
Machinations of a Trickster

by Deviance

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Should have stayed drunk...

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Chapter 7: Should have stayed drunk...

A light struck, one so blindingly bright it seared a hole into Karon's mind, and he wanted to scream from the horrible pain. Instead, he groaned and with a massive effort put a hand over his face, shielding himself from the sunlight shining in his eyes.

“I hate hangovers.”

Karon's head throbbed painfully with every beat of his heart. His mouth felt dry and there was something stuck between his teeth.

He really, really did not want to get up.

But dehydration is a cruel mistress, and he eventually succumbed to the need for water. He was just about to try and sit up when he noticed something was holding him down. He rubbed his eyes a few times before blinking them open.

“Arghh! Why is the world so bright. Where is Nightmare Moon when you need her?”

At first Karon thought that he must still be dreaming. He shook his head once to clear it but immediately regretted the decision when the headache increased ten-fold.

The library looked like a battleground.

His mind couldn't comprehend all the strange impressions he was getting when he looked around. He tried to focus at one thing at a time instead and looked down towards whatever was holding him. It was Rarity, sleeping soundly with a tiny content smile on her lips, her body tightly pressed against his with a hoof over his chest. From this position she seemed a lot bigger than the ponies normally did when they were walking around on all fours.

Karon looked her over, and despite her mane being a bit more ruffled than usual and her mascara being a bit smeared, she still looked extremely beautiful.

“Don't comment on that.”

“I don't think there's any need to.”

“I think sunsets are pretty but I don't want have sex with the sun.”

“Please. If you could you probably would.”

Karon ignored the unhelpful thoughts and turned his body so he was facing Rarity directly. He was just about to try and remove her hoof when she moved in closer and muzzled into his chest with a happy sound.

“Must! Resist! The cuteness!”

“Is that even a word?!

“Yes it is. Now what do we do?”

“Remove her hoof and gently slip away ... after a little cuddling.”

“Good man.”

Karon smiled down at the sleeping form of the unicorn and placed his left hand against her side and began stroking it up and down slowly. She reacted with a low moan and stroked her muzzle up and down in return, her horn was dangerously close to his throat but he ignored it. This was just too adorable.

But, his body was constantly reminding him that it really wanted some water, and Karon eventually relented and removed Rarity's hoof and stood up. His head swam with images as he looked down at Rarity and he had a flashback from last night.


Ponies can not hold their liquor.

There had to be at least 30 ponies in here, yet not a single one of them was sober. Of course, neither was he.

All around him there were ponies dancing in spastic movements to non-existent music. Well, that wasn't true, there was someone singing very loudly somewhere but he couldn't make out the words. Karon's head felt fuzzy and his entire body was infused with a pleasant glow. He stumbled by a group of ponies lying on the floor playing some kind of weird game. He didn't know what it was, but it looked fun.

He remembered that he wanted a cupcake, those things were delicious. He looked around himself and saw a table standing just a few steps away. He licked his lips in preparation of the godly treat when he noticed his right leg was stuck.

He was first confused at this but then he looked down and saw that Rarity was holding it. She was saying something looking up at him with pleading eyes.

“Whaaat!?” he had screamed at the unicorn.

“Please, please, please, please, please forgive me. I only wanted to make you clothes, beautiful clothes. Fabulous clothes! I didn't mean to shout at you, ohhh I'm such a bad lady. I can't even control myself at all.”

Karon's brows furrowed in the heroic attempt to discern the meaning of what she had just said.


“I said I'm a bad lady. A real lady would never get into a shouting match with a gentlecolt like you. Please forgive me!”

Slowly realization seeped into Karon's brain and his confused look vanished with a smile.

“I ... I ... I underschtand completely.” He swayed a little when he spoke and stretched down his hands, grabbed Rarity underneath her arms and lifted her up into the air, holding her out in front of him.

In some distant part of his mind, his body was screaming at him not to do that while bending his back but he didn't pay any attention to that. He was happily drunk. It could wait.

“You ... You are a pretty little lady ... and don't you forget it,” he said looking at Rarity.

Then he brought her up to him and kissed her.

At least he thought that was what he was doing. He wasn't entirely sure. He couldn't really feel anything, and he couldn't see that well either. But he thought he was kissing her. He knew his tongue was moving around so he assumed they were because he knew there was also something else in his mouth moving around with it.

