
Stealing a Heart of Gold

by Silentpegasus

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Shinning Shield awoke to find his front hooves chained to the a back wall, he moved his wings and a wave of pain washed over him. He looked back to see his wings, bloodied and being held by hooks. Shield looked ahead to see a griffin snickering at his situation. The griffin pulled on a lever, Shield felt the chains starting to pull his wings. He let out a cry of pure agony, he started to cough up blood as he was lifted off the ground by his wings. The griffin let the lever fall sending the dark pegasus falling to the ground, Shield laid there motionless as the griffin walked in front of him and yanked him to eye level by his mane.

“So this is the Phantasm of Manehattan? What a joke.” Shield spat blood in the griffin’s face, the griffin kicked him in the stomach and wiped the blood off his face. Shield face then connected with the griffin’s fist, he could feel hid bones break, he looked up to see the griffin reach for a small box with a red an black clamp on each end. “You’re tough, I’ll give you that, but here is where the fun begins.” he attached the clamps to the chains and threw the switch on the small box. Shield felt thousands of volts of electricity start to rip through his body. His muscles contracted in pain, he screamed out in agony. The griffin shut the machine off and smiled at him, he walked up to him with a knife drawn, he opened the blade, it was rust and serrated. The griffin pressed it against Shields skin and began to slide it across his coat, Shield yelled in pain as his black coat was soon dyed blood red. The griffin went back to the black box and threw the switch again another wave of pain coursed through his body, he shut his eyes trying to bear the pain.

When he opened them again he was looking up at a moving white ceiling with a tan unicorn doctor looking down at him. Shield tried to get up but was held down by a pair of white hooves, he looked over to his side to see nurse Red Heart holding him down.

“Easy inspector, you’re safe now. Prep the O.R.! Knife wound to right side accompanied by severe burn!” the doctor said as they entered a room with surgeons waiting for him. Shield regulated his breathing and laid back into the bed, the doctor’s applied anesthetic and he lost consciousness.

Outside Comet, Roseluck, Rarity and her friends were waiting in the lobby of Ponyville hospital with worry in their eyes. Rainbow was comforting the white unicorn as she sobbed. Soon the doctor returned with the surgeon who had blood splattered on his scrubs.

“You’re all here for Inspector Shield?” the group hurried over to him and nodded.

“Yes! How is he?” Rarity said with tears in her eyes.

“He’s going to be fine, we had to reopen the wound in order to get a piece of the knife out.” the ponies breathed a sigh of relief.

“Can we see him?” Rainbow asked.

“He’ll be asleep for sometime, it took 150cc’s of anesthetic to get him under control.” he said as he led them to Shield’s room. The ponies entered the room to see their dark friend laying in a hospital bed hooked up to a heart monitor and I.V. drip. Rarity trotted over to his side and put a hoof on his, tears started to pour down her face. Rainbow trotted over and put a hoof on her friends shoulder. Soon a cream colored mare with a grey mane came rocketing into the room with a red book on her back.

“Comet, I came as soon as I heard how is he?” the mayor asked.

“The doctor said he’s going to be fine mayor. He’s sleeping now.”

“That’s a relief.” Twilight then eyed the book balanced on her back.

“What’s that book for?”

“This is his police file.” Twilight levitated the file and began to read it.

“That thing is a file? It looks like a full novel!” Comet yelled. Twilight began to skim the pages.

“Wow listen to this, youngest stallion ever to be accepted into the Police academy, member of the A.P.U. and spent Six months undercover in a Manehattan maximum security prison.”

“What’s the A.P.U.?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s the Ariel Pursuit Unit.” Rainbow said. “Only the best of the best get selected to be part of that group.” the ponies looked at Shield with amazement. “What else does it say?”

“Um.....over 300 arrests, earned key to the city for outstanding police work....that’s weird.” Twilight said as she stared at the page

“What’s weird Twilight?” Comet asked.

“ ‘Operation Black Cloud’ it says the name, but everything else is blacked out.” Twilight levitated the book to show the page she was on, like she said only the title showed. The rest was crossed out with thick black ink. “In fact there are quite a few cases in here like that, I can’t seem to get anything out of them.” Twilight closed the book and looked back at Rarity who was still holding the pegasus’s hoof. The group was interrupted by the nurse coming inside.

“I’m sorry ladies but visiting hours are up. You can come back tomorrow and check on him then.” the group of ponies left the room, Rarity stayed behind for a quick moment and gave Shield a quick kiss on the lips. She turned around to see Applejack and Rainbow grinning back at her.


“You don’t need to say anything sugar cube. Ah get it.”

“Yeah, Shield is an awesome stallion.” Rainbow added

“Can you two please-”

“We won’t say a word hun, will we Rainbow?” Applejack said as she nudged the cyan mare.

