
Loyalty is a Bitch

by DarkWing
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Here's a quick recap of the last few hours: watched my dog play, heard a scream then a huge splash in my pool, took a quick dive to save the chick in it, and then I got a bloody nose and let her stay here. Why did I have to get stuck with worst
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So there I was, just minding my own business, watching my dog play outside when it happened. I hear a scream, then a splash in my pool, and then I find myself saving a naked, unconscious, rainbow-haired chick. Then she wakes up and I find my nose to be bleeding thanks to her. She keeps yelling at me, threatening to kick my ass, claiming her name is Rainbow Dash. After a very quick apology, she says that she needs to stay somewhere while she waits for her friends to get her back home. Being the idiot I am, I say yes. Of course, that only leaves me with one question. One that will haunt me for who knows how long.

Why did I have to get stuck with worst pony?

On Hiatus

8,059 words: Estimated 33 Minutes to read: [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. Prologue - "Splash Zone" [Cache] Jan 25th, 2013
  2. Chapter 1 - "Let the Games Begin" [Cache] Jan 30th, 2013
Published Jan 30th, 2013


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