seen a good side to you Trixie, but I can see you're just the same dishonest, selfish mare that first walked into this town!"

Trixie stood dumbfounded in the center of the library foyer under Twilight's sudden assault.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this!"

"Oh you can't?!" Twilight yelled, her voice growing ever louder. "Well let me explain Trixie! I didn't think you were a coward when I saw you faint before the Ursa, but now that I see you trying to run away after actually displaying some emotion to another pony, somepony who was supposed to be your friend, I see you truly are one! Last night was the first time I finally got a thank you from you, then the next day you just up and leave! How could you treat a friend like this? It's really no wonder that you spent most of your time alone on the road!"

"How dare you!" Trixie yelled in response, stomping over to face the raging librarian. "You think you're so perfect with all your perfect little friends and being the Princess's little pet! You have no idea what I've gone through!"

"How dare I? I dare because what is a coward like you going to do about it?!" Twilight felt her blood boil, her heart pounding with adrenaline as the anger overtook her mind. "And you're right, I have no idea what you have been through, because you're too afraid to speak to anypony about yourself!

"IF YOU CALL ME A COWARD ONE MORE TIME!" Trixie threatened, now standing snout to snout with Twilight. Her breathing had become rapid, and her face was flushed from the rage the irritating purple know-it-all was building in her. An intense heat flushed her entire body and she leer'd into Twilight's eyes.


Twilight's yelling was abruptly cut of by a pair of lips attacking her own. She felt her argument die in her throat as Trixie flung herself at her, wrapping two hooves around her neck. Twilight's mind spun, still dizzy from rage, she was unable to comprehend exactly what was happening. Closing her eyes, she felt a tongue prod at her lips, and she opened them. She let out a moan of shock as she felt Trixie's tongue launch itself inside her mouth, rolling over her own. She found herself falling backwards as Trixie's weight leaned forward, until they both fell to the floor. Trixie never broke the kiss, instead she continued to explore inside Twilight's mouth. Twilight could feel two hooves pinning her own to the floor as she lay on her back under Trixie. Her face flushed with an even deeper heat than had built before, and it spread throughout her entire body, causing the two lower hooves which were not bound by Trixie to curl towards her torso.

The kiss continued for an unrecorded amount of time, neither pony having the mental facilities available to process just how long they were at it. Finally, Twilight felt Trixie release her lips from her own, and she stood gasping above her, while she herself huffed rapidly below. The two ponies stared at each other in silence as they panted for breath.

"Who's... a coward... now..." Trixie huffed.

Twilight nodded in response. "I think you... made your point! Umm... do you think you could let go of my hooves?"

Trixie, who hadn't even realised that she had been holding Twilight down, glanced to the purple hooves beneath her own, stepping off them and onto the floor. She then sat on her flanks, pondering the action she had just taken.

"So..." Twilight asked after a few moments of silence, a strong red blush still sitting on her cheeks. "You're still leaving?"

After a few more moments of panting, Trixie looked over at Twilight. "Trixie has reconsidered her actions..."


"Uhh... Starswirl the bearded!"


Twilight closed the exam book with a smile, looking up at Trixie who was wearing a similar satisfied expression.

"I really think this exam is going to go well Trixie. Just make sure you keep studying and you should do great."

Trixie stood up and began to approach Twilight with a look that made her uneasy.

"Well..." Trixie began in a sultry tone, stopping herself inches from Twilight's face. She reached out to place a hoof on Twilight's hips. "Now that we have some free time..." Trixie pressed her body up against Twilight's.

Her heart racing, Twilight scrambled to speak, the words she had rehearsed for this moment becoming lost in a jumble of nerves, confusion and many, many other feelings she did not understand. She felt her cheeks grow hot as she experienced the soft touch of Trixie's hooves against her coat. She felt dizzy as Trixie's face moved closer to her own. She knew she should say something, do something, but she felt paralyzed in Trixie's embrace. The warmth of her body was frustratingly pleasant, and it seemed her body wanted to do nothing but allow what was happening to happen. Her deliberations lasted far too long, and Twilight let out a little squeak as she felt Trixie's lips meet her own once again. She shut her eyes as she once again felt Trixie's tongue roll over her own, the familiar taste filling her mouth. Trixie's hooves caressed her back as they kissed. Why did she have to be so good at this? It only made what Twilight had to say next so much harder.