He looked around the room while presumingly still kissing Rarity and saw that Twilight was standing over there, looking very grumpy. He couldn't let that happen, this was a party.

He moved Rarity back out and held her at eye level before adding.

“Soo-o, will you still make me the clothes?”

“O-of course darling ... anything for you.”

Karon looked at the unicorn carefully, or tried to at least. He scrounged up his eyes to better make sense of what he saw but it slipped away. She just looked like something. At least she wasn't about to start crying like before. Karon didn't like crying, it was icky and ... well icky. He did not want to deal with a crying unicorn, kissing her seemed to have made it better so he left it at that and unceremoniously dropped Rarity before stumbling towards Twilight.


“Garh, stupid brain! Why would you do that?” Karon was hunched over and rubbing his temples. That little memory had brought with it an even worse headache than before and a sick feeling in his stomach.

He had kissed Rarity.

Sure it had only been because he really didn't want to see her cry, and he'd been drunk. Drunken logic works differently. He really hoped she wouldn't remember anything. She would most likely take it the wrong way. It would be terribly unfair to make life complicated for him when he didn't even get a chance to enjoy it properly.

“Uhh, not that I would want to.”

“Yes, yes. Obvious denial blablabla etc.”

He ignored his inner voice once more and thought back. He had a dim recollection of Rarity popping up every now and then around him for the rest of the night trying to get him out of his clothes so she could better take measurements.

“Oh no...”

And when he'd told her he couldn't because human males didn't have the luxury of hiding their private parts like colts did, she had become even more frantic about getting him naked.

“Rarity can not handle alcohol.”

“Look around you, no pony can.”

Karon had to admit that there was a point in that. Looking around the room, he wasn't even sure where to begin sorting this mess out.

“Water first.”

He nodded to himself and stepped over Rarity and then walked into the kitchen on unsteady legs. He opened the door but froze when he saw what was inside.

“Is that Spike?”


“And he's sleeping on top of a bear?”

“Looks that way.”

“Should I go?”

“Fuck no, I'm thirsty.”

He briefly considered this and then walked inside trying to avoid making any loud noises. He opened a cabinet and took out a mug that he filled with water from the sink. He closed his eyes and savored the cooling relief spreading throughout his body. He repeated this three times before looking to his left at Spike and the bear.

The bear was awake.

It had somehow managed to move Spike to the table and stand up without making a single sound.

“Fight or flight?”

“I'm way too tired for this.”

He did neither, and instead he just looked at the bear for a few seconds before stretching his mug out towards him and asked, “Want some?”

The bear growled in response and walked over to the counter where he stopped and looked at Karon with brown eyes.

Karon filled the mug with water again and put it on the counter next to the bear. The bear stood up on its back legs and bent over, grasping the mug with both paws as it began licking up the water. It made a sound very similar to Karon's previous groans. Looking behind the bear, Karon saw that there was an empty bottle of Applejack's daniels on the floor.

“I hear ya big boy.”

The entire situation was so bizarre that Karon had just decided to go with the flow. He didn't have the will to do anything else at the moment anyway. He gave the bear a pat on the back and it responded with a rumbling sound as Karon headed for the door. He stopped before going through it and picked up a scroll of some kind that Spike was cradling in his arms.

It had a large golden seal on it and after a few painful moments of hard thinking he came to the conclusion that it must be one of those messages princess Celestia sent to Twilight. He pocketed it and decided to bring it to her once she'd woken up, wherever she was.

He walked into the library again and stood there, looking around himself.

“Where do I even begin?”

“How about we start at the most obvious point.”

It sounded reasonable, so Karon walked across the room to the other side and stopped to consider what the hell it was that stood before him.

Someone had built a fort, out of books.

And it wasn't a small fort either, it stood taller than Karon and even had two towers flanking the large block of stacked books. On top of all this was Pinkie Pie, sleeping soundly on what looked like a...

“Is that a cannon?”

“Sure looks like one.”

“Beings like Pinkie Pie should not have access to projectile weapons. Especially not the kind that can sink an entire ship.”

“I am not disagreeing with you.”

Karon did not know what exactly he was supposed to do now. Wake her up? Just leave her there? Maybe he should start re-shelving the books? Of course he didn't know where the books belonged, so that wasn't really an option.

He had wisely decided to just leave it alone in the hope that perhaps the problem would sort itself out, when he suddenly got another flashback from the party.


