
Xenophilia: Further tales.

by TheQuietMan

Chapter 58: 58: I want to hold you close; soft breasts, beating heart.

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I want to hold you close; soft breasts, beating heart.
Chapter published 09th Jun 2013


To say the immediate reactions to Rainbow Dash’s sudden transformation were mixed would be an understatement.

Twilight and Luna went at it like scientists, approaching the event with clinical detachment (or as much as they could manage, this whole situation was still well and truly gasting both of their flabbers) and trying to figure out quite what on Equestria had gone wrong with the unicorn’s spell to result in this profound of a change.

Lyra and Sweetie took it all in their stride; Lyra because, well, she was Lyra, nothing ever fazed that mare; Sweetie because she wasn’t even a year old so as far as she was concerned everything in her world was new and strange and fun... and probably edible. Just wait until she figured out quite what birthdays were, then you’d see what an over excited child really looks like.

Rainbow herself also took to it with surprising ease. But then years in the Wonderbolts coupled with being lead mare (sigh) of what had to be the strangest herd in the land as well as being an element bearer had made her ready for anything. Or almost anything. This was still hella weird no matter what.

Lero on the other hand, he just stood and gawked, his mouth occasionally moving as if he wanted to say more but then it would just snap shut again, the best he could manage was the odd ‘whoa’.

While the former pegasus stayed sat on the floor, wiggling her new fingers in the face of an enraptured foal, Twilight pulled Luna away from the group and off into a corner of the room.

“Princess, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” The unicorn whispered, careful to make sure that the rest of the herd didn't overhear her.

Luna gave Twilight a strange and unreadable look before replying in an equally hushed tone.

“About overthrowing my sister and taking over Equestria? No, I ceased with all that years ago. Why?”

TILT! Twilight just stared back, her brain trying to handle too many pieces of earthshaking information all at once.

“What?!” Was all she managed.

“Oh, I’m sorry." The alicorn replied with a not-quite-convincing nonchalant attitude. “I was attempting to lighten the mood. It would seem that my timing still requires work. Please, continue.”

“Yeaaah." Twilight grimaced. “Anyway, I was thinking that if Rainbow’s transformation is a complete one and that if this body’s....ahh, fully functional, then if we could keep her in this form for eleven, no sorry, nine months for humans, then she could possibly have a child of her own.”

The unicorn glanced back to see if anypony was listening but it it would appear a pair of whispering ponies had nothing on a human female when it came to being at all interesting, or at least as far as the rest of her herd was concerned that was.

“Even if it doesn’t work with Rainbow, it might still work on others.” Twi continued, the excitement of a major magical project quickly taking over her brain. “We could introduce a new and viable breeding species to Equestria. Give it twenty years or so and we could have a whole generation of humans being born naturally. Just think, a whole race of humans born into the magic of harmony! What would that even be like?”

Twi leaned forward into Luna’s personal space, pushing a forehoof against the alicorn’s chest for emphasis. “Plus, Lero wouldn't have to spend the rest of his life as the last of his kind.”

“Not the last of his kind, but the first.” She added, determination blazing in her eyes.

As the excited unicorn’s words sank in, Twi could see Luna thinking it over, her large blue eyes moving back and forth between Lero and Rainbow Dash, currently the only two humans on the entire planet, and one of those only temporarily... probably.

“Yes, I see, that could be a possibility worth looking into.” Luna replied, caution colouring her tone. Introducing a new species to any ecosystem could be dangerous and was fraught with unexpected consequences. Even now, all these centuries later, Princess Celestia wouldn't let her sister forget the whole ‘minotaur’ debacle.

“You may not want to rush into anything this time.” Luna continued to watch the group, Lero still standing stiff (in both senses of the word) while Sweetie climbed all over the most colourful of her mommies. New form or not, Mommy Rainbow was still Mommy Rainbow, it just meant she was now taller, less furry and much more of a challenge to hang on to.

“And make sure you talk everything, and I mean everything, over with your herd before you even think about testing anything out.”

Twilight just nodded, feeling suitably chastised.

Conversation over they both moved back towards the others just in time to see Rainbow grab Sweetie with both hands and hold her up high in the air.

“Hey look.“ The brightly maned, no, brightly haired human laughed “Opposable thumbs are the bomb! Whad’ya think kiddo?”

