
"Where Will I Go?"

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 8: -Big Bad Wolf.

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After what I believe five minutes had passed by, I found myself journeying deeper into the “Everfree Forest.” I’m not sure If I have ever been in a forest before, let alone actually seen one, but something tells me that they should be more noisy, like hearing the sounds of an owl hooting or hissing of snakes. But no, the less I quicken my step, I am only being greeted with the sound of silence-not even my footsteps are echoing throughout the forest. I could only hear the soft crunches of leaves under my shoes. Yet, very, very silent. Almost too silent.

Eventually, I stopped myself at the sight of an open field, with limited trees and mostly sunlight shining down on a small stump. Though I didn’t feel tired, I just wanted to sit down and gather my thoughts on the events that had recently took place. I walk over to the tiny stump, still not able to feel the warmth of the sunlight. I sat on the said stump, hands on my knee caps and sighing deeply.

“My mind reminds me like I’m living in a five year old’s dream land. A very...realistic dream land.” I said, placing my left hand under my chin, supporting the weight of my head. “Tiny horses are not supposed to talk, let alone have horns or wings and detailed facial expressions. And those big eyes...I’d hate to be judged by those.” I looked around at the environment, actually feeling calm with all the silence and the sounds of a light breeze passing by. Even if I am in a coma, my brain can simulate reality very specifically. Trees swaying, wind blowing, the sound of growling...


Doing a complete 180, I was staring at a pair of glowing, yellow eyes hiding in a large bush, at least 20 feet away. The stump I was sitting on isn’t that far from the area I entered from, which could give me the opportunity to run as fast as I can away from this creature. But to where, is the problem I need to solve. That would have to come later, right now, I need to run away from this animal.

Staring at those vicious eyes gave me the adrenaline I needed to stand up slowly, backing even farther away to get a head start on running. The figure, however, wasn’t one to wait patiently, because he backed away into the bushes. I was no longer able to so those eyes, but I did not complain and ran away from the open field, thankful that that beast did not attack me.

I guess that getting lost in the forest is better than...wait, what was that noise?

As foolish as this sounds, I decided to go back to the general direction where I once came from...which was where I started. Though, I believe it is going to take a while before I get back, because I ran too deep into this forest. Reasons why I am going back, are simple: I heard screams, and I have no idea where the end of the forest could lead me to.

While walking down the tree-covered path, I began to question where I heard those screams from before. They sounded awfully familiar, but I decided to check out the problem and see if I could help.

Though the probability of me finding the multiple voices in such a large forest feel low at this point, because the sun is beginning to set.

Not wanting to be too late to the cries of help, I started to run. But how am I suppose to help? I know nothing of the wilderness, let alone have some sort of tool to hack and slash through these large leaves!

Eventually, I suppose I reached the area of where the screams came from, but I couldn’t see anybody, or thing, needing help. Looking around, I noticed how there are bits and small chunks of wood just laying around a big red bow. I walk up to it and knelt down, picking it up. I examined it and tried my best to remember if I have seen this bow anywhere else. It could have some connections to the person...or thing, that I could have known or just met.

That’s when it hit me.

“That one baby horse, she had a big bow the last time I saw her.” I said, holding the bow in one hand. It look as big as a basketball, but soft and not as heavy as one. Looking up from the bow, I noticed that a trail of twigs was leading behind a bush, leading into an unknown area. “I might as well go check it out, there could be more clues to where that little horse went. I walked behind the bush, shocked completely.

I was back at the small field with the stump in the center. This means, I was walking around in a complete circle! I was a bit upset, but I was later filled with worry when I looked closer at a tree just a few meters away from the stump.

Behind under the tree, were three baby horses, one of them being the owner of the red bow in my hand. I walked closer to them, but their eyes were fixed on a bush...the same bush I was staring at when those eyes were staring at me.

And there was something coming out of the bush.

I put the bow in my pocket. Despite it’s large size, it was pretty easy for me to shove it into my pocket. I then began to look around for something to protect the horses, and I suddenly found a loose branch on a tree. I sprinted towards and I used the strength I had left, even though I felt no fatigue, to pull the branch from the tree.

“This should do some damage.” I said, swinging the branch. Looking towards the tree where the three horses are at, I could see a shadowed figure coming closer to them, and the same eyes glowed in hunger. The three began to scream, and without a second thought, I charged at the beast, swinging like a madman.

