
Two Weeks

by NotARealPonydotcom

Chapter 19: Waiting For...

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Waiting For..


I shouldn't have told her. I shouldn't have Pinkie Pie Promised that I would. I shouldn't have tried to woo her in the first place. I shouldn't have wished that I was in a world of dragons, I shouldn't have lost control of myself at the Fashion Expo, and I shouldn't have gotten angry at her for wanting to wait for a day. I shouldn't have done a lot of the things I did, but I did them, and now there was no turning back—it was time to pay the price for everything stupid I'd done. Did I deserve it?

Oh yes. Every bit.

I don't know how long I spend in front of the force field covering Rarity's house. I do know that I start pounding my fists against it, and that after around thirty minutes I give that up and resolve to just wait with my hands and head pressed against it, hoping that if I push hard enough I'll be able to get through the damn thing. I stare down at the Moonstone, which I dropped the moment I realized I was outside, and lean against the dome, and wait. Presently, the sun vaishes, signaling that it is now properly nighttime. I don't feel tired at all, though, which is good, because I don't want to go to sleep. If I fall asleep, that means I'll start dreaming again. And lately, my dreams haven't exactly been the best pick-me-ups, which is exactly what I need right now.

My hands eventually fall to my sides. I keep staring at the Moonstone, and wish that it would just start glowing already. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be home, where there are actually ponies who know me as me and not as Emerald. Even if I end up being locked up in a dungeon, I would be happier back in Equestria than I am here. Luna was right; I don't belong here.

The sun rises, eventually. I decide to leave once it starts shining in my eyes, taking it as a sign that the dome is going to remain regardless of my protests. Heading for the library, I try to throw on a false expression of normal-ness in order to hide my angst from any other dragons I might meet. This doesn't work out the way I want it to, though: I can't seem to remember how my face looks in a resting position. So I give that up and pick up the pace, hoping that nodragon stops me or talks to me on my way to the library. Fortunately, it seems that the town is still suffering from post-Celebration headaches and hangovers, because the streets I trudge down are nearly empty. A few scaly forms lay across benches or tables outside a few darkened restaurants, snoring peacefully, but other than that, I'm alone. So I've got that going for me, at least.

The library looks relatively unharmed as I approach it. I don't bother knocking to see if anydragon's home; I just want to be back in my room. I stumble inside and head for the stairs. I'm on the fourth step when I hear a loud cough nearby. I would have ignored it, had it not been accompanied by a tingling in my tail that kept me from moving forward—a telekinesis spell.


I turn and look down at Spike. He's at the table in the middle of the room, reading a brick entitled Basic Quantum Magic. His horn is glowing, and his nose is still buried in the vast amount of pages. He doesn't look up.

"Can you please shut the door?"

"You're closer."

"And you're standing," he retorts, turning a page. "Don't be lazy."

"You're a unicorn. Close it with your magic."

"Can't. I'm too focused on keeping a very loud dragon from stomping up to where Twilight and Pinkie are sleeping." He repeats, "Shut the door, please."

I grumble, and turn to head back down the stairs. Down the stairs? Yes, down the stairs—seems I miss my bed enough to have forgotten that I can't use it for another week. A question pops into my head:

"I'm being loud?"

"Yes, very. I'm surprised you can't tell—you must be trying to wake up half the town with your stomping and groaning."

"I was groaning?"

"Mm-hmm." Another page turn. He finally looks up at me. "Any reason why—" He notices my face, and straightens up in his chair, frowning. Shutting the book, he asks, "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You came storming in here after being gone for more than a full day groaning and your face is covered in tears." He leans forward in his seat. "What happened?"

I was crying? Dragging a claw along my cheek answers that question; apparently I wasn't perfectly aware of myself during that time spent at the dome. I growl, knowing that I can't lie my way out of this one, and tug at my tail.

"Let me close the door."

The glow around my tail fades. I take care to try and be less loud as I make my way down the stairs over to the open door. Shutting it slowly, I take another deep breath and turn to face Spike. I walk over to the table and pull up a chair across from him. Sitting down, I wait for the inevitable, snapping questions.

"Well? What happened?"

I can practically hear the "to Rarity" that belongs at the end of that question. I gaze into the grain of the wooden table and run a claw along it gently.

"I screwed it all up."

Spike barks out a loud, harsh laugh.

