
In the Service of the Goddess.

by Blue Print

Chapter 6: Chapter Six: The First Accusation

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Chapter Six: The First Accusation

Applejack was busy listening to Fritter and Caramel argue about joists when her ears pricked involuntarily. As she looked to the east, her first thought was, Mah stars! We left Big Mac hangin’! Her second thought was, Celestia.

The elder goddess was just standing there, bold as brass, while Mac was struggling with the wall. Applejack was just about to call out to her when she leaned in and took the rope from Big Mac. AJ rolled her eyes and trotted toward the pair.

Celestia had pulled the wall upright and was biting the rope and grimacing as if unsure what happened next. Turning to Big Mac, she asked, “Sho, what do I do now? Lasht time I did anything like thish, nails were a rare luxury.”

“What both y’all shoulda done is call fer help! Fritter! Git yer lazy flank over here an’ tack this wall up!” said Applejack, as she set boards up to prop the wall in place. When she got no response, she looked back to where the rest of the family was waiting. They were all frozen in various states of shock and reverence.

Thinking furiously, Applejack turned back to Celestia and, in a theatrically loud voice, asked, “So what brings ya here, Princess?” .

Celestia stepped on the rope and replied, projecting her voice without seeming to try, “Was this not a family gathering? As your adoptive sister, I could do no less than come and help. Besides, it is an opportunity to come and meet your wonderful family.”

Apple Bloom, emboldened by repeated exposure to alicorns, trotted up to Celestia. “Well, shoot! It’ll be great ta have yer help. Why, Ah bet with yer help an’ mah sister, y’all could get these barns up in a jiffy!” She held out a hoof. The entire Apple family sucked in a collective breath. Celestia smiled and gave Apple Bloom a small hoofbump. When nothing exploded or burst into flames, the rest of the family began to visibly relax. Apple Bloom waved her cousin Babs over. “Hay, Babs! Come on an’ meet tha Princess!”

The miniature Manehattenite meandered over and sat down beside Apple Bloom. “H-hi, Princess.” She blew her mane out of her eyes. “It’s good ta meetcha. Youse can call me Babs.”

Celestia nodded regally at the foals. “It is my pleasure, Miss Babs. Perhaps if we can get this wall finished, you two can introduce me to the rest of your family?”

Babs nodded amiably. “Sho-thing Princess. I’ll go get Frittah.”

Fritter, with much reluctance, finally started nailing the wall in place with Caramel’s help. Princess Celestia watched them with interest while the rest of the family watched her. As Caramel was about to nail in a joist hanger, she held up her hoof. “I think I see the way of it. May I give it a go?”

Caramel spat out his hammer and offered it to the princess. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead.”

Celestia reared up, easily putting her on a level with Caramel on his ladder. She took the hammer in her teeth and began nailing in the hanger. After a moment, she stood back with an immensely satisfied expression on her face. She looked over at Fritter, who had been busy on the other end of the wall. “What do you think of this one, Fritter?”

Fritter looked up from what she had been doing. “Yes’m. Caramel! This is terrible! Ah told ya if ya do it that way, the whole thing’s gonna collapse in a stiff breeze. Even tha Princess can see it. Thanks fer havin’ me check his work, yer highness.”

The whole family, Applejack included, sucked in a collective gasp. Celestia blushed. “Ah, yes, that... That was my mouthwork.”

Fritter paled dramatically. Her hammer dropped from her now limp hooves as she tried to process what she had just told the Sun Goddess. Thankfully, at that moment, Pinkie and the Cakes pulled into earshot with lunch.

Pinkie bounced away from the cart she had been pulling. Celestia trotted to meet her, grateful for the distraction.

"Hi Celestia! We brought lunch for everypony. I didn't know you'd be here or I would have brought more cake. Well, I actually brought several hundred pounds of Cakes, but you can't eat that kind," said Pinkie. Cup Cake rolled her eyes.

Celestia smiled at Pinkie. "Thank you, I’m sure what you are serving will be fine.”

