
Sonata de Equestria

by MyHobby

Chapter 14: Second Movement: Part 2-March of the Memories

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March of the Memories

A caravan made its way down the road, moving at a somber pace so that all involved could keep up. Applejack led the pack, holding a large map in one hoof. Big Macintosh followed close behind, pulling the entire group’s belongings in his apple cart. They were trailed by three fillies; Apple Bloom, the apple sibling; Sweetie Bell, Rarity’s younger sister; and Scootaloo, their daring friend. After the young girls came Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, all walking close together for a small amount of comfort.

Spike stayed at the very back of the pony parade, thoughts to himself. He recalled the days leading up to their exodus, and the terrible news of Sombra’s coup.


Spike and Rarity walked in to the library, shock stamped on their faces. Books littered the floors, chairs and tables were uprooted, and that tacky bust of Starswirl the Bearded was smashed to pieces. The entire library was ransacked, save for a single book that lay open on the one upright table. Spike picked it up and read over the page it was turned to.

“It’s about the Alicorn Amulet,” he said. “Somepony was doing a little late-night studying, and I’ll give you three guesses who…

Rairty brushed up a few twigs sticking into the rug. “Oh dear, Timberwolves! I don’t think we’re safe here!”

Spike walked to the basement door, trying to gauge the full extent of the damage. “Aw, relax, Rarity, the Timberwolves are long gone by-”

The white unicorn strained to hear the end of Spike’s sentence, but no words came. She walked up to find him frozen at the entrance to the basement. “Spike? Are you…”

She trailed off when she caught sight of a peach-coated mare lying in a pile of her own grime and filth. Wounds lined the earth pony’s back in the form of several sets of teeth marks. The mare turned her head at the sound of Rarity’s gasp. “Help… Me…”

Rarity ran down the stairs three at a time. She knelt down beside the pony and produced a white handkerchief. She spat on the cloth and dabbed the injured mare’s forehead. “It’s alright, Sweetie Drops, we’ll get you to the hospital in no time!”

Rarity shouted towards the doorway. “Spike! I need some hot water down here!”

The dragon trundled down the steps with a bucket and some towels held in his stubby arms. “Way ahead of you.”

The white unicorn began to gently clean Sweetie Drop’s injuries while Spike went to get help. In the middle of town was an emergency bell, to be rung in case of fire and other such dangers. The baby dragon grasped the rope in his claws and gave it a few solid pulls. “Injury at the library! Injury at the library!”

Sweetie Drops was rushed to the hospital as fast as the emergency responders could take her. She was admitted right into the emergency room to give her the best treatment available. Rarity and Spike waited in the lobby, hoping for any sort of news.

A doctor came out some time later, and Spike approached him. “Hey, can we see Sweetie Drops, now?”

The doctor flinched in surprise at the dragon’s appearance, but recovered quickly. “She’s closed off to any visitors besides family, and she needs her rest.”

Rarity blocked the doctor from walking away, and indicated her golden necklace. “Excuse me, doctor, but I am Rarity. I am a knight of the order of Harmony, keeper of the Element of Generosity, and I demand to be admitted. The state of Equestria lies at stake, sir.”

The doctor grew pale. “Well then, by all means, go in. But don’t tire her out.”

Spike allowed the doctor to get out of earshot before raising a disapproving eyebrow at his friend. “’A knight of Harmony,’ really Rarity?”

“Let this be a lesson to you, Spike,” Rarity said as she entered the room. “Only throw around authority you don’t have when the situation absolutely demands it.”

The dragon’s claw smacked into his face as he followed the unicorn inside. “Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

Sweetie’s wounds had been wrapped in gauze, and she had been hooked up to an IV bag to regain the fluids she had lost during the night. She turned her head slowly and smiled at her two rescuers. “Hello, there.”

“How are you feeling?” Rarity took the mare’s hoof in her’s. “Better?”

Sweetie Drops nodded. “Rarity, there’s something I have to tell you…” The earth pony’s eyes drooped. “The Timberwolves… they had a dark smoke cloud giving orders…”

Spike took out parchment and began scribbling notes as she continued. “There was… another pony with them… It looked like…” Her eyes drooped further. “It looked like Dusty Shelves.”

With that, Sweetie Drops fell fast asleep.


The two hospital visitors spun around at the sound of a new voice, one that was so commanding that Spike felt the need to salute its source. A pegasus mare stood at the entrance to the room, orange hair tied up in a elaborate ponytail, and red-brick Cutie Mark visible beneath a casual cloak. She appeared to be kicking herself in annoyance. “Great, green, stinkin’ horseapples!”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahem, good afternoon, Captain Stonewall. What brings you here?”

