
Wasp: The Life of a Changeling Spy

by Dash Attack

First published

My name is Wasp. I am a new breed of Changeling with pony DNA. I'm an agent. I've been in the spy business for almost my entire life. Things were going smoothly, until my mare friend Octavia told some unexpected news.

(Story to be rewritten. For now, read the semi-prequel My Mortal Big Brother Wile Wasp and the other spies aren't the starts of the show, they decent size roles in that story. Plus, the events of MMBB may impact the world of the rewrite, depending on how events unfold.)

A experimenter gone horribly right, Wasp was spliced with pony DNA has an egg. He and his hybrid twelve siblings do mission that their drone brethren can not. They each create original disguises, and have unique talent's and powers that make them special. His just happens to be making weapons out of his front hooves.

At some-point in his three years of life, Wasp fell in love the the pony Octavia. Since to love someone (or some pony) other than the queen is an alien occurrence to normal changeling, Wasp never recognized his feeling until it was to late. Now his sister Cocoon has staged a coupe against their mother Chrysalis, and has deemed him "unfit" to lead the hive into a golden age. Now Octavia has been captured, and Wasp himself is being hunted by both equine enforcement agencies and the hive. He must find a way to save her, even if it means a hundred ponies and changelings must die. But even if he can vanquish his enemies and save his mare, would she be able love the real him, even after he broke her heart before any of this started.

James Bond with some Devil May Cry elements with some Taken on top.

This story has some adult themes but nothing too major. Also, errors have been spotted in some of these chapters. Please PM me anything my editors miss so I keep the quality of the story.

Prologue - Project Genesis (Fully Revised)


Project Genesis

Warning, the following chapter is filled with "tell not show" movements and a large amount of exposition. I wrote this chapter when I was first starting out, and have since gotten a'lot better. Now that my story telling skills have improved, I intend on cleaning this part of the story up when I have some free time. With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter and continue to read this story.

Chrysalis stared at the 128 eggs that lay before her in the breeding chamber. For her, watching each new born hatch was one of the greatest joys in her life. She loved seeing each new changeling soul emerge from their egg, ready to be assimilated into the hive mind. She loved all her children, each and every one. Normally, this would be a happy occasion for the queen. Today however, she felt a mixture of sadness on top of her joy. She knew that most of her children would never be born today.

On average, the queen laid about 130 eggs per breeding season. Out of those eggs, about 90% of them would hatch healthy changeling drones. Today was different though. Today, a larger number of her children would die. How many she did not know, and that made her all the more anxious. The worst part about it was, she would allow this to happen for the sake of something greater.

Sometime after she was born, her late mother had begun researching ways to create a new breed of changelings. She wanted changelings that could take on unique disguises, think creatively, and inherit superior combat skills. While many changelings could already take on unique disguises, the ability to do so was a rare talent that only a few drones had the patience to master. For most, it is much easier to just steal an existing form than to create one.

The hive mind also prevented drones from thinking freely and creatively. Every once in a while a drone would be born that exhibit minor personality traits and limited imagination. However, only a changeling queen or her heirs were capable of thinking outside of the connective hive mind. After all, they were the ones who control it.

While all changelings were born fighters, their strength was measured in their numbers. Individually a drone could easily be defeated by strong individuals. The late queen wanted drones that could be just as deadly alone as they were in a group. However, she had no idea how she would be able to accomplish this goal.

After years of failed experimentation, the late queen had come up with a theory that could help achieve some of the traits she wanted in her ideal breed. Her theory was that if pony DNA could be injected into the embryos of changeling eggs just moments after being laid, the offspring would mutate into higher evolved changelings. She died long before she could put this theory into action.

It now fell upon Chrysalis to achieve what her mother could not. Using her mother’s research notes, she tried to produce a serum that would potentially augment her offspring. To make the serum, she needed DNA from various types of ponies. While she had failed to capture Canterlot and harvest it of its love, she was able to use the chaos to get exactly what she wanted. While her drones had provided her with plenty of common pony hairs and pegasus feathers, she was able to extract something far more precious. She had the feathers of not one, but two alicorns. One she got from Cadence when she had her imprisoned, the other she got from Celestia after she knocked her out. In addition, she had also found a lock of Shinning Armors Mane to add to her collection. She made sure to combine all three samples into one serum, which she hope would bring about excellent results.

After laying her eggs, she had 127 injected with regular pony DNA. The last one she injected with the mixture that contained DNA from the sun goddess, the spirit of love, and the soldier. What effect this would have on the child was anypony's guess, but she knew that this one would survive. After all, this one would be born from two beings that had created an entire barrier out of their own love for each other. Celestia's may gave the child heat vision, but the power he would get from both Cadence and Shining Armorer together was unfathomable. She made sure that egg was placed separately from the others, so that she would know which one it was.

As Chrysalis's thoughts returned to the present, she saw one of the eggs begin to move. "It’s starting," she said out-loud with a wide grin on her face. Come to Mommy.


Today had turned out worse than she had ever imagined. As of right now, only 12 had scornfully hatched. The rest remained still, with no sign of hatching. This meant that almost all of her children had died in their eggs. Their embryos must have rejected the DNA. I killed them, I killed them all. "She buried her head in her hooves as tears ran down her face. The new born foal stared at their birth mother with quizzical looks. If Chrysalis's hooves weren't in the way, she would have been able to see that each little foal had eyes just like hers. Not only that, but they each had different colored manes, and had no holes anywhere on their bodies. Their horns and wings where perfect, but still those of a changeling.

Just then the Queen heard a loud crack come from the egg in the corner. She lifted her hooves and wiped away her tears. Out from the egg emerged a healthy changeling boy who looked just as unique as his siblings. Their eyes were exact same shade of emerald green. In addition, his mane and tail had the same dark blue color as Shining Armor's hair. He did not, however, have a light blue streak coming down the middle. His wings where a little bit whiter than the rest of his siblings, possibly from the fact that he had Celestia's DNA in him. Over all, as changelings go, he was adorable in the eyes of the Queen.

Maybe some good could come out of this mess. Remember, they didn't die for nothing. It was all for the good of the hive With that she scooped up her children and gave them all a big hug. "Only time will tell if you little changelings are special or not, but for now, welcome to the hive."


Six months after hatching

The Changelings matured tremendously fast. Although they had life spans as long as anypony had their childhoods' where extremely short. In about two years, they would become young adults.

Despite being only six months old, the 13 changelings now had the bodies and minds of school children. The pony DNA inside of them certainly made them act a lot more like children than bland changeling drones. Nevertheless, the queen worked them 10 times harder than all of her other fowls.

In their short lives, their potential became very apparent. Chrysalis had kidnapped specialists of all sorts to teach them how to become the perfect spies. Using her mind control spell, she was able to set up a rigorous training program that would push her 13 to the limit.

Although she resented names, she decided to refer to each one by a number. Their number was determined by the order in which they hatched. Each one of them was unique in their own special way. No.1 showed a vast intellect beyond what any adult drone should be capable of. Her daughter Princess Cocoon a.k.a. No.6 could actually turn invisible in addition to morphing. Chrysalis hoped that Cocoon's own children would inherit this ability in the future.

Out of all of them, her very lucky No.13 was a born natural. While not as smart as No.1 or as fast as No.7, his cunning mind and reflexes were outstanding. His grades in his subjects were slightly above average compared to the rest of the 13. However, he made up for this extremely well during physical tests. She had only one problem with him, he was a little bit of a smart flank. In all her years as queen, she never had a drone backtalk her. It infuriated her, but at the same time intrigued her.