Pinkie nodded once and started taking things off of the catering carts. In no time at all, she and the Cakes had set up a sumptuous picnic for the Apple family across a multitude of colorful blankets. Pinkie jumped back when she had finished. “Dig in, everypony!” Nopony made a move. Pinkie looked around confused. The Apples were giving sidelong glances towards Celestia, while Celestia was looking uncertainly at the picnic blanket. Pinkie caught Applejack’s eye and gave her a questioning look.

Applejack frowned briefly then trotted over to where Granny Smith had been ‘supervising’ construction from her rocking chair. Applejack gently nudged Granny with a hoof. “Hay, Gran, time ta get up. It’s lunch.”

“Hwaa? Wuzzat dear?” said Granny as she shook herself awake.

“Lunch is on, and we got a guest.”

“Oh, right. Jest point me to the grub,” said Granny Smith. Applejack led her to the blanket spread and sat her down next to Celestia. Granny glanced up at Celestia and did a double take. “Mah stars! Princess!” She bowed low to the goddess. “It’s an honor ta see ya agin. Say, do you know where tha rest of mah lazy kin are? Food’s gettin’ cold.”

Celestia nodded at Granny and said, “I do believe that they are on their way right now.”

Half-Baked was closest by this point, but the rest of the family was tentatively following him. Granny Smith locked eyes on him a waved a hoof at Celestia. “Did Ah ever tell ya tha story of how yer grand-pappy kissed tha princess?”

Half-Baked stopped short. “What?”

Celestia nodded solemnly at him, though her eyes twinkled slightly. “Yes, and you should be proud to know that he was a very good kisser.”

Half-Baked sat down hard on his haunches, utterly speechless. Celestia and Granny Smith shared a complex, wordless glance for a few moments and burst out laughing together. Celestia’s laugh was like the peal of silver bells, and soon the entire family succumbed to its charm and laughed along. Within a few minutes the entire family, plus Pinkie, was seated on the blankets while Mr and Mrs Cake dished out the food. Granny Smith smiled up at Celestia, “Yer tha guest, would ya like ta say grace?”

Celestia’s eyes seemed to unfocus a bit at the request. “Yes. I would be honored.” She sat back and spread her arms and wings wide. The assembled ponies bowed their heads. “We gather at this meal as friends and family. Let our hearts be filled with love and gratitude for this repast and for one another’s sacred trust. May we have joy in this meal and find the strength therein to continue to lift and bless our brothers and sisters and may Harmony’s light forever shine upon and guide the Princesses and us all. Amare.”

A chorus of ‘Amare’ rumbled through the group. Most of them immediately dug into the wonderful lunch, but Applejack hesitated a moment. Celestia was busy chatting and laughing with Granny Smith as they reminisced about days long gone. AJ smiled gently, however, she was soon distracted by Pinkie waving an experimental cupcake under her nose.

“Hay! Try this! I call it my Thistledown-Cupcake-Extreme-Equestrian-Fusion-Cupcake. Matilda showed me how donkeys take the prickles out of thistles.”

“Uh, how’s that Pinkie?”

“By having really tough gums!”


By the time three of the barns had been raised, Merry was completely exhausted. She had been in the thick of things and very much in demand for ferrying ponies to and from high and hard to reach places, as well as spending a fair amount of time working in such places herself. With two alicorns and a pair of bison helping as well, the barn raising party was making record time.

As they were making preparations to raise the final barn, Applejack caught Merry’s eyes and nodded her over to one side. Merry followed dutifully as Applejack led her a short distance away from the main group. Applejack pointed to the old farmhouse and said, “You should get yerself cleaned up. There’ll be somepony waitin’ fer ya at tha house when yer done. Be quick now, ya don’t want ta be late.”

Merry nodded, “Ok, who is it?”

Applejack grinned, “Nnope, ain’t gonna tell ya, it’s a secret. Yer gonna love whut they have fer ya though.”

Merry arched an eyebrow at Applejack, but she hurried over to the old barn anyway. As she entered she looked around. The house was empty, but Applejack had said she needed to get cleaned up first. She worked her way up to the Apple’s bathroom and hopped into the shower. She scrubbed herself down as quickly as she could and dried herself using her wings and a touch of pegasus magic. She had a comb strapped to her hoof and was working on taming her hair when there was a knock at the front door. Merry stumbled downstairs as she continued combing and opened the door. Standing on the stoop was one of Applejack’s friends, the pony from the boutique.