Just by wiggling her phalanges about she tickled the child’s tummy like it was going out of fashion before resting the giggling foal on top of her head like she usually did. It seemed the child had done all her talking for one day but she still had plenty of squeaks and giggles stored up that she could use.

“I have to admit I’m a touch jealous.” Lyra remarked. “Those fingers are just fascinating. Look, they’re even thinner than Lero’s. Just think how well I could play my harp with fingers like that. I’d bet I could even play a guitar as well, I would love to do that, just once, no magical field or anything else between me and the music. If we ever need a unicorn template to accidentally turn into a human I’ll volunteer for that in a heartbeat.”

“It’s not all fun and games ya’know.” Rainbow interjected. “Either Sweetie’s a flank-load heavier than I remember or my neck’s wimping out on me.” Lifting the still chortling child back off of her head she held the foal out to her mother. “Here Lyra, you can have her back.”

The minty unicorn quickly levitated her daughter over to a spot on top of her own head with Rainbow used her new hands to rub at the back of her neck.

“Oh that feels good.” The human sighed. “My skin’s so much more sensitive without all my fur in the way... Oh, I can't wait to get a massage in this form. That would be so totally cool.”

Turning to Lero, his mouth still just opening and closing, she waved her hands in his direction io get his attention.

“Hey, big guy. You still with us?”

Pulling her hands back she caught sight of something on the backs of her arms.

“Man, it’s cold in here though. Hey, look, I’m getting all these bumps coming up on my arms like Lero does.”

As if he’d woken up from a deep sleep, the stallion of the herd suddenly jerked to attention.

"Oh, yeah, err, those are goosebumps.” He said, reaching down to rub his still-naked wife’s arms. “Humans notice the chill a lot more than pegasi do so they’re one of your body’s ways of telling you it’s cold. So, yeah, clothes, clothes would be a good idea right about now.”

Looking down at his own body he finally remembered he was in a state of almost complete undress himself.

“For both of us I think. Hang on a sec.”

And with that he made off towards the side room where he kept his wardrobe. As only one in four of the adults in the herd wore clothing on a daily basis he hadn't seen the need to keep his clothes in the bedroom like most humans did, instead using a small room off of the apartment’s main corridor for dressing himself and doing his laundry.

As he left the room something MAJOR occurred to Rainbow. Something she couldn't believe she hadn’t thought of before.

“Hey, some pony get me a mirror.” She cried. “I bet I look awesome!”

Not wanting to wait another second, Rainbow tried to stand, her new legs and arms taking a number of tries to get the hang of, her center of balance not quite being where she’d left it.

After couple of false starts she had it sussed and was stood on two feet, arms held out to either side to help keep balance. Compared to some of the trickier maneuvers she’d had to learn back in Wonderbolts training, this was a walk in the park.

Even so, Lyra’s magic gently flickered around the former pegasus’ limbs assisting in maintaining her balance much as she’d done with Sweet Spirit when the foal had been first learning to walk. With a nod from Rainbow the magic fading away leaving the new human standing unaided.

“Ok, standing, not so hard.” A sudden wobble almost took the human over sideways. “I meant to do that. Right, so, not as easy as it looks.” A few more wobbles followed, thankfully each smaller than the last. “Oh boy, how’s the big guy do this for hours and not fall over?”

Lyra laughed.”Wait until you try to walk. For humans that’s just controlled falling over. Only having half the legs takes it to a whole new level.”

Sweetie struggled in the magic field between Lyra’s ears. The foal thought this all looked like the most fun EVER and it was really unfair that she wasn't in the middle of it.

“Okay then.“ Rainbow said through gritted teeth. “Let’s give walking a try.”

Arms out straight like a tightrope walker - though the resemblance was lost on the ponies (and ex-ponies) present - she lifted her right foot to take a step, quickly placing it down in front of her. After she had stabilised herself she tried lifting her trailing foot and taking a second step, then a third, each hesitant step taking her closer and closer to the large mirror that they kept by the apartment’s front door.

“See, this ain’t soWOAH.” Rainbow stumbled just as she was about to successfully (and with more than a modecum of style) reach her destination, Lyra’s magic just about catching her before she toppled over completely. Grabbing the small set of shelves by the door that they used for keeping their rain boots and Lero’s shoes on to steady herself, the human gave thanks for her herdmate’s quick reflexes.