Using all of her willpower, Twilight placed a hoof on Trixie's chest and broke the kiss, pushing the enamored magician back an inch for some breathing space. "Trixie wait," she murmured. She couldn't bring herself to look the magician in the eyes as she found the will to speak the next few words. Trixie backed off slowly, a worried look on her face. She lowered her haunches to the floor.

"Trixie..." Twilight began again, rubbing one foreleg nervously with another. "I think its important we focus on the task at hand. The exam is very close by and I don't want there to be any... distractions.

Trixie's worried expression quickly dropped, a calmness returning to her features.

"Is that all this is?" she asked with renewed confidence. She moved closer to Twilight once again. "If that's really what your worried about..." Trixie placed a hoof on Twilight's cheek. "...we could always just go upstairs and you could help me... get this out of my system."

The combination of Trixie's inviting tone of voice and her half-lidded gaze proved to be extremely potent. Twilight's brain short-circuited,  overloaded by the information and sensations that had assaulted it. Was Trixie really suggesting that they... do that? It was something she had not yet experienced, and she always wondered when the day would come. Should she accept this offer? She always thought it would be with a pony very special, or very close, but the idea of doing it with Trixie was not at all unpleasant. There was just too much to think about.

"No Trixie... I'm sorry but this is all a little too much. I really think we need to give it some time," she responded eventually.

A look of anger now crossed Trixie's face.

"Its hardly that complicated Twilight," Trixie snapped, stepping back from her. "Your just too much of an egghead to ever actually enjoy the fun things in life, everything needs to be thought about or given time. For once in your boring life you should learn to do something fun."

Twilight did not know how to respond. She felt too guilty at rejecting Trixie's affections to defend herself. She just sat there, her eyes on the floor, feeling like dirt.

When Trixie could see she was getting no answer from the pathetic looking unicorn, she lost her patience.

"Whatever, if you're going to be boring as usual, I'll find my own fun."

With that, Trixie stormed out of the library, slamming the door behind her, leaving a miserable Twilight Sparkle alone with her thoughts.

Déjà vu


The sound of an owl's cry echoed throughout the library, alerting the purple unicorn surrounded by stacks of books, paper and quills in its centre. She pulled her head out of the clutter of ink and stationary to gaze up at the feathered fowl who was now circling the library foyer.

"Owlicious?" Twilight questioned. "What are you doing up at this hour--"

She answered her own question with a gaze to the nearby clock, which revealed the hour to be two past midnight.

"Two a.m.!" Twilight exclaimed. She was ready to admit she often lost track of time, but now she was certain the day had just jumped ahead without so much as a warning, the last eight hours being stolen from her.

Worry crept upon Twilight as she realised Trixie had not returned in this time. Thinking of the terms she and the magician had left on, all manner of horrific possibilities began to encircle her mind, each more grave than the last. When it all became too much, she decided she had to find Trixie. She dashed towards the library's front door.

Only to have it swing suddenly towards her.

Twilight yelped as the wooden article reached out to meet her approach. She had just enough time to shield her face with her hooves, which took the brunt of the door's force as it sent her reeling back, falling flat on her flanks. Dizzy from the sudden impact, she looked up to see what appeared to be a giant purple cone sitting on a blue pony.

"Heeeeeeey Twi!" The cone pony yelled as it meandered inside the building.

Twilight blinked, slowly bringing herself to her hooves. When her vision eventually stabilised, she was able to identify the cone pony as Trixie, her signature wizards hat atop her head.

"Oh, Trixie, its you," she spoke with relief. "I'm glad you're ok."

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Trixie's speech had an audible slur, and she seemed to be having trouble staying upright.

"Oh Trixie... are you drunk again?" Twilight asked.

"Yup!" Trixie replied with pride, a wide grin across her face. "I can still walk this time though... kinda." Trixie shut the door behind her and wobbled towards the center of the room.

A few moments of awkward silence passed. Well, it felt awkward for Twilight at least, Trixie seemed perfectly content.

Rubbing her leg with a hoof, Twilight glanced nervously at Trixie.

"So um, are we ok?" she asked.

"What?" Trixie raised one eyebrow as she swayed in the spot. "Oh you mean the yelling earlier. No we're fine, I just really like kissing you, but you won't let me!" Trixie took a couple of steps forward and then suddenly rolled onto her back.

