
Hostile Takeover

by Coconutswallow

Chapter 5: Broken Record

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“My... my life. It’s in ruins.” Flair stared at his floor with intensity. “H-how? How?” He looked up, casting wide eyes on his grinning rival.

“The sheer talent of the Great and Powerful Trixie. Who else’s magic could have found and obtained the one thing to publicly humiliate you?” Her horn started to glow fiercely. “Though Trixie did have help. Now for the dramatic reveal!” A sudden bolt of magical energy shot from Trixie’s horn to the pony next to Flair, unfurling the mare’s disguise.

With a yell, Flair jumped to the side and looked up and down the mare’s true visage. “You’re... you’re Fluttershy? But I trusted you!”

“I’m sorry, but it was a necessary lie. You just don’t deserve Maribel like I do.” Fluttershy patted Flair on the shoulder and went to stand by Trixie’s side.

“Now, to tie up some loose ends.” Trixie levitated The Journal in front of her.

“No, no, you can’t!” Flair threw himself before Trixie, his prone form looking up at her with pleading eyes. “Public humiliation, betrayal, I’ve been punished enough, please... please. My journal is all I have left.”

Trixie eyed the large tome in front of her. In it were the secrets of her rival, Visitor to the East, Student of Mysterious Magicks, Most Arrogant of Magicians. It detailed his travels, his adventures, his deepest thoughts, and represented the sum of the stallion’s life. “Flair’s Autobiograhpy? I don’t think it would ever sell.” With a burst of magic, the journal was on fire.

Flair watched the flames crackle, his jaw hanging loose. His eyes started to take on water.

Now,” Trixie said, leaning down close to her rival’s face, “grovel.”

“Grovel?” Flair choked.

“Grovel!” Trixie yelled. “Let me hear you say how worthless you are and how powerful and great Trixie is!”

Flair swallowed. “You… you’re the greatest. I’m trash.”

“More!” Trixie roared. “And make it richer!”

Flair’s words were barely decipherable through his sobs. “You are the most talented... and beautiful angel in all of Equestria... I’m not worthy to be in the same room as you.”

Trixie’s teeth gleamed. “More.”

“Okay, I think you can stop right there.” Ivy held up her hoof.

“Yeah, I think you totally could have stopped a long time ago. A long time ago.” Hue shifted in his seat and continued to stare at the ceiling.

Trixie’s star-filled eyes fell. “But Trixie was just getting to the good part!”

“Um, no, no you weren’t.” Ivy ran a hoof down her face. “Trixie, we wanted to know how your plan to get Fluttershy her job back was coming along. Not the details of the fanciful, dreamed up conclusion to said plan.”

“Well, yes, about that. Trixie ran across a small problem.” Trixie’s eyes decided they very much liked focusing on a nearby wall.

“The hair dye,” Fluttershy said quietly. “Trixie didn’t apply it the way you’re supposed to.”

“Trixie thought it would be easy. How hard could hair dying be?” Trixie rested her cheek on her hoof.

Hue sat upright and joined Ivy in staring in bewilderment at the two ponies.

“What?” Trixie asked, straightening up.

“Hair dye?” Ivy’s mouth hung open. “How would that have helped you humiliate Flair?”

“Trixie doesn’t expect you to understand. It would take a lot of explaining. Needless to say, the plan was a failure.”

“So you have another plan, right? Please tell me you have another plan!” Hue stretched himself across the table right into Trixie’s face. “We can’t have Fluttershy go back to Ponyville!”

“You don’t have any plans to leave yet, do you?” Ivy asked Fluttershy.

A small smile formed on the corner of Fluttershy’s mouth. “Um, no, I guess not.”

Ivy and Hue exhaled deeply and beamed in unison. Trixie would have wrinkled her nose in disgust at what composed the Fluttershy Fanclub were it not for her full awareness that she was just as much a member as they were. Her conscience probably couldn’t wait to get an autograph.

"I have to ask, Trixie," Ivy said, "what exactly is the history between you and Flair? Your plans for his downfall seemed pretty... intense."

"It's a story mired in bitterness," said Trixie. "You don't want Trixie to get into it."

"Pretty sure we do, actually," said Hue, perking his ears up.

Trixie sighed. “When Trixie was a beginning magician she worked in a small group of traveling entertainers. Flair just so happened to also be in that group. Trixie and Flair both became popular quickly. When we split off from our group to travel on our own we both vied for booking. It was vicious. At one point, we both had shows back-to-back in Trottingham.” Her eyes narrowed. “Trixie was sick and tired of trying to compete to make her name known, so she challenged Flair to a duel of showmareship. Instead of two separate shows, we both did a competitive performance, and Trixie beat the tar out of the amateur. Trixie laughed at him, she had the whole crowd laugh at him, Trixie had him laughed out of town. It was a glorious victory.”

The assembled ponies blinked at her.

“That’s not all,” Trixie said, holding up a hoof. “Trixie was working on making her way to the top. She had managed to book a show in Fillydelphia, but, just when her show was about to start, Flair showed up again. He had been gone for a year, unheard of. Then he simply announced himself to the crowd, claimed to have 'defeated' a dragon, and stole the show right away from Trixie. Not a single pony lingered to watch her. No, Flair’s tricks were simply too amazing not to miss. We've been at each others' throats ever since.”

There was a long silence.

“So… you’re bitter rivals because you both didn’t play fair?” asked Ivy.

“Yeah, that also could have been way shortened down,” said Hue.

“No, only Flair played dirty," hissed Trixie. "Trixie simply challenged him to a match of skill. Flair purposefully stole her crowd.”

“So, what he did wasn’t justified because you embarrassed him in front a whole town of ponies?” asked Ivy.

“We hated each other before that, haven’t you been listening? Because of Flair thunder-stealing, Trixie had to take small-time gigs like the ones in Ponyville." Trixie shook her head. "The point is that Flair has committed a terrible wrong against Trixie and that makes him a pony unsuited for working at the Mane-Event.” Trixie looked off to the side and mumbled. “And if we don’t get rid of him, then Fluttershy can’t get her job back.”

“So... ideas?” asked Hue. “You have more of them right?”

Trixie put a hoof to her chin.

“You don’t actually have any, do you?” asked Ivy.

Trixie’s eyes suddenly gleamed. “For your information, yes, Trixie does have another brilliant plan.”

Lies. The new plan was horrible, downright shameful, really. Trixie was being a chicken, plain and simple. She had downsized her malicious, cunning plan of humiliation to one that avoided conflict altogether. Not to mention it was wholehearted treason. She wasn’t quite sure how she was going to live with herself after all was said and done. Unfortunately, she couldn’t live with the current circumstances either. She was either going to have to stoop to a low level or jump out of her apartment window. It was a tough choice, but Trixie chose the route of not-suicide, if only because her apartment wasn’t as high up as she would have preferred.

She sighed inwardly. If her life hadn’t hit rock bottom yet, then Trixie was quite she could see the craggy valley floor from the rock she was clinging onto. Maybe if she thought less about it, the more likely it would turn out alright. That was how the cruelness in her life worked, right? The more she built up expectations, the more they came crashing down in fire. She growled at her fate and continued on her way to Big Entrance’s office with her new compatriot in tow.

“So Maribel really isn’t going to be… well… you know?” Fluttershy stared at Trixie with her piercing eyes. They had to be illegal in some parts of Equestria.

Trixie grumbled. Telling her roommate the truth about the chimera’s fate was not something she wanted to do, but there was no keeping the charade if they were talking to Big Entrance. “No, no, that was just Big Entrance being his normal self.” Trixie stopped in front of her manger’s ever imposing door. “Are you ready to go in?”

“Um, well…” Fluttershy pawed the floor with her hoof. “It sounds like they have another good pony to take care of Maribel, and I don’t think Mr. Entrance likes me very much… It’s… it’s not worth it. As long as Maribel is going to be okay, they don’t need me.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “You’ve been flip-flopping ever since we left the apartment. Now is not the time to bail! Have confidence!” She raised a hoof in emphasis.

“Well I do really want to work with Maribel again, but… but I was so bad at it. I didn’t even know what to do when she got upset. I think this Flair would probably be better.”

“Enough of that talk. Must Trixie repeat herself? You deserve this job, not Flair. Do you really care for the chimera?”

“Well, yes, I do but…”

“No! No ‘buts!’ If you care for the chimera then you need to fight for it! Flair won’t give Maribel the treatment she deserves! Now, let’s go in there and convince Big Entrance that he made a mistake.” Trixie pounded a hoof against the floor.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Excellent. Now remember what Trixie told you to do. Big, wide eyes, pouting lip, and you must cry if he proves resistant. It’s essential.” Trixie equipped her best determined face and opened the door, ushering Fluttershy in.

