
How Close You Both Are To Me...

by rarerarity

Chapter 6: Why Me?

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"I don't know what to do. She won't answer the door. She's not talking to anypony. She won't even open the door for Derpy." Soarin said frantically, as he lowered his ears.

"Listen, she will come out."

"How do ya know tha Twi?"

"Her supervisor said that Storm Day has moved to today. It should start at twelve."

"She still won't come out." Fluttershy said worriedly.

"Well, what can we do? She won't answer to any of us." Rarity added.

Soarin's ears perked up.

"I know somepony she will answer to though."


"Just wait and see." The male pegasus smirked as he left the library.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" Twilight banged on the cloud door.

Five mares, a stallion and an special pony stood outside of Rainbow Dash's house.

Twilight put the cloud walking spell she previously used, two years ago at the Young Fliers Competion, on herself, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack.

"Go away Twilight!" A voice called from inside.

"Please Rainbow! We have a special visitor for you!"

"I don't need a doctor or a therapist!"

"Miriam! Open this door right away!" The visitor demanded.

The door slowly creaked open.

"Father?" The mare croaked.

"I don't know any other pony that calls you Miriam, Miriam." He softly smiled.

Tears poured out of the young mare's eyes as she shook her head.
"No. Nononono. You can't be here."

"Why not? Can't I make a friendly visit to my daughter's house?"

"How can you make a friendly visit?!" She attempted to slam the door, however, Soarin blocked it.

"Please Rainbow. We're just trying to help."

"You're not helping anyone!" Rainbow tried to push Soarin, but the Wonderbolt was too strong for her.

She fell onto his shoulder and sobbed loudly as he hugged her.

"I just want everything to be back to normal. I just want my daughter back." She blubbered.

"I'm confused, darling. I thought you said your father was dead." Rarity inquired as she sipped at the steaming tea that Fluttershy made.

"He is." She growled.

Fluttershy handed a cup to the dark blue pegasus with blue, purple and green hair. He had rose eyes like Rainbow Dash's, and had a lightning cutiemark.

"Thank you, Fluttershy."

"That's okay Lightning Blitz."

"So, Mr Blitz-"

"Please. Just call me Blitz."

"Okay, Blitz. How come you no longer own the weather factory?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah father! Why don't you tell them? And while you're at it, tell them everything else!" Rainbow yelled.

"Miriam, please. Calm down."

"No! Miriam is dead! I'm Rainbow Dash! Miriam died when you threw her out onto the streets!"

Blitz lowered his head.

"A temper like your mother."

"Don't bring her into this!"

"It wasn't my choice, Rainbow!"

"What wasn't your choice?!"



"Oh please Miriam."

Rainbow stood up and threw her cup to the floor, which surprisingly, smashed as it hit the cloud floor.

"I'm not Miriam! I'm not your baby girl anymore! I wasn't your daughter ever since you left me!" Rainbow shouted and flared out her wings.

"Rainbow, calm down." Soarin got up.

"Don't tell me what to do! Ever since you left me, everything has gone down hill! And do you know what? I might as well kill myself! Seeing as I have nothing left!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened, and she stood up too.

"No Rainbow. Not again. I nearly lost you last time."

"Wha do ya mean.....last time?" Applejack spoke up.

"Oh, Rainbow. Please tell me you didn't." Twilight muttered.

"Dashie?" Pinkie looked deeply into Rainbow's eyes.

"I-I-I-I-I....I did." She sat back down. Her eyes closed and wings drooping. "I did."

"Why?" Even her father was surprised by this.

"I had lost everything. My mother was dead. My sisters were dead. My father disowned me. My daughter was in care. And...my special somepony tried to kill me. School wasn't helping me, and Gilda didn't even bother to help. The only pony to help, was Fluttershy."

The butterscotch pegasus walked over and hugged her distraught friend.

"I told you that Fog Heights tried to kill me. And that Fluttershy saved me. Well,...."


A young teenage Fluttershy glided through the sky. In her mouth, she held a small basket. A small basket with small blankets and baby toys. She brought them for her friend's child.

Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was her closest friend. A sister really.

Rainbow had always helped Fluttershy. When she was being picked on, Rainbow was there. When she was scared, Rainbow was her light. When she was upset, Rainbow was her rock.

Rainbow recently, had a foal with her special somepony.

Fog London Heights.

Fluttershy thought that he was a very kind pony. And that he was lucky to have Rainbow.

She met him when she and Rainbow bumped into each other at school.

And she thought that they were so cute together.

And now they have a beautiful filly.

She was lovely. Even though she looked exactly like her father, her eyes were a mixture. A bit of rose and a bit of blue.

Fluttershy was so proud of Rainbow. And so happy for her.

She knew that Rainbow's foalhood hadn't been the best. Hey, it was the worst. She no longer went to school. Her mother was murdered, her sisters were pony-napped, and she never knew of her father. Rainbow had always avoided the subject.

But that's why she looked up to Rainbow Dash.

Not because of her skills and attutide, but how she would always stay strong. No matter what.

She had just arrived at the house where her friend lived.

It was a small, crummy, grubby cloud house. Parts were falling off and there were no electrics. But it was all that Rainbow could afford, and no thanks to Heights.

The pegasus just hoped that she came at a right time.

Last time she came, Rainbow and Heights were in an argument. She never knew what about, she wasn't that nosey.

As she knocked on the door, she heard nothing. No cries of a foal, no snoring, no talking.

She did hear something though.