"You can make it up to me with a belly rub though!" she offered with a smile, glancing up at Twilight who was now standing over her.

Twilight giggled. "Seems fair enough."

Twilight proceeded to massage Trixie's belly with her hoof, stroking her soft fur in a circular motion. A calm silence descended on the library as she petted Trixie. A strange emotion crept upon Twilight as she continued, one of sentiment. She felt a connection to the magician in front of her, as if her presence provided some long-sought desire she never knew she had. In this very moment in time Twilight felt serenity, she felt completely content. It was a moment she would freeze in time if she could. She only now became aware of the smile that had spread across her lips.

A satisfied hum from Trixie broke the perfect silence.

"A little lower," she requested. "Lower... a little more..."

"Trixie!" Twilight snapped, her voice agitated as the magician's voice goaded her hoof dangerously close Trixie's lower regions. Her irritation only earned a chuckle from Trixie.

"Relax Sparkle, I'm just kidding!" Trixie's smile then suddenly dropped, and she peered up at Twilight, her face now all serious, her eyes wide as she looked into Twilight's.

"That is... unless you want to..."

Twilight's heart skipped a beat as the words left Trixie's mouth. Her intense gaze was captivating. Her eyes twinkled in the dim light of the libraries lamps, like two impossibly rare and perfect gemstones, inviting her. She glanced down at where her hoof lay, just inches from Trixie's most private of areas, and she was inviting her, giving her permission, allowing her to take the plunge into a new experience, one she had heard so much about but never tried yet. How many times had she dreamed of what this moment may be like? Who it would be with? Now it lay before her and she had no idea what she wanted. Why not do it? Is it right? Trixie wasn't sober, but she had been making advances many times when she was, so was it still ok?

Twilight winced as the thoughts barraged her tired mind like missiles, each one taking her further and further away from a conclusion. Eventually she took her hoof off Trixie, closed her eyes, and inhaled a deep, calming breath. She felt her mind clear as she released the air from her lungs.

"I'm sorry Trixie," she said with confidence after gaining some composure. "This is really not the best time for this."

A flash of disappointment crossed her face, before dawning a one more akin to guilt.

"You're right, as always," Trixie agreed. "It's just that I like you Twilight, I like... like like you, its like... like... all of my like!"

This brought a smile to Twilight's face again. The combination of her near gibberish confession of affection, and the very confession itself brought a mirth back to her. She also felt humbled, surprised to hear that she had had such an effect on Trixie, a pony who seemed to need nopony else, one who seemed so confident by herself. Twilight's mind flashed back to what Trixie had told her on the train from Canterlot, that she would need a pony very talented and very pretty to ever be her special somepony, and here she was admitting that Twilight filled that criteria for her. It was intensely flattering.

"Wow Trixie, thats really amazing to hear. I just wish I was more certain about my own feelings..."

"Do you know why Trixie was drunk the first night she arrived?"

"No actually, you never explained that."

"Trixie was soooooo nervous about seeing Twilight Sparkle again."

Another bomb on Twilight's heart. This pony, this closed off, ultra confident pony was now opening everything to her. Was it just the alcohol talking?

"Thats... I..." Twilight was truly lost for words.

"I think we should get to bed Trixie," she suggested eventually. Surely things would be clearer in the morning.

"Sounds like a plan," Trixie agreed, struggling to her hooves.

"If you are going to be getting into my bed again, brush your teeth first," Twilight commanded with a grin.

"Hold on... am I getting into your bed again?" Trixie raised an eyebrow as she swayed on the spot.

"Uhhh..." Twilight blanked, the realisation of what she just suggested only now hitting her.

"Well, if you want to but... its just to sleep ok!" she did not want to dissapoint Trixie further.

"Sounds... sounds fine to me," Trixie replied with a smile.

Headaches and hugs


Twilight awoke to a low, pained groan. The distressed sound came from the pony who currently had her head buried in her chest, and was clutching the bed sheets, pulling them over her eyes in a desperate attempt to shield them from the morning light which appeared to be the source of her torment.

"Morning Trixie," Twilight greeted with a smile.

"Shut up," came the irritated response.

"Come on now, I wasn't the one who got you drunk."

"No, but it was you who drove me to it."

