
Shooting Star

by Comet Burst

Chapter 4: Comet Deliveries

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Comet woke the next day unusually refreshed. The sun was precariously positioned just behind Canterlot itself, making it glow faintly in the distance. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and opened his eyes, ready to start his day. Wearing his saddlebags he inherited from his uncle, Comet set off to establish himself as a courier. He spent the better part of the next three hours asking vendors at the market if they had any packages bound for anypony inside Ponyville, but only got two requests to deliver some fruit and a pot to other vendors in the market.

Not one to quit on his first day, Comet continued to pester ponies outside of the market, offering to deliver just about anything when he approached a large round building draped in ribbons and covered with windows. Mustering up his courage, Comet approached the door only to have it swing open and three young fillys burst out. They ran past him giggling aand Comet scratched his head. Daycares usually didn't garner a whole lot of business, but maybe he could deliver some letters to pen pals or something. The door had just barely closed when a stunning white unicorn burst through the door as well, yelling "Sweetie Belle, where are those rubies?!"

She completely ignored Comet for five seconds before realizing he was less than two feet away. "Oh, dear me, I'm so terribly sorry. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! My name is Rarity, master designer." She stood there with a nice smile on her face as Comet finally found his voice. "Um, hello!" He worked out in a cheerful tone "My name is Comet. I just moved here to Ponyville to start Comet Deliveries. I thought this was a daycare, but I guess---"

He never got to finish his pitch. Rarity gasped loudly and said "Oh, marvelous! I just finished three dresses and need them delivered as soon as they can!" She disappeared behind the door and materialized seconds later with three large white boxes and threw them onto his back. They were unusually heavy, but Comet had trained his hind legs to near the weight. "Please deliver to these addresses. I'm incredibly busy, so I'll pay you in a moment." She said but Comet shook his head. "Don't worry about it." He said with a smile "I will collect payment when I have delivered the parcels." Rarity's eyes widened and said "Oh, great! Thank you so much!" and she closed the door.

Comet spun around happily and began to walk to the first address. "Cupcake Corner, huh? Wonder where that is?" He said. He wasn't quite comfortable with the town yet, but he was quickly becoming familiar with it. He trotted off to the middle of town when he noticed Rarity wasn't the only one in a hurry. Many ponies were darting about, shouting to each other and sprucing up the houses. "Must be something big going on." He mused absentmindedly. He continued on towards the center of town, but he passed a house oddly shaped like a gingerbread house. He stopped and stared at it and said "This could be it." He approached the door and saw a blue pony come out covered in flour and sugar.

"Sorry, I'm really busy." She said in a hurried voice before Comet could say anything. "Um, is thiS Cupcake Corner?" He asked tentatively. The mare gave him an odd sideways look and said "Uh, yeah?"

Comet smiled brightly and said "I have a package for you from the Carousel Boutique." as he pulled off the topmost box. Her eyes widened and she said "Wow, I only ordered that last night when I heard the news." She graciously took the package indoors and disappeared. "One down, two to go." Comet commented as he turned and walked away.

He pulled out the list from the boxes and read it again. "Okay, so the next one is... Carrot Top?" He said as he looked up. While he was thinking about who that was, two ponies rushed by frantically carrying a banner saying "Welcome Princess". That caught his attention and he stopped another passing pony and said "What's the big rush?" A yellow pony carrying a basket of flowers stopped her chase after them and said "Didn't you hear? Princess Celestia is on her way!"

Comet blinked uncomprehendingly and said "Uh, huh?" The yellow pony sighed and before she took off, she saw the two white boxes on Comet's back and asked "Are those from the Carousel Boutique?" Comet found his voice and said "Er, yes! Yes, I'm delivering these. I'm currently looking for a Carrot Top. Do you know her?" The yellow pony make a slight gurgling sound and pointed to her orange hair that Comet had just noticed. "I'm Carrot Top, silly." She said in an amused voice. Comet felt himself turning red with embarassment as he said "I'm sorry. I'm new here, so I am still learning whose who." The yellow mare, Carrot Top, smiled and said "That's fine. Thank you for delivering this." With one adept move, she took the topmost box and trotted off with it.

Comet grinned to himself and thought 'Wow, this is much easier than Fillydelphia.' He looked at the list and read his last delivery. "Okay, so it's Lemon Hearts." He said with a frown. He really didn't know the town and finding individual ponies would be even more difficult. As he was contemplating his predicament, a cry rose from the town. "She's here!" Was the general cry from pony to pony, leaving Comet to wonder what they were doing. They all herded to the town square and, after shrugging his shoulders, Comet followed after the crowd.

The town square was packed to the bring with so many ponies, Comet was amazed that many lived in Ponyville. He was near the back, but his height gave him a clear view at the Town Hall. Much to his surprise, he saw Rainbow Dash hovering near the building along with the purple unicorn that bashed him in the head with a book yesterday. Along with them was, oddly enough, his employer and three other ponies. "What the buck?" Comet mouthed to himself. A large chariot pulled by several white pegasi landed behind the building and Comet's jaw dropped. A large and beautiful white alucorn sat in the back, her magnificent wings spread out and long flowing mane of line, fuscia and indigo glittering in the sunlight.

"Oh my Celestia." He mouthed to himself as he realized what he was watching. He never thought it possible, but he was looking at the ruler of Equestria herself.

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