
Xenophilia: Further tales.

by TheQuietMan

Chapter 8: 8: Fingers, toes and tiny noses.

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Fingers, toes and tiny noses.
Chapter published 30th Jan 2013

Lero had been standing idly outside of the home Lyra Heartstrings shared with her best friend Bon Bon for a least three or four minutes now. After taking one last chance to brush any long since cleared dirt from his work shirt and repositioning his tool bag over his shoulder for what must have been the hundredth time he lifted a fist to rap on the front door.

“Hey there, lover boy.” came an amused voice from very, very close behind him.

“Yaargh!” Lero must have jumped a mile at the sudden greeting. Turning he found the aforementioned earth pony standing behind him, wearing both a mischievous grin and a pair of heavily laden saddlebags.

“Long time no see.“ Using a forehoof she playfully poked the human in the leg. “Since you’ve been courting that floozy it’s like you just don’t have any time for little old me any more.”

Pushing the same forehoof against her brow the earth pony pantomimed a swooning motion.

“I’ve just been so neglected. I’m waaaaasting away.“ She whined.

Lero couldn’t help but break into a grin. In the few weeks since he and Lyra had started courting, his new amore’s housemate had warmed to him greatly and he’d been pleasantly surprised to find that the confectioner had one wicked sense of humour.

Dropping to one knee the human threw out one arm theatrically as he played along. ”My fair lady, how could I ever have neglected you so? But fear not, I am here now.”

“Oh, don’t give me that fiddle-faddle you rapscallion.” Bon Bon dramatically threw her nose up in the air. “You’re here to see that hussy and you know it.”

Clutching his hands to his chest as if deeply wounded Lero put on his best ‘begging forgiveness’ expression. “I’m afraid you have me bang to rights, dear maiden. I am indeed here to steal away your fair housemate, would that she deign to have me.”

“Gotcha.” The mare laughed, leaning past the human to open the front door. “Here, come on in. I think she said she’s free all afternoon.”

As the door swung open, Bon Bon’s ears suddenly pricked up and she started nodding her head in time to some otherwise unheard tune. “Oh, this is going to be good.” She grinned

Lero glanced around, straining his hearing as he did so.

“Somebody’s having one of those ‘song and dance’ moments again, aren’t they?” He asked.

“Yep, it’s Lyra. Come on, you don’t want to miss this.” The earth pony was practically bouncing on her hooves at this point.

Lero was kind of conflicted. Sure he was here to see Lyra, but all this singing still seemed a bit weird to him and he wasn’t sure that muscling in on some pony’s musical moment was the done thing.

“I… err, wouldn’t she mind us just going in and interrupting her song. I mean, isn’t that kind of rude?”

Bon Bon blew air through her nose in gesture of exasperation. “Look, you may not be able to hear it but if it was meant to be private I wouldn’t be able to hear it either. So either it’s for every pony within range or we’re supposed to be part of it. Now as I’ve got the sudden urge to get you in there I’m betting we’re both supposed to be part of this in some way. Either way this is going to be priceless, I can just tell.”

Quickly moving around to Lero’s side she pushed at his hip with her forehead, her superior earth pony strength easily forcing the human though the now open door. As they crossed the threshold she started to hum what Lero had to admit was quite a catchy little melody; a little showtune-y maybe, possibly a touch off broadway-ish.

As the human pulled his bag over his head and placed it on the kitchen table the shifting tools inside made a rather loud clatter. Luckily the rather noticeable sound of jaunty hoofsteps emanating from the room above them covered most of the noise.

“Hush, keep it down” Bon Bon hissed, motioning to the stairs. “This way, now shush.”

Cursing not for the first time the fact that ponies didn’t ‘do’ carpets, Lero slowly crept up the stairs. Enthusiastic singing could be heard floating down from the floor above them, while it was certainly a lot louder than he was accustomed to hearing from her, it was definitely that of the unicorn of the house.

The lofty strains of Lyra’s harp could be heard seeping though the almost closed door at the top of the stairs; the same melody that Bon Bon was humming wafted it’s way though the crack in the door. Though Lero was unable to exactly make out all the lyrics there was definitely something about brushing coats and styling manes going on.

Reaching the top of the stairs both pony and human came to a stop outside the door to Lyra’s bedroom. Reaching for the door handle, Lero’s hand was suddenly held back by Bon Bon grabbing his sleeve with her teeth.

“Whoa there, fella. Not quite yet.” The curly maned mare continued to bob her head in time to the music, her humming complementing the music seeping from behind the door. Lyra’s lyrics could be heard quite clearly now.

“Humans don't have wings or magic. They don't need it; they don't care!”

“Ok, now’s our cue”. Bon-bon gently pushed the door open, letting it swing silently inward on its hinges.

Peeking inside Lero was amazed to see the usually calm and composed Lyra prancing around the room on her back hooves; her lyre grasped in her forehooves while her magic plucked at the strings. Totally oblivious to her sudden audience she hopped from hoof to hoof, wiggling her dock in time to the cheerful melody being issued from her instrument.

“All they've got's imagination, new inventions everywhere!”

Leaning back to gather a big ol’ lungful of air, the exuberant unicorn upped her game. Lero had heard her sing a number of times and always been impressed but frankly this was taking it to another level. All she needed now was a hairbrush to sing into and the image would be complete.

”Babies, children, teens and elders, all alike have clothes to wear”

A summer hat laying on Lyra’s dresser suddenly span its way across the room, the unicorn’s magical grasp causing it to bounce up and down atop her mane in time with the music.

“It's so real to me…”

Lyra span herself in a little pirouette on her back hooves, finishing the move with a flurry that left her facing the bedroom door. Opening her eyes she found a snorting earth pony and a pink faced human avidly watching her little one-mare show. The summer hat and lyre both slipped from her magical grasp and dropped to the floor as her soon to be ex-best friend finally succumbed and burst into peals of laughter

As if realising they’d been caught in the act, the music of harmony quickly faded from the minds and ears of both ponies in the room, leaving the usually unflappable unicorn to face her audience alone. Sporting a blush so powerful it turned her mint green cheeks a lovely shade of pink, Lyra sheepishly bowed deeply as she squeaked out her final lyric.


Author's Notes:

Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure AwkwardMarina wrote "Anthropology". I can tell you for sure though that it wasn't me.

Did you know Pepsico also own SugarPuffs and Lipton Iced Tea? I did not. You learn something new every day.

Next Chapter: 9: Falling to the Centre by Special Guest Author Archonix. Estimated time remaining: 23 Hours, 33 Minutes
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