
Apple Picking

by Spastic Foot

Chapter 1: Prologue

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                                                                                     ~Apple Picking~


“The start of another day.” I said grudgingly. Shutting off my alarm I headed off into the shower. Each day, some say, brings new beginnings. On the other hand I have had the same routine for the past fourteen years of my life. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, then sleep, with meals in between. I do like to paint when I can in my spare time but inspiration is hard to find in the gray city of Chicago. I have been told by many to try out for a sport. It made sense as to why they tell me to, since I’m tall and we live in the city. But having only those two things going for me won’t cut it. I have butterfingers when it comes to sports, so being it that way I was put off by the whole thing after many failed attempts. One of those attempts, my parents decided to take me to relatives that lived in Wisconsin, who are adamant sport lovers and they religiously watch every game. Since they coach many teams in their county, they took it upon themselves to get me to learn how to play every sport known to man. But it was in vain I still couldn’t handle all the laborious activities they put me through, I’m white for Pete’s sake. When all seemed lost during that time, the nature around my relatives place found me in a state of despair and chose to show me the beauty that I was. Being a living breathing human. My troubles soothed, I found peace in those quiet woods and cold mountains. Soon after I took up painting nature in all its glory, my parents found out later and, truly, they don’t care for it. They prefer their son would ‘get a real hobby’; it only separated me with the rest of my family. Those two were never around whilst I grew up. Always busy and never had time for their son, other than the criticism I get for everything I do.

It was starting off to be a bad day. As soon as I got out of the shower and dried myself off; I took a look at my calendar. It was the ninth, I somewhat perked up knowing what tomorrow was. My eighteenth birthday, and praise the world it was on a Saturday too. Normally they end up on a school day, so most celebrations were cut short, and friends were never around since they had homework or a project to do. But tomorrow was Saturday and school was ending soon. So with that thought I got ready to go, almost forgetting the time.


Sixth period, the day at school was nearing its end and it went horribly. I invited all of my friends to come over tomorrow since it was my birthday, and without hesitation they said no. Saying they were too busy and all. But I knew the truth, and I wasn’t even surprised that they wouldn’t be coming to my party. Getting them together is like asking a rhinoceros to be gentle. Every single one of them hated each other and they rarely wanted to come to my gatherings, knowing that the others would be there. It was sad but I dealt with it, and I soon learned to keep friends not so close. It was a crap day and it wasn’t over quite yet. My English teacher assigned me to write a 4 page essay on the ideas of F. Scott Fitzgerald after I dozed off in the middle of class. It’s not my fault that her lecture on the subject was boring. So now I had to deal with that over the weekend.  The bell rang and I left, only to come back Monday.  Getting home was easy enough having a bike and all, about an hour ride. When I got there I found that both of my parents were already home. I was surprised to see that since both of them work late. After putting my bike back, I went inside wondering what they were doing home so early. As I entered both of them were sitting on the couch in the living room. They called me over and it seemed that they were eagerly awaiting my arrival.  My father started to speak .

“Son your mother and I thought it would be a great idea for you to go back up to Wisconsin to see your uncle again for your birthday.” My mom continued,

“We noticed how much you love sports and all, so I called to see if you could spend the weekend with him and your aunt.” ‘Oh great they decided to get rid of me for the weekend, they probably didn’t even get me a present this year.’ As I thought to myself my parents were busy talking to me but I wasn’t listening. I was thinking of what I could do up there. ‘Why don’t I just bring my painting supplies and canvases so I can paint, hopefully this weekend won’t be a total bust.’ Finishing up my thoughts about the trip, it seemed my parents were awaiting for approval.

“Sure that sounds fine by me.”

“Great” they said in unison. Soon they were off to do other things most likely work related since they were home so early. I started packing my things and thinking out loud “What would I need other than clothes and my paints? Oh! My iPod! I should have some form of entertainment while I’m up there other than my paints. Probably should load it up with some more music for the time I’m with them.” I headed over to my computer bringing up ITunes as I sat down.

“Let’s see. Hm. Ah yes Caravan Palace and some mix of the genres shall do me some good.” I, being a lover of electronic music and other types of genres, felt that this was perfect.  I’m not too picky but still I prefer my electro music. It makes all those beeping sounds and dubstep with its extra bass, good stuff. That doesn’t mean I’m a complete rave head, I also listen to Rossini and Bach, Blue Danube comes to mind.