"Well, obviously. What'd you do, call her fat?"

Something like a snort escapes me. "Nope. I told her who I was."

In a flash, he's upon me, teeth bared and horn ablaze with emerald light. He knocks me and my chair backwards onto the ground, completely ignoring the very loud sound of wood against wood. He pins me down with his magic and weight, and his forehead smacks against mine as he stares me down with angry, glowing eyes.

"You did WHAT?" he yells, flinging spit on my face.

"I told her about Equestria."

"And who you are? Who we are?"

My turn to laugh bitterly. "Oh, if only. The moment I mentioned that I had to leave in a week, she magicked me out of her house."

Spike's eyes stop glowing, and a sigh escapes his lips. He pulls his head away, and I see that he's smiling now. He steps off me and releases me from his magical grip, brushing himself off as he does so.

"OK, good. I thought I was in trouble for a second there."

Of course. He only wanted to know if he was in the clear. The bastard.

"Wait." He spins back around and gives me a concerned look. "What do you mean, you have to leave?"

I grin, remembering my talk with Luna: looks like he won't be getting what he wants, either. I say, "I got some new information from the pony that sent me here. Turns out I can't send anypony else back in my place. It's gotta be me."

"But we made a deal!" Spike snaps, stomping a hoof on the floor. A sizzle of magic jumps from his horn as he rants, "You and I agreed, I would help you get Rarity, and you would send me to your pony-world so that I could be happy! Just because you talked your way into making her think you've been lying to her this whole time—"

"I did not!"

"Oh-ho, yes you did! Let me guess: your little confession sounded something like this." He starts pacing, and mimics, "'Rarity, I know that I've been trying to get you under me for more than a week now, but, uh, now that you've finally given me what I wanted, it turns out I'm from this other universe where everydragon's a pony, and I have to go back and never return in about a week, m'kay?'" He raises an eyebrow at me. "How do you think that sounded to her?"

"I wasn't just trying to get her under me! You of all ponies should know that!"

"That's not the point!" he yells, flinging his hooves up in the air. "She thinks that you've been lying to her this whole time. With all this emotional crap you've been putting her through, I'm surprised that you actually made it this far with her!" He pauses and considers something for a second. "How far did you get with her, by the way?"

Even with all this drama, I still feel a blush cover my face as I answer, "W-We spent the night together."

"You mean like—"


"And all of yesterday, too?"

"Most of it, yeah."

He smiles, and nods in approval. "Niiiiiice."

"Thank you."

He nods for another second before realizing what he's doing. Shaking his head to clear it, he goes back to yelling:

"No! That just makes it worse! Now she thinks all you wanted was sex! It's like you're her new Blueblood!"

"Funny that you should mention Blueblood..."

He squints at me. "What?"

"Uh..." Damn, how can I phrase this right? "...Remember the Gala?"

"Who doesn't?"

"Good, good. Quick question, then: when Rarity had her dreams of Prince Blueblood utterly crushed, did she happen to lock herself up in her boutique and surround it with a dome of magic?"

"Yeah, why—" His eyes widen, and he slowly brings his hoof up to meet his face. "Oh no."

"Yeah, I figured that would have happened. A lot of things are pretty identical in our two timelines. Just wanted to check if—"


I'm back on the floor, gasping for a breath that won't come; he's turned off my lungs, or closed my windpipe, or something. I hear him come over to me, and his head appears just above mine, decorated with a rage-filled snarl and a sizzling horn.

"She's holed herself up in the dome again? You were that good at breaking her heart?!?"

I would have answered, but I'm still trying to get a gulp of air down. Spike flicks his horn, and I take in several large lungfuls before answering:

"I couldn't help it! I had to tell her!"


"I Pinkie Pie Promised Pinkie Pie!"

"You—" He falters and stumbles backwards. "Wait, Pinkie Pie knows?"

I sit up and nod. "She knew who I was right from the start. She hasn't said anything because she thought that we were playing a game."

Spike's jaw unhinges. "I can't believe—well, actually, that does sound like Pinkie Pie. Still, though, why would you even consider telling Rarity the truth?"

"What was I supposed to do? Just get up and run away when it was time to go home? Leave her there, wondering who it was who stole her heart and whether he'll ever be back?"

"No, you were supposed to find a way to send me back instead! Then you could tell her who you were, what had happened, everything!"