Despite Trixie's complaining, she proceeded to wrap her hooves around the waist of the pony she blamed for her current pain, pulling her body as close to hers as she could. Twilight responded by wrapping a hoof around Trixie's shoulders, and placing another on her head, which she then proceeded to massage gently, running her hoof through the strands of Trixie's soft mane.

"I don't think its fair that you get to blame me then receive hugs in response," Twilight pointed out. "That to me seems like encouraging negative behavior." The smile never left Twilight's mouth as she lectured the pony in her arms.

"Don't you understand what shut up means? I don't think I can make it any clearer."

And so the pair lay there in silence, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies, wrapped together like two matching pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Twilight continued to massage Trixie's head, while the suffering unicorn hid from the daylight under the blanket.

"Is there any water nearby?" Trixie asked eventually, breaking the silence.

"Yup, got a glass right here," Twilight announced, levitating the vessel over with her magic. "Had a feeling you might need it."

The floating glass met Trixie's lips, and she gulped down its contents with desperate speed.

"Ah, good. I can feel my tongue again," Trixie said as the glass floated away.

"Always a good sign," Twilight answered with a giggle.

"Yeah, it means I can do this now."

Twilight's surprised exclamation was lost in Trixie's mouth as her lips locked around her own. She barely managed to place the glass on the surface of the table behind Trixie as she was attacked, the vessel landing mere inches away from crashing to its doom. She moaned as she felt Trixie's tongue brush across her lips, seeking entry. She immediately parted them and closed her eyes as she once again felt herself grow weak in Trixie's grasp, her cheeks reddening as her body temperature rose along with her heart rate.

After several moments, Trixie eventually pulled back, and lay with her eyes gazing into Twilight's.

"So, this is something we're doing now huh?" Twilight asked as she caught her breath from the surprise kiss.

"Yup, seems like it."

"Seems awfully distracting for a student to be kissing her teacher."

"We've talked about this, I'm not your student."

"Fine, for a men-tee to be kissing her mentor."

"Not my fault the mentor likes it. Besides, haven't you ever had to deal with trying to learn from a hot teacher?"

Twilight was infinitely grateful that she was already blushing from the kiss as she thought about the question. She did not have a hot teacher, no, she only had the most beautiful, wise and incredible pony in equestria as her tutor. She averted her gaze from Trixie, hoping to dodge the question. Thinking about her mentor in that way always made her uneasy.

"Well, I think we will have to find some way to stop you being distracted," Twilight responded quickly, hoping to shift the topic of conversation.

"Good luck with that," Trixie challenged, snuggling back into Twilight's chest.


Trixie shuffled again in her seat, resting her head on a hoof and tapping her free one on the desk in front of her.

"Whats taking so long?" she yelled at the wooden stairs in front of her that winded up to Twilight's (and maybe her?) bedroom. To her increased frustration she got no response. She groaned and leaned back in her seat, staring up at the libraries oak wood ceiling.

After what Trixie had decided was entirely too long a time, the bedroom door swung open.

"Ok, now we can begin."

Trixie blinked in confusion as she heard the sound of her own voice, but was fully aware that she had not opened her own mouth.

"What the..."

Trixie looked up to see herself, walking down the stairs towards her.

"Hi there," Trixie said to Trixie.

"What... what is this?"

"The great and powerful Trixie came up with a fantastic way to make sure you were not distracted by Twilight Sparkle during your lessons," the clone explained, adopting a proud stance, eyes closed and snout raised to the air.

"I can't believe this," the Trixie sitting at the desk replied.

The standing Trixie opened her eyes, a look of concern dawning on her face from the troubled tone of the sitting Trixie.

"What's the matter... I'm just having a little fun."

"That spell... thats one of the most difficult spells I know... and you just figured it out, like that. I didn't even explain to you how to do it." The sitting Trixie was visibly distraught, and the tone of her voice was both shocked and defeated, as though she had just received some horrible news.

"I... I didn't mean to upset you..." the standing Trixie explained.

"No... of course not. You just have to be absolutely brilliant at everything. I just... I can't believe you figured it out just from seeing me do it once, once!"

Anger now flashed across the sitting Trixie's face, her voice growing louder and more fierce.

"I just... ugh!"

She leapt up from the table she was sitting on and ran towards the front door.

"Trixie wait!" Twilight cried as she cleansed the mirror spell from herself. The only response she received was the slamming of the library's front door as it closed behind Trixie.