Pulling herself back to her feet before stepping gingerly to one side so she could see herself in the full length mirror, careful to keep a hand on the shelves to steady herself as she did so, Rainbow took her first good look at her all-new appearance.

While she didn’t know much about how the females of the species were supposed to look, the former pegasus was fairly pleased with her new human appearance.

Taking in the face that stared back at her from the mirror, the newest addition to the race Heme sapiens advena (or Homo Sapiens Sapiens as Lero still half-jokingly insisted he should be classified) was struck by how familiar she still looked.

She’d expected to see some stranger... some alien staring back at her but this woman, this human was just so her. The rose red eyes filled with confident mischief, the strongly arched eyebrows above them that same shade of blue that had until minutes before coated her entire body. The now much smaller nose was odd, but at the same time looked just right. The mouth below it already curling up at one side in her trademark smirk.

Pulling back her dark pink lips she was not at all surprised to see a whole array of small pearly white teeth, a number of which sported (to her eyes anyway) quite sharp points. Not quite as pointy as either Lero’s or Sweetie’s, but they still looked quite vicious compared to her old, flat grinding teeth.

If asked later what had prompted her to her next action she’d have had no idea what had struck her, but impetuously she poked her tongue out as far as it would go, shocked by how short it had become. Try as she might - and she tried quite hard - she just could not get the stumpy organ to reach the end of her nose... an attempt she soon gave up on after it had elicited more than a few laughs from her herdmates.

Turning her attention back to the mirror she could see that her chromatic mane was still in its full glory, the parts that had fallen forward over shoulders now hanging down almost to her belly button. Ha, ‘belly button’, what a funny sounding name for such a funny looking hole right in the middle of her barrel. Or, was it even still called a barrel? Abdomen maybe?

Looking further down, careful not to topple forward, she could see her toes which scrunched up as soon as she commanded. Above that were a pair of long, smooth pink legs which seemed to make up at least half of her height.

Was she tall? She had no idea, She knew human females were supposed to be shorter than the males but she looked to be only a hoof width or so shorter than her stallion. Was that normal? Everyone else in the room except for Luna seemed so impossibly short to her now. Was this how the world looked through Lero’s eyes?

Turning her body to one side she checked on her dock but found no tail awaiting her there. Her brain sent a message to her missing appendage but received no response, not even a twitching in her flanks.

“Well, I don’t have my tail anymore which feels really weird. Hey! Where’s my cutie mark?!”.

Hands dropping to her hips she franticly patted the skin where her brain was telling her that her familiar cloud and lightning bolt cutie mark should be.

“NONONONO... It’s gotta be here, I can’t have lost it!”

Rainbow was getting desperate, panic creeping its way up her throat as she searched all over her left hip for her missing mark. The last time she’d lost her mark, her pride and joy, she’d almost ended as the filling in an earth pony sandwich. She twisted her body around so she could see her other hip.

Hurray, there it was. Her cutie mark was present and correct and exactly the same size and shape and colours as before... and thankfully no bloody butterflies this time.

“Oh thank Celestia.” She sighed. “Don’t worry, found it. It’s on the other side.”

Two unicorns and an alicorn all leaned in to get a better look at Rainbow’s cutie mark which was displayed as patches of brightly coloured skin amongst the pink of her right hip

“I wonder why you only have the one.” Twilight noted as she leaned in closer than the others. Years of slaving over ancient tomes in less than optimal lighting had started to affect her eyes and she always managed to ‘forget’ her reading glasses, usually muttering something about them making her look like her mother. Perhaps it really was time to look into those old ophthalmic spells again.

As the lavender mare moved her attention to her herdmate’s other hip she breathed out in a huff, the proximity of her nose to Rainbow’s crotch causing the sudden exhalation to tickle the small amount of fur around the former pegasus’ groinal area.

“Hey, that tickles!” Dash exclaimed, stuffing both her hands between her legs which just caused her to giggle all the more.

All three remaining adult ponies in the room leant in just a tad closer, curious to know what the genitalia of a human female looked like.

