
Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy

by Dash Attack

Chapter 7: Chapter Four - Mind Reader

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Chapter 4

Mind Reader

Canterlot Station and Barracks

“What do you mean you don’t know where she is?” shouted Vinyl. “I stayed up all night wait for her at that hotel but she never showed up. Now you’re telling me she just disappeared.”

“Calm down Ms. Scratch,” said the police pony at the front desk. “Everything will be fine. We’re looking into her disappearance, but in the meantime you should just go back to your hotel.”

Vinyl couldn't help but notice that the pony behind the desk put a lot of emphasis on the word ‘fine’. The way he said it seemed off.

“I can’t bucking believe this, your the Royal Guard for Celestia’s sake. The sworn protectors of Canterlot and Equestria. Something isn't right here. Where the buck is my friend?”

“We are looking into it. I’m sure she is fine.”

There it is again. There’s something off about the way he says that one word.

“Where’s that EIA agent from last night? I want to talk to him?”

“Madam, please leave, your really starting to bug me.”

Vinyl barely kept her self from blasting his smug flank with her magic, but there was no way that this prick was worth going to jail over. If the police couldn't help her, then she just have to help yourself.

“I’m going to get to bottom of this.” She snarled as she stormed out the station.

When she was gone the pony got up for his desk and stepped walked towards the lounge area in the back.

“Everything alright Jim?” asked a passing officer.

“I’m fine, just fine.”

With that he stormed off into the lobby and another small group officers.

We need alert Master Geppetto about Vinyl Scratch. Have him send a small squad to take care of her?

“I will do so swiftly.” said one of the guards with a disturbingly large emphasis on the word swift.


Octavia opened her eyes and was immediately confused. She was in some sort of lab filled with strange equipment. Her body was strapped to a metal slab that restricted her movements. as she glanced around, taking in her situation, she thought back to the event’s of last night.

She told Firework she was pregnant, but he wanted her to terminate it. They fought about it but couldn't remember anything after words. The next thing she recalled was an EIA agent interrogating her about Firework. He explained that he might be part of a criminal organization but that was all he said. After that she couldn't remember anything.

Now she was here, in some weird laboratory. or possibly a operating theater.

“Please somepony help me! Where am I?” she called out.

"You're in one of my mother's research labs." said a voice which came from nowhere "I’m afraid that’s all we can tell you.”

Octavia twisted her head to try and see, but couldn't find her.

“Who said that?”

“Forgive me. Where are my manners?”

Suddenly a large black figure shimmered at the end of the hall. She was as tall as a alicorn princess, with large, insectoid wings and a long jagged horn. Her mane was was a washed out shade of blue, and her eyes were a piercing emerald green. Upon her flank was a cartoon ghost. The figure began to giggle.

“I am Princes Cocoon of the Chrysalis hive, but I prefer my nickname Phantom.Whichever you prefer. Most of my subjects call me both, but mostly just Cocoon. But I really do like the name Phantom. There’s sense of fear and mystery that goes with that name, don’t you think Octavia? Ha Ha Ha Ha.”

Outside of the lab, the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of Cocoons maniacal laughter and Ocativa’s screams.


Wake up Wasp. Open your eyes.

A familiar voice echoes in Wasp head. As his heavy lids began to open, he lifted his head, scanning his surroundings. He was no longer in the factory, but in a large store room of some sort. There no objects in the room save for two chairs, including the one he was cuffed to. The other chair was occupied by a green maned hybrid with a open book for a cutie mark.

“Mind Reader” he cried.

“Calm down Wasp,” said Mind Reader out loud this time. “Your mind is bombarding me with questions. Please pick one and ask me anything. As your mind is an open book to me, I don’t see why I can’t be open with you.

As his name would imply, Mind Reader had a unique ability to peer into other minds. this skill allowed him to hear everyone’s thoughts as a sort of constant low murmur. If he concentrated hard enough, he could even search through their memories. To top it all off, he was also telepathic, making him the ideal agent when it came to surveillance.

“Are you going actually let me ask a question this time,” asked Wasp “Or are you going to just answer them for me?”

“You know I've broke that habit long ago.” said Mind Reader. Just speak your questions one at a time and I will answer them.”

“Where am I?” asked Wasp.

“I’d save that for last if I were you. Ask me something else in the meantime.”

Where's Gizmo?” said Wasp in angry tone.

