
A Very Chaotic Proposal

by Lucky Seven

Chapter 1: One-Shot

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A Very Chaotic Proposal

Written by Seven81493

Edited by the best editor ever! Miss Dark Angel!

Three years. It had been three years since that fateful day. The day that he had been reawakened by the royal sisters’ bickering. The day that would go down in the echelons of history. The conversion of Discord to the side of good. Nopony could have predicted such an enormous, and not to mention sudden, change of heart, especially not from one of Equestria’s most mortal enemies. But nevertheless, Discord had chosen to give up his evil. But the reason he gave it up shocked everypony. He had given it up for a mare, of all things.

But this was no ordinary mare. This was the most powerful unicorn in existence--aside from the princesses, of course. She had even beaten him at his own game and re-imprisoned him in stone. Of course, as the story goes, she had felt that that sort of punishment was too harsh, even for him. She had visited him every day, leaving gifts and promises of help. And eventually, that help came. She had freed his eyes, and he had been able to see once more. It had been so delightful for him, and he had been grateful.

However, he still hadn’t been convinced of her feelings, and refused to accept her apologies. But the very next day, Celestia had talked to him. She had told him of Twilight’s feelings, and it was at that moment that he had realized they were in fact genuine. He had even discovered that he himself held a sort of compassion for the lavender mare. But he still wasn’t sure if it was all an elaborate ruse, so he stayed cautious about trusting them. But that was when Rarity paid him a visit.

She had spoken of Twilight’s daily disappearances from Ponyville, and how everypony knew she felt bad for Discord even though she hadn’t told them. That had sealed the deal, and Discord finally accepted that Twilight wanted to help him. But he hadn’t been sure if he could help himself, let alone the mare. There was no way to escape his prison. At least, until Celestia and Luna had had a fight right in front of him. His statue shattered almost instantly, and the first thing he did was...

Sing a song.

Yes, that’s right. He had sung his own song, and he had made sure everypony across Equestria could hear it, so that they would know of his reawakening. But he made it clear in the song that he was going to try and be good, and right after he finished his song, he had teleported to Twilight’s home and accepted her apology, thereby sparking a friendship that would eventually turn into more. So basically, over the course of just four short days, Equestria was changed forever.

What you’re about to read happened three years later, and everypony is still talking about it as if it happened yesterday...

--- Tuesday, August 12th, Year 1004 ---

This was it. Just two days until Discord and Twilight were to celebrate three years of having been together. He was currently thinking back to that night. Celestia had proved him wrong for once, and in hindsight, it was a good thing she did. If Discord had been right, he wouldn’t be with the mare of his dreams. None of the events of the past three years would have transpired. His whole life would have been different.

At the same time, Twilight was thinking about what happened three years ago, as well. She had joined Discord in his bed as a result of the nightmares she’d been having. Thinking nothing of it, she climbed into bed that night and started up a conversation with him. She remembered the last thing she had said down to the last detail.

“I already think of you as the best friend I’ve ever had. You must think that’s pretty silly, huh?”

Discord obviously hadn’t found it silly, because the next thing Twilight knew, he had planted a kiss on her lips, triggering everything they had been through over the past three years. She imagined what it would be like if he had just answered normally. No matter how she looked at it, her life would feel empty, so she was grateful he had been so bold.

Eventually, during their reliving of memories, the two met in the busy town square of Ponyville and made their way home together. Discord leaned down and gave Twilight a tender kiss on the lips before opening the door.


The couple leaped into the air in shock, and Pinkie Pie simply giggled.

“Oh, man, you two were so surprised! Do you like the party?!”

The couple took a look around at the festivities--a typical Pinkie Pie party set up--and nodded their heads in approval.

“Great! Now you go play some games, Twilight, I need to talk to Dissy!”

Before either one could respond, Pinkie had grabbed Discord by the wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. She took a second to look around, undoubtedly looking for spies, before coming to a stop in front of Discord.

“So, is everything set, Dissy?”

“Yep, I even booked the place for the event.”

That is, if the event even happens... thought Discord

The pink mare smiled at him and giggled. “Twilight is gonna be sooooo happy!”

“You think?”

“Oh, come on,” said Pinkie overdramatically. “She’s going to say yes, I just know it!”

Discord took a second before smiling at the mare, and they both exited the kitchen, running straight into a grinning Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” she said with a tinge of guilt, “but if it means anything, I’m happy for you.”

Discord didn’t respond with words, choosing instead to hug the rainbow-maned mare, and shockingly, she hugged him back.

“Don’t tell anypony though, Rainbow Dash. The only reason Pinkie knows is because she planned the reception.”

A reception that might not even happen, Discord thought to himself doubtfully.


Discord chuckled. “She insisted.”

“That’s Pinkie Pie for ya,” quipped Rainbow Dash, causing all three to laugh.

After their laughter died down, the three got back to the party, and had a blast to say the least. But eventually, the party ended, and the last guest left the treehouse. With that, the exhausted couple laid down for some well-deserved rest. After all, Thursday was going to be a huge day, whether or not Twilight knew it.

--- Wednesday, August 13th, Year 1004 ---

Discord walked down the street towards Rarity’s boutique, humming a tune to himself. He and the fashionista had become the best of friends over the three years they had known each other. It turned out Discord had a good sense of fashion, which had shocked Rarity. A few days after that discovery, she had invited him to a fashion show, and the two hit it off. Eventually, he became her go-to draconequus whenever she was having a fashion problem.

After a few moments, he reached the boutique, and opening the door, walked inside to greet his friend. But it was he who was greeted, and Rarity looked scared out of her wits.

“Discord, thank goodness you’re here! I have a fashion emergency!”