Twi and Lyra (and Luna though second hand information) knew that Lero’s *ahem* equipment was compatible with that of his wives’ even though it had a substantial amount of differences to the standard issue male pony. So what would a human woman’s look like? Would everything be in the same place? Would there be any major difference in form or function? Inquiring minds needed to know!

“Err, girls.” Rainbow motioned her head towards Princess Luna and then towards Sweetie still perched between Lyra’s ears. “I think I’ll check those bits out later if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, my apologies.” Luna stammered, swiftly pulling her head back as a flush made its way to her cheeks, displaying her embarrassment at both her eagerness and proximity.

“No worries.“ The human replied, releasing her hands from between her well toned thighs and moving them up to her upper chest where she used her long fingers to gently squeeze the two strange lumps of flesh that had made their home there. In the cold of the apartment her nipples had become quite erect.

“So what the hell are these for?” She asked as she let them go, causing them to spring back to their former shape. “Lero has a set of really firm muscles here but I’m all... bouncy! What’s that about?”

“They're your mammary glands.” Twilight gave them a little poke with her magic which caused them to sway slightly. “Most female primates have them up here. They can be quite pronounced even when the female isn’t expecting a child though they can still swell during pregnancy. Apart from their obvious uses for the suckling of their young, they also seem to use them to as part of their courtship displays in order to attract mates.”

Another little poke, this time a touch stronger which caused some increased jiggle in return.

“And yes, they do appear to be quite bouncy.”

At this point the stallion of the herd walked back into the room carrying a small bundle of clothing, just in time to find two of his wives (and a princess) playing with his third wife’s new breasts.

“Here’s some- Whoa there.” Lero ground to a halt, clothes dangling forgotten from his fingers as he took in the scene.

While Rainbow’s rack wasn’t huge, or even particularly large, it was definitely quite a sight to behold and unarguably perfectly formed. The distractingly naked woman before him definitely had the build of an athlete; taut stomach muscles, well defined thighs and biceps but all still wrapped up in a number of alluring curves.

It would seem certain elements of Rainbow’s pony form had translated over to her new body and while certainly not ‘voluptuous’, she was pleasingly ‘athletic’... Very, very ‘athletic’.

“Err, could you not all do that please. Not in front of Sweetie anyway.” Lero stuttered. He had always been shy around human women and it seemed that this vision of loveliness - even though underneath it all was actually his wife of many years - was no exception.

Damn hormones, conspiring with his brain and plotting his downfall. Grrr.

Rainbow turned to take in her lover’s flustered expression. “Do what?” She asked, her own expression very much not flustered, more knowingly teasing.

“Err, squeeze your... ahh... yeah.” The poor embarrassed male coughed. “Well, it’s definitely cold in here, you should put these on.”

He held out the pile of clothes but his mate made no move to take them. She was enjoying watching the skin around her mate’s face and neck change colour and was in no hurry to cover up.

“Yeah, sure. So, how do I look?” She asked. “As a human I mean. I’m not like a musclebound freak or anything am I? Everything’s where it supposed to be, right? When it comes to human women I’ve got no idea. Boy, I hope I’m hot. Am I hot?”

Rainbow turned back around for another look in the mirror.

“Oh yeah, I’m hot.”

“Ah, yes, very.“ Lero added, his eyes alternating between not knowing where to look and knowing exactly where to look. “Very hot. So very, very hot.”

His wife just grinned at him over her shoulder, the same cheeky, self confident dazzler of a grin she always sported when she was feeling particularly impressive. Even now her smaller mouth and unfamiliar teeth couldn’t keep that grin down.

“Aaah, you're just saying that.” She teased, though a small amount of worry started to creep into her voice. “I bet my flanks are too flat. They’re too flat aren’t they?”

Even after all these years of being one of the most ‘winningest’ ponies in Equestria - Wonderbolt captain, lead mare of the most kickass herd in town and generally just all kinds of awesome - occasionally Rainbow’s old body issues would suddenly surface, just for her herd to squash them down again just as quickly.

“No, no I’m not. And trust me, they’re not too flat, they’re just right.” Lero was quick to add. “Humans can have a whole lot of variation in our bodies and still look great. You’re what we’d call an athletic build which believe me a lot of human women would kill for.”