A small, soft whimpering.

The door creaked open and literally fell off the hinges.

The small basket, that Fluttershy held in her mouth, fell to the ground. Throwing the blankets and toys.

Fluttershy stared wide eyed at the inside of the small house.

Orange and cyan feathers were all over the floor. Blood was smeared on the walls.

Fluttershy carefully walked inside.

"R-R-Rainbow? Heights?" She squeaked.

She screamed when she walked into the bedroom.

A suitcase was wide open on the floor, and next to it was Fog Heights.

His lifeless body laid on the blood soaked bed, with a knife lodged in his throat.


She walked back out to shocked to do anything, when something caught her eye.


Her cyan friend was sprawled out on the floor. Covered in blood.

Her wings were bleeding from the feathers that were ripped out. But her side was stained red.

Fluttershy carefully lifted the wing that covered her friend's wound.

A deep cut sliced across her rib cage.

"Oh my goodness!"

The vibrant pegasus groaned in pain.

Fluttershy saw that she was heavily bleeding. If she didn't act soon, she would lose her best friend.

"Oh, what to do? What to do?"

She stared at her friend who was barely breathing.

She gently lifted her friend, despite the risk of injuring her friend even more.

Fluttershy quicked zipped out the house.

Her wings ached from the extra weight she was carring, but that didn't stop her. She couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop.

"Awww! Fluttershy! You saved Dashie!" Pinkie brought the shy pegasus into a spine cracking hug.

"Tha also explains tha scar on ya side." Applejack lifted up Rainbow's wing.

Rainbow scowled the apple mare before closing her wing.

Lightning Blitz came up to his daughter.

"Rainbow, I'm sorry."

"Oh shut up!" She growled.

"Please, I mean it."

"No! Why should I?"

"Oh please, Mi-"

"I said earlier that I am no longer Miriam!!" She screamed at her father. "Miriam died along with her mother! And her sisters!"

"You don't know if they are dead." He said calmly.

"Oh, you really don't get out much." Rainbow trotted over to a cloud bureau.

She came back with a newspaper. She threw it at Twilight.

"Rude!" Rarity snorted.

"Just read it!"

"The Sisterly Hell. Sisters, Daydream Dashery, aged 9, and Whispen Wind Dashery, aged 17, were found yesterday by the Cloudsdale Stadium. Both sisters from the Famous Dashery family were found with their throuts slashed open and their wings cut off. They both went missing on the day of the Summer Sun celebration four years ago. Searches for them stopped last year when their mother, the famous singer, Sunset Breeze, died recently of unknown sickness. However, their father, the owner of the Cloudsdale Weather Factory, attempted to re-start the search, but was unable to do so because of family problems. He said to interviewers that he was going to turn his attention to his middle child, Rainbow Miriam Dahery, aged 12 at the time. The whereabouts of the last of the Dashery family are now unknown. But nopony knows who was the evil cuprit, who foal-napped these two innocent fillies." Twilight read out.


"Yes father! They are dead!"

"If it's okay, but why do you call him father? Instead of dad?" Rarity asked.

"I was born into a rich household."

"My two girls. They are dead." Blitz sobbed quietly.

"You mean three."


"I'm dead too. Well, to you I am."

"Rainbow. Please."

The cyan pegasus shook her head.
"Why did you bring him here?"

"We thought he would help."

"Well, you thought wrong." Rainbow stamped her hoof. "It's just brought unnecessary memories."

She stormed out.

The others heard her yell outside.

"I've just stormed out of my own house!"

"Well, tha went well!" Applejack said sacastically.

A little cloud hovered above Whitetail Lake.

A cyan pegasus was laying on the cloud with her front hoof dangling from the side.

She touched the water daintly, watching the ripples go outwards and the fish swimming away.

"Ssh! There she is." A purple pegasus with blonde hair pointed out.

"I can see that, Cloudkicker!"

"Oh shut up Thunderlane! Just go and get her already!"

The grey pegasus stallion fluttered over to Rainbow Dash.



"We need to start Storm Day. It's twelve."


Thunderlane scratched his neck.

"Umm...we need to start now."

"Okay." She said calmly. But she didn't move.

"Stormhooves is here, as well."

"What?!" She shot up and zoomed off. Destroying the cloud she was previously sitting on.

"Where is Rainbow Dash?" Stormhooves demanded.

"We...err...don't know." Blossomforth muttered.

"So, your captain is not here?"

"Well, she could have already started."

"Please don't lie, Miss Flitter."

"I'm here! I'm here!" Rainbow stopped infront of Stormhooves. "I am soo sorry, sir. I forgot it was Storm Day. Cause earlier my friends tried to reunite me with my father and th-"

The grey pegasus put his hoof up.

"Miss Dash. You are a good leader. Like your father."

"Please don't compare me to him."

"As I was saying, you are a good owner and a good captain. But you are lacking."


"I'm sure you understand."

"Can you repeat that?"

"You are no longer the owner of the factory."

"But it's part of the Dashery family." She said desperately.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, but what is done, is done. As from now on, I am now the owner until somepony else is suitable for the poistion."

"Am I still-"

"Captain of Ponyville Weather Team? No."

Rainbow looked down.
"I understand." She whispered as she lowered to the ground.

Stormhooves followed her.

"I know what you are going through, but the factory must come first."

Rainbow simply ignored him and walked off.

"Why? Why me?" She croaked as she walked away.

Next Chapter: My Life Is Crumbling Away...Or Is It Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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