"THIS is why I haven't had a special somepony before..." she lamented to herself.


"Stupid know it all..."

Trixie sat alone on a park bench, head in her hooves, staring at the ground with utter contempt, muttering words of displeasure to herself. Anypony who may have happened to lay an eye on her would be able to see she was upset, and it just so happened one pony in particular was looking her way right now.

"Hey meanie-pants, why are you so down?"

Trixie looked up to see a bright pink maned pony looking her directly in the eye, head tilted to one side.

"Oh, its you... the loud one. Go away."

"Nuh-uh, you look sad, and its my job to bring a smile to anypony in this town who doesn't already have one on their face, even if its a meanie-pants like you!"

Trixie gave no response.

"I heard you're staying with Twilight, is something wrong?" Pinkie pestered.

Trixie could feel the anger building in her, thinking about Twilight, and now having this irritant poking in her business. As she felt her skin grow hot, she prepared herself to yell at the party pony... but just as her rage was about to hit its crescendo, it suddenly dissipated, only to be replaced by a feeling of sheer exhaustion. She threw herself back on the park bench, sprawling along its length.

"Ugh, I just don't care anymore!" she cried, a hoof cast dramatically over her face.

"About what?" Pinkie asked.

"About trying to pretend anymore. I'll just admit it, I'm just a second rate Twilight Sparkle."

"Second rate?"

"What good is having a cutie mark about magic when there is just another pony who is better than you in every way? How is a special talent special when there is another pony who just does it better than you? I'm just a cheap model of Twilight!"

The words spilled out of Trixie with no restriction, all of her pent up feelings being spewed to this random pony. She just  couldn't hold it in anymore. Having said it, she felt an odd lightness in her chest.

"Aw, that's silly Trixie! No pony is a poor model of another pony!"

"But Twilight just does everything I can do but better!"

"It's true that Twilight is pretty amazing," Pinkie agreed. "But that doesn't mean you are just some worse version of her. Your special talent isn't the only thing that defines you. Everything about you is what makes you you. My special talent is throwing parties, but that doesn't mean if I find someone else who throws better parties then my parties become useless! It also doesn't mean all the other things about me become pointless either!"

"But imagine having to live with the pony who is better than you!"

"Why do you have to live with her?"

Trixie was caught off by the question. Not because she did not know the answer, she did, but it had only occurred to her now  just how powerful and real the reason she was with Twilight had become.

"Because... because I like her..."

"Ahhhh..." Pinkie said with a knowing hum. "Then you have to decide what's more important. Twilight, or Twilight's ability at magic, which may be better than yours."

With the problem being presented to her so plainly, the solution all of a sudden looked very simple.

"Wow that's... that makes a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense for such an annoying pony."

"I'll take that as a thank you," Pinkie responded with a giggle. "Like I said, I do whatever it takes to make other ponies happy."

"I think I need to go and talk to Twilight." Trixie announced.


"Twilight?" Trixie called as she rushed back into the library.

"She's gone to Canterlot," a male voice answered, followed moments later by Spike appearing in the kitchen's doorway. "She told me to let you know she was sorry over... something, and that she will be back this evening."

"Oh... very well then," Trixie answered. The two stood in an awkward silence for a few moments before Trixie spoke up again.

"Hey, are those pancakes you're making?"


"That will be all Twilight, I trust you will complete your assignments with your usual diligence."

The high ceiling of Princess Celestia's throne room loomed over Twilight as she levitated the books and documents the princess had just provided her with into her saddlebag.

"Of course Princess," Twilight assured as she finished packing up. She opened her mouth to speak again, but then a nervous look crossed her face, and she hesitated.

Celestia did not miss the expression.

"Is something troubling you Twilight?" she asked, looking down on her student with concern.

Twilight scratched the back of her neck with a hoof. She thought of Trixie, and she sat struggling to decide if it was worth troubling Equestria's ruler with her social life.

"You know you can talk to me about anything Twilight, I'm not just your mentor, I'm your friend as well."

Twilight looked up to see the princess smiling down at her, and she paused for a moment to appreciate the impressive radiance of her teacher. Her warm smile made her uneasiness melt away.

"It's about a... friend of mine." Was that the right word to describe Trixie? "She is coming to take an exam here soon."

"Ah yes, miss Lulamoon. Luna told me you were tutoring her yourself. I must commend you on your compassion Twilight. It takes a lot of it to assist a pony after the trouble she caused for you."