Today, she decided to pit No.13 against one of the brainwashed pegasus knights. No.13 was extremely happy, but at the same time scared. Chrysalis had built an arena deep within the hive for her soldiers to spar in. On each side of the arena was a gate where the fighters would enter. No.13 and Chrysalis were behind one while the guard stood mindlessly behind the other.

"You will do fine my child," said Chrysalis in tone that was both nurturing and sinister "I will make sure that the stallion won't kill you. However, i'm still mad at you for what you called me the other day. You might get very badly bruised for your insolence. Tell me, where did you learn that word."

"I read it in one of Brains books." Said No,13 with a cocky grin.

"I told you only female changelings get names." shouted Chrysalis "I know you all are unique, but can you must call your brother No.1."

"Whatever floats your boat your highness, now can I go beat the crap out of that drooling zombie already."

"Your words can't hide your fear my child, I can taste it from under your misplaced self confidence. However, if your so eager to go to the infirmary, why should I stop you."

The gates opened, and Chrysalis flew to her special seat in the bleachers. From her seat, she gazed at the hundreds of drones that filled the arena.

She said to crowd. "We all know whose fighting who," she said to crowd. "Why waste time on introductions? Let the fight begin."

"Wait mom I'm not re-


While his head was looking up at the Queen, the zombified knight flew towards him and socked him right in the face. His chitin shell cracked a bit, leaving a nasty mark on his face. 13 used his wings to help him off the ground and back on his hooves. The knight landed a few centimeters away from him before making a "come here" motion with his right hoof.

No.13 charged him and tried to return a punch to the feather brains cheek. However, the pegasus deflected the punch with his left wing. Dammit, maybe I should have apologized to mom before the fight. This guys' going to kill me

After five minutes of fighting, No.13 was able to land a few hits on his opponent, but the pegasus had beaten him senseless. He felt dizzy and disoriented. He could barely see his opponent anymore. He was going to faint.

I might as well go out in style. He thought to himself. "Ahhhh"

Like a mad stallion, he charged at his opponent in a final act of desperation. For a brief moment, his right hoof was enveloped by a green flame, but he didn't notice. Instead, all he thought about was winning. He closed his eyes and prayed for the best. He pushed his right hoof forward into his opponents' face, who was to to slow to block his punch.


He opened to his eyes and looked at his opponent. Blood was gushing from his neck, and sprayed 13's face and mane. The pegasus was gagging as his life slowly ended, while 13 gazed it horror at his hoof. Somehow his right hoof had been replaced with a long shiny stick. He recognized the imagine from the stick from Brain's books. His foreleg had transformed into a sword.

Suddenly there was a bright flash. Every changeling in the room gasped. The Queen stared at her son with awe. Her eyes were shinning brighter than ever. She she began to softly sing to herself .

This day has been just perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small. All the ponies he will destroy, my special little boy, my mother would be so proud of them all.

No.13 removed his foreleg from the dead pegasus and watched as it transform back into a hoof. He turned his head to his flank. Upon it there was an image of a bright golden bee.

Author's Notes:

Now that the stage is set.,the fun can begin. Action, Romance, Cheesy one liners, Espionage, and Betrayal,. Join No.13 a.k.a. Wasp and his Adventures.

Chapter Zero - Meet The 13

Chapter Zero

Meet The 13

This is a bonus chapter to help both readers and myself keep track of the 13 OCs in this story. If you would rather learn about them as the story progress, do not read this chapter. I don't think all of them will play a role in the story, but I think this is good background information to know. Here some basic info. Please note that all of them have the ability to shape shift into original disguises as well as existing ponies.

No.1- Brain

Special Talent/Powers - Complete Genius, Enhanced Magical Abilities

Mane: Brown

Cutie Mark - Chess Board

No.2- Ninja

Mane: Black

Special Talent/Powers - Lighting Reflexes, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell

Cutie Mark- Shuriken

No.3 - Mind Reader

Special Talent/Powers - Mind Reading (Has limitation)

Mane - Green

Cutie Mark - An Open Book

No.4 - Eagle Eye

Special Talents/Powers - Enhanced Eye Sight (Can spot ponies form up to 1.5 miles)

Mane: Orange

Cutie Mark - A Giant Eyeball (How original)

No.5 - Venom

Special Talents/Powers - Poison Fangs, Poison Spikes On Forelegs (Can retract them or shoot them as projectiles)

Mane: Light Green

Cutie Mark - Cobra

No.6 - Princess Cocoon a.k.a. Phantom

Special Talents/Powers - Invisibility, Enhanced Magic, Expert at Hoof to Hoof Combat, Natural Leader

Mane: (Greenish-Blue) Teal

Cutie Mark - Cartoon Ghost

No.7 - Flash - Update: Reckoned to Blitz cause to avoid confusion with Flash Sentry. When I get too reawrting the story, I'll go back an change the name.

Special Talents/Powers - As fast as Applejack on the ground, Is has fast as Rainbow Dash in the air. (It helps to have both of their DNA), Expert Swordsmen.

Mane: ???

Cutie Mark - A Grey Thunder Cloud With Green Lighting (Lighting seems to be a very popular cutie mark on the show.)

No.8 - Cleaver

Special Talents/Powers - Expert At Using Knives, Can Dual Wield, Completely Psychotic, Can Laugh Like Mark Hamill (That's a scary things).

Cutie Mark - Bloody Knife

Mane: Blood Red

No.9 - Blank Canvas

Special Talents/Powers - Nothing that the others can't due already, has yet to discover his special talent, has no extra power or ability that he knows of, Is still a good spy.

Mane: Whight

Cutie Mark - Black Flank

No.10 - Copycat

Special Talents/Powers - Can adapted the talents of any pony he's seen wile disguised, Can not create talents, Can not steal talents form his siblings.

Cutie Mark- Bag of Bits (Represents thievery)

No.11 - Gizmo

Mane: Grey

Special Talent/Powers - Smart And Creative, Gadget Maker, Problem Solver, Less Obnoxious Than Brain, Hoofgun Expert and Creator.

Cutie Mark - Blue Prints

No.12 - Geppetto

Special Talents/Powers - Can Brainwash Ponies With 90% Less Derpy, His puppets are more compident than one the Queen would make, the only indicator of mind control is that ponies will say specific worlds more often, the word varies for each pony.

Mane: Yellow

Cutie Mark - Wooden Puppet On Strings.

And finally, are protagonist bronies and pegasisters!

No.13 - Wasp

Special Talents/Powers - Read to find out. LoL

Mane: Dark Blue

Cutie Mark - A Wasp

Author's Notes:

I chose 13 agents becouse I wanted to do a shameless homage to a certain origination from a popular action RPG. Those guys in the black coats. Maby you heard of them? Well any way, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Coming up with this many OC's in one day is really hard. Tell me which onces you liked and witch ones you didn't like. I won't change them, but next time I can learn form what I did right and what I did wrong.

Chapter One - Bring Your Date To Work Day (Partially Revised)

Chapter 1

Bring Your Date To Work Day

Three years after Project Genesis

Celestia's sun shined brightly upon Canterlot Stadium. Ponies of all social classes flocked to the stadium by the hundreds. Those who hadn't bought their tickets in advance rushed to do so. All of them rushed to see the Wonderbolts Live Stunts show. However, this was no ordinary stunt show. Today, Rainbow Dash, the newest member of the team, will be performing for the first time. The stadium was packed

Through the crowd of ponies, a yellow unicorn with a green mane made his way to his seat. He wore a fancy black suit and a bow tie. His eyes were a lighter shade of green, and his horn was long and elegant. Alongside him was the beautiful and refined violinist Octavia who held his hoof. Slowly they made their way to their seats and sat down.