Big Entrance looked up from a paper on his desk. He paused before tilting his head. “Is there a reason Miss Shy’s not fluttering back in a little town called Ponyville right now?”

Trixie took a deep breath and stood tall, her head looking down with power and conviction at her inferior. “Trixie has brought Fluttershy here to convince you that she deserves a second chance at her job.”

Big Entrance stared at Trixie, a small smile forming. He snickered and rubbed his ear. “Sorry, my mind likes making jokes when it hears something it knows isn’t worth it’s time. Just now it made it sound like you said you supported Fluttershy coming back to work for me. Just plain silliness. Could you, uh, repeat what you just said? I swear my mind won’t wander this time.”

Trixie’s expression went flat. “Trixie wants Fluttershy to have her job back.” Her eyes narrowed slowly.

Big Entrance’s eyes widened in response. He opened his mouth, closed it, coughed and adjusted his shades. “So,” he said, “let me get this straight. Um…” He scratched his head. “You want me to give Fluttershy a second chance? You?”

“No, the other Trixie.” Trixie gestured behind her with a sneer.

Big Entrance frowned. “No lame sarcasm in my office.”

“The undisputed Queen of Bedazzling Magic,” said Trixie, “is recommending that Fluttershy be brought back as the handler of the chimera. Trixie doubts any further reference is needed, is it?”

“Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves, babe? I think we’re missing discussing your sudden loyalty to a newcomer, who at one time I believe you viewed as a fly in the soup of your career.”

“Things change,” Trixie snarled. “Now drop it! The point is simply this: the hammer was unfairly brought down on Fluttershy at the end of her preview performance for High Hat.”

“Trixie, the nail-pounding tool was on its way down after two weeks of poor practicing. I stopped by frequently to check on you two, only to witness nervous movements, freak outs when the stage lights were turned on, and you talking to a dressing room door.” Big Entrance looked at Fluttershy and sighed. “I told you earlier, Miss Shy. I’m sorry, but I just don’t think you can work under the high intensity of stage business. Besides, it’s really not in my hooves. High Hat, after almost losing his left side I should add, was quite adamant about ridding you after that private performance. I’d have to go through him again, knowing he wouldn’t approve, and now we have Flair and, well…” He shrugged. “Sorry.”

Trixie tilted her head up. “Trixie expected that answer. That is why she has a proposal. She believes that with Fluttershy and her skills combined on stage, we would far rival anything that Flair could perform. Think about it, Trixie’s magical displays in conjunction with an exotically magical creature. The crowd would love it!”

Big Entrance furrowed his brow and looked Trixie up and down. “You want to be on the same stage as her?” He took off his sunglasses and glanced around the room before putting them back on slowly. “Huh, this is definitely reality.” He frowned. “I should take this chance to remind you that illegal substances aren’t allowed on my watch.”

“Trixie is one hundred percent sober. Now stay on topic! Just tell Trixie that such an act wouldn’t be magnificent. Just try to tell her.” Trixie crossed her hooves.

“Hay yeah, probably so, but I’m not about to raise an opinion opposite of this theater’s highest backer. Funny thing, having an animal you’re obsessed with come a hair’s breadth of killing you doesn’t make you all that forgiving of the animal’s handler. There’s just no way Fluttershy’s coming back. Full stop.”

Trixie sighed. “Then you leave Trixie with no choice.” She nudged Fluttershy and made a signal with her eyes.

Fluttershy looked at Trixie with confusion before light dawned. She turned to Big Entrance and stuck her bottom lip out and widened her eyes.

Big Entrance raised an eyebrow at her and glanced at Trixie. “What is she doing?”

Trixie nudged Fluttershy harder and received a look of panic. She pointed at her eye and drug a hoof down her cheek.

Fluttershy mouthed, “I can’t.”

Trixie threw her hooves up in the air.

“Sooo, is your stage act going to involve miming? Because I can already tell you that won’t fly worth a feather,” said Big Entrance.

Trixie growled. “Now listen here—“

“Nah, that’s enough of that.” Big Entrance waved his hoof dismissively at Trixie. “No big long angry rants from you today. I’ve…” He sighed. “I’ve got business to discuss. First thing’s first. High Hat is throwing a party in celebration of obtaining Flair as the newest member of the Mane-Event. It’s going to be a big dinner at High Hat’s new penthouse and afterwards Flair will be putting on his preview show. One that High Hat has taken great pains to stress to his friends won’t result in an out of control animal.”

Trixie knew she probably should have come to her roommate's defense but that wasn’t what her brain keyed in on. “Why didn’t Trixie get such a celebration when she joined?”

“Once again, I need to remind you that you were a small time filly. I was the one who put you on the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor. Flair, on the other hoof, is a big name. As in, Mare of Liberty, big. He’s proven himself long before showing up at this doormat, which is why High Hat feels confident enough to enter him into the Royal Performance Contest. Such a dumb name...” Big Entrance rolled his eyes.

“The what?” Trixie asked.

“It’s a new competition started by the princesses this year, particularly Princess Luna, who apparently is a huge fan of the performance arts. She wants to hold a competition in Canterlot to see who the best performers in Equestria are. High Hat, of course, wants to have his chimera win. Now, two things.” Big Entrance scratched the back of his neck. “First, Flair has invited you as his special guest. You’ll be sitting beside him during the duration of the dinner.”

“Oh,Trixie will, will she? When did she agree to this?”

“When the words came out of my mouth. Secondly… oh, dear sweet eyelash of Celestia, secondly...” Big Entrance took a deep breath. “Secondly, uh, funny coincidence. High Hat had it in his mind that the best way for his chimera to win the royal competition would be if he... combined Flair’s talents... and yours…” He cringed and backed away from his desk.

The office slowly started to dim. The colors of the room started to morph, transforming into a dark red. Trixie could feel the heat coming from her eyes, searing the stallion before her with invisible fire. The right side of her face twitched.

“I’m, uh, I’m going to excuse myself.” Fluttershy shot out the office door.

“Now, Trixie, at least, you know, roll the thought around and let it get used to your brain.” Big Entrance backed up even further.

Trixie opened her mouth slowly. “Trixie. Is. Going. To—“

“Do you, um, feel better now?” Fluttershy cringed as Trixie left Big Entrance’s office, expecting her to explode again at a moment’s notice.

Trixie started plodding down the hallway, her shoulders slumped. “Trixie feels somewhat better.”

“Those were a lot of words, that, uh, I had never heard before.” Fluttershy was quite sure she didn’t want to ever hear them again, either.

“Trixie has quite the colorful vocabulary when the situation calls for it. That was one such situation.” Trixie slammed a hoof into the hallway wall. “She was sure that this would work. In fact, it might have if you had cried.” She twisted her mouth. “You couldn’t even let out a single tear? Just one?”

“I’m very sorry. There really wasn’t anything to cry about. I mean, Maribel is going to be fine after all and—“

“No!” Trixie yelled, causing Fluttershy to flinch. She cleared her throat, and continued more quietly. “The chimera will not be fine. Flair will corrupt it. He corrupts everything he touches. Trixie must find a way to bring him down. She didn’t want to have to take on Flair directly, but now it looks like she has no other option.”

Fluttershy remained quiet as Trixie walked down the hallway making gestures and mouthing words to herself. She was pretty sure her roommate was overreacting. Surely this new pony couldn’t be all that bad? After all, what pony wouldn’t take really good care of a creature as cute as Maribel? Really, it was probably about time Fluttershy let go of Manehattan. She should just pack up and head back to Ponyville. She would miss her new friends and they would hate to see her go but she had a cottage full of animals that loved her back at home, and they probably missed her a lot, and so did her other friends and--

Trixie burst out into a loud cackle, silencing Fluttershy’s thoughts. “That’s it! Trixie, you are maniacal!” She looked at Fluttershy. “It’s perfect! Something that will truly terrify him! It even terrifies Trixie. Not quite as grand or publicly shaming as Trixie’s previous plan, and she’ll have to be very careful, but it will work. She bets her life on it.” She rubbed her hooves together.

“What is it?”

“Ah now, that would be telling. Trixie must keep a few secrets. Now, double-time back to the apartment, Trixie has quite a few things to research and prepare.”

“I never expected you to accept the invitation to Flair’s dinner.” Fluttershy adjusted a few of the flowers in her hair, making sure they wouldn’t fall out.