The royal guard pointed a wingtip at the slumbering mare. “Sweetie Drops here is my sister, I was in town when I got the news.” She walked up to the earth pony and nuzzled her gently. “And I’m such an idiot.”

Rarity placed a hoof on the soldier’s shoulder. “I’m sure that Sweetie will appreciate you coming to visit.”

Stonewall shrugged her off. “If I had been more careful, she wouldn’t even be here!” She lowered her voice when the injured pony stirred. “That Dusty Shelves, I saw him walking right through my camp and I just let him go.”

“Hey,” Spike attempted to placate the angry mare, “you didn’t do anything wrong. Nopony would have guessed that he was up to no good.”

“I did,” the captain replied. “I told the mayor about him, and then let him go when I found out he was her son.” She sat down beside her sister, face fallen. “I should have listened to my gut.”

Tactfully, Rarity and Spike left the two mares alone, and headed back into town.

The army moved on that evening, now in the midst of a ponyhunt for a particular tan-coated, grey-maned stallion.


A stray stone struck his big toe painfully, and dragged Spike back into the present. Back to the long, dusty road ahead.

Pinkie pronked and stotted along in her own way, smiles aglow and laughter warm. She looked much happier than she felt, and she could see it in their eyes that Fluttershy and Rarity were much the same.

She remembered an old saying, “If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.”

And how true it was.


The entire town had turned up for the mayor’s proclamation, mailed directly from Canterlot itself. Mayor Mare stepped up to the podium with an air of calm, but several out-of-place hairs told perceptive ponies that all was not right. Pinkie, always mindful of other pony’s feelings, knew that the announcement was not a happy one.

“My… fellow citizens of Ponyville!” the mayor began. “It is with a heavy heart that I come to inform you that… the Royal Pony Sisters are no longer our princesses.”

A hush fell upon the crowd as Mayor Mare produced a letter from an envelope. “I hold in my hoof the first royal decree from our new lord and master… King Sombra!”

Pinkie leaped onto the backs of two random Ponyvilleans and shouted in protest. “What the hay are you talking about!? Sombra’s not our king!”

“Pinkie, for Cod’s Sake, keep your hyperactive attitude out of this!” The mayor looked over her glasses severely. “You could get us all in trouble!”

She looked down at the letter. “Each city, town, and village has received the same letter. It says that we are now all under the control of Sombra, that we are subservient to him, and that any…”—she took a gulp of air—“any resistance will be met with excessive, lethal force.”

The crowd broke out in fearful gossip.

“—what does he want us to—”

“—haven’t had a king in thousands of—”

“—why now—”

“—have the princesses abandoned us—”

A microphone squealed with feedback, and brought everypony’s attention back to the stage. Pinkie grasped the mic in her hooves and addressed the crowd. “Listen to me, everypony! We can fight this!”

Silence greeted her comment, blank stares her only answer. She continued unfettered. “My friends and I went all the way to the Crystal Empire and defeated Sombra before, and now we can just waltz up to Canterlot and kick his sorry pony butt! He’s not gonna know what hit him!”

One pony, a tan-coated stallion with a plaid-green bow tie, raised a hoof. “Don’t you need all six Elements of Harmony to use them at all? Where’s Twilight Sparkle?” The crowd murmured agreement as he continued nasally. “Where’s Rainbow Dash? How are you gonna fight him if you don’t have any power?”

“We’ll fight him the way ponies fought before we found the Elements!” Pinkie declared. “With blood, sweat, and horseshoes!”

“We don’t even have a standing militia!” A brown-maned stallion with an hourglass Cutie Mark countered. “Much less an army! We can’t fight!”

“Pinkie,” the mayor said as she calmly took the microphone out of Pinkie’s hoof. “Calm down. Maybe it won’t be so bad.” Mayor Mare saw a small piece of paper fall out of her envelope. “What’s this?”

The mayor read the note off to the crowd. “’In case you get any clever ideas about fighting back, just remember what happened to Phillydelphia.’ What on Odd’s Blue Turf is he talking about?”

The follow-up message came by news courier a few hours later. Phillydelphia’s militia had been trampled into the ground by a small army of Timberwolves and Diamond Dogs, and the entire town had been turned into a prison camp.

That’s when Applejack took charge.


So Pinkie laughed, and joked, and danced.

Because she wouldn’t let her friends down.

“If Ah’m right, an’ I usually am, we’re only a couple a miles away from th’ tunnel through the mountain.” Applejack rolled the map up with a smug grin on her face. She trotted forwards, keeping a small distance ahead of her burdened brother. “C’mon, Big Mac, get yer hooves into gear!”

