
Hostile Takeover

by Coconutswallow

Chapter 2: The Devil

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There was a series of loud squeaks. Trixie ground her teeth and continued reading her book. It sounded again further down the room and she tried to ignore it. When it kept going and going, on throughout her apartment, the mare thought she was going to go mad. Just when she thought she was going to yell, with a sudden finality, it stopped.

“Doesn’t that look nicer?”

The irritated mare turned from her book and examined the room. The glass in front of all the paintings of her apartment was now sparkling clean. So were the windows. They were more than sparkling, they were pristine. They were pristine.

Trixie remained silent. What else could she do? Silence, just… silence.

“Are they not nice enough? I can clean them more if you like.”

The seething pony whipped her head to the side and she gave the helpful pony a vile look. The pegasus jumped back in surprise. “Or, uh, I could not.” Then she smiled and moved on. She smiled. Was there anything in Trixie’s face that warranted smiling about? Or was it the cleaning that was making the mare joyful?

There was simply no figuring out her roommate. The beleaguered unicorn tried once again to finish the chapter she was on. Then there was humming. Surely not. Trixie looked up, finding what she hoped she wouldn’t. But of course. There she was, a yellow pony humming to herself—and dusting. Dusting Trixie’s shelves. Dusting Trixie’s busts. Dusting everything.

This wasn’t the little goody-four-hooves’ apartment. That pegasus’s room was the only thing under her purview. Everything else was sovereign to Trixie. This was Trixie’s stuff and she was going out of her way to clean it all. Why? Sweet Celestia, why?

The stage pony bared her teeth menacingly at the oblivious cleaning pony. Stop being so nice! Stop being so nice! Stop being so nice! STOP BEING SO—

“Oh!” Fluttershy looked at the clock on the wall. “Isn’t it time for All My Foals?”

Calming her nerves, Trixie scrunched up her nose and nodded. She was not about to have the latest episode spoiled because she was too angry to pay attention. It didn’t help that her new roommate ended up liking the program as much as she did. Things were funny at first when the pegasus was scared of the television, completely ignorant as to what it was, but she warmed up to it quickly. Things just went downhill from there. Soon enough she was watching the same things as Trixie… and enjoying them. That’s not how things were supposed to be.

The pink maned mare quickly put her duster down and sat down on the couch besides Trixie. The unicorn grabbed the remote with magic and turned the TV on, switching the channel until the art sketch intro was seen.

“Like tufts of dandelion seeds wandering aimlessly, these are All My Foals.”

The saxophone theme song started and the unicorn settled into her couch and tried to ignore the occupied space beside her.

“Baron von High-Saddle, I just… I just don’t think we can be together anymore.”

“Non-sense, Miss Chipahoof. We were meant to be together.”

As per usual, the drama was riveting. Trixie watched with anticipation as the scene changed from the passionate romantic scene to the high school drama. The writers of the show were brilliant.

“Oh yeah, like I would hang out with you. You’re only around because your parents weren’t careful.”

“Take that back you foal!”

“Make me, unicorn-trash.”

The scene quickly turned into a brawl. Fluttershy gasped. The two characters were carried off by the principal before the scene switched again.

“High-Saddle! I knew I’d find you here. With my mare, I see? I suspected as much.”

“You belong to Manesdale? Miss Chipahoof, when were you going to tell me?”

“She didn’t tell you because she’s a stray now, aren’t you, dear?”

“Well she belongs to you no longer Manesdale!”

“No High-Saddle, he has powerful magic!”

Fluttershy took another sharp intake of breath and hid her face behind her roommate as the action unfolded.

“Is that necessary?” Trixie asked. “It just went to commercial.”

“Oh, Miss Chipahoof will get hurt, I just know it.”

“She most certainly will not," Trixie retorted. "High-Saddle won’t let her be hurt. He’s no simpleton. It was probably a magic charm that he bought when he mysteriously left his job to go downtown. With Manesdale’s magic useless, he’ll probably kill him.”

“Really?" Fluttershy furrowed her brow. "Well that’s not very nice.”

“High-Saddle is obsessed with Chipahoof,” said Trixie. “He’ll stop at nothing to be with her. That includes removing her husband.”

“I think she should be with Equinicero. He’s so sweet and romantic.”

