
A Core of an Apple

by ReaperofSouls42

Chapter 1: A Core of an Apple

It was a hot summer evening as you walk past apple tree after apple tree. The wind blew through your hair as you made your way to the house sitting right next to a big red barn. You were out in the hot sun all day long. Therefore, you are quite thrilled the day is over with; After all, picking apples all day was hard work when you aren’t strong enough to kick the apples out of trees like everyone else could. You’d more than likely break your foot in the process. Besides, it’s not like you were expected to, a human wasn’t made for that. Heck, it was odd enough how you ended up in a world where ponies were the dominate species and with no humans as well. Needless to say you were quite the popular one at first. Some were fascinated by your arrival but most were terrified.

Thankfully, a few that wanted to learn about you, managed to help you, and prove that you weren’t a threat to them. A world full of talking ponies and magic, you always fantasized about such things like magic but never would have guessed it was real. Even more so was how you got here despite how bizarre and cliché it was. I mean, tossing a quarter into a wishing well was the last thing you thought would end up transporting you to another world. Nevertheless, it happened; not that you cared but it was your wish in the first place, you hated the world you lived in. Nothing good ever happened to you there, so a world where magic and friendship ruled was a much appreciated switch in your opinion.

As you made your way to the house, an orange colored mare stopped you. She had a long tail tied up while sporting a Stetson hat with a red-white plaid shirt that had the sleeves rolled up into what looked like two scrunches on her arms. She also wore short jeans so you could see down her orange, fuzzy legs to the brown cowboy boots that had twisted little markings sewed into them.

“Well howdy there, sugarcube. Did you handle the extra workload we had you do alright?” Applejack asked walking up to you. You loved it when Applejack referred to you with that pet name. You couldn’t help but smile back at her.

Applejack was one of the ponies, in her group of friends that took a while to be comfortable around you, next to the rainbow colored one. But when she did, you couldn’t help but feel more attracted to her, and you always had more fun with her than the others. The farmer was a good friend to you, and was always there when you needed her. She was also the kind, hardworking and adventurous type. This was just some of the reasons you’ve grown so fond of her. Even to the point, you could only admit yourself, of developing a crush on her. Though you doubt anything could come of it since she isn’t even the same species. Still you never thought it would be any harm to imagine what it would be like. It’s not like you were complaining anyway. An added bonus was you were put to work on her farm as well.

“Yeah, I handled it pretty well actually, nothing too taxing. How was your day Aj?” You ask enthusiastically.

Applejack looks at you with a smile. “It was the same old, same old as always.” She suddenly snaps her fingers. “Oh, ah’ bet yer hungry by now, so why don’t you go grab yourself some grub and we can chat later, there is something ah’ve been meaning to do anyway.” She states while she waves at you after heading off to the barn.

You were about to suggest to help her when a loud growl calls your stomach. You chuckle, “I should have seen that coming. Might as well get some food in my stomach.”

* * *

A few hours past after lunch as you watch Celestia’s Sun setting and Luna’s moon take its place. You had lounged around on the on the farm porch with Applejack and Big Mac chatting it up, until the orange mare decided to turn in early. You were soon left alone with her big brother. He turned his head to face you and his straight look inched into a sly smile.

You raised an eyebrow. “What?”

He silently lifts up his big, red hand in an arm wrestling stance.

When you realized what he was doing, you copy his stance with the opposite hand. “I don’t know how much of a challenge I’ll be due to you guys overworking me today,” You say as you return his sly smile.

“So I should win easily today”

“Oh! You think you’re so tough, Big Mac?”

“Ee’yup” His eyes had a cocky look in them.

Your hands connected. “Bring it!”

A few minutes later, you came in rubbing your aching hand. The big stallion won, of course, and hit hard against the table, but it didn’t falter you, because you’re weren’t weak in human standards and you were tired from working all day. Mac still had proud grin after he beat you, but he already knew he was going to win, so it’s not like he was being haughty about it.

So you just laugh it off as you make your way up the stairs. You are suddenly hit with a sudden urge to use the bathroom. Luckily, there was one at the end of the stairs. You quickly open the door. Your eyes widen at Applejack standing on the other side drying off her mane with a towel, completely naked.

Applejack's eyes shoot away from the mirror and look directly at you. You can’t do anything but stare at her naked form, your brain trying to catch up to what was happening. After what feels like minutes, your brain finally comes to its senses, you realize once again that Applejack is standing there naked staring at you blushing and moving to cover herself up with the towel in her hands.

You proceed to yell out an apology as you spin on your heels, but before you shut the door, a brush hit the back of your head. You rub the spot where she hit you as you rush into your room, the image of her naked body still floating around in your head. Finally taking care of your business in the small bathroom you walked back into your room. You make your way to your dresser and change into more comfortable clothing before collapsing onto the bed. You lay there and tried not thinking about seeing your secret crush completely naked. Eventually you fell asleep, you dream of a certain orange colored mare through the night.


Morning comes around when rays of sunshine enter the room as you slowly woke up and came to your senses. You rub your eyes and let out a loud yawn, you feel something slightly sticky and wet around the front of your boxers. You look down and notice the blanket is in the form of a tee-pee making you remember the erotic dream you had thanks to the incident last night. Plopping your head back onto the pillow and letting out a sigh, you decide you had better take a quick morning shower to help ease the tension you’re feeling.

After you showered and changed into work clothes, you make your way to the kitchen where you see breakfast was already set out and everyone was already eating. They all look up and smile.

“Well good morning, nice to see you finally got up.” Big Mac calls out to you.

“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to sleep in like that.” You said as you sat down getting yourself a plate of eggs with buttered toast.

“Don’t worry about it, after all that extra work we had you do yesterday you deserve to sleep in.” Big Mac stated

Looking around you notice Applejack is not at the table. “Hey where is Applejack?”

