Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996


  • The Beginning of Our Story
  • Matchmaker Pony
  • Love and Brooms
  • Comforting Nightmares
  • Party Wizards
  • Pain and Loss
  • Issues with Love
  • It Just Keeps Going, Dosen't it?
  • The Pieces Are Coming Together
  • Inside Job
  • Dumbledore's Farewell
  • The Beginning of Our Story

    “Are you sure this is safe?” Spike asked.

    “Yes, it is.” Twilight Sparkle said enthusiastically. “I threw in an apple to be sure and the machine didn’t blow up.”

    Spike did some eye-searching.

    “So” Applejack piped up “what is this thing again?”

    “This” Twilight replied “is an inter-dimensional portal. Doctor Hooves co-built it with me. It will allow us to go into other dimensions for as long as we need.”

    “Have you told Celestia?” Fluttershy asked.

    “Yes, she knows.” Twilight said. “As long as we come back alive, she’s fine with it.”

    “Couldn’t just use a spell?” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

    “If I tried this, I’d probably die.” Twilight said.

    The ponies gasped.

    “You’re so morbid, Twilight.” Pinkie Pie said “Can we throw a party when we get there and back again?”

    “Sure.” Twilight continued “Spike…turn it on!”

    Spike flicked a switch and a blue dot appeared. It grew larger and larger until it encompassed the empty space. Twilight giggled with delight. She looked at the other ponies.

    “Well?” she asked. “Anybody going in with me?”

    Fluttershy backed away a little but the hopes of what kind of animals were in other dimensions…it just fascinated her. The ponies walked into the portal. It actually was very relaxing. Almost as if you were walking through dew.

    Soon they were on the other side. In England.

    They were a few miles from a small town and you could see it in the distance. They all took deep breaths. The air was wet.

    In Equestria, Spike smiled with delight. The project had been a success. But then the portal started to glow red and the machine began to whir. Doctor Hooves suddenly burst in.

    “Am I too late?!” he panted as he turned to the portal which was shaking more violently. “Oh no!” he screamed “I should have told her!”

    “What?!” Spike yelled.

    “What?!” the ponies yelled from the other side.

    “The portal is unstable!” Doctor Hooves yelled “I should have told you, Twilight, but it only came to me when I was outside!”

    The portal began to shake even more violently and two screws flew out.

    “Can’t we just leap back?!” Rarity yelled.

    “You can’t!” Doctor Hooves yelled “When the portal glows red it means danger and you could all possibly die!”

    “Please, help us!” Fluttershy yelled.

    “I can try to make a device that can send you back but it would take-” Doctor Hooves managed to yell before he got cut off by the machines explosion. It burned the walls of the library and the ponies flew back.

    The portal closed.

    “Damn it!” Twilight yelled as she stomped her hoof in the ground.

    “Now what?” Pinkie Pie asked.

    Twilight looked around and then at the town.

    “Well” she said “we might as well make the most of our visit. Doctor Hooves is smart. He’ll find a way to send us back. In the meantime…let’s go.”

    The ponies turned and walked in the direction of the town as the clouds in the sky grew darker and darker.

    Rain was imminent.


    It was another one of those rainy days in England. What made this day different from others were the two hooded figures walking towards a house with the number 55 on it.

    “Nissie” said one figure “you can’t do this! He can’t be trusted!”

    “The Dark Lord trusts him.” the other figure said.

    The first figure scoffed at the other.

    “The Dark Lord is mistaken!” the first figure insisted.

    “Bella” the second figure said “do you want to walk home?”

    “No.” the first figure responded.

    “Then stop.” The second figure reinstated.

    The second figure knocked on the door. A very fat man with brownish hair opened it. Both figures took their hoods off. One was a dark-haired woman with a streak of white hair. The other woman was skinny and had a virtual mane of dark hair.

    “Narcissia Malfloy and Bellatrix Lestrange. We’re here for the three o’clock appointment.” the black and white haired woman said.

    The fat man looked at his watch.

    “Ah, yes!” he said “right this way.”

    He led them into the room where a man reading a newspaper was sitting. The man put a part of the newspaper down to reveal a dark-haired man. He motioned for the fat man to leave. He did just that.

    “Thank you for coming, Narcissia.” the man said.

    “Thank you, Severus. I know I’m not supposed to be here. The Dark Lord forbade me to speak of this.” Narcissia said with concern in her voice.

    “If the Dark Lord has forbidden it we should not speak” Snape noticed Bellatrix toying with his clock “put it down, Bella, we mustn’t touch what isn’t ours.”

    She blushed slightly and put the clock back. Snape noticed her blushing.

    “Anyways” he said as he turned his attention to Narcissia “As it so happens I’m aware of your situation, Narcissia.”

    Bellatrix suddenly raised her eyebrows. “You?” she said “the Dark Lord told you?”

    “You’re sister doubts me.” Snape said “Understandable over the years I’ve played my part well. So well, I’ve deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time. Dumbledore is a great wizard only a fool would doubt it.”

    “I don’t doubt you, Severus.” Narcissia said.

    “You should be honest Nissie. Tell him about Draco.” Bellatrix said as she walked around dead bored. Narcissia sighed.

    “He’s just a boy.” she said.

    Severus thought about this. “I can’t change the Dark Lord’s mind…but it might be possible for me to help Draco.”

    Narcissia smiled and got up.

    “Thank you.”

    “Swear to it.” Bellatrix said. Narcissia and Snape turned to see her. “Make the unbreakable vow.” She slowly walked towards Snape. “It’s just empty words. You’ll give it his best effort…then disappear to whence you came” she then leaned on him rather seductively. She then snapped back into reality and then headed back to the fireplace. “Coward.”

    Snape eyes stared at her.

    “Take out your wand, Bellatrix.” he said.

    Bellatrix suddenly and faced him. Narcissia then held out her hand and Snape grabbed it. Bellatrix placed her wand on their hands. When she did so, some orange electric-like things twisted and turned around their hands. Bellatrix then leaned on Narcissia and faced Snape.

    “Do you, Severus Snape” she said “promise to protect Draco Malfoy and aid him in the mission the Dark Lord has given him?”

    “I will.” Snape replied.

    Bellatrix then walked over and leaned on Snape and leaned into is ear.

    “Do you promise” she continued “to fulfill Draco’s mission if he fails to do so?”

    “I will.” Snape said.

    “Good.” she said. Then she kissed Snape on the cheek. Snape blinked in surprise.

    “Why’d you do that?” Snape asked.

    “Sorry” Bellatrix said as she retreated. “Force of habit.”

    “Thank you Severus.” Narcissia said as she put up her hood. “Bella, come.”

    Bellatrix followed and the shut the door.


    Pinkie Pie looked through. Fireworks, candles, balloons. She was in heaven. “How much for all this?!” she said happily.

    “We’re having a sale.” Fred Weasley said.

    “About $10.99.” George said.

    Pinkie fainted. Fred and Georgie blinked.

    “We’ll buy it all.” Twilight Sparkle said. “We’re visiting England.”

    “Oh, well, welcome.” Fred said.

    “Thank you darling.” Rarity replied. “We hope to enjoy our stay.”

    The ponies turned their attention to the party stuff. Just then, a boy with glasses and dark hair, another boy with reddish-brown hair and a pretty girl with light-brown-golden hair. The girl tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder.

    “Hello there.” the girl said as Fluttershy turned to see the trio.

    “Hi.” Fluttershy said.

    Twilight turned around and gasped.

    “I know you! Harry Potter! Saw your name in the paper today.” She said showing Harry a newspaper where it mentioned him winning the Quidditch World Cup. “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

    She shook hands (or hooves) with him.

    “Who are these other two?” she asked.

    “I’m Ron Weasley and this is Hermione Granger.” the other boy said. “And apparently you’ve already met George and Fred.”

    “Yo.” Fred said as he was totally immersed in a magazine.

    “I’m Applejack, and this is Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.” Applejack said.

    They shook their hooves (or hands).

    “So, you visiting?” Hermione asked.

    “Yeah” Rainbow Dash said “Just arrived.”

    “I’ve never been to Hogwarts” Rarity said “but I hear the Yule Ball is quite lovely.”

    “Oh, it is.” Hermione replied.

    “How do you fly on those brooms?” Rainbow logically asked.

    “Well, I…” Harry suddenly stopped and thought about this. “I don’t know.”

    “I bet I can fly faster then you guys.” Rainbow Dash said.

    “Want to bet?” Ron said.

    “Yeah” Rainbow said suddenly interested “Ten bucks says I can fly faster then any of you on brooms.”

    “Ten bucks says your wrong.” Harry said.

    They shook on it.


    Hermione fiddled with the snow globe. She just then happened to look out the window. There was Draco Malfoy. He had bright white hair and he was wearing a black shirt and pants. Hermione then started blushing. Then, Draco turned towards the window but Hermione ducked to the side.

    “Draco.” said a voice that made Draco turn around.

    Then Narcissia walked up to Draco.

    “Come on, son.” she said. The two walked out of the window sight.

    Hermione felt silly spying on Draco. It was immature of her. And yet she was so desperate to talk to him.

    She sighed “What will I do?” she whispered.

    “Hermione? You coming?” Fluttershy asked.

    “Y-Yes.” Hermione said getting back up. She walked out the door with the others.


    As the others walked out, Fluttershy noticed someone duck into a corner. She then flew towards the store wall and put her ear next to it.

    “So, he’s ready?” said a voice.

    “Yes.” said another voice “I am.”

    “Excellent” said the first voice “remember, we can’t fail on this.”

    “We won’t.” said a third voice (which was a woman’s). “I’m sure of it. I’ve secured a reliable client.”

    “Hmm…” said the first voice. “Dismissed.”

    “Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Come on.”

    Fluttershy jumped and flew towards the direction of Rainbow’s voice.


    Harry read his newspaper. The top story was that a bridge had been blown out the day Twilight and the other ponies arrived (which was yesterday). A red haired waitress walked up to him.