He had just turned around and was looking at Pinkie Pie standing on top of that awesome book fort she had been building and was screaming something.

“The ability to lasso a diamond dog is insignificant next to the power of the party cannon!” She had screamed before punching down on the fuse and the cannon had erupted in a blinding flash of smoke, gunpowder and confetti.


Karon groaned once more as pain washed over him after the brief flashback.

“I don't know what is the most worrying: Pinkie with a cannon or the fact that she quoted Star Wars?”

“I don't see why we have to chose.”

Karon ignored himself and looked around before deciding where to go next. He saw Lyra sleeping on top of the staircase surrounded by a bunch of random objects. At first he was surprised to see her here. He would have thought she wouldn't attend the party after having more or less all of her dreams crushed, but then another flashback forced itself on him.


The party had been going on for about an hour now and most of the Applejack's daniels had been drunk by the suddenly whiskey friendly ponies. This had been quickly followed by almost all of the pastries as the ponies had discovered that everything tastes better when you're drunk.

Karon was enjoying watching Pinkie jumping around the place and grabbing ponies for impromptu dance numbers when he felt something poke him in the side.

It was Lyra.

And she was drunk.

“I wanna talk with you!”

Karon had felt a little nervous at first but since he could see no way out he nodded and motioned his hand towards the stairs. She saw where he was pointing and began walking towards them while Karon followed her lead.

They passed trough a sea of ponies doing everything from talking with each other to shouting at Pinkie. Who was currently running around collecting all the books she could find for some unknown reason.

When Lyra reached the stairs she looked back at Karon who flicked his hands to indicate she should continue upstairs.

When they both reached the top, he sat down on the top step and Lyra tried to do the same but with far less grace.

“Schooo, you wanna talk?”

She looked at him with a accusatory glare and pointed her hoof at him. Which at this close range meant she was more or less pressing her hoof against his nose.

“You're a mean human.”

He looked at her hoof confused, then back at her.

She looked very sad.

“Meeeee? No way! I'm the shnicest guy around for like, ever!”

“Noooo, you are not! You are a meanie mean human that ruins innocent ponies' dreams!”

“I'm sorry, I didn't WANT to be mean, but you were saying so many stupid things, and I don't want you to be stupid.”

“I am not stupid! No one else knew you were real but I did!”

“I know, I know. But so many thing you said were wrong. Isch not like your fault, you just conclusioned a jump. Wait, I mean you jumped to conclusions.”

“I tried my best! But everypony said I was crazy and it was wrong, then you said the same thing and you made me cry because I thought you'd be nice.”

The parts of Karon's brain that still hadn't been completely usurped by the invading alcohol processed what the unicorn had just said and after a long and complicated debate arrived at a possible solution.

“If ya want I can teach you to sing human songs I know.”

Tears had begin forming as Lyra had spoken, but as soon as she heard what he'd just said, they evaporated like they've never been there, and she gasped as she considered all the implications of his offer.

“I could sing songs made by humans?”

Karon nodded sagely and tried to imagine a song he could teach her that might fit. As he was racking his brain for an answer a melody began playing in his head and from the memories of his childhood a song was emerging.

He smiled at Lyra and said. “I know the perfect schoong for you.”

They both retreated into Twilights bedroom where he coached her relentlessly in singing just one song until he finally declared her ready to perform.

Lyra had not understood what he meant at first, but as Karon stepped out to the top of the stairs and cupped his hands to his mouth she felt a chill travel down her spine.

Karon then shouted as loud as he could to make sure he got every pony's attention.

“HEEEEEEEY! I have an accounschment to announce! Lyra is going to sing a human song and you better listen or Twilight will turn you into frogs. Hit them Lyra!”

He jumped to the side after the last part and allowed Lyra to walk out into full view of every single pony gathered. It was deathly silent but Lyra stood unafraid, she knew a human song and now she was gonna sing it!

She cleared her throat and her horn began to glow. Several books, inkwells and other items floated up in the air and began clinking, bashing and just generally cause a weird rhythmic sound that almost sounded like a melody.

Then she took a deep breath and sang the complete lyrics of the I wan'na be like you song from Disney's The Jungle Book.

She poured all her heart into it as her hidden desire to become human finally had gained an outlet. She sang and sang and the floating items kept on causing noise vaguely reminiscent of the original song's instrumental play.

When she was done all the ponies began stomping their hooves, Karon assumed it was their form of clapping. But Lyra didn't look finished.

