
Dang O' Ponies, I Tell You What

by LtMajorDude

Chapter 4: Bill's Secret

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Hank eventually woke up.

He wondered why he felt the ground on his back.

He noticed that he was being dragged by Dale and Boomhauer to a town full of ponies.

Dale turned around and smirked.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty's awake." he said.

Hank stood up.

"Shut up Dale" he said, giving Dale a slight glare.

Dale couldn't help but laugh.

Hank looked around. "Where the hell are we?" he asked.

Boomhauer shrugged. "Don't know man tell you what man there's was dang o' light man big big man yo couldn't go away man yo eat us up then dang o spit us here yup man yo." he said.

Dale looked around. "Bill went to find out about this place. Maybe we should know this place a bit." Dale suggested.

They noticed a pink mare walking towards them.

Hank spoke up to the pony.

"Excuse me ma'am? We're new to this town. Do you know where we are?" he asked.

The pink pony looked at them for a few seconds.

She jumped into the air, gasping, and ran away.

Hank, Dale, and Boomhauer stood there confused.

"What the hell was that about?" Dale asked.

"Who knows man dang o' why is there a cupcake on the freaking butt man yo?" Boomhauer asked.

"Boomhauer's right. In fact, why do all these ponies have symbols on their butt?" Hank asked.

"Hey guys!"

They heard a familiar voice and looked behind them.

It was Bill, running towards them.

"I see you met Pinkie Pie"

Dale looked confused.

"Pinkie What?"

Bill smiled happily.

"Pinkie Pie. One of Twilight Sparkle's friends. Element of-"

"Wait wait," Dale interupted. "Twilight WHO?"

Bill continued, "Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's pupi-"

"Dang o'," Boomhauer interupted. "Cele-WHAT man?"

Hank sighed, "Bill, what the hell are you talking about."

Bill blinked, noticing Hank for the first time.

"Wow Hank!" Bill said, "You're a unicorn? That's an acedemy record!"

Bill laughed at his last statement as Hank, Dale, and Boomhauer stood there even MORE confused.

Bill stopped laughing and noticed their confusion.

"Oh yeah. You didn't know I was a brony." Bill said.

Dale looked shocked.

"Brony? A term for male people, both young, old, gay, straight, or bisexual, who loves HUB Channel's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Saturday 11:30 AM?"

Bill nodded. Dale suddenly passed out. Boomhauer chuckled to himself.

"Dang o' first Hank then Gribble. Heh heh." he muttered.

Hank glared at Boomhauer. "Don't make me kick your ass." he said.

"Flank," Bill corrected.

Hank glared at Bill. "Does it matter Bill?" Hank asked.

"Sorry," Bill muttered.

Hank sighed. "Come on guys." Hank said. "Let's pick up Dale so we can explore a bit."

Boomhauer lifted Dale up Bill's back. The three guys begin to explore Ponyville.

Hank and his friends didn't notice, but a dark green stallion with a gray mane and tail was eavesdropping on them.

He had wrinkly skin but the most noticeable feature is that his back legs are shorted than the front legs.

"Let's pick up Dale so we can explore a bit." Hank said.

As they went on their way, the green stallion smiled and chuckled to himself.

"Well. Well. Well. It looks like mah good for nothing boy's here." he whispered.

He slowly followed them, quietly chuckling to himself.

Next Chapter: Unlikely Reunion Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes
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