
Stealing a Heart of Gold

by Silentpegasus

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Shield woke up to find himself in home covered in darkness, he knew this place. He heard crying coming from inside the house, Shield trotted inside and started to search for the source of the sobbing. When he entered the kitchen he saw two ponies laying on the floor blood was splattered all over the place. He heard the sobbing come from the pantry, as he opened it a small colt screamed and ran over to his parent’s lifeless bodies, the little colt walked over to the dead stallion and started to tug at his hoof.

“C’mon dad.....please wake up.” he said fighting through the sobs. “Mom.....please this isn’t funny........wake up.......” the colt started to break down and cry. Shield walked over to the colt and put a hoof on his shoulder, the colt looked up at him with tear soaked eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Shield said as he looked down at the colt. The small pony then fainted, Shield felt himself being pulled out of the dream, the last thing he saw was the small colt sobbing in a pool of his parent’s blood.

Shield woke up in a cold sweat, his eyes were fully dilated. He looked to his right to see Rarity glaring at him with a worried look on her face.

“Shield are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bad dream.” he said as he got out of bed and trotted towards the door. Rarity stopped him with her hoof on his shoulder.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to talk-”

“I said I’m fine.” he said in a harsh tone. The two ponies trotted down stairs to see Sweetie Belle waiting for them at the door. “Hey Sweetie Belle ready to go?”

“You bet!” Rarity looked at the two in confusion.

“Ready to go where?”

“Shield said he’d help Scootaloo, Applebloom and I get our Cutie Marks.”

“Really? Well that’s awfully nice of you......have a good time and please be careful.” she said Shield gave her a reassuring nod and trotted out of the door with Sweetie Belle by his side. Rarity closed the door behind them and trotted back upstairs.

Shield and Sweetie Belle trotted through the quiet town, as they walked Sweetie Belle looked at him with a sad look.

“Hey Shield about what I said last night, do you think that Scootaloo is-”

“I have hunch, but I need to confirm a few things before I do anything, I think that you should let Applebloom know that you told me.” after he said that a small yellow filly trotted up to them.

“Hey guys what’re you two talking about?” Shield then gave a slight nudge to Sweetie Belle.

“Um Applebloom, I told Shield about Scootaloo and-”


“I know but I’m just worried about her and if sometimes you need to break a promise in order to help some-pony!” she said as she glared back at the small filly.

“Sweetie Belle did the right thing telling me and I promised her I would get to the bottom of this.” he said as he looked at the two ponies, they were interrupted by a four pegasi lugging a chariot filled with small ponies stopping in front of them, soon a group of foals exited the chariot along with a familiar orange pegasus filly.

“Hey guys what’s up?” she said with a grin.

“Nothing!” Sweetie Belle barked with a nervous look on her face. Scootaloo was about to protest but was cut off by her stomach growling.

“Did you eat breakfast?” Shield asked.

“No, I usually skip it. I’m fine though.”

“Well if you guys want me to help you you’re gonna need breakfast. C’mon my treat.” he said as the three fillies followed him into town. They trotted into Sugar Cube Corner and sat down in a booth. Mr Cake came over and gave them his usual greeting, Shield ordered an egg with some black coffee, the others ordered pancakes. As they ate Sweetie Belle nudged him and pointed to a maroon earth pony mare. Shield gave the filly a wink and trotted over to the mare.

“Hello ma’am I’m Shinning Shield and-”

“Oh your the new Inspector correct?” she said with a smile.

“Yes and I hate to ask this but-”

“I’m Cherilee I’m the school teacher.’

“So I’ve heard and I need you to-”

“How can I help you inspector?” she said as Shield gave her a blank look.

“If you’d stop interrupting me I’ll tell you.” he said in an annoyed tone. The mare then shut her mouth. “Thank you, and you can help me by giving me access to the student personnel files.” the mare looked back at him with a surprised look on her face.

“Why do you need those?”

“I have reason to believe that one of your student’s may be being abused.” Cherilee put a hoof to her mouth in surprise. “I need those files so I can continue my investigation.”

“Of corse. I’ll give them to you this afternoon, where can I find you?” Shield scratched his head.

“I’ll be in the park all day.” Cherilee nodded in agreement. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell any-pony about this, at least not until I have more info.”

“Of corse, I will do anything to protect my students, but might I ask who it is?”

“Sorry Cherilee, classified. Plus it’s just a theory right now, but I’ll keep you up to date if I find anything.”

“Thank you and could I ask you for a favor?” she said with a weak grin.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I was wondering if you and your partner could come to the school one day and talk to the children about how it feels to be an inspector.” Shield scratched his mane at the thought.

“Sure I can do that, I just need to clear it with my partner.” he looked over at the door to see Comet and Roseluck enter the bakery. “Speak of the devil, I’ll go ask her now. Hey Comet, c’mere a minute.” the green unicorn trotted over to him with a smile on her face.

