
'Human' in Equestria: Maverick and Hunter

by Chief Big Tree

Chapter 5: Uncertain Truth

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Uncertain Truth

Uncertain Truth

Maverick opened his eyes slowly, stretching and yawning in the bed he had made on the floor. Twilight had offered to let them stay for the night at her place again, Hunter and Maverick making beds down in the basement. Maverick sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. Hunter was laying on the floor next to him, wrapped in a sleeping bag. Maverick smiled at the sight of his Beta unit snoring lightly next to him, the sleeping bag moving up and down with Hunter’s breathing. The smile on Maverick’s face faded as he remembered the events of last night. Questions would rise within Ponyville and the ponies will find out the truth, and with that there will be panic. Maverick sighed and got up quietly, trying not to wake up Hunter. Maverick quietly walked upstairs to find Twilight standing in front of her desk, reading one of the books about humans.

“Twilight, are you ready?” Maverick asked.

“Yeah, hang on. Let me get something.” Twilight said as she closed with book. She walked away from her desk and went upstairs, coming back down a second later with a saddle pack on her.

“Alright, let’s get going.” Twilight said. Maverick nodded and Twilight walked up to him, both of them disappearing with a teleportation spell.


Maverick and Twilight appeared in front of the royal Canterlot palace, Maverick once again dizzy as he tumbled around, trying to stand up straight.

“How the hell do you get used to this?” Maverick said as he fell back on the ground.

“Takes a few times to not get dizzy anymore. Come on, get up.” Twilight said, using her magic to lift Maverick up. She set him down on his hooves, Maverick finally standing up right. He nodded at Twilight and they started walking into the palace. The royal guards that were normally at the entrance were inside with Celestia and Luna, their talking faintly heard through the palace. Maverick and Twilight walked up to the palace hall and opened the doors to reveal Celestia, Luna, and a small group of royal guards standing in front of them, listening to the princesses. Celestia looked up at Maverick and Twilight, both of them patiently waiting for her and Luna to finish.

“Alright, you are dismissed.” Celestia said, looking back down at the guards in front of her and Luna. The royal guards responded with a ‘Yes, ma’am’ and they walked past Maverick and Twilight and out of the palace hall. Maverick and Twilight walked up to Celestia and Luna, both of the princesses with a worried look on their faces.

“We’ve heard of what has happened in Ponyville. Where is Hunter?” Celestia asked.

“He’s back at the library, I thought it would be best if he stayed there for now.” Maverick said.

“Why is that?”

“There are some things that I still have yet to tell him.”

“Then that is your choice. Now, Maverick, exactly what was that thing that appeared in Ponyville?”

“A stealth unit, mainly mechanical and typically equipped with a telekinesis unit. They are highly dangerous and kill without mercy, but I am quite confused on why it decided to leave so early...” Celestia motioned her head to Maverick and Twilight to follow as she and Luna walked towards the end of the hall. Celestia stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall and knelt down, inserting her horn into a small slot on the door. Lines of light streamed off from the slot and coursed through the door, the six circles on the door lighting with a bright blue glow. The glows inside of the door flared and the doors slowly opened, revealing a small chest on a pedestal within the small room.

“These, Maverick, are the elements of harmony, the most powerful magic known to pony kind.” Celestia said as she took the chest out of the room.

“What about them?” Maverick asked as Celestia opened the decorated chest. The elements shined within the chest with a magical aura, illuminating the area around the four ponies.

“They are the most sacred and most powerful source of magic in Equestria and they were able to stop Equestria from destruction three times in the past. But now... I need to ask you, will they be able to stop... them?” Celestia said, motioning her head slightly towards the elements with a concerned look on her face.

“Quite frankly, I don’t think I am able to answer that question with a definite answer. The military in our world has developed weapons able to conquer entire planets, I’m not sure that just one weapon against our military’s thousands would sustain against an entire army...” Maverick said as he leaned in closer to examine the elements. Celestia sighed and she lightly shut the chest lightly, the glow around them fading.