Reaching out he ran his fingers through his wife’s chromatic hair, enjoying the feeling of familiarity even though the strands were a touch softer than usual.

“You see, a lot of women get unhappy with themselves and their appearance because much of human society tells them they should look a certain way or buy particular clothes or weigh less than a set amount. But as long as they’re happy and healthy then what does it really matter? Both men and women come in all different shapes; hips, breasts, waists, shoulders. We’re all odd shapes really, there’s not one definitive human ‘template’ as such.”

Letting Rainbow’s hair fall back against her chest, Lero moved his hand to behind her ear, glad to the see that ear rubs still had the same affect on her no matter her shape.

“Life’s so much easier for you ponies as there’s a hell of a lot less variation within the tribes, or even between them for that matter. Which is why it can be so hard for humans to find clothes that fit us even back home. Plus very few of us could ever afford a tailor as good as Rarity or Dapper Dan”

Holding up the bundle he was carrying, Lero separated them out to show that it was a simple pair of blue jeans and plain white t-shirt set that Rarity had recently made for him. The amount of time it had taken him to convince the dressmaker that ‘less was more’ and that she really didn't need to add any patterns or embroidery to the design had been astounding though eventually she’d capitulated.

The perfectionist unicorn had insisted on at least stitching Boutique Magnifique’s logo into one of the pair of jean’s back pockets but that was a compromise Lero was more than happy to make. Rarity’s newest venture with her current business partner Dapper Dan was swiftly becoming one of Canterlot’s most talked about success stories.

Under the motto of creating ‘fabulous clothes for both mares and stallions’ and taking influence from as far as Saddle Arabia, Neighpon, Zebrica and the Bittish Isle, Boutique Magnifique was in high demand amongst the nation’s high society and Lero was proud to show his support by displaying their maker’s mark on his clothes somewhere... even if it was on his butt.

“Here, stick these on.” Lero dropped the t-shirt and held out the pair of denim pants. “You’ll have to go commando but it’s still warmer than wandering about naked.”

“Commando?” Twilight cocked her head at the unfamiliar phrase. Even after all this time Lero still came out with the occasional puzzler.

“Without underwear.” Lero grinned. “Rarity might have made me one heck of a wardrobe but even I don't happen to have any bra and panty sets to hand... That I’m admitting to anyway.

Rainbow was still trying to figure how to get the trousers on. “Bra and what-whats now?”

“Female underwear, kinda like... actually, never mind.” Crouching down in front of his wife he rolled up one of the pant’s legs and held them out between the two of them like he would for a human child just learning to dress themselves. “Here, stick your left foot through here.”

With Rainbow holding onto his shoulder to steady herself, Lero waited for her to step through one leg of the trousers before rolling up the other leg and holding it out for her other foot. At least that was his plan, but when your wife’s abs and ass are as tight as an olympic volleyball player’s, it can get distracting.

“Ok, now through here with the other leg.” Lero was having trouble concentrating. “My god, I so want to bite your ass about now.

Rainbow grinned down at her lover kneeling before her. “What’s that?” She asked, knowing full well what he’d said. Her ears may not have been as good as they had been before but she could still hear pretty damn well.

“Err, nothing.” Lero denied as Rainbow wiggled her feet into place. “Here, that’s good.”

After pulling the jeans up to her waist, Lero fastened the fly and buckled the belt to hold them in place. Then he grabbed the t-shirt from the floor and stood up in one sweeping movement that even now still enthralled Lyra every time he did it.

”Ok, now arms up in the air like this.”

As Lero lifted his arms in the air Rainbow did the same, causing her breasts to bounce and her already pert nipples to present themselves for inspection. At this the stallion just squeaked - whether he'd actually meant to or not he would later refuse to confirm - and swiftly pulled the shirt over the woman’s head and arms, tugging it into place around her waist.

“Okay Lero, don't get distracted.” He muttered to himself. “There’s children present. Holy crap, there’s royalty present. Oh god oh god oh god.”

As her husband took a step back in order to get a better look, Rainbow turned to regard herself in the mirror. The way the pants bunched up around her feet, the t-shirt hanging off of her body, slipping down to reveal one shoulder. She was not impressed

“Hmm, way too baggy but it’ll do.” Lero remarked.