    “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

    “No, the coffee was fine.” Harry replied.

    “Alright.” the waitress said returning to other costumers.

    Suddenly, a very old man in a robe walked in and sat in front of Harry. Harry of course recognized him.

    “Hello, Dumbledore.” Harry said.

    “Greetings Harry.” Dumbledore said. “How have you been?”

    “Good.” Harry said.

    “Harry, I need to show you someone.” Dumbledore said.

    “Who?” Harry asked, suddenly interested.

    “Horace Slughorn.” Dumbledore replied. “He’s a retired wizard but his return is critically important.”

    “Why?” Harry logically asked.

    “I’ll tell you later.”

    The two walked out of the café and headed to the bus station.


    Dumbledore and Harry stood in front of a gate. Dumbledore pulled out a wand and cast a spell and the gate flew open and did the door ahead. The two walked inside the house. Dumbledore shut the door behind them. The two lit their wands and walked into the living room.

    It was a fairly nice living room with a piano, a lamp and a bean bag chair. They looked around.

    “Oh! Want can I do for you?” said a voice that made Harry jump.

    Harry looked for the source of the voice but couldn’t find it.

    “Stop fooling around old man.” Dumbledore said.

    Suddenly an old man with glasses seemingly popped out of nowhere. He was sitting comfortably on the bean bag chair.

    “Who’s that?” the man asked.

    “Horace Slughorn” Dumbledore said “this is Harry Potter. Harry Potter, this is Horace Slughorn.”

    Harry and Horace shook hands.

    “So, uh, why are you here?” Horace said as he headed towards the kitchen “Would you like some tea?”

    They didn’t answer.

    “No? Okay then.”

    “Horace” Dumbledore said “Voldemort is back.”

    Horace dropped his spoon and face turned serious. He turned around and looked at the two of them.

    “You want me to come back, don’t you.” Horace asked.

    “It’s very important.” Dumbledore said.

    Horace sighed. “All right.”

    “Why is it so important?” Harry asked.

    “Because, Harry” Dumbledore said “he holds the key to the Dark Lord’s defeat. Because he met Tom Riddle before he became Voldemort.”

    Harry giggled.

    “What?” Horace asked.

    “Tom Riddle?” Harry said holding back the urge to laugh “Really? That was his name?”

    Dumbledore glared at Harry. Harry wisely shut up.

    “Deal?” Dumbledore asked.

    Horace shook Dumbledore’s hand.

    “Deal.” Horace said.

    Matchmaker Pony

    Draco sat quietly on the train. He couldn’t help but feel he was being watched though. He’d had that feeling for quite some time. Every time he walked past someone he felt they were watching. The train stopped and people started to get off. Draco waited ‘till everyone left his car.

    He slowly started to walk towards the door. He then stopped. He thought he heard someone moving behind him. He then turned around and fired a spell at the direction he thought his stalker was. The supposed stalker fell to the ground.

    It was Harry Potter.

    He wasn’t dead. Just incapacitated.

    Just as Draco suspected.

    Harry dizzily looked up as Draco picked up Harry’s wand and threw it to the side.

    “Do this again.” Draco said seriously “And I swear I will kill you.”

    Draco walked out and got off the train.

    Harry moaned and got up. The spell wore off and he got off the train. But Draco had already vanished.

    “Damn.” he said quietly.


    Hermione sat next Ginny Weasley in Horace Slughorn’s class. Ginny was fiddling with her pencil. Horace was talking about spells that were really complex. Hermione tried to focus but then the pencil snapped.

    “Miss Weasley.” Horace said “Are you paying attention?”

    Ginny gasped slightly. “Um…uh…yes, sir.” Ginny said “I just…well…”

    “It’s fine.” Horace said “Just go sharpen your pencil.”

    Draco then walked in.

    “Ah, Mr. Malfoy” Horace said “how nice you could attend. Go sit right over there.”

    Draco sat across from Ginny and Hermione. Hermione started blushing like a silly person but returned her attention to her paper. Draco was busy on his paper.

    Ginny was focused as well.

    While she was focused on her paper, Hermione’s head was filled with fantasies of kissing Draco. Luckily, nobody noticed or knew.

    Or so she thought.


    The ponies had been allowed by Horace to observe the class. Rainbow was doodling on a notepad. Fluttershy was looking at the ceiling. Pinkie Pie was napping. Applejack was eating a sandwich. Twilight was writing down Horace’s talk like what a court person does.

    But Rarity was perplexed by something.

    She noticed Hermione’s blushing and she noticed that she was sweating. Not a lot but for a fashionable pony like Rarity it was worth noting. She noticed Hermione drew faster then normal women (or ponies) do with pencils.

    Horace stopped talking. Class had ended. The students got up and starting going their own ways. Draco stopped. Ginny got up and was getting her things. She turned to Draco. Draco walked off and headed out the door.

    Hermione whispered something in Ginny’s ear and she nodded. The two walked out.

    The ponies got up and followed the students.

    Horace then said “Harry, can I see you for a minute?”

    Harry stopped and turned around. Horace reached behind him and gave him a book.

    “Here, take this and tell me what you find. Study it.” Horace said.

    “I will, sir.” Harry said.

    He walked with the other students and opened the book. On the second page it said This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince.



    “Alright, what do you need?” Ginny said as Hermione shut the door behind them.

    Hermione looked around to see if any one else was in the room. No. Good.

    “Okay” she said “I’m worried about him.”

    “Who?” Ginny asked.

    “Draco.” Hermione said “He’s been acting very serious lately and he isn’t around much. What if he’s in danger?”

    “That’s a valid worry.” Ginny said “If not a little extreme.”

    “I want to make sure he’s all right.” Hermione said. “I know you’d do the same for Harry.”

    Ginny gulped. Hermione had hit a cord.

    “Of course I would.” Ginny said.

    “So it’s a deal?” Hermione continued “You and me will secretly watch over Draco?”

    “Deal.” Ginny said.

    Ginny walked out and returned to her day.

    Hermione however sat down and sighed.

    Rarity and Applejack peeked their heads in.

    “Hermione?” she asked “Are you okay?”

    Hermione looked up.

    “Yeah.” she replied.

    “Can we do anything for you?” Rarity asked as she closed the door.

    Getting lost is one thing. Hermione thought but she wisely didn’t say it. She started sweating again.

    “You alright sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

    Hermione didn’t answer. It didn’t take long for the gears to start turning in Rarity’s head. The blushing, the pencil movement, the sweating, the smiling. It all came together.

    “Sweetie” Rarity said “you love Draco Malfoy don’t you?”

    Hermione gasped. Damn it, she’d thought she’d kept it a secret.

    “Wait, you mean she’s sweet for that Draco kid?” Applejack said. “How’d you do it?”

    “It was easy.” Rarity said “When we met her and when we’ve been visiting Hogwarts she seems distracted. She been blushing a lot when around Draco and she smiles. More then what Ron and Harry usually say she does.”

    Hermione’s cheeks were practically on fire. She turned her head to Applejack then Rarity.

    “So, sugar cube” Applejack said “Are you sweet on Draco?”

    Hermione sighed in defeat.

    “Yes.” she said “I…I do love him.”

    “So, how long has this been going on?’ Applejack and Rarity asked.

    “I don’t know.” Hermione said “I really don’t.”

    “But why?” Rarity asked “From what Twilight has told me, Draco is the son of Lucius Malfoy who tried to kill Harry, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville and you once.”

    “I know, but” Hermione continued “he’s just so handsome. I know he’s mean sometimes but every time he talks to me, I….I feel special to him. But what can I do?”

    Rarity tapped Hermione on the shoulder.

    “Sweetie” she said “just be honest and tell him how you feel. Ask him out.”

    Hermione smiled.

    “But shouldn’t the guy ask the girl out? Not the other way around?” Applejack pointed out.

    “Well, sometimes you gotta take the rules and twist them a little.” Rarity said. She turned her attention to Hermione. “Don’t worry, darling. Go. I’ll help find the perfect dress for your date.”

    The three walked out.


    Harry studied the book. The spells were the most complex he’d ever seen. Hermione would love this. There were so many of them. It was making his head hurt. He saw spells for luck, for knocking people out and various others.


    Hermione showed off a pretty blue dress to Rarity. Rarity shook her head. Hermione sighed in disappointment and went back into her changing room to change. She then walked out in a much better looking red dress.

    “Hmm, good” Rarity said “it’s good but it’s too summer. Wait for something like a wedding to dress in that.”

    Hermione went back into her changing room and then a few minutes later was back in front of Rarity. This time, Hermione was wearing a beautiful pink Victorian-era style dress. It was her Yule Ball dress.

    “Yes.” Rarity said “Ms. Granger, you’re ready.”

    Love and Brooms

    The ponies sat with Harry, Ron and Ginny. Dumbledore had called a feast for tonight for reason no one knew.

    “Where is Hermione?” Fluttershy asked “I thought she would be attending.”

    “Oh, she’s over there.” Harry said as he waved to her. She waved back.

    “Kinda reclusive of her.” Rainbow Dash said.

    “I’m sure she’s thinking of her studies.” Twilight said “After all, the Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow.”

    “Why should she study for that?” Ginny said “She doesn’t even participate.”

    “You never know.” Ron replied.

    “I’ve noticed Draco hasn’t been around lately.” Pinkie Pie said.

    “Well, you know how he is.” Lavender Brown said from the table next to them.

    Suddenly, Dumbledore came in. He then cleared his throat. Everyone turned around and paid attention.

    “Students, I’d like to thank our new guests for being here.” he said pointing to the ponies. Everyone clapped. “As you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man. Like you. Sat in this very hall. Walked this castle’s corridors. He seemed a student like any other. His name…Tom Riddle.”

    Pinkie tried to hold back a giggle at that name. Dumbledore glared at her and she shut up.

    “Right…” Dumbledore continued “Of course, he’s known now by another name. Which is why as I stand looking out at all of you tonight, I’m reminded of a fact. Every day, every hour and perhaps even this minute, dark forces try to penetrate this great castle. But remember, their greatest weapon is you.”

