
Dang O' Ponies, I Tell You What

by LtMajorDude

Chapter 1: The day the world ended

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"Mmm hmm"

Hank Hill, Bill Dauterive, and Jeff Boomhauer replied.

Hank was the man with brown hair and blue jeans. He stood as he drank his beer.

Standing next to him was his best friend, Bill, an obese man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. Despite being bald, he still had some brown hair on his head.

A young man with yellow hair and tannish skin, Boomhauer, was busy looking at his watch, wondering where his other friend, Dale Gribble, was. Boomhauer had a black t-shirt and blue jeans.

They were outside Hank's house, sipping beer.

A few minutes later, they noticed a man in a white radioactive suit, mask and all (although the price tag was still in it), coming out of Dale's house. In his hand was three radioactive suits.

"Oh God" Hank muttered after realizing who it was:
Dale Gribble, Hank's crazy best friend.

The suited man, Dale, walked to the guys and took out his mask.

Dale's face was revealed. He had his signature hat and sunglasses with a cigarette in his mouth, still lit.

"Hello, my dear friends," Dale said with a blank expression in his face.

Hank sighed. "Dale, what are you doing?" he said, annoyed by Dale's behavior, despite years of getting used to Dale's stupidity.

"You didn't hear the news? Word is that the world's gonna end at midnight tonight! I knew that global warming will eventually take effect! The Mayans may have been wrong about 12/21/12 but Al Gore's theories could be right...or is it Mitt Romney's ideas? Ah whatever."

Hank shook his beer can. It was empty.

"And the radioactive suit?" Bill said.

"I'm getting ready just in case. I also took the liberty of giving you all radioactive suits!" Dale replied, giving one radioactive suit to each of his friends.

Hank looked at the suit and then at Dale.

He just shook his head and headed home, throwing the radioactive suit in the trash can and his empty beer can in the recycle bin.

"Stupid Dale. Thinking the world's gonna end," Hank replied, holding back his laughter as he closed the door in his house.

Dale just shook his head. Bill looked worried.

"The end of the world?" he thought as he clenched to the suit.

While the guys were standing there, a Laotian man, who was Hank's neighbor, Kahn, was there with a full trash bag in his hand. He was going to take out the trash until he heard their conversation.

He chuckled to himself. "You guys need to stop drinking hillbilly beer too much," he thought as he emptied his trash and went back to his house.

11:57 PM

Hank was in his bed with his wife, Peggy.

Hank was closing his eyes, trying to go to sleep. He couldn't.

He opened his eyes and sighed.

"Well since I'm awake, I might as well grab a beer" he thought.

Hank got off the bed, put on his glasses, and went to the kitchen.

11:58 PM

Hank opened the fridge when he got to the kitchen.

Hank took a beer can from the fridge and closed the fridge.

He opened the beer can and stood next to window, taking a sip.

11:59 PM

Hank chuckled to himself.

"End of the world. Good one Dale," he said shaking his head.

He saw the radioactive suit in the garbage bin, which was still there.

12:00 AM

Hank finished his beer and went outside to put it in his recycling bin.

By the time he put the can in the bin, he noticed a white light in the dark sky.

"Huh?" he thought.

It suddenly became bigger and bigger.

Hank tried shaking it off with his hand, but it did nothing.

"What the hell?" he thought as it grew larger and larger...

Hank later woke up. He felt like he had a hangover.

He didn't know what happened.

He noticed he was in a forest.

"Oh, my head," Hank muttered as he slowly got up, closed his eyes, and put his hoof on his head.

Wait, hoof?

Hank opened his eyes and noticed that his hand had been replaced by a light brown hoof.

He blinked his eyes and noticed a small puddle, quickly running towards it.

He looked at the puddle, hoping to see his reflection.

He did.

Everypony in Ponyville was having a good day. Not a single pony had a frown.

That is, until a familiar "BRWAHH!" sound was heard, surprising everypony in Ponyville, making their smiles into shocked faces.

Author's Notes:

Read and Review!
Please take it easy on me!
It's my first story and probably first MLP - King of the Hill story on FimFiction
(If there's another MLP - King of the Hill story on FimFiction, please inform me!)

Next Chapter: What happened before the end Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 43 Minutes
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