“Fine. I won’t say anything.” Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes.

“Thank you.”

“So when are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know, I need to find the right time.”

“How about tomorrow?” AJ asked.

“Sure, but-”

“How about we help you out?” Rainbow asked

“R-really you two would do that?”

“Sure we would hun. What’re friends for?” AJ said as the mares trotted out of the room. The three mares trotted out of the hospital and headed home, as Rarity opened the door to her boutique she saw Sweetie Belle sitting on the couch with a sad look on her face, the small filly rushed over to her sister.

“Rarity! I heard that Shield was hurt! Is he okay?”

“Yes, he’s going to be fine. Shield is just sleeping now.” Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief and hugged her sister.

“Good, I like Shield.” Sweetie Belled said as she looked up at Rarity, who put a hoof on the fillies head.

“Me too Sweetie, me too. C’mon it’s time for bed.” she said as she began to trot upstairs with her sister. The fashionista tucked her little sister into bed and soon made her way to her own room, Rarity started to apply her curlers and facial mask, she laid down to rest. Soon sleep took her.

Comet Shooter woke up in the early hours of the morning. She looked over to see her mare-friend sound asleep. Comet walked over to the kitchen and began to make herself some coffee, she was soon joined by a very tired Rose, she smiled and walked over and sat down at the table.

“Morning, how’d you sleep?” Rose asked in a cheery tone.

“Lousy, I’m going to see how Shield is doing, want to come along?”

“Sure, it’ll be a while before I open the shop anyways.” the two mares left their house and proceeded towards the hospital, on the way there Rose tried to start up a conversation but Comet wasn’t in the mood for talking as they entered the hospital lobby they saw Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash waiting.

“Howdy Comet, here to see Shield?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, same for you three?”

“Well that and we’re here to give Rarity moral support.” Rainbow said as the white mare blushed. Soon the doctor came out and looked at the group of mares.

“Are all of you here to see Shinning Shield?” the mares nodded. “Then you’d better come with me.” the mares shot each other a worried look and followed the doctor outside of Shields room. He stopped and look back at the mares. “Before I let you see him there’s something we need to do.”

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked.

“Find him.” the doctor opened the door to reveal an empty hospital bed, an I.V. Drip disconnected and an open window. “We believe he took off early this morning, but his whereabouts are unknown.”

“Is he in any danger?” Rarity asked.

“His would is closed and almost healed, but, if he exerts himself too much then the wound could re-open.” the group of mares had an expression of worry on their faces.

“So we’d better find him quickly!” Rose yelled.

“Okay, I’ll take the skies, Rose and Rarity will check up-town. AJ check downtown and Comet head to the station, get out a notice.” Rainbow said as she faced the window.

“Got it!” The mares yelled, Rainbow rocketed out of the window and into the sky. The other mares galloped out of the hospital and into the quiet town. Comet made her way to the station, she was surprised to find it unlocked. She made her way down to the locker room to see a black pegasus stallion with a bandage on his right side.

“Morning Comet.” he said in a flat tone.

“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, you left the hospital!” she yelled.

“Yeah, so?”

“So?! So you’re injured and almost died!”

“I’ve been through worst.” he said as he trotted past the mare and into the weight room. He trotted over to the weight bench he laid down and began to lift the bar, Comet came over and began to press the bar down on top of him.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting my morning work out.”

“Not with that wound you’re not!” Shield let out a heavy sigh.

“Look Comet I appreciate the concern but it’s not that bad. I’m fine.” Shield lifted the bar with a quick jerking motion sending the the mare flying off of him. He then trotted out the door onto the the track, Comet chased after him until Shield took flight, as he did the bandage came off revealing a burned closed wound. Shield felt the wind whisking past him as he flapped his wings and soared through the sky. As he shot through the clouds he saw a familiar cyan/rainbow blur come up next to him. He looked over to see a pair of frowning magenta eyes glaring at him. “Morning Rainbow, what’s up?”

“What are you doing out here?!” she yelled.

“Flying, duh.” he said in a flat tone.

“I mean out of the hospital, you got stabbed for Luna’s sake!’

“You sound like Comet. Relax I’m fine....watch.” Shield zoomed ahead and did three summer salts in mid air, Shield returned next to the mare with a blank look on his face. “See.” Rainbow stared at him and let out a heavy sigh.

“You up for a race?” Rainbow asked.

“You’re on! Where to?”