“That’ll be good for now, I guess.” I said finishing up on the computer. As I was about to get up my dad comes in. ‘Now I’m in for it’ thinking that he found out I was sleeping in class.

“Son,” here we go

“I want to let you know I haven’t forgotten to get you something for your birthday. Now you’re probably thinking ‘what did he get me this year?’ Well boy I got you something special, something for you to think about.” As he finishes he hands me a small box, wrapped of course. I’m about to rip the wrapping to shreds, he tells me

“Hey, you can’t open it yet, wait till you’re on the train to open it. Oh and you are leaving for that train in 2 hours.” With that he left, leaving me with that box. Not one to go back on my word or against my father, I set the box inside my bag. ‘Hopefully,’ I thought ‘It isn’t some stupid keychain.’ I found myself ready within 30 minutes of those two hours and decided to watch some TV before I left. Sitting down, my mother sees me as she walks by.

“Alex Macray O’Shea! Get your dirty school self into that shower and get some better clothes on, you are going to be seeing family!”  And just like that she was off again doing god knows what. Now I was somewhat clean but my hair was a mess. So it was to the shower with me. After about twenty minutes, I came out of the shower. As I was getting dressed I took a look in the mirror to make sure I was up to standards.

My hair was short so that was easy to take care of, but with the blond streak in my brown hair was something I couldn’t take care of. I had it with me most of my life and wasn’t about to get rid of it, not like I could though. Wearing my grey pants and grey long sleeved shirt, I was color coordinated, even though wearing my dad’s old canvas jacket did not help. ‘It is going to be cold while I’m up there so I might as well be bringing my jacket’ I thought to justify my mismatched outfit. ‘It’s too bad that this jacket isn’t made anymore; it’s rugged as all hell. Better wear boots instead of sneakers, I may want to get a better vantage point or if I go hiking.’ With that my mom was happy when she found me again.

“Much better now you look presentable.”


Only thirty minutes left before the train gets here. ‘It damn well be. How does a train even get delayed, it’s on rails! Ugh, At least I’m away from my parents, that car ride was, jarring. Why my dad took all those side paths I’ll never know but at least I’m here now, even though the train is late.’ “Attention passengers the train for Wisconsin will be arriving in 3 minutes” ‘Oh wow that was a quick thirty minutes, that or I need to get my ears checked. Better get ready. Okay let’s see: Luggage, check, IPod, check, phone, check. Alright I got everything I need, probably should tell my friends that I’m leaving for the weekend and I won’t be in contact.’

‘Mass text: Hey guys I’ll be gone for the weekend so you won’t be able to reach me. I’ll be back on Monday so I will see you guys then, also get friendly with one another, for me. I’m tired of being alone on my birthdays. Bye guys see you all at school.’

“Attention, the train leaving for Wisconsin is now boarding.” ‘Well I guess I should get on.’ As I arrived on the platform I saw what was to be my train. It looked like it came straight out of the fifties. Old wood paneling that was decaying faster than anything I’ve seen, and a tin roof that was rusted to all hell. ‘Thanks for the first class treatment, dad.’ But as I thought that I took a quick look at the rest of the train, and it seemed as old as the car I would be staying in. ‘The rail line here needs to get some more funding. Well I hope the inside looks better than out here.’ A conductor greeted me as I got on.

“Well there, you have your ticket on you?”

“Yeah it’s in my pocket give me a sec.” Pulling it out, he checks it for authenticity. Handing it back

“Yup, that’s genuine, and it seems you’re our only passenger that’s going to be in this car.” ‘Well that’s pretty cool,’ I thought ‘I won’t be bothered by anybody during the trip.’

“Okay thanks for letting me know.” I said.

“No problem kiddo, have a good trip.”

“Thanks. Oh, I forgot to ask, how long is the ride up there anyways?” He turns to me,

“Well if there aren’t any stops we need to make, we’ll be there in about three hours.”

“Three hours! That’s quite long of a trip.  Are we going to be taking the scenic route or something?”

“Actually we are,” he said “this route isn’t taken by many people but it is used mostly for cargo trains.”

“Well is it at least a ride most people enjoy?”

“From what I hear yes, those people who ride enjoy it thoroughly.”

“That’s good to hear. Thanks Again!”