“Good, you’ve already started, we have a lot of work to do darling, and not much time to do it in,” she said.

Merry squinted at the guest. “Work? Also, I’m sorry, what was your name again?”

“Rarity. Rarity Belle, and I am going to make you fabulous.” Rarity trotted in, followed by numerous bags and boxes. Merry watched in fascination as she unpacked what seemed to be an entire salon in the Apples’ front parlor. Rarity turned to face her. “Now, let me see about that hair.”


By the time Rarity was finished, Merry was left entirely unsure whether she had enjoyed or been terrified by the experience of a Rarity makeover. She certainly couldn’t argue with the results. Her coat was shining and her hair was carefully done up, with a pair of silky curls falling in front of each ear. Rarity stepped back and examined her from every angle. The fashionista smirked. “Yet another triumph, I should say. Now to top it off.” A pair of bags drifted out of the pile, wrapped in a pale blue aura. Rarity carefully opened them and pulled out Merry’s uniform.

First on was a light beige tunic that fit loosely and comfortably, leaving Merry plenty of room to breathe. As Rarity made a few final adjustments, she described the shirt. “I know that this must be a practical garment first. From what Applejack has told me, you and your comrades will be doing a lot of running about, so you need a layer with room to run. It’s loose, and made of very light cotton, so it should keep you cool, even in very hot climates. Now, that doesn’t mean we should sacrifice looks for utility. That’s why you’ll also be wearing this.” Next out of the bag was a rich desert-orange, double breasted dress-jacket. This article was much more tight fitting, and ever so slightly stiff, though not enough to chafe. “This is for warmth and intimidation. A pony of your station needs to be imposing enough to make herself heard.” Rarity summoned Merry’s turban and a length of faded maroon cloth. “And finally, we tie the whole ensemble together with this cravat and your lovely chapeau. Voila!”

Merry preened slightly under Rarity’s obviously practiced eye. “Is there a mirror in that pile of supplies by any chance?” Rarity smiled and pulled out a large mirror, much to Merry’s surprise. As she looked into the mirror, she almost didn’t recognize herself. The outfit made her look exotic and commanding, the sort of pony you didn't cross lightly. She was reminded of a villain in a Daring-Doo novel. "This is incredible, Rarity!"

It was Rarity’s turn to preen at the compliment. “It’s nothing, darling. Now, shoo, Applejack intends to knight you this evening. The barn-raising should be nearly done. I’ll be along in a moment.”

“Ohmygosh! Thank you Rarity!” Merry cantered out the door double-time, attempting to be both posh and quick.


The Apples were all gathered in the center of the four barns, watching Applejack as she mounted the last door on the south barn. Merry thought she saw a couple of ponies from town in the group as well. Some of them she recognized as friends of Applejack, but there were others there too. She shrugged, party crashers weren’t really a big deal.

Applejack leveled the last hinge, gave it an experimental swing, and slammed the door shut. “Ah now declare tha Harvest Palace open fer business!” The crowd gave a massive cheer while hats and kerchiefs were tossed willy-nilly. Applejack trotted into a clear area in the central courtyard. “Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie... Rarity? Where’s Rarity?”

Rarity trotted in at a decent clip from the direction of the farmhouse. “Coming!”

“Ah’d like y’all by mah side fer this, if ya don’t mind,” said Applejack. Her friends trotted proudly up to her and arrayed themselves beside her. Applejack took a moment to glance around. Celestia sat in the crowd, looking on with intense interest. Her relatives were all smiling and whispering to each other, even a few ponies from town had come over to see what the fuss was about and maybe nab a free cupcake or two. The direction her life had taken was certainly strange, and not something she would have chosen for herself, but it wasn’t bad either. She took a deep breath. She affected a Manehatten accent for her declaration, it seemed more appropriate to the occasion. “I now declare the inaugural session of the Earthen Court open. Our first item of business will be to recognize somepony who has been of immense help to the crown.”

Somepony in the audience took that moment to start muscling their way to the front of the crowd. Merry found her eyes drawn to him instinctively.