"And how would that work out any differently?"

"I don't—" He stops and groans, rubbing his forehead gently. "Look, there's no point in arguing over how you should have done something. It's done, and you're obviously sorry about it. I mean, look at you." He gestures to my face. "You're a blubbering mess."

"I am not!"

"Don't argue with me!" He sighs, and looks at the door. Sunlight streams through the small window on it. The unicorn frowns, and mutters, "I've got to go help her." He starts for the door.

"You can't," I try to tell him. "She's in her dome, remember?"

He ignores me, and continues towards the exit.

"Hey!" I yell, starting after him. "What are you even going to do?"

"I'm gonna talk to her," he says blankly, reaching the door and throwing open with his magic. "I'll set things right."

"But she's in the dome!"

He stops in the doorway, and turns around. Weirdly enough, there's a smile on his face.

"You said that our timelines are mostly identical, right?"


"Well, I can tell you one thing that happened to me that could never happen to you. The last time this happened, Rarity and I had a little talk. She told me she never wanted to go through something like Blueblood again, and that if history repeated itself, it was my job to get her out of her funk." He taps his horn. "So she taught me the counterspell to get through the dome." With that, he leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.

I hear a sizzling noise behind me. Turning around, I catch the last remnants of what appears to be a faint green bubble dissipate from the top of the stairs. Spike must have set up a soundproof force field once he knew that our yelling was gonna be inevitable; he's clever, like me. I slink towards the basement stairs, wishing that I could go upstairs and into my own room instead. I feel that homesick.

Oh man. I'm homesick.

I step down into the guest room, and head right for the bed. I need to sleep right now; there's nothing else to do but wait for something to happen, so I might as well spend that time with Luna. We'll have plenty to talk about, I'm sure.


I don't dream. I don't even sleep, in fact. I just lie in bed, waiting for Spike to come back, or for my eyes to shut, or maybe for Luna to appear right above me. Minutes and then hours fly by, and still, even with the few hours of rest I've gotten in the past two days, I don't feel the least bit tired. It's as though I absorbed enough energy from Rarity's dome to keep me running for the rest of the week. I toss, I turn, I bury my face in my pillow and try to asphyxiate myself into unconsciousness, but nothing works. I just won't sleep.

So I lie there and think, about the past and the future and Rarity and Twilight and Spike and Luna and sapphires and glassware and dresses. I wonder whether it was really a shooting star that brought me here; Luna didn't sound so positive when she explained to me what happened, and it didn't seem to make sense that a star would have enough magic to send my soul into another universe and mold a body for it to walk around in. But, hey, what do I know? I can't even maintain a relationship for more than a day.

Relationships. I think about Rarity, both of her. The dragoness is probably being comforted by Spike right now. Perhaps her house is a mess, with furniture and shredded paper and burnt dresses everywhere. Maybe he's telling her how I'm just a con artist and a thug, and that she deserves so much more. He's right. Maybe she's looking at him right now, with wide eyes, as he tells her how much she means to him, and how he'll always be there to protect her, no matter what. Maybe she's realizing just how much he loves her, and maybe as he talks she's leaning closer and closer to him. Maybe he's noticing that, and maybe he's trailing off and coming closer too, until they're both too close to make out any definable features on each other's faces except their eyes, and they'll close them and Rarity's mind will erase me forever in the moment that comes next, when Spike takes her forever from me. Maybe I deserve that, to be beaten by my pony-counterpart. It's such an ironic thought that I spend a full minute just laughing at the thought of being able to break the species barrier between us as a pony but not as a dragon. It makes sense, though; how could a town of dragons be afraid of such a small, harmless little meat-sack? Ponies weren't dangerous to dragons, but dragons were certainly dangerous to ponies.

Ponies like my Rarity. My Rarity? Maybe she was mine for a second, in that perfect moment just before she shied away from my fangs, but not now. Not after I'd ruined her moment in the spotlight, after I'd lost control and destroyed half of the Canterlot Castle and her reputation in one fell swoop. She didn't deserve me, and I didn't deserve her; she was too rich in taste, too precious for me to hold in my arms without breaking. Everypony was, or would be, eventually. I'm not completely ignorant; I know that it's inevitable. We skip around the topic, but there will come a day when Twilight sits me down and we'll have a sad, long talk about my lifespan and what it will mean for me in twenty years. Or in twenty hundred years. I understand that I'll be alone sooner than I think. Maybe this incident was what's best for me, then. Maybe it's best if I distance myself from everypony, when I get back. Maybe I should start early, go find a cave somewhere. Maybe it's best if I end up banished.