“Hm? Oh yeah, she headed out a little early, seemed like she had something on her mind though. Since you’re up can you see if she is alright?” Big Mac asked

“Sure, I’ll go after I'm done.” You say trying not to think about last night as you scarf down your food. After you finish, Big Macintosh told you that his sister was in the barn as you left the kitchen. When you headed next door, you noticed that it was still around nine, so you didn’t sleep in as late as you thought. Once you made it to the barn and open it up you see Applejack emptying out a barrel of apples into some type of juicer; you decide you might as well apologize for last night at the very least.

“Hey Aj, beautiful morning, huh?” you say awkwardly.

“Hey, shouldn’t you be getting started on your morning chores instead of hanging out with me?” Applejack states seemingly annoyed

You rub the back of your head and sigh. ‘Yep she has to be mad about last night’

“Uh, Hey listen. I’m really sorry about last night with the whole bathroom incident; I promise it was an accident.” You said looking at the ground.

The orange mare turned to look at you. “Ah ain’t upset about that at all. Ah know you wouldn’t mean to peep at me. Though it did take ya long enough to look away.” She said to you making a slight blush spread across your cheeks.

Applejack, noticing you were not looking at her, walks forward. “Hey, you’re paying attention to me aren’t ya?” You quickly looked up to see Applejack’s face inches from yours, causing you take half a step back.

“Yeah I am, don’t worry.” You stutter, looking into her emerald green eyes. It seemed like you were drawn into them for some reason. It did not help that you keep thinking of her without clothes.

Applejack smiled mischievously at you. “What are you thinking about?” she lingers a little when saying your name making you look at her with confusion in your eyes. She giggles softly before speaking “Oh as if I couldn’t tell you were thinking of seeing me naked in the bathroom last night with that face you were pulling.” She plainly states to you.

Your face gets redder as you try to come up with something to say. However, your brain was in reboot.

“Hit the nail on the head, didn’t Ah?” She cooed.

You were very confused by what was going on. You have not seen her act like this before. What’s more, you have this odd attraction towards her for no reason. Sure, you like her, but this felt different for some reason.

“A-Applejack you okay? You don’t seem like your usual self.” You say trying to change the conversation.

This seems to make her snap out of her train of thought because she took a step back. “Sorry I guess I took the joke too far. I need to go and take a quick break.” Applejack says, looking away from you and walking past quickly.

You just stand there for a moment trying to figure out what just happened. The farmer mare seems almost completely different from how she normally acts. You figure you should follow her either way.

You make your way back to the house when you bump into Big Macintosh on the way in. “Hey, I was just looking for ya.”

“Hey Big Mac, did you happen to run into Applejack?” you ask.

“Yeah that’s what I wanted to talk to you about actually. But well when I ran into her I tried to ask what was on her mind, but she avoided question and just said she needed to take a breather.” He says looking down at you

You go about explaining some of the situation to Big Mac leaving out the bathroom part of course.

He ponders about the story for a few seconds before responding. “Ee’yup, I nearly forgot what today was… Listen, if you don’t like Applejack in a romantic sense, you may want to avoid her for a few days.” He bluntly says.

His response confuses you quite a bit, last thing you would have expected to hear from your secret crushes brother’s mouth.

“Wait, what? What makes you think I think of her romantically!? And why would I avoid her?” You ask, slightly panicked, making a futile attempt to hide your thoughts.

“I never said you did, I’m just telling you how it is. You see once every couple of months or so mares have a point where they become more sexually active due to the fact there at a point where they become able to have kids…” The stallion carefully explains.

You just stand there trying your best to absorb the information he is giving you. “Why exactly are you telling me all this, Big Mac?”

“Well I hate beating around the bush about these things; males are quite affected by their hormones as well. In addition, I am more so just trying to protect my sister, not you. I’d hate to see her give herself up to a guy who doesn’t have feelings for her, ya know?” The farmer stallion looks at you with his usual blank expression.

“Well yeah, but I don’t think she could think of me that way, I mean I doubt I’m her type. No fur on my skin.” You emphasize by pointing to your own arm.

He just chuckles at your antics. “Well I just thought I’d tell you. What you do with the information is up to you. Just don’t do anything you might regret.” Big Mac pats your shoulder before leaving to do his daily routine.

“Hmm, maybe I should have told him that mares usually get more forward when they are near someone they really like… Applejack would be mad at me if I did that, I’m sure he’ll handle it fine.” He thought to himself as he walked off to his destination

You just stand there for a good minute trying to figure out what in the hell is going on. Do you go and check on her or stay away? You think about what Big Mac said to you as well.

“Stay away from her if I don’t like Applejack in a romantic sense, what does that even mean? There is no way he would know I actually really like her, does he?” you ponder these questions over and over but can only come up with one answer.

“Well my conscious will eat me alive, if I don’t check up on her. Besides, maybe because I am not the same species nothing bad will happen.” You conclude as you head up to the distressed mare’s room.

You knock softly on her door “Hey Aj, it’s me I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” You waited for a reply

A few seconds later, you hear “Come on in.” from Applejack, signaling for you to enter.

You slowly open the door and walk in. You notice Applejack was on her bed, lying on her stomach. The only light in the room was what was pouring through the window.

“So why did ya come to see me again?” Applejack asks without looking at you.

“Well, like I said, I wanted to see if you were okay or not. Is that bad?” You inquire quite bluntly.

“Ah guess not. But you really didn’t have too, ya know. Ah already told ya, I’m fine.”

“Well I wanted too; I mean, I do care enough to check on you to make sure you are okay after all.” You blurted out.

You could swear you saw a blush and smile appear on her face when you said that. However, you were not completely sure. Your eyes wandered to Applejack herself, you noticed she was still in her work clothes, her checkered button up shirt was slightly pushed up showing off her lower back. You cannot help get an odd feeling when you look at her. Your eyes slowly ventured downward, from her seemingly toned back. Her jeans were skintight, tight enough to make certain part of her become very noticeable in this position. Her butt seemed to fit perfectly in her jeans they complimented it very well. Showing off how toned it was and its shape was very nice as well. Almost heart-shaped you could not help but think what it would feel like to let your hands venture over it.