Applejack continued, “Indeed, she has selflessly worked to ensure my—”

At that moment, the pony who had been moving forward broke from the crowd and started running across the open space towards the Princess. Merry immediately leapt into the air and dived on him at the same time as Meadow Song and Rainbow Dash both jumped on the intruder. The four of them collided in a rolling pile, coming to a halt right at Applejack’s hooves.

“...Safety. What in tarnation is goin’ on?”

The runner squirmed out from underneath the pony-pile. Merry recognized him as the Hay Board official she had stopped from seeing Twilight Sparkle last week. “Your majesty, I am Tall Poppy. I submit to you that this pony is unfit for service.”

Applejack looked at him sideways. “Pardon?”

Tall Poppy bowed low. “Yes Princess, the pony known as Merry May is unfit for duty and must not receive your commendation.”

Applejack glanced over to Celestia. She shook her head. “This is your court, Mara, and your ruling to make. I will support any decision you make.”

Applejack lowered her head until she was eye to eye with Poppy. “Ah’m gonna hear you out, but you’d better have a darn good reason ta interrupt me.”

Poppy wilted slightly under the fierce gaze of the goddess. Behind him, Merry, Meadow and Rainbow were dusting themselves off. The color of Merry’s uniform hid the dirt well. Merry made a mental note to thank Rarity again after all this was over. Poppy nosed around in his saddlebags and pulled out a scroll. He set it on the ground in front of himself before continuing. “Yes, ahem, this pony, who has long been rumored to be a favorite of yours—”

Applejack frowned at him. “Ah ain’t even been an alicorn fer more than a month.”

“Uh, yes, and for much of that time it has been the common scuttlebutt that you intend to knight this ruffian behind me.” Poppy glanced back to make sure Merry was still there. “She is a common criminal!”

Applejack sat back on her haunches. “Ah see. Those are mighty strong words. What crimes?”

“She incited a parade without a permit, admittedly a mere misdemeanor, but she is also guilty of a far more serious crime, dereliction of duty while on weather patrol, a felony.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and trotted up to Poppy. “Seriously? That’s only a crime in the case of a natural disaster that threatens lives or property. Trust me. I know all about pegasus conscription laws. As I remember it, the most serious weather we had those weeks was a bank of cirrus drifting in from the Everfree. It would have made it slightly... shady.” She flailed her hooves to emphasise what a world-ending disaster that would have been. “Seriously, guy, all that happened was she got fired.”

Poppy grinned at Rainbow Dash. “Exactly! She’s irresponsible. Somepony like her shouldn’t be allowed to hold office. And furthermore...” Poppy kicked open the scroll in front of him. “She’s unqualified. I did a little research. Even an entry level position in the Royal Guard requires at least a two year degree, two further years of military academy, a year of active duty in any of the armed forces and, for pegasi, certification in advanced flight combat.”

Applejack frowned and pulled the scroll towards her with her magic. It barely wavered in her grip. Twilight’s training was starting to pay off. As AJ was reading, Celestia coughed gently. Applejack glanced at her questioningly.

“If I may, those are the qualifications of the Solar Guard. Technically, there never has been an official body titled the Royal Guard, there was simply never a need to distinguish the difference until recently. You may be interested to note that Luna selects members of her Night Watch via battle royal, while her guard captain must be able to hold her off for more than sixty seconds in the ring.”

Poppy’s eyes darted back and forth between the princesses. “I, um, well, that’s still a qualification process. What has this ragamuffin done to deserve the post?”

Applejack gave Poppy a long hard stare. Her gaze shifted to Merry. “How about we let her speak fer herself. Merry? Why do you deserve this position?”

Merry’s eyes widened. She looked behind herself at the audience. Most of them were smiling supportively. She took a deep breath and began. “I... I have earned this post by being dedicated enough... By showing willingness to serve Princess Mara in spite of all personal cost, by aiding her in her time of need, and... and by taking time to understand the pony behind the peytral. I’ve suffered thirst, hunger and exhaustion for her, and I’ve rallied ponies and non-ponies both to her aid. I’m already her servant, the title is just a formality.”

