
The Warm Diary of Twilight Sparkle

by Gweat and Powaful Twixie

Chapter 6: Epilogue: The Warm Diary of Twilight Sparkle

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Epilogue: The Warm Diary of Twilight Sparkle

Epilogue: The Warm Diary of Twilight Sparkle

Twilight sorted through yet another shelf. ‘Nope... no.... already read that one... too adult....’ she thought as she passed each title in her fiction section. She picked up an old, navy blue book with gold trim along its corners.

“Huh, what’s this?” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Lala?” a voice rang out from the ledge above. “Didja pick out a story yet?”

“Yeah, pick a good one Twi.” Spike cleared his throat. “Ahem, not like I need a bedtime story anymore. I just uh... appreciate good literature.”

“Just don’t pick a scary one....”

Twilight opened to the first page and quickly read.

“What the...?”

It was diary, but something about it was surreal. It had her name on it and had such crisp, clear detail despite never remembering doing any of these things.

Rosetta had shown up on her doorstep one day and without another home to go to, Twilight took her in. She insisted that they were best friends and Twilight eventually bought into that notion. As odd as it was, stranger things happened to her on a monthly basis.

Yet, here was an impossibly detailed, second account of meeting the same Rosetta. Twilight flipped through it, trying to find deduce an explanation.

“Laaaaaaaalllaaaaaaaaa...” Rosetta groaned obnoxiously.

“Twiiiiiiiiiilllliiiggghhtt...” Spike parroted.

“I’m dying....” Rosetta hacked and coughed.  “Now I’m dead.” She stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth. “Please use a revive spell that involves storytime.”

With the constant badgering of her adopted daughter and number one assistant, she snapped the book shut and decided to just use it. She’d have time later to figure it out. Using her and Rosetta as main characters would be fun and she particularly liked the change of Rosetta being a princess. It made for the perfect bedtime story.

As she climbed back up to the beds, the book in her arms grew warmer.

“This is the— what the...?” Twilight stuttered as the book heated up. Both of the children looked to Twilight expectantly.

“What’s it called?” they piped in unison.

“It’s called umm... The uhh, The Warm Diary of Twilight Sparkle.”

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