    Everybody gulped.

    “Well, now off to bed, pip, pip!” Dumbledore said his voice now cheery.

    Everybody got and murmured to themselves.

    Draco headed straight for the door but Rarity tapped his shoulder. She motioned for him to lean down. He did.

    “Ms. Granger would like to see you in the garden, please.” Rarity said as she walked out.

    Draco just went with it and headed towards the direction of the garden. Hermione went towards the washroom to change into her Yule Ball dress.

    “Where’s she going?” Rainbow Dash asked.

    “That’s none of your business.” Applejack said “She’s just bein’ herself.”


    Draco entered the garden and looked around.

    “Hermione?” Draco called out.

    Suddenly a twig snapped. He turned. Hermione walked out from the shadow in her Yule Ball dress. Draco blinked in surprise.

    “Wow…” Draco said “you look beautiful.”

    Hermione smiled. “Thanks.” she said.

    “What’s the point?” Draco logically asked.

    “Well” Hermione said “remember the Yule Ball during the Quidditch World Cup?”

    “Yeah?” Draco said.

    “You never asked me to dance with you.” she said.

    “But, Hermione, you didn’t ask me. Besides I was dancing with another girl.” Draco responded.

    “Well, I wanted to dance with you, but I couldn’t.” Hermione said as she held out her hand. “I’d like to remedy that.”

    Draco did some eye-searching.

    “Draco?” Hermione said as embarrassment crept into her voice “Would you dance with me?”

    Draco turned his attention to Hermione and sighed. He took her hand and they started waltzing through the garden. They danced for a while whilst everybody else in Hogwarts was heading into bed.

    “Is this a date?” Draco asked.

    Hermione smiled. “Maybe.”

    They then stopped waltzing and Draco kissed Hermione’s hand. She blushed.

    “Thank you.” Hermione said.

    “You’re welcome.” Draco said.

    Hermione then closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss Draco.

    “Hermione?!” yelled an o-so familiar voice.

    Hermione gasped quietly. She looked behind her. That was Ron’s voice. She turned back to Draco.

    “I…I have to go.” she said as she walked inside.

    Draco blinked. “Uh, good night.”


    Ron Weasley looked around. As he paced the staircase Hermione peeked from behind a wall.

    “Ron?” she said.

    Ron turned around. He saw Hermione in that Yule Ball dress. That sexy…colorful…silky…smooth dress.

    “Ron!” Hermione said louder.

    Ron snapped back into reality. “Oh, um, yeah, sorry.” he said.

    Then a logical question popped into his head.

    “Why are you in your Yule Ball dress?” he asked.

    “Oh…um…” Hermione said as he tried to find the right words “I…it’s none of your business!”

    “Well, it’s time for bed. You coming?” Ron asked.

    Hermione sighed. “Yeah, in a moment.”

    “Alright.” Ron said as he walked off.

    Hermione sighed in disappoint and went to go change.


    Twilight climbed into her hotel room bed and looked at roof. At had been a most exciting two days. She then turned and looked out her window. Was a full moon. She smiled.

    It’s fine. She thought What could go wrong?


    It was a particularly cloudy day for the Quidditch tryouts. It looked like it would rain any second.

    Not that it stopped the tryouts in the past.

    Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Lavender, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom with the ponies and several other students sat in the arena seats.

    A young woman with brown hair stepped into the center field with a piece of paper. She folded it open.

    “Alright” she said “you all know the rules but because we have a guest” she said looking at Rainbow Dash “I’ll re-state them. No knocking other opponents off their brooms. No using of wands. And try to survive. Good luck and may the best person win.”

    She walked out without saying another word and headed up to a tower. Ron and several other students got on their brooms.

    Rainbow scoffed.

    “Child’s play.” she said.

    She lined up next to Ron and cracked her wings to circulate them. She snorted with pride. No way she could lose.

    The brown-haired lady grabbed a microphone.

    “One…two…three!” she yelled before honking an air horn.

    The brooms and Pegasus flew off the ground and began circling around the arena. Faster, faster and faster they went. Rainbow flew ahead of the last two brooms and closed in on the others. Ron flew faster and faster. He didn’t notice Rainbow Dash coming up behind him. She then was neck and neck with Ron.

    “I told ya Ron!” she yelled “I’m the fastest there is! Whoo-hoo!” she whooped. She flew past Ron.

    Ron doesn’t take losing a bet lying down. He flew faster and faster.

    Rainbow loved the wind flowing in her hair. The feel of it. The Ron Weasley zooming past her.


    “Hey!” she yelled.

    She pumped her wings faster and faster. She was just behind Ron. They were closing on the finish line. The two flew through the tarp that was the finish line and a white flash occurred.

    “It’s a photo finish!” the brown-haired lady in the tower yelled.

    The broom riders and Rainbow Dash lay on the ground, exhausted.

    “See?” Rainbow panted “I never lose! That $10.00 is mine.”

    “You didn’t hear her?” said a guy in the back row of broom riders “It’s a photo finish. Hold the $10.00, okay?”

    “Ladies and gentleman” the brown-haired lady in the tower yelled “the winner is…Ronald Weasley! Who is now Captain of the Gryffindor Team!”

    This lead a rousing cheer from the students sitting in the seats. Rainbow’s jaw dropped. She didn’t even bother to look as she handed the $10.00 to Ron.

    “Thanks.” he said.

    She didn’t answer. She just stared, jaw open, into the sky.

    Comforting Nightmares

    “Well done, Mr. Potter!” Horace Slughorn said as Harry used one of the spells from the Half-Blood Prince’s book. Everyone clapped in approval. “And now” Horace continued “I would like to let Miss Twilight Sparkle to show us how she uses her magic.”

    Twilight walked up and stood beside Horace. He handed her a wand but she shook her head.

    “But how do you use magic?” Lavender Brown asked.

    “Let me show you.” Twilight replied.

    Twilight focused and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed and everyone stared. Suddenly the candles in the room started floating up. Everyone stared in awe. Even Hermione and Harry were impressed. Twilight finally ceased the glowing and put the candles down.

    The class clapped with many cheers.

    “Incredible!” Horace said “How do you do it?”

    “Unicorn magic comes from within. It’s a skill we are born with.” Twilight said. “It’s as simple as that.”


    Ron Weasley sat in front of Hermione and Harry. It was lunch. The ponies, however, could not be present. They were at their hotel room.

    “So…how was it?” Ron asked.

    “How was what?” Hermione asked.

    “Your dinner party?” Ron responded.

    He meant the party where Dumbledore talked about Tom Riddle.

    “Pretty boring actually.” she said (which was a fact) “but I think Harry enjoyed dessert.”

    “Your mother is inviting us to spend Christmas with her.” Harry said. “After the games, of course.”

    “That’s good.” Ron said obviously focused on something else.

    Hermione tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at her.

    “You’re worried you’ll lose, won’t you?” she asked.

    Ron sighed. “Yes.” he replied.

    “Don’t worry, Ron.” Hermione said “I know you’ll be good.”

    “If you can beat Rainbow Dash” Harry said “I think you can win this thing.”

    “I was just lucky then.” Ron said half-heartily “But the Quidditch…that’s the whole other thing. I don’t know if I can do it.”

    “I know you can.” Hermione said.

    They finished their discussion and returned to eating.


    Twilight Sparkle had gathered the other five ponies in her hotel room. The day of the Quidditch match. They were preparing to go.

    “Alright, guys,” Twilight said, “remember, they’re counting on us. Rainbow Dash, since you’re part of the Gryffindor team, you got to make sure the other members race faster than the other teams. The rest of us will be in the audience. Is everypony ready?”

    They all nodded.

    “Okay.” she said.

    Her horn lit up and they all teleported to Hogwarts.


    It was a cold day they picked to do the match. Snow fell softly and the wind blew. And the brooms flew through the stadium in circles.

    They did dizzying aerobatic maneuvers and flew around and around in circles. The crowd cheered and roared which was accompanied by the occasional boos.

    Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Draco cheered with the ponies.

    “I love number 7!” Twilight said “doing 15 barrel rolls in a row can’t be easy!”

    “My favorite is number 5” Fluttershy said “she seemed like such a nice lady.”

    “Here comes Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie yelled joyously.

    Rainbow flew by and waved at them then returned her attention to the game. After what seemed like forever, the opponents all headed to the finish line. They flashed by it and the crowd cheered.

    “And the winner’s are the Gryffindor Team of Hogwarts by a land-slide!” yelled the brown-haired announcer from the tryouts.

    The crowd cheered even louder.

    The exhausted broom riders came down from their brooms and landed safely on the ground.

    The ponies, Hermione and Harry and several other students came and hugged Ron and Rainbow Dash.

    They had won.


    Rainbow Dash was holding a party in celebration of the Quidditch victory. Everyone cheered and drank. And they drank a lot. Ron was the center of attention. Fluttershy then came in and gave a potion to Ron.

    “I dare you to drink that!” Fluttershy said.

    Everybody then started chanting rhythmically “Drink it! Drink it!”

    So Ron drank it. He shook his head for a few seconds then looked at the Lavender Brown. The two then shared a kiss and everybody cheered. Hermione began to feel a little bummed out. She looked to Draco. What she saw just made her feel worse.

    He was standing next to Ginny. But that didn’t get to her. It was the kiss on Ginny’s cheek that did it. She then began to tear up and walked out of the room. Rarity took notice. She motioned for Harry to lean down (the ponies were only 3 to 4 feet tall after all).

    “Go check on Hermione. I’m worried about her.” Rarity whispered.

    Harry just flowed with it and walked up to the tower where Hermione was going. He climbed up the steps and heard her crying softly. He then sat beside her.

    “How does it feel Harry” she said “when you see someone with Ginny?”

    “Oh…um…” Harry said as he tried to find the right words without sounding totally stupid.

    “I know.” Hermione finally piped up “I see the way you look at her. You’re my best friend.”