Maybe it's best if I just die.


No. No, I don't think that would be best. That'd be pretty hard on Twilight and the others. And myself, I guess.

So what do I do, then? Do I just sit back and watch everything fall to pieces around me? Should I watch all of the ponies I love wither away until there's nothing left, chalk it up to "that's life," and go sit in a hole in a mountain for the rest of my days? With that option, at least, I can get away before I get too huge for ponies to handle. If I do, though, I'm throwing away my life in Ponyville and exchanging it for a life of loneliness. I'll spend it sitting in a cave, hoarding jewels and trying my best to forget what it was like to be loved, and soon enough that's just what'll happen, and I'll be no different from the rest of the dragons that roam the world; a greedy, hulking brute that destroys anything and everything to get what it wants. I don't want to be like that.

Perhaps if I run far enough, I can find a colony of dragons to live with. I could be adopted, if I'm lucky. It'd be nice, I'm sure; a family, friends, and a community to be a part of, all made of dragons. I'd be a normal drake, somedragon that wouldn't stand out in the crowd, somedragon who would live without drawing attention to himself just because he has hands. Maybe I could meet a nice dragoness, and we could fall in love and have a big wedding with lots of gems.

And every time I kiss her, I would think of Rarity; and every time I high-fived a friend, I'd think of Rainbow Dash or Applejack or Pinkie Pie, and the illusion would fall apart in a second and I'd be right back where I started. So that option's out of the question.

Should I leave, once they're gone? What would be the point? It'd just be me, and whoever lived in Ponyville that still knew me. That wouldn't last long, either, and once they were gone...

But I'm thinking too far ahead, aren't I? What happens in a hundred years won't be important for another century; I'm just trying to make myself sadder. I've noticed I'm a bit self-destructive lately. Isn't that why I'm in this situation in the first place, with Rarity in her dome and Spike hating me more than ever? I need to fix that, as much as I can before I leave in six days (only eight days! It feels like I've been here so much longer!), and even if I can't make right with Rarity, I need to make right with me. Luna was absolutely right; if I'm going to continue my life in Equestria, I need to stop hating myself for my screw-ups. It's time to take some action and focus on what's happening now, both here andback home!

Technically, what's happening back home right now is nothing, but once I get back and time starts moving again, I'm sure that the whole country will be jumpier than Pinkie Pie. I know there's going to be a storm of cow-pies to face down once everypony finds out that I trashed Canterlot Castle. There'll be ponies who are out for banishment, and probably a lot more who are out for blood. I deserve it, certainly, but there's no way that Twilight or Rarity or anypony who knows me is going to let that happen—especially not Celestia. Neither am I, actually; I'm absolutely certain that I don't want to die, now. It'll be tough; things will probably seem hopeless at points; I may or may not be banished from at the very least Canterlot; and there'll probably be an everlasting mistrust of me for the rest of time; but I know that with my friends by my side, I'll make it out on top. They wouldn't let me fall. That's not what friends do, and lucky me, I happen to have the best friends in the universe. Twilight and Dash and Pinkie and Rarity...

No. Rarity isn't my friend. She can never just be my friend anymore. With everything out in the open, there's no way we can go on the way we did. Once I get back, I know there'll be a conversation with her waiting for me, no matter how much I try and avoid it. My worst fear is of how that conversation may end. I wish that nopony had to get hurt; I have a feeling that the conversation is going to end exactly that way. And there I'll be, back even further than when I began, trying to reach a moment that's already happened, to race back into the past for another taste of that perfect bliss with her. That's how it'll always be, if that conversation goes the way I'm hoping it doesn't, and each day I'll run faster, get closer and further at the same time, and one day, when that bliss has finally faded into the mist...

I feel so damn tired, but I won't fall asleep. I just lie on my bed and think.



I don't respond at first, mostly because I don't recall that I've got two names I go by now.

"Emerald? Are you still down here?"

I come back down to reality. My head turns to the left an inch: there's somedragon at the stairs. I can't recognize the voice, though, and I still don't fell like answering.

"...Spike? Can we talk?"