“Equinicero? Ha! He’s a pansy. That’s why he’s at the bar drinking and not at her place fighting over her.”

The discussion came to a halt when the show came back on.

“None of you shall have her! For it is I, Snoutbetter!”

Both of the TV’s viewers’ jaws dropped.

“Snoutbetter isn’t dead?”

“They brought him back!”

There was a blast of magic, screams, yelling, hoof-slapping, quick scene changes, and finally kissing.

“For it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. But for I, I totally didn’t lose a thing. Score.”

With the ending quote the credits rolled and the episode was over. The two ponies stared at the screen.

“Yay!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “She chose Equincero and they kicked Snoutbetter out of the city.”

“Hmph. She should have gotten together with High-Saddle.”

“But he’s a murderer.”

“He gets done what needs to get done. What would you have done in his place?” Trixie stared down her nose at her TV companion.

“Well I would have calmly asked Manesdale if things could possibly be settled peaceably.”

“Of course you would. Why did Trixie even ask that question. High-Saddle didn’t waste time with pointless discussion. Equincero, however, rolls over at the slightest threats.”

“I didn’t see him roll ov—“

“What would you call his unwillingness to fight? He let High-Saddle laugh at him!” Trixie yelled.

Fluttershy lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to make you angry.”

The unicorn gritted her teeth. “No, you are not about to clam up.”

“But I’m making you mad. I’ll just go and do some more cleaning.”

“No! Trixie wants to argue!”

The retreating pegasus picked up her duster and got back to work.

The unicorn was about to boil over. She made spastic movements while she resisted launching herself at her roommate. Somehow the cleaning mare remained untouched. Trixie let out an exasperated cry. “Trixie is going out. She might not be back for the rest of the day!”

Fluttershy put her duster down to say something. “Well I—“

“No, Trixie has no interest in whatever you are about to suggest. She is going out and that’s all there is to it.”

“But I was plan—“

“Trixie can’t hear you over the sound of her leaving.”

With that, the magician marched out the door, slamming it behind her. Once she was out of the apartment she realized she had to figure out just where she was planning to go. She contemplated going to one of her usual restaurants and sulking but quickly thought better of it. Who was available-- Ivy!

The mare nodded to herself and made her way out into the streets of Manehattan. Ivy was always welcoming and she was one of the few co-workers of which Trixie enjoyed the company. For some reason most of her other co-workers seemed to get exasperated when she talked for too long. The show mare supposed they just weren’t as social as she was.

Ivy’s apartment wasn’t too far from Trixie’s and the unicorn enjoyed what passed as a sunny day in Manehattan. Her mood had already lightened when she arrived at her co-worker’s door. She knocked and shortly the door opened revealing its resident, the earth pony's dark green mane done up in rollers.

“Oh.” Ivy stood and stared at Trixie.

It was a not a response the visitor was expecting. “‘Oh,’ what?”

“It’s just that, um... Is there something wrong?”

The magician looked puzzled. “Quite a few things are wrong but you seem to be concerned about something specific.”

“Did Fluttershy not tell you?” Ivy asked.

“Tell Trixie what?”

“Well she invited me over today.”

The gears in Trixie’s mind, which had happily been whirring away, content not to be grinding away under seething anger, suddenly stopped at the force of this mental explosive. This simply could not be happening.

“Strange that Fluttershy didn’t tell you. I hope it’s still on. I should probably call her.”

“Ivy, are you sure you want to do that today? It’s a lovely day outside.” The unicorn smiled widely and pointed towards the inviting sunlight coming in through a nearby window.

“Well I made a commitment, Trixie, besides, Fluttershy’s such a dear to be around.”

Trixie had to bite her tongue to keep herself from letting out with a screech just how much she disagreed with that assessment.

Ivy went to pick up her phone and called Trixie’s apartment. The unicorn wished Fluttershy had forgotten what a phone was by now. She rolled her eyes remembering when the phone had first rung with the pegasus there. She had jumped behind the couch and stared at it as if it was going to eat her alive. Trixie was forced to go through the explanation of just what a telephone was and how it was proof just how amazing magic was. The pegasus was such a backwater pony.