After years of hiding her secret desire, she had now finally let her darkest secret been told to all of the ponies in here, they just didn't know it. They thought it had just been a weird song with some catchy tune.

The liberation Lyra felt was amazing, she had never realized just how hard keeping so much of what she wanted and did a secret. Even Bon Bon didn't know all of it.

So she sang again, her horn still glowing as she took it all from the start and sang again. When the ponies saw that she would continue singing the same thing they simply went back to what they had been doing before. Some of them pleased they now also had music at the party.  

Karon stumbled down the stairs as carefully as he could manage. Walking down stairs that doesn't have a railing is hard enough sober, but while drunk, it's just dangerous. Karon was pretty sure that during the twenty or something seconds it took to get down, he nearly died three times.


Karon did not groan this time. The pain had lessened and he was beginning to feel a little less like he was dying. Lyra was sleeping peacefully. A little drool was making it's way out of her mouth and she snored almost inaudible.

He thought about waking her up but remembered she had spent the entire night singing the same song over and over until she had collapsed. She wouldn't be able to talk to him after that, so he turned around and walked away from the stairs.

“Okay, what's to be next?”

“How about that.”

The voice was referring to the pile of unconscious ponies pushed up against the wall opposite Pinkie's fort. They were all sprinkled with confetti and there was also some kind of strange dog like creature lying right beside Applejack. Looking closer, Karon saw that it's paws or hands or whatever were tied up with a rope.

He already knew what was coming and he didn't resist when another flashback came.


“Wohooooo! Go Applejack! Go Applejack!” The ponies had formed a circle and within it was Applejack swinging a lasso facing the dog like creature.

“You stand no chance little pony, we're going to win and then you must give us diamonds!”

“Ah wouldn't count on it mutt! Once ah tie ya up then you'll have to plough ma family's fields for a week!”

The two combatants circled each other wearily while the ponies surrounding them were screaming in a frenzy.

“Two bits says that Applejack wins!”

“I put five bits that the diamond dog beats her!”

Bets were screamed loud and an opportunistic pony began running around taking the bets and writing down the stakes in a book he had grabbed from the nearest shelf.

But every pony and the human in the audience gasped as the diamond dog suddenly sprung into action and rushed towards Applejack. She waited until the last minute before she swung the lasso towards the incoming dog. And as she jumped to the side and pulled the rope the nose tightened around it's front paws and it fell down to the floor face first.

She ran forward and grabbed it's back paws and pushed them together with the trapped front paws and tied them all together. She stepped back from the defeated dog and swung her head high into the air and shouted.


Karon was applauding but turned around as he heard Pinkie shout something from the top of that awesome looking fort she had built. He heard her quote star wars before she fired some kind of confetti cannon at them.

The confetti had spread across the entire audience and flung several of them into the wall and they were knocked unconscious. The same fate befell Applejack and the diamond dog and they were lying slumped against the wall, buried beneath a ridiculous amount of confetti.

The ponies in the audience that had not been knocked unconscious by the sudden attack were shouting at her angrily and some of them began collecting what books Pinkie hadn't already stolen. Then they began building little ramps up towards the fort, but Pinkie retaliated by throwing books down at them and they returned fire.

When other ponies who hadn't been a part of the audience saw this, some chose to run to Pinkie's aid and she lowered down a ladder – Karon had no idea where she had gotten that from – and they climbed up and helped her push back the invaders.

Karon was staring at this for at least a couple of hours as ponies for maybe the first time in a thousand years were once more learning of the horrors of siege warfare.


Karon decided wisely it was best to leave Applejack as she was as well. That confetti must have hurt, and she would most likely be very angry when she woke up. Instead, he picked her up and carried her over to Rarity and put them next to each other.

Rarity quickly embraced the sleeping form of Applejack and Karon had to admit that they looked very cute together. He just hoped he would be there for whenever they woke up.

He looked around the main library room and couldn't see anything else that appeared to be significant. There were random ponies he didn't know strewn about, sleeping. Several of them sporting nasty bruises and other injuries from what he assumed had to be the books Pinkie and her army had thrown at them.

Karon had already investigated the kitchen, which left Twilight's bedroom and the little library. Also he had managed to locate Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Lyra and Pinkie Pie.

Of all ponies which he was familiar with that left Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight herself.

He decided to go look in the little library first.