“The best way to catch Flair off guard is to hit him when he thinks he’s safe.” Trixie polished her gem clasp with the side of her hoof. The gown she had on was about as perfect as she was going to get. It was a slightly darker blue than her coat and it was patterned with her cutie mark. It came up to a hood over her head and Trixie thought she would be remiss if she didn’t wear her moon-sliver earrings. She was going to turn heads if she had anything to say about it.

“It’s not going to be anything too mean is it?” Fluttershy put on her green slippers.

Trixie shook her head at her roommate’s outfit. As stunning as she thought her gown was, she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t jealous. It was a gorgeous dress. Supposedly it was worn to the Grand Galloping Gala, or, more accurately, the Grand Occasion Trixie Wasn’t Invited To. She was still miffed. Since when was she not important enough for such a gathering?

“Um, Trixie, it’s not going to be bad is it?” Fluttershy moved closer to Trixie.

Trixie snapped back to the matter at hoof. “It’s not… overly bad. Trixie thinks it’s not something to scream about... You had better not scream.” She shot Fluttershy a serious look.

“I’ll try not to, but please don’t seriously injure anypony.” Fluttershy used her illegal eye weapons again.

“Trixie is not going to hurt anypony. Just… you’ll see. Let’s hurry up. Trixie intends to get there before the dinner officially starts.”

As the pair walked down the streets of Manehattan, Trixie patted the left fold of her gown, making sure the bottles inside them weren’t jostling too hard. It seemed like they were packed tightly enough.

It wasn’t hard to find which skyscraper housed High Hat’s new penthouse when only one of them had superbly dressed ponies entering it in large groups, with some individuals lingering outside to talk to each other. To not much of her surprise, Trixie spotted several of her co-workers talking in a circle.

“Trixie sees that she’s not the only pony who was forced into this mockery.” Trixie approached her co-workers, observing their outfits. She expected a frilly dress from Ivy and less formal dresses from Peaches and Cream, but Hue wearing a tuxedo was a surprise. “Hue, Trixie is surprised to see that you’re wearing, well… anything.”

Hue stared past Trixie. She followed his gaze to the pony behind her—Fluttershy. Trixie rolled her eyes. She should have suspected that was the reason for his sudden care in his appearance.

“Fluttershy, you look… awesome.” Hue fidgeted with his bowtie.

“Oh, um, thank you.” Fluttershy gave the stallion a small smile and turned her head.

"I mean it. That is some dress." Hue rubbed the back of his neck. "Nothing compared to the mare inside it, though."

"Oh my." Fluttershy's cheeks decided red was a nice contrasting color to her yellow coat.

A grin spread across Hue's face. "Fluttershy, would like you to sit at my tab--"

"Alright, that is enough of that," said Trixie, pulling Fluttershy closer to her.

“I agree," said Ivy, shaking her head Hue who in turn gave the group a quizzical look. She turned back to Trixie. "So, I hear you actually have yet another plan to take care of Flair and get Fluttershy re-hired?” Ivy asked. "That's why we're all waiting out here."

Trixie gave her co-worker a wary eye. "If you're expecting to be let in on the plan or, what's more, be a part of it, then you're sorely mistaken."

"Oh, come on, Trixie, you can't leave us in the cold!" Peaches pouted.

"Yeah, we have to be a part of it this time. We're talking about making sure Fluttershy stays. You need all the help you can get," said Cream.

"Trixie does not need help." Trixie's nostrils flared. "She requires only herself and Fluttershy. Too many magicians spoil the trick. Now begone with you until after Flair is no longer working with us."

Ivy sighed. "Fine. I know there's no use arguing. Well, can you at least give us the gist of it?"

"It will be dangerous," said Trixie.

“We don’t have to stand back about fifty feet, do we?” asked Peaches.

“No, Trixie assures you that it is nothing that wide-reaching. Don’t worry. The only pony wrecked by the end of the night will be Flair.”

Cream sighed. “It's always the handsome ones that just have to go. The Mane-Event has so few eye candy stallions.”

Trixie scrunched up her face. “Enough of that talk in Trixie’s presence. She wishes to be able to eat.”

“Was I just insulted right now?” Hue asked, breaking away from his gaze at Fluttershy.

“No more than usual. We’ll see you three on the other side.” Trixie moved past them into the building, taking the elevator to the top floor.

The entire living room, which could have been an apartment by itself, had been cleared out and was filled with small circular tables for the upcoming dinner. There were no seating arrangements except the one relegated to Trixie. She had heard that Flair’s official reason for sitting her beside him was so that they might “learn” from each other. It didn’t take much to remind her just how much she passionately loathed the stallion. Trixie found the table with her name scrawled elegantly on a place card and planted herself in the designated seat. She had no desire to mingle.

Fluttershy sat in a chair opposite and glanced around, her head lowered. “Um, so, what am I supposed to be doing?”

“You’re here to do your best to make Flair uncomfortable and because Trixie needs a courier.”

“A courier?”

“You’ll see.” Trixie smirked.

“Are you sure it wouldn’t be best if I stayed out of everypony’s way?”

“Trixie swears you have the self-confidence of a shaved cat. You have this.”

A glass clinked loudly in the distance and the room full of talking ponies quieted down and directed their attention to High Hat, who stood on a platform in the back of the room.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlestallions! Welcome to the celebration of the hiring of Flair to the Mane-Event team. I have no doubt you have heard of him if you have any appreciation of the performance arts. He is one of the few to travel to the East and return armed with a great many stories and treasures. He is a charming and bold fellow and he can command an audience’s attention like no other. It was to my great joy that I managed to get a hold of him in the midst of his tour in the outer borders of Equestria. I asked him if he had the skills and the interest to lead a most exotic creature on stage. To my great fortune he said yes to both! So without further introduction on my part, here is the stallion of the hour!” High Hat stepped to the side and Flair came out on the stage to applause.

Trixie rolled her eyes at his appearance. His “formal” attire consisted of a bright red top hat and cape with golden comets on it, same as his cutie mark. Such egotism.

Flair blew a kiss to the hoof stomping crowd. “Yes, greetings, my dears! It’s positively wonderful the amount of ponies in attendance here! Simply fantastic! All for me? My mind boggles at the thought. Though, I suppose I can think of one reason why you all love me so much.” The magician smiled and lifted his hoof palm upward and blue flame crackled to life on top of it. He threw his hoof forward and the blue flame streaked across the room, twirling by the corners of the room and coming back, prompting several ponies to duck, the end of the flame meeting back at his hoof. With a roar, the flames disappeared.

“Show off,” Trixie mumbled.

More applause reverberated throughout the room. Flair bowed. “Before we continue, I’d like to be the one to announce that I plan on entering the Royal Performance Competition!” Even more applause. “Yes, yes, I know I’ll win, no worries.” He laughed. “And not only that, it will be with High Hat’s wondrous chimera and, and, I’ll be winning alongside your lovely main lady, Trixie!” Flames burst from Flair’s hoof again, this time encircling Trixie, highlighting her with blue light.

Eyes wide, Trixie stood up and waved as the crowd applauded. With a sudden gleam in her eye, she lifted her hooves up and her horn started to glow. She could put on just as an amazing eye-catcher as her rival.

“She is something isn’t she,” Flair said. The flames around Trixie died and the crowd’s entire attention went back to the stallion. Trixie slumped into her chair and leaned her cheek on her hoof.

“Now, enjoy your meals brought to you by some of the best caterers in town,” said Flair. “Once the meal is over I’ll be mingling about, providing autographs, smiles, and the presence of my company. Then, don’t forget, you’re all invited to the preview show I’ll be putting on at the Mane-Event. Witness for yourself why I’m the most sought after magician in Equestria.” He waved at the crowd again and hopped of the stage, his cape twirling dramatically.

“Watch yourself, Trixie.”

Trixie started and looked to her side, her eyes meeting a pair of thick, black shades.

“Trixie will behave.” Trixie tossed her mane to the side rebelliously. “In that she won’t kill him.”

“Yeah, no serious injuries would be nice, too. Now for a question: what is she doing here?” Big Entrance pointed at Fluttershy.

“She’s Trixie’s plus one.”

“She’s fired!”

“Trixie’s sorry, did the invitation say that ex-theater ponies aren’t allowed? Was that in the fine print?”

Big Entrance lowered his sunglasses making his scrutinizing eyes visible. “You’ve been acting fishy this past week. So fishy I expect you to sprout gills next month. I don’t like it. If something unpleasant happens tonight then there will be consequences.”

“Yes, yes.” Trixie rolled her eyes and waved her hoof dismissively at her manager.