“From one end of town to the other.” Shield nodded and the two stopped on a nearby cloud to get ready for take off. Shield cracked his neck and wings as he got in position. “3......2,1-”

“GO!” Shield yelled as he rocketed ahead of the mare, he saw Rainbow starting to gain on him, he started to descend at an alarming rate, he stopped five feet above the ground and started to fly through the quiet street with Rainbow in hot pursuit. Shield flew into a narrow alley and started to zig-zag through the street’s he looked back to see that Rainbow was hot on his hoofs. He did a few quick maneuvers and exited out of the alley and into the street’s of Ponyville, he saw the edge of town and shot towards his goal, he heard a small crash and turned around to see Rainbow fumbling out of a garbage can, Shield gave her a quick laugh. “C’mon Rainbow you’d better keep up!” Shield said as he rocketed towards the edge of town Shield felt Rainbow coming up behind him, he looked ahead to see his vision clouded by orange fur. He slammed into tho object and slid into the ground. His vision became dizzy, as he got to his hooves he realized he had run into Applejack. The orange mare got to her hooves and began to yell.

“Gosh darn it Rainbow! How many times have ah told-” she then saw the dark stallion getting to his hooves. “Shield! What’re you doing here!?” she bellowed.

“Well I was winning.” he said as he looked over to the cyan mare who still had a rotten banana peel on top of her head.

“Ah mean why aren’t you in the hospital?”

“Oh that, I decided to check out early to get to work, then I ran into Rainbow and one thing led to another. Sorry for flying into you by the way.”

“Ah’m fine, I get hit by Rainbow’s fly-by’s three times a month. But you shouldn’t be out here you’re injured.” Gear let out a small grumble as Rarity, Rose and Comet came to his side.

“Shield there you are! Are you alright?” Rarity yelled.

“Ugh! Look, ladies I know it looks bad but trust me, I’m fine.” Comet then stepped forward.

“Listen Shield you may be some ex flight specialist but-”

“Oh, so you read my file?”

“We all did, only the parts that were readable though. There were some blacked out portions.” Rarity added.

“Glad to see my editing didn’t go to waste.” the mares stared back at him in astonishment.

“You blacked those files out!” Shield nodded. “Why!” Rainbow yelled.

“Trust me those cases weren’t pretty and I didn’t want them following me around for the rest of my life.” he said as he stretched his wings.

“What ever, let’s drop it for now.” Comet said in an annoyed tone. “The point is you shouldn’t be flying around wounded.”

“Comet calm down! It’s just a knife wound, I’ve been through way worse than this.”

“Like what?” Rarity asked. Shield’s eyes shrank at the question.

“We should get back to the station, it’s almost time for out shift to start.” he said as he trotted past the mares. Comet looked back at the group with a concerned look in her eye, she then chased after him. Rose left the group to open up her shop on the other side of town. Rainbow looked at Rarity who had a look of worry on her face.

“Wow Rarity you sure know how to pick em.” Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes. AJ then slugged Rainbow in the arm.

“Rainbow, don’t be rude. Shield obviously has some skeleton’s in the closet. I’m sure we all do,” Rarity said regaining her composure.

“Yeah, ah guess you have a point, but we shouldn’t just forget about it.” Applejack said as she looked at the two mares. “I’ll see you gals later ah gotta get back to the farm.” she said as she trotted back through town. Rainbow then flew away leaving Rarity in the street. Reluctantly she made her way back to the boutique and began to work on anew design. The day went by slowly, she didn’t have many customers. Around noon she heard the door to the boutique open followed by a loud grunt. She left to investigate, she was surprised to see the black pegasus stallion standing in the foyer with an angered look on his face.

“Shield? What’s wrong?” Rarity said as she walked up to him

“The pigs just gave me R&R.” in an angry voice.


“The captain gave me a week of relaxation period to get over my injuries. I can’t work for a week!”

“Well maybe that’s a good thing.”

“Rarity I’m a cop. I’m supposed to put ponies behind bars, If I can’t do that then what am I supposed to do?” he said as he sat down on the couch with a huff.

“Well...do you have any hobbies?”


“Favorite sport?”


“Mare friend?” Rarity blushed at the question.

“No.” Rarity let out a small grin at the information.

“What about-”

“I don’t have anything besides my work.” he said as he let out a grunt and rubbed his right shoulder.

“Something wrong dear?”

“When I flew into Applejack this morning I think I may have twisted something, doesn't hurt to bad but it’a nuisance.” he said as he looked back at the grinning mare.

“Well, your in luck today is the day that Fluttershy and I got to the spa. I insist that you join us.”

“I don’t like spa’s.” he said flatly.

“The two ponies who own the shop are well trained masseuses and will gladly help with that pain in your shoulder.” Rarity said as she looked at him with a pleading look in her eyes.

“Fine, I’ll go. Better I get it looked at sooner than later.” he said in a low grumble. Rarity beamed at his response.

“Splendid. Come along we don’t want to be late now do we?” she said as she trotted past the stallion who rolled his eyes.

“I can tell I’m regretting this already.” he said as he followed the white unicorn back out onto the busy streets of Ponyville.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 10 Minutes
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