
That's A First

by FeignedSincerity

Chapter 2: 2. What Is Love?

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"... And so then I did like, ten flips. I thought I would only be able to pull off seven, or maybe nine, but I surpassed even my own expectations!"

"That's fascinating, Rainbow Dash."

Twilight Sparkle turned to the next page of her latest study guide, paying half attention to the braggart sitting next to her.

"That cloud never stood a chance! You should have seen it Twi, if it could have seen me coming it would have pissed itself!"

"That's nice, Rainbow."

The bench in the town square supported the weight of Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and between them was a box of cupcakes. Rainbow had been on duty earlier that day, securing the weather for everypony's special day. A single thunder cloud off in the distance was the only blemish on an otherwise masterpiece of a day.

"Are you even listening, Twilight?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Cool. Anyway, like I was saying..." Her words trailed off as a familiar orange blur sped by. "Whoa, is that Scootaloo? Hey Twi, wait here."


Scootaloo thought she passed somepony she recognized, but most of it was a blur. Her inner conflict was still raging on as much as ever, and now her eyes found it appropriate to water up. 'Good call eyes, totally the time for that.' Her slender hooves carried her as fast as she could go, not sure where she was going.

'Where am I going anyway?'

Scoots stopped dead in her tracks, allowing herself a chance to breathe. She was almost at the outskirts of town by now, but she was certain that she had passed by Sugar Cube Corner at least once.

'Alright, so let's think about this now. Why am I running?' The first question she asked herself was certainly not an easy one. There were plenty of reasons for why she was running, but were any of them good reasons? 'First, I totally just asked to kiss Sweetie Belle again, so that's awkward...'

"Yo, kid, what're you running from?"

'Second, I liked it. No... I loved it.' A bit of that nervous heat from before returned to her face as she thought about it again. 'But we're just friends, that's totally not cool. Maybe...'

"So, just gonna ignore me or..."

"Maybe that's just what kissing feels like?"

"Ahem! I'm going to pretend you didn't just ask me that. Let's start again. Hey, Scoots, what's up?"

'That must be it! Kissing other ponies probably just gives you tingly feelings!' Finally at somewhat of a conclusion, Scootaloo allowed herself to come back to reality. "Oh, hey Rainbow Dash! Can I ask you something?"

"Uh... Sure, but I kinda have plans, so make it quick?"

"Totally, just... Hmmm..." She really had no idea how to ask, or what to ask for that matter. All she knew was that she was confused.

Rainbow instinctively checked her wrist for the time, but reminded herself that she didn't actually wear a watch. "Any day now."

The younger filly tried to at least form a proper question in her mind, but it just didn't work. She had no idea what she was even confused about, just that she was confused. Aware that she was wasting her big sister's time, she scrambled for something to at least make this worth her while.

"I... Uh..."

"Right, I'd love to help you and all, but I really need to go now, so..."

Neither of them could have prepared for what happened next. Scootaloo, in desperation to make some sense of her dilemma, launched herself forward with her hind legs. Her aim was true, and she planted her face directly onto Rainbows. Their lips remained locked for only about a second, but they each perceived it as being too long. Scootaloo stared into her idols eyes as she saw a mix of surprise and anger well up in them. 'Good idea Scoots, ruin your life real quick.'

Once that second was up, the troubled filly fell flat on her face at Rainbow's hooves. She looked up into a pair of rose colored eyes that suddenly had all the time in the world.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" 'Smooth, Scootaloo, like that would ever work.'

"You're going to explain exactly what you just did so we can revoke that whole sister thing and go on with our lives."

The next thing Scootaloo could think to do was cry. This day was turning into a disaster, and she didn't even know why. To top it all off, she didn't even get the tingly feeling again. This whole thing was a bust. She remained laying on the ground and began to sob into the dirt.

"Uh... Alright, you're crying, why are you crying?"


Rainbow grabbed a lock of Scootaloo's mane and yanked her up, freeing her mouth to speak.

"-And I'm really confused and now you hate me and I just want to die!"

"Whoa! Hey, stop that! I didn't mean it!"

Scoots sniffled a little and wiped a hoof across her eyes to clear some of the tears away. She soon found herself standing on the ground again, but her knees felt weak. "I'm just so confused..."

"No kidding..."

"I thought that maybe I'd get the tingly feeling again if I kissed you, but I didn't!" She stomped an irritated hoof, which unfortunately was positioned on top of a small rock. She felt the shock vibrate up to her shoulder, but was unwilling to show her discomfort in front of Rainbow. "Why didn't I get the stupid tingly feeling again?!"