“Them I am afraid we are out of options, if that is the case. Luna, go to the Equestrian military headquarters, take a few royal guards with you and tell them to prepare defenses around Everfree.” Celestia said. Luna nodded and she started off out the palace hall, a few royal guards following her as she exited the palace.

“Wait, how do you know they are even coming back? For all we know, the stealth unit could still be here.” Maverick said.

“The night you two arrived in Equestria, I sensed something, a feeling I had never gotten before. When I heard of you and Hunter’s appearance in Ponyville and where you had come from, I knew that something was wrong. The feeling came to me again before the... stealth unit arrived, and yet again last night around an hour later. Unless more of your kind have come to Equestria, I think your friend may have gone back to your world, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t tell your military about ours.” Celestia said.

“Then what do we do? Hunter and I can’t exactly go back without the help of the machine that sent us here...” Maverick said as he and Twilight watched Celestia walk over to the window.

“Until then, we can only wait for them to show. Our military will be ready, but there is no guarantee we will be able to fight back successfully. Maverick, are you and Hunter willing to help us with our task of fending off your military?” Celestia asked as she turned to Maverick.

“Hell, we’re already wanted dead by them, I don’t think it would matter if we tried to get on their side again. You can count on us to help defend.” Maverick replied with a salute and a nod, a smirk on his face.

“Good. Twilight, I am trusting you with these, take them to Ponyville and give them to your friends.” Celestia said as she levitated the chest with the elements inside over to Twilight.

“You can count on us.” Twilight said, nodding with a determined look on her face.


Hunter opened his eyes slowly, the light of the candle on the machinery in the basement flickering against the walls. He glanced at the machinery in the basement, a clock on one of the terminals. Twelve seventeen. Hunter sat up and looked around, noticing Maverick missing from the bed next to him.

“Maverick?” Hunter said quietly as he got up. No answer. Hunter shrugged slightly and he walked up stairs, squinting his eyes as the day light coming through the windows poured into the basement doorway. Hunter’s eyes adjusted and he walked into the main floor of the library.

“Maverick? Twilight?” Hunter called out again. Silence yet again. Hunter sighed and he walked over to the window. The ponies of Ponyville were outside, some of them playing and others talking to one another on the streets. Hunter smiled a little and his stomach rumbled.

“Maybe I should get something to eat. Maverick and Twilight are probably just out shopping.” Hunter thought to himself. Hunter walked over to the door and pushed it open, the sound of birds chirping and ponies talking amongst themselves in the distance filling Hunter’s ears. There was a peaceful yet joyful atmosphere in Ponyville as Hunter started off towards Sugar Cube Corner, the sun shining on the town through the clear sky above. There were a few pegasi flying through the air, their shadows cast on the ground as they cleared the afternoon sky of any lingering clouds.

Hunter walked up to the doorstep of Sugar Cube Corner and pushed it open, a cheery ‘ching’ sounding as the door brushed past the bell above the door.

“Hiya, Hunter!” Pinkie said from behind the desk, waving at him as he walked up to the desk.

“Hey Pinkie. Where are Mrs. and Mr. Cake?” Hunter asked, glancing at the door to the back rooms of Sugar Cube Corner.

“They went to make a delivery and they left me in charge!” Pinkie said cheerily, raising a hoof to salute, but knocking over a cake decorator in the process.

“Uh huh... well, do you think I could get something to eat?”

“Sure! What’ll it be?”

“A muffin would be nice.”

“Okey dokey lokey!” Pinkie Pie said and she bounced off into the other room. There was a loud crashing sound and Hunter leaned forward to peak in the room Pinkie had gone into.

“Pinkie? Are you alri- oh.” Hunter said as the bouncing pink pony came back into the room, Pinkie balancing a muffin on her head and a few other muffins in her mane. She set the muffin down on the desk and looked up at Hunter with a grin. Hunter stared at the muffin, which had teeth marks in it and a few specks of lint stuck to the apple bits on the muffin’s top. Hunter looked up at her with an awkward smile and set down two bits on the desk.