“No problem kiddo, now get on before we depart.” With that I stepped up into the train car. And to my surprise, it was a luxury car. Most likely made for those playboys and millionaires from yesteryears. It had a faint smell of cigarettes and gin. The fabrics on the seats were made of old leather painted red to match the interior walls. The lights were hanging from the roof of the car, most with dim bulbs to give the cabin a cozy feeling. I decided to take a seat in the very back of the car to take full advantage of the views while in the comfort of the big seat.

“All Aboard!” I heard the conductor call out and it seems that I was about to head out into the land known as Wisconsin. “I wonder where this scenic route will take me. Hopefully it’ll pass Lake Sinissippi, it’s very pretty about this time of year.” Drawing back on the memory of the lake, I remember the lake house my dad used to rent out every winter. The cold brisk mornings going out onto the lake for Ice fishing and skating. The snow forts I built with my dad, when he could take time away from his computer, and the snowball fights afterwards. Those were mainly business trips my dad took, but he let me come with so I didn’t mind it was beautiful every day I was out there. I miss that lake. Thinking about those mornings put me into a sleepy mood, along with the car ride over. It was probably five o’clock when the train started to board so it was already dark out. I got my IPod switched it to play Caravan Palace and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


The train shook, waking me up with a start. I looked up and I noticed the cabins lights were swaying back and forth. ‘Must’ve been the old rails were riding on, that or the train is slowing down.’ Looking out the window I could see the lake.

“Well hot damn,” I said “That is one hell of a coincidence.” It was strange but it was true. It wasn’t Sinissippi, though, but it was a lake nonetheless. It was still while I was watching. As still you can get most likely. I could see the small insects and fish dance across the water. Little ripples that affected the whole of the lake, less and less noticed until it was just a part of the lake again. The stars on those waters danced. A never ending waltz, with the only music being the calm slapping of the water against the shores. Opening the window next to me, I stuck my head outside. Feeling the cool breeze as the train kept moving on, smelling the wet air and breathing it in. The must in the cabin was nice at first but the fresh air was a nice. Noticing the stars once again, I took a quick look at the clock in the cabin. ‘Seven thirty, well that was a nice enough nap. We should be arriving soon I best find the conductor and ask.’ I got up head toward the next car.

“Hopefully it’s a dining car, I’m starving.” On queue my stomach grumbled in agreement. The next was just a passenger car but I found the dining car right after it. I was in luck because they were still serving dinner. Walking up to the counter the waitress notices me.

“Hi Hun what can I get yah?”

“Could I get a small cup of hot chocolate and a cheeseburger without lettuce and pickles, please?”

“Sure Hun I’ll be right back with yah.”

‘She seems like a nice person, though it could just be another part of the job.’ These thoughts always bring me down. ‘No she is an actual nice person I won’t let this get to me.’ A few minutes later she arrives with my food. After I finish with my stomach sedated for now I shot the bull with the waitress for a while. She tells me that this is her last night working as a waitress on a dining car. I found that to be quite sad, but I was reassured that it was time for her to leave.

“Well when are we arriving for the station?”

“I think it’ll be another hour dear.”

“What! Another hour!”

“Yeah we had to stop for a bit for some reason I can’t remember.”

“Thanks for the info.” As I reach for my wallet I’m stopped by the waitress.

“No need Hun, you don’t have tah pay.”

“You sure? I have enough to…”

“No it’s quite alright dear, call it a late meal.”

“Thanks give my compliments to the cook!” Heading back to my car I hear a call from the waitress but I pay no mind. Entering the cabin reminded me of the box my dad gave me. With that I hurried over to my luggage, bringing out the box. As I carefully started to unwrap the box, I heard some commotion in the other car but I was too involved in opening the box. Opening it I find a small note and nothing else. It starts ‘My Boy, Alex, I know you...’ But before I could finish I found myself flying through the train car and out the back window still clutching the note. A bright light shines before I hit the ground and I’m whisked away into unconsciousness.


“Oh now what should I do with this one.” A great voice resounded, full of sorrow. “This one is young and has much to learn and offer in this universe.”

“Father why don’t we send this one to a much more peaceful world, one filled with harmony?”

“Good idea my son, without you I wouldn’t be able to function properly.”

“Thanks dad.” the younger voice let out a small chuckle “Heh, make sure he look like he fits in world you’re going to send him to.”

“Of course my boy, of course. Let him keep what he wears as a reminder of his life on his planet.”

“Shall he keep his memories too?”

“Yes son he will. I’ll make sure he doesn’t forget who he was and how he has acted. Turning to my body “Now off young one too the land of harmony, to Equestria.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: A New Place Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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