Rainbow took a second to comprehend everything, but soon found herself wishing to be anywhere but there. She realized what was going on, and knew for certain that she was not the pony to give that sort of advice. Her eyes shifted around to find a distraction, and noticed the position of the sun. She was already late.

"Look, kid, I'm no good at this whole love business, but whoever I'm guessing just gave you your first kiss is probably the one you should be talking to about this."

"But Sweetie Belle was acting like it was a game! I thought it was a game and now it's not a game anymore!"

As if her desire to run could get any more intense, it did just then. Rainbow gulped audibly, realizing that she was Scootaloo's only real parent figure, not to mention big sister. This was a conversation that she didn't want to have with anypony, and especially not in a situation like this. Either way, her protective side just wanted to find the little unicorn and give her a piece of her mind.

"Hey, having somepony play with your heart sucks, but you'll get through it! Just talk to her about it, maybe she feels the same? Anyway, I really need to go so..."

"But she shouldn't feel the same! I shouldn't even feel this way!"

This just kept getting worse. If not for her emotional attachment to this filly, Rainbow would have been gone within milliseconds. She eagerly hovered above the ground, at least offering a sympathetic smile. "You'll figure it out Scoots, you're too cool not to. I gotta go."

"Ok..." Scootaloo drew circles in the dirt as she heard Rainbow Dash take off, the wind displacement ruffling her mane. Suddenly, the pain in her leg made sure that she couldn't ignore it any longer. "Stupid Sweetie Belle and her stupid kiss. Why does she have to be so perfect?!" She slammed her hoof on the ground again, but her already throbbing hoof protested violently, sending the filly to the ground in agony. "Gah why does this day have to suck so bad?!"

"Oh I'm sure it's not all bad. Would some tea help?"

Another familiar voice, but a much lighter and delicate one, came from behind the wounded pegasus. It could be none other than Fluttershy.

"I mean, if you'd like some tea, I don't mean to impose..."

'Did I really run that far? Yeah, that's Fluttershy's place over there... Idea!'

"Hey Fluttershy, can I ask you a question?"

Sweetie Belle had forgotten exactly how far from the town that hill was, as she was now getting tired. It didn't help that the blanket on her back was a little heavier than she remembered. Then again, she hadn't carried the blanket on the way up.

"Scootaloo!" she called, expecting an answer. "Scoot-Scootaloo!" Her call only summoned the odd looks from a few couples around her. "I could have sworn that would work..."

One little bridge to cross and she'd be in the town square. The scene was the same as any would assume, being filled with couples still out on dates. Sweetie had been looking for Scootaloo, but one couple in particular drew her attention away from her task. One of the houses along a row of many identical houses showed an interesting scene in the doorway.

"Oh my, I really should look for my sister and her friend, but I look forward to tonight!"

"Yes, I suppose it's best not to let them cause too much trouble." Cheerilee was preparing to close her door, when she stopped. "And, well... I didn't expect to find a date today, but... I'm glad I did... I'll see you at six!" With that, her face lit up and she slammed the door out of nervous anxiety. Rarity turned towards the street to begin her search, though she wouldn't have to look far. As soon as she turned her nose away from Cheerilee's door, she was confronted by a wide grin.

"So you are dating Ms. Cheerilee!"

Rarity's face filled with color as she stared into her sister's eyes. She was really hoping that nopony worth noting had seen that little exchange.

"You, ahem... You heard all of that then?"

"I did, and it was adorable!"

"It was not adorable! It was simply..." Rarity bit her tongue, wondering what she could say that would make any sense. Surely Sweetie was old enough to see the signs, so lying would do no good. "Where's Scootaloo?!"

"Oh, she ran away. Speaking of which," Sweetie began as she did a quick check around for a specific shade of orange. "Have you seen Scootaloo? I'm trying to find her."

"No I can't say I have. Would you mind telling me why Scootaloo ran away from you?"

"I don't know! It was the weirdest thing!" The younger sister sat down on the dirt, pouting a little. "Our date was going just fine, and then she ran away without explaining why!"

"Ah, your date then? Perhaps something happened during your date?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. We sat on the hill, held hooves a little, and then I kissed her. Next thing I know, she's acting all awkward and runs away."

'Oh my... That would explain it...' Rarity placed a hoof on her forehead to try and alleviate a growing headache. Maybe Sweetie wasn't old enough to see the signs. "Sweetie Belle, I have some time before my... Well my rendezvous, so I think we should have a little talk."

"Ok!" Sweetie's ears perked up, though she showed no sign of moving. "Talk away!"

"Here?" Rarity turned again to look at the door behind her, catching a brief sight of Cheerilee peeking at her through the curtain. "Surely we can go back to the boutique and talk over a nice cup of tea?"