You snap out of your train of thought when you hear movement. Applejack was looking at you curiously.

“Why do you have such a dazed expression? She asked

“I-I, uhhh, were you saying something?” You say trying change the subject.

She just shook her head, and gave you sly smile. “Ah was saying that there was one thing ya could do for me, if ya really want to help.”

“Oh right, I’m sorry. I’ll be more than happy to help you.” You stammer while smiling nervously.

Applejack smiles again “Well when Ah was emptying barrels earlier Ah pulled a muscle in my shoulders, so it would make me really happy if ya could give me a massage to help relieve the tension.” She says softly

You were not expecting a request like that, taken aback by what she asked your only response was a blush creeping across your face.

“Oh come on, please?” she says your name sweetly, causing what defenses you had up to start to crumble. You slowly approach the bed; Applejack looking directly into your eyes didn’t make things easier either.

Please don’t let me do anything stupid!” You mentally state to yourself

Applejack giggles at your awkwardness as you step next to her. “You know Ah really am happy you are willing to do this for me, saves me a trip to the spa.” She smiled at you making you blush some more.

The mare proceeds to sit up and pat the bed next to her opting for you to sit next to her. You do as you are told, not seeing any other way. Moreover, this way you figure it won’t be as awkward, at least you hoped. As you sit down, Applejack took off her hat and tossed it on the bedpost, before you have time to react. She fell into you and planted herself on your lap.

“H-hey, what are you doing?” you asked slightly panicked

“Oh don’t worry.” She leans into you, “Ah’m just helpin ya by making it more comfortable is all.” She says as she winks at you before turning back around removing her hair band letting her hair freely.

You slowly place your hands on her shoulders and very slowly start massaging them softly. Applejack leans into your hands as you slowly add pressure. Applejack became putty in your hands, letting her body move with your motions. You feel her tail wrapping around your waist as comfortable groan escapes her mouth. You can’t help but smile a little bit. Regardless of why she is letting you, you were still giving the mare you like a massage. You took the time to pay attention to what a small frame she had compared to yours. Her delicate features are something else. You could feel her toned muscles under your fingers as they work up and down her shoulders and neck.

Her moans seem more audible now, making your body start to react, it doesn’t help that you almost can’t stop thinking of how amazing she feels under your touch. You can’t seem to shake an odd feeling you have every time you get close to her either. It is worse now as well, you found yourself thinking perversely towards her more and more as time went by. Applejack starts to move around slightly in your lap while her tail brushed against your sides, causing a certain part of you to start to swell. You accidentally let out a small groan but quickly bit your lip, praying she didn’t hear. However, Applejack leans back into your chest making you move your hands to the side. She then looks up at you giggling to herself.

“W-what are you doing Aj? And what are you laughing at?” You ask confusedly.

“Well it’s kind of difficult to relax with your erect member pressing against my butt.” She said, squirming in your lap.

You freeze at her words, not sure how to react. You must have gotten lost in the moment. You silently curse yourself for letting your guard down. You could only hope she is not too offended or angry.

“Uh, Sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen. I should probably go.” You say attempting to scoot from underneath her.

Applejack smiled to herself and wrapped her tail tighter around you, making you flinch.

“Where do you think you’re going? Ah didn’t tell you could leave, did Ah?” she exhales, her breath blew over your neck causing a shiver up your spine.

You look into her eyes as you tried to form words. However, your mind would not cooperate. You find yourself drawn closer to her. You watch her smile sweetly at you and slowly lean forward. You could not control your body’s movements at this point. You close your eyes as you let yourself almost make contact.

A sudden knock on Applejack’s door snapped both of you out of your actions. You both stare at each other for a moment. She sighs aloud and pouts cutely. You smile nervously to be sure not to show any more signs of affection towards her just in case. She slowly scoots to the side, letting you get up. You walk to the door and open it to find Macintosh standing opposite of you.

“Applejack, Macintosh needs my help with something. I’m glad you’re feeling better, sorry.” You slowly close the door behind you, hearing a frustrated groan from the other side. You took the time to let out a deep sigh yourself; you turn to Big Macintosh who just nods and motions for you to follow.

“Well I guess you already found out what I was talking about, I assume.” Big Mac asks as you both left the house

“Yeah I guess you could say that. Thanks by the way, not sure I could have gotten away so easily.” You say chuckling nervously

“I need to ask you something important, not as her brother but as a man myself.” Macintosh states in a serious tone, causing you to look at him confused, he was never this serious about anything before. Almost worries you to a point.

“What are your feelings towards my sister?” Big Mac looks at you sternly, making you sweat slightly.

“Well I-I guess it would be pointless to really hide it from you, huh?” You took a deep breath. “Yes, I really like Aj, a lot. However, even though that is the case it seems like there wouldn’t be any way I could even hope to make her happy. After all, I am a different species altogether.” You say looking anywhere but at the stallion.

“Well to tell you the truth it’s up to Applejack herself to decide who and what makes her happy. That’s the way I figure it anyway.”

You sat there in silence mulling over what he said to you.

“Well, I suppose, I’ll let you get your own emotions figured out on your own. But, I would figure them out soon before you end up causing Applejack any unwanted heartache.” Big Macintosh warns

You went about your day like normal. Working the farm and picking apples, a little lazily. All the stuff you usually do, besides the fact that you avoided Applejack all day. Your time outside went by agonizingly slow as the sun had hung just above the ground. A full day of thinking and working had left you exhausted to say the least. All you want to do was take a nice warm shower and rest. You made your way back up to the house and head up the stairs to your room. You decide to take that shower that you do desperately needed. You scrub yourself clean. Then you turn the water off, dry yourself, and throwing on a pair of boxer shorts before you left.

As you enter your bedroom, you notice someone on your bed and instantly realizing who it was. The orange mare looks up at you with wide eyes. You could almost feel her stare on your body making you blush. Applejack’s eyes made their way from your eyes down to your chest then stomach and even further down.