The memories of Trixie's last visit to Ponyville flooded through Twilight's mind. She found herself surprised as she recalled the incident with the Alicorn Amulet, struggling to believe the pony she had been sharing a bed with recently had been the same one who tried to banish her from her hometown.

"I... I almost completely forgot about that!" Twilight admitted. "Trixie has shown herself to be far more friendly than I ever expected. I really think the incident with the amulet was just her being rash and not thinking about the consequences of her actions. She really seems like a good pony at heart."

"I trust your judgement Twilight, it has gotten you a long way," Celestia offered.

"Yes well, the thing is, Trixie has caused another conundrum for me."

"Oh?" Celestia looked interested.

"You see she... well I..." Twilight began to blush furiously as she scrambled to explain her situation.

Celestia chuckled.

"She must be a very interesting pony if she has you this flustered."

"She is certainly interesting," Twilight agreed.

"So what is the issue? Remember, like I said I am happy to hear any concerns you may have."

Twilight looked up to her mentor again, and found a moment of confidence.

"Me and Trixie seem to be closer than friends." Twilight's voice sped up, deciding the easiest way to get past her embarrassment was to spill the beans quickly. "She has told me she likes me, a lot, and we have... we have kissed, a few times." Twilight stared at the floor as she finished her confession, the blood vessels in her cheeks threatening to burst.

A few moments of silence passed, and Twilight grew nervous as she stared at the floor. It only now dawned on her that the princess may not approve of her relationship with a troublesome pony like Trixie. She sat rooted to the spot, unable to move, waiting for a response from her mentor.

"And why is this a problem?" The response finally came. The tone of Celestia's voice calmed Twilight, she did not sound dissapointed or angry. "This is the kind of thing that would make most ponies happy."

"Well, the problem is, I'm not sure how I feel about her, and its lead to a couple of arguments, and I'm worried it might lead to problems with her exam." Twilight now felt the courage to look her mentor in the eye. She was pleased to see Celestia was still smiling down on her.

"I think the answer is very clear Twilight," she responded. "Would you usually feel the need to tell me about small problems in your life?"

"Well no, not really. I usually save most of the important stuff for my letters to you."

"Indeed, and now you have just told me about Trixie in person, what does that tell you?"

Twilight paused for a moment, her forehead furrowed as she considered the question.

"That Trixie is very important to me, at least right now."

"Exactly, and I think this means she is special to you in some way. As I said earlier, your judgement has gotten you very far, and I think you should be able to figure this out too."

"But, I've never really dealt with this kind of thing before," Twilight protested.

"You didn't consider yourself very social before you moved to Ponyville either, but you took to friendship with little problem. This is just another step along that path. There are different kinds of bonds you will have with the other ponies you meet. It is important to explore them all, no matter how intimidating they may seem."

Celestia's words put the situation in a new perspective for Twilight, and she suddenly felt more assured on how to handle the situation.

"That makes a lot of sense Princess, thank you!"

"Anytime, my faithful student," Celestia answered as she leaned down to touch her neck to Twilight's.


Twilight took a deep, nervous breath before pushing the open the door to her home. Upon seeing the blue unicorn sitting inside the main foyer, studying a large tome, she did not know if she felt more relived or uneasy.

"H-hi Trixie," Twilight stammered.

Trixie looked up from the book. For a second Twilight swore her mouth almost curved into a smile, before a frown quickly took its place.

"Oh, you're back."

Trixie's tone did not fill Twilight with confidence, nor did it improve her mood much. Trixie was evidently still upset. Twilight closed the door behind her and approached fuming mare.

"Look Trixie, I've been thinking and-"

"Thinking?!" Trixie snapped. "Don't you realise that's what caused all these problems in the first place?" Trixie had now got to her hooves.

Twilight froze, she had not been expecting to lose a handle on the situation so quickly. Trixie was now face to face with her, staring her intently in the eye.

"I-um-I-I" she stuttered. Her heart rate began to increase once again, her face growing hot. She could not help but notice an odd glint in Trixie's eye.

"Well Sparkle? What have you got to say now, huh?" Trixie jabbed Twilight with a hoof, and began to push her backwards. Twilight soon felt the hard wood of the libraries wall against her back. Cornered, she now had Trixie leaning over her, her mind having long abandoned any way to resolve the situation. She just stared back at Trixie with wide eyes.

