
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 62: Novel - BronyNeumo

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“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, uni-… Rainbow Dash! What a surprise! What brings you here?”

Rainbow Dash nodded at Rarity as she trotted into the shop, allowing the unicorn to close the door behind her. “Thanks, Rares. D’ya mind if I hang here for a little while?”

“What? I mean… Of course I don’t mind. I must ask however… is something wrong?”

Rainbow Dash glanced quickly away, looking around the store for something. “Nope… I just… needed to get off the farm for a while.”

“You and Applejack didn’t have another squabble, did you?”

“What? No way! I just need to be away from her for a while.”

Rarity stared at her friend, who merely grinned sheepishly for a moment. “Well, I hardly think that’s a good thing to do, Rainbow. Whatever problems you two are having, you should work it out instead of avoiding her,” she deadpanned.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Rarity, it’s nothing like that. I promise.”

“Then what is it?”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “It’s a surprise.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Fine. Don’t tell me. I have some business to attend to, so do be a dear and allow me to work.”

Rainbow Dash brightened. “Sure thing, Rares.” She watched as the unicorn turned and began to trot away. “Oh, wait! I almost forgot!” Rarity turned around, a single plush eyebrow cocked into a questioning look. “You still have that piano in the back room, right?”

“What, that old thing? Why, of course I still have it. I can’t imagine what you might want to do with it, though.”

“Well, play it, of course!” Rainbow Dash galloped off towards the back room.

Rarity grunted her consent and turned back to her sewing machine. She only made it a few stitches before she stopped. “Play… it? What?” She jumped up from the machine, trotting into the back room, where Dash was just brushing dust off the piano bench. “I must know what’s going on, now. Rainbow Dash, I had no idea you played the piano!”

The pegasus looked up, blushing slightly. “Well, it’s not something I do often. I showed AJ this one time - we were at some antique shop - and it’s been something we do together ever since.”

Rarity blinked a few times. “Well, that sounds absolutely divine, Darling. I had no idea you had such a hidden talent.” Rainbow Dash just chuckled. Rarity beamed. “You wouldn’t mind playing something for me, would you?”

“I’d love to, Rares, but I’ve got to get to work.”

“Work? Work on what?”

“Well… You know AJ and my first anniversary is coming up, and I thought I’d make her a really special present…. I’m writing her a song.” Her cheeks turned a slightly deeper shade of pink as she scratched quickly behind her neck. “I know it sound kinda cheesy…”

“What? Cheesy? Darling, I think it’s an absolutely novel idea!”

Rarity beamed, and Rainbow Dash grinned back at her as she sat down and began to play.

Next Chapter: One - bahatumay Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 8 Minutes
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