“Yeah what’s up?”

“Two things, Cherilee here want’s us to give a demonstration for the kids at school one day, that okay with you?”

“Yeah sure no problem. What’s the second thing?”

“I want you to go see Twilight and see if she has a cloud walking spell.” he said in a stern tone.

“Um...okay? Why?”

“Might need it one day. Thanks for the files Cherilee, I’ll see you at the park.” Cherilee got to her hooves, and trotted out the door. Comet looked back at Shield with a confused look on her face.

“What was that about?” she asked in frustration, Shield drew the mare close and began whispering into her ear. “Uh-huh.........okay..........WHAT!..........fine I’ll keep quiet about it.”

“Good, and remember don’t tell any-pony, last thing I need is for him or her to skip town.”

“Fine, but who is it?”

“Sorry can’t tell you at least not yet, I need more evidence.” she looked back at him with a cold stare.. “Okay how about this, if they turn out be an abusive parent you can cuff them.” Comet dropped her jaw in shock.


“Yeah, you need some arrests on your record anyway.”

“Deal!” she said as she returned to her mare friend, Shield returned to the three fillies who had a confused look on their faces.

“What did Ms. Cherilee want?” Scootaloo asked.

“She wanted me and Comet to give a demonstration at school one day.” he said with a grin.

“Oh that’s cool. So should we get started?” Scootaloo asked.

“Let’s head to the park, more open spaces.” the four ponies got up, paid their bill and walked out into the sunny street’s of Ponyville. “So what do you three usually-” he was cut off by a grey pegasus mare with a blond mane and of centered eyes carrying a mail bag stopping in front of him.

“Hey are you Inspector Shield?” she asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“I’ve got a packaged for you.” she then withdrew a chocolate chip muffin and handed it to the dark stallion.

“What up with the muffin?” he said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Oops sorry. Here’s your package.” she then withdrew a brown wrapped box tied with a string of twine. Shield handed the muffin back to the mare and took the package from the mare and proceeded to unwrap it. A smile crept across his face.

“Alright it’s the Cutie Mark book.” he said as he balanced it in his back, he gave the mare a tip and looked back at the fillies who had huge smiles spread across their faces. The four ponies hurried to the park and opened the large book. “Okay let’s see here....Cutie Marks represent a ponies special talent....Oh come on!”

“What does it say?” Applebloom asked.

“There is no known way to earn a Cutie Mark, it will come when the pony discovers their special talent and no sooner.” he said as he closed the book, the three fillies looked down in disappointment. “Sorry girls, I don’t know what to say.” he said in a low tone.

“That’s okay. We’ll just keep trying till we get them.” Applebloom said with a smile.

“Glad your optimistic.” he said with a grin.

“Hey, why don’t you tell us how you got your Cutie Mark? Might help us in getting ours.” they looked at his side to see a white shield shaped Cutie Mark with a red star in the center. Shields eyes shrank at the suggestion, he could feel his heart rate increase and a small feeling of fear crept over him.

“I-I don’t remember how I got mine, It was just there one day.” he said in a low tone.

“Oh that’s too bad I alway wondered how an officer would-” they were cut off by a cyan and Rainbow blur flying up to them.

“Hey Shield, what are you doing with the CMC?” she asked with a cocky grin.

“Helping us get our Cutie Marks.” Scootaloo said as Cherilee came trotting up to them. “Hey Ms. Cherilee, what are you doing out here?”

“Hello girls I’m just...” she looked over at Shield who glared back at her. “I’m just giving him our schedule for next week so that he can tell me when he’s going to give the demonstration.” she said with a smile, Shield nodded and trotted over to the mare and took the files from her.

“Cherilee can you watch the girls for a while? I need to check something, I’ll be back in five minutes. Maybe take another look at that book, maybe I missed something.”

“Sure, I don’t mind. C’mon girls follow me.” the maroon mare said as she trotted over to the three fillies. Shield trotted away from the group and found a tree to sit under, he began looking through the files, he breezed through Sweetie Belle and Applebloom’s files with ease. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon needed to have an attitude adjustment. He stopped when he came across the prize he sought, he opened the file praying the he was wrong.

Name: Scootaloo

Mother: Star Gazer

Family: Only child, Both parent’s deceased.

Status: Deceased due to complications in child birth.

Father: Cloud Shocker

Family: Only child, Both parent’s deceased.

Status: Alive.

Occupation: Weather factory worker.

Record: Violent, Callas, Prone to mood swings, Recovering Alcoholic, possible resentment towards child for mothers death.

“Dear Luna, this guys a perfect candidate.” he said as he closed the file

“For what?” Shield jumped in surprise to see Rainbow sitting in the branch above him. “That doesn’t look like a schedule to me, what is that?”