"You are so adorable when you're flustered."

Twilight squeaked as Trixie leaned in to place her lips on hers. Her fear and anxiety was swept away as Trixie's hooves wrapped around her waist, and she felt herself melt into the kiss again. Her heart pounded furiously for a few moments before settling back to a relaxed pace as she began to enjoy the kiss. Confusion as to what had just happened niggled at her mind, but Trixie's tongue ensured her attention was concentrated elsewhere. She felt Trixie lean her body against her own, pushing her up against the libraries wall.

After some time, the two unicorn's lips parted.

"What... what just happened?" Twilight asked as she caught her breath.

"Like I said you're adorable when you're all panicked, so I made you nervous."

"Seems a little mean..."

"That should hardly be surprising for you now."

Indeed, Trixie's apparent joy in tormenting her had been a long running theme of their shared living situation.

"I'm going to just decide that's your way of showing affection," Twilight allowed.

"Sure, let's go with that," Trixie replied with a grin.

Twilight was now working up the courage to tell Trixie what she had discovered with Celestia, but could not seem to find the words.

"I see you are keeping up with the studies," she began instead, removing herself from Trixie's hold and walking towards the large book she had been reading.

"Yeah, that exam is going to be a piece of cake."

With her back to Trixie, Twilight found some sudden courage to release the words trapped in her chest.

"Trixie, I've decided that I'd like to give this... us, whatever we have here, a shot," she hoped that pathetic excuse for a sentence actually held some semblance of meaning as she turned to observe Trixie's reaction.

"Oh?" Trixie replied with a grin. "And what we have been doing so far hasn't been giving it a shot?"

"Oh well, you know, with less hesitance I mean," Twilight clarified.

"Well, sounds good, maybe then I could agree to stop teasing you so much. You're not my usual type after all."


"Yeah my usual romantic pursuits tend to be a little more... extroverted. Teasing tends to go down a little better with them. I guess with a nerd like you it just makes you feel genuinely upset. Not that its any less adorable, I'm just aware that it may not being putting you in the right mood."

"Thanks? I guess?" Twilight wasn't sure if she had just received a favour or been insulted.

"Also if we are well, hooking up..." Trixie hesitated, her face now contorted into a look of worry.

"Whats wrong?"

"Well... what happens after the exam?"

"Oh," Twilight hadn't actually thought that far ahead. "I suppose maybe you could stay here, if you liked.

"So we are officially going out less than five minutes and we are already moving in together?" Trixie asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Umm well... only if you would like to..." Twilight had no idea if she was stumbling into another unknown social faux pas.

"Well, its actually not so much the moving in that's the problem, its living in a town full of ponies that I have a sneaking suspicion don't hold me in their best books."

It was true that Trixie's past actions in Ponyville had not won her the favour of the townsfolk.

"Ponyville is full of the nicest ponies I've ever met, I'm sure with time they would come to forgive you."

Trixie was silent momentarily, as though she was thinking deeply.

"This wasn't the original plan, for sure," she continued. "The exam was meant to open new doors for me. I was thinking of going back to Canterlot and maybe getting a teaching job or something. The travelling show business has worn out its excitement."

"Well, that's still possible. I often visit Canterlot, we could have a relationship over that distance."

Trixie held a hoof to her chin.

"Not a bad plan," she agreed.

"Well, we will have plenty of time to figure it out after that exam. Its only a couple of days away now, maybe we could just enjoy each others company until then, and figure out what happens afterwards."

"Does that mean I have to stop irritating you so much?"

"It would help," Twilight agreed.

"But the angry make-out sessions are so hot!" she protested.

"Trixie!" Twilight snapped, blushing furiously once again.

New Beginnings

Twilight paced back and forth outside the examination room of her old school.

Come on Twilight, you saw how confident she was, you are probably worrying about this more than she is. She could not convince herself though, uncomfortably aware of how Trixie managed to feign confidence no matter the situation. Of course she wanted her new marefriend to pass the exam, but she was also conscious of how Trixie's success reflected on herself. Luna had trusted that she would be able to provide the tutoring necessary for Trixie to pass, what would it show if she failed? Would Luna think less of her? How would Trixie feel, would she still want to be with her if she did not succeed?