You noticed she was biting her lip as though to try to force something back. Blushing and looking at you with a cute expression, almost made you lose it yourself.

“Are ya going to stand there or are ya going to at least get dressed? Ah have something Ah need to ask ya.” She says trying to look away.

“You could have at least waited until I was in my room before you entered!” You scramble to your dresser and grab some pants and a shirt almost tripping over yourself trying to get your pants on that earns a laugh from Applejack. After you finally get your clothes on, you walk over to Applejack sitting on the opposite end of the bed.

“So what did you want to talk about?” you ask curiously.

“Well it’s about earlier today. I know I might have let my hormones get the best of me. In addition, I wanted to apologize for the way I forced myself on you like that. I hope you can forgive me.” She says looking away from you.

You look over at her and feel slightly bad. After all, it was sort of your fault in the first place.

“Aj, it’s not your fault so there is no reason to be sad. And besides it’s not like I wanted to stop it either.” You blurt out a second before realizing what you said. You mentally face palm at your own stupidity, followed by a literal one and more blushing.

Applejack blushes at your words. “Did you mean that?” she asks in a hopeful tone.

“Um, well yes sort of. But-“However, before you finish the dinner bell rang indicating food was ready.

“Oh, there’s the dinner bell, Ah don’t know about you but Ah’m starving!”’ Applejack states as she jumps off the bed and heads downstairs, leaving you mid-sentence.

“Wait Applejack, I wasn’t done explaining myself yet!” You yell after her; however, she already left the room.

“That sounded so bad without me explaining it properly! I need to talk to her after dinner.” You say out loud rubbing your head in frustration.

You decided you might as well eat, and just hope Applejack does not lose it when you do explained the situation to her.

You sat down to dinner and began eating, casting you gaze over to Applejack who seems to be acting normal, chatting with her sister and whatnot. You look over at Big Mac; he just smiles and shrugs offering no support. You silently sigh to yourself and quickly finish your dinner.

After finishing your food, you wash the dishes you used before, and slowly went back up the stairs to your room. Right before you opened your door, Applejack comes up from behind you.

“Hey there sugar cube.” She says smiling sweetly at you

“Hey Aj, I didn’t finish explaining myself earlier so i need to tell you something.” you turn to face her

“Oh okay, let me say something real quick first, though.” She says looking up at you

You nod and lean in slightly, as she thinks what to say to you.

“Well, first off Ah just wanted to tell you thank you. Ah was actually quite nervous when Ah was asking you about my flirting. It felt ecstatic when you said you didn’t mind it.” A light blush had showed up on her face while she looked at you; her eyes seem to shimmer in the light.

You could not help but blush at her words and her cute expressions made you all but give into her charms, a grin eased onto your face. You almost wish you could hug her but you restrain yourself.

“Well Aj, regardless of what happens; you will always be very dear to me. Besides, you and your family are my family now.” You say, making her blush go darker.

“Alright, Ah’m glad you feel that way. So what did you want to talk to me about?” Applejack asked shyly

You were ready to explain. However, the hopeful look in Applejack’s eyes stops you in your tracks. You know you could not say it now. “Oh, don’t worry about it, it was nothing.” You say nonchalantly with a smile.

“Okay then.” Applejack smiled even more at you.

“Well, good night, Aj.” You say to her as you open the door to your room.

Before you could walk through the doorway, you hear your name called from behind you. As you turn around, Applejack leans forward and presses her lips firmly against yours.

She whispers in your ear. “Sweet dreams.” Before pulling away and leaving for her room happily

You stood there for a few moments trying to acknowledge what happened. You slowly turn and shut the door behind you before sighing deeply. You toss your shirt and jeans off into the laundry basket and collapse on your bed. “Whatever happens I’ll deal with tomorrow.” You told yourself as you drift off to sleep.

You wake abruptly; you look out the window and notice it was still dark out. You roll over to try to fall back asleep when you see the door to your room was open and a figure standing in the darkness. You squint to see who it is as they walk forward. Then, the farmer appears from the shadows in her pajamas and walks up to your bed. You go to speak to her but she placed a finger on your lips and shook her head.

“You’re not going anywhere this time, sugarcube.” She smiles seductively at you causing you to gulp loudly.

“Ah’m goin to get what ah want from you whether you like it or not!” she says as she slowly lifts up her shirt making her bare breasts bounce slightly as she tosses her shirt on the floor. She winks at you as she noticing your expression, places her arms under her breasts pushing them out more, and makes a cute face.

“Like what you see sugarcube?” She says in with silky seductive tone.

You just nod, finding it impossible to talk or to take your eyes off her. You could feel your member pressing against your boxers awaiting freedom. You slowly attempt to sit up. However, she immediately pushes you back down.

“Like I said, you’re all mine tonight. I can’t hold back any longer, I need you.” She ends the sentence by leaning down and kissing you deeply on the lips, tracing her fingers down your chest, Stomach, and then stops at your boxers. She pulls away from the kiss and in one-motion, pulls you boxers off. She watches as your erect manhood springs out from under your boxers. She stands back up admiring your package.

“Goodness, ya have quite the present for me huh? I can’t wait to try it out.” She says as she places her hands on her hips.

You quickly attempt to cover yourself and argue back at Applejack. However, she quickly snaps her fingers and a rope magically appears and ties your limbs down keeping you from moving. You struggle a little before realizing it is useless.

“Aw, what’s the matter sugarcube? Do you really not like it?” She asks sadly

You go to say something to her, but you just sigh and shake your head “No Applejack, I don’t want you to stop.” She leans forward and kisses you again.

She then stands back up she grabs the waist of her pants and turns around facing away from you. She slowly removed her pants and panties as she bends over allowing you a full view of her naked butt. Her tail brushes against your chest and stomach. You felt the ropes disappear as you move your hands and arms around. Then you watched as Applejack walks to the foot of your bed, rocking her hips and swishing her tail as she did so. When she gets to the foot of the bed, she turned around, and crawls in between your legs with her arms resting on your thighs.