“Hey! Hey! Get away from them!” I shouted as I swung the branch straight to the face of the shadowed figure. I heard a sickening crack as the branch connected with creature, and he was knocked back into the bush. I heard a loud bark from where he was knocked back, and I could see only one eye coming from the bush. “Stay back!”

“M-monster! It’s the monster!”

Turning around to the sound of the high pitched voice, I looked down at the little horses who were staring up at me with those big eyes. Getting a closer look, I noticed in full detail on how they looked, but I was not worried about that now. Currently, I just want to make sure that these little ones are okay.

Backing next to them, but still staring at the bush with the one glowing eye, I knelt down and raised my hands to my chest, waving them slowly and speaking softly. “Hey, hey. Listen, I’m not going to hurt you! I promise!” Still, they backed up against the tree, as if I was a repulsive figure to them. I sighed, knowing that they were not going to calm down.

Then I remembered about the bow. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the bow, showing it to them. “I found this red bow over there by the bushes. Do any of you own this?”

“I-it’s mine.” The one in the middle said. I handed it to her and she grabbed it with her maw, then snapping back quickly. “Thanks, monster.”

“You’re welcome.”

I turned around, glaring at the real monster, gripping the broken branch in my hand. “Stay back.” I said, standing up slowly. I won’t lie, but I was really scared at that thing. The noises it made sent chills down my spine, and the way that eye glowed and stared at me made me feel very nervous. But I kept my ground, making sure that that thing wouldn’t go near these little ones.

Even though I knew it was getting dark, and fast, I didn’t want these horses getting hurt. I looked at them again, and they seemed more calm than before, yet I could still hear their teeth chattering. “On the count of three, I want you three to run all the way to the stump and stay there until I get close enough. Then we could all leave this place, got it?” They nodded their head simultaneously, letting small whimpers escape. I nodded back. “1...2...3!”

As soon as I talked above a whisper, I could hear their hoof steps move quickly to the stump. At the same time, the thing that was trying to hurt them jumped out of the bushed and ran towards them. “Hell no!”

It happened so fast. One minute, I was behind the tree, then the next, It felt like I was flying towards the animal at an incredible rate! As soon as it was near the tree, I kicked it in the side of the head, hearing the skull of the monster crack right before me. It fell to the ground, appearing dead.

Dead as a log, to be cryptic.

I slowly walked towards it, and noticed that it appeared to be a wolf made out of wood, mostly twigs and a few leaves. I was so amazed and struck in awe, that I forgot about the three I told to run towards the stump.

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff*

“Are the three of you...crying?” I was surprised. I mean, I know animals can cry, but I can clearly see the emotion and tears coming out of these baby horses. That’s when the orange one and the one with the bow spoke.

“We ain’t cryin’! We just got somethin’ in our eye!” The red mane horse said. “Right Scootaloo?”

“Yea!” The one named Scootaloo said. Her mane was more of an indigo color, and her mane was more messier than the other one. “Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and I aren't crying! Right Sweetie Belle?”

The one name Sweetie Belle remained silent. Her mane had two colors, pink and a really light purple. She had a...horn sticking out of her forehead, unlike Scootaloo, who has wings. She had the most of tears coming out, and something tells me she isn’t comfortable with the situation at hand.

“Aww jeez.” I said, kneeling down to their eye level. Scootaloo and Applebloom backed away, but Sweetie Belle was busy wiping her tears away with her hoof. “Look, I’m sorry if I scared you three. I just didn’t want that wolf,” I pointed towards the wooden wolf, who was still on the ground looking very much dead. “Attacking you three. Would a monster really help those in need?”

They still didn’t believe me. “Look, how about I take you three back to the cottage? Would it make you all better?”

They all nodded their heads, pouting sadly. God damn, that’s pretty cute.

“Then come on, let’s go before it get’s really dark.”

I began to stand up, but was stop by the white horse. “Um, excuse me, Mr. Monster?”

“Yes?” I look down at her, and she was sticking her hoof out. I looked closer, and smiled a bit. “Oh...you got a splinter? In your hoof?”

“Yea..” She said in a quiet voice. “It’s going to hurt when I walk. Can you...?”

“Carry you? Well...sure, no problem.” I said, lifting her up. At first, she was nervous to hop into my hands, as if she never saw them before. At first, as before, I felt like my hands went right through her. In the broad daylight.

I shook it off as my imagination, and tried again. Again, I miss. One more try, and I was finally able to grab her and carried her, as if she were a baby in my hands. The other two kept a close eye on me, as if I was about to eat her.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Next Chapter: -A Friendly Monster. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
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