
Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy

by Dash Attack

Chapter 2: Chapter Zero - Meet The 13

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Chapter Zero

Meet The 13

This is a bonus chapter to help both readers and myself keep track of the 13 OCs in this story. If you would rather learn about them as the story progress, do not read this chapter. I don't think all of them will play a role in the story, but I think this is good background information to know. Here some basic info. Please note that all of them have the ability to shape shift into original disguises as well as existing ponies.

No.1- Brain

Special Talent/Powers - Complete Genius, Enhanced Magical Abilities

Mane: Brown

Cutie Mark - Chess Board

No.2- Ninja

Mane: Black

Special Talent/Powers - Lighting Reflexes, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell

Cutie Mark- Shuriken

No.3 - Mind Reader

Special Talent/Powers - Mind Reading (Has limitation)

Mane - Green

Cutie Mark - An Open Book

No.4 - Eagle Eye

Special Talents/Powers - Enhanced Eye Sight (Can spot ponies form up to 1.5 miles)

Mane: Orange

Cutie Mark - A Giant Eyeball (How original)

No.5 - Venom

Special Talents/Powers - Poison Fangs, Poison Spikes On Forelegs (Can retract them or shoot them as projectiles)

Mane: Light Green

Cutie Mark - Cobra

No.6 - Princess Cocoon a.k.a. Phantom

Special Talents/Powers - Invisibility, Enhanced Magic, Expert at Hoof to Hoof Combat, Natural Leader

Mane: (Greenish-Blue) Teal

Cutie Mark - Cartoon Ghost

No.7 - Flash - Update: Reckoned to Blitz cause to avoid confusion with Flash Sentry. When I get too reawrting the story, I'll go back an change the name.

Special Talents/Powers - As fast as Applejack on the ground, Is has fast as Rainbow Dash in the air. (It helps to have both of their DNA), Expert Swordsmen.

Mane: ???

Cutie Mark - A Grey Thunder Cloud With Green Lighting (Lighting seems to be a very popular cutie mark on the show.)

No.8 - Cleaver

Special Talents/Powers - Expert At Using Knives, Can Dual Wield, Completely Psychotic, Can Laugh Like Mark Hamill (That's a scary things).

Cutie Mark - Bloody Knife

Mane: Blood Red

No.9 - Blank Canvas

Special Talents/Powers - Nothing that the others can't due already, has yet to discover his special talent, has no extra power or ability that he knows of, Is still a good spy.

Mane: Whight

Cutie Mark - Black Flank

No.10 - Copycat

Special Talents/Powers - Can adapted the talents of any pony he's seen wile disguised, Can not create talents, Can not steal talents form his siblings.

Cutie Mark- Bag of Bits (Represents thievery)

No.11 - Gizmo

Mane: Grey

Special Talent/Powers - Smart And Creative, Gadget Maker, Problem Solver, Less Obnoxious Than Brain, Hoofgun Expert and Creator.

Cutie Mark - Blue Prints

No.12 - Geppetto

Special Talents/Powers - Can Brainwash Ponies With 90% Less Derpy, His puppets are more compident than one the Queen would make, the only indicator of mind control is that ponies will say specific worlds more often, the word varies for each pony.

Mane: Yellow

Cutie Mark - Wooden Puppet On Strings.

And finally, are protagonist bronies and pegasisters!

No.13 - Wasp

Special Talents/Powers - Read to find out. LoL

Mane: Dark Blue

Cutie Mark - A Wasp

Author's Notes:

I chose 13 agents becouse I wanted to do a shameless homage to a certain origination from a popular action RPG. Those guys in the black coats. Maby you heard of them? Well any way, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Coming up with this many OC's in one day is really hard. Tell me which onces you liked and witch ones you didn't like. I won't change them, but next time I can learn form what I did right and what I did wrong.

Next Chapter: Chapter One - Bring Your Date To Work Day (Partially Revised) Estimated time remaining: 44 Minutes
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