
The not so magical land of America

by blakfayt

Chapter 2: Before the Night

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The group watched as Fluttershy slowly walked out of the dark room they had arrived in, the yellow pegasus seeming even more afraid than usual. Her fear became justified, to her at least, as she looked to her right and saw the rising skyscrapers outside. It quickly dawned on her that, within this building alone, there had to be hundreds or more of that creature whose home they had accidentally invaded. Shaking slightly at this revelation, she moved closer to her friends and rulers, her eyes moist with unshed tears.
“H-he said to-to not go outside,” she said, her voice shaking more than her legs.

The group looked out the mostly glass doors behind Fluttershy at what they could see of the city. The first couple of buildings next to the one they were in were smaller than it, but they could see ones that towered over the rest in the distance. Even Luna and Celestia were amazed, as the size of the buildings dwarfed nearly every building in Equestria in sheer height.

“Well,” Twilight said with a gulp, “I would like to get some information about where we are, but considering what happened with the creature here...”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, I think it would be best for us to not upset the inhabitants of this place more than necessary. I do not think they would all respond like this one has, but from what he has said it is possible that our presence could be misinterpreted, or exaggerated for reasons beyond our understanding.” The alicorn paused at the confused faces that stared at her. “I mean, until we have more reliable information we can't tell how this world would react to our existence. One might accept our story at face value, but the rest might be skeptical, or use our existence for evil purposes. The best thing for us to do would be to simply leave and forget this place, as quickly as possible.”

“Ah agree,” Applejack nodded. “This place ain't meant for ponies, that much is for sure. Y'all see how that feller in there acted? Like we're some kinda monster or something.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled lightly as she jumped up on the couch. “Well yeah, but come on AJ. You get home after bucking half an orchard and he's standing in your room with his friends asking where they are. Tell me you wouldn't think they're monsters.”

“That's different!”

“Hardly,” the pegasus replied with a roll of her eyes.

“Rainbow brings up a good point,” Rarity interjected, cutting off Applejack's retort, “Just where are we, and how did we get here?”

“Twilight's spell,” Pinkie said, the mare smiling wide, “Duh. Don't you remember? OHMYGOSH! Did you hit your head?! Quick! How many hooves am I holding up?” She quickly stuck both of her front hooves up in front of Rarity, causing the purple maned unicorn to sigh.

“I'm fine, Pinkie. What I mean is, how did Twilight's spell send us here. Where ever here is.”

Twilight sighed, “I don't know. I was so sure about all of my calculations, the distribution of mass to magic, balancing it perfectly by including the princesses and using the amplifying rune in Canterlot. Somehow, though, we ended up … here.”

“Mathematics, science, and magic cannot always predict perfect outcomes,” Luna said to the defeated feeling unicorn. “Even when we think everything has been figured out, the universe throws something new into our lives that change everything. My sister and I are one example that rather proves the idea. I do not believe you could have predicted this even if you spent your entire life working on that one equation.”

“Luna is right my student. This could hardly be called your fault. I looked over your studies myself and found no faults with them. However we got here it was beyond any of our controls. Rather than wallow about in defeat, we should search for a solution to return home.”

Twilight stared at the floor for a moment, then nodded fiercely and looked up. “We're going to need some paper.”

The next couple of hours saw Twilight and the princesses pouring over the young unicorn's formulas, as she could remember them, as the others explored the house. Rainbow Dash and Applejack quickly found the front door, and for a moment thought about leaving, seeing nothing but a long hallway, until another door down that hall opened and another creature entered the hall. The two quickly understood they were in an apartment, and revealed this to the others.

“I see,” Celestia muttered, setting the papers she was looking at down. “So outside didn't just mean 'leave the building.' Even out that door could be dangerous.”
Rainbow groaned, “Not being able to go outside is bad enough, but being stuck in one room? It's like prison.”

Luna gave a light laugh. “I do not think our dungeons have couches, Miss Dash. Nor kitchens, and the bathroom Miss Rarity found is in much better condition than one might expect from a jail.”

“Oh, gross!” Rainbow gagged at the thought, getting a chuckle from the mares that were nearby.

“I suppose you do have some lady like qualities to you,” Rarity smirked.

“Hey, a dirty bathroom is just nasty. I don't care what you have between your haunches, that's gross.”