“Rainbow, don’t bother me I’m working.” he said as he glared at the mare.

“Well excuse me! I was just curious and what is that thing?”

“Police business, I couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to.” he said as he slipped slipped the file into his saddle bag. “What are you doing here any way?”

“I alway take a nap in the park.” she said as she hopped out of the tree and landed next to the dark pegasus. “Why are you helping the CMC anyway, did they use that sad eyes look on you?” she asked.

“They tried, but I’m immune to that look.” he said with a grin.

“Seriously? no pony can resist that look.”

“I got that look ten times a day from juvenile delinquents, you build up an immunity to it after a while.” Rainbow nodded and the two continued walking back to the group. “Hey Rainbow can I ask you something?”

“Sure what’s up?” she said as she looked back at the dark stallion.

“What’s your overall opinion of Scootaloo?”

“Scoot? She’s an okay kid; she’s bold, hard headed and a little cocky. I guess she’s a lot like me when I was her age. Why?”

“She looks up to you Rainbow.”

“Well yeah, who doesn’t?” she said in a cocky attitude.

“Well for one, me. And that’s not what I’m talking about, Scootaloo looks up to you like a big sister. I guess my question is do you feel the same?” Rainbow looked back at him with a surprised look on her face.

“Um.....I....Look Scoot is a friend of mine and I’d do almost anything for her, but I still don’t see what your asking.” Shield face hoofed and let out a heavy sigh.

“Okay, let’s talk hypothetically here. Say Scootaloo’s folks were out of town for a few weeks, would you offer her a place to crash?”

“Of corse! If she’s ever in a jam she can come to me for anything!” she said in a proud tone.

“Good to know.” he said with a smile.

“Why did you want to know?” she asked.

“Just curious I guess, considering I don’t know you that well.”

“Well I can say the same thing about you. I mean we know nothing about you, aside from your police record.”

“True, but that’s all I want every-pony to know about me.” he said in a cold tone.


“Ponies who get close to me always end up getting hurt or worse.”

“So you don’t let any-pony get close to you?”

“If you have some-pony you want to protect then keep them at a distance.”

“That’s crazy!”

“Call it what you want but I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.”


“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” he said with a cold look in his eye.

“Oh trust me I do!”

“No you don’t!” he said as ah stared at the mare.

“Either tell me something I don’t know about you or I’ll tell Scoot that you were looking at her file.” she said with an evil grin.

“And if you do that then I’ll arrest you for interfering with police business.” he said in a harsh tone, Rainbow cringed back at the thought.

“You wouldn’t do that to me!” she said as she pressed her forehead against his.

“I’m a cop first and a friend second so don’t think that I won’t throw your cyan colored flank in a cell!” he said with a harsh glare which caused the mare to cringe back. “But, I suppose I’m not that mean. So you can ask me one question and I’ll answer it with full honesty.” Rainbow let out a sigh of relief and took a moment to collect her thought’s

“Okay heres one. Why did you really become a police officer?”

“Like I said I’m carrying on-”

“I don’t buy that. I think that there’s some other reason that you’re a cop.”


“I don’t know but I know that you know.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yes you do! You’re hiding something.” she said as she glared at the dark pegasus.

“Believe what you want, but I’m telling you now that I’m only following the hoof-steps of my father and his father.” he pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. “Sorry Rainbow I gotta get back to the CMC. See ya round.” he said as he galloped back to the small fillies. As he made his way back his mind was plagued by memories of the past, he was so deep in thought he didn’t notice that he had almost walked past the group. “Hey girls sorry that took so long.”

“Oh hey Shield!” Sweetie Belle said with a grin, the three fillies trotted over to him with a smile on their faces. He looked over to see a worn out Cherilee. “Sorry Cherilee It took me longer than expected.”

“Did you find anything of interest?” she said in a blank tone.

“Yes.” he said as the mare who was obviously holding back tears.

“Oh....I see.......well I’d best get going, I’ll see you girls on Monday.” she said as she galloped out of the park and back into the street. Shield looked back at the fillies as he realized how late it was getting. “C’mon girls it’s getting late.” Scootaloo then ran up to him with a worried look on her face.

“What time is it!?” she asked as Shield pulled out his pocket watch.

“5:15 pm. Why?” tears started to form in her eyes. “Scootaloo what’s wrong?”

“My dad is going to kill me if I’m late again and I’ve already missed the Chariot back to Cloudsdale.” she said with a sad tone.

“How about I give you a lift.” the orange pegasus looked up at him with amazement.


“Sure I don’t mind, just give me a second.” he trotted over to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. “Hey girls listen I’m gonna give Scootaloo here a lift home, can you two walk home by yourself?” the two fillies nodded with a smile on there faces. “Okay, I suggest you hop to it it’s getting dark out here.” the two fillies looked at each other and hurried out of the park.