“It’ll do?” The ex-pegasus protested. “Dude, seriously. I may know jack about human fashion but even I know this look is totally not awesome.”

Lifting a foot from the floor, the hem of the oversized jeans slipped down over her toes and ended up hanging down by a good few horn widths.

“I think I can temporarily resize those for you.” Twilight offered. "The ‘stretch and skew’ spell Rarity had me create for her line of expanding maternity gowns should do the trick if I run it in reverse.”

Before anypony could say anything the master spellcrafter screwed up her eyes and pointed her still scorched horn at her herdmate’s ill-fitting outfit. For some strange reason the rest of her herd (and Princess Luna) slowly started to edge away from the former pegasus. After a few seconds of intense concentration all the unicorn’s horn managed to emit was a barely audible ‘pop’ and a small curl of smoke from its blackened tip.

As her eyes opened, Twilight crossed her pupils to take in her malfunctioning magical protuberance.

“Or, maybe not.” She was slightly embarrassed to admit. “It looks like it’s going to take a while for my horn to recover enough to start casting again.”

At this Princess Luna stepped forward.

“Maybe I can be of some assistance.” The alicorn turned her own horn towards the human female and her unfortunate crime against fashion. “Master Lero, please inform me when the clothing has reached the desired size and fit.”

As Luna’s horn began to give off its faint magical glow, Rainbow’s clothes start to shrink, her natural form becoming more evident as the garments contracted to fit more snugly against her skin.

Once they reach the point where they were as tight on the smaller female as they usually were on Lero, Luna looked to the human male to see if she should stop.

“Maybe just a touch tighter.” Lero nodded at Luna, the alicorn just raising a quizzical eyebrow before allowing the spell to continue.

As the shrinkage progressed, the lower hem of the t-shirt moved higher, exposing the patch of skin between the human’s navel and her belt buckle, while the upper half of the covering contracted around her chest, pulling in tight against her skin and emphasising her natural curves.

While all this was happening both legs of the jeans shortened, allowing a pair of pale feet to be seen poking out of the bottom as the rest of the garment contracted against their new wearer’s thighs and posterior.

Rainbow’s hands suddenly moved to between her legs as the glow of Luna’s spell faded away, eyes opening wide at the sudden pressure against her... ahem, undercarriage.

“Whoa there big guy.” She asked, more than a note of surprise in her voice. “Are they really supposed to be this tight around the... flanks?”

“Yeah, totally spot on.” Lero just grinned in response as he pulled his wife close. “You look great.”


Twilight and Luna spent the next twenty minutes or so running the new human though a series of tests and scans. During this time Rainbow was pleased to find that her clothing had started to mold itself to accommodate her new form and was now much easier to move around in, especially as Sweetie had decided that going to bed now would be no fun at all and had insisted on climbing back and forth between the rainbow haired human and her own mint green maned mother for the entire time.

“I think we’re done.” The scientist of the herd finally announced, much to everyone else’s relief. “We’ll need to check you again every few hours until we get you back to normal, just to make sure nothing changes over time, but for now that’s about all we can do with what we’ve got to hoof.”

“Oh praise be to Luna, I thought you’d never let me go try these things out.” With surprising fluidity Rainbow hopped off of the table she’d been sat on. If there was anypony who’d manage to make controlling a completely alien body look like childs play it was her.

“You’re welcome.” Luna replied by instinct before she realised it was just a turn of phrase.

Enjoying her new found freedom, the human tottered around on her toes through the middle of the room, partly testing out what she could do now that she was free to move as she pleased and partly just showing off.

Hey, she was still Rainbow Dash after all and there was no point being this awesome if you couldn’t make a big thing about it every once in a while.

As the former pegasus managed a slightly shaky pirouette, Lyra’s head started to bob in time to some unheard tune, swiftly followed - in perfect harmony - by Sweet Spirit’s.

Catching her stallion’s eye from where she was sat on the sofa, the unicorn gave her lover a large smile.

“You’re going to love this.” She said, her child’s fire coloured mane swishing up and down against her chest as the foal sat clutched in her mother’s forearms

“Love what?” Lero asked before he twigged what the bobbing meant. “Oh, great, it’s another song isn’t it?”