“RAINBOW DASH!” Rarity shouted, aghast at her friend's vulgarity in front of the royalty.

Celestia, however, only laughed. “It's okay Rarity. I've heard much worse in my time, and she raises a good point. A clean bathroom is a good sign. It at least means he's tidy.”

“He's got a weird selection of books too,” Twilight added, scribbling a quick note onto another sheet of paper. “A lot of fantasy, some romance, and then a couple of shelves full of academic books. Psychology, history, theology, philosophy, all that's missing really is science and math.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes; of course those were the books her librarian friend looked for. “You said fantasy though, right? What kind?”

The unicorn shrugged, “I didn't look into it too much, but it looked like dark ages kind of fantasy. Spells and swords without modern science.”

The pegasus rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She'd read a few books like that before, branching out from Daring Do books. They could be interesting sometimes, and if they were going to be stuck here for a few hours it wouldn't hurt to have a look.

Within an hour, however, everything Twilight could remember was put down, examined and rethought, all to one conclusion. Everything was perfect. With what was in front of them they should have landed in Gryphos, the kingdom of the griffons. The sun was setting out the doors behind them, and the royal sisters excused themselves to think. Twilight opened her mouth to stop them, seeing the pair head for the door, but her warning was shut down by a silent nod from Celestia.

Gritting her teeth, Twilight told her friends the news, they had no way home. There were groans, a couple of stomps, and a tossed hat, but once they calmed down they all went into full exploration mode. Rainbow Dash, who had essentially began roosting on the couch, had found some kind of control device that captivated Twilight's attention. The various buttons seemed to control a machine, but which one she didn't know. She was very eager to find out though. The bright red power button at the top almost called to her.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack moved into the kitchen to look over the food supply. The fridge was sparsely stocked, and the freezer made the farm pony recoil in terror. Meat. Frozen meat, according to the packages, several pounds of frozen beef. Without opening her mouth she trotted into the nearby bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her rather loudly. Fluttershy watched from the side of the couch, making a mental note of their host's diet, the yellow pegasus completely obscured from Rainbow and Twilight's view.

Rarity had taken to looking at the barren walls of the apartment. Making notes on her own piece of paper and tsk'ing every now and then. If she was going to stay there for any amount of time, the place would have to be decorated at least SOMEWHAT. As she continued to step around the room she hoped the owner of the home wasn't as bland in personality as the walls suggested.

Outside on the roof, Celestia and Luna were staring at the night sky. Each wondering how their respective astral bodies had moved on their own in this foreign land. No words had been spoken yet, but none were needed. They knew what these creatures were. Humans. Worry had spread through both of their minds when they saw the one in the apartment. It had been thousands of years since the last pony had seen a human, and yet here was a city, a world even, filled with them.

“What do you think of him, sister?” Luna finally asked, but continuing to stare at the moon in the sky.

“I don't know. You must have seen it today, when he broke down.”

“Broke down?”

“Yes, his little rant against humanity. That was not normal. He was exhausted, mentally and physically. If he hadn't gone to bed by himself I was tempted to put him to sleep. I've seen such things in the royal court since you've been gone. One exhausted pony gets told off by a long standing ally, over something trivial, and suddenly it's a war of the houses... until he takes a nap and realizes he's been a fool.”

Luna looked at her slightly taller sister, “You believe he was exaggerating?”

“At least somewhat. To what degree I don't know, but if he were telling the complete truth this city before us wouldn't be standing. It would be on fire, or in ruins. Also, he may have been projecting.”

The princess of night rolled her eyes. “More of this psychology, sister? Ever since I left it seems all you have done is analyze the minds of perfectly healthy ponies and turn minor things into gigantic problems.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia conceded, “But I think this might be more well placed than my early attempts. I have had more time to work on this craft. We shall see when he wakes up.”

Luna nodded and sighed. “I do not know if your 'analysis' is right, but I think you are correct about his exaggeration. Though we should still wait for more information before solidifying judgment on them.”

This time Celestia sighed, “I'm well aware. If we're right, and he is wrong...”

“Then perhaps we were wrong before,” Luna finished, her gaze returning to the full, silvery orb in the sky above.

Author's Notes:

Here's the new chapter, and obviously the previous Prologue is the new, rewritten one. Let me know what you think, since I'm half way done with the whole rewrite.

Next Chapter: A Goddess Dethroned Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 34 Minutes
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