Ah. Pinkie. I didn't recognize the heavy sound of concern in her tone.

"Yeah," I say, still a little distant. "We can talk, Pinkie."


She comes walking down the stairs—quietly, I notice, which is odd for her—and appears in my room wearing a small, comforting smile.


"Hi." I turn my head back up at the ceiling and give it a nice stare. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask, a little harshly.

I hear her step closer, and a slump in my bed tells me that she's sat down by my legs.

"You told Rarity, I guess."

"Mm-hmm. Had to keep my Pinkie Pie Promise. I know what happens when somedragon breaks one of those." I try to smile, and almost succeed. Pinkie does a better job of it, though she still looks pretty sad with it on.

"I'm sorry that I went and ruined it for you so soon, Spike, but—"

"Please don't apologize," I say. "If you do that, then I might actually start believing that it isn't my fault."


"Don't say it's not my fault, either." I sit up, half-glaring at the pink dragin. "There's no way this isn't my fault. I knew that there was another Spike here. I knew that I couldn't have stayed here. I knew that if I started a relationship with the Rarity here, I'd just end up hurting her, and I did it anyway!" My claws are digging holes into the blankets underneath me, but I don't notice it. "So don't you bucking dare tell me that this isn't my fault!"

Pinkie's staring at me with wide blue eyes. I'm staring back, teeth grit and smoke trailing from my nostrils. She actually looks afraid; that's a first. Oh well, better than her usual "Oh, let's just make it another excuse to party!" crap.

"You don't have to yell," she mumbles, as though afraid to speak to me now. That's when I realize how hard I'm grinding my teeth, and how I can feel a fireball charging in my belly, and how my claws are now stuck in my mattress. From the back of my mind, I hear an echo:

You must have noticed by now that you are acting very radically when you deal with a situation in Dragonsville?

Emotional instability. Right. I need to stay calm, at least for now. Maybe I'll go out into the Everfree and demolish a tree later, or something. Right now, it's time to deal with Pinkie. Luna give me strength.

"I'm sorry," I say, slackening the grip on my bed. I lie down again, and feel the fireball simmer away in my stomach. "I've been a bit of a mess lately."

"It's okay," she murmurs, doing a terrible job of not sounding upset. "I'd be angry too, if I ever hurt Twilight without meaning to."


There's a decent amount of silence between us. Then:

"...So, are you hungry?"


"Have you eaten anything lately?"


Pinkie turns about on the bed, looking for something. Apparently, she doesn't find it, because she turns back to me and asks, "Do you even know what time it is? There's no clock in here."

"No." This is getting easier and easier.

"It's almost eight. You missed dinner."

"Eight at night?" Maybe I did fall asleep.

"Yep." Her curls bounce as she nods. "I figured you wanted some privacy after that fight with Spike, so I convinced Twilight to teleport us both out of the library, and then we spent the whole day together, and it was great because a lot of dragons were still out of it from the festival, so we—"

I interrupt, "You heard Spike and I fighting?" Suddenly I'm sitting up again.

"Yep. I was in the kitchen, and Spike didn't know that, so I heard everything."

"But Spike said that you and Twilight were—"

"Spike, you know who you're talking to, right?"

I open my mouth to protest, then realize that there's no point. I shut it, and nod in defeat.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I guess," I tell her. Looking up at her, I say, "So I guess you know where Spike's gone."

"Uh-huh. I told Twilight, and she's gonna talk with you too, but she'll save it for tomorrow, or maybe when Spike gets back."

"Does she know who I am?"

"Nope. I promised you I wouldn't tell anydragon, and I haven't. Twilight still thinks you're just Emerald, the drake that tore Rarity's heart to pieces."

"Oh. Fantastic." It looks like Pinkie's getting back to normal.

"Not really. She's pretty mad, but I think I can calm her down enough so that you don't end up getting kicked out of the library. How long do you have left here, anyways?"

"After today? Five."

"Five days? That's it?" She slaps a claw against her forehead. "That's barely any time at all! I have to get your Goodbye Party all put together before then! Ooh, I'm gonna need some extra help on this!"

I scowl at Pinkie. "No, you won't. We aren't going to make my goodbye a huge public thing. I'll leave when it's time to, and nodragon in town is ever gonna think twice about it. Capische?"


A sigh escapes me. "Understand?"

"Not really. What's catfish got to do with any of this?"

