
One does not simply have a crossover adventure in Equestria

by Infinite Carnage

Chapter 2: Read this before the story

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Read this before the story

As soon as the first arrow struck him, Boromir knew he was going to die. It was like someone directly punched him in the heart. The force and the sudden impact made him go dizzy for a couple of seconds.

The Uruk Hai that had fired that shot was across from him, wearing a sinister grin in its monstrous face. Boromir tried to regain his bearings. He was in a wooded area. He and the rest of the fellowship were fighting Orcs and Uruk Hai and he had been separated from the rest because… because… of something that disgusted the proud Boromir.

He had always prided himself on being a noble man, someone who tried to protect his people from evils they could not defend themselves from. However, what he nearly did to Frodo was disgraceful.

He nearly killed him for the ring.

He had been warned by many of the evils of the ring, how it could be used by no man but Sauron, how the ring could turn any man against his friends, how it wanted to be found. He had not paid heed to these warnings and now he could only hope Frodo was safe.

Time had almost slowed down for Boromir, allowing himself to think about all he had done. Then he remembered why he had confronted these Orcs and blew his horn. Merry and Pippin stood behind him.

While he was in his moment of self-hate he had spotted the two Hobbits running away from an army of Orcs. He couldn't let his little friends suffer so he pulled himself from his misery and attacked.

All seemed well in the fight, he was coming out on top and the horn would lead the rest of the Fellowship to his location.

Then the abnormally large Uruk Hai arrived. With his large bow and arrows.

That was what led him to this point, with an arrow in his heart and self-hatred destroying him internally. He did not know if he could ever redeem himself for what he had done. But he could die trying.

The adrenaline suddenly shot through him again and he started to swing wildly at the monsters before him. The large Uruk Hai watched on as his prey fought to his last breath.

Boromir deflected a charging Orcs shot and stabbed him with his sword. Another Orc dodged his swing while the abnormal Orc prepared to take another shot.

Boromir turned but he was too late as the arrow fired straight into his gut. Boromir fell back, dropping his shield in the process as he fell to his knees. He could hear the roars of victory from the Orcs and Uruk Hai around him.

The pain was immense. It nearly made him forget about the pair of young Hobbits behind him. He attempted to stand but fell to his knees again. In the process he turned around and now he was facing Merry and Pippin.

They had a look of horror in their eyes. Partially because of their possible doom approaching and the sight of their guardian in such a powerless state. Boromir couldn't bare to look.

In a surprising moment of adrenaline and strength that even Boromir didn't know he possessed he turned around and swung wildly in the opposite direction. In the process he took out two Orcs. It was almost as if he was being fuelled by determination and rage alone. Making even the Orcs and Uruk Hai hesitant to attack. Every attacking Orc and Uruk Hai, no matter the advantage they had fallen.

And then the third arrow struck.

It struck just above the heart and finally, Boromir could take no more. It was over.

Boromir fell to his knees for the last time.

He heard the angry cries of Merry and Pippin as the charged at the Orcs in his defence but they were captured. Picked up like children by the Uruk Hai to have who knows what done to them.

The army of Orcs and Uruk Hai ran past Boromir. They were almost mocking him for how pitiful he was right now, letting his friends get dragged away to their death. He wished they would just kill him.

Then it appeared his wish might come true.

The abnormally large Uruk Hai stayed behind and decided to enjoy this kill. He walked straight in front of a defenceless Boromir. Slowly he placed the arrow in the bow and pulled back, aiming for Boromir's head.

Boromir took what he believed would be his final breaths when Aragorn leaped out of nowhere, attacking the Uruk Hai.

Boromir wished he could've helped his brethren in his fight but pain and exhaustion crippled him as he fell to the ground. He could hear Aragon and the Uruk Hai fighting for a good minute till one of them fell. To his relief it was not, Aragorn.

Boromir now found himself lying against a tree as Aragorn came to his aid. Breathing was becoming increasingly more difficult but that wasn't what concerned Boromir the most. The fate of Merry and Pippin was more important.

"They took the little ones." He struggled to get the small sentence out but Aragon was far more concerned with him.

"Hold still" he said softly. Aragorn looked over the damage and to his regret, it appeared to be fatal. Boromir then realised something else that he needed to know before he passed.

"Frodo. Where is Frodo?"

"I let Frodo go." Relief washed over Boromir.

"Then you did what I could not." Boromir hated what he had to tell Aragorn but it would be his only chance to tell him the truth. "I tried to take the ring from him."

Aragorn shook his head. He guessed as much but he could not blame Boromir. The fact of the matter was that even Aragorn was starting to feel temptation within him. Something he could not afford to let happen.

"The Ring is beyond our reach now" he told Boromir.

"Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all."

"No, Boromir. You fought bravely." Aragorn couldn't bare to let this man hate himself so much in death. "You have kept your honour."

Aragorn attempted to remove one of the arrows but Boromir stopped him.

"Leave it. It is over." Neither man had any doubt. They both knew that Boromir's death was certain. Boromir was lost in despair. He could see no hope for his people's survival. "The world of men will fall. And all will come to darkness… and my city to ruin."

Aragorn gripped his arm firmly. He looked straight into Boromir's eyes and he spoke.

"I do not know what strength is in my blood but I swear to you I will not let the white city fall. Nor our people fail."

In this moment, the way Aragorn spoke to him, the certainty in the would be kings voice filled him with hope. Maybe, just maybe they could do it. They would have to do it without him though.

"Our people. Our people." He struggled with his last breaths as he reached out for his sword. Aragorn kindly placed it in his hands and Boromir held it against his chest.

They could hear the approaching footsteps of Legolas and Gimli as they saw the site before them. Boromir kept his grip on his sword, ready to die with it on him.

"I would have followed you. My Brother… My Captain… My King."

With that final sentence. Boromir breathed no more…

Boromir's body was placed in one of the elf boats that had taken the Fellowship to these woods. He slowly followed the current to the waterfall.

He was given his sword and his shield in the boat, along with a few other items. Aragon watched his fallen comrade drift out of eyesight. Aragorn hoped that death would be kind to him.

There the boat tipped over the edge of the fall. Forever lost in the watery abyss.

"Every great adventure begins with a single step…"

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