“Ah’m comin’ as fast as I can,” he replied. “This cart only has two speeds: stop, an’ whatever I’m goin’ right now.”

A soft giggle rose from the three mares following along behind, even as Applejack rolled her eyes. The farmer shot a glare at her friends before turning it on her brother. “Alright now, keep the funny business down to a dull roar, y’hear?”

Apple Bloom caught up with Applejack and jumped onto her back. The yellow pony pressed her neck against her older sister’s and whispered into her ear. “Applejack, why didn’t Granny come with us?”

The orange mare’s heart caught in her throat at the little filly’s question. “It’s… She just wanted to stay home, Apple Bloom.”

“But why?


Granny Smith was obstinate. “Ah ain’t goin’ an’ that’s that!” She sat in her rocking chair, moving back and forth in the breeze.

Applejack held her hat over her heart as she pleaded. “But Granny, we need to get the heck out of town! Sombra’s minions will be all over this place as soon as he can get them here!”

“But he ain’t lookin’ fer me,” Granny smiled. “He’s lookin’ fer you an’ yer friends. You go on and get out of here, sweet pea. I’ll just slow you down.”

“I ain’t leavin’ you.” Applejack placed a hoof on her grandmother’s shoulder. “I ain’t gonna leave you behind!”

“No, Applejack, you ain’t.” Granny got off of her chair and hugged her granddaughter. “I’m stayin’ behind of my own free will, y’hear?”

Applejack gripped her closer as she asked, “But why?

Granny Smith pulled away to look Applejack in her green eyes. “Because I was here when Ponyville was founded, and by golly, I’ll be here when it’s ended.”


“B’cause…” Applejack sighed. “B’cause she wants stay behind to protect the town.”

“Oh.” Apple Bloom got off of her sister’s back and trotted back to rejoin her friends.

Applejack knew that her answer wasn’t very satisfying, but it was the truth. Kinda.

Fluttershy heard the sound of birdsong flowing through the forest. She knew the names of each type of bird, what they liked to eat, where they liked to live, and how they built their nests.

It was about to drive her crazy.

Each new animal call was a knife to the heart. It reminded her of the cottage she had left behind in Whitetail Woods, and those precious creatures that flocked there for love and comfort.

Some came for medical help, others for assistance in finding a good home. Many just came to spend time with the legendary mare that loved animals as much as life itself.

She couldn’t get the disappointed faces out of her head.


Fluttershy stood at her front porch, mouth agape at Applejack’s news. “Sombra actually took over? How!?”

Applejack chewed a piece of straw furiously. “Ah dunno. The mayor just got the message right out of th’ blue; by royal courier, if y’can believe that!”

Fluttershy gasped. “What are we going to do? He’s going to come for us!”

Applejack produced a letter of her own. “This here note says that Prince Blueblood wants the bearers of the Elements of Harmony to join him up in Manehatten, where he’s heading his own little resistance. We gotta leave tomorrow morning, or we might run into Sombra’s goons.”

“But…” Fluttershy cast her eyes on the ground, voice trailing into silence.

Applejack tilted her head to catch her friend’s downcast eyes. “What’s wrong, sugarcube? Aside from th’ obvious.”

“It’s not important.” Fluttershy closed the door, abruptly ending the conversation. Applejack stood silent for a moment, and then headed off to let her other friends know.

Fluttershy waited until Applejack got out of sight. She trotted into the back yard and up to the chicken coop, carrying a bag of feed. She set it down inside the fence and watched while her chickens munched the seeds.

She opened her mouth to let out a few ascending notes, followed up with a few descending notes. The song was answered by birds, bees, and various small critters flowing out of Whitetail Woods, all gathering around the yellow-coated pegasus. Fluttershy smiled sadly at the assembly of animals big and small. “Hello, friends.”

A robin made itself comfortable in her mane, making her giggle despite her heavy heart. “Oh, you’re all so wonderful, I can’t even… Oh-” She surprised the animals with a torrent of tears, sobs drowning out everything that she had been about to say.

Nearly the entire forest gathered around the weeping caretaker in a group hug, the size of which had not been seen in an age. They sat quietly, letting her cry even as they wondered at the cause. Time passed, and Fluttershy calmed down enough to address her critters again.

“I love you all so much,” she began. “You know that I never want to leave you.”

Fluttershy rubbed at her big, blue eyes. “But I have to.”