    Suddenly Lavender and Ron came up laughing like drunk people. They stopped for a second to look at Hermione and Ron.

    “Oh, I’m sorry” Lavender said totally dazed “I think this one’s taken.”

    And with that they went off cackling somewhere else. Ron stopped for a second and was just about to say something when Hermione’s glare made him leave. Her glare then changed when he left and she sat down and began sobbing and leaning on Harry’s shoulder.

    “It feels like this.” Harry finally said.


    Twilight groaned. Her head hurt bad like someone slammed it with a crowbar. She tried to move but when she looked at her feet she gasped in horror.

    She was in quicksand. And she was sinking.

    “Help me!” she cried out. But her calls were answered.

    Suddenly a figure began to walk towards her. It was a hideous creature that looked like an alicorn but with holes in it’s legs and mane and looked like a bug mixed with an alicorn. It had bright green eyes and mane and tail. She was Queen Chrysalis.

    “Chrysalis?! Where am I?” Twilight demanded.

    “This is the pit” Chrysalis said “that you left me to die in.”

    “I didn’t leave you!” Twilight said “You brought it on yourself!”

    Chrysalis glared at her. “Yes you did. You and your friends left me, Celestia, your brother and everything behind for another world. An inferior world.”

    “But that was an accident!” Twilight replied “Besides, Equestria will be safe from you!”

    Chrysalis laughed a disturbing laugh. “You think your world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you.”

    “That’s not true!” Twilight yelled. Realizing she was sinking deeper and only her head was sticking up.

    “Enjoy these final moments of peace.” Chrysalis said.

    “No.” Twilight said with despair creeping into her voice.

    “For I have returned…to have…my VENGANCE!” Chrysalis yelled.

    “No.” Twilight yelled louder.

    “And this new world of yours will die along with you.” Chrysalis said “I will let you live just long enough to see my work. And then when you scream I’ll snap for neck in half and only then will I allow you death’s sweet mercy!”

    “NO!” Twilight yelled.

    Twilight gasped and woke up. She looked around and wiped the sweat off her brow. She closed her eyes, sighed and went back to sleep.

    Party Wizards

    “I can’t help if she’s got her knickers in a twist.” Ron told Harry as they walked down the hall “ What will Lavender and I have? Well, let’s just say there’s no stopping it. It’s chemical. Will it last? Who knows.”

    They separated to head to their classes.

    Rarity sighed. “I don’t like this.”

    “What?” Twilight asked.

    “This thing Ron has for Lavender. Chemical love isn’t true love. I know that for a fact.” Rarity said.

    “Why do you care?” Twilight asked again.

    “Because he’s acting like more of an idiot than usual. It’s creepy.” Rarity continued “Plus Hermione’s going to feel like she’ll be alone forever.”

    “Relax, I’m sure she’s fine.” Twilight replied.

    No. She was not.


    “He’s at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes!” Hermione said as her and Harry walked through the library “I really couldn’t care less!”

    “Who are you talking about?” Harry said totally focused on doing other things “Ron or Draco?”

    “Both!” Hermione responded.

    “Was I under the impression that they and I would be attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together? Yes! Now, given the circumstances I’ve had to make other arrangements.” Hermione continued as she seemingly rambled on and on.

    “Have you?” Harry asked.

    “Yes.” Hermione replied “Why?”

    “Well, I just thought, seeing as how we can’t go with who we’d like to, we should go together. As friends.” Harry responded “Who are you going with?”

    Hermione’s thoughts briefly passed to Draco but she declined. She didn’t want Harry to know.

    “It’s a surprise.” she finally said “Who are you planning to bring? Maybe Ginny?”

    “NO!” Harry yelled which caused everyone to glance at him. They then returned to their books. “I-I mean, I can’t. After all you are only a woman and Ginny is a goddess.”

    Hermione then decided to use a trick her mom taught her. Reverse psychology.

    “Well” she said “I guess you could never ask the girl of your dreams out.”

    “What do you mean?” Harry asked.

    “I’m just saying if you can do whatever the hell you want because you’re the chosen one, why can’t you ask Ginny out? You probably couldn’t do it.”

    “I could!” Harry said angrily.

    “No you couldn’t!” Hermione said sing-song like.

    “Yes I can! Just watch!” Harry said as he stormed off.


    Ginny Weasley was only in a room, busy thinking of who to bring to the party tonight. She nervously thought of brining Harry but she knew Harry had to ask her.

    Then as if on command, Harry potter burst in angrily.


    Harry and Ginny suddenly gasped. Harry because he feared he just scared off the girl of his dreams and Ginny because Harry had just asked her out.

    “I mean” Harry said he calmed down “if you’d like to.”

    “Of course I would!” Ginny yelled excited. She then kissed Harry on the cheek and went off.

    Harry smiled. He’d hooked her. Now all he had to do was ring her in.


    The party was being held just outside the Weasleys house in a small yellow tent. Most of the Weasley family was there, including Bill Weasley, Fred and George and Ginny and Ron’s mother Molly. The ponies were invited as “special guests”.

    The ponies were enjoying themselves and getting to know everyone better. Molly Weasley then banged a glass with a fork.

    “Ladies and gentleman” she said “allow me to introduce a very good friend of mine…Miss Madeline Johnson!”

    At that, a beautiful dark haired woman in a black dress walked in. everybody clapped.

    “She’s a Muggle.” Molly added.

    “What’s a Muggle?” Pinkie Pie asked.

    “That’s a normal human.” Ginny responded “Hermione’s parents are Muggles.”

    “Oh.” Pinkie said.

    Madeline came and embraced Ginny.

    “It’s good to see you again!” Ginny said.

    “You too.” Madeline replied.

    “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie said.

    Madeline gasped.

    “It’s okay.” Ron said as he hugged her “It’s complicated. Mum will explain later.”

    Hermione was in a blue dress and shook hands with Madeline.

    “I’ve heard of you.” Madeline said “You and Harry Potter are mentioned all the time in Ginny and Ron’s letters. Nice to meet you.”

    “Nice to meet you too.” Hermione said “I take it you’ve met Harry.”

    “Yes I have.” Madeline responded.

    She then leaned towards Ginny.

    “I think he likes you.” she said.

    Madeline then walked off to go join in the merriment. Hermione then motioned for Rarity to come towards her.

    “I saw Draco nearby.” Hermione whispered “I’ll give him a rose.”

    “Good girl!” Rarity said.

    With that Hermione went off. And just as she left, Draco was dragged in by a professor. Horace Slughorn approached.

    “Professor Slughorn, sir!” the professor said “I caught this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.”

    “Okay, okay I was gate crashing!” Draco yelled “Happy?!”

    Severus Snape then walked forward.

    “I’ll escort him out.” he said.

    “Certainly, professor.” Draco said as he and Severus walked out. The party returned to it’s normal self.

    Just then Hermione walked in with the rose and noticed Draco was gone.

    “Where is Draco?” Hermione asked Lavender Brown.

    “He was gate crashing and he left.” Lavender said eating cake.

    As Lavender walked off, Hermione threw the rose down and sat down and put her head in her hands. Drat. She’d missed her chance. Rarity then tapped her on the shoulder.

    “It’s alright, darling.” Rarity said “You’ll get your chance.”

    Harry then picked up the rose and walked to Ginny.

    “Ginny, here.” he said handing it too her. He blushed like a silly person.

    “Oh, Harry, it’s lovely.” Ginny said as she took it “Thank you.”

    She then kissed Harry’s cheek.

    “It’s lovely….” Hermione angrily whispered imitating Ginny.

    Rarity noticed.

    “Oh, yes, how sweet of Harry.” Hermione said in her normal voice.

    Rarity then returned to the party.


    Ginny sat next to Harry in the upstairs room in the house after the party had long ended.

    “Thank you for the rose, Harry.” she said.

    “Thank you.” Harry said.

    Just then, a pretty piece of music came on the radio. Ginny then put her hand on Harry’s shoulder.

    “Would you like to dance with me?” Ginny said.

    “Sure.” Harry said.

    The two held hands and began dancing. They danced back and forth making sure not to break anything. As the music drew to it’s close, Harry then closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss Ginny and she did the same. Just then Fluttershy burst in.

    “Harry, there’s a-” Fluttershy said noticing Harry and Ginny’s little moment. The two gasped softly. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting?”

    “No.” they both said “What is it?”

    “Come to the window quick!” Fluttershy said as she rode off.

    Ginny and Harry followed.

    Pain and Loss

    What Fluttershy was trying to say was that a plume of fire had landed in the wheat field around the Weasleys. Only the fire formed a circle around the house. A plume of smoke suddenly landed in the center near the house. The smoke then was revealed to be Bellatrix Lestrange.

    Molly, Bill, Ron, Hermione, the ponies and Madeline stood in the doorway.

    “Why have you come here?!” Twilight demanded.

    “It matters not!” said a voice.

    Suddenly two more plumes of smoke appeared next to Bellatrix. The second plume revealed a half-crazed man. The third revealed a dignified man with blond hair.

    Hermione and Ron recognized him.

    “Gilderoy Lockhart?!” they said at once.

    “And Bartemius Crouch Junior!” said the second man.

    “Silence!” Bellatrix yelled “Find the boy!”

    Suddenly Molly Weasley pulled her wand out and fired a spell but Bellatrix blocked it.

    “You will not touch these children!” Molly yelled.

    Ginny and Harry climbed down towards the door. Madeline (who had been with Pinkie Pie who was telling Madeline about Equestria) bumped into them.

    “Kid, what’s going on?!” she yelled.

    “We’re being attacked by Death Eaters!” Harry yelled.

    “What?! I’ll get my gun!” Madeline yelled as she rushed to get her gun.

    Meanwhile, outside, Molly was still holding the three Death Eaters back. Tired of this, Bellatrix pulled out her wand and fired a kill spell. It was aimed at Ron. Just then, Molly pushed him out of the way and the beam flew past her and hit the room wall just missing Harry and Ginny’s heads. Everyone fell over except Bill and Hermione who were pinned against the door.