“Hello, Fluttershy, yes this is Ivy. I was wondering if our get-together was still on for today? It is? Oh, good. Well Trixie’s over here at my place so that had me confused. Was there a reason you didn’t tell her about it?” Ivy made a side-long glance towards Trixie. “You tried to but she wouldn’t listen? Makes sense. Would Trixie be okay with it, you ask?” This time Ivy faced Trixie fully.

The unicorn, who had been frowning idly during the conversation, suddenly perked up and shook her head emphatically.

“Oh yes, she’d be perfectly fine with it. I’ll see you soon. Bye.” The earth pony hung up the phone.

“In case you didn’t notice Trixie, she made it clear she doesn’t approve of this.” The magician’s face turned dark.

Ivy moved towards her bathroom, forcing Trixie to follow her. She started removing the rollers from her mane while she looked into her mirror. “I don’t understand what your problem with Fluttershy is. She’s a nice pony.”

“She’s an utter nuisance. She incessantly cleans Trixie’s apartment, she won’t argue when Trixie wants her to, and she’s always cooking really good food that tempts Trixie whenever she steps into the kitchen.”

“That does sound problematic.”

“Was that sarcastic?” The magician never could tell with Ivy.

“I just think you should give her a chance is all.”

The unicorn rolled her eyes. Ivy didn’t have to live with the terror. There was to be no reasoning with her. The dejected mare waited while her co-worker finished her hair preparations and followed along as they returned to the same hellhole she had just tried to escape from.

The state of Trixie’s apartment showed that Fluttershy must have been ecstatic to have company. She had apparently, in its owner’s absence, made quite the arrangements. Everything was more clean than Trixie had ever remembered them being. Her roommate had opened the windows in the living room to let in the pleasant weather and moved Trixie’s coffee table closer to the couch. On it were several plates of shortbread and cucumber sandwiches. And a teapot. That couldn’t have been Trixie’s teapot. Like she would own a teapot. That had to be Fluttershy’s teapot. Did the pegasus pack a teapot or did she buy one? Both actions seemed ridiculous. The mare mentally huffed and decided she didn’t care.

The stewing pony sat in a nearby chair and frowned while she watched Ivy and Fluttershy chat and sip their tea. Daintily sip their tea. They held their teacups just so and patted at their mouths with their napkins when they so much as looked at their food. Trixie swore that it was like she had been transported back in time.

To the unicorn's surprise, Ivy seemed happy to be carrying on with the little do-gooder. Since when did Ivy enjoy something like this? Wasn’t this the same mare that had a good laugh and a martini at the local bar? But here she was giggling. Daintily giggling.

At one point the two of them tried to include Trixie in the conversation but she would have none of it. She quickly found ways to dead-end their topics and they promptly started ignoring her. The unicorn drank some of their tea in silence and watched the clock. Each minute felt like a dungeon’s worth of torture and when the one hour mark hit, the mare wanted to bury her face in her throw-pillows and scream.

There wasn't much more of this Trixie could take before violent insanity set in. She could leave. Go wander the streets in anger, but no. That would be conceding defeat. What she needed to do was take action. It was high time she started taking the fight to the pink and yellow menace instead of being passive. Then a spark went off in her head and a devilish smile came to her lips. It was time to ruin this daint-fest.

Trixie walked into the other room and picked up her phone, dialing Hue’s number with her magic.

“Hue here.”

“Ah, Hue, it’s Trixie. Fluttershy’s hosting a gathering at Trixie’s place and Trixie was wondering if you wished to join us.”

“Whoa, wait, Fluttershy’s having ponies over and you didn’t invite me sooner? Come on, Trixie, throw your friend a bone every once and awhile. You better bet I’ll be there.”

“Ah, wonderful. See you soon.”

Hanging up the phone, the stage pony resisted cackling evilly. Hue might be a well-meaning pony but he lacked grace. He was sure to mess up the quiet, little chit-chat that Fluttershy had arranged. The smug mare returned to the living room, grabbed a piece of shortbread to munch, and waited for the fireworks to begin.

Hue didn’t even bother to knock when he arrived, he never did, and he looked exactly like Trixie expected, having obviously showered just before he left and combed his mane. He brought chips, probably thinking that a “get together” was something of a more raucous occasion.