The animals gasped audibly, and their dismay threatened to make Fluttershy sob again. “A big, mean king is trying to take over the kingdom, and my friends have the best chance at stopping him.” A sigh with the weight of the world drifted across the yard. “I’ll be gone for a long time, I know it.”

A white bunny hopped up to the pegasus, a stick clutched in his paw. He stuck the stick into the ground, stood at attention, and saluted. Fluttershy scooped him up in a hug and kissed him on his head, much to his half-hearted protest. “Oh, Angel. It’s so brave of you to offer to protect the cottage, but…” She gazed at the animals surrounding her. “But you all need to go away; far away from here, or any city. I don’t want any of you to get hurt.”

She flew up a few feet to see all of her charges at once. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise you.

“I love you all.”


She did her best to focus on Pinkie’s rambling, and Rarity’s gossip. She forced a smile onto her face, and kept up a steady pace. Her gaze drifted to the mountain of luggage packed onto the applecart, and she saw the zipper on her suitcase move by itself. A white head poked its way out, and a small paw waved a greeting.

“Angel Bunny!” she gasped. “You naughty boy, I told you to run away!” Contrary to her words, she scooped him up in a hug and smiled.

A real, genuine smile.

Rarity watched as Sweetie Belle played with her other two friends. To the white unicorn filly, this was an exciting new adventure into the unknown, made even better by having Scootaloo and Apple Bloom along for the ride.

To the elder sister, this was a frightening look into a brand new world. A world where monsters ruled, and good people were on the run.

“I can’t get over the fact that Prince Blueblood is leader of the resistance.” Rarity attempted to get her mind off of her worries by generating more worries. It was a tried-and-true system. “I can’t believe a boorish oaf like him could inspire leadership.”

“Top of his class in strategy,” Applejack piped up. “He’s been in the guard for a couple of tours. The guy’s respected.”

Rarity lowered an eyebrow inquisitively. “Applejack darling, when did you become so interested in Blueblood?”

The farmer shrugged. “Right after our time in the Grand Galloping Gala, I read a couple of articles about him. I wondered what all the fuss was about.”

Pinkie began to desperately hold in laughter. Air hissed out of her mouth as she put two hooves in place to stifle the guffaws. Applejack’s grumpy face held none of her pink friend’s jollity. “That ain’t what I meant! Land sakes, girl.”

Rarity batted her eyelashes at the blonde earth pony. “And is that all you found out?”

Applejack huffed and carried on ahead. “You’re one to talk, Rare.”

With that particular conversation dead and buried, Rarity was left to stew in her own juices again.


Rarity stood at her parent’s doorstep, waiting for Sweetie Belle to exit with her luggage. The little filly hopped out, carrying nothing but two saddlebags full of stuff. She had taken “just a few necessities” seriously this time. Rarity’s dad kissed his daughters on the cheek, and waved them off.

Rarity tried to reason with her parents once again. “Are you certain that I can’t convince you to join us? I’m sure it would be much safer in Manehatten with the Oranges, than here.”

“Oh, doncha be worryin’ about us, hun.” Her dad smiled and adjusted his straw hat. “We’ll be just fine holdin’ down the fort here, just fine.”

“Somepony’s gotta make sure that this town don’t go to the dogs, honeybunches.” Rarity’s mom smiled and hugged her daughters close. “You two be safe now.”

“We will!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. She ran up to Scootaloo, whose parents had also agreed that their daughter would be safer in Manehatten.

Rarity sighed. “I’ll take care of her, I promise.”

Her dad nodded. “I know you will, big girl.” He snuffled into his moustache. “We’re so proud of you.”


Sweetie Belle was, unsurprisingly enough, discussing the myriad possible Cutie Marks to be “earned” in Manehatten. Scootaloo discounted the benefits of a hotdog vendor Cutie Mark, while Apple Bloom sang the praises of being a police mare. Sweetie herself got a twinkle in her eye, and she strutted forwards.

Her voice while speaking normally was high-pitched and squeaky, and it left many ponies surprised at the power she held when they first heard her singing. Rarity felt a warm glow inside her as her sister released a new song from her heart.

Oh, our Cutie Marks
They’ll appear to us
When the time is finally right

Those two butt tattoos
Our skills they’ll fuse
And show us off to all in sight

It’s a part of growing up
Such awesome joy will erupt
When we find what makes us special
Our crusade’s end will be abrupt!

“Abrupt?” Scootaloo asked. “What makes you think the Cutie Mark Crusade will end abruptly?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom seconded. “It’s not like we’ll stop bein’ friends when we all earn our Cutie Marks.”