“I use to carry an air of authority around here,” Big Entrance mumbled and trotted off.

“Are you sure Flair’s a bad pony, Trixie? He seemed alright to me.” Fluttershy scanned the crowd, looking for him.

“He is most certainly a vile pony. Trixie hopes he winds up homeless and destitute after she rids him of her theater.”

“Excuse me?”

Trixie jumped a little as Flair trotted up to the table and hopped onto the chair next Trixie. She had lost track of him in the crowd. “Trixie was just discussing how much she wanted a bright future for you.”

“Oh, well thank you, my dear, but I doubt wishes are really necessary. My continued success is a fact of life.” Flair leaned closely to Fluttershy. “Now, who is this lovely creature?”

Much to Trixie’s surprise, her roommate didn’t blush. She was improving. “I’m Fluttershy.”

“Wait, Fluttershy, as in the animal handler I replaced?” Flair asked. “The pony who couldn’t rein in the chimera?”

Fluttershy lowered her head and occupied herself with the center of the table.

“She just had a mishap. She’s still a far better handler than you could dream of,” said Trixie.

“Oh, yes, sure, sure.” Flair smiled. “I will give my predecessor one thing. She has quite the angelic look. I feel rather sorry that I took your job, Miss Fluttershy.” A spark shot from his horn to his hoof and a pearl necklace materialized. He magically levitated it around Fluttershy’s neck, clasping it on. “An apologetic gift, my dear.”

Fluttershy looked startled at the shiny pearls. “Oh, um, thank you.”

“How did you do that?” asked Trixie. “You can’t just make things. Magic doesn’t work that way.”

“Now, now, Trixie, a magician never reveals his secrets, even to another magician. Especially not to you, that’s for sure.”

“You are atrocious. Trixie knows you forced her to sit here just so you could mock her.”

“Certainly did.” Flair raised and lowered his eyebrows. “Why do you think I’m so happily going along with the plan to have you be my partner in the upcoming competition? What better way to show my magical superiority over you than for me to perform my advanced spells right next to your meager offerings.”

“How do you know Trixie won’t use that as an opportunity to sabotage your chances of winning?” Trixie smirked.

“Well, if anything did go wrong, it would only be because you were there. That’s what I’d tell the press. Bad things just tend to happen around you, Trixie. It would be a Flair pity fest and I would cherish every moment of it.” Flair smiled his most arrogant smile.

Trixie had to use all her willpower to prevent herself from launching a furious series of punches on his personage. She had a better plan. She needed to stick to it.

A caterer pony pulled a cart up to their table and laid down three plates and filled them up with a strange Eastern dish. Trixie was quite sure she would have labeled it as something out of a dumpster were it not being offered to her by a well-dressed stallion. He laid down three glasses and poured red wine in each of them, leaving the bottle on the table before departing.

“Ah, a fantastic dish this.” Flair levitated a fork to his food and brought a bite to his mouth. “I discovered it in my travels in the East. I managed to bring the recipe back with me. Not quite as good as the natives over there make it, but still top notch.”

“Ah, yes your travels East. You always seem to come back to those in your conversations.” Trixie sneered.

“It’s my defining life’s achievement. Tell me, Fluttershy, have you heard about how I persuaded a dragon to give me its most precious jewel?”

“Um, no. Though I convinced a dragon to move out of its cave, once. How easy was it for you?” Fluttershy asked.

Flair frowned. “It took all of my cunning and manipulation to convince it to part with it. How did you handle such a creature?”

“I scolded it. It hurt my friends, so I told it to apologize.”

Flair frowned even deeper. “You scolded a dragon? You actually gave off an air of authority to one of the most self-important races in the world?”

“Every living creature cares about others deep down inside it. I just needed to show the dragon that it didn’t really want to be mean and that we could come to an agreement that was good for everyone. It just took a little sternness to break through its shell.” Fluttershy nodded as if reassuring herself. “How did you persuade your dragon? You didn’t... trick it did you?”

The frown on Flair's face was beginning to look etched. He looked intently at Fluttershy while taking several large swigs of wine.

Trixie leaned back, drinking from her glass. “Problem, Flair?”

Flair glanced at Trixie and seemed to regain composure as his frown made way for a playful smile. He cocked an eyebrow at Fluttershy. “Intimidated a dragon? Hmm. And yet the chimera proved your superior?”

The table grabbed Fluttershy’s attention again. Trixie needed to ease the pressure.

“Well everypony makes a mistake every so once and awhile. In fact, some ponies’ entire lives serve as an example of what not to do.” Trixie gave her rival a sharp look.

Flair’s head tilted in surprise. “Well I’m glad you’re being open about it, dear Trixie. You need not worry, I’m sure, sure, that someday, you’ll do something right in your life. I’d mark that day down, if I were you, it will only come once.” He stared into the distance and waved a hoof in front of him. “‘Here lies Trixie, she lived a life of failure but we will always remember her for the deeds of a single day.’ Then below you can have the date in glorious gold filigree. Perfect, my dear.”

It didn’t escape Trixie’s notice that Flair’s wine glass was close to being empty. She levitated the wine bottle close to her, acting as if she was about to refill her own glass. Now was the time to strike. “It will give Trixie’s grave an air of haunting bitter-sweetness. Yours will be the one causing ponies to snicker in the graveyard. Who wouldn’t after reading a name like yours on a tombstone?”

Flair glared at Trixie. “Watch it.”

“Trixie wonders, did you parents hate you? With a name like Flair Pizzazz, it sounds like they did.”

“Fine, Trixie, fine. Need I bring up your name?”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I quite would. Everypony, everypony, can I have your attention!” The room quieted down. Flair stood up and magically lifted up his wine glass. “I’d like to propose a toast. First a toast to the wonderful theater that is the Mane-Event and then of course to the loveliest of partners, Trixie Lulamoon!” He raised his glass high and drank from it. The rest of the crowd also drank from their collective glasses, though not without several smirks and titters.

The ploy worked perfectly. Trixie knew full well that Flair wouldn’t pass up a jab at his name without an equivalent counterattack. The predictable manner of his insults would prove his downfall. She pulled a small bottle from her gown while Flair's attention was away from the table and poured some into the wine bottle. She held up a hoof in a shushing gesture at Fluttershy’s widening eyes.

Flair turned and smiled at Trixie just as she stuffed the small bottle back in her gown. He magically lifted the wine bottle, refilled his glass, and took a sip. Trixie eyed Flair with indifference and refilled her glass as well. With her own sip, the deed was sealed.

“Flair, you’ve forced Trixie’s hoof.” She stared hard at her rival.

“Forced it to do what?” Flair asked.

“She put something in both of our drinks.”

Flair’s mouth took a serious downturn. “What was it? Surely it couldn’t have been poison. I would have known.”

“Oh, it wasn’t a poison,” said Trixie, her face turning very serious. “It was a love potion.”

“That’s what it was?” asked Fluttershy, putting a hoof to her mouth.

Flair gasped and stared at Trixie with widened eyes. “You… you didn’t.”

“Trixie most certainly did. She mixed it so it has a delay before it starts working. Trixie has the antidote on her but she won’t use it unless you step down from your job here.”

“Are you kidding? Are you mad?”

“Trixie is simply doing what she has to. Now sign this!” Trixie pulled a rolled parchment out, magically levitating it in front of Flair.

The stallion looked down at it, his eyes quickly scanning across it. “‘I, Flair, hereby agree to step down from my position at the Mane-Event. I testify that I drink profusely and this is one of my very few moments of sobriety’.” Flair gritted his teeth. “‘Any statement made by me to the contrary of this document should be assumed to be me under the influence.’” Flair looked at Trixie. “You fiend! You are one crazy mare!”

“You are one arrogant stallion!” Trixie spat back. “And the part you read isn’t even the half of it! Trixie did her research. The rest of the document is foolproof in court. Now sign!” An inkwell and quill appeared on the table.

“Trixie, Trixie,” Flair said, his tone becoming more urgent, “just use the antidote.”

“No! Trixie is willing to play chicken if that’s what you want. We can continue to sit at this table just waiting for the potion to kick in. Just imagine the googly eyes we’ll make followed by a romantic walk in the park. But you can prevent it if you just sign this.” Trixie patted the document with her hoof.

Flair stared at her with anger. Breathing heavily, he finally relented. “Fine!” He dipped the quill in the ink and quickly scrawled his name on the lined portion at the bottom of the paper.

Trixie magically rolled up the parchment and levitated it in front of her roommate. “Take this to Big Entrance, quickly!”