“Uh... thanks, Pinkie Pie. I’ll see you around.” Hunter said as he put the muffin in his mouth.

“No problem, Hunter!” Pinkie said happily, waving good bye to him as he walked out the door. Hunter shut the door behind him and he put the muffin in his hoof, giving it a slightly disgusted look. He shook his head slightly and laughed to himself as he set the muffin down on the ledge next to the door. Hunter began to walk away from the store, but was stopped by three young fillies walking up to him, each of them with a curious look on their face. Hunter stopped and looked down at the three fillies, who only stared at him.

“May I help you three?” Hunter asked, his mouth curving into a slight smile.

“Come on, you ask him.” Scootaloo said quietly as she nudged Sweetie Bell on the side.

“I’m not doing it! You ask him!” Sweetie Bell said, nudging Apple Bloom.

“Ahm not gonna do it! You ask him!” Apple Bloom said quietly.

“Hey now, calm down. Ask me what?” Hunter asked as he lightly pushed Apple Bloom away from Scootaloo. The three fillies exchanged nervous glances and Apple Bloom finally muttered a few words out of her mouth.

“Are... you the...” Apple Bloom said, but stopped and glanced back at Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. They had excited looks on their faces, motioning for the red haired filly to continue with the question. Apple Bloom looked back up at Hunter, who was still waiting patiently for her to ask him.

“The... the human that came here a while ago?” Apple Bloom finally said, an awkward smile on her face.

“It’s only been three days, but yes, that would be me.” Hunter said. The three filly’s eyes lit up and they rushed in front of Hunter.

“What is it like in your world!? - What did you look like before you were a pony!? - What is it like being a... Beta unit!?” The fillies shouted out questions, overwhelming Hunter.

“Well, if you could just-” Hunter stopped what he was saying and stared down at Apple Bloom. The three fillies settled down and looked at Hunter. He continued staring at Apple Bloom with an angry, yet confused expression on his face.

“You... what did you just say?” Hunter asked, a sense of surprise and sternness in his voice.

“I... I just asked what it is like to be a... Beta unit...” Apple Bloom said meekly as she slightly backed away from the soldier in front of her. Hunter stood in place, and something snapped inside of him. He rushed towards Apple Bloom and picked her up, holding her in front of his face.

“Where did you hear this!? Who told you!?” Hunter yelled angrily at the filly in his hooves.

“Let go of me!” Apple Bloom yelled as she struggled to get out of Hunter’s grasp.

“Hunter! What are you doing to mah sister!?” Applejack called out as she walked away from her apple kiosk, heading towards Hunter and Apple Bloom. Hunter looked away from the filly in his hooves and he turned his head to the crowd that had gathered around him. They were all staring at Hunter, almost all of them looking worriedly at him. Hunter put down Apple Bloom and she dashed over to Applejack as quickly as she could, wrapping her front legs around her big sister. Applejack and the crowd around Hunter stood in silence, Hunter staring at the two apple family members.

“I’m... I...” Hunter started to say. He shook his head and turned around, pushing his way through the crowd as he headed back for the library. The ponies that had gathered around him watched as he ran out of sight, his hoof steps disappearing from earshot. Apple Bloom was still shaking in fear, staring where Hunter had ran off to. Applejack sighed and spoke out to the crowd.

“It’s alright, everypony, you can go back to what you were doin’.” The ponies glanced at each other and shrugged slightly, dispersing from the area a few seconds later.

“Apple Bloom, what did you say to Hunter to make him do that?” Applejack asked as she knelt down to look at her younger sister.

“I... I just asked him what it was like being a Beta unit.” Apple Bloom said, digging lightly at the dirt beneath her with her hoof.

“Who did you hear that from?”

“Twilight. She said not to mention it to Hunter... but I guess it just... slipped out. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!”

“It’s alright, Apple Bloom.” Applejack hugged her little sister, Apple Bloom returning the gesture.

