

by canonkiller

Chapter 10: Ebony Opals

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...Dear mother, oh father,
how could you leave me alone to starve?
Dear sister, oh brother,
save me from a love that went too far...

Coronus's head throbbed with the song. He couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

He couldn't remember anything.

His paws were moving, forward, mostly, towards the stairs. Down, down each one. Past the counters. Out the door.

Everything was a black kind of spectrum in colour.

Across the road. Down the road. Past a stand of apples. Past a restraunt. Past the Hall. On the grass.

Why did everything look so vividly dull?

Over the grass. Past a pond. Into a forest. Around a tree. Back out of the forest. Back into the grass.

Everything... everything hurt...

...I'm sorry, so sorry,
for all the pain that I have caused,
I'm sorry, so sorry,
For everything I have done wrong...

The song hurt Fluttershy's ears as she charged into the wall again. The giant dome hit Ponyville in a layer of thick fog. Rainbow Dash had tested it for flaws. There were none.

She charged it again, Coronus's unconcious mind-speak ringing in her ears. Her son was in there. Her son needed her.

And yet again, she wasn't there for him.

She had never been there for him.

... But this thing that grows inside me
I know it's far too late
To break down and beg for peace,
In hope that this darkening shroud will break...

Toothless howled in pain, forehead pressed against the dome. He could feel the magic eminating from the dome. He had seen ponies... they must have gotten out of the town. Somehow, they must have known something was going to happen.

Moaning, he dragged his claws down the wall. It rippled around them like a balloon, keeping him out effectively.

Raven was beside him, chanting spells to try and keep the voice out of her head. The noise burned at her memories, at her willpower.

And for once in his life, Liponite felt powerless.

Coronus's heart was breaking.

...Oh mother, dear father,
how could you leave me alone to starve?
Oh sister, dear brother,
save me from a love that went too far...

Twilight Sparkle groaned as the last echoes of the song faded away. Ditzy was leading, taking them out of danger. How had she known?

Rarity was beside her, crying quietly. Spike was napping on Twilight's back. Pinkie's face was still dark, and Applejack had vanished to go and comfort Applebloom. Somewhere in this mass of ponies, patients were being pushed on gurneys, over terrible ruts and holes. Somewhere in the crowd, a young Sweetie Belle cried out for her mother, losing her in the sea of legs.

Everywhere, hearts were breaking.

...I wish I knew what I had done
Before the shadow grew inside me
I wish I knew what I had done
Before there was more than what I could see...

Yelling in anger and frustration, Rainbow Dash pounded against the roof of the dome. There had to be a weak spot.

Tears running down her face, she kicked again and again and again...

Her heart beat fast as adrenaline rushed through her veins. The dome quivered, shining white beams lancing out from where she was kicking. Eyes blurred with tears, she couldn't see.

Kicking again and again and again...

The dome broke, peices dissovling before they hit the ground. All four creatures nearby fell inwards, shocked.

The haunting song tore through their minds as they ran closer to the town.

Coronus needed them.

...When did this really begin?
Back when the sky was born?
Life decided before my birth,
Why am I the one that’s hurt?...

Coronus sagged under the pressure. The dome... his dome...

As the magicked dust fell down like rain, another part of him felt like it had been ripped out. His heart was gaping open, ready for the killing blow.

His ponies were fading with the dome, the dust under their hooves untouched, their voices drowned out by the roaring in his head. His hearts were racing. His entire body was wracked with pain.

He staying lying on his side for what seemed like years.

It hurt, vaguely. But it was like thinking about someone else's pain. It was there. But it was indistinct.

Coronus closed his eyes. His ebony scales shimmered once before turning as dull as the pebbles on the path.

...Dear mother, dear father,
How did you let this get this far?
Dear sister, dear brother,
You are hope, my shining star...

Fluttershy and Toothless both noticed the song fading.

Running forward, elegant grace thrown away in the place of pure speed. Dust flew.

Coronus, lying on the ground. The song dying, leaving, breaking...

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...

Coronus's body darkened, his own magic turning rough, from silk to sandpaper.

He struggled free of his mother's grasp, out of his father's reach, almond eyes shut tight.

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...

He opened his eyes, whiter than snow, blazing against his black body. His form was blurring, scales wipsing smoke, form vanishing under the magicked hold.

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...

The young dragon folded back to his knees, and his scales turned brilliant white a giant pulse eminating from his core, the ground around him breaking, buildings falling, white sparks leaping and scurrying over the ground like rats.

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...

The light growing, drawing in rubble, seeming to grab objects and pull them to it's center. Toothless was enveloped with Fluttershy by his side.

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...

Rainbow and Raven fear coursing through their bodies as they flew in to rescue their friends.

A heartbeat... a heartbeat...





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