"I really need to thank my roommate Vinyl for these outstanding tickets." said Octavia, "If she hadn't been picked to be the DJ I don't know how we would have gotten tickets."

"You should really introduce me to her sometime," Replied the stallion. We have been seeing each other for about a year now, and I have not met her yet."

A nervous look fell upon Octavia's face. "I'm sorry Firework. It's just that Vinyl has a tendency to be... how I should put this... rowdier than most ponies. Plus I thought her music would annoy you. I've grown used to it, being her roommate and everything, but many of the Canterlot elite despise her music. I've been meaning to introduce you two for some time now.

"It's ok, but you should know by now I'm not like most of the elite. I actually like techno music. It's not as soothing as your music, but it's still good. Just please promise me you won't tell any of the guys at the country club."

"Don't worry, I won't. You know, I'm starting acquire a small taste for it myself. Wait I have an idea! Maybe after the show, we can all have dinner at my place. I know she's been dying to meet you as well."

Firework nodded in agreement. "I'd like that a lot."

He lifted his right hoof and looked at his watch;

12:15, that gives me only fifteen minutes to get back before the show starts. Octavia will kill me if I'm not back in time. I can't mess this up.

"I'll be right back with some hayfries for the two of us. If the lines are too long I'll bail out and wait for the intermission."

"Hurry back." She said has Firework scooted past her and made his way down the steps.

When he made it down, instead of heading towards the nearest concession stand, he went into a nearby unity closet.

He pressed a button on his watch, and began to speak into it.

"Wasp to Eagle Eye, is this channel is secure?"

A voice began to speak into his ear via a microscopic earpiece.

"This is Eagle Eye, the channel is secure as always"

Wasp chuckled, "Ok, so just tell me where Pros. Kindheart is so I can get the data and get back."

"You know, if you didn't bring one of your pony mare friends with you, you wouldn't have to worry about time."

Wasps, tone became more annoyed "You know this one is special to me, she provides me with more love than the girls I'm dating."

"Are you just saying that because you actually have feelings for this one? Man if Cocoon ever found out...

"Just tell me what seat he's in already. I only have 13 minutes now."

"Section D2, R14. There's a photo of a security guard in the closet. Disguise yourself as him and you should be able to get to the professor. Remember to bring the suitcase here when you’re done."

"Will due, Wasp out."

While still in his Firework disguise, he searched the closet for the photo. When he found it tapped to the wall, he lifted it up in his green magical grasp and moved it towards his face. The picture was of a brown earth pony with a blue uniform. With the form in his mind, he lit his body on fire and reappeared as the security guard from the photo.


As Prof. Kindheart sat in his seat, he looked around at all the ponies around him. Any one of them could be the blackmailer , he thought to himself. It doesn’t make any scene. How could anyone have known I slept with that mare?

About three months ago, the professor had been taking shots at The Rusty Horseshoe. Whenever he and his wife had a big argument, he would normally go there. At the bar, a beautiful unicorn had taken advantage of his drunken and depressed state of mind. One thing led to another and before he knew it, they slept together. The rest was all a blur to him.

Two days ago, someone had mailed a picture of the two of them in the act. Along with the photo, were instructions to come to the stadium today with his entire collection of changling research? If he did not, copies of the photo would find themselves into the hooves of his wife.

"Excuse me sir."

Kindheart turned his head to gaze at one of the stadiums security guards. I'm sorry sir, but I need to examine that case of yours for any illegal possessions.

Was this the black mailer? He had no way of telling.

"Am a professor at Canterlot University, I assure you there is nothing illegal in this suitcase."

"Sir, I'm kinda in the a hurry, can you please let me see what's in the damn suitcase."

Either this is the blackmailer or the most obnoxious stadium security guard that ever lived. "Fine!" he lifted the suitcase with his magic and opened it. Inside were dozens of documents and research notes.

The guard examined the contents of the suitcase and spoke. "Ok professor, this how its going to go down, you hand over the suitcase, and my associates and I will destroy whatever dirt they used to get you to come."

"You mean there's more of you?" He paused for a moment and spoke. "Listen to me, I,m not going to give you this suitcase unless you give me those photos right now. How do I know you won't release them anyway?"

The guard sighed and said "Alright professor, I know where they hid the photos, follow me."


"Dammit! The show starts in five minutes," thought Wasp as he and the professor walked through the halls of the stadium. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but if I play my cards right, I can still make it to Octavia in time."

Eventually they came to the staircase which led to the section where his and Octavias' seats were.

"The photos are in that utility closet."

"That doesn't make any-

The professor froze as he felt something metallic touch his head. While they had been walking, Wasp had put his right hoof in his chest pocket and used his "power" to transform it into a weapon. The weapon was the same color as his disguise so no pony could notice it unless they were focusing. This weapon was a deadly device created by his brother Gizmo. It was unlike anything that could be found in a peaceful country like Equestria. It was a hoofgun.


Flashback, Gizmo's Workshop in Downtown Canterlot, Approximately One Year Ago

Wasp stepped into the seemingly abandoned factory. It was rusty beyond belief, a relic, a forgetton relic of Equestria's industrial age. For every pony who saw it, it was an eyesore. For Gizmo, it was heaven. It was a place where he was free to build and create whatever he wanted.

Back in the hive, Gizmo was mocked by the others for his passion for inventing. His talents were mostly unappreciated, but Wasp and some of the other agents were fascinated by them. When the 13 were sent out of the hive to live amongst the enemy, many of the agents turned to Gizmo for his gadgets and weapons.

Today, Gizmo had asked Wasp to personally come to his "workshop" for a surprise.

Wasp spotted Gizmo on the other side of the factory at his workbench. Even from this distance, he could tell that his brother was hard at work. He flew many feet above him to get a better look at what he was doing. As soon has he heard the buzzing of his wings, Gizmo stopped what he was doing and turned around.

"Why hello brother, lovely day isn't it?"

Gizmo was the the most energetic of the bunch. His positive attitude always made Wasp feel happy for some reason. He had a short grey mane and green eyes. Upon his black flank was a cute mark in the shape of a blueprint. Like the rest of the xiii, none of his changeling features had holes in them. As he smiled, his fangs glistened from what little light came into the factory through the broken windows above.

Wasp smiled, "Hey Gizmo, working hard I see. What is it you wanted to show me? Did you finally make those X-ray goggles I've been asking for?"

"I told you, I need more time on that, but I think you will like this. Follow me."

The two went into an old storage area where three targets where set in the far corner. On the table, there was a strange device.

"I call this a Hoofgun, this baby is like no weapon Equestria has ever seen. I swear, this Celestia mare should really think about upgrading her arsenal. With this baby, swords and spears are going to be obsolete."

"So how does it work? I don't see any sharp edges."

Gizmo strapped the device to the end of his right foreleg and lifted it up to face one of the targets. With the gun secure, he used his magic to pull the trigger.


Suddenly a large hole appeared in one of the targets right in the bulls eye.

"That's so freaking cool man! Were can I get one?"

A smile crept over Gizmo's face. "Try making your own."

Wasp was surprised. This was so unlike Gizmo. After being teased by Brain and Flash for most of his short foalhood, Gizmo was normally very nice to those he considered his friends. Wasp, having been bullied himself - while not as severely as some of his other siblings - had a very good connection with Gizmo. That made his words all the more surprising.

"So you brought me here just to get my hopes up, that's lame."

"No bro, I mean literally try making one of your own right now with your hoof. I'll explain how it works, then you can turn your hoof into one anytime you want."

Wasp looked at his brother with a puzzled look on his face.

"Gizmo, I'm not sure if I can do that. Sure I've been able to turn it into swords and spears in the past, but those weapons already exist. Also that thing is a machine."