Applejack grinned as the audience cheered and clomped for Merry. Applejack held up a hoof for silence, then pointed towards town. Once again slipping into a sophisticated accent, she said, “Tall Poppy, you are not welcome here. Leave and only come back once you’ve learned some humility.” Applejack turned her back on him as he slunk off of the field. “Now, Merry May, I have found you worthy of the rank of knight and captain of the Frontier Company Rangers, and do put you under oath. Repeat after me: As a ranger, I swear to Remember that I work to defend every living creature and must fight oppression from every side.”

Merry stood to attention and began repeating the words that she, Big Mac and Applejack had worked out over the past week. “As a ranger, I swear to Remember that I work to defend every living creature and must fight oppression from every side.”

“Always shall I act in Harmony with nature and the dignity of my calling.”

“Always shall I act in Harmony with nature and the dignity of my calling,” said Merry, speaking loudly so that everypony present could hear the conviction in her voice.

“No challenge shall find me wanting, for I shall keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight, and all who look to me shall find a worthy example.”

“No challenge shall find me wanting, for I shall keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight, and all who look to me shall find a worthy example.” Merry’s eyes twinkled and her back straightened ever so slightly as she recited. She would let nothing stand in the way of her oath.

“Gladly will I shoulder burdens that would bear down ponies less resolute than I.”

“Gladly will I shoulder burdens that would bear down ponies less resolute than I.” Even though they were just words, speaking them like this, in front of dozens of witnesses and a pair of princesses made her feel invincible, as if she could take on the world.

“Eagerly will I defend my charges, with my life if necessary, though peace is my highest goal.”

“Eagerly will I defend my charges, with my life if necessary, though peace is my highest goal.” Merry had written this part herself, though a tiny part of herself wondered if she would really be able to lay down her life if called upon. She hoped so.

“Realizing that I take these responsibilities upon myself willingly, and with no hesitation, I shall strive to give my utmost measure of devotion to the cause of Equestria and of Harmony. So help me Mara.”

“Realizing that I take these responsibilities upon myself willingly, and with no hesitation, I shall strive to give my utmost measure of devotion to the cause of Equestria and of Harmony in general. So help me Mara.”

As Merry finished, the princess reached into a little box tucked nearby and pulled out a badge with the wheel and leaf of Mara’s cutie mark. Princess Mara carefully pinned it to the front of Merry’s turban and saluted. Merry saluted back, a massive grin on her face. The crowd gave another cheer before devolving into a mad dash for the refreshment table.

Celestia wandered over to where Applejack and Merry were still standing. “I should warn you, I've left Luna in charge in Canterlot, but work is bound to follow me. A couple of plaincoat guards have already found me, so it's only a matter of time before others do. I also invited a few ministers to come meet with you. I hope you don't mind?”

“How many’s a few?” said Applejack.

“Just three. Agriculture, The Geological Survey, and the Treasury. I believe that you should know enough to speak on the same level with the minister of Agriculture. The other two are directly related to what seems to be your domain. I would suggest you listen carefully to their advice. Now, if you don't mind, I do believe that a plate of fritters is calling my name.” Celestia drifted regally towards the food tables, leaving Merry and Applejack alone.

Applejack glanced around and nudged Merry, grinning wickedly. "So, ya given any thought ta hirin'? Ah know Meadow's lookin' fer work, and Ah hear he's a good dancer too..."

Merry blushed and frowned at Applejack. "I really don't think that's an appropriate way to pick guards... And, hay, what was that thing you did with your accent during the oath?"

"Well, Ah spent some time in Manehatten when Ah was a filly. It seemed appropriate."

Merry lightly punched Applejack in the shoulder, grimacing in mild irritation. "You said I had to be country!"

Author's Notes:

My browser says I made up the word 'supportively;' I say it's totally cromulent.

The oath of office Merry uses is loosely based on the real-life U.S. Ranger's Creed.

Also, if you haven't yet, you all should check out The Final Accusation by Kwakerjack. It's set a dozen years in the future, after everything has settled down somewhat, and has Princess Mara officiating over a real trial... Between Diamond Tiara and the Flim-Flam Bros. It's exciting, and it's totally legal!

We are the Author. You will commentate. We will add your literary and critical uniqueness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ponies. Resistance is futile. Also, you rock!

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