Fluttershy looked at the parchment and then at Trixie with panicked eyes. “But, where is he?”

“Trixie doesn’t know! Around here somewhere! Go!”

Fluttershy grabbed the parchment in her mouth and flew up above the crowd in the room.

“The antidote, Trixie, now!” Flair leaned close to Trixie with a pleading gesture.

Trixie nodded and whipped out the antidote bottle from inside her cape. She started to pour some in Flair’s glass when, without warning, a hoof came and shoved the glass and the vial along with it, off the table and onto the ground, where they both shattered.

“What in Luna’s tail are you doing?” Big Entrance’s voice was unmistakable.

Trixie, her mouth agape, turned to look at her manager. She tried to speak, but words just didn’t seem to want to come out.

“You foal! You… you…” Flair grabbed Big Entrance by his jacket collar. “What have you done?”

“Um… saved your life from Trixie’s poison?” Big Entrance didn’t sound so confident.

“No! No... that was the antidote... How much time do we have?” Flair released Big Entrance and clutched his hooves at his head.

“About one more minute,” Trixie whispered.

“Wait, are you going to die in a minute?” Big Entrance stared between the two.

“No… no, worse.” Trixie covered her mouth.

“Then what’s going to happen?”

It wasn't until a few minutes after leaving the table that Fluttershy realized she wasn't so much looking for Big Entrance as flying around in a panicked state. When she regained her composure and started scanning for the stallion she found that she was in an out of the way hallway with nopony in it. Sweat started to bead down her forehead. Was it bad if she didn’t deliver the document in time? Trixie made it seem really urgent. Fluttershy did a quick mid-air reversal and started flying back to the main room.

She quickly stopped short as a crowd started to form around the dining area. What was going on? Was she too late? Did something bad happen? Fluttershy zoomed past the few pegasi that had taken to the air to get a better view. Then the center of the room became visible and she came to a halt in mid-air. She almost forgot to flap her wings, and quickly caught herself before she hit the ground.

Glowing, spherical lights encompassed a large section of the floor. Fast tempo, sensual music emanated from inside the swirling lights. Dancing to said music was Flair and Trixie, chest pressed against chest, horns glowing and touching, and hooves in the proper tango positions.

“What do you think… abandon ship?”

Fluttershy looked down from her aerial position, finding Hue looking up at her, a grim expression on his face.

Flair bent Trixie forward, his face lining up with her chest. He quickly lifted his head, and with a devious grin, kissed Trixie on the lips before pulling her back to her hooves and continuing the dance.

“What… what happened?” Ivy, just managing to worm her way to Hue, stared up at Fluttershy with panic.

“I don’t know!” Fluttershy cringed. “Trixie said something about a love potion!”

“A what?” Cream suddenly appeared by Hue, Peaches by her side. “This is not good!”

Peaches put a hoof to her face. “She seriously didn’t. What would that even gain her?”

“Well, she gave me this parchment that Flair signed.” Fluttershy held up the paper in her hoof, flying lower to show it to her friends.

“She is something else.” Ivy shook her head, a small smile coming to her lips.

“Explanation. Now. Or so help me Nightmare Moon, I will fire you all.” Big Entrance shoved aside two nearby bystanders and stared down the group, his sunglasses up on top of his head, letting loose the full strength of his withering gaze.

Flair spun Trixie in a fluid finishing move. His horn stopped glowing and the music stopped with it. Trixie followed suit and cut off the glowing lights.

“Attention, everypony!” Flair spoke loudly. “The preview show will still be happening at the Mane-Event. I’ve decided to move it forward about an hour. I will be… indisposed until then.” Flair stared deeply into Trixie’s eyes and kissed her again. He wrapped his hoof around her and with a flash, they teleported in front of the elevator on the other side of the room and got in it. The room broke out with murmuring.

“Oh, for both of the princess’s sakes, what is going on?” Big Entrance sat down, his sunglasses falling off his head, apparently in just as much shock as its owner.

“They’re probably going to Trixie’s apartment,” Ivy yelled up at Fluttershy over the commotion. “You’re the only pegasus among us! We’ll hold Big Entrance off!”

“You’ll what?” Big Entrance stamped a hoof. “No, Fluttershy, stay right here!”

“Go!” yelled Ivy.

Fluttershy bit her bottom lip and flew off. She quickly found an open window and used it as her exit, soaring out of it and over the streets of Manehattan, back to her and Trixie’s apartment.

For a scant few seconds, Fluttershy considered leaving the apartment door closed and flying back to Ponyville. It seemed like the safest option. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the kindest option. She owed Trixie, even if the plan apparently backfired. There was no backing out. Fluttershy put on her best determined face and put a hoof to the door, pushing it open slowly. She peered her head into the room.

It was all she could do to not let out an “aww” upon viewing the two ponies she was after. They both were sitting in the hallway, staring deeply into each others' eyes, the sweetest of smiles on their faces. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect with a love potion, but so far Fluttershy was finding it very sweet and somewhat harmless.

The couple, with a lot of difficulty, turned to look at her.

“Can you believe that Trixie never saw anything in Flair before? It’s like Trixie’s eyes have been opened to a whole new side of this stallion, a side that looks a lot like Trixie’s side.” Trixie turned back to Flair and leaned in even closer to his face.

“I’m amazed you haven’t seen anything in me before either.” Flair brushed back Trixie’s mane, securing a lock behind her ear. “I see a lot of me in you, and I love it.”

“Mhmm, Trixie loves that you love it.” Trixie batted her eyes.

Fluttershy suddenly felt like she was invading privacy. Things were fast leaving “sweet” territory. “But, um, Trixie, remember how you, well, don’t like Flair?” She doubted a simple reminder would work, but she had to try.

“Trixie doesn’t like Flair, but… Trixie loves Flair.”

“Shall we take the couch?” asked Flair, nuzzling Trixie’s neck.

“That sounds good to Trixie.” A predatory grin broke out and Trixie led Flair to their couch and sat down, patting the cushion next to her.

Fluttershy changed her mind, the potion was beginning to look the opposite of harmless. She stood in the doorway, trying to think of a solution to the conundrum. Trixie had to have made the love potion herself somehow. She doubted anypony in Manehattan sold something so potent. Surely the recipe book had to be around the apartment somewhere? She walked into Trixie's room and her face lit up. A book and a scattering of various containers and plants were laid out on the top of one her dressers.

“Trixie can’t believe you didn’t notice how beautiful she was before.”

“Well I can’t believe you didn’t notice how handsome I was before, my dear.”

“Oh, please, Flair, we both know if it wasn’t for Trixie’s looks, this relationship wouldn’t work.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow and poked her head back into the living room to look at the couple.

“Now, now, Trixie, it’s my face that makes this work. That, and my masterful kissing.” Flair smiled widely.

“Trixie is the skillful kisser. Just you see.” Trixie licked her upper lip.

The two leaned into each other.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She turned around and scanned the contents of the book quickly. Fortunately, Trixie had left it open to the right page. The ingredients for the antidote seemed simple enough. Some fish eggs, some cinnamon, some Madame Curie’s General Purpose Magic Additive, some—

“See, Trixie clearly won that match.”

“Assuredly not. I believe my tongue won that expertly. Another round?”

Loud smacking sounded from the other room and Fluttershy started throwing the ingredients into the mixing bowl as fast as she could muster. Almost there. She just needed some nightcap. She reached for the bag and poured it over the bowl. Nothing came out. She looked in it.

“Empty? No, no, no.” Fluttershy winced.

“Trixie will admit that wasn’t bad, but you haven’t seen her at her best. Just lie down and let her show you what real skill is.”

Fluttershy’s ears flattened against the sides of her head. She pushed aside bottles and containers. There had to be some more nightcap somewhere. There had to be… except there wasn’t, graceful Celestia there wasn’t.

“My dear, watch it with my chest. That tickles.”

“Do you admit Trixie is the superior one here? Perhaps she should go farther…”

“The park!” Fluttershy squeaked. She ran back into the living room. “Uh, who wants to go to the park?”

Flair and Trixie lifted their heads up from the couch and looked at the interrupter quizzically.

“The park? What for?” asked Trixie.

“I don’t think she approves of our activities in her living room.” Flair waggled his eyebrows.

“It’s Trixie’s living room.” She smiled at Fluttershy and nibbled on Flair’s ear. “But,” she said, pulling back to look out the window. “The park does sound romantic.”

“Same here.” Flair grinned. “We can finish this little contest at a later time.”

Fluttershy smiled and thought she might ooze into the floor with relief. “Might I suggest the Manehattan Botanical Garden?”