"I know, that's why I want you to try. Your always telling me to push my talents, now I wan't to you to push yours."

Wasp looked at the gun for a moment and then down at his hoof. After thinking for about a moment or so, he gazed up at his brother. "Ok, tell me what's inside and I'll see what I can do."


"Get in the closet now, or this thing sticking out of my hoof will literally blow your mind."

The frightened Prof. Kindheart did as he was told and opened the closet. Wasp stepped in with him and closed the door. Than saying a word, he slammed the gun on the back of the professors neck and knocked him out cold.

The suitcase is in the closet. Mission accomplished. Now if the hive wants to kill you, they can have someone else do it.

He transformed back into Firework and looked at his watch. 12:13, I better run.

Author's Notes:

Now that the stage is set. The adventures of Wasp can truly begin. Please tell me what you think of his character and how I portrayed him in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed because I won't be updated this story for a while. This will give some time to determine what I want to happen.

Chapter Two - The Musician Who Loved Me

Chapter Two

The Musician Who Loved Me

Both Octavia and Firework left the stadium filled with joy and amazement. It was a spectacular performance. Between the breathtaking stunts of the of the Wonderbolts along with Vinyl's outstanding music, the performance dazzled everypony who came. However, both Octavia and Firework agreed that the most spectacular part was the explosion of color that was known as the Sonic Rainboom.

As far as anypony knew, Rainbow Dash was the only one capable of mastering the technique. Firework knew this was only partially true. While he was still touched by it's awesome beauty, it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. He knew a pony,or more correctly, a changeling- that had pulled this same stunt on more than one occasion. However, this was definitively the first time he could truly admire spectral explosion without feeling utter revolt at the equine pulling it off.

As they made their way past the crowd of ponies exiting the stadium, Firework and Octavia held each others hooves and laughed.

"I told you I like techno music," said Firework. "For a moment I thought I was going to start raving. Imagine if Top Hat saw me doing that. I could kiss my county club membership goodbye."

Octavia laughed. "Well it's a good thing you kept yourself under control, but you should never be afraid to be yourself."

That last sentence made Wasp go silent. If only that were true. He thought to himself.

"Is something wrong? You look a little upset." Octavia said with a worried look on her face.

Wasp's changeling instincts helped him get his composure back as he came up with an excuse. "I'm sorry, it's just that my fathe always instilled the importance of appearances to me. Since I left Manehattan, I've been trying to discover who I really am. For the most part, I don't know who am."

While most of what he told her was a lie, part of what he said was true. For Wasp, identity was extremely important to him. When one lives life under the guise of three or four different ponies, it's hard to determine who you really are on the inside. For most of his personas, his true personality traits were masked by the ones he created for his "character's." Through his Firework persona, he tried to incorporate some of his natural self into his character. However, he still had to play the role of an eccentric rich colt with family issue's. His visits to Gizmo were probably the only times he could express himself any way he wanted.

"Well, I for one know who you are, and it's about time my roommate got to know you as well. Come back to my place around six. We will be ready for you by then."

Octavia kissed Firework on the cheek and trotted off.

"Is it alright if I come a little bit early?" shouted Firework.

"Alright but not too early."


5:52 P.M.

Ding Dong

Firework rang Octavia's door bell in his fanciest tux and waited for a response. From behind the apparent door, Firework could here voices and the sound of levitation magic. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal Octavia wearing a fancy dress in black that complimented her grey coat.

"I hope i'm not too early mi lady." said Firework in a very seductive voice.

"We're ready, but please try and tone the flattery down tonight."

"I understand, I'm just really excited that were doing this."

"Yo Octavia," shouted a mares voices from somewhere in the apartment. "Are you two lovebirds coming in or not?"

A rare feeling swept over Wasp has he heard the voice of the one and only DJ-PON3. That feeling, was nervousness.

Just play it cool like you always do Wasp, she's just a another mammal. Remember your training, remember your... but it's Vinyl Scratch.

"Don't be shy Firework," said Octavia. "Let's go in."

Swuvie and sexy, just like you always do. Now get your flank into that apartment right now.

After a quick deep breath, Firework stepped into the apartment and left whatever anxiety he had out in the hallway.


"So then the club owner said, I'll pay you 300 bits a week if you stay with us. I've been scratching records ever since"

The three ponies sat down at around candle light table on the balcony. They had finished eating for a while now, but they continued to talk and drink with each other.

"That is very a interesting story." replied Firework as he levitated his glass of wine towards his mouth and took a sip. "I had no idea you started out in Manehattan."

"It's true. You know, I'm still very good friends with that club owner. I still play there every once in a while. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have a career."

The three of them sat, drank, and laughed for about twenty more minutes before Vinyl got up from her seat.

"It was nice meeting, you bro, but I gotta bail. I gotta another venue tonight. You two lovebirds have a nice night."

"Same here, and thanks again for the autograph."

"Don't mention it."

Vinyl got up from the table left the balcony, and headed towards the exit. When she was gone, Wasp looked at Octavia with a large smile on her face.

"Let's make this night even more memorable shall we."

Reading her partners cue's, she smiled and raised her eye brows.

"I think I know where this is going."


Vinyl, walked into the dark alley where she was told to meet. The letter said that she should come here at 7:30 A.M. In the distance, she could see a pony wearing a large trench coat and a fedora hat. His features were completely masked in shadows.

Cautiously she walked up to the mystery stallion before he put his right hoof forward in a stopping gesture.

"This is as close as I will allow you to be, my face must remain hidden for your safety and mine."

"Look dude, I really don't like lying to my best friend, so you better start telling me if this Firework guy is dangerous or not."

"If he is the pony I think he is than yes, he is vary dangerous. He has most likely killed dozens of ponies"

"And you made me leave my roommate with him." shouted Vinyl with an accusing hoof pointed at the figure. "That's not cool dude!"

"The pony I'm after likes to remain subtle," replied the figure. "If I wanted to harm your friend he would have done so already, but we are off topic right now. Please tell me the color of his magic."

"It was bright green."

"Just as I suspected." said the stallion Had the shadows not masked his face so well, Vinyl would have seen a smug grin on his face. "Remember to treat him normally like I instructed. If he knows I am on to him, I can't guarantee the safety of your friend."

"Look dude, that might be easy for you to do, but it's not easy for me. He seemed so nice at dinner, nothing about him seemed off."

"He is a master of deception. Just leave everything to me and I will take care of him when the time is right."

As Vinyl trotted out of the alley, the figure pressed a button on his shirt. He began to speak into his trench coat.

"Cone Mane reporting in, I have a lead on one of the agents."


After a passionate session of love making, Firework and Octavia cuddled together on the bed. Fireworks body felt rejuvenated from all the strong feelings of affection he had absorbed from his partner. Octavia was also touched by Fireworks' affection for her. Although it didn't affect her in the same way it affected Firework, his love for her made her feel as bright has Luna's moonlight.

"Firework", she said as he stroked her mane with his hoof.

"Yes Octavia."

"I'm pregnant."

Author's Notes:

Oh Snap. What a twist.

Chapter Three - The Revelation And The Betrayal

Chapter 3

The Revelation And The Betrayal

Wasp was utterly speechless. For him, time had frozen still. Seconds became minutes as life as he knew it slowly came apart from within. He told himself he misheard Octavia, that she had said something else. However, there was no denying the revelation that somehow, he was able to get Octavia pregnant. By all accounts, this should not have been possible.

He stopped his rubbing and looked down at her. "Octavia, are you sure?"

"Yes, I took the test yesterday. Isn't this great."

"You have to terminate it."

Octavia gasped.

"How could you say that? You know that's against my morals. I told you that on our seventh date together."

