
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 53: Celebrity - lycan_01

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After years of training and dreaming, Rainbow Dash finally accomplished her dream – she became a member of Equestria’s top flying force and first line of defense. And she totally loved it. It brought her a sense of accomplishment, something to be proud of, power and prestige… The fortune and fame weren’t bad either. And she especially loved the fact that she didn’t have to leave her Special Somepony behind.

Dash’s income from the Wonderbolt’s was more than generous, and had allowed for Dash to buy a nice penthouse for herself and Applejack in Canterlot. Applejack was apprehensive about leaving Sweet Apple Acres at first, even if it was for her lover. But Dash had more than enough bits to hire a few extra hooves to help out on the farm, which easily made up for the lack of production caused by Applejack’s absence. Everything seemed to be working out.

But there was one thing Dash didn’t like about being a Wonderbolt.

The paparazzi.

Dash didn’t mind giving a few interviews, or posing for some photos. But all the media attention? The photographers constantly hassling her, asking questions, taking pictures? Yeah, she could totally do without that.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have much say in the matter.

No matter how nicely she asked, no matter how harshly she threatened, the paparazzi just didn’t back off. Whatever pleas and threats the Wonderbolt made just weren’t respected, or were worth far less than the facts and photos of her were. For the first few days, they were relentless.

Then Applejack stepped in.

She was not happy about the paparazzi’s lack of respect for Dash’s privacy – and hers as well. She tried to reason with them herself, but they all brushed her off as a “backwoods hick” or “Dash’s marefriend.” At first, she tried to be nice, and asked politely. That didn’t work. Then she tried to be reasonable, and warned that she might call the authorities or even try to contact the Princess. They dismissed her claims. Finally, her patience running thin, she flatly declared that any paparazzi who got too close or too nosey or too invasive would regret that decision. They thought she was bluffing.

Nope! She was being Honest.

The first photographer got bruises. The second got a few cracked ribs. The third had to have his camera surgically removed from his mouth.

There wasn’t a fourth incident. The Princesses issued a royal decree, hardening the laws and rules regarding celebrities and their privacy. Not to guard Rainbow Dash and Applejack from the press, but to guard the press from them.

Rainbow Dash loved being a Wonderbolt. And she loved her super-protective marefriend, as well.

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