"I mean about me leaving, Pinkie."

"Oh, that! Yep, I get it! No party, no streamers, nothing! You'll just disappear in the middle of the night!" Her eyes light up (if that's even possible—they're so bright already), and she gasps. "Ooh! We can have a 'Mysterious Stranger Disappearance' Party! I'm sure Rarity'll love that one!"

I want to smack her, but I tell myself that's just the emotional instability talking.

"Pinkie, I don't think Rarity wants anything to do with me. Not now, and probably not for a while."

"Oh." Her ears drop a little. "I guess you're right." She traces a claw along a pattern on my blanket. Another awkward silence hangs over us for a while. What breaks it is my stomach: I haven't had anything to eat in a day, maybe longer, and I'm finally starting to feel it.

Pinkie feels it, too. She gets up, grinning again, and sticks out a hand to help me out of bed.

"Sounds like you could use another caramel-emerald milkshake, Spikey." She hears another, louder rumble, and adds: "Make that two shakes. And some beignets, with lots of filling and powdered sugar."


The moon is high up in the sky by the time Pinkie pulls me out of the Sugarcube Corner to send me off. It takes all of my willpower (what remains of it, anyway) to keep myself from breaking down and begging Pinkie to let me stay there the night and keep eating—food makes a wonderful coping device. Good Luna, I'm a teenage filly.

"I can't let you do that, silly scales! The way you were stuffing those beignets in your mouth, you looked like you could eat me and the Cakes out of our home, literally!" She pushes me away from the bakery, and I let out a groan.

"Please let me take home a bag of them! Just a small one, please!"

Pinkie giggles and shoves me harder. "Don't get greedy, Spi—" She stops, and looks around. "Er, I mean, Emerald!" She winks, rather conspicuously, and I groan again. Not because I'm not getting those donuts (she calls them beignets, but they're not really), but because she mentioned greed. Now I'm thinking about my birthday again.

"You need to go and get some rest, and then tomorrow you can talk with Twilight, and Spike'll come back and you can talk with him, too. You need somedragon to talk to, Emerald, and you'll be fine."

"No, I need more of those—"

I stop, thinking about what she's just said. I need to talk to somedragon.

"No," I mutter, not particularly to her. "Not somedragon."

"What's that?"

But I've already turned and started for the library again. The town passes by in a blur. When I reach my home (almost my home), it's dark and empty, just as Pinkie and I left it. But that doesn't matter to me. It's not Twilight I need to talk to. Not somedragon. And Spike doesn't count, either.

I head for the basement, praying the lump of food in my stomach will help me get to sleep sooner. I'm gonna need all the time I can get my claws on.

Author's Notes:

Dear Readers,

Happy Anniversary, Two Weeks! Yes, one year and nine published stories ago, I decided to post that idea I had about Spike getting a chance at being normal on this site. Of course, I didn't think I'd make it past a hundred likes, or even a hundred views (I hadn't been very successful before, as you'll see if you check my earlier stories). Then you all happened. You, you wonderful, Sparity-loving users. Celestia bless you for flattering me with your attention.

I honestly would not be where I am now if not for this story. Because of its success, I feel more confident whenever I write something, I'm always looking to improve my abilities, and I've gotten back into the habit of reading a new book every week (I like living near a library). I also have this story to thank for a lot of the users I've come to know on the site, especially the ones who've been here from the beginning (I'm looking at you, Ignaltus). I'd probably have left the site a while back if it weren't for all those crazy people who kept telling me "MOAR"! So thank you, thank you, thank you for dealing with me and my awkward author's notes and my occasional infuriating grammar mistakes and my super-long pauses between chapter posts.

Now we are reaching the end. Yes, really, there's an end to the story (I might have said this before, so bear with me). It's all written down save for one or two chapters, and I'll be posting as often as I can. This should be all tied up in a nice little bow before Winter Wrap Up (you should know what that means). By that time, I'll hopefully have a new piece of prose for you all to latch onto. Something much lighter and cuter, I'm thinking. I'm all drama-ed out from this.

One last thing before I go: I wonder if you can tell me where you think I got the "Draft" moment from...

Okay, that's it. Toodles.


P.S. Oh yeah, and tell me if you find any mistakes, please. It's always such a big help when you do that for me.

Next Chapter: Stories of Old Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 27 Minutes
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