“Believe he is safe. I searched through all of those bodies back at the warehouse and none of them were his.”

“What bodies?”

“Oh yes, that's right. You used that spell to escape captivity. alicorn level magic. I’m surprised you made as far as the factory. Had you not been on the verge of collapse you would have notice that the entire outside of the workshop was ridden with dead changelings.”

“What? Why were there dead changelings in the first place?”

Mind reader smiled. “Now we can finally get to the matter at hand. There's been regime change in the hive Wasp. Flash has killed mother.

“That’s impossible! Males are incapable of betraying the queen.”

“No Wasp.” said Mind Reader “Only our drone brethren are incapable. We of the thirteen served the queen under our own free will. We are not restricted by the hive mind, so we are able to think for ourselves. But you already knew this. You're just too shocked to believe it. You were always mother’s favorite Wasp. I think if her cold heart ever loved anything it her whole life, it was you and Cocoon. The rest of us were just tools. I should know. I've been in her head.”

Wasp was silent for a moment as he took everything in. Queen Chrysalis. No, his Mother was dead. Killed by his childhood rival, and the second most stuck up changeling he knew. As if he didn't have enough problems to deal with already.

Octavia! He thought.

“I don’t have time to play twenty questions anymore. I need to find my mare friend...”

“You mean the one you abandon after you found out you knocked her up.”

“That’s it I’m killing you!”

Wasp tried up his horn only to find that his magic wouldn't work.

“You can’t see it but there’s inhibitor taped to your horn right now. Also I know your thinking about slicing threw those cuffs of your hooves but I wouldn't’ even try. This inhibitor was developed by the Equestrian Intelligence Agency specifically for use against our kind. Since your special power is controlled by changeling magic as opposed mine, you can’t transform.”

"Enough of your stupid mind games!” he screamed. “Just get to the Volucris damn point already.”

Mind Reader sighed. “ Very well Wasp. “I’ll explain everything!”


Two months earlier

Las Pegasus

Little Strongheart Hotel and Casino.

That night, Mind Reader disguised himself as a snow white earth pony with three lucky seven’s for a cutie mark. After a mission, he loved going to the casino's and robbing them blind.
Being able to read minds made him an unbeatable card player. Out of all the games, poker was his favorite because he felt the most in control. Not only could he tell what card everypony had, he also knew how much risk everypony was willing to take. The bits came to him after that.

Tonight however, something was off. As he sat down a one of the tables and introduced himself, an orange pegasus with a bloom mane sat in the chair across from him. While Mind Reader was a changeling who rarely ever got surprised, this ponies thoughts made him wide wake. The pony only spoke one phrase within his head repeatedly.

Howdy brother.

Flash! Reader thought in his head. Even without reading his mind, he knew it was him. Out of all the changelings, Flash was the only one who preferred to stay in pony form. no one knew why, and frankly no one ever asked. However, mind reader new, and it was one of his juiciest secrets had on anypony or changeling. What’s he doing here? He’s scrambling his thoughts right now. I don’t know what he’s up to. oh well, after I take his bits I’ll humor him and see what he want’s.

That night Mind Reader designed to go easier on the other poker players that day. With Flash here, he didn’t want to make a scene like he normally did at these kinds of places. Normal things would end with him being accused of cheating and a huge fight breaking out. When the game was over, Flash mentally told him to meet him on top of the roof.

Well that can’t be good. It’s a good thing I’m one of the few changelings he actually likes out of our screwed up family. If he tries anything funny, I’ll know. That’s the kind of information you can’t hide weather you're aware of me or not.

The two spies walked up a large flight of stairs all the way to the roof of the building. The view of the city was spectacular, but neither changeling was interested. They both had business to take care of.

“I’ll give you a choice Flash.” Reader said. “Since you’re doing a great job of hiding your intentions from me, we can either speak out loud or in our heads. The choice is yours.

“I’d like a normal conversation for once.” Flash said has he stretched his wings and checked the straps his saddle belt which carried his katana. He seemed very disinterested as per usual. Even at his own meetings, Flash acted like he didn’t have a care in the world.

He really thinks he’s hot shit doesn't he.

“Very well, speak up brother.”

“I’m going to be cut to the chase then. I need you to spy on the other agents for me. Everyone except Brain and Phantom. I need you to tell me what everyone’s thoughts are about mother. Also, I need to know how far they’re willing to got to serve the hives best interest’s.