    Just as Harry and Ginny reached the door, Bellatrix smiled wickedly and ran off (Barty and Gilderoy had already run off into the wheat) into the wheat field. Harry chased after her.

    “Harry! Harry no!” Bill yelled as he followed after him.

    They just managed to pass through the fire without getting burned when Ginny followed after him.

    “Ginny no!” Madeline yelled.

    Ginny didn’t listen but followed Harry. Madeline tried to follow but the fire then blocked her path. Twilight then ran into the circle and opened a path for Madeline to cross. She then ran into the field and Twilight’s path closed.

    “Wait, where’s Molly?” Hermione said logically.

    They then looked down to see Molly hoping to see her okay.

    But she wasn’t. She was bleeding. A lot.


    Harry furiously chased after Bellatrix. He remembered everything. How she killed Sirius Black and how she was taunting him with a song that went

    I killed Sirius Black! You can’t get me!

    Oh, how the memories came flooding back.

    Harry just kept running and running and running until the singing stopped. He stopped in an empty crop-circle like spot that was slightly swamp-like in the field. Ginny had caught up with him.

    “Are you all right, Harry?” she asked out of breath.

    Harry shushed her.

    The wind flowed through the wheat but no other sounds. It was occasionally interrupted by sounds of someone walking through the grass.

    Unbeknownst to both, Barty Crouch Junior closed in on them and he motioned for Bellatrix to sneak up on them.

    “Harry!” Bill Weasley yelled from a distance.

    “Ginny!” Madeline yelled from a distance.

    Barty fired at the two but they dodged. Ginny blocked Barty’s shots whilst Harry fired at Bellatrix whenever he saw her. She dodged every time. Bill and Madeline came just in time and joined the fight. The firing then stopped and then silence.

    They looked around but no sounds other then the wind.

    Barty prepared to fire when a shot rang out and he felt a massive pain in the arm and fell back yelping in pain.

    Madeline had seen him and shot him in the arm. Barty got up and hissed at her and then him, Bellatrix and Gilderoy vanished as plumes of smoke. They left but not before slamming all the windows.

    “Molly.” Bill said.

    The four then ran back to the house.


    By now Twilight and the ponies managed to stop the fire and rushed inside to see to Molly.

    Hermione put the cloth against Molly’s throat to keep her from bleeding any more. Already she had a small pool of blood around her head and Hermione’s knees. Just then, Harry, Bill, Ginny and Madeline burst in.

    “Mummy!” Ginny cried as she fell on her knees to her dying mothers side and clutched Molly’s blood soaked hand.

    Molly motioned for Madeline (who was a doctor) to come to her.

    “I’ll tend to her.” Madeline told Hermione. Hermione then stood next to Ron.

    Madeline knew nothing could be done. Molly was doomed.

    Molly then leaned in to Madeline’s ear.

    “M…M…Madeline….” she gasped.

    “Yes?” Madeline said fighting back tears.

    “Please….take care of my children….please…” Molly continued.

    “I will.” Madeline said as her voice broke.

    Molly closed her eyes and her breathing suddenly stopped. She was dead.

    Unable to fight it any longer, Ginny broke into deep, heaving sobs.


    Three weeks later, Hermione decided to make her move. She was going to tell Draco she loved him. She walked down the hall and looked for Draco. She was wearing a bright blue dress and shoes. Suddenly, she saw him duck towards the garden. She chased after him.

    She made sure not to seen. She hid behind a wall and peeked from it. What she saw made her heart sink.

    Yes, it was Draco but he was kissing another girl. That girl was Ginny Weasley.

    Hermione ducked behind the wall and put her hand on her chest. The image crushed her. She then walked away and then waited ‘till she was alone to start crying.


    Draco broke the kiss and Ginny blinked in surprise.

    “D-Draco.” Ginny said “Wow.”

    “Ginny, I love you.” Draco said as he closed his eyes and leaned to kiss her again.

    “Draco, I’m sorry.” Ginny said.

    Draco opened his eyes and blinked in surprise.

    “Draco, I’m sorry but…” Ginny continued “I love Harry Potter. You’re a good friend but…I’m afraid I don’t love you.”

    Draco walked back slightly. Ginny began to walk off.

    “Ginny” Draco said “please. I can help you. Just let me. Please.”

    Ginny turned and looked at Draco.

    “Goodbye Draco.” Ginny said.

    She walked off leaving Draco in the garden. Draco then sighed and returned to his class.

    Issues with Love

    Ron had seen Hermione leave early and had followed her home to see what was wrong. Her parents weren’t home so Ron had no worry of being scolded by Hermione’s parents.

    Hermione in the meantime was up in her room crying.

    “I’ve lost him.” she said to herself between sobs.

    Ron knocked on her door. It was locked. He looked up to her window.

    “Hermione?!” Ron called up to her “Are you alright?!”

    Hermione looked towards the half opened window but didn’t get up from bed.

    “Go away!” Hermione called out to Ron.

    Ron backed away a little to get a better view.

    “Are you sure you’re okay?” Ron asked.

    “Leave me alone!” Hermione cried out.

    Ron just sighed in disappointment. He then walked away from the house. Hermione in the meantime ceased crying and now her sorrow turned to hatred. Hatred for Ginny.

    “If I can’t have him” Hermione said to herself “neither can she.”


    Diagon Hall was a busy place. Madeline had left Ginny to go buy some things with Ron.

    “Ron, you go and get the supplies for our study” Ginny said to Ron “and I’ll look for stuff for dinner.”

    “I have to look for what?” Ron asked.

    Ginny took a look at Ron and felt his forehead. It felt a little warm.

    “Are you sure you’re alright, Ron?” Ginny asked.

    “I feel fine.” Ron said as he walked off “I’ll go find the stuff you asked for.”

    Ginny sighed and headed towards the food market.

    “Ginny Weasley!” someone called out from behind her.

    Ginny turned to see Hermione with her hand in hand.

    “Hello, Hermione.” Ginny said “Do you need anything?”

    Hermione smiled wickedly. “Let's settle this matter. You. Me. Right here, right now. Winner gets Draco. Loser doesn't. Agree or disagree?”

    With that a crowd of people began to gather. It didn’t take long for the gears to start turning in Ginny’s head. The second she mentioned Draco Ginny could tell something suspicious was up.

    “I have to go.” she said.

    Ginny turned around and started to walk off.

    “Come back here!” Hermione insisted “You….You’re just like your mother! A cowardly self-centered whore!”

    Ginny suddenly stopped in her tracks. Hermione had hit a nerve. Ginny then pulled out her wand and her face turned to anger.

    “Take…out…your wand…” Ginny said.

    Hermione did so. The two suddenly turned and fired spells at each other.

    The crowd then started screaming “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

    The spells collided with each other but dissipated after a while. Hermione fired a spell but Ginny blocked it. Ginny then started to walk towards Hermione with rage in her eyes and she fired many spells at Hermione but Hermione managed to block or dodge every single one. Ginny then tackled Hermione and started punching the living daylights out of Hermione.

    Hermione then retaliated by punching Ginny in the nose and got up and searched for her wand. She found it. But when she turned she was met by Ginny who slashed Hermione with her wand. Hermione backed against a wall in pain and looked at her side. It was a small cut but she was bleeding. She tried to fire a spell but it missed and hit a bench next to Ginny. Ginny fell over but then got back up and resumed punching Hermione.

    Exhausted, Hermione wasn’t prepared when Ginny slammed her through a window. Hermione got up just as Ginny walked in. Hermione slashed at Ginny with a piece of glass and cut Ginny’s face. Ginny then socked Hermione and then Hermione fell over unconscious.

    The crowd ooohed and ahhed. Ginny then winced as she felt a pain in her knee. One of Hermione’s spells had injured her knee. Ginny then walked out to find Ron or Madeline with a slight limp. She then looked toward the crowd.

    “Don’t you people have lives?!” she yelled.

    The crowd realized they had to gain valuable time back and places to go and resumed doing crowd things. Acting as if the fight never happened.


    Madeline wrapped Hermione’s arm in a sling. She managed to get a shard of glass out of her arm.

    “I can’t believe you kids!” Madeline said “I leave one minute and I find you basically killing each other! You’re better then that! Especially you, Hermione.”

    “I’m sorry.” Hermione said.

    “I’m not the one you should be saying sorry too.” Madeline said pointing to Ginny who was sitting on a nearby chair.

    Hermione got up and held out her good hand.

    “I’m sorry I called you a whore” Hermione said “and getting us into this. Apology accepted?”

    Ginny did some eye-searching and then shook Hermione’s hand.

    “Yeah, sure.” Ginny replied.

    Suddenly they heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. The three got up and walked (or in Ginny’s case limped) to the kitchen. They opened the door to find Ron on the floor cackling.

    “You okay, Ron?” Madeline asked.

    “I taste lilacs!” Ron yelled out.

    The three looked at each other and then headed for the phone.


    It was night by the time Harry and the ponies got to the house. They opened the door and walked in to see Madeline, Ginny and Hermione waiting.

    “We got here as soon possible.” Applejack said.

    “We didn’t know which of Horace’s potions to bring so we brought all of them.” Twilight said pointing to five potions Harry was holding.

    Madeline lead them towards the kitchen.

    “He’s been like this for about an hour. It’s totally weird.” Ginny said.

    “Oh, come on” Pinkie Pie said “nobody knows weird like you’re old auntie Pinkie Pie!”

    Pinkie opened the door and peeked inside. Ron was sitting in the center of the room with his legs crossed and laughing like a crazy man.

    “Who dat bat, cat? Dat cat-bat’s wiggin’ all reet all right! Guess these cats ain’t hip cats, cat!” Ron yelled out as if he had three different personalities “Can’t be a hip cat if the cat don’t scat when his orbs do pop on the brothers of the bop!”

    Pinkie then slammed the door shut and put her back against it.