Sweetie stood up and gave an exasperated sigh. "UGH, fine, but then I really need to look for Scootaloo. How long is this going to take?"

"Not long, Sweetie, not long."

"So run this by me again. You're telling me that Scootaloo is in love with me?"

"Yes, I assure you that is the most likely reason. Any other questions?"

Sweetie Belle shifted uncomfortably in her seat as the idea of it all set in. Either way, she didn't believe it, but it made her wonder. "So, does that mean she would want to date me again?"

"Well, provided she's not too proud to admit feelings for her best friend, then yes that is exactly what that means."

"What if she thought it was weird and just wanted to get away from me?"

Rarity scratched at her chin in thought. "Well, I suppose, but I'd rather hope she would not do that. If she is your friend, then the proper thing to do in that situation would have been to set boundaries and talk about it. No, I'm certain she has developed feelings for you."

"Well that's dumb."

"Sweetie!" The older unicorn stood from her seat angrily, giving her sister a disapproving glare. "Whether or not you reciprocate those feelings, she is your friend! I expected my little sister to have some compassion!"

Sweetie stood as well, trying to match her sister's glare. "Well I never wanted to start anything with her, we were just going on a date to try it! We even said it was completely casual at the clubhouse!"

"Then why did you kiss her?!" Rarity's eye twitched in frustration, trying not to slap Sweetie right there. It helped, however, that Sweetie was now looking at her hooves in what appeared to be shame. A single tear clung to her eye. "Sweetie, I did not mean to yell at you, but you must understand-"

"I don't know why I did it!" Sweetie closed both of her eyes as hard as she could, and her voice cracked a little. "I thought that was what ponies did on a date! I didn't know it was a bad thing to do!"

"Do you... Do you understand why it was wrong Sweetie Belle?" Rarity gave her sister a sympathetic look, hoping that the filly had learned her lesson.

"Because I'm too young?"

And that was not the lesson she had hoped her sister had learned. Rarity rolled her eyes as she sighed, wondering why her parents haven't had this talk with their daughter yet.

"Love is a dangerous game Sweetie Belle. You are old enough for love, you have been for a few years now. The problem is that you toyed with another pony's heart and didn't think of how it would hurt them."

"Toying? But... I just thought..."

"I understand that you did not mean to upset your friend, Sweetie Belle, but I'd be willing to bet that she's feeling something similar to heartbreak right now." Rarity placed a comforting hoof around her sister's shoulder. "What you need to do is talk to her. Tell her that you don't feel the same, and that it was wrong of you to give her a false hope. Why, I suspect that a filly as tough as Scootaloo will be more than willing to forget the whole thing and move on!"

"But what if I do feel the same?"

The air grew quiet, and both sisters sported a dark blush. Rarity looked down at her sister with a new level of interest that she hadn't found until now.

"In that case, Sweetie... In that case you need to find her and let her know."

"Wow, it's that easy?"

"In the event that you do have feelings for Scootaloo, and that she has feelings for you as well, yes it is that easy."

A thought came to Sweetie's mind, and it dawned on her that there may be more to this situation than she had at first thought. She had a new issue that needed to be resolved.

"So, what do ponies do on a date anyway?"

"Oh, well a picnic is just fine sometimes, but a proper date includes dinner, and perhaps a show." Rarity's mouth turned up into a whimsical smile as she slipped into a day dream. "And if it's a particularly special date, perhaps a dance, and then watching a meteor shower in each other's embrace. That night was just magical... Sweetie Belle, are you still there?"

She snapped back to reality to catch the door swinging shut, leaving the fashionista alone.

"So I just need to find Scootaloo so we can finish our date."

Sweetie continued walking through town, doing her best to find tracks to follow. Scootaloo didn't have her scooter, so tire tracks were out of the question. No, Sweetie would have to rely on hoof prints, which were abundant in a town filled with ponies.

"Why did Scootaloo have to be a pony? This would be so much easier if she was a dragon or something."

"Can I help you young miss?"

A mare no older than Rarity with a sky blue coat stood before the lost little filly. Her mane was a refined grey and her voice suggested an air of sophistication.

"Yeah! I need to finish my date, but my friend ran away."

"Perhaps I can help you with that." The older pony pinched Sweetie's cheek in a motherly manner. "My name is Shoeshine!"

"Ouch!" Sweetie recoiled at the cheek pinch, but was happy to have somepony to help. "I'm Sweetie Belle, and I'm looking for an orange pegasus."

Shoeshine nodded, and watched as her new friend began walking in the direction of the forest. The young unicorn seemed a little clueless, but she was cute. The blue earth pony followed with a chuckle, reminiscing about her own childhood.

Next Chapter: 3. Trial And Error Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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