Trixie and Flair looked at each other and shrugged. “Sounds good to me,” said Flair.

The Manehattan Botanical Garden was Fluttershy’s favorite spot in the city. It was filled with colorful flowers from all over Equestria, many Fluttershy was familiar with and many that she had never seen before. It quickly became her favorite relaxation spot, being the only place in the city that made her feel un-crowded and at ease.

For once, however, “at ease” was not a feeling that washed over her as she rushed inside. She had to find nightcap before Trixie and Flair did something... drastic. She looked behind her, watching the couple follow her slowly, giggling and brushing against each other. “Um, why don’t you two take a bench while I look through the garden for a bit?” She needed them to stay put.

They whispered with each other, apparently ignoring her, but they sat down on one of the garden’s benches anyway. Content they wouldn’t cause any trouble, Fluttershy started jumping from flowerbed to flowerbed, peering through them to find her needed ingredient.

“Trixie could stare in your eyes forever,” said Trixie, her voice carrying, much to Fluttershy’s chagrin. “It helps that Trixie can see her reflection in them.”

“My dear,” said Flair, “I was going to say the same about yours. I suppose great minds think alike.”

There was a light laugh. “And we are great minds, aren’t we?”

No luck, no luck at all. Nightcap had distinctive purple and green petals, how hard could it be to spot? Fluttershy was beginning to doubt her ability to find things.

“Trixie, my dear,” said Flair slowly. “I’ve been thinking about you and I, mostly I, and I think I know what I want to do.”

“Now, Flair, you’re not thinking about what Trixie herself was thinking, are you?”

“I don’t know, could it be you’re on the same wavelength as my thoughts, dear, sweet Trixie of mine? That’s a hard feat to accomplish.”

“Trixie thinks she is. You should be proud to share your thoughts with her... If Trixie is correct... then you want to make this a commitment?”

Fluttershy popped her head up from the bed of flowers she was searching through.

“You are in my head, you sweet temptress! That’s exactly what I was thinking! Now, keep in mind, I’m only going to kneel before you once, my dear.”

“Oh, Trixie will see about that when the honeymoon starts.”

Fluttershy wanted desperately to put her hooves over her ears but that made searching through flowers difficult. She kicked her searching into overdrive, hovering over each of the sets of flowers and sifting through them rapidly.

“I think I have different ideas, but for now, for now Trixie, I have to ask you but one question. Will you marry me?”

There was a magical sound. Fluttershy looked back to see Flair kneeling in front of Trixie, a ring in his hoof. She turned back. She didn’t want to see anymore.

“Yes, Trixie most certainly will. How could she deny somepony so like herself?”

“A perfect answer. One I myself would have given… Oh my, I think we’ve lost track of time. If that clock on the lamppost is correct, then the preview show I was supposed to put on is about to happen in a few minutes.”

“Then Trixie supposes we best make our way over there.”

Fluttershy wrung her hooves, flying over the flowerbeds at a frantic pace.

“I was thinking we could include our wedding as part of the show.”

“Our wedding will be us showing off our tremendous talent? Trixie thinks you have something there.”

“Do I not always? I’m think you should enter the stage riding on the chimera, wearing that designer dress you have.”

Sirens went off in Fluttershy’s head. “No, Maribel still doesn’t like you Trixie! She’ll get really upset!” She called back to the two.

They paid no heed to her.

“That is a fantastic idea, Flair. Trixie will never have looked so majestic and commanding.”

“Well, of course I’ll be looking splendid myself. I’ll put on some of my tricks for the crowd. It will be perfect. Shall we get to it?”

“We shall!”

“No, wait!” Fluttershy cried out. She rocketed in front of the couple. “You can’t go to the theater yet!”

“I can’t wait, Fluttershy,” said Flair. “I have a fiancée to marry. You should come. I think you’d make a great bridesmaid.”

“You can’t!” Fluttershy waved her hooves in a panic. “Maribel won’t like it at all! It will be bad!”

“Such overreacting.” Trixie kissed Flair on the neck. “Let’s hurry up. Trixie can’t wait to have such a beautiful wedding.”

The couple brushed past Fluttershy and left out onto the street.

“Ohh…” A squeal of consternation left Fluttershy’s mouth.

She had to find that flower… Her expression went blank as she turned and saw, in the corner, right by the entrance, was a small patch of three nightcap flowers. She sighed. She had trotted right past them. Quickly nipping one, she flew as fast as her wings could take her back to the apartment.

She just had to mix the ingredients, boil them, find a bottle for them, and rush back to the Mane-Event. Simple. There was still hope. Things might just end up okay.

Waking up to a throbbing headache was not something Trixie was unfamiliar with and accompanying feelings of vertigo were not anything special. She had her fair share of drunken nights. However, waking up with an eerily hazy memory and a feeling of being upside down was something she was entirely unaccustomed to and found she didn’t like at all.

Opening her eyes didn’t provide her with much clarity, much to Trixie’s irritation. All she could make out were fuzzy shapes. She blinked furiously in an attempt to get her eyes to hurry up and adjust. She could see a chair, a table, a yellow and pink thing… Trixie frowned. This was starting to seem like familiar territory, except… was that a floor? With a start, Trixie glanced around her and realized she was observing all these objects from above. She panicked and waved her hooves in the air. Freezing her movements, Trixie realized that she wasn’t actually going anywhere. What was going on? Trixie tried desperately to fight back the haze in her mind. Wait… why did her tail feel so cold? Lifting her head up, Trixie found the reason why. Her tail was encased in ice that was stuck to the ceiling.

Did Trixie even want to know? At first Trixie decided she didn’t, but, with a sigh, she supposed that one couldn’t simply forget about this sort of thing. She thought back. She remembered she had some sort of plan. The plan was important. The plan had to work. Well… did it work?

“Did it work?” Trixie asked no one in particular. There was no answer. “Help?” Trixie ventured. Still no reply.

Her vision starting to become clear, Trixie scanned the floor she was forced to look at. Her face scrunched up. She hadn’t expected the huge hole in one of the walls, the scattered debris, or the disapproving eyes staring back up at her. There was a hoof-full of bedraggled, dirty ponies below that eyed her with loathing, especially Big Entrance.

Trixie shot a dark look right back at him. She wasn’t sure what she did, but she was sure she didn’t deserve the look she was receiving. If anything, somepony else deserved a stare of derision. After all, wasn’t it Trixie who was stuck to the ceiling via her tail?

“Is anypony going to help Trixie?” she yelled.

A firepony, who was helping a pony out a pile of plaster, looked up at her with annoyance. His horn glowed and Trixie could feel her tail warm up. She could feel the ice melt around it and with a sudden pop, she was falling. Before she could let out a scream, an aura enveloped her and lighted her gently to the ground.

Trixie brushed herself off. “Thank you,” she said curtly.

The firepony gave her a baleful stare and grunted before moving on to clear more rubble.

Careful to give Big Entrance a wide berth for the time being, Trixie made her way to Fluttershy, the only pony who seemed unaffected by whatever chaos made itself known in the room. Out of all the possible questions to ask, only one rose to Trixie’s lips. “Did it work?”

Fluttershy looked up at Trixie and smiled widely. “It’s good to see you normal.”

“Normal?” asked Trixie. “Was Trixie not earlier?”

“What, you don’t remember?” asked Fluttershy.

Trixie blinked. “No, things are still fuzzy.”

“Okay, so I admit that my stare was no welcoming mat, but that’s no reason to pass over me like a plague. We need to talk.” Big Entrance approached the two ponies in what would have been an intimidating manner if one of his sunglass lenses hadn’t been broken.

“Whatever you want to start yelling at Trixie for, she should give you fair warning, she has no clue what is going on!” Trixie raised a hoof in frustration.

“Well you had better start jogging something from that mushy, gray stuff pretty soon!” Big Entrance stamped his hoof. “I want to know what caused all this insanity!”

“As do I.”

Trixie looked to her side to find a frowning Flair. “What are you doing here?” Trixie snarled.

“I have no idea. My memory’s a blur.” Flair rubbed his head.

“Is there a bout of amnesia going around? Is that communicable now? Where are my answers!” Big Entrance stared the group down.

“I have them,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“There they are! Arrest them!”

All heads turned.

Three police ponies approached. One of them, a unicorn, stepped past his comrades and magically levitated a baton in front of him, using it as a pointer. “Blue unicorn, yellow pegasus, and Mr. Overly Long Mane, you’re going to have to come with us.”

The ponies exchanged surprised looks.

Trixie whirled away from the group to face the police ponies. “Trixie demands to know what for!”