You stared down at her, watching as she ogled your fully erect member. You sighed in relaxation; you cannot fight it anymore for your desire for the seductive orange mare was overwhelming. She places a finger at the base of your shaft and slowly traces it slowly upward. She continues teasing you for what feels like ever. A small bead of pre-cum leaks out from your tip it slowly ran down your shaft. Applejack notices this, without warning placed her tongue at the base of your shaft, and slowly licks up the trail.

You start to breathe heavily as she reaches the tip. You can feel yourself twitching in excitement. A sharp gasp escapes your lips when you felt her tongue licking the crown of your member. You heard her let out a soft moan herself, and felt the turned on mare grind against the bed. She continued up to your tip. Licking it lightly, coating it in her saliva. Without warning Applejack then wraps her lips around the head of your stiffened member, earning a sharp gasp from you as she slowly lowers her head, taking in your full length. She then lifts herself back up to your tip, licking it some causing you to shiver in pleasure, and berths your whole member again. The orange mare repeated this several times, and increased your need for it after every motion.

“A-Applejack, that feels incredible.” You manage to say through your moaning. She responds by fully bobbing her head on your shaft and looking up at you with lust filling in her eyes.

Applejack continues to speed up slowly. You could hear her make slurping noises as her pace reaches its peak. Her hand grips the base of your shaft and strokes it vigorously while sucking and licking the tip of your pulsating member. You can feel a familiar pressure building in your groin. The pleasure is intensifying as your moans got louder. All of a sudden, Applejack stops tending to your pulsating member and slowly crawls up the bed until her face hovers above yours.

She spoke through her light panting. “I want you so bad, I hope you’re ready.” She says as she eased herself downward, and rests her marehood against the tip of your member her warm cum dripping down your shaft. Applejack presses her lips against yours as she slowly lowers her body onto you. You felt your member slowly slip in between her wet lips; a deep moan releases from your mouth. Her inner walls tightened around your stiff member. This intensifies the amount of her warm, wet cum dripping down your genitals. At this point, you could not resist but run your hands down her sides, feeling her soft fur against your skin. Applejack shivers from your touch, moaning in your mouth. She starts moving her hips up and down your pillar. You could feel that same pressure returning, quicker than last time. You strain to hold it back.

Applejack looks at you, eyes full of lust and desire. “Please don’t hold back for my sake, cum inside me.” She orders before kissing you passionately.

You cannot hold it back anymore. You let out a loud moan as you felt yourself erupt into her marehood and your seed fill up her cavity.

Your eyes shot wide open. Panting, you looked around your room and notice it was morning time, your body splayed out with one leg hanging off one side and your head almost of the other. Your blankets wrapped firmly around your legs. You start rubbing your face trying to wake up.

“What the hell was with that dream?” you sit up and feel a familiar cold, wet feeling in your boxers.

You slap your face. “What is this mare doing to me!? Now I’m having wet dreams of her?” You sighed heavily and got out of bed. You decided to jump in the shower to clean the “mess” you made.

You turn the water on, getting it the right temperature before getting in. You let the water run over your head, letting thoughts and questions fill your head“I just don’t get this. I cannot just give into my emotions can I? Not to mention if Applejack really didn’t like me in that way. There is no way I could live with myself if I caused her any pain.” You sigh to yourself as you think things over. You finish showering and towel off. As you head for the bathroom door, reach for the handle, and open it.

You walk out down the hallway to your open door room. With a towel wrapped around yourself, you enter and shut the door behind you. You froze when you see Applejack lying on your bed, again.

“Well hey there, sugarcube!” she innocently smiled at you.

“What are you doing in my room early in the morning without knocking?” You look at her suspiciously

“Well your bed smells like ya and since I don’t get to stay around you as much as ah want, ah come here and the added bonus of seeing you like this just makes it even better.” She states with a wink as she hops off the bed and walks over to you.

“What kind of response was that!?” you stutter, blushing heavily

“Oh, like you really need me to answer that for you.” She says as her arms wraps around your neck while leaning against you.

You stare down at her. That same lustful gaze almost overwhelming your senses staring back at you. You can feel her soft chest against yours, obviously not wearing a bra. You look away trying to think of a way out of the situation.

“By the way, ah happened to walk by your room earlier this morning and ah could have sworn ah heard some interesting noises coming from here. Know what that was about?” She asks, tightening her grip a little.

“Uh, no I haven’t a clue what you mean.” You say, trying to guess what she was thinking.

“Well ah was really curious so ah got closer and ah could make out my name being said and moaning and groaning noises. So, does anything seem strange about that at all?” She asks smiling mischievously.

Your blush intensifies as you got flashbacks of the dream you had. “No I was asleep, how could I know what you’re talking about?” You ask trying to sound ignorant as possible, though you knew it would not work.

Applejack giggles at your failed attempt to lie. “Oh, are you sure? No? Interesting dreams of me, doing various things to ya, as ya so plainly mumbled when ah heard you this morning.”

You swallow hard knowing she has you beat. You do not know how to react at this point.

“You are as bad of a liar as I am. That is why ah do not do it myself. So now the question is, how do you feel about me?” Applejack places a hand softly on your cheek making you face her.

“Well, that isn’t something I can say.” You say nervously.

“Ah see,” she slides her hand across her chin. “So maybe ah can make you show me then?” the farmer mare implies, placing a hand on your bare chest. She then slowly ran her fingers downward until it gets to the towel that you had wrapped around yourself. She then pulls it down, letting it fall to the floor.

“Hey, Applejack what are you…?” Her placing a finger on your lips interrupts you. She then lets her other hand fall below your waistline and lightly traced her fingers over your partially stiffened member.

Applejack smiles as she felt you getting stiffer from her touch as you gaze into your eyes.

“Ya know, this is incredibly arousing for me. Ah could lose control right now and beg you to have your way with me right here,” she states in a soft lust-filled voice, inching closer to your lips.