Both ponies bore expressions of shock and surprise towards each other.

"Firework, I thought this would make you happy."

"Listen, to me, this situation is more complicated than you think," shouted an angry Firework.

This freighted Octavia. In their entire relationship, he had never once raised his voice at her in anger. The closest they ever came to fighting was when they argued about what movie to see. Was this the same pony she knew for almost a year?

Octavia began to raise her own voice. "Look, if you’re not ready we can put the child up for adoption. But you can't make me do something that I don't feel right about."

Wasp was at a loss for words. He knew Octavia was pro-life and would never agree to it. But he also knew that if she was indeed pregnant, there was no telling what it would look like. Male ponies could only impregnate female changelings; it never worked the other way around.

It must be the pony inside of me that made this happen. I should have seen this coming. I am fucked. Either way she is going to find out eventually. Your cover is blown Wasp; either you run now while you still can or reveal yourself on your own turns. Who am I kidding! I’m getting the hell out of here.

"I'm sorry Octavia. Just remember that I really did love you."

Suddenly his horn began to grow bright green.

"Firework what are you-"


A green stream of energy tapped Octavia’s head and she passed out on the bed. As he got his tux back on with his magic, he bent over and kissed the sleeping earth pony on the lips.

"It was never meant to be, please forgive me for being so selfish and stupid."

With that he got out of the bed and made his way towards the door. As he made his approach, he heard a knock on the door.

Oh shit, Vinyl, I better turn into a hurricane and fly out of here.

Just before he could change, a loud firm voice came from behind the door.

"Royal Police, there is nowhere to hide. Firework, please come out with your forehooves up and your horn turned off. Mrs. Octavia, remain where you are. We just want to talk."

Shit how the hell did they find me. This is the worst night of my life.

Green flames enveloped his body as he transformed into a grey Pegasus pony with spiked hair. He ran for the balcony, knocking a vase down as went. He almost smashed right through the stainglass of the balcony door, but stopped himself just in time. He opened the door and prepared to spread out his wings. Before he could start flapping, he was interrupted.

"Freeze changeling, we have you surrounded."

Wasp’s mouth froze in horror as he saw what appeared to be 12 armored Pegasus bearing the crest of the Royal Police Force hovering around the balcony. Some of them carried spears in their hooves while other's carried swords in their mouths. They each wore golden armor except for their captain whose armor was blue. While the other Pegasus had regular wings, his were bat shaped. If the situation wasn’t so bad, Wasp would have thought that this pony was really cool looking.

"Come quietly bug," Yelled the captain as he raised his spear, "Or else we'll squish you right here and now."

What an ass of a pony. As much as he would love to put this guy in his place, he had no chance of winning here. I guess its back to plan A. To the door.

Wasp galloped back inside and removed his disguise – which he no longer needed. He jumped up and buzzed his Wings as he hurled himself towards the door. Lastly, he transformed both his front hooves into sharp steel blades. With his sword hooves stretched out in front of him, he slammed into the door and stabbed the two guards outside of the room. Unfortunately, his forelegs were now stuck in the wood.

"There he is," cried an officer from down the hall, "Everypony move in!"

Wasp looked around. There were guards on both sides of the hallway, and the captain and his men were entering from the balcony door.

He focused on making his swords sharper, and tried cutting through the wood of the door. It worked. He spread both his hooves out and cut clean through the wood. Once free, he flew a few inches off of the ground and turned both his hooves into pistols and blind fired. Pegasus soldiers on both sides of the hallway fell to his bullets. A few of them survived due to the protection of their armor. One unicorn got his horn blown clean off his head, causing him to blackout from severe pain.

Although Wasp was able to kill at least six or seven guards with his blind shots, there was still way too many of them. And to make matters worse, the batpony was right behind him. Wasp tuned his head around to briefly catch a glimpse of the captain raising his spear. Had he not done so, he most likely would have been screwed.

Using his magical talents, he erected a green barrier around himself - an ability he inherited from Shining Armore's DNA. The spear bounced off the barrier and the shield vanished. The captain stumbled backwards and fell back on to a couch.

I really need to learn how to keep those things up. Then I could actually think of a good plan of escape instead of going head on into a fight. Ok which way is out? Screw it right.

He galloped to the right with his one hoof raised and transformed it into a sword. As he was about to stab one of the guards, his body froze. One of the surviving guards behind him had shot a freezing spell from his horn. His entire body was now completely encased in ice, but he could still hear and see everything that was happening.

An ice spell. Not bad. Luckily I got one more trick up my sleeve. Remind your goddess prince one of these days about this neat trick.

"Alright everypony, let's transport the prisoner to the EIA headquarters immediately-"

The guard was interrupted by a bright flash of green that exploded form the ice. The ice began to crack as parts of the prison began to melt. Shards turned into boiling water, which splashed and burned the surrounding guards. Wasp emerged from the Ice prison with his horn glowing bright green. He stumbled down towards the adjacent stairway, past the stunned guards. Once there, fatigue and exhaustion took a hold of him.

That spell he inherited took almost all the magic he had left to cast. It was a spell he rarely ever used, and for good reason. It always weakened him, and was used as a last resort. He could still transform if he wanted to, but he could no longer cast any more spells. That meant his hoofgun trick was useless, since he needed magic to pull the trigger and create the bullets.

He made his way down the steps and peeked into the lobby. There he saw five officers blocking his escape. He needed to think of a disguise that could get him past the guards. He thought of one, but it made him feel uncomfortable. He heard hoof steps come from up the steps; the guards were coming down.

Please forgive me again Octavia.

Fire enveloped his body, as he changed not only his form but his gender as well. When the flames dissipated, he became a flawless look alike of his lover.

This is beyond awkward.

He/she ran into the lobby and began acting like a distressed Octavia.

"Please help me; the changeling is going to kill me."

The guards at the post recognized the mare from the reports and ran to her aid.

"Come with me outside," replied one of the guards. "I'll protect you." He pointed his hoof towards the staircase, "The rest of you catch that bug."

The four guards ran into the Staircase while the other one took the disguised Wasp outside.

"I suggest you get out of here while you still can. There is a hospital about two blocks from here. Ask one of the other officers to bring you over. I think that changeling might have drugged you."

Octavia put a hoof to her forehead and wiped away some sweat. "Ya, I can't think straight right now, just go back..."

Dam it Wasp, run for it before those other guards come back

Octavia shook her head. "I’ll be fine." And with that he/she made a run for it, or as best as he/she could run in his/her condition.

The guard stared at the running mare suspiciously, but he wouldn’t be able to put everything together until his buddies came back

By then, Wasp was already out of sight.


It had started to rain by the time he made it to the abandoned factory. Dozens upon dozens of gallons of water began to pour down the disguised Wasp's mane. After opening the metal doors, he dropped his disguise, still feeling guilty about using it in the first place.

The spell he used had taken everything out of him. It was a bloody miracle he didn't pass out right away. But he had to find shelter. If the police knew who he was, they knew where he lived. This was the only place he knew he would be safe.

"Gizmo, I need a place to crash." he shouted, "My covers’ been blown."

Surprisingly, there was no answer.

"Gizmo, don't tell me your asleep, it's only 10:20."

He limped towards the familiar work bench only to find something he hadn’t expected.

Blood, and lots of it to. There was a trail leading into the other rooms.

"Oh shit, Gizmo!" he panted. Had he not been so drained, he would have sounded more panicked, but he could barely open his eyes.

"I have to find-


He collapsed onto the concrete floor. After all he had been through, his body could no longer hold up. Even with his brother's life in danger, he couldn’t move a muscle.

Before he blacked out he said something under his breath.

