
Joke of the Dead

by The card holder

Chapter 3: Sin City

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Sin City

I know I said I wanted to make an entrance, but "plowing through some cars only to fall about ten feet from a missing piece of road onto the cluttered street before slamming sideways into a parked limo in front of some random casino" is a bit much even for my standards. Still, the car was still in one piece, and so was I, so I figured that it was time to get started. After grabbing a shotgun from the back, I opened the door to see a sizable amount of zombies heading towards me. Taking the initiative, I fired a few shells at them before heading into the building I expertly parked outside of.

Hey, I may be "batshit insane", as one guy told me shortly before he was mauled by about five of those undead freaks, but I'm not stupid. At least this way, I could funnel them all in one direction, and make it easier to paint the walls red.

This being a casino, there were plenty of slot machines and even a few buffets, although they were all empty of money and food. Damn looters. Even though I would've done the exact same thing. Still, I'm the one in the right here. Why?

Because I have a shotgun, and I'm still alive.

After locking all the doors but one in what looked like some kind of combination strip club and poker lounge, I went ahead and got ready for the train of zombies I had built up.

Oh, and it deserves mentioning that what was left of a military outpost or something was here. And by "what was left", I mean "a god damn machine gun with enough ammo to kill all of Vegas". Yeah, I probably should've mentioned that first.

Still, that's in the past. I live in the present, and that means tending to the undead hordes with my newly acquired toy.

And there they are. It's showtime.

Once the purple flashing that was Twilight's teleport faded away, her and Spike found themselves in a rather small, grimy, dark room. Twilight lit up her horn in order to create a light source, and the two of them started looking around.

"...I don't see any Poison Joke in here, Twilight. Are you sure you went to the right place?"

"Positive. I went to roughly the same place that I sent the Joke, so they should be around here somewhere..."

As they kept searching by the light of her horn, Spike soon found something worthwhile. "Hey, Twilight, look at this!"

The unicorn looked over at her assistant, who was pointing at a switch that was out of his reach. She used her magic to pull it, getting a large amount of sparks flying once it was pulled, causing both of them to jump backwards. Almost immediately, lights started coming on, and Twilight stopped her illumination.

On a panel near the switch that was pulled, several screens started coming on. A few showed empty hallways, while most of them contained images of several bipedal creatures stumbling about, heading in the same direction. This confused both Twilight and Spike, until they got to one of the last screens. It displayed another of the bipedal creatures standing on some sort of stage as the others seemed to be trying to reach it for some reason. They couldn't tell what that reason was, as the one on stage kept pointing a device of some kind at the others, causing them to either fall down in a puddle of blood or to have their limbs and flesh ripped off in a spray of red.

Naturally, both Twilight and Spike were horrified at this sight, though they still didn't know any of the context behind it.

"Uh, I think we should... go now, Twilight."

"Sorry, Spike, but I can't just teleport us back to Ponyville right now, those spells take quite a bit out of me. We'll just have to wait for a bit..."

Now, I don't know about you, but when I'm in the middle of a murdering death orgy of flying limbs and pints of blood, all of the lights in the building coming on at once seems rather strange to me. Yes, it means I can see things better, but it also means that someone else is in the building, and has turned on the power. Either that, or a zombie fell on top of the switch or something.

With this in mind, I decided to head off into the rest of the building to investigate the sudden appearance of light. Also, that machine gun ran out of bullets, so there was that.

Sadly, I had to leave the aforementioned weapon behind, as it was too heavy to comfortably run with, but at least it had served its purpose of murdering everything in a two mile radius. Sure, there were still zombies coming in, but they were tripping over the bodies of their brethren, which gave me plenty of time to go to the basement and find the door that a map on the wall said was where all the circuit breakers and stuff were. Naturally, the door was both locked and too reenforced to knock down easily. So I did the only thing that made sense to me.

I started knocking on it with the butt of my shotgun, repeatedly.

What? You try being polite when Mr. Zombie and his entire ancestry is trying to eat your face off at every turn.

Speaking of which, a few of them had shambled up to me by this point, only for me to use the contents of their heads to give the hallway a new paint job. Thankfully, the flood had slowed to a trickle, giving me ample time to reload my guns between zombies. Meanwhile, I kept knocking on the door.

"Hey, whoever's in there, would you kindly open the god damn door?"

Amidst the noise of me shooting and pumping my shotgun towards groaning undead, I heard what sounded like some chick and a little kid talking behind the door, although they were too quiet to make anything specific out. Eventually, the zombies stopped showing up, and I took the moment of rest to continue knocking on the door.

"Any time now, I already killed everything that isn't me!"

There was silence on the other end, before the voice of the girl answered with, "Killed what? What are those things?"

Now, I like to think that I'm good at thinking on my feet, both in combat and in conversation. However, when someone asks just what it was that was happening, it makes me nearly speechless. "Oh, you know, just those zombies that have been around for about, what? Three months now? Give or take?" My voice was dripping with sarcasm, but the girl didn't seem to catch it.

"What?! Three months?! Just where the hay are we?"

I was about to comment on the censored curse, but since I also heard what sounded like a little kid in there, I figured it was somewhat valid. "Look, we could play twenty questions here, or you could unlock the door and let me in, and we can have all sorts of fun explaining things that should be common knowledge to people who aren't dead."

There was more silence on the other side, followed by the door unlocking, or at least what I imagine that would sound like. 'Bout damn time. I opened the door while looking behind me, making sure nothing was sneaking up on me; I've seen those movies, I know how things go. "Well, now that I'm here, I can-"

Of course, I've never seen a movie where, after talking someone into opening a locked door, a purple unicorn and some big lizard were waiting on the other side. I just stood there for a bit before the unicorn opened her mouth and talked (That's right, talked). "Um, are you okay?"

Now, the end of the world is one thing. Zombies? Perfectly fine. But talking unicorns accompanied by giant lizards is where I draw the line of all sense. That doesn't mean I can't question it, though.

"Alright, I bite: What the flying fuck?" Next Chapter: Bloody Arrival Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes

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