“So, where’s the party at?” Hue asked quizzically, looking around the quiet room.

The two mares turned to look at the newcomer, both of their faces the picture of confusion. Ivy spoke up first. “So, Hue… How are you?”

“Good, thanks. I’m uh, I’m missing something aren’t I? Did you not tell me something?” Hue turned to Trixie..

“Oh, so Trixie invited you over.” Ivy gave the innocent looking unicorn one of her piercing looks but said nothing more on the matter. “No, you're not missing anything. The more the merrier. Have a seat.” She gestured to a chair. Fluttershy seemed vexed that a newcomer had interrupted her flow but she smiled nervously and pulled the chair closer to the coffee table.

“Fluttershy this is Hue, our costume manager,” said Ivy.

“Ha, manager makes me sound stuffy. It basically means I go through a bunch of clothes racks and throw them at ponies.” Hue grinned and hopped onto the chair provided him. He shook Fluttershy’s hoof even though she had barely had time to offer it. He winked at her. “Glad to officially meet the newcomer. Big really should find a getup for you when you go out on stage with the chimera. We’d see each other more often.”

The tea hostess looked unsure what to make of the stallion. She seemed to be fumbling for words. Trixie smirked. As if Hue would give her the chance to talk.

"So," Fluttershy began, "How is--"

“So, what’s the party food of choice?” The stallion cut in, looking over the table. “I guess chips don’t go with that do they? Oh, well.” The brown pony popped open his bag of corn chips and started munching away happily.

The two mares cringed slightly but quickly regained their composure.

“So is that stuff any good?” Hue gestured to the teapot.

“Would you like to try some?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, why the hay not.”

A cup was poured and the pegasus gave it to Hue. He took it and sipped it. “Oh, wow, that is good.” He started to gulp it down, finishing it with an “ahh” sound. The two mares cringed even harder. The stallion noticed this time. “What?”

“Um, well, there’s a proper method to, um, drinking tea.” Fluttershy dipped her head timidly.

The costume handler smiled. “There is? What’s that?”

“Well, first off you hold the cup in your hoof like this.”

Hue patiently let the mare walk him through the steps and to Trixie’s utter bewilderment he let the pegasus talk for a full minute without interrupting her instructions with a comment or anecdote.

Then it just continued... Was her sight deceiving her? The unicorn rubbed her eyes. Sure enough, Hue was learning to drink tea properly and wasn’t putting up a fuss. She watched as he smiled, laughed, and most surprisingly, followed everything the shy, yellow headache suggested to him. Trixie watched his eyes closely. No. It couldn’t be. Except it was. On full display, too. The stupid stallion had a thing for the newcomer.

After a hoof-full of minutes the pegasus had the stallion properly carrying on with them. He hadn’t ruined the tea party at all. He was participating in it. Trixie watched Hue gesture with his hooves while he told one his stories and the two mares laughed in unison. He was making things better.

It was an ugly spectacle and the unicorn spectator wanted desperately to lift a nearby lamp and throw it into the middle of them but she knew that despite the initial satisfaction in the long run it would only lead to more annoyance. There was just no winning. The universe was making Trixie its jester.

“Trixie’s going out,” she announced and quickly cantered out the door before any of them could respond.

Her two new friends made their way out the door while Fluttershy said her goodbyes. Ivy said she hadn’t had such a pleasant conversation like that in a long time. Hue thanked her for the lesson in etiquette and said he’d see her around and gave her another of his winks. The pegasus didn’t quite know what to make of it but she had come to enjoy the stallion’s sense of humor and though he was a little loud spoken sometimes, he was enjoyable to be around. All in all the two ponies made for great company. Her friends had been right, the ponies of Manehattan were nice.

Sighing contentedly, Fluttershy got to work putting up the contents of her little tea setup and making sure everything in the apartment was back the way it was before. Her cleaning done, the mare sat down on the couch. Now what to do? It was still early in the evening. With Trixie gone, Fluttershy didn’t know how many hours she had left to herself. There was always something to do in her cottage back in Ponyville, whether it was an animal that needed help, gardening, or simply going out and enjoying nature. Here in an apartment there were so few things that required one’s attention and no pretty scenery to absorb. Then she remembered. She hadn’t written a letter to her friends yet. It had only been a week since she left Ponyville but there was already plenty to talk about.