"Gizmo.... if your alive.... help.... me." His eyes abruptly shut.


Earlier that Day

"I almost got it," said Gizmo out loud, as his horn moved each component into place.

"The hoof gun was just the beginning. If this Gatling gun works as planned, it will make my hoof gun look like a sling shot." The smile on his face quickly tuned glum as a thought occurred to him. "No pony or changeling is strong enough to lift it. It would be completely useless in battle.

An imaginary light bulb turned on in his head as an idea came to him. "Unless I mount the gun to that car I've been making? Oh, wait until those little ponies get a load of this."


A startled Gizmo looked at the security monitors on the table next to his workbench. He couldn't believe his eyes. Dozens upon dozens of changeling drones were charging and surrounding the factory. North, South, East, West, they came from all directions.

Gizmo watched as the changelings sprung his many booby traps. The drones to the north were mowed down by sentry guns, while the drones to the south were electrocuted by steel coils. However, the drones to east and west faired a lot better. They were able to fly over the mine fields and his laser defense grid. Gizmo’s defenses were meant for wandering ponies or guards. He never expected a full on assault from his own brethren.

"What the heck is going on?" shouted Gizmo. "Just wait till mother finds out about this."

"Oh Gizmo, always the mama's boy. It's too bad mommy can't protect you any more, on account of Flash chopped her neck off with that sharp sword of his."

Gizmo turned around in horror to see a changeling with a red mane and green eyes. His horn was razor sharp and looked as if it could cut clean through flesh and exoskeleton. In one hoof he carried a sharp dagger with dried blood on its tip. On his flank was an image of a large bloody butcher’s knife.

The changeling before him laughed insanely as he spoke.

"Cleaver, what have you and Flash done? When the other's find out about this -"

"Many of them already know."

Cleaver laughed hysterically while Gizmo backed himself against his bench

"Sorry gear head, but the hive is under new management, and it's now my job to wipe out any of us who Brain hasn’t deemed worthy of leading us into the future."

Gizmo stared at the figure before him. On the inside he was petrified. He knew this could be the end of his three year life. All his life, he and Blank were always the runts of the hive. None but Wasp and a few others ever appreciated his inventions. They called him useless. Now, as he made his last stand against one of his long time tormentors, unknown courage welled up inside him.

Time to show them all what my toys can really due.

"You know what your biggest problem is Cleaver, it's not that you’re a blood thirsty psychopath. No! What's really wrong with you is that you talk too much."

Gizmo tossed a flash grenade from one of his shelves using his horn and it flew at the ground.

Just before it landed, Cleaver tossed his knife at Gizmo and clipped his wing. Gizmo cried in pain as the flash enveloped Cleaver and gave him a chance to escape.

His fear helped him ignore the pain as he ran past his knife loving brother and into the one of the garages where he kept his car.

Two of the surviving drones were there waiting for him, but he made quick work of them with two pistol shots to the head.

Blood poured from the place where his left wing had been, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He had to get the car started before it was too late.


Vinyl ran towards her apartment when she got a glimpse of the scene. The entrance was completely blocked off, and guards were keeping ponies to the side. She gasped when she saw a Unicorn pull a White body bag outside. The only thing she could think about was her roommate.

A strange Pegasus pony with bat wings was shouting orders to a bunch of the other officers. Maybe he could tell her if her friend was safe.

"Yo, Officer Bat, what the heck happened her."

He turned and scowled at her. "Move along missy, this is a crime scene. I have a lot of dead men in that building and I'm not in very good mood."

"Look dude, me and my best friend live in that apartment, I need know if she is alright."

"Look, as far as we know, the only ponies that are dead in there are my officers."

A guard flew towards them from what appeared to be her balcony. He fluttered a few inches above them.

"Captain Dusk, the mare from 302 is waking up.

Vinyl took off her shades with her magic and looked up at the guard, her face filled with panic and concern. Why was this happening? That spy told me she would be alright. Nothing about this sounds alright.

"Sir that's my roommate Octavia! Please!", she begged, "You got to let me see her. If that Firework creep did anything to her I swear I'd shove that horn of his right up his-"

"Whoa, take it easy, your friends alright as far we can tell? She is just recovering from a sleeping spell. We got half the CPD as well as the EIA looking for this 'Firework Creep'. We’re going to bring her to the station for some questioning. I suggest that you find somewhere else to sleep tonight. This building is now a crime scene.

"But my equipment and my awards are in there."

"I'm sorry, but if you don't have any other place to stay the police can get you and your friend settled at the Hoofton after were done questioning her."


"So how did your meet." asked the interrogator.

"We met at the Gala of all places. He was with some of his country club friends and I was with my band. We always perform for the Gala. During the break, I accidently tripped into him and knocked him down. After I helped him up things kind of took off from there."

"Ok, from what you've been telling me, the two of you have had a very good relationship up until this point. During this time, have you ever notice anything strange about him?"

Octavia looked up at the Ceiling. "Well, there were those random business trips that he never liked to talk about. Sometimes he would gone for three weeks without giving me any notice. He always came back with a nice expensive gift and a genuine smile on his face. Other than that, nothing ever seemed off about him. Can you please tell me what this is about?"

The interrogator sighed. "I'm afraid that my department wants to keep this matter as confidential as possible. Unless we have to, I'm afraid this matter will remain confidential. Now, have you two ever fought about anything?"

"Up until tonight we haven't had a single fight."

"What was the fight about?"

"I just told him I was pregnant."

"So he got mad that you were sleeping with another pony."

Octavia pushed herself back and scowled at the integrator. "Who are you to make an accusation like that, the child is ours."

"That's not even possible."

Octavia was extremely confused and frustrated. "What do you mean it's not possible?"

The interrogator left a slight hint of surprise as he pondered the impossibility in front of him. "I'm afraid I've said too much already.

"There is no way i'm-"


For the second time that night, Octavia fell into a deep sleep.

The interrogator took a head set from his bag and spoke into it.

"This is Copycat; Brain is not going to believe this."

Prof. Kindheart's research- How changeling society works in this story

It's going to be a while before I can put my all into telling the next arc of this story. Some recently asked me a couple of questions on how the changelings work in this story. So I decided to add a bonus chapter to help answer some of your questions about the changelings as they exist in my story. Here are some of Prof. Kindheart's research notes on the beings we know as changelings. The following is a summery section which depicts everything he knew for sure about the changelings.

Summery Of What I Know For Certain

While I find my research to be lacking any substantial depth when it comes fully understanding these creatures, I can say with absolute certain that my contributions will revolutionize the scientific community for years to come. From my interviews with P.O.W. changelings and neurological analysis, I have confirmed that a changeling hive mind does in fact exist. This hive mind allows the will of the female changelings (Or Queen/Princess) to impose their will on large telepathic level. While some of the P.O.W.’s have some hints of individuality, they are almost completely uniform. For instance P-4 would often make jokes about the food prison. Other than that, they are as bland as my wife's cooking. I better remind myself to come with a better comparison latter. Once my research is made public my wife is sure to read it.

Now the most fascinating part of my research is their breeding. Apparently, only 0.025% of all changelings are born female. A queen can lay millions of eggs in her life her, time, and have only 25 of them come up female. There are three ways in which a Queen can reproduce. One of the more moral ways by pony standers is to mate with a drone from another hive. From what I've gathered, this is the most infrequent method. The other method is to breed with her children. Apparently because of their unique biology, the concept of incest is socially acceptable. In fact, out all the three methods, I’d say it is the most practiced. With such a large male ratio, it would make sense that this is the most frequent method. From what I've gathered from P-2, to earn the privilege to be worthy of the queen is “the greatest honor a changeling can achieve in his life.” I still don’t know if this “honor" they speak of is genuine or if it’s something that the hive mind programmed into them. I really hope that my success will allow me to question more changing soldiers in the future so that I may find the answers I seek.