    “Is….is there another word out there that means what?” Pinkie said while trying to comprehend what the heck she just saw “Because somehow…what…just doesn’t quite cover this.”

    “We got to do something!” Hermione said.

    “Can’t we just give him one of the potions?” Rarity asked.

    “I’ll try.” Harry said.

    He walked into the kitchen dwelling of the crazed Ron. He prepared to open a vial but then Ron flailed his arms around and knocked the vials out of Harry’s hand. They all broke. Except one that landed on the table. Ron turned towards Harry.

    “You can’t fight the love, man!” Ron yelled out in a voice that sounded like George Harrison.

    But before Ron could do anything else a loud clang rang out and Ron dropped to his knees.

    “Who am I in love with again?” Ron said before he hit the floor and passed out.

    Harry looked and it turned out Fluttershy had hit Ron with a frying pan.

    “See?” Fluttershy said “That’s how you do it.”

    She walked out and Harry with her. They closed the door behind them.

    “I took care of him.” Fluttershy said.

    “Is he alright?” Ginny asked.

    “He’ll be fine.” Harry said “Just needed a good knock on the head.”

    After a moment of awkward silence, Madeline got up.

    “So, I’ve got some pizza I ordered waiting for Harry in the living room” she said “You want any?”

    “Yeah sure!” everybody replied.


    Ron woke up with a massive headache. He looked around. He was in his kitchen. He then saw a vial on the table. Without thinking, he grabbed the vial and drank it and then put the empty vile on the table. For a moment his headache lifted but then he began to feel very sick.

    He moaned slightly and tried to get up but when he grabbed the table his strength gave way and he fell to the floor.

    And then everything went black.

    It Just Keeps Going, Dosen't it?

    Madeline sat next to Ron with Hermione, Harry, Ginny and the ponies. Just then, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn and Minerva McGonagall.

    “You should be proud of your actions Harry. Calling this Madeline to bring Ron here.” Dumbledore said “And you should be proud of your student Horace.”

    “Indeed.” Minerva said.

    “Yes, I’m very proud.” Horace said.

    “What is that Horace?” Dumbledore asked pointing to a bottle Horace was holding “I don’t remember who gave you this bottle.” Dumbledore sniffed it. “But it does hold a scent of licorice and wine.”

    “I got it this morning.” Horace replied.

    Dumbledore handed the bottle to Snape who sniffed it.

    “And what does it say on the label?” Dumbledore said.

    Horace pulled the label off and read this:

    To Horace Slughorn. Give to Headmaster Dumbledore.

    Well….here you go.

    “This is my fault” Fluttershy said sadly “I dared him to drink that love potion and if he hadn’t drunken it then he wouldn’t have gone crazy and then he wouldn’t have taken the poison.”

    “It’s not your fault.” Twilight said.

    Suddenly Lavender Brown burst in.

    “How is he?” she panted with worry in her voice.

    “He’s fine.” Madeline said as she got up “Luckily Harry and Horace found an antidote. He’ll be fine by tomorrow. I suggest we let him get his rest.”

    Everyone except Hermione, Lavender, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack left the room and shut the door. Now it was just the five.

    “Why are you here?” Lavender asked.

    “I was about to ask you the same question.” Hermione said.

    “I happen to be his girlfriend!” Lavender responded.

    “Well I happen to be his….” Hermione said as she suddenly realized what she was about to say “…friend.”

    “Don’t make me laugh!” Lavender insisted “You haven’t spoken in weeks. I just wanted to see why a man who you never found interesting is in here and you’re suddenly defending him?!”

    “He’s been poisoned, you daft woman!” Hermione replied “And for the record I’ve always found him very interesting! Something an idiot like you could never begin to understand!”

    “Whoa! Hey!” Applejack said as she cut between the two “That’s enough, y’all.”

    “I agree.” Rarity said “Let’s not let things descend into petty insults.”

    Just then Ron began to mutter something.

    “See?” Lavender said “he senses my presence!” She then sat down and took a hold of Ron’s hand “Don’t worry, Ron. I’m here.”

    Ron still was trying to say something but it was coming up as gibberish.

    “What is he saying?” Pinkie Pie asked.

    “Relax, Pinkie.” Rarity said “Let’s see what he does.”

    Ron turned his head towards Hermione and moaned.

    “H….Hermione?” he asked very exhausted.

    Lavender looked perplexed.

    Hermione then sat down and took a hold of Ron’s hand.

    “It’s alright.” Hermione whispered.

    “Oh to be young” Rarity said “and to feel loves keen sting. Well, I think Ron is well tended. Shall we off?”

    “Yeah alright.” Applejack said as they walked off with Pinkie Pie and Hermione.

    But Lavender stayed.


    Twilight walked up the staircase that leads to Dumbledore’s study room. She opened the door and closed it behind her. She’d always wanted to see what was in the room.

    It was similar to a library with books and shelves galore. She looked around and he had a massive globe in the tower above. She would have gone upstairs to the tower if her horn hadn’t glowed like mad.

    She followed the horn to a desk where under it was a crate. In the crate was a book. A green book. And it was making her horn glow. She shut the door to the observatory and put drapes on the windows to make sure if anything happened nothing would be broken.

    She opened the book. Suddenly a little smoke like thing began to form and formed a circle above the page she’d flipped too. It then began to show an image and this is what she saw:

    In a room with a fireplace and an hour-glass was a young man. The man in the room was Horace Slughorn. Suddenly a young student walked in.

    “Mr. Slughorn” the boy said “I was in the library the other night when I came across something. Horcruxes.”

    Slughorn blinked in surprise. “I’m sorry, what?” he said.

    “Horcruxes.” the boy replied.

    “That’s dark stuff.” Horace said “I don’t think you should be-”

    “Tell me” said the boy “what are they?”

    Horace sighed. “A Horcrux is a device of which one can store one’s soul in more ways then one.”

    “What?” the boy asked.

    “It’s a device in which one can store one’s soul.” Horace replied “They can look like any household device.”

    “Has there ever been a successful one?” the boy asked.

    “Not that I know of.” Horace responded “Anyone who has tried has died.”

    The boy stood in front of the fireplace. His eyes did some random searching. Horace sat down.

    “I hope you’re hoping to attempt such a feat.” Horace said.

    “No.” said the boy “just curious.”

    The boy started to leave but then turned around and looked at Slughorn.

    “Tell me” said the boy “can they become snakes?”

    “I don’t know.” Horace said.

    Suddenly Twilight felt the presence of someone and shut the book and the room went black. She lit up her horn and gasped when she saw Harry and Dumbledore standing behind her with their wands glowing.

    “Give me the book.” Dumbledore said as he reached for it.

    Twilight levitated the book out of his reach.

    “No.” Twilight said.

    “Twilight, just give it to him.” Harry insisted.

    “NO!” Twilight yelled “Not until you explain yourselves. And I want the truth.”

    Dumbledore sighed.

    Twilight then opened the drapes and light flashed into the room temporarily blinding the trio.


    Lavender Brown slept next to Ron in the hospital in her chair. She awoke and realized she’d been napping for a long time. She then prepared to leave.

    “L-Lavender?” Ron said weakly.

    Lavender sat right back down.

    “It’s so good to hear your voice.” Lavender replied “but there’s something I have to tell you, Ron.”

    “What?” he asked weakly.

    “I’m breaking up with you.” Lavender said.

    “Why?” Ron asked weakly.

    “Because…Hermione.” she said.

    Before Ron could answer she put her finger on his lips.

    “I’ve seen the way you look at her” Lavender continued “the way you said her name. You love her. And you can’t love me back. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that earlier.”

    Ron sighed. “If that’s how you feel. What about you?”

    Lavender smiled. “I’ll be okay. I’ll find someone.”

    She kissed his forehead.

    “Goodnight, Ron.” she said before walking out of the room and leaving Ron to get his rest.

    The Pieces Are Coming Together

    “This is beyond anything I imagined.” Dumbledore said.

    “You mean he succeeded in making a Horcrux?” Harry asked.

    “Oh yes.” Dumbledore said “Not just once.”

    “What are they exactly?” Twilight asked.

    “Could be anything.” Dumbledore told the two “Mostly commonplace objects.”

    With that he showed Twilight and Harry the book from the library now charred with a huge hole in it.

    “A ring for example” Dumbledore continued as a ring fell out of the book “or a book.”

    “Tom Riddle’s diary.” Harry said.

    “Wait” Twilight said “you mean the book…”

    “Is a Horcrux yes.” Dumbledore said “Four years ago when Harry saved Ginny Weasleys life in the Chamber of Secrets he brought me this. I knew then this was a different kind of magic. A very dark magic.”

    “Uh, excuse me!” Twilight piped up “I wasn’t there!”

    “No I know.” Harry said “And the ring?”

    “Belonged to Riddle’s mother.” Dumbledore went on “very hard to find. Even harder to destroy.”

    “But if you could find them all…if you could destroy them…” Twilight asked.

    “You destroy Voldemort.” Dumbledore said.

    “But how can we find them?” Harry said “they could be anywhere.”

    “True.” Dumbledore still continued.

    Twilight’s curiosity got the best of her and the prepared to twirl the ring like a spinning top.

    “But magic…especially dark magic…” Dumbledore said.

    The second Twilight twirled the ring six random images flashed in the trio’s heads. The first was of a huge snake, the other of a screaming Tom Riddle, the third of a young child, the fourth Voldemort himself, the fifth a dragon and the sixth (much to Twilight’s surprise) was Queen Chrysalis laughing.

    The images then stopped and the ring ceased spinning and fell over.

    “Leaves traces.” Dumbledore finally said.


    Lunch was very tense. Ever since Ron’s poising, students were watching for any suspicious activity. Harry was as well. He turned and saw Draco Malfoy walking in. Draco stopped then turned around and walked out of the room. Harry followed after him.


    Draco ran into the bathroom and leaned against the sink breathing erratically. The mission was getting to him. It seemed everyone wanted to kill him. He suddenly heard a footstep and looked in the mirror. Harry Potter was reflected in the mirror.