Trotting into her room, Fluttershy pulled out the quill, ink, and blank paper she had brought along. She sat down at her room’s small desk and put quill to paper.

Dear Friends,

How are you doing? I hope Ponyville is still as pleasant as it was when I left it and I hope my absence hasn’t caused any problems. Have my animals been well? You do remember the instructions I left you, right? I’m sure you do but if you don’t I can send another letter as a replacement.

So far my stay at Manehattan has been wonderful. I managed to get the chimera to follow some basic instructions on my very first day. Oh, I apologize again, that came across as bragging, which I assure you it wasn’t. I’m sure any pony with a way with animals could have done the same. Maybe they could have given it a better name, too. I settled on Maribel. It seemed to fit, or, well, I hope it fits.

You’ll never guess who I moved in with! Well, you might be able to guess. Actually you might already have guessed. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that you’d be incapable of guessing. That would be rude of me. In case you didn’t guess, it’s Trixie! You remember the unicorn that showed up in Ponyville with her magic act? She has a job at the Mane-Event now and she’s the most popular act. So far she’s been a pleasant roommate. I don’t know how she feels about me, though. I’ve tried to make a good impression. I spent most of today cleaning up her apartment. There’s not a lot to do around here so I felt it was a good use of my time.

I did manage to arrange a tea party, though. It was with two very nice ponies that also work for the Mane-Event. I might even make it a weekly thing. Speaking of weekly, I was thinking of sending a letter a week to all of you. Would that be often enough? Too often?

Well, be sure to tell me how each of you are doing. Hope to hear from you soon!



Content with her letter, Fluttershy put it in an envelope and took it down to the mailbox on the first floor of the apartment. She hummed to herself, making her way back to the apartment. Walking back to her room the mare noticed that her roommate's door had been left open. She hesitated. Trixie always kept her door shut and seemed to implicate that she liked it that way but Fluttershy couldn’t figure out why. Surely if she left it open it was okay for her to take a look.

With the pegasus’s curiosity getting the better of her, she peered her head through the door. Her eyes widened. All across the walls were posters for the Mane-Event advertising the performance of “The Great and Powerful Trixie.” The walls were the same azure color as the show pony’s coat and her cutie mark was painted on the ceiling. Throughout the rest of the room were cases of books on magic, numerous mirrors, and photographs of her show in action scattered about.

Overall, it was quite disorganized. The rest of the apartment was looking ship-shape; it would have been a shame to have the one room drag the rest of it down. Fluttershy was sure that Trixie would be okay if she just rearranged and cleaned a few things. Maybe that would be the act of kindness that would finally warm her roommate up to her. The mare smiled at the thought and got to work.

The hallway was tilted for some reason. Trixie didn’t remember it slanting to the left when she had gone out in the afternoon. No, slanted to the right. No, left again.

The unicorn shook her head. She lifted her front hoof and put it forward followed by one of her back legs. They wobbled with her efforts. She took baby steps, her eyes on the prize-- her apartment door. To Trixie’s surprise she somehow made it to her door without tipping over.

“Who needs company to have a good time?” the stage mare mumbled to herself. She paused to think about her question. She may or may not have had some companions at her table. In fact, she may or may not have been flirting incessantly with some stallion. She shrugged.

A soft glow reflected off the door handle while the unicorn reached out with magic.

“As if any stallion would be worthy of me.” Trixie smiled and recollected the bar. “They served good strong stuff there.”

The lock on the door stubbornly resisted the mare’s attempts to solve it.

“Maybe too strong.”

The door knob reflected a harder glow in response to Trixie’s horn surging with magic in an attack against the door’s lock.

“Let me in my place you little demon!”

The lock flatly refused to do anything except groan against the pressure put on it. Trixie blinked. She put her hoof to the door and pushed. There was a slight creak as the door swung forward, a result of having not been locked in the first place. The unicorn grumbled and made her way inside.

The lights of the living room shone directly in the intruder’s eyes causing her to yelp and flail desperately for the light switch, turning it off. Now armed with a sharp headache, she stumbled her way onward to her room. A yellow and pink blur appeared before her.

“Are you okay?” it asked.