“Well, you try and find a good word that rhymes with ‘up’ and ‘erupt!’” Sweetie Belle countered. She turned her head and grinned at the light chuckle that abruptly erupted up from Rarity.

Big Macintosh was quiet. That pretty much summed up his existence, save for a few brief moments when speaking at length was necessary. He silently took in the situation, he silently packed his bags, and now he silently pulled the cart towards Manehatten.

The big apple was going to The Big Apple.

He had mixed emotions, as far as leaving the farm went. He wasn’t too worried about the trees; if anything, Sombra would want to keep the food supply healthy. He wasn’t concerned about the barn, those could be rebuilt. He certainly wasn’t disappointed about his chores not getting done.

He was worried about everypony they were leaving behind.


Big Macintosh walked up to the schoolhouse with empty saddlebags. The school day was about to start, and the entire yard was filled with young colts and fillies laughing and playing. Just three fillies in particular remained absent; his sister and her two friends.

He knocked on the schoolhouse door and was greeted by a magenta mare. Her pink-striped mane bobbed as she motioned him inside. “Good morning, Big Mac.”

“Good morning, Miss Cheerilee,” he said as he entered. He took a look around the schoolhouse, and a feeling of nostalgia washed over him. “Hoo-ee, Ah haven’t been in here in years. Brings back memories.”

“Good times,” Cheerilee agreed. “Simpler times.”

They stood in awkward silence for a moment, before Cheerilee abruptly produced a stack of papers. “Ah, here’s Apple Bloom’s, Scootaloo’s, and Sweetie Belle’s homework, just like you asked for.”

“Thank you kindly, Cheerilee.” Big Mac stuffed the papers into his saddlebags. He shuffled them around, considering what he was about to do. Aw, to heck with it.

He looked the schoolteacher in her eyes. “Come with us, Cheerilee.”

Her eyes widened, and she took a step back. “Big Mac, I…”

“It ain’t right for you to have tah stay behind in Ponyville.” He tilted his head pleadingly. “If ya come with us, you can be safe an’ sound in Manehatten with the cousins.”

Her expression softened. “I can’t do that, not now.”

“Why not?”

She walked over to the window and pointed outside. “Because of them, the children. The ones whose parents are staying in Ponyville.”

She sat down dejectedly, dark bags hanging under her eyes. “Snips, Snails, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Peppermint Twist, Truffles… It just wouldn’t be right to leave them all behind.”

Big Mac lowered his head. “Now that y’ mention it, that was mighty selfish of me.”

Cheerilee raised his head with a hoof. “No, Macintosh, you’re just doing what you do best, helping those under your protection.”

She smiled as she regarded his posterior. “Just like your Cutie Mark says. The seeds inside the apple-half are the ponies under your care, and the apple itself is you, protecting them.”

He chuckled. “That sounds about right.”

“But I’m not under your care right now, Mac,” she continued. “I have charges of my own right now, and you have your own family to take care of.”

Big Mac was quiet, like usual. He stood and nodded at the schoolteacher. “Well then, good luck to you, Miss Cheerilee.”

“You too, Macintosh,” she replied. “It’s always nice to talk with a good friend.”


Of course, it wasn’t just Cheerilee they were leaving behind. The Cakes, the Riches, The Belles…

Granny Smith…

So many ponies had opted to stay behind, either out of fear, or a need to keep Ponyville somewhat sane.
It didn’t feel right to leave, but it needed to be done. For the sake of Equestria.

Big Mac pulled the cart at a steady pace, refusing to change his stride except for breaks. But his pace faltered when a small crystal of ice fell out of the sky and onto his nose. “Uh, Applejack, isn’t it still the beginnin’ of summer?”

“Yeah,” the other farmer replied. “It sure is, why?”

He looked to the sky, where a million flakes of white had begun to drift down. “B’cause it just started snowin’!”

The wind picked, howling across the valley. Visions of evil creatures from a bygone age danced in everypony’s mind, but no one wanted to speak their names out loud.

A squeak of terror came from Angel Bunny as several wolf-like monsters entered the path from the surrounding forest. Fluttershy caught sight of them immediately and took to the air. “Timberwolves!”

“Get th’ fillies into the cart, now!” Big Mac waited until the three little girls, and three ground-bound mares, piled into the cart. They dumped several bags of luggage off in an attempt to lighten the apple brother’s load. He reared his forelegs into the air and took off at a dead run, just as the Timberwolves gave chase.

Author's Notes:

Alt Title: "I Hope You Like Reading Italic Text"

Next Chapter: Second Movement: Part 3- Royal Recitative Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 42 Minutes
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