    Draco turned but Harry was gone. Draco then started to walk away when Harry came out of nowhere and fired at Draco. He ducked and Harry’s beam hit the sink and water spilled everywhere. Harry hid behind a wall and waited. Draco shot a beam at where he hoped Harry was.

    Harry then fired a spell he’d gotten from the Half-Blood Prince book and Draco was flung out of Harry’s sight. Harry smiled. But then he heard very erratic breathing.

    He turned to see Draco on the floor in pain. He was bleeding and the water was stained red.

    “Draco?” said a voice.

    Harry then ran out of the room. Hermione Granger then walked in.

    “Draco?” she called “Where are y-”

    She looked down and gasped in fright when she saw the injured Draco.

    “No!” she cried out as she fell to her knees beside Draco “Please don’t do this! Help! Somebody please!”

    She held Draco’s hand tightly, tears in her eyes. Severus Snape then walked in. He first looked at Draco then at Hermione who was looking at him.

    “Please.” Hermione almost begged.

    Snape then leaned down and began reciting a spell as he placed his wand over Draco’s wounds. Hermione’s eyes widened as the blood drained back into Draco and his wounds healed.

    “He’ll be fine.” Snape said as he got up “I suggest you take him to the medical room.”

    Hermione nodded and Snape walked out.


    “Did you hear what happened to Draco?” Pinkie Pie asked.

    “Yeah, the poor thing.” Rarity said.

    “Why would Harry attack him?” Rainbow Dash asked.

    “Maybe he thought he was trying to kill Dumbledore.” Twilight said.

    “Yeah, could be.” Applejack piped up.


    Harry nervously stood in the hallway, holding the Half-Blood Prince book in his hand. Ginny then walked up to him.

    “What is it, Harry?” she asked.

    “Come.” he said “I need your help.”

    He led Ginny across the halls.

    “For what?” Ginny logically asked.

    “You see” Harry replied “I think this book may contain dark magic. We need to hide it before the wrong people find it.”

    “I know a place.” Ginny said.

    Ginny proceeded to lead Harry to an empty room with a blank wall. Ginny motioned for him to hold her hand. He did so and then they apparated. They found themselves in the Room of Requirement which was filled all manner of things. Harry looked around and saw a wardrobe painted black with a black doorknob.


    He opened the door and a canary flew out.

    “See?” Ginny said “You never know what you’ll find up here.”

    Ginny walked up to Harry and gulped nervously. There was an awkward silence as she took the book from Harry.

    “Alright, close your eyes.” Ginny said breaking the silence “That way you can’t be tempted.”

    Harry closed his eyes. Ginny clenched the book nervously.

    I can do this. she thought I have too.

    She then walked up to Harry and gulped. She then kissed him praying he would not recoil. Her kiss was very shy and a tad bit frightened but she didn’t care. She then broke the kiss.

    “I love you.” Ginny whispered.

    She then threw the book in the wardrobe and closed it and walked out. Harry then opened his eyes. Ginny was gone. He smiled and then walked out. He walked through the empty corridors past Ron. Ron then caught up with him.

    “So….did you and Ginny do it?” he asked.

    “What?” Harry asked.

    “The book I meant.” Ron reinstated.

    “Oh…um….yeah, whatever.” Harry said walking away.


    Hermione sat next to Draco. It was night now. Draco then opened his eyes and turned towards Hermione.

    “Hermione?” Draco asked.

    “Oh, Draco!” Hermione said holding his hand.

    “Are you alright?” Draco asked.

    “Well…no.” Hermione said “You were hurt very badly back there and…uh…I-I was worried I was going to lose you.”

    “Why?” Draco asked.

    Without hesitation, Hermione pulled Draco into a passionate kiss. Draco’s eye were as wide as dinner plates Hermione kissed him.

    “Because I love you.” she said breaking the kiss.

    “Wow, Hermione” Draco said “I had no idea. But….I’m afraid I can’t accept that kind of offer.”

    The words practically crushed Hermione. She gasped and put her hand on her chest. Draco sighed.

    “Look, Hermione” he said “I like you but if I did try to date you my father would do who knows what to me. I just want you safe. Understand?”

    Hermione nodded.

    “Well, goodnight then.” she said.

    She then walked away leaving Draco alone.

    Inside Job

    Twilight and the ponies walked through the Hogwarts doors. Students and professors were busy walking from place to place. They looked around and around.

    “Where is she?” Fluttershy asked.

    “I don’t know just keep looking.” Rainbow Dash replied.

    Professor McGonagall then walked towards them with Catalonia Phoenix (who was a teacher at the school).

    “Ah, there you are Miss McGonagall!” Rarity said.

    “Oh, it’s you ponies again.” McGonagall said “I’d like to introduce you to Professor Catalonia Phoenix.”

    “Hello.” Twilight said.

    “Hello, lass.” Catalonia said in a thick Scottish accent “My, you’re a wee bit smaller then I imagined.”

    “We are?” Rainbow Dash asked.

    “It doesn’t matter.” Twilight said turning back to Minerva “Professor, Harry called us. Do you know where he is?”

    “I think I’d go straight then climb up the first staircase you see.” McGonagall replied.

    “Thanks.” Twilight said as the ponies walked off.

    “They seem nice.” Catalonia said.

    “They are.” Minerva replied.


    Around that time, Draco Malfoy walked through the hallways. He wasn’t searching for anyone. He was searching for something different. Suddenly he slammed into a red-haired student which caused her books to fall on the floor.

    “Oh!” the girl said “I’m so sorry!”

    “No, it’s fine.” Draco replied.

    The girl felt her hair. Draco started to pick up her books.

    “No, it’s my fault.” the girl said leaning down “Let me.”

    She then put her hand on Draco’s and they looked up at each other.

    “Oh…um…I-I’m Astoria Greengrass.” the girl said breaking the awkward silence.

    “Draco Malfoy.” Draco replied shaking her hand.

    Astoria then picked up the last of her books and stood up.

    “Well….see you later.” she said walking off.

    “No wait!” Draco said.

    She turned around and looked to Draco.

    “I need your help.” he said “Do you know where the Room of Requirement is?”

    Astoria then walked towards Draco.

    “Of course I do.” she replied “Follow me.”

    She led Draco through the vast army of students. They walked up the stairs and Astoria showed him the empty wall that was the entrance.

    “How do I get in?” Draco asked.

    “Well” Astoria began to explain “you can either apparate inside or you can find the doorway.”

    What on Earth does she mean? Draco thought There’s just an empty wall. There’s no-

    Suddenly he looked closer and he saw a doorknob. The door was specially designed so that you could only see it if you squinted or had good eye-sight.

    “See?” Astoria said.

    “Thank you.” Draco said walking towards the seemingly invisible door.

    He turned the doorknob, opened the door and then went inside. Astoria sighed.

    “See you later.” she said returning to her class.


    Harry and Dumbledore waited patiently in the Astronomy Tower. The ponies then peeked their heads in through the door.

    “You wanted to see us, sir?” Fluttershy asked.

    “Indeed.” Dumbledore replied “Close the door.”

    The ponies walked in and shut the door.

    “Are we planning a party?” Pinkie Pie asked.

    “Not exactly.” Harry said.

    “I think we have found a Horcrux at last.” Dumbledore said “I would like for Harry and you six to accompany me. But there is one condition: you must obey every command a give you without question.”

    “Yes, sir.” Harry said.

    “You do understand what I’m saying?” Dumbledore asked “Should I tell you to hide you hide. Should I tell you to run you run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself you must do so.”

    “You sure you’re not sniffing paint fumes?” Rainbow Dash asked.

    Dumbledore glared at Rainbow Dash shutting her up.

    “You’re word, Harry?” Dumbledore said turning his attention back to Harry.

    “My word?” Harry said.

    “And as for you six equines?” Dumbledore asked.

    “Yeah, alright.” they said.

    “But can we TRY to come back alive?” Applejack asked.

    “We’ll see.” Dumbledore said.

    He then held out his arm to Harry and the ponies.

    “Take hold of my arm.” Dumbledore said “All of you.”

    “But sir” Harry piped up “I thought you couldn’t apparate inside Hogwarts.”

    “Well, being me has it’s privileges.” Dumbledore replied

    “Meaning?” Fluttershy asked.

    “I can apparate us.” Dumbledore said “Not the other way around.”

    “Oh!” the ponies said.

    They all took hold of Dumbledore’s arm and they apparated away. They then found themselves on a rock in the middle of the sea. They were facing a cliff that had a cave in it.

    “It’s in there?!” Rarity yelled over the sound of the roaring waves.

    “Yes!” Dumbledore replied.

    “Then why did you apparate us out here instead of in there?!” Applejack pointed out.

    “Oh! So sorry!” Dumbledore said “Bloody apparition sometimes doesn’t work right!”

    They again took hold of Dumbledore’s arm and then found themselves in the cave itself.

    “Much better.” Dumbledore said.

    They then began to walk around the cave. Very little light shone through so it was hard to see where you were going.

    “This is the place.” Dumbledore said “Oh yes. This place has known magic.”

    Then Dumbledore took a knife and jabbed his hand with it.

    “Sir!” Harry said.

    “In order to gain passage payment must be made.” Dumbledore said “Payment to deter any intruder.”

    “Why not mine?” Harry asked.

    “Good heavens, no.” Dumbledore replied “Your blood is more precious then mine.”

    “Geez, what is it with wizards and blood oaths?” Rainbow Dash asked.

    “Are you quite finished?” Dumbledore said.

    “Yeah.” Rainbow replied.

    “Then shut up.” Dumbledore said.

    Suddenly the ground gave way and all eight of them fell through and hit a rock below. The cavern was pitch black almost. Twilight illuminated her horn as did Rarity. Harry spoke something and his wand lit up. They could now see much better.

    The rock had huge crystals jutting out of it. The rock was practically covered in them. The rock was also in the middle of a lake. Twilight licked some of the water then spat it out.