You cannot stop yourself; from all the arousal and loss of will you found yourself leaning closer towards her as well. You could feel her warm breath against your lips, staring into her half lidded eyes. You had completely lost control of any logical thoughts, but all you knew was that you wanted her; something in your head wants you to ravish her body and give in to your temptations.

All of a sudden, Applejack retracts from you, smiling. Making you look at her with a confused and slightly disappointed look on your face.

“But I’ve got stuff to do today so I can’t hang around here, sadly. But I got my answer, so I’ll be alright for now.” She exclaims pointing at your erection.

“Any guy would of gotten one if you did that to them!” you stammer, blushing.

“Well yeah, but the one I want the most, is you.” She turns and smiles sweetly at you.

Your heart skips a few beats when you hear her say that, your dumbfounded expression showing clearly. You look over at her trying to think of something to say, but Brain.wav has crashed.

“Well, ah got to go for now sugarcube. So ah’ll see you later ok?” she waved and left you to your thoughts.

You stand there for a few minutes trying to grasp the situation you are in. You knew Applejack was always closer to you, and sometimes wonder why she never went for another stallion rather than you. However, her words made your brain force the thought that you want it to be this way. Even you had to admit it that there isn’t any way you can withstand the advances of the mare you were in love with.

You sigh heavily and grab the apparel you were going to wear that day, threw them on and went about your day. You could not seem to focus on anything. Even the attempt to clear your head with a walk into town carrying a book that Macintosh asked you to take back to the library for him; all the thoughts from the whole week still fill your head. You couldn’t help but go back and forth between events that happened the whole week.

You head to the library and knock on the door. You heard movement and a feminine voice call out “Be right there!” from the other side of the door.

The door swung open and you saw Twilight Sparkle standing there with a small smile on her face wearing a white, silk shirt and red skirt. She immediately notices you.

“Oh hey, what brings you here?” she asks moving aside to let you in.

“Just bringing a book back that Big Mac borrowed is all.”

“Oh, alright then, could you just place it on the desk over there?” she points to the desk on the other side of the room that had more books piled onto it.

“What are you doing, reorganizing?”

“Not really, just doing some more research and whatnot.” She says as she climbs a ladder.

“Why are you doing that? Can’t you use magic to get books?” You ask while placing the book down and walking towards Twilight.

“Not when I don’t know where they all are, I can’t. I usually have my assistant grab them since I get so caught up in studies,” The unicorn says, scanning for a book she was looking for.

“Well alright then, just be careful.” You turn to walk away.

All of a sudden, you heard a snap and a scream. You spun around to see Twilight slipping off the ladder. You race forward and caught her just in time, but you didn't have a proper footing to catch her and you both fell with her in your arms with a loud ’Thump’ as well with a few books.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asks slightly concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine, what about you?” you ask as well.

“Just fine thanks, I guess we need to get another ladder soon. Better add that to my list.” She made a list pop out of nowhere and wrote the item down.

You were about to ask her to get off you when the door to the library opens up. You both look towards doorway to see Applejack at the door staring at both of you with a bag in her hand. She opens her mouth to say something but then turned around and ran out of the library.

“What the…?” You ask, confused

“Oops, I guess she might have gotten the wrong idea with the strange position we’re in…” Twilight suggests.

“Huh what do you mean?” You look at Twilight

“Well, I know about everything that pretty much happened to you this whole week…” Twilight smiles sheepishly

You blush slightly “Everything?”

“Well Aj is one of my best friends after all, and I know it was her turn to come into heat.” She states.

“So, you know…everything?” you ask stupidly again.

“I know enough, I better stop straddling you so you can go after her.” Twilight nervously laughs as she got off you.

You ease yourself onto your feet as well. “And my luck goes over a cliff, why again?” you ask to no one in particular.

“Well I guess that's love for you. Now hurry up and go after her before it’s too late.” Twilight states, pointing towards the door

“Uh, right.” That was all you could say before running out the door and heading straight for Sweet Apple Acres.

The student giggles to herself. “Applejack is a lucky mare, that’s for sure,” She says before going back to her studies.

You made a mad dash down the road heading back home. When you finally arrive to the house, you almost run into Big Mac as he was leaving, but slide to a stop just before a collision.

“Big Mac, did Applejack come home?” you say, gasping between words.

“Eeyup, went up to her room. Did something happen?” He asks curiously.

“Yeah, but nothing I can't fix. Finally came up with an answer to that question you asked me by the way.” You looked up at him.


“The answer is... yes.” You say walking past him to the front door.

Big Macintosh just chuckles to himself with a smile before going back to what he was doing.

You make your way up the stairs and to the upset mare’s door. You pause for a moment and took a deep breath before knocking on her door.

A moment passes and it remains silent, you almost thought Macintosh might have been lying. However, you dismissed your thoughts when you hear a faint notice from the other side.

“Who is it?” you hear from her room.

“It’s me Aj. Please, let me explain what happened.” You say in a soft, calm voice.

“No, just go away I don’t want to talk to you, in fact go back to Twilight if that’s who you wanna be with!” she almost shouts.

“Applejack, you are just jumping to conclusions, what you saw was an accident! Do you really think Twilight would do that to you?” you ask in a serious tone.

You didn’t hear anything for what felt like several minutes. However, right when you thought about asking to come in again you hear her say, “You can come in.” in a soft voice.

You gently open the door, walk inside, and shut it quietly behind you. You look over to see Applejack with her face buried into a pillow, her hat resting on her head.

You walk over to her as she slowly turned to face you. Her eyes were stained red from tears; it pains you to see her look so sad. She noticed your pained expression and sat up.

“Don’t worry, ah’m OK now. Ah guess, ah just got overly emotional over nothing. I’m really sorry.” She says sniffing a little while looking away.

“No Aj, I should be the one that should be apologizing to you actually.” you say, making Applejack look up at you confused and slightly shocked.

The orange mare then stands up, and retorts, “You don’t have to apologize, you did nothing wrong.”