He walked over to the door a little steadier on his feet and opened it, fully expecting to see some kind of utter devastation. Instead he only saw Fluttershy sleeping in the middle of the floor with the rest of the room entirely untouched.

“This is way too good to be true, something is not right.”

He hesitantly walked around the room checking for damage or waiting for something to collapse but nothing did. Eventually, Karon just shrugged, considered himself lucky and kneeled down next to Fluttershy and gently shook her.

She didn't respond.

She was clearly breathing so she wasn't dead, maybe she was just a heavy sleeper?

He was shaking her a little harder as yet another flashback came to him.


Karon, Twilight and Fluttershy was standing in the little library.

Fluttershy had been extremely difficult to convince to try out at least one drink. She had eventually taken a few sips but it had been enough to affect her a little. Afterwards, having taken Fluttershy outside for air and looking at Rainbow Dash doing tricks, Twilight and Karon had meet up and began arguing about magic and it's proper application.

Karon held firm that Twilight was a brute that needed to learn the finer points of the arts. He would never have admitted it but he was jealous of the unicorn. In terms of pure juju juice she had more power to draw from than Karon did, and she was far more skilled in physically based magic like moving objects, teleportation or controlling the elements.

Twilight on the other hoof held firm that Karon was being arrogant and one should not spurn the more practical everyday applications of magic just to appear to be distant and mystical. She also had claimed many times that the kind of sensitive magic he did was far to tricky and unnecessary when the same effect could be achieved with more direct means.

Fluttershy must have become more courageous after those few sips because she had suggested a contest to determine who was right.

Whoever could turn her into a tree would win.

Both Twilight and Karon had accepted that and began preparing themselves.

“This won't work you know. Trees are far more complex than they seem and you are in no state where you can summon the needed concentration for something like this,” Karon had mocked the drunken unicorn.

“Could you be quiet. I'm almost done and then you will have to admit that you can't beat plain old fashioned unicorn magic.”

Her horn had begun to shine brighter and brighter as she spoke until it became hard to even look in her direction. The charged spell exploded with a weird warping sound and went straight at Fluttershy who was standing patiently waiting in the middle of the room.

It hit her and she was enveloped in a purplish white glow that slowly faded. When it was gone Twilight and Karon looked at her, one in triumph and one in shock.

The spell had done absolutely nothing.

“Woohoo! I told you, I told you! You might be some kind of unicorn prodigy, Twilight, but you haven't been trained to control your mind the way I have! A little drinky drinky and Twilight is suddenly not so good with magic anymore, haha!”

The poor unicorn was shocked that her spell hadn't worked, but the gloating of Karon snapped her out of it.

“You still haven't *hick* tried.”

“On it sweetie pie.”

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Sweetie Pie is outside."

Karon walked forward to Fluttershy and tried to find his very elusive balance before beginning his attempt. He constructed the spell in his mind, but it took time.

He didn't see Twilight's skeptical glance interrupted by random hiccups, but he finished building the spell and put his hands on Fluttershy's head and released it.

The energy flooded into her mind and began reconstructing her conscious mind until it had run it's full course. Karon stepped back with a smug smile on his lips and turned to Twilight.

“And that's how you do it!”

“You didn't do anything! She's still Fluttershy!”

“Yeah but she doesn't know that. She thinks she's a tree now.”

“That doesn't count! You were supposed to turn her into a tree, not trick her into just thinking she is one!”

“She doesn’t just think it! She now has the mind of a tree, it just happens to reside in a pegasus body.”

“That doesn't count, you were supposed to turn her into a physical tree not a mental one.”

“You are so superficial Twilight, you know that!”

The both of them had argued for a long time and had left Fluttershy alone in the little library thinking tree like thoughts.


Karon was mortified he had ever been stupid enough to try such a dangerous procedure while intoxicated. Had it been just a temporary illusion it would have not been a big deal but this wasn't an illusion. He had transformed Fluttershy's entire mind into that of a tree.

She didn't just think she was a tree she had the exact same mind as one, just not the physical vessel to go with it.

He put his hands around Fluttershy's head and stretched his senses into it. He meet with no resistance at all, a tree mind doesn't work if it doesn't belong to a tree. It wasn't designed to function in collaboration with the data a pegasus body would pick up and transmit, so she had shut down.