    “Salt-water.” she said “We’re in a tide pool. At least I think we are.”

    “Hey, what’s that?” Pinkie Pie said pointing to a crystal.

    The crystal’s top was like a bowl and in it was some water. Harry then found a sea shell.

    “Good eyes, Pinkie.” Harry said.

    Harry scrapped the shell in the bowl a few times hoping the Horcrux was there. But every time he couldn’t reach the water. It was at the bottom.

    “Try the sea water.” Dumbledore said.

    Dumbledore was in the meantime looking for his wand. The Elder Wand. It was on a crystal just barley out of reach of his hand.

    It was deathly quiet as Harry reached for the water.

    “Excellent.” said a voice.

    Suddenly a sickly green glow appeared nearby on the lake shore. The glow reveled Queen Chrysalis.

    “Queen Chrysalis?!” the six ponies yelled simultaneously.

    “In the living flesh.” Chrysalis said in a raspy voice.

    She then turned her attention to Harry.

    “So….you’re Harry Potter, eh?” Chrysalis said “My client has told me so much about you.”

    “Who are you?!” Harry demanded.

    “She’s queen of the Changelings.” Twilight replied “We took her down once before at my brother’s wedding. And from the looks of it you figured out a way into this dimension?”

    “Indeed.” Chrysalis said before coughing.

    “You okay?” Fluttershy asked.

    “Of course not.” Chrysalis replied “I have no love to feed off. I’m not as strong as I once was. But that doesn’t mean I am so easily stopped. There is no Horcrux. I made it up so I could draw you here.” Her horn began to lit up “Oh by the way, I have some friends to keep you company!”

    She teleported away cackling.

    Harry then returned back to getting the water. Suddenly something grabbed the sea shell out of Harry’s hand and ducked back into the water. Harry jumped back in fear as did the ponies.

    “What is it?!” Pinkie Pie asked with worry.

    Harry spoke a spell and light flung from his wand and hit the roof of the cavern lighting up like a flare. He looked towards the shore of the rock.

    Out of the water, Changelings began to climb out hissing as they did. Their horns lit green so they could see their victim. Harry fired various spells at the Changelings killing some of them. Rarity and Twilight fired their own magic and killed some Changelings as well. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all clambered next to Dumbledore.

    “The Elder Wand.” Dumbledore told Applejack.

    Applejack, understanding what he meant, began to reach for it.

    “I almost got it!” she said.

    The Changelings by now were closing in on Harry like something out of a horror movie. He kicked one off but then one leapt on him throwing off balance and off the rock. He hit the water and stared to sink as the Changeling attempted to drown him. He slammed it twice in the ribs with his elbow but the creature refused to let go. Suddenly he and the Changeling looked up and were completely caught off guard by what they saw.

    A fire suddenly leapt from the crystal rock and began incinerating the Changelings. Some hit the waters surface already dead. Some of them headed towards the coral and sea-weed bed floor of the lake in flames. Harry managed to free himself from the Changelings grasp and headed to the surface.

    When he came up an entire wall of fire surrounded the rock. Dumbledore had managed to get a hold of the Elder Wand and was creating a firestorm. Every now and again plumes of fire hit the Changelings turning them to ash almost instantly. The others shrieked in fear as they headed back to the shore.

    The ponies were crouched down beside Dumbledore to avoid being hit or scorched accidently by the fire. Harry climbed unto the rock and grabbed hold of Dumbledore’s arm.

    “Now you ponies!” Dumbledore cried out “Hurry!”

    The grabbed hold of him and he created a pathway so they could apparate away. They did so leaving what little remained of the Changelings to teleport themselves away.

    Dumbledore's Farewell

    Hermione Granger stood in the tower looking out over the night sky. A stubborn tear ran down her face. She’d lost Draco Malfoy, the man she loved. Suddenly a noise made her gasp and turn to see Dumbledore, Harry and the ponies.

    “What are you doing here?” Harry asked.

    “I wanted to know where you were Harry.” Hermione replied.

    “Well, we have to get back to our hotel. I’ll ask Catalonia to take us. Goodnight.” Twilight said.

    She then teleported away with the other ponies.

    “Wait.” Dumbledore said.

    There was an awkward silence.

    “Someone’s following us.” Dumbledore said “Get down.”

    Hermione and Harry hid under the globe next to Dumbledore. Dumbledore meanwhile faced his attacker. Draco Malfoy entered the room pointing his wand at him.

    “Good evening, Draco.” Dumbledore said “What brings you up on this fine spring evening?”

    “Who else is here?!” Draco yelled “I heard you talking!”

    “I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful.” Dumbledore said “Have you been whispering to yourself Draco? Draco….you are no assassin.”

    “How do you know what I am?!” Draco asked “I’m things that would shock you!”

    “Well, the bottle for one thing.” Dumbledore answered “Forgive me, Draco but these attempts are so futile-”

    “He trusts me!” Draco yelled “I was chosen!”

    With that he pulled up his sleeve and revealed he had a dark mark. Hermione was utterly broken-hearted by this image. Her eyes began to well up in tears. But…how? Draco didn’t seem like Death Eater material.

    “I will make it easy for you” Dumbledore said pulling up his wand.

    Draco fired a spell and the Elder Wand flew out of Dumbledore’s hand and landed in Hermione’s hand. Suddenly the door at the bottom of the stairs was heard opening and closing.

    “There are others.” Dumbledore said “How?”

    “The wardrobe in the Room of Requirement! Took a little tweaking is all!” Draco reinstated.

    The sounds of footsteps grew louder.

    “Draco, once many years ago” Dumbledore said “I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. I’ll help you.”

    “You don’t understand!” Draco yelled “I have to do this! I have to kill you….or he’s going to kill me.”

    Suddenly Bellatrix Lestrange, Gilderoy Lockhart, three men armed with machine guns and a Snatcher named Scabior walked up the steps and entered the room. Bellatrix smiled.

    “Well….look who we have here.” she said walking up behind Draco “Well done, Draco.” she then kissed the back of Draco’s neck.

    “Evening Bellatrix.” Dumbledore said “I’m sure some greetings are in order.”

    “Maybe.” Bellatrix said “But I’m afraid we won’t be able too. Do it, Draco.”

    Nothing happened. She turned to Draco.

    “Do it!” Bellatrix ordered.

    “He doesn’t have the stomach. Just like his father.” Gilderoy said “Allow me to finish him in my own way.”

    “No!” Bellatrix insisted “The Dark Lord says the boy must do it!”

    During this conversation, Snape had crept up to Hermione and Harry much to their surprise. He motioned for them to be quiet and he climbed up.

    “This is your moment, do it.” Bellatrix assured Draco “Come on, Draco! Now!”

    “No.” Severus said walking up to Draco.

    Draco stepped back a few feet. The room fell silent with no sound but wood creaking and the wind.

    “Severus….please.” Dumbledore almost pleaded.

    Snape then uttered a kill spell and it hit Dumbledore killing him instantly. He fell backwards and fell off the tower. Snape then turned to the Death Eaters.

    “Quickly.” he said “Before they discover us.”

    They all moved out of the room except for Bellatrix who remained a few more seconds to stay and fire a signal into the sky. The clouds grew thicker than they already were and she ran out.

    Harry couldn’t believe what he’d seen. His mentor was now dead. He turned to Hermione but discovered she wasn't there. He then quietly walked out making sure not to be seen.


    Down on the ground level, Severus, Draco, Bellatrix, Gilderoy, Scabior and the three other Death Eaters walked through the grand hall. Bellatrix jumped on the table shattering the glass cups. She then turned and shot a spell and the glass all over the room shattered as she ran out and all the candles blew out.


    They neared Hagrid’s hut nearing the escape point.

    “Draco!” yelled a voice.

    Everyone turned to see Hermione walking towards them tears in her eyes.

    “How could you do this?!” she sobbed “I loved you!”

    Bellatrix then suddenly shot another spell and set Hagrid’s hut a flame with fire.

    “Go on!” Snape yelled to Draco as he ran to join the others.

    “And you!” Hermione yelled pointing her wand Severus “We all trusted you! Dumbledore trusted you! And you murdered him!”

    She then fired a spell but Snape blocked it.

    “Fight back!” she called out “You cowardly bastard, fight back!”

    Something inside Bellatrix snapped and she fired a spell at Hermione that flung her back a few feet and she hit the ground.

    “Leave her!” Snape said.

    Bellatrix nodded and ran off. Snape turned to follow.

    Hermione got up and remembered the Half-Blood Prince book and the many spells Harry had told her about. She turned and fired it at Snape. Snape however turned and blocked the spell as he turned and fired his own spell which forced Hermione to the ground. Snape then walked up and stood before Hermione.

    “You dare use my own spells against me, Granger?” Snape said.

    Hermione’s face turned completely from anger to shock.

    “Oh yes.” Snape continued “I’m the Half-Blood Prince.”

    With that he walked off and into the forest. Hermione got up and walked back to Hogwarts.


    When Hermione arrived back everyone had gathered around Dumbledore’s dead body. Harry was crying on Ginny’s shoulders. Hermione stood beside Madeline who put her hand on her shoulder.

    “I’m sorry.” Madeline said.

    Hermione nodded knowingly. The wizards held their wands up high. The clouds (which were now really thick) grew so thick you couldn't even tell there was a sky.

    Hidden away from everyone was Catalonia Phoenix who stood next to the wall. Though she never really liked Dumbledore, she didn't hate him. When the wizards held their wands up she did as well but with less enthusiasm. She knew nothing would ever be the same.


    Chrysalis walked up to a bald person with chalk-white skin in a black robe.

    “The plan proceeded as expected.” she said “Albus Dumbledore is dead.”

    “Excellent.” said the figure “And Harry Potter?”

    “He still lives but I must ask” Chrysalis replied “Why do you want him alive?”

    The figure turned revealing himself to be Voldemort.

    “You’ll see soon enough.” he said.


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