You rub the back of your head not looking her in the eyes. “Yes I do, I let my insecurities get in the way of my true feelings and in doing so made you have to wait over something so stupid. You see, I thought that you were only acting that way because it was just because you didn’t have a choice. Therefore, I tried to withstand your advances because I figured you would rather want a stallion. Then I realized that I wouldn’t be happy if I just let you slip by just like that. Moreover, I was just being silly.” You say, looking into Applejack’s honest eyes.

Her retinas widened at you. “That was the reason? Sugarcube, I don’t care that you’re a human or a stallion. I want you because you make me the happiest when you’re around.”

You blush slightly from her words. “And that’s why I need to ask you a question, Applejack.” You state, Applejack looking at you slightly surprised by the use of her full name in a serious tone.

You walk up close to her just inches away, a soft smile planted on your face. Applejack slightly blushing looks up at you in anticipation.

“Applejack, will you please be my marefriend?” you ask nervously.

Her face went a deep red on her cheeks, Smiling and taking a deep breath. “Something tells me by the end of the night, we’ll be more than just that.” She states before throwing herself at you, kissing you deeply while wrapping her arms around your neck.

You followed suit, leaning into the kiss and wrapping your arms around her waist. You two kiss for what felt like several minutes of pure bliss. Unfortunately, your lungs told you, you needed to breathe. Pulling away slowly and panting softly, you look into those emerald eyes of hers as she also panted from your heavenly kiss.

“We might be a bit more comfortable if we were sitting on the bed you know?” you pointed out, waiting for a response.

Applejack giggles. “Sure thing sugarcube, but first, do ya mind if ah change into something more comfortable as well?”

“Sure, whatever you want to do Aj.” You smile at her earning a peck from her lips.

“Sit there, please.” She lightly pushes you onto the bed “And don’t look until Ah say so.” she emphasizes this by placing her hat on your face.

You hear her moving around and something like paper being tossed to aside. You wait patiently for her to finish getting dressed.

“Now, close your eyes please.” She said.

You close your eyes tight. “Okay they’re closed.” You say giving her confirmation.

She slowly removes her hat and takes a couple of steps back. “Ok sugarcube, I hope you like your present. You can open your eyes now.”

You slowly open your eyes and immediately notice Applejack’s heart shape butt just a couple of feet away. She was wearing a thin plain apple red T-shirt and a pair of chaps with nothing underneath them. You can feel your face heat up as you ogle her new look.

“I take it you like the new look?” she winks at you and poses in a very sexy fashion.

You nod mindlessly at her, almost in a trance like state. Applejack walks over to you, plops down in your lap, and rests her head against yours.

“I was going to use these tonight and sneak into your room while you were sleeping and take advantage of your half asleep mind, you know.” She states, wrapping her tail around your waist and kissing you.

“Well I’m sorry I ruined your fun. However, I plan on making up for it though.” You say hugging her tightly

“Oh and how do you plan on doing that?” she asks in a sultry voice

“You can make me do anything you want me to do, I’m all yours.” You say, winking at her.

“All mine; I can have you do anything I want?” She asks you, her eyes filling with a hint of lust and excitement.

You simply nod your head and patiently wait for her response. She sighs happily, slowly reaches for your hands, drags them over her body, slowly using your hands to push up her shirt, and places your hands over her soft breasts.

“Touch me here and kiss me.” She says softly

You do as you as she orders and gently palming her breasts in your hands and massaging them both as you deeply kiss her. You can feel her shiver under your touch and whimper into your mouth. Her tongue then licks the bottom lip asking for entrance. You part your lips and let Applejack’s tongue slip in between making contact with yours. Your tongues wrestle for dominance inside your mouth. Your hands start to massage Applejack's breasts more vigorously, feeling how full and soft they were. Applejack slowly gives in; taken advantage you slip your tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch. She starts moaning softly in your mouth and squirming in your lap. She then reached up, grabbing your right hand and slowly places it on her inner thigh. Without being told, you start rubbing them softly, going back and forth every so often.

Applejack began panting more heavily and moaning louder. You can tell she is really enjoying the new turn of events. She breaks the kiss and between her pants of you pleasuring her, whispers in your ear.

“Please, Ah can’t take the teasing much more! Ah want you to make me cum.” She states, almost begging you

You nod your head, making her smile and go back to kissing you. You slowly moved your hand up her thigh and slid it down her marehood. A gasp escaped her lips from the sudden touch if her most private area. You begin to run a finger up and down the lips of her very moist marehood, lightly flicking the clit every so often. You can feel her hips moving back and forth, as her moans start getting a little louder

You suddenly slip a finger into her folds, feeling how wet she is. A sharp gasp escapes Applejacks lips as your finger slides into her marehood. She positions herself to allow you easier access to her. You continue your actions, making sure Applejack gets as much pleasure as possible. Applejacks moans were getting louder and her breaths shorter. You speed up your movements and massage her left breast roughly, making Applejack grind against your lap. You feel her walls squeeze against your finger as more and more liquid leaks out into your hand. With a loud moan as Applejack squeezes your arm, you feel her cum all over your hand and the side of the bed.

Applejack lays onto you, panting softly and nuzzling into your neck. You let her catch her breath while you hug her. Applejack stares at you, eyes half-lidded but still full of lust. She slowly moves off your lap and sits next to you. She motions for you to stand up and stand in front of her. You do as she says.

Applejack then reaches up, grabs onto your zipper, and slowly undoes your pants, letting them fall to the floor. She looks up at you and strokes your member through your boxers. You cannot help but blush slightly at her touch. She then hooked a finger around the band of your boxers and slowly pulls them down and over your member. Making it bounce back to attention after she pulls it off. She purposely breathes on your tip making you twitch.

“It is a lot bigger than I thought it was, now that I can see it at eye level.” She emphasizes by stroking your member slowly from the tip to the base.

Applejack then slides back onto the bed a little bit and gets on her hands and knees. You face heats up as she sticks her butt straight up in the air and moves from side to side resting her head on the bed, arms crossed underneath. You can see excess cum leaking down her thighs.