“Even if I were to agree to this do you know how hard that will be. Our siblings are scattered all across Equestria. You expect me to got hunt them down and do an approval check of the Queen. Plus, what about Blank Canvas. I heard he died trying to steal a freaking library book.”

“He’s a deserter. That’s all I need to know.” thought it would surprise me if the rumours were true and he really did die trying to steal that book.”

It also be one less runt to kill.

“What’s that about runt’s and killing, Flash. You should never let your guard down in front of me or I'll read you like a book.”

“Who said I was trying to hide that.”

“So you’re going to kill all the people who secretly resent Mom, is that it?”

Flash, who had a frown on his face the entire time, closed his eyes and smiled.

“The opposite actually. Me and whoever else is on board are going to kill all those who care about mother.”

For the second time that night, Flash caught Mind Reader completely off guard. Wile he tried his best to hide, Flash could see that he finally beaten Mind Reader at the one thing he enjoyed more than reading minds. That was playing with them. Now it seemed the tables had turned, and Mind Reader was now the one being toyed with.

“Why would you do that?” asked Reader.

As the conversation continued, chunks of Flashes plans began to pour into Readers head. Whether Flash was intentionally letting him see this information or not he couldn't tell. When emotions are high a sentient beings thoughts tend to leak out. Up until now Flash kept to his calm and nonchalant attitude. Now however, his pride was at an all time high. His narcissism really had no known boundaries.

“Now we get to the fun part. In one month's time, the queen will die by my sword. Meanwhile Brain will orchestrate a plan with the chosen to to wipe out the others. If we’re fortunate enough to get Geppetto on our side, we’ll use all his sleeper puppet’s in Equestria’s law enforcement to usher in stage two. I’m afraid that’s all I’m going to let you know.”

“You’re all insane. Mother might be a senile old fly, but she still our mother. She made us all special.”

“And in the end it will be her undoing once the deed is done.”

“I’ll never agree to this.”

“You don’t have a choice. As you might have picked up on I’ve gotten really good at keeping you out of my head without my permission. That means you can’t rely on predicting my movements. Your as vulnerable as the now. You know it take me exactly 10 seconds flat to slice you 20 times. That two cut’s a second.”

Mind Reader blinked and Flash disappeared. Only to reappear beside him with a sword to his throat.

“I’m not leaving to you alone till I get my report. Me and you are going to be best friends for a whole mouths. If you do a good enough job, there might be place for you in our new hive. Also don’t even think about switching the loyalists with the would be traitors. We already have a pretty good idea on who will be with our against us. You used to be one of the questionable once but it seems you’re just as pathetic as that Mama’s boy Wasp. Now let’s go to room 101, I already booked a room for the two us to share.


“There you have it Wasp. Now to answer the last two questions that our on your mind. How did I escape from Flash and why are you tied up. Flash had me incarcerated in a Canterlot prison cell after he was done with me but I managed to trick one of the few guards not under Geppetto's control to let me out. Sucker.”

“So why the hell did you cuff me than.”

“So you wouldn't attack me at any point during our talk, you did try to at once.”

“That’s because you made silly comment about Octavia, as much as I’m ashamed about what happened to her I still have feeling for her.”

I have feelings for her? Real honest to Volucris feelings? I've never felt that way about anybody or anypony before. But she would never feel the same way about me if she ever knew the truth. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now I have a feeling she might have gotten wrapped up in this madness.

“I need to find her, can you help me."

"I'll help you, but first you need to help me save everyone else. I'll fill you in on who's on which side. We need to save our brothers Wasp. If we don't, we do not stand a chance against them. I don't know what phase two is but I've got a really bad feeling about it. And coming from a jerk like me that has to mean something.

Mind Reader’s horn lit up removed the inhibitor from Wasp head. Then he uncuffed him.

“You ready for the mission brother?”

Despite going through hell in the past 14 hours, Wasp was still able to muster a grin that exposed his fangs.

"I was born ready."

Author's Notes:

This chapter was so hard to right but yes it's done. There were a'lot of spacing problems in this chapter that I tried to correct. It there still some, point them out to me please. Next time I update this story, I shall have an awesome cover picture featuring Wasp and Octavia. In the meantime, be sure to check some of my other stories if you haven't already.

Next Chapter: Should I Reboot/Remake Wasp? Estimated time remaining: 1 Minutes
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