
The Forgemaster

by OnlineImhotep

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Rainbow Dash and the ponified Forgemaster arrived at Twilight's house in no time at all. Rainbow Dash, in her excitement, went through one of the windows of the library, while The Forgemaster went to the door and knocked. As he stood there, waiting for some-pony to open the door, he heard voices coming from inside the library: angry voices, they were probably discussing Rainbow Dash's lack of door use. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a lavender unicorn, the same one from earlier, speaking to Rainbow Dash over her shoulder.

"… just stop flying through my…" she turned her attention towards the pony at her door.

She gasped, "It's you! The pony from earlier! Why aren't you at the hospital? Come on Rainbow, he's seriously hurt, we gotta get him there, fast."

"Unnecessary, Twilight Sparkle." He indicated his scars, where the manticore's claws had gashed him.

"What do you mean unnecessary? You were…" She stops when she notices his wounds have healed.

"I told you, Twilight!" a voice from inside said.

Twilight bade him come inside her home, and he did so. She then proceeded to argue with Rainbow Dash, leaving him standing in the middle of a library with 2 arguing mares that were, oddly enough, arguing about him. He stood there watching the argument, saw that he had no input in the argument, and looked around the library. It was most impressively stocked, having just about a copy of every book in Equestria. He noticed that the books were alphabetized and went to the section labeled: 'R'. He quickly found what he was looking for: a book on rainbows. The rainbow fall at his new home hadn't work and he needed to read up on the subject to fix it. He sat down at the nearby table to read it, and was doing so quite successfully, until Twilight became annoyed at how he was reading.

Twilight had looked up from the argument long enough to see Rainbow's new friend sitting down and skimming through a book. She became irate quickly at the sight of one of her precious books so obviously misused.

"Hey! You can't read a book like that! You'll damage it!" she yelled at him, the anger from her previous argument seeping into her tone.

He didn't even look up from his 'reading', but spoke, "Page: 1 Paragraph: 1 Line: 1. Welcome to an introductory to rainbows! Everything you would ever need to know about rainbows can be found in this book. The first section will deal with what rainbows are and how they are produced. The second section will deal with what rainbows can be used for. The 3rd section is about proper use of rainbows and some safety precautions one must use when…"

Twilight used her magic to rip the book from his hooves, and scanned the 1st page with her eyes. After she was done, she looked up with a shocked expression on her face.

"That was perfect! Every single word, exactly how they were used." She turned to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow Dash! Your colt-friend has perfect recall: eidetic memory!"

"I told you, Twilight; he was a keeper!" The proud pegasus replied.

"May I have the book back?"

"Uh, sure." Twilight passed the book back, "But, why do you even need to read about rainbows, anyway."

"The rainbow falls on my new house don't work, I was reading to see how I could remedy the problem."

Rainbow Dash put in her two cents, "Yeah, he just built his house today. In the last hour he made almost an exact replica of my house because he didn't understand my note!"

Twilight froze; she looked at the red pegasus with much the same look that Rainbow Dash had the previous night and whispered to herself, "Perfect memory, reads book to solve problems, proficient lover…"

The Forgemaster looked at the lavender unicorn with some concern, and then turned to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow Dash, what's a colt-friend?"

Twilight was confused, "Rainbow, I thought you said that he was your colt-friend?" At Rainbow's rather sheepish look, Twilight said, "He can't be your colt-friend if he doesn't know what one is!" she narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash, "I want him, he's mine!"

The two mares got into another argument, this one twice as heated as the last one. The pony the two were arguing about was probably the most confused pony in Ponyville. He finished his book a few moments later, every word memorized, and then he went over to the bookshelves once more, this time looking for a dictionary. He found one, and looked up the word he was looking for:

Colt-friend: noun: the male pony that another pony has significant feelings for, most often love. Being a colt-friend is agreed upon by both parties involved.

He felt the need to interject into the argument. He stated the book definition of the term and, in return, received a look of defeat from Rainbow Dash and a look of joy from Twilight.

Rainbow Dash said, "Fine! But all that means is that he gets to choose who he wants to be his mare-friend, and I'm gonna win!" she complemented the last words of her sentence with pokes to Twilight's chest.

"Oh, it is so on!" Twilight yelled right back, the mares getting in each other's faces.

"We came here because you thought you could help me, Twilight Sparkle."

She glanced at him, then scowled, "Between you and The Forgemaster, you're the only 2 in all Equestria who calls me that." She sighs, "Alright, come here, this should be over quickly."

He steps towards her and her horn begins to glow as she touches it to his forehead. Rainbow Dash scowled as she saw the scene; it looked like they were about to kiss, after all. Several minutes passed, and then finally the two separated from each other. The male took several steps back, and then he spoke.

"I find myself disgusted with myself." He scowled.

"What? Why?" Twilight asked.

"I believe it will be more interesting if I leave you in the dark as to what exactly I learned. However, you may call me; Crimson Hammer."

Next Chapter: Chapter 22 Estimated time remaining: 12 Hours, 49 Minutes
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