“Well I guess you won’t mind having a little fun with me like this right? Applejack looks over her shoulder and gives you a look that just resonated with lust and desire.

You smile to yourself, letting the desire take over. You walk behind her, and place a hand on her butt. The leather of the chaps feels soft to the touch. You grab your fully erect member with the other hand and trace the tip around Applejack's marehood.

Applejack begins to moan softly as you rub the tip of your manhood against her wet folds. Satisfied with the warm up you position yourself at her entrance, you hear her tell you to get a move on. You slowly push into her wet cave. Feeling the walls squeeze against your member as you push deeper inside. She lets out a deep sigh as you bury yourself completely inside her. You slowly begin to move in and out of her, Applejack moaning more and more as you do. You place both hands on her hips, using her as leverage to guide your thrusts. You can feel her pre-cum running down your shaft, your thrust steadily getting faster.

“Harder, please I want you to make me cum more!” Applejack exclaims through her moans.

You respond by increasing the tempo of your thrusts, causing her moans to become quicker and louder. The moans from Applejack, your moans, and your hips slamming together help drive your lust pleasure even further. Nevertheless, you know her pleasure comes first.

Applejack’s breaths were erratic; you could tell she was close to another orgasm. You increased your tempo even further, guiding her hips into you thrust, adding to her pleasure. Your breathing wavers as the pleasure builds for you as well.

Applejack bit onto the sheets, as her moans became louder and louder. She yells your name through her gritted teeth. As you feel a large amount of cum gush out of her sopping wet marehood and run down your shaft. You both pant rather heavily. Luckily, you had managed to hold off from giving into the sheer pleasure well enough for her to release a second time. You eased you pillar out, and watched as her juices dripped off your member and her marehood, just as saturated, onto the bed.

“You have to be a gentleman in everything that involves me, don’t you?’ she ask slowly sitting up.

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” you question.

“Ah know you held back to pleasure me. And that just isn’t fair to ya, don’t you think?” She asks with a sly smile.

“Uh, well I just wanted to give you as much pleasure as I could.” You state scratching the back of your head.

Applejack just shakes her head and smiles “Well it’s your turn now.” She pushes you onto the bed and tells you to get comfortable. You follow orders and lay your head onto a pillow, noticing it had the same scent as Applejack. You found it relaxing. Applejack then got onto the bed, straddles your hips and lies on top of you.

Applejack kisses you feverishly forcing her tongue into your mouth and wrapping it around yours. Your tongues go at it for a little while before she breaks the kiss and sits back up. She straddles your hips again with her tail resting against your legs.

“Don’t hold back on me now.” She says before grabbing your member and placing it at her entrance. She takes a deep breath before spearing herself onto your erect manhood. You gasp at the sudden sensation. She begins to move her hips up and down, placing her hands on your stomach for support.

You softly moan as pleasure works its way through your whole body. You place your hands firmly on her hips, helping her guide her movements. You look into her eyes. Moreover, you notice another emotion other than lust peering through as she looks into yours. It seems lighter and happier, a mix of lust and... love? You cannot help but smile as her eyes glistened with the light coming from her window. Her movements become steadily faster, her moans quicker and louder. You can feel a familiar pressure build in your groin. You start moaning more and more. The mix of pleasure and the realizing how much you love the mare that is giving you her heart makes it impossible to hold back. Your moans become louder still along with hers.

“Applejack, I cannot hold back I’m going to…” You trail off, the pleasure taking over. You can feel your release coming.

“Me too!” she manages to say through her moans.

Applejack speeds up her thrusts, as you start thrusting upward against her own movements. You feel it getting closer and with one final thrust, you release your seed deep into Applejack's marehood just as she cums along with you. You both yell each other’s names in pure ecstasy. Applejack collapses onto your chest and rests her head in the crook of your neck. You wrap your arms around her tightly, enjoying the blissful shroud of ecstasy. You could not believe the turn of events that started the whole thing. However, you were more than happy with the results.

“Applejack?” you say making her look up at you.

“Yeah?” she asks, semi-out of breath.

“I just felt I needed to say this out loud but, I love you Aj.” You give her a sincere smile.

Applejack blushes, a lone tear runs down her cheek. “I’ve been in love with you.” She leans up and kisses you deeply.

You grab a blanket and toss it over the both of you. Applejack snuggles into your chest and yawns cutely.

“Tired?” you ask chuckling lightly.

“Well you try getting bucked and cuming three times in a row.” She states while laughing.

“Yeah, but I know you liked it well enough. But let’s take a nap, I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while anyway.” You say hugging her tighter

“I agree, I wouldn’t mind it either.” She snuggles back into your chest and quickly falls asleep. You follow in suit. Your last thoughts filled with the mare you are in love with.

A week and a half has passed since your magical night with Applejack.

“Well, does that mean there’s going to be a wedding soon?” Big Mac asks you curiously.

“Aw come on, Big Mac, don’t tease me like that. We shouldn’t think about that just yet anyway,” You say embarrassed.

Out of nowhere, Applejack comes up from behind you and wraps her arms around you. “Hey there Sugarcube, how are you?”

“Pretty good, how was the trip into town?” you ask.

“Well I have news to tell you about that. You see I didn’t want to tell you just in case but since I know for sure now, I figured I should tell you,” She says.

“And what would that be?” you ask confused as to why she would hide anything.

“Well, I guess our genes aren’t so far apart after all because, I’m pregnant.” she says slightly embarrassed

You nearly collapse from what she said. “What, really!?” you stutter.

Applejack nods her head, making a goofy smile spread across your face as you turn to hug her tightly.

Big Mac chuckled “Well I guess that wedding will be sooner than you thought huh?”

You laugh and smile knowing that the bright and happy future with the mare of your dreams has just started.

Author's Notes:

Thanks to thoughs who helped me with this story once again! I hope you all enjoy it!

Also, if you'd like more Sexy Anthro Action visit ABronyLife42's Story!

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A Core of an Apple

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