Trixie squinted at the speaker. What was that thing again? Oh… That kind-hearted thing. Her brain got prepared for a furious attack upon the creature before her, a fiery release of negative energy born from the frustrating lock and light-induced headache but her mind then decided that it was far too tired to be upholding its duty and passed its job off with a yawn. The inebriate patted the yellow thing on the head.

“Fine. Nothing to worry your head about. Though… sleep. I like sleep.”

The blur came closer revealing concerned cyan eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look well and you’re speaking… different. I think you should lie down.”

The thing led Trixie into her room and to her bed. The unicorn sighed contentedly and crawled into her soft rectangle.

“Just take it easy. I should probably take your temperature.” The yellow thing, which Trixie was beginning to suspect was a pony, her roommate in fact, left the room. She wondered why that information was so hard to dig up. She had been drinking to forget something. Was this pony it?

“Let’s see.” The pony stuck a thermometer in Trixie’s mouth. “Hmm, well your temperature’s okay.” Fluttershy put a hoof to the unicorn’s forehead. “You don’t seem to be having a fever. That’s strange. Well, I should at least make you some soup. Some nice hot soup remedies everything.”

“No, no soup.” Trixie paused and stared into the depths of the pegasus’s mane. She reached out a hoof to touch it. “You know, pink’s a nice color. I like it. I’d like to see more of it.”

“Oh, thank you.” There was a pause. “So you’re okay?”

The bed-sprawled mare poked the pony’s hair watching it move back and forth. “I am… fine.”

The pegasus watched as her mane got prodded. “Well, if you like pink so much, then this is a really good opportunity. When I was cleaning this room I noticed whoever painted it did a poor job, mainly behind the furniture. I could repaint it if you like. I’m sure I can get pink.”

“Sounds good to me. Now to sleep.” Trixie pressed her head into her pillow.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, fine… fine.” The groggy pony yawned.

“Well, tomorrow’s another day off so you be sure to get as much sleep as you need.”

The unicorn only barely registered Fluttershy as she drifted off.

The headache was criminal. It held a grudge of hatred against her brain and was out for blood. It took Trixie a whole half hour before she felt that opening her eyes wouldn’t result in the frying of her retinas. When she finally did it open them they took their sweet time adjusting. After furious blinking, clarity was finally achieved. She wished they had stayed fuzzy.

Pink. Pink everywhere.

The hung-over pony slowly sat up. Her walls were pink. Her door was pink. Her cutie mark was on a background of pink. Nothing was where she left it. Her posters were framed by butterflies, rabbits, flowers, and kittens. And little hearts. Little pink hearts.

Trixie blinked. She blinked again. She slid back under her covers and came back out again. No. This was a dream. A sick, hangover dream. Her headache pounded harder than ever. Listening to the pain, she put her pillows over her head. Her plan was simple. She was going to wait till her headache subsided, look back out, and the pink would be gone. It would just be a trick of the tired mind. After what seemed like forever, Trixie felt her headache finally reach acceptable levels. She looked back out at the room. Still pink. The unicorn felt a stirring in her stomach. She rushed to her bathroom. After going through a second tour of yesterday’s meals, the pony returned to her room in a horrified state.

What had happened? She tried to remember last night but nothing was coming clear. Had she done this? No. No it had to be some sort of evil demon. An evil presence must have sneaked into her apartment, something haunting, something which could look at the very depths of her nightmares. Trixie went back to her bed and curled into a ball underneath them. She shivered and tried desperately to collect herself.

The door to her room made an ominous creak, opening slowly. Trixie froze. This was it. This had to be her tormentor. The unicorn carefully pulled back her covers. Her eyes peered just over her woolen comforter to eye this harbinger of horror.

“Hey, you’re awake. You were asleep for a long time. Since you slept into the late afternoon I had time to make a surprise for you.” The demon gestured to the walls. “What do you think?”

The demon seemed pleased with its torment. The unicorn stared at it with crazed, bloodshot eyes. The hell-creature’s demeanor sank at the ocular onslaught. She stared at it some more, her eyes growing harder and harder with each passing second. The demon frowned nervously and started to back away but no, no it wouldn’t get away that easy. Trixie tossed her covers to the side and threw herself at the devil.

Next Chapter: Ruiner of Worlds Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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