“Uh, let’s see, for destruction of property, for recklessly endangering the general public, and for causing injuries to several ponies.”

"Trixie doesn't even remember any of this!"

“According to whose testimony?” asked Flair.

"Uh," the police pony said, "just about every member of the audience."

"What did I do?" asked Fluttershy.

"Witnesses claim that you seemed to be associated with these two and that you stared them down until they drank from a bottle you were holding. Clearly this is drug related."

"That's preposterous! Trixie is innocent! We're all innocent! Except him!" Trixie pointed at Flair.

"What?" Flair growled.

“Alright, as much as a yelling match just fascinates me, I’m taking you guys in now.” The polices ponies surrounded the trio and escorted them out of the theater.

She had asked for it, to be honest. Trixie knew she had. She wanted desperately to know what had happened behind the veil of her memories and finally the shadows pulled away to reveal true terror. There was still a thick block of memories that were pitch black, which was both horrifying and gratifying.

Trixie stuck her muzzle out in between the bars of her cell, resting her forehead on them.

“So you’re saying Trixie actually continued to try to ride the chimera while it was trying to throw her off?”

“Um… yes,” said Fluttershy, who Trixie assumed was still huddled in a ball in the corner. She didn’t feel like turning around to verify. “You managed to steer her all the way to the stage before she um, got a little angry. It was unfortunate that High Hat and his guests decided to still show up.”

Trixie groaned and thumped her head against the bars in front of her. “They had no idea that Flair and Trixie had decided to turn the preview show into a wedding ceremony. Of course they showed up.”

There was a pause. “How long do you think they’ll keep us here?” asked Fluttershy.

Trixie sighed. “I don’t know.”

“But Big Entrance is sorting things out, right?”

“Supposedly,” said Trixie, not resting much faith in his abilities.

“Trixie, I must apologize.”

Trixie closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She doubted the police realized just how much more effectively miserable her stay in jail was going to be by sticking Flair in the cell next to her.

“I fear I underestimated you,” Flair continued. “You are more than an infuriating rival. You are a truly wretched villain.”

Trixie gripped the bars in front of her. “Trixie did what she had to do.”

“No, no it was not necessary. I find your conviction frightening, terrifying really. The whole ordeal was. It will arise like malevolent darkness in my nightmares, and for what Trixie, for what?”

“She did it to help me,” said Fluttershy, quietly.

“Wait… wait. You did all this to help somepony?” Trixie could tell Flair’s mouth was probably hanging open.

“Partially. Trixie also did it because the thought of seeing your face at her work everyday was enough to make her want to jump off the tallest building in Manehattan.”

“Is there anyway I can have that arranged as your sentences?” Big Entrance walked heavily up to the cells. He magically took off his sunglasses and stared at the ponies in front of him. “I can see now, quite clearly, that you’re all insane. It was my bad for not recognizing this sooner. However, however”—he sat down—“some small shred of me still hopes that somewhere out there, even if it’s on a distant star, there’s a legitimate reason behind the destruction, chaos, and general weirdness that I experienced last night and that your minds haven’t all abandoned their gigs. Please, for the sake of the cohesion of the world, tell me there is a reason.”

Fluttershy, Trixie, and Flair all exchanged looks.

Trixie backed away from the bars and looked to the side. “Trixie thinks there was a perfectly good reason.”

“Well then, care to start from the beginning.” Big Entrances tapped the bars.

Trixie took a deep breath. “Well, it started with a plan…”

“Well, then Maribel got out of hoof and well… I’m sure you know the rest.” Fluttershy looked away from everypony.

Big Entrance had covered his face up with his hooves at this point. He might have been crying. Trixie couldn’t tell. There as a very long silence. Finally, with a big intake of breath, Big Entrance looked up at them.

“Most of Manehattan ‘knows the rest,’ he said, tiredly. “That fiasco made it on this morning’s front page news.” He stared off to the side. “What am I supposed to do with you pieces of chaos? I mean seriously? You know, it was my eye for talent, business sense, and managing skills that brought me this job, running my own theater company. It wasn’t easy. It took a lot of work and a lot of time. My dream has always been to put the Mane-Event on the map. Turn it into a classic. I want this business to be able to run itself. I want to be able to sit back, make a few decisions here and there, and maybe, just maybe—“

“Just fire us all and get it over with. Trixie doesn’t care a pair of bits about your hopes and dreams.”

Big Entrance frowned. “Okay, fine. You’re all useless to me. That good enough for you? I’ll give you one thing, though, Shy. One little morsel. If you hadn’t been there to calm the chimera and snap the love-birds out of it, then who knows what would have happened. That’s something only you could have done. Celestia knows this idiot couldn’t charm a bunny rabbit.” He nodded at Flair.

“I was under the influence!” Flair snorted.

“Yeah, yeah. Aren’t we all?” Big Entrance looked at Trixie and tilted his head to the side. "I have to know. Pure morbid curiosity. Why a love potion?"

Trixie turned to Flair and leaned against the bars with her shoulder, a wry smile coming to her lips. "Trixie knows that only one thing truly scares Flair-- humiliation, but Flair is unflappable. He could turn any public incident to his favor. This left Trixie with only one possible avenue of attack: do the one thing that renders him unable turn the tide of a crisis, take away his own mental control. Trixie also knew that Flair can detect common poisons at a mere whiff, can detect magic about to be cast a second before it happens, and knows superb deflection spells. So, it really only left Trixie with one choice. The threat of him being in love with a mare he despises was just the ribbon on the box."

Flair's jaw became looser and looser throughout Trixie's explanation, and she entirely expected it to fall off by the end. Unfortunately, it didn't. "How... how do you know all that about me?"

Trixie rolled her eyes and stood upright, brushing her shoulder. "It's in your book, you simpleton. 'I had to take many precautions in my travels through the East. I learned many skills of defense' blah-blah-Trixie-lost-interest-after-that."

"Ah, you're kidding me!" Flair gritted his teeth and turned to the side, shaking his hoof.

"Wow," said Big Entrance, raising an eyebrow, "that's actually pretty smart planning. A few unicorns short of a Canterlot garden party, but it impressed me enough to raise an eyebrow. Look at it." He pointed to his forehead. When all he got was silence, he sighed and put his sunglasses back on. “Well, here’s the burning rub. High Hat, due to public, peer, and spouse pressure, is abandoning his funding to this theater. Part of our agreement was that the chimera would go to him. So… he still has it. Last I heard he plans to sell it to some griffon baron. He runs a circus, pretty harsh one too, from what I’ve heard. Most animals don’t last more than few months before he has to get new ones. Horribly expensive way to run a business if you ask me. Look, now I’m getting sidetracked. In short… I hate you all, and… I’ve been to the courthouse, brought my lawyers, did some legal maneuvering, and now your charges are nice and gone. Body count? I’m keeping Trixie, and the rest of you two can get out of town. Fluttershy—because as responsible and sane as you’ve been, I don’t have a chimera anymore so I don’t need you, and Flair—because I can’t afford you.”

“If we’re free, then why did you make us stand around in this cell?” Trixie fumed at Big Entrance.

“Yeah, like you were going to give me a story if I said ‘here’s the keys kiddos, now how about that disaster last night.’ I’m not a dumb cookie. I’m the opposite. Now, thanks you to you two, I have a boatload of good old paperwork to take care of.” Big Entrance walked down the hall.

A police pony quickly replaced him and unlocked the doors to the cells.

“Well, Trixie, it’s been truly terrifying and I sincerely hope you rot in the bowels of Tartarus. I have a Royal Performance Competition to enter. As if I needed an exotic animal to help me compete.” Flair held up his nose and walked out of the cell.

Trixie sat back on her haunches and looked at Fluttershy. “Want to get a drink?”

“Wait, you’re telling me that you really did take down a dragon?” Trixie slammed her glass onto the table, almost spilling the rest of its contents out.

“No… no… I didn’t ‘take it down’ I just convinced it to leave its cave.” Fluttershy said, eyeing her empty glass.

She had never had an alcoholic beverage before but Trixie made a convincing argument on how it made you “forget your troubles.” Fluttershy wasn’t quite sure what that meant but she was willing to give it a try. At first it tasted awful but she ploughed through. Now, though, now she wanted more. A lot more. Life seemed so... pleasant. It was all smiles and sunshine and Fluttershy knew that everything would be okay... if she got another round.

“More please,” she said pushing her glass forward.

Trixie magically poured some more liquid into the offered glass, managing to get a significant portion on the table. Lifting the glass, Fluttershy eyed the small dribble it contained. “It was very nice of you to pour for me Trixie, but, um, can you try again?”