“Okay let’s go!” Scootaloo said as she climbed onto the stallions back and wrapped her hooves around his neck.

“Hang on.” he said as he took flight, he could feel the filly’s grip begin to tighten as they ascended through the clouds. “So where do you live?”

“12, cumulous lane.”

“Okay, so it’s you and your parent’s? “

“No, just my dad and me.”

“Oh....sorry, what does he do?”

“He works in the weather factory.”

“That sounds nice, you two get along?” he looked back to see the filly have a sad look on her face.


“You two ever have fight’s?”

“Only once in a while, we have out arguments....what family doesn’t? I’m sure you had fight’s with your parent’s right?” she said as she looked back to the dark pegasus.

“No.....I never did.”

“Really? Why?”

“They died when I was young.” the orange filly felt the smile leave her face.

“Oh.....I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s fine Scoots, it happened a long time ago.” he said as he grinned back at the small filly. Shield stopped in front of an old building that bore the address Scootaloo gave him. “This the place?”

“Yeah...thanks Shield I can take it from here.” she said as she hopped off his back.

“Well I don’t mind walking you to the door.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why’s that?”

“My dad doesn’t like cops.” Shield raised an eyebrow at this new information.

“Well we don’t have to tell him I’m one now do we?”

“I guess not. But I still don’t think that-” she was cut off by the dark stallion trotting towards the door, he paused for a moment to let Scootaloo catch up with him he noticed the nervous look on the fillies face. He pulled out a small orange crystal and handed it to the filly. “What’s this thing?”

“A good luck crystal, I remember reading somewhere that they bring good luck, might help you with your crusading.” the fillies eyes boggled at the crystal.

“Thanks!” she said as Shield knocked on the door, the two waited a few moment’s until the door opened to reveal a grey pegasus stallion with a purple mane.

‘What do you want?” his breath stank of alcohol and vomit.

“You must be Scootaloo’s father correct?” he said as he threw on a fake smile and outstretched his hoof.

“Yeah, what about it? Did she break something?” he then turned his attention to the frightened pegasus filly. “What did you do!?”

“Nothing dad I was just-”

“Can it!” he bellowed.

“Sir please calm down, I’m just the new chariot driver and I was just making sure that I got the right address.” he said with a smile.

“Another one of you guys? Jeez they must breed you guys like rabbit’s.”

“Quite right, well nice meeting you sir. I’ll see you later Scootaloo.” he said still holding the smile. As Scootaloo trotted inside she turned one last time to look at the dark stallion before her father closed the door. Shield could have sworn he saw the filly mouth the words ‘help me.’

Back inside Scootaloo ran up to her room and locked the door behind her, jumped onto her ‘bed’ and began to cry. Her bed was just a mattress on the floor without a box spring or covers, she pulled out the small orange crystal and held it in her hooves. Scootaloo looked out the window and saw that it began to rain, she then heard her father yelling and started to pound on her door. Scootaloo looked in horror as the stallion broke down her door, he had an angry look on his face.


“He’s no one dad! He’s just the carriage driver that’s-” she was cut off by the stallion striking her face. He then proceeded to grab her by the mane and punch her in the face. The force was enough for her mane to rip in the stallion’s grip. Scootaloo began to wail in pain as the stallion continued to beat her, he let go of her and threw her against the wall the stallion hoof cuffed her to the radiator and left the room. Scootaloo tried to get to her hooves, but found no strength left in her body, as she looked over to her cuffed hoof she realized that she was still holding the orange crystal that Shield had given her. she held it close to her, as she looked out the window she could have sworn she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her a sudden flash of lightning confirmed her suspicion as she saw the outline of a pegasus flying away form the house.


Back in Ponyville Comet and Rose had just finished dinner and were sitting together on the couch reading, the two mares suddenly heard three hard knocks at the door. Rose got to her hooves and trotted over to the door. She opened it to reveal an infuriated black pegasus stallion with vibrant red eyes staring at her.

“Hey Shield what’s up?”

“Is Comet home?” he said in a harsh tone.

“Yeah, would you like to come in and-”

“No. COMET!” he bellowed. The green unicorn trotted over with a surprised look on her face.

“Yeah what?”

“Get that cloud walking spell from Twilight?” he asked.

“Yeah why? What;s going on?”

“We’re going to Cloudsdale to save a filly’s life!” Comet’s eyes shrank at the sudden realization. After she had gotten her coat on and said goodbye to Rose the two trotted over to the transportation center and rented a single pegasi chariot. The two then dashed off into the cold dark sky praying that they weren’t too late.

Author's Notes:

Oh my god! I hate myself for writting that Scootaloo bit.:fluttercry:
I'm sorry Scoot's, your my favorite Crusader.:raritycry:

Next Chapter: Chapter 7 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
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