“Though... I’m not sure it will be alright with Maverick.” Applejack thought to herself.


Hunter bursted through the door of the library, the slam of the door echoing throughout Twilight’s home. Hunter slammed the door shut, walked into the middle of the room, and sat down. His emotions were mixed; anger, confusion, and sadness playing their part as Hunter sat in thought.

“Me... a Beta unit? No... that can’t be...” Hunter thought to himself. Hunter fell backwards and he stared up at the ceiling, his mind racing at the thought of what Apple Bloom had said.

“But what if it is true... what if I really am one of them. It’s been three years since the explosion... I think I would have recovered my memories by now. No, I can’t let myself think this, Maverick would never lie to me!” Hunter put a hoof on his chest and lifted the pendant Maverick had given him, the ruby gleaming in the sunlight coming through the windows.

“Or would he... every time the military brought up Beta units Maverick always seemed to get on edge...” Hunter sat up at the sound of the library door starting to open.

“Hunter! Twilight and I are- oh! You’re awake. Did you sleep good last night?” Maverick asked as he walked in through the door with Twilight, the chest containing the elements of harmony levitating in the air. Hunter stared at Maverick with an angry expression on his face, the pendant still in his hoof.

“Hunter? Are you alright?” Maverick asked, giving an unsure look at his Beta unit sitting on the floor. Hunter stayed silent, continuing to stare at Maverick.

“Hunter...?” Maverick said again, starting to get slightly worried something had happened. Hunter looked away from Maverick and down at the pendant around his neck. He fiddled around with it for a little bit and stood up, the ruby pendant twirling around slightly.

“Yeah... I’m fine. Where did you two go?” Hunter asked, his mouth curving into an unsure smile.

“Twilight and I went to visit the princesses and... well, looks like we may have one last fight to pick with our commanding officers.” Maverick said.

“What do you mean?”

“Celestia and Luna believe that the stealth unit has returned back to Umbra and is reporting his findings of Equestria. Chances are, they’re not going to let that information go unnoticed. Celestia believes that there will be a full scale attack very soon, and there is not a single cell in my body that doubts that, considering the military’s actions towards Umbra and a select few of the other planets. I think this might be Lambda all over again.” Maverick said as he walked over to Twilight, who was setting the chest on her desk.

“What is that?” Hunter asked.

“The elements of harmony, the most powerful source of magic throughout Equestria.” Twilight said with excitement in her voice as she opened the chest. The light from the five necklaces and crown illuminated the area despite the sunshine.

“And what are you planning to do with those?”

“They’re going to help us fend off our military.” Maverick said, a smirk on his face.


The general stood at the edge of the military base perimeter, staring out at the land that surrounded it. The still yet to be explored landscape was quiet expect for an occasional howl of the indigenous creatures of Umbra. The sun was smiling down on the planet, giving a light hearted feeling to the military base. The weather was fair for summer on Umbra, a slight rain fall coming down on the blissful planet. The silence was broken as the general heard footsteps coming up from behind him and he turned around, the man coming to a halt as he approached the general.

“Sir, Colonel Isaac Etheridge reporting from dimension unit one.” The colonel said, raising his right hand to salute the general.

“At ease, colonel. What is it that you wish to tell me?” The general asked.

“The soldiers that you requested are ready to be transported through the machine. We are awaiting your orders.”

“Good, we will leave at sun down. Have everyone go back to their quarters and rest for the time being. Did you have their weapons altered so they are operable by horses?”

“Yes sir, the hoof strap and foldable barrel are working perfectly.”

“And what of the Alpha and Beta units that are tagging along with them?”

“They are getting their final touches in and will be ready by night fall.”

“Excellent, good work colonel, you may go back to your quarters.”

“Yes sir.” The colonel saluted the general once again and started off back towards the military base. The general turned back to get one last look at the landscape, the sunlight radiating from above illuminating the dense forest surrounding the military base. Next Chapter: War in Equestria Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 60 Minutes

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