Lyra just nodded as she started to hum along to the tune in her head, the tune that only the stallion in the room couldn’t hear. Over the years it had become a habit of the herd and its friends that whenever the music of harmony presented itself, some pony would hum along so that Lero would at least be able to keep up with the rhythm.

As Rainbow finished her spin she raised her right hand towards the ceiling as she began to sing.

--Rainbow Dash--

My forehoof’s got five fingers, it’s really freakin’ strange.

I took a shock right up the dock and now my body’s rearranged.

My wings were really awesome but these hands are pretty cool.

Hey big guy, get your flank right here, I’m gunna try these out on you.

Turning to face her stallion, Rainbow dropped her hand until it was held out level in front of her, all but her forefinger curled into her palm to point at her lover.

“Yeah baby, tickle attack!! Let’s see how you like it”

With that she sprang with surprising speed and agility across the room towards the startled male.

--Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna--

This wasn’t what we planned, wasn’t what we meant to do.

We had no idea this outcome, was what’s in store for you.

It wasn’t our objective, we’re sure that it won’t stick.

We’ll get you back to pony form and we’ll do it double quick.

Looking up from where she already had Lero pinned to the other sofa, both hands thrust up under his shirt, Rainbow called back to the pair of singers before they could move onto the next verse.

“What? Yeah, no hurry girls... Hey, big guy, no fair fighting back!”

--Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna--

This wasn’t in our predictions, it wasn't in our plans.

--Rainbow Dash--

It wasn't what they were aiming for but now I’ve got two...

Pulling her fingers from under Lero’s shirt, Rainbow moved them to his face and cupped them around his cheeks, her rose coloured eyes looking at him expectantly

“Err, hands?” Lero offered. The large kiss he received told him that he had chosen wisely.

--Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna--

No, this wasn’t in our predictions, it just was not our aim.

Leaning back from her lover, Rainbow hooked a finger against the neck of her t-shirt, pulling it away from her skin as she peered down the gap.

--Rainbow Dash--

How’d human girls control these things, they really are a pain.

“No seriously, they’re starting to feel really weird around the...”

A strange smile crept across her face as the fabric of her top rubbed against just the right spot.

“Ooooh, yeah, ignore what I just said.”

--Rainbow Dash--

This body’s kinda awkward, nothing’s where it meant to be.

But it’s really kinda crazy that I still feel just like me.

But some parts are really tingly and the urge is really strong.

To drag Lero to the bedroom and ride him all night long.

“No change there then.” Lyra added as she placed both of her forehooves over her innocent young child’s stubby little ears.

--Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna--

We’re sure that we can fix it, you won’t stay in this state

--Rainbow Dash--

No worries girls, I’ve got some plans so I’m sure that it can wait.

--Twilight Sparkle & Princess Luna--

We’ll have you back to normal, we’ll correct this with all haste.

Grabbing Lero by the front of his shirt, Rainbow showed that her new thinner form still held an astonishing amount of strength as she bodily pulled him from the sofa and pushed him into the master bedroom before literally skipping in after him.

--Rainbow Dash--

So, big guy, get your pants off, we’ve got no time to waste!

As the brief musical interlude music faded from the scene, Rainbow stuck her head back out of the doorway.

“Now unless anypony wants to join us, we’ll see you in a few hours.”

And with that the door closed behind her, leaving Twilight, Lyra and Princess Luna standing dumbstruck outside while plenty of... amourous noises could be heard from the other side.

After a few seconds of silence Luna sighed.

‘Give her here then.’ She said, holding out a hoof towards Lyra.

“Thanks Luna” Twilight trilled happily, giving the alicorn a quick peck on the cheek. “You’re the best.”

“I always said you were my favourite princess.” Lyra added, levitating Sweetie onto the princess’ waiting hoof before both unicorns let themselves into the master bedroom, closing the door behind them with a definite ‘click’.

As the tall black alicorn princess regarded the small cream hybrid foal, Sweetie just giggled and held out her hooves for a hug.

“Very well, come along little one.”

Luna wandered away from the bedroom, levitating her ‘niece’ up to a spot within her ethereal mane and between her own ears as she walked.

“I’ll show you the best way to properly mess up your mothers’ sock drawers.”

Next Chapter: 59: I close my eyes and I keep seeing things. Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 26 Minutes
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