
The Sunset Trilogy

by ocalhoun

Chapter 16: Book 2 - Chapter XV

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Book 2: Equestria Lost
Chapter 7

Twilight sighed. Big Mac had finally found her. She had gone for a walk a long while ago... probably much too long – the sun had gone up and down several times, Twilight had lost track. She hadn't really meant to, but her little walk had led her straight to the Apple Family's burial plot, and the three fresh graves there. She had been just sitting there, feeling sorry for herself to be honest.

The thought of honesty reminded her of Applejack, threatening to bring tears again, but Twilight fought them back, since Big Macintosh was approaching. “This wasn't quite what you meant when you said I could use a walk, was it?” She asked, as he stepped up beside her.


“But I just can't stop thinking about it... it keeps going over and over, and the worst part is it's all my...” Twilight hesitated... she hadn't told anypony yet that it was all her fault, and now she felt reluctant to... she hated to hide it... but she found herself also hating the thought of how others would look at her if they knew... and at that moment, that threat of disapproval seemed the greater evil.

Luckily enough, Big Mac didn't seem to pick up on what she almost said, instead he sat down next to her and said, “Sunny Daze came to live here on account of her house burnt down... while she was out shopping for food because her ma was too weak with the plague to get out of bed. Her ma burnt up with that house. Before that, her pa had to go help with the clinic in Canterlot, and he hasn't been heard of since... they wrote to Canterlot, but they said he never arrived. And before that she lost her best friend, Peachy Pie, to the plague. Those two used to go everywhere and do everything together.”

Twilight looked around at the other gravestones. She hadn't missed Granny Smith's and Applebloom's when she saw them earlier. She looked to the gaunt red pony beside her... he had lost everything, too. All his family, and even the strength that had defined him. Now he was as weak as Granny Smith had been... No, Twilight wasn't the only one suffering, but how could she stop thinking about it... how could she stop hurting?

Big Macintosh continued, “That little filly needs somepony to look after her. I can't keep up, not since I got sick. And more than that... she needs a friend.”

Twilight looked over at him and simply nodded, giving her silent assent. She got up – still a little stiffly – and started heading slowly off back towards the farmhouse, with Big Macintosh following her lead only a moment later, though Twilight never saw his backward glance at the tombstones. Both slowed by their past ordeals, they walked home together.

* * *

Twilight poked her hoof through yet another pile of blackened rubble. Idly, she wondered if her hooves would ever return to their normal color, or if they would stay darkened forever. She stepped away... this pile didn't look too promising anyway, full of cans of paint that had boiled and burst from the heat of the fire.

Sunny Daze dropped a few cans of soup – only a little bit burnt – into Twilight's saddlebags. Twilight didn't even stop to see what the were, instead looking warmly at the bright little filly... well, less bright at the moment, since she was pretty well covered in soot... but despite having been scavenging through the burned-out town of Ponyville for the better part of a day, she was still as bouncy and giggling as ever.

Their scavenging missions into Ponyville had become less and less fruitful though, and they were taking longer and longer to complete. There wasn't much left of the town, and Twilight had a suspicion that they weren't the only ones picking through the ashes for scraps. At any rate, they had managed a pretty good haul for the day, all things considered, and it was time to head back.

Sunny, of course, challenged Twilight to a race to the edge of town, and with Twilight encumbered by both lingering weakness and saddlebags, won it easily. Even though it had hurt her pretty badly to try and keep up with the filly, as she lay panting on the grass outside of town, she couldn't help but be uplifted by seeing the look of joy on the filly's face... Twilight's participation had made the filly's day, and Sunny was beaming with a huge smile. Somehow that also made Twilight's day all worthwhile, and as she realized this, a strange sensation came over her... partly emotion, but more of magic... strange, powerful magic. The only time she had felt anything like that was when she had been facing down Nightmare Moon, when the element of Magic attached itself to her... But looking around, she couldn't see anything that should have caused a feeling like that...

Shrugging it off, she turned to Sunny. She hated breaking the good mood, but what she had to say needed to be said... “Sunny... I... About the way I treated you earlier... I was so awful to you... and after you had lost your family and your friend... I'm just so sorry. I can never make that up to you. It's just I lost ponies I love too, and I wasn't feeling myself, and –”

Twilight's apology was cut short as Sunny Daze wrapped her hooves around Twilight's neck, giving her the biggest hug her little body could manage, looking up with teary eyes.

Twilight returned the filly's embrace, and shared in her tears. It felt good to finally let the grief out... and more than that, it felt great to have a friend there to share it with.

As they finally broke apart, the sun was on its way down again – it would be dark before they managed to get home. Both ponies were a mess. Sunny covered with soot, Twilight with a big splotch of soot where Sunny had been, and both of them with muddy streaks where tears had been draining down. Twilight wiped the tears from Sunny's eyes, and from her own. “Friends?” She said to the filly.

“Forever!” Sunny replied, giving Twilight another short hug.

Together, they headed homeward, with lighter hearts and heavier bags... a day well spent.

* * *

Next Chapter: Book 2 - Chapter XVI Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 54 Minutes
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