Discord let out a small chuckle before magically removing the mare from him. “Alright, what do you need, Rarity?”

“I have a client coming by later today, and I need your opinion on which dress I should give her.”

“Can’t you just ask her?” asked Discord with a facepaw.

“Oh, heavens, no! It would come off as disrespectful if I didn’t know her tastes!”

Discord let out a sigh and nodded. “Alright, but how will I know her tastes?”

“Very simple, Discord. It’s Luna.”

Discord put a talon to his chin in thought. As he tapped it against his chin, he came to a solution.

“Give her something bright.”

“But... she’s the princess of the night? Shouldn’t it be darker?”

Discord chuckled and patted the mare on the head. “Silly Rarity, don’t you get it?”

“Get what, Discord?”

“She’s trying to put the darkness of her past behind her, so a dark dress is the worst choice you could make.”

“Oh, thank you, Discord! I knew I could count on you!”

“Anytime, milady,” came the response. “By the way, what does she need it for?”

“Why, your wedding of course!”

Oh man, she’s going to be disappointed when the wedding doesn’t happen...

Discord froze. “About that...”

Rarity instantly sensed that something was wrong with her friend, so she began to pat him on the back for comfort.

“Now, now, dear, what’s wrong?”

“Do you think it’s the right time, Rarity?”

“Now is as good a time as any.”

“That’s not what I asked. I asked if now was the right time to propose.”

“And I said yes. Discord, look at me,” she said, grabbing his chin and turning his head towards her. “She’s going to say yes, and you’re going to be very happy together.”

Discord smiled at that, but quickly looked downtrodden once again. “But what if she doesn’t? What if she says no? I don’t know if I could deal with that...”

“She won’t.”

“But what if-”

“She won’t,” she said once again, cutting him off.

Discord decided it was time to go, but he had one last question to ask.

“How do I ask her?”

“When the time comes, you’ll know what to say, Discord.”

I doubt that...

Rarity reassured him with a smile and a hug before they said their goodbyes and Discord left.

After a few minutes he arrived home, and upon entering, was greeted by Celestia herself.

“Oh... hey, Celestia,” he said with a weak wave. Walking right past her, he collapsed onto the couch and lied back.

“Hello to you as well, Discord. Tomorrow is the big day, you know.”

“Trust me,” he said with gusto, “I know. By the way, why are you here?”

A few moments passed with neither one of them saying a thing until Celestia finally broke the ice.

“She’s going to say yes, you know.”

Discord mustered up a weak smile before responding with, “Rarity said the same thing, but I’m still not sure.”

And I won’t be a hundred percent sure until she says it herself, Discord thought to himself.

“Discord, she loves you more than anything, trust me.”

Discord took on a serious face and stared right into the princess’s eyes. “More than you?”

“Even more than me,” she returned with a smile, “That’s how much you mean to her.”

Discord didn’t know what to say to that. She liked him even more than her own mentor, her own mother-figure? Perhaps he was worrying over nothing, and she would say yes no matter what, but better to be prepared, he thought.

“Thank you, Celestia. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m tired and want to go to sleep. It is almost eight o’clock, after all.”

“Very well, Discord. I sincerely hope that the next time we meet will be at the altar.”

Discord smiled widely at that, but it wasn’t long before Celestia left, and he passed out right where he was, not quite ready for the day ahead.

--- Thursday, August 14th, Year 1004 ---

Twilight was currently enjoying her dinner with Discord, and they were nearing the end of the meal. But he had been fidgety the entire evening, and she couldn’t help but wonder why. Was he not enjoying their date?

“Discord, is something wrong?”

Her words snapped Discord out of the current spell he was in, and he looked across the table at who he hoped was his fiance-to-be. “N-nothing. Just waiting for the wine.”

“But you don’t drink, Discord.”

“I thought I’d give it a try. You know, a toast to... our... relationship?” he finished lamely.

But it seemed Twilight bought it, and she returned to her spaghetti. After a few minutes, she finally finished, and it was time for the wine. The waiter arrived at their table, carrying a bottle of very expensive red wine, and he poured the two of them a glass. He left shortly after asking if the meal had been to their liking, and it was time for Discord to do his thing.

This is it, Discord thought, I love her so much. Please let her say yes...

He looked across at Twilight, who had yet to pick up her glass.

“Twilight, we’ve known each other for three years now, and they’ve been the best three years of my life. No matter what happened, I could depend on you, and you could depend on me. You could say we were meant to be together.”

Twilight was tearing up at his speech, which was good for him, as it meant she valued their relationship just as much.


What was that? thought Discord, Did she just say yes before I even asked?!

“I’ll marry you, Discord,” she said with a smile, snapping him out of his stupor.

“B-but I... I had a whole speech planned out!” yelled the incredibly confused draconequus.

“Yeah, but who needs to have a plan when you can have chaos instead?” Twilight replied seductively.

She jumped across the table after finishing her sentence and locked lips with Discord, kissing him passionately. After a few seconds, she pulled back away, blushing furiously.

“Sorry. That was a bit too much, wasn’t it?”

“Exactly how the wife of a chaotic mastermind should behave,” he joked, making her giggle.

Twilight pulled Discord in for a hug, and with one last look out a nearby window, he started to cry with joy. Needless to say, they never ended up drinking the wine.

Once again Celestia, it’s a good thing you were right...

Author's Notes:

Okay, so special thanks to Miss Dark Angel for having me add in the bits where he thinks to himself, and has his doubts. Also, I thought her accepting his proposal before he asked it was the perfect way to end it, so that's why it ends there. I might do a one-shot in the vein of the movie "Tangled" later where it's the day of the wedding and everything is going wrong, so let me know if you want to see that happen.

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