Twilight stopped and stood perfectly still in the long halls of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She took a deep calming breath to settle her racing mind. She did all she could do, the rest was up to Trixie. The exam should be nearing its end now anyway, all her questions would be answered soon.

Ten minutes later, the door to the exam room swung open.

"Ah, here already Twilight?" Trixie greeted as she entered the corridor.

Twilight stood dumbfounded, unable to sense any hint of how the exam went in Trixie's expression or demeanor, there was no indication that she had just sat an exam, or indeed had done anything more harrowing than buying some groceries.

"Well?" Twilight asked, almost irritated by Trixie's calmness.

"What?" the magician asked.

"What do you mean what?!" Twilight asked, her voice raised. "How did the exam go?"

"Oh right sure, well, I passed, obviously."

Again Twilight could only stand and gape at the sheer audacity of Trixie's statement. It was clear she never doubted she was going to pass for a moment.

"But... you don't even seem happy, or... or excited, or anything!"

Trixie chuckled.

"How many times did I say this exam was going to be a piece of cake?"

"A few times I suppose."

"Exactly, now lets head home, I do believe this calls for a drink!"



Trixie blinked as a shower of confetti greeted her entrance to the Treehouse. The foyer had been decorated with balloons, streamers and ribbons in an array of various blinding colours. A large glittery, golden sign with the word CONGRATULATIONS hung from the ceiling. Twilight's five close friends were in the room, and Pinkie Pie was standing, arms raised to the ceiling as upon yelling the word that greeted the magician.

"Wow..." Trixie reeled for a moment. "Gotta say I was not expecting this!"

"Twilight told us all about your exam, and when I heard I just knew I'd have to throw a party for you when you passed!" Pinkie explained.

"Well, thank you. Trixie appreciates the effort. Though I must say I'm surprised to see the rest of you here."

"Hey, if you're a friend of Twilight's you're a friend of ours missy," Applejack announced. "So long as you stay in her good books you are alright with us." The rest of the room nodded in agreement. Twilight stood to her left, a smile spread on her lips.

"Sounds like a good deal to me," Trixie replied. "I hope you ponies like a good drink!"

"Hah! I'll drink you under the table loud mouth!" Rainbow challenged.

"I'll hold you that!" Trixie responded, before turning to Twilight. "Thank you."

Trixie closed her eyes and leaned in to plant a tender kiss on her marefriends lips, who responded in kind.

When the two looked back at the room, they were met with four shocked faces, and one with a huge grin.

"I knew you two would work it out!" Pinkie announced.

"So many questions..." Rarity mumbled.

"I gotta agree with Rarity on this one,' Applejack piped in.

"Oh well um, me and Trixie became very close in the time she was staying here, we are kind of a couple," Twilight looked glanced with a warm smile to he marefriend.

"How romantic," Fluttershy said with a smile. "Good for you two."

"Looks like the loud mouth wasn't the only one in for a surprise here."

"Yeah well, now that thats out of the way," Trixie interrupted. "I believe there is drinking to do?" She glanced in Rainbow Dash's direction.

"Your on!" Rainbow responded.


Trixie and Twilight sat together on the balcony of Twilight's bedroom, away from the loud music and laughter that still continued downstairs. The cool night air sobered the slightly inebriated pair as they sat under the stars.

"So, have you decided what you are going to do?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to head back to Canterlot, see if I can't take up that magic teaching position in the school now that I'm qualified."

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"Well... sort of. It's a little complicated. I mentioned to you a while back why you probably never seen me while you were at school, and the reason is I skipped a lot of it. I ended up dropping out before I finished because of my mother."

"What did she do?"

"She was intolerable, never happy with anything I did, always expecting me to turn out just the way she wanted. Leaving was my little source of satisfaction. I haven't spoken to her much since I ran away, I just sent her a few letters every so often letting her know I was still alive at least. I was thinking of going to my old house, seeing if she would actually let me stay there again. If not, I'll find something, I always do."

"And what about..." Twilight hesitated.

"Us?" Trixie finished.


"Well, as discussed I'd like to keep this up, you've grown on me somewhat egghead." Trixie looked at Twilight with a smile. "Canterlot isn't too far from here, we can meet up wheneve we have time."

"And you are always welcome here," Twilight reminded her.

Trixie placed another kiss on her purple marefriend's lips.

"I know... now let's get back downstairs, I have to catch up to that pegasus!"

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