The last method is only a personal theory I have made based on historical data, so I cannot validate it as fact. I also have no way of proving it because in order to do so, I would need the cooperation of a changeling Queen in order to prove. If there are no changelings to mate with, historical records suggest that queens would disguise themselves has ponies in order to get impregnated by a stallion. Once her eggs have been fertilized, I believe the changelings expunge all traces of the fathers DNA and replace it with their own. I base this on the fact that no traces of pony DNA have been found in any of the changelings I’ve examined. I have no way to prove it. So unless the queen volunteers herself for testing, I can’t prove my hypothesis.

By mixing together chromosomes of male changelings and female ponies, I have concluded that cross species breeding is impossible for the males. Our body structures may be similar, but these creatures are in no way related to ponies. Hence a male changeling cannot impregnate a mare. How the queens are able to produce changelings threw cross species breeding is beyond me. Either way, the changelings are indeed an evolutionary miracle in the eyes of ponykind. That is why I continue to study them, so that my research can unlock the secret's these creatures have to offer.

Author's Notes:

I hope you enjoyed this short but informative installment in my ongoing romantic action saga. Later on, I would like to include a bonus chapter that discusses the changelings religious beliefs. If you still have more questions about my take on the changelings, feel free to ask them here.

Chapter Four - Mind Reader

Chapter 4

Mind Reader

Canterlot Station and Barracks

“What do you mean you don’t know where she is?” shouted Vinyl. “I stayed up all night wait for her at that hotel but she never showed up. Now you’re telling me she just disappeared.”

“Calm down Ms. Scratch,” said the police pony at the front desk. “Everything will be fine. We’re looking into her disappearance, but in the meantime you should just go back to your hotel.”

Vinyl couldn't help but notice that the pony behind the desk put a lot of emphasis on the word ‘fine’. The way he said it seemed off.

“I can’t bucking believe this, your the Royal Guard for Celestia’s sake. The sworn protectors of Canterlot and Equestria. Something isn't right here. Where the buck is my friend?”

“We are looking into it. I’m sure she is fine.”

There it is again. There’s something off about the way he says that one word.

“Where’s that EIA agent from last night? I want to talk to him?”

“Madam, please leave, your really starting to bug me.”

Vinyl barely kept her self from blasting his smug flank with her magic, but there was no way that this prick was worth going to jail over. If the police couldn't help her, then she just have to help yourself.

“I’m going to get to bottom of this.” She snarled as she stormed out the station.

When she was gone the pony got up for his desk and stepped walked towards the lounge area in the back.

“Everything alright Jim?” asked a passing officer.

“I’m fine, just fine.”

With that he stormed off into the lobby and another small group officers.

We need alert Master Geppetto about Vinyl Scratch. Have him send a small squad to take care of her?

“I will do so swiftly.” said one of the guards with a disturbingly large emphasis on the word swift.


Octavia opened her eyes and was immediately confused. She was in some sort of lab filled with strange equipment. Her body was strapped to a metal slab that restricted her movements. as she glanced around, taking in her situation, she thought back to the event’s of last night.

She told Firework she was pregnant, but he wanted her to terminate it. They fought about it but couldn't remember anything after words. The next thing she recalled was an EIA agent interrogating her about Firework. He explained that he might be part of a criminal organization but that was all he said. After that she couldn't remember anything.

Now she was here, in some weird laboratory. or possibly a operating theater.

“Please somepony help me! Where am I?” she called out.

"You're in one of my mother's research labs." said a voice which came from nowhere "I’m afraid that’s all we can tell you.”

Octavia twisted her head to try and see, but couldn't find her.

“Who said that?”

“Forgive me. Where are my manners?”

Suddenly a large black figure shimmered at the end of the hall. She was as tall as a alicorn princess, with large, insectoid wings and a long jagged horn. Her mane was was a washed out shade of blue, and her eyes were a piercing emerald green. Upon her flank was a cartoon ghost. The figure began to giggle.

“I am Princes Cocoon of the Chrysalis hive, but I prefer my nickname Phantom.Whichever you prefer. Most of my subjects call me both, but mostly just Cocoon. But I really do like the name Phantom. There’s sense of fear and mystery that goes with that name, don’t you think Octavia? Ha Ha Ha Ha.”

Outside of the lab, the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of Cocoons maniacal laughter and Ocativa’s screams.


Wake up Wasp. Open your eyes.

A familiar voice echoes in Wasp head. As his heavy lids began to open, he lifted his head, scanning his surroundings. He was no longer in the factory, but in a large store room of some sort. There no objects in the room save for two chairs, including the one he was cuffed to. The other chair was occupied by a green maned hybrid with a open book for a cutie mark.

“Mind Reader” he cried.

“Calm down Wasp,” said Mind Reader out loud this time. “Your mind is bombarding me with questions. Please pick one and ask me anything. As your mind is an open book to me, I don’t see why I can’t be open with you.

As his name would imply, Mind Reader had a unique ability to peer into other minds. this skill allowed him to hear everyone’s thoughts as a sort of constant low murmur. If he concentrated hard enough, he could even search through their memories. To top it all off, he was also telepathic, making him the ideal agent when it came to surveillance.

“Are you going actually let me ask a question this time,” asked Wasp “Or are you going to just answer them for me?”

“You know I've broke that habit long ago.” said Mind Reader. Just speak your questions one at a time and I will answer them.”

“Where am I?” asked Wasp.

“I’d save that for last if I were you. Ask me something else in the meantime.”

Where's Gizmo?” said Wasp in angry tone.

“Believe he is safe. I searched through all of those bodies back at the warehouse and none of them were his.”

“What bodies?”

“Oh yes, that's right. You used that spell to escape captivity. alicorn level magic. I’m surprised you made as far as the factory. Had you not been on the verge of collapse you would have notice that the entire outside of the workshop was ridden with dead changelings.”

“What? Why were there dead changelings in the first place?”

Mind reader smiled. “Now we can finally get to the matter at hand. There's been regime change in the hive Wasp. Flash has killed mother.

“That’s impossible! Males are incapable of betraying the queen.”

“No Wasp.” said Mind Reader “Only our drone brethren are incapable. We of the thirteen served the queen under our own free will. We are not restricted by the hive mind, so we are able to think for ourselves. But you already knew this. You're just too shocked to believe it. You were always mother’s favorite Wasp. I think if her cold heart ever loved anything it her whole life, it was you and Cocoon. The rest of us were just tools. I should know. I've been in her head.”

Wasp was silent for a moment as he took everything in. Queen Chrysalis. No, his Mother was dead. Killed by his childhood rival, and the second most stuck up changeling he knew. As if he didn't have enough problems to deal with already.

Octavia! He thought.

“I don’t have time to play twenty questions anymore. I need to find my mare friend...”

“You mean the one you abandon after you found out you knocked her up.”

“That’s it I’m killing you!”

Wasp tried up his horn only to find that his magic wouldn't work.

“You can’t see it but there’s inhibitor taped to your horn right now. Also I know your thinking about slicing threw those cuffs of your hooves but I wouldn't’ even try. This inhibitor was developed by the Equestrian Intelligence Agency specifically for use against our kind. Since your special power is controlled by changeling magic as opposed mine, you can’t transform.”

"Enough of your stupid mind games!” he screamed. “Just get to the Volucris damn point already.”

Mind Reader sighed. “ Very well Wasp. “I’ll explain everything!”


Two months earlier

Las Pegasus

Little Strongheart Hotel and Casino.