The mind had retracted from it's own body and was now busy trying to reinforce it's own existence by trying to feed itself false information telling itself everything was okay. It was frightening to see just how close Karon had come to turning the adorable little Fluttershy into a brain dead vegetable.

But it was easier to destroy something than create it.

He took hold of the constructed spell, still forcing Fluttershy's mind into a form it didn't understand, and just yanked it out and ripped it to bits. Her mind instantly returned to it's normal design and she opened her eyes' confused.

“Oh, what a strange dream.”

“What did you dream about Fluttershy?”

“Well, I dreamt I was a big beautiful tree, but there were no other trees around. I was a very lonely tree, it was a sad dream.”

“But did you like being a tree?”

She thought about this for a moment before she smiled that angelic smile of hers.

“Uhm, yes.”

“Glad you did. Now you wouldn't happen to know where Rainbow Dash or Twilight are would you?”

“I don't know where Twilight is, but ... Rainbow Dash said she'd fly around the world, don't you remember? Oh I hope she's okay.”

“Around ... the world?”

She looked at him with a worried look. “Don't you remember?”

Just as she said it a flashback forced itself into his mind.


Karon stood outside next to Fluttershy and watched as a surprisingly well coordinated drunk Rainbow Dash flew around outside performing various tricks for Karon's benefit.

She was cheered on by Fluttershy who softly exclaimed “You rock.” or “Yay!” every now and then. There was no way that Rainbow Dash could hear her but Karon thought it was sweet all the same.

Dash performed a final double flip and came flying in a straight line towards them. Well almost straight, she kept steering off but managed to keep herself relatively on course. She stopped above them and proudly asked.

“How about that huh? Never seen smooth moves like those before I bet!”

“Farily impressive, I admit,” Karon had answered.

“But you still haven't lived up to your boast about being the fastest flyer in all of Equestria.”

“Well then, I guess I just have to prove it.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Give me a challenge and I'll take it!”

“Fine how about ... flying to Canterlot and back before the sunrise.”

“Pshh, I thought I said I wanted a challenge. Give me something harder.”

“Okay, I want you to fly around this entire world!”

“Is that all? I can do that in ten seconds flat!”

“Ohh yeah. If you can fly around this planet in ten seconds, then I promise you that I will hit on Celestia the first time I meet her.”

“Hahaha, you're on! And if I lose, then what?”

“You promise me that you will always be available to be my sparring partner for whenever I want to train!”


Karon looked up at the confident and very intoxicated pegasus before he drew a line in the dirt with his foot.

Rainbow Dash flew down and stepped up behind it and bent her legs in a ready stance.

Karon shouted as loudly as he could.




Rainbow Dash took off in a mass of swirling rainbow colours and disappeared into the dark night sky.

Karon began counting while Fluttershy had turned around, as if expecting Dash to appear above the opposite horizon any second.

“Three, two, one ... Yupp, she lost.”

The both of them stood looking at the horizon for a few minutes before Karon turned to the most innocent creature he had ever meet and asked.

“Wanna go inside and have a few more sips?”


They walked into the library in search of more alcohol, and Karon quickly forgot about the pegasus trying to fly around the world in ten seconds.


“Oh fuck, I hope she's all right. Heh, maybe she's even still flying.”

“Okay Fluttershy. I remember but ... Nothing we can do about that right now. Best if we wait for her to come back by herself. If she hasn't done that by the end of the day then Twilight and I can figure something out to bring her back. Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine.”

“O-okay, if you're sure....”


“Nope, she's most likely dead.”

“Shut up!”

Karon turned away from Fluttershy who was lying down again holding her hooves over her head and repeated “Ow, ow, ow, ow.” Over and over in a tiny little voice.

He left her there to nurse her headache and decided to search through the last room he hadn't entered yet. Twilight's bedroom.

He walked out into the main library and saw that some ponies had woken up and were now groaning and gently turning around trying to escape the brutal sunlight streaming in trough the windows.

“I feel your pain,” Karon thought as he ascended the steps leading to Twilight's room. He didn't bother knocking, he doubted she would have heard it. Instead he just pushed it open and went inside.

It wasn't that bad really.

The room looked the same, bookshelves lining the wall and a ladder leading up to the platform above. He carefully climbed up the ladder making sure he wouldn't fall and break his neck.

Twilight was in her bed sleeping, but around her were crumpled notes of paper. Karon tip toed forward and picked up the one closest to him.

It read.

                                                                Dear Princess Celestia.