“Oh, sorry.” Trixie took the bottle and turned it upside down over Fluttershy’s glass, quickly bringing it to the point of overflowing. “There.” The bottle was magically righted, spilling another large swath across the table.

Fluttershy took the glass back and downed some more of the tasty beverage. “I’m still scared of them.”

“Of what?” Trixie asked.



Fluttershy raised her glass high and drank down its entirety in one go. She reached for the bottle, not even bothering to have Trixie pour her some more.

“Dragons… are big. They’re really big.” Fluttershy lifted her hooves really high in the air. “And they breathe fire.” Fluttershy did her best fire-breathe sound imitation. “And you can’t cuddle up next to them and tell them how cute they are.”

“So they’re like Flair?” Trixie laughed.

Fluttershy giggled. “That sounds about right. I’m glad he lost his job. I don’t think Maribel would have liked him. He had such a weird mane. All red and… and long. Silly.”

“No, no, Maribel wasn’t deserving of him at all.”

“Poor, poor Maribel.” Fluttershy felt tears come unbidden to her eyes. “That griffon baron is going to end up killing her. It’s sad. Very, very sad.” She took a swig directly from the bottle.

“Silly of High Hat to get rid of such a beautiful creature.”

A lightbulb went off in Fluttershy’s head. Maribel was a majestic animal, there was no denying. No self-respecting pony could get rid of an animal like that. This meant that High Hat must be burying his true feelings. He needed to be taught to get in touch with them and then he’d instantly change his mind about selling Maribel.

“I’m going to give High-Hat a piece of my mind! I know he doesn’t want to get rid of Maribel, not really.”

“You think so?” asked Trixie. “You think he’s going through with it because he’s scared?”

Fluttershy slammed her hoof onto the table. “I know he’s scared! He needs to stand up for her! I’m going to go tell him that right now!” Fluttershy downed the last of the bottle and shifted out of her seat in the bar booth. She quickly caught herself before she hit the ground. She stared at the floor, thinking up an alternate mode of transport. Oh, wings! That’s right. She had those. She flapped her wings and lifted herself into the air, tilting to one side but remaining in flight.

“I’m coming with you!” said Trixie. She got to her hooves and, with a few stumbles, stayed ahoof.

“How did you do that?” asked Fluttershy, listing the opposite direction.

“I’ve had a lot of experience with alcohol.” Trixie smiled. “Now let’s go spread kindness!” Trixie lurched forward, caught herself before she face-planted, and then made her way to the door.

Fluttershy lazily flew above her.

The room was startled at their sudden entrance, to say the least. Fluttershy could tell that much. The griffon baron, who Fluttershy assumed was the one wearing the cute, little, foreign-looking hat, stared at the two ponies with a firm set beak while his two guards brandished their cute, little, sharp-looking spears. High Hat and Alimonia were far more aghast in their expressions.

“What, what are you two doing here?” asked High Hat, glancing quickly at the griffon guards and back at Fluttershy.

“We’re here to tell you to put things right!” Fluttershy did a slow twirl in the air before correcting her course and hovering in front of High Hat.

“Don’t sell it!” Trixie exclaimed, raising a hoof before falling promptly on her side due to lack of support.

“Are you two drunk?” Alimonia asked, her jaw loose.

“Do you love Maribel?” Fluttershy prodded High Hat in the chest.

“What? What sort of question is that?” High Hat backed away from the contact. The griffon guards unfurled their wings. “Wait!” High Hat put a hoof up. “Uh, let’s not do anything rash, shall we?”

“These ponies are interrupting our negotiation. You do not wish them forcibly expelled?” The baron crossed his claws.

“Not yet, please.” High Hat waved a hoof at Fluttershy. “Would you please leave?” He leaned in closely to her and whispered, “Before you or anypony else gets hurt?”

“Do you love Maribel?” Fluttershy poked him in the chest again.

“I say use whatever force is necessary to remove these hooligans!” Alimonia motioned for the guards to continue, ignoring the gleeful looks on their faces.

“Um, now wait a minute.” High Hat said to his wife. He eyed Fluttershy before sighing. “Look, Fluttershy, I do love Maribel. I have always had a love for the more unseen, unappreciated members of the animal kingdom. Is that a satisfactory enough answer?”

“Then why are you trying to sell her?” Fluttershy crossed her forelegs.

“Why aren’t you?” said the baron, resting his chin on his claw.

“There’s nothing I can do with it, I’m afraid. Flair has failed to be a good caretaker and so have you. I have to make some money off this thing before it becomes a bad investment.”

Fluttershy frowned harshly at High Hat. “You say you love her but you pawn her off at the earliest convenience so you can recoup your investment. Do you really care for animals or do you just care about money?”

“Well, I… I… It’s just…” High Hat bowed his head.

“I think you love Maribel and don’t really want to sell her to some mean, old griffon!”

“Now, look here!” The baron got up.

“Don’t make me come over there!” Trixie raised a hoof threateningly at the baron from her spot on the floor.

“I think I’ve had enough of this!” Alimonia hissed at Fluttershy.

With a whirl, Fluttershy was facing the back wall. With another whirl, she was facing Alimonia. “Do you love your husband?” she asked.

“W-what?” Alimonia’s stern expression fell.

“I think you really love your husband and want to make him a better stallion. As his wife, I think you should be supporting him and showing him that he needs to always remember his love for animals, his passion, and to never falter from it.”

“Well, I…” Alimonia rubbed the back of her neck.

“And you!” Fluttershy pointed at the baron. “Do you realize how majestic and lovely a creature this chimera is? How could you possibly want to chain it up in some circus? How could you treat such a beautiful work of nature like that?” Fluttershy hovered in front of the griffon and stared straight into his eyes, tears running down her cheek.

“Well, I… I…” The griffon’s shoulders slumped.

“All of you should be ashamed of yourselves! Maribel deserves better than all this!” Fluttershy said in a choking yell. She landed on the center table of the room with an ungraceful thump and started sobbing.

A thick silence enveloped the room.

“We’re horrible ponies!” High Hat burst into tears.

“And I’m a horrible griffon!” The baron buried his face in his claws. “How could I think about hurting something so beautiful?”

Two metal clangs echoed in the room as the guards’ spears hit the floor and they hugged each other, crying into each others’ shoulders.

“I really should have been supporting you more, High Hat!” Alimonia ran to her husband and hugged him close.

“But…” High Hat sniffled. “But how can we keep Maribel around? Who will be her handler?”

“I have a confession!” Trixie raised her hoof. “I dosed Maribel before Fluttershy did a preview show! I too am a horrible pony!” Trixie started to cry. “How could I think of ruining such an amazing creature and such an amazing pony’s career? Please give her a second chance!”

The following day was a blur. Trixie went from holding Fluttershy’s mane away from her face, to calming down her long series of squeaks after she recollected her actions, to enduring her enthusiastic joy after realizing she and Maribel were about to be reunited. Trixie wasn't even surprised anymore that the conclusion to the day's torture involved sitting in Big Entrance’s office with her roommate for the umpteenth time. She mentally waved a hoof in greeting at Rock Bottom. They were going to be good friends.

“’Give her a second chance, Trixie. Confess what you did, Trixie.’” Trixie smacked herself on the side of the head. “‘Oh, Trixie, how honest of you to confess that. You two would make perfect partners on the stage,’” she mocked High Hat’s Canterlot accent. “That’s the last time Trixie ever gets drunk,” she mumbled to herself.

Big Entrance hung up the phone. He looked at Trixie and Fluttershy. “Well that’s that then. You two are booked for the Royal Performance Competition. Trixie and Fluttershy, Queen of Magic and Handler of the Fantastic Chimera. How you two managed to pull this off I will never know. I will never know. By that, I mean, I don’t want to know. I just don’t. Let’s not go there. I especially don’t want to ever hear a phone call from High Hat like that again. That was... disturbing.” Big Entrance shook his head.

Fluttershy beamed. “I can’t believe we did it, Trixie!” She hugged Trixie tightly.

Trixie maintained a neutral expression and just stared. It was what her conscience wanted, right? Helping the stupid pegasus get her job back? Right? She should be happy, except she was anything but. Ever since Fluttershy had arrived at her door, it was as if some otherworldly bond had been formed between them. All roads led back to her suffering beside Fluttershy once more. She glanced at Fluttershy’s exuberance and one image sprang to her mind, the summary of her new life: a broken record.

Next Chapter: A Change Estimated time remaining: 37 Minutes
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