That night, Mind Reader disguised himself as a snow white earth pony with three lucky seven’s for a cutie mark. After a mission, he loved going to the casino's and robbing them blind.
Being able to read minds made him an unbeatable card player. Out of all the games, poker was his favorite because he felt the most in control. Not only could he tell what card everypony had, he also knew how much risk everypony was willing to take. The bits came to him after that.

Tonight however, something was off. As he sat down a one of the tables and introduced himself, an orange pegasus with a bloom mane sat in the chair across from him. While Mind Reader was a changeling who rarely ever got surprised, this ponies thoughts made him wide wake. The pony only spoke one phrase within his head repeatedly.

Howdy brother.

Flash! Reader thought in his head. Even without reading his mind, he knew it was him. Out of all the changelings, Flash was the only one who preferred to stay in pony form. no one knew why, and frankly no one ever asked. However, mind reader new, and it was one of his juiciest secrets had on anypony or changeling. What’s he doing here? He’s scrambling his thoughts right now. I don’t know what he’s up to. oh well, after I take his bits I’ll humor him and see what he want’s.

That night Mind Reader designed to go easier on the other poker players that day. With Flash here, he didn’t want to make a scene like he normally did at these kinds of places. Normal things would end with him being accused of cheating and a huge fight breaking out. When the game was over, Flash mentally told him to meet him on top of the roof.

Well that can’t be good. It’s a good thing I’m one of the few changelings he actually likes out of our screwed up family. If he tries anything funny, I’ll know. That’s the kind of information you can’t hide weather you're aware of me or not.

The two spies walked up a large flight of stairs all the way to the roof of the building. The view of the city was spectacular, but neither changeling was interested. They both had business to take care of.

“I’ll give you a choice Flash.” Reader said. “Since you’re doing a great job of hiding your intentions from me, we can either speak out loud or in our heads. The choice is yours.

“I’d like a normal conversation for once.” Flash said has he stretched his wings and checked the straps his saddle belt which carried his katana. He seemed very disinterested as per usual. Even at his own meetings, Flash acted like he didn’t have a care in the world.

He really thinks he’s hot shit doesn't he.

“Very well, speak up brother.”

“I’m going to be cut to the chase then. I need you to spy on the other agents for me. Everyone except Brain and Phantom. I need you to tell me what everyone’s thoughts are about mother. Also, I need to know how far they’re willing to got to serve the hives best interest’s.

“Even if I were to agree to this do you know how hard that will be. Our siblings are scattered all across Equestria. You expect me to got hunt them down and do an approval check of the Queen. Plus, what about Blank Canvas. I heard he died trying to steal a freaking library book.”

“He’s a deserter. That’s all I need to know.” thought it would surprise me if the rumours were true and he really did die trying to steal that book.”

It also be one less runt to kill.

“What’s that about runt’s and killing, Flash. You should never let your guard down in front of me or I'll read you like a book.”

“Who said I was trying to hide that.”

“So you’re going to kill all the people who secretly resent Mom, is that it?”

Flash, who had a frown on his face the entire time, closed his eyes and smiled.

“The opposite actually. Me and whoever else is on board are going to kill all those who care about mother.”

For the second time that night, Flash caught Mind Reader completely off guard. Wile he tried his best to hide, Flash could see that he finally beaten Mind Reader at the one thing he enjoyed more than reading minds. That was playing with them. Now it seemed the tables had turned, and Mind Reader was now the one being toyed with.

“Why would you do that?” asked Reader.

As the conversation continued, chunks of Flashes plans began to pour into Readers head. Whether Flash was intentionally letting him see this information or not he couldn't tell. When emotions are high a sentient beings thoughts tend to leak out. Up until now Flash kept to his calm and nonchalant attitude. Now however, his pride was at an all time high. His narcissism really had no known boundaries.

“Now we get to the fun part. In one month's time, the queen will die by my sword. Meanwhile Brain will orchestrate a plan with the chosen to to wipe out the others. If we’re fortunate enough to get Geppetto on our side, we’ll use all his sleeper puppet’s in Equestria’s law enforcement to usher in stage two. I’m afraid that’s all I’m going to let you know.”

“You’re all insane. Mother might be a senile old fly, but she still our mother. She made us all special.”

“And in the end it will be her undoing once the deed is done.”

“I’ll never agree to this.”

“You don’t have a choice. As you might have picked up on I’ve gotten really good at keeping you out of my head without my permission. That means you can’t rely on predicting my movements. Your as vulnerable as the now. You know it take me exactly 10 seconds flat to slice you 20 times. That two cut’s a second.”

Mind Reader blinked and Flash disappeared. Only to reappear beside him with a sword to his throat.

“I’m not leaving to you alone till I get my report. Me and you are going to be best friends for a whole mouths. If you do a good enough job, there might be place for you in our new hive. Also don’t even think about switching the loyalists with the would be traitors. We already have a pretty good idea on who will be with our against us. You used to be one of the questionable once but it seems you’re just as pathetic as that Mama’s boy Wasp. Now let’s go to room 101, I already booked a room for the two us to share.


“There you have it Wasp. Now to answer the last two questions that our on your mind. How did I escape from Flash and why are you tied up. Flash had me incarcerated in a Canterlot prison cell after he was done with me but I managed to trick one of the few guards not under Geppetto's control to let me out. Sucker.”

“So why the hell did you cuff me than.”

“So you wouldn't attack me at any point during our talk, you did try to at once.”

“That’s because you made silly comment about Octavia, as much as I’m ashamed about what happened to her I still have feeling for her.”

I have feelings for her? Real honest to Volucris feelings? I've never felt that way about anybody or anypony before. But she would never feel the same way about me if she ever knew the truth. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now I have a feeling she might have gotten wrapped up in this madness.

“I need to find her, can you help me."

"I'll help you, but first you need to help me save everyone else. I'll fill you in on who's on which side. We need to save our brothers Wasp. If we don't, we do not stand a chance against them. I don't know what phase two is but I've got a really bad feeling about it. And coming from a jerk like me that has to mean something.

Mind Reader’s horn lit up removed the inhibitor from Wasp head. Then he uncuffed him.

“You ready for the mission brother?”

Despite going through hell in the past 14 hours, Wasp was still able to muster a grin that exposed his fangs.

"I was born ready."

Author's Notes:

This chapter was so hard to right but yes it's done. There were a'lot of spacing problems in this chapter that I tried to correct. It there still some, point them out to me please. Next time I update this story, I shall have an awesome cover picture featuring Wasp and Octavia. In the meantime, be sure to check some of my other stories if you haven't already.

Should I Reboot/Remake Wasp?

I know it's been forever since I've updated, and I wan't you to all know I feel really bad for that, essepshaly for anyone who love,love,love this story. God knows how many times I got really into a story only to see it stop without a proper ending.

Anyways, with so many ideas flooding into my mind about future stories, I was hoping I could ask all on what my next coarse of action should be in regards to this story. Should I pick up where I left off after MMBB is finished or should I try and start the story over from the beginning.

The reason why I want to do this is.

1. Everything Brony Writer said in his review is true. The first chapter was beyond sloppy, and there is way to much exposition.

2. Since My Mortal Big Brother is now a semi prequel to Wasp, I could add more tie in's between the two stories.

3. Flash the changeling (a.k.a my shameless Virgil ripoff) no longer has a original name thanks to Equestria Girls and it's one-shot love interest Flash Sentry. Or as he is better know on derpibooru

So anyways, now I need a better name for my antagonist.

If you guys want to see more the hybrids and Wasp, they play big role in My Mortal Big Brother. Also, I would like to here any alternative solutions towards this problem.

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