                                                From your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

I am sorry to inform you that the report you wanted on humans did not contain all the information I had gathered about their kind while inside the mind of the magic user called Karon. Who is currently residing with me. I decided to exclude this because I was quite frankly embarrassed about having choosing to research  this despite Karon's own instance that I should. So I send this letter in hope's of explaining about a book written by the humans called the Kama Sutra I read about while inside Karon's mind, it details....

Karon didn't read further.

Instead he snapped up another note and read it, it was almost the same thing but written a little differently. He went trough all the notes he could find all of them was of the same thing.

Twilight explaining the Kama Sutra, some had drawings even, to the ruler of all Equestria and by all reports some kind of demi-goddess on the side.

If she had sent one of these to her ... Twilight was going to kill him.

He tried to force a flashback to occur but it didn't work. He sighed and felt despair creeping up on him, when he heard a groan and saw Twilight blinking as she opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Uuuhhh, what did you do to me?”

“Me what are you-!”

But he was cut short as a flashback finally happened.


He had just dropped Rarity on the floor after kissing her and was heading over to Twilight. She looked grumpy and he didn't want anyone to be grumpy at a party he had planned.

She was him coming and glared at him the entire time.

“Are you happy now? You've managed to turn every single pony completely crazy with those drinks of yours!”

“Want one?”

“No I don't want one! Can't you see what you're doing to these ponies?”

“Twilight, my hot flanked friend ... Can you honeschtly say that none of these ponies weren't crazy before I got here?”

She opened her mouth as if to reply but closed it shut again.

“I thought scho. Now, I thought you of  all ponies would take this opportunity to tescht yourself.”

“What exactly are you talking about?”

“Well ... drinking affects the mind. Someone like you should be interested in exschperimenting with how it affects you.”

She honestly looked to be thinking about what he'd said. He had thought her a lost cause, maybe she was feeling lonely being the only sober pony. Even Fluttershy had given in.

“Fine! But only as a scientific experiment to understand the subjective experience of somepony that has been drinking!”

“Whatschever you say, hot flank!”

He had brought her a cup filled with Applejack's daniels. Then another and another until she was totally wasted.

Then things quickly escalated.

Twilight had started teleporting invitations randomly to locations over all of Equestria. Most must have simply ended up in the wilderness but it didn't take long before a bear arrived carrying an invitation in it's mouth. After that a diamond dog. And after that, a talking otter had arrived.

She had eventually stopped sending out invitations and gotten into a fight with Karon about magic and then got interrupted by Fluttershy who issued the challenge of turning her into a tree.

After that had been done, she had retreated into her room for some unknown reason and Karon had been kept busy with Applejack's fight with the diamond dog and the ensuing warfare between the united forces of the audience and Pinkie Pie's volunteer defenders.

He had tired of looking at ponies knocking each other out with books after a couple of hours and went upstairs looking for Twilight.

He had found her surrounded by crumpled notes writing something.

“There! Finally it's perfect,” she said with a triumphant smile and had been about to walk over to Spike's cradle before Karon stopped her.

“What do you have there Twilight?”

“This is a letter to princess Celestia explaining what the Kama Sutra is.”

Somewhere deep inside, entirely forgotten by the drunk Karon, the logical part of him was wailing in terror at what he'd just heard and was begging him to stop it.

Instead Karon just looked at Twilight with a frown and asked.

“That doesn't sound right? Why would you do that?”

“Because, I didn't tell her in the report she wanted! I lied to her when not telling about exactly everything I had learned about humans. I wrote about everything else but that, I couldn't keep lying to her any more.”

Karon thought about this, it still sounded strange but if she said she needed to, then he guessed she did.

“Okay, how will you send it to her?”

She didn't answer, she just trotted over to Spike's bed and pushed him out of it.

“Huh? What? ... Twilight what did you do that for?” he asked while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Spike I need you to send this letter to princess Celestia right now!”

“Uh, are you all right Twilight? Your eyes look a little red.”

“Spike! Send it to princess Celestia right this instant.”

“Okay, okay. Geez,” he said and took the levitating parchment and blew on it with a greenish fire. It transformed into some kind of cloud like substance and flew out the window.

“Okay, I'm going to sleep now. See you both in the morning,” Twilight said and walked on unsteady hooves to the bed and collapsed on it, instantly falling asleep.

“Lightweights,” Karon mumbled to himself and climbed down the ladder and then headed for the door.

“Hey wait up!” Spike said and followed after him.

“I'm gonna get something from the kitchen, you hungry? Want me to make you something?”

Karon thought about it for a moment but shook his head. Seeing Twilight fall asleep had reminded him of how tired he felt and now he only wanted to go to sleep as well.

“Suit yourself,” the little dragon said and walked out the door and Karon followed after him.

He went down the stairs without tripping over himself and saw that almost every pony had fallen either unconscious or asleep by now. The talking otter stood at the door and was waving good bye to those still awake.

Karon waved good bye to it and then went over to a comfortable looking spot on the floor and laid down. He couldn't remember why he hadn't stayed in Twilight's room and slept in the bed, but it didn't matter.

The floor was pretty comfy.

He had almost drifted off when something nudged him in the ribs. He opened his eyes and saw Rarity standing over him.

“I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you, I was just wondering if-.”

Karon interrupted her before she could finish speaking.

“Rarity my dear, I am to tired too argue or fight back. So if you want to sleep with me, just come down here and shut up.”

Rarity's eyes had bulged at his suggestion and even her carefully applied make-up could do nothing to hide the furious blushing.

But she didn't step back.

Instead she lowered herself to her knees and gently laid down on her side. Her eyes locked on Karon, she scooted closer to him and put one hoof over his arm. He smiled at her once.

Then he closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Rarity had been very surprised at this at first. She didn't think he meant sleeping as in actually sleeping next to each other.

But seeing the peacefully resting form of Karon had made even her clouded mind give up, and she pressed herself against him as close as she could and soon followed his lead and fell into a deep sleep.


Karon stared at Twilight, waiting for the inevitable signs that the memories of the previous night were returning to her.

He did not have to wait for long.

It began simply, first her brow furrowed and she looked to be experiencing a headache. Then her eyebrows went up and her eyes widened. Then slowly her jaw went slack and a tiny, tiny little sound emerged.

It sounded like a no.

“Huh, so that's how it looks when a brain get a 404 error message.”

Karon looked at Twilight with pity in his eyes, she really didn't deserve this. Then he remembered the scroll he had found Spike cradling in the kitchen.

“Twilight ... I found a message next to Spike ... I think it's from Celestia.”

Her eyes turned to him ever so slowly and he reached into his pocket and presented her with the scroll. Her eyes became bigger with just a tiny fraction but it was enough for him to confirm that it certainly was from the princess.

Her face didn't change at all as her horn began glowing, and the scroll opened up and hovered before her face. Her eyes moved along the parchment and her deep purple colouring became a couple of shades lighter as all blood drained from her face.

“This can't be good.”

Her eyes stopped moving at the bottom, so Karon stretched out his hand and grabbed it from the air, and Twilight's horn stopped glowing. He held up the parchment and on it was written.

                                                             My dear student Twilight Sparkle

The information regarding the presence of a human in Ponyville and the knowledge you have brought back with you from this foreign world is very unsettling.

This last report you have sent to me has also caused me some concern regarding how much of this Karon's influence you are under.

I have decided that it would be best if both me and my sister Princess Luna were to journey to you so we can make sure that all is well with you and your friends.

You can expect us tomorrow at 12 sharp. We will be arriving by teleportation to avoid announcing our presence to the rest of Ponyville since this could possibly turn into a dangerous situation should the human prove aggressive despite your tales of his valour.

                                                                                                                                Princess Celestia.

Karon looked up from the parchment and stared into empty space. Then he turned to the small clock standing on top of one of the bookcases.

It was 11:55

He turned back to twilight and slowly said.

“Don't worry, I know exactly what to do.”

She nodded a tiny nod and didn't move, she just kept on staring.

Karon turned around and climbed down the ladder and went trough the door. He moved down the stairs and scanned the room for what he was looking for, hoping desperately it would be there.

It was.

He walked over to a table and picked up a half empty bottle of Applejack's daniels and gazed at it.

“So ...  two things can happen now. Either Twilight will snap out of it and kill me, or the princesses will banish me to the moon....”

He really did not want to be sober for this.

He had just had time to open the bottle and pour a mouthful down his throat when he suddenly heard the poofing sound he had come to associate with teleportation magic coming from behind him.

“Here we go....” Next Chapter: Chapter 8: A misunderstanding